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Tang et al.

Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Cancer Cell International


RESEARCH Open Access

A cuproptosis score model

and prognostic score model can evaluate
clinical characteristics and immune
microenvironment in NSCLC
Yijie Tang1,2†, Tianyi Wang1,2†, Qixuan Li1,2† and Jiahai Shi1,2,3*

Background Cuproptosis-related genes (CRGs) are associated with lung adenocarcinoma. However, the
links between CRGs and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are not clear. In this study, we aimed to develop
two cuproptosis models and investigate their correlation with NSCLC in terms of clinical features and tumor
Methods CRG expression profiles and clinical data from NSCLC and normal tissues was obtained from GEO
(GSE42127) and TCGA datasets. Molecular clusters were classified into three patterns based on CRGs and cuproptosis
cluster-related specific differentially expressed genes (CRDEGs). Then, two clinical models were established. First, a
prognostic score model based on CRDEGs was established using univariate/multivariate Cox analysis. Then, through
principal component analysis, a cuproptosis score model was established based on prognosis-related genes acquired
via univariate analysis of CRDEGs. NSCLC patients were divided into high/low risk groups.
Results Eighteen CRGs were acquired, all upregulated in tumor tissues, 15 of which significantly (P < 0.05). Among
the three CRG clusters, cluster B had the best prognosis. In the CRDEG clusters, cluster C had the best survival. In the
prognostic score model, the high-risk group had worse prognosis, higher tumor mutation load, and lower immune
infiltration while in the cuproptosis score model, a high score represented better survival, lower tumor mutation load,
and high-level immune infiltration.
Conclusions The cuproptosis score model and prognostic score model may be associated with NSCLC prognosis
and immune microenvironment. These novel findings on the progression and immune landscape of NSCLC may
facilitate the provision of more personalized immunotherapy interventions for NSCLC patients.
Keywords Cell death, Copper, Gene expression profiling, Prognosis, cluster analysis, Carcinoma, non-small-cell Lung

Yijie Tang, Tianyi Wang and Qixuan Li contributed equally to this Cardiothoracic Diseases, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,
work. Nantong University, Nantong 226001, Jiangsu, China
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong
*Correspondence: University, Nantong 226001, Jiangsu, China
Jiahai Shi 3
School of Public Health, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, Jiangsu,
[email protected] China
Nantong Key Laboratory of Translational Medicine in Cardiothoracic
Diseases and Research Institution of Translational Medicine in

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Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 2 of 16

Introduction cancer types, including breast cancer [20], melanoma

Lung cancer, which has the highest morbidity and mor- [21], lung adenocarcinoma [22], and bladder cancer [23].
tality in the world [1], can be pathologically classified Previous studies revealed that long non-coding RNA sig-
into non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small-cell nature may be related to cuproptosis and may predict
lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC accounts for almost 85% of clinical outcomes of LUAD [24–26] and recent stud-
all lung cancer cases according to the global tumor sta- ies also have presented the similar cuproptosis-related
tistics [2] and leads to nearly 1.35 million deaths world- signature to predict prognosis and immune infiltration
wide each year [3]. The treatment of NSCLC involves in lung adenocarcinoma [27, 28], however, our research
surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted established two signatures including cuproptosis score
drug therapy [4]. Immunotherapy, which involves the model and prognostic score model to evaluate the devel-
use of inhibitors such as nivolumab and gefitinib, has opment and prognosis not only in lung adenocarcinoma
recently replaced traditional platinum-based chemo- but also in lung squamous carcinoma, meanwhile, we
therapy [4]. These inhibitors are antibodies that target have also analyzed the correlation of clinical features,
check-points such as programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) to tumor microenvironment and potential therapy based
prevent immune suppression [5] and epidermal growth on the two models: cuproptosis score model and prog-
factor receptor (EGFR) to regulate cell growth, prolifera- nostic score model, which previous research has never
tion, and differentiation [6]. However, the relative sur- been conducted before, we hope our study will provide
vival rate in advanced NSCLC is still approximately 15% another approach to percept into clinical features and the
[7]. Despite computed tomography (CT) has reduced the mechanism of cancer progression in NSCLC.
mortality rate of early NSCLC by 20% [8], and the appli- Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate
cation of PET-CT has greatly improved the precision of CRDEGs in NSCLC. Based on the Gene Expression
NSCLC grading, merely depending on imaging methods Omnibus (GEO) and the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
alone are still unable to more accurately assess the devel- datasets we first investigated the expression of CRGs
opment or prognosis of NSCLC patients and choice of in 1282 NSCLC samples. Then, using 1829 intersec-
treatment strategy [9, 10]. Hence, establishing a viable tion genes from CRG subtype patterns we constructed
biomarkers and prognostic models, thereby revealing the CRDEG prognostic score models through a series of bio-
prognostic genetic features of NSCLC in clinical practice informatics methods, including prognosis analysis and
is of considerable significance. tumor microenvironment (TME) feature analysis. Prog-
Cell death pathways, such as apoptosis, pyroptosis, nosis-related genes were acquired by univariate analysis,
and necrosis, are critically important in all living tis- and a cuproptosis score model was established and cou-
sues and are essential in cancer prevention [11, 12]. Cell pled with clinicopathological and immune-related analy-
death pathway inhibition seems to be involved in cancer sis similar to the one performed in the previous model. In
development and progression [13]. Ferroptosis, an iron- this way we aimed to explore the differences between the
dependent cell death pathway is a of interest [14]. Ferrop- clinical and immune characteristics of the two models,
tosis promotes cell death by glutathione level depletion, the cuproptosis and the prognostic score models.
glutathione peroxidase (GPX4) activity decrease, sup-
pression of the metabolism of lipid oxides, and reac- Methods
tive oxygen species production [15]. Understanding the Cell culture and tissue acquisition
importance of ferroptosis in cancer has prompted inves- The human lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) cell lines
tigation of other cell death pathways. Similar to iron, cop- A549, HCC827, and H23 were purchased from Shanghai
per is also an indispensable element in the human body, Cell Bank of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
albeit in minor quantities. Recently, the term “cupropto- The normal human pulmonary epithelial cell line BEAS-
sis” was suggested to describe copper ion-dependent cell 2B, and the LUAD cell lines H1975, H1650, and PC9 were
death, when Cu2 + accumulates excessively in mitochon- purchased from The American Type Culture Collection
drial respiration-dependent cells [16]. The mechanism (ATCC, Rockville, MD, USA). All cells were cultured in
is thought to involve an increase in insoluble dihydroli- RPMI-1640 (11,875,093, Gibco, USA), 10% fetal bovine
poamide acetyltransferase (DLAT), which is part of the serum (10,099,141 C, Gibco, USA), 0.1 mg/mL strepto-
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, leading to cytotoxic- mycin (10,378,016, Gibco, USA), and 100 U/mL penicil-
ity and cell death [16]. Copper ion metabolism disorder lin (10,378,016, Gibco, USA) and maintained at 37 ℃
has been associated with tumor growth and metastasis, in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. 50 pairs of clinically NSCLC
collagen remodeling, and immune response in various samples were obtained in accordance with the Declara-
cancers [17–19]. Correlations have been found between tion of Helsinki (2000) of the World Medical Associa-
cuproptosis-related genes (CRGs) or long non-coding tion and study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
RNAs (lncRNAs) and the development of a number of
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 3 of 16

the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University (Nantong, estimated by ‘limma’ package and R software. The CRG
Jiangsu, China) under no. 2022-L165. expression quantification profile was converted into
ggplot2 input file and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was
RNA extraction and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) applied to compare the expression levels in tumor and
Total RNA was harvested from both cells and tissues normal tissues. Five levels of significance were used with
with Trizol reagent (10,296,028, Thermo, USA). cDNA P-values of 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1.
was then produced using the RT Reagent kit (18,091,200,
Thermo, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. CNV frequency and mutation type analysis of CRGs
The mRNA expression level was estimated by a ChamQ Somatic CNV and mutation data was acquired from the
Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Vazyme Biotech TCGA and GEO datasets. CRGs and cuproptosis high/
Co., Ltd). Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase low risk CNV matrix and gene mutant matrix were
(GADPH) was taken as internal reference. The sequences sorted by perl software, ‘Rcircos’, and ‘Maftools’ pack-
of the primers we utilized were as follows, presented also ages in R software to calculate variants difference, tumor
in Supplementary Table 1 (18 CRGs): mutation load (TMB) and non-synonymous somatic
GAPDH forward: 5’-​G​T​C​T​C​C​T​C​T​G​A​C​T​T​C​A​A​C​A​G​ mutations. Packages ‘igraph’ was adopted to realize the
C​G-3’. CNV and mutant frequency picture.
GAPDH reverse: 5’-​A​C​C​A​C​C​C​T​G​T​T​G​C​T​G​T​A​G​C​C​A​
A-3’. Consensus Cluster analysis of CRGs and CRDEGs
The following qRT-PCR conditions were implemented: The ‘Consensus Cluster Plus 1.60.0’ package was
95 ℃ for 5 min and then 40 cycles of 95 ℃ for 15 s, 60 ℃ employed in R software to classify the CRDEGs. This
for 30 s, and 72 ℃ for 30 s. The assay was performed in is an algorithm that can be used to identify the mem-
triplicate and the comparative quantification cycle (Cq) bers and number of clusters in a data set. Consistent
method (2 − ΔΔCq) was employed to estimate the relative clustering can determine the optimal number of clus-
expression level of the 18 CRGs. ters K. Consistent clustering verifies clustering rational-
ity through a resampling-based method, that evaluates
Acquisition of data source and preconditioning the stability of clustering. Considering the outcomes of
The gene expression quantification profile, somatic the uniform clustering cumulative distribution func-
mutant profile, copy number variation (CNV) files, and tion (CDF), delta area plot, and comprehensively, in this
clinical files of NSCLC cases were obtained from GEO consensus cluster analysis on the expression profile of 18
(GSE42127, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/ CRGs, three clusters were classified, and all the NSCLC
acc.cgi?acc=GSE42127) and TCGA (https://portal.gdc. samples can be classified into three clusters according to
cancer.gov/) datasets. Using TCGA, we selected gene the outcome of CRGs clusters. Then, differential expres-
expression qualifications in transcriptome profiling data sion analysis was performed between any two samples
of lung adenocarcinoma and lung squamous cell carci- on the level of full genomics among the three samples to
noma, excluding miRNA expression data. Then, in GEO, obtain significant differentially expressed genes. After-
the original NSCLC expression data were downloaded wards, we got three outcomes of differentially expressed
from the platform as a GPL file. The TCGA and GEO genes through sample-to-sample comparison and we
data were integrated during data correction processing. intersected the outcomes of differentially expressed
Data of 1106 samples acquired from TCGA was post- genes through Venn diagram, what we obtained is the
processed, normalized, and transformed from FPKM for- CRDEGs. During the process, the ‘limma’ package in R
mat to TPM format by ‘limma’ package and R (4.2.1) to software was used to screen the CRDEGs from each sub-
combine data. After removing samples which lacked clin- type for P-value = 0.001 and |log2FC| > 2. Then, perform-
ical data or had survival data that with values less than or ing another consensus-cluster analysis on CRDEGs, we
equal to zero, 1282 samples were obtained and subjected got the consensus CRDEGs subtypes.
to analysis: 1106 from TCGA dataset (103 normal tissues
and 1003 tumor tissues) and 176 tumor tissues from the Construction of a prognostic score model of CRDEGs and a
GEO database. All 18 cuproptosis-relatled genes were cuproptosis score model
acquired via past research and documents, which have Using the three CRG subtype clusters, differentially
been studied and verified to be highly correlative with expressed genes of each cluster were taken and inter-
mechanism or pathway of cuproptosis. sected using a Wayne diagram. Then, an inter cluster
overlap was performed to obtain the expression level of
Variance analysis between normal/tumor tissues CRDEGs.
The differences in the expression of CRGs between The prognostic score model was established on
normal/tumor tissues from the TCGA dataset were the basis of CRDEGs and filtered by univariate cox
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 4 of 16

analysis through R package. CRDEGs of 1282 samples NSCLC patients’ clinical information like gender, age,
were treated with multivariate (LASSO)–Cox regression T-stage, grade, and survival time from the online data-
analysis to filter the optimal prognosis-related CRDEGs base. Additionally, the differences in the overall survival
and acquire the correlation coefficient, HR value, fluc- (OS) among cluster patterns, cuproptosis score high/low
tuation range of the HR value of each prognosis-related groups, and CRDEGs prognostic score high/low risk pat-
CRDEGs, on the premise of which, risk score of each terns were evaluated using Kaplan-Meier analysis with
n can be acquired through formula Risk score the “survival” and “survminer” packages in R software.
= 1 coefi ∗ xi , where xi and coefi represent the expres-
sion of each prognosis-related CRDEGs and its corre- Construction of a nomograph system
sponding correlation coefficient, respectively. According Individual patient’s risk assessment of NSCLC was per-
to the median value of the risk score, the patients were formed with the ‘rms’ and ‘survival’ packages. The per-
divided into a low-risk and a high-risk group, 53 progno- sonalized scoring was used to generate a nomogram that
sis-related CRDEGs were filtered to construct the model. predicted the 1-, 3-, and 5-years probabilities of progres-
Further, to quantify the cuproptosis patterns of each sion-free survival in patients using four parameters. A
NSCLC sample, we developed a scoring system to eval- calibration graph was developed that showed the degree
uate the cuproptosis pattern of every NSCLC patient: of consistency of our model with an ideal model.
the cuproptosis signature, and we termed this model
the cuproptosis score model. The CRDEGs were sub- Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, concordance
jected to univariate Cox regression analysis, and the index (C-index) curve, and decision curve analysis (DCA)
genes that were statistically significant (P-value < 0.05) The ROC curve is a comprehensive index reflecting the
in terms of prognosis were extracted for further analy- continuous variables of sensitivity and specificity, a larger
sis. Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to area under the curve indicates better diagnostic accu-
evaluate the cuproptosis score. The score of each sample racy. The R software packages ‘survival’, ‘survminer’ and
 calculated through the formula cuproptosis score ‘timeROC’ were utilized to develop the ROC image. The
= (P C1i + P C2i ) , where i represents the expression of C-index curve and DCA were also used to assess the
cuproptosis-related genes. The advantage of this method accuracy of the prognostic score model of CRDEGs. The
lies in concentrating the score in an integrated series of packages ‘ggDCA’, ‘rms’, ‘pec’, and ‘survival’ were used for
well correlated (positively or negatively) genes in the set the analysis.
while downregulating the weight contributions from
genes which do not comply with another gene set. Infiltrating immune cells and immune microenvironment
features analysis
CRG- and CRDEG-related enrichment analysis Immune function and immune infiltration files were
Functional enrichment analysis represents a bioinfor- downloaded from MSigdb database and Tumor Immune
matic approach applied for the exploration of the dis- Estimation Resource database (TIMER), BiocManager
tribution of genes in specific pathways. This analysis packages ‘limma’, ‘GSEABase’, ‘GSVA’, and the R packages
was performed using the BiocManager packages ‘org. ‘reshape2’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘ggpubr’, and ‘pheatmap’ were adopted
Hs.eg.db’, ‘DOSE’, ‘clusterProfiler’ and ‘enrichplot’, gene to draft immune-related images. The ESTIMATE (Esti-
ontology (GO), and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and mation of Stromal and Immune cells in Malignant Tumor
Genomes (KEGG), followed by visualization though the tissues using Expression data) algorithm score was used
‘colorspace’, ‘stringi’, and ‘ggplot2’ packages in R soft- for calculating the properties of the tumor microenviron-
ware. Immune-related single sample gene set enrichment ment (TME) of the high/low groups of the prognostic
analysis (ssGSEA) and gene set variation analysis (GSVA) score model employed to assess the distinction between
were carried out with BiocManager packages ‘limma’, these two groups.
‘GSEABase’, and ‘GSVA’. The data were converted into
images with the ‘ggpubr’ and ‘pheatmap’ packages in R Assessment of immunotherapy sensitivity in prognostic
software. model and recommended therapy in cuproptosis score
Survival analysis in CRGs, CRDEGs subpatterns, cuproptosis Packages ‘limma’, ‘ggpubr’, ‘pRRophetic’, and ‘ggplot2’
prognostic model and cuproptosis score model were utilized to carry out drug sensitivity analysis to
To assess the clinical significance of CRGs, CRDEGs sub- estimate the level of the half-maximal inhibitory concen-
patterns, cuproptosis prognostic model and cupropto- trations (IC50) of the low/high risk groups of the prog-
sis score model, coupled with the correlation between nostic score model. As for the cuproptosis scorer model,
cuproptosis based patterns and clinical-pathology char- immune therapy analysis was implemented on the basis
acteristics and survival outcomes, we collected the of data acquired from The Cancer Immunity Database
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 5 of 16

(TCIA). The correlation of immune checkpoints CTLA4 Identification of CRGs and CRDEGs subtypes
and PD-1 in the cuproptosis score high/low groups with To further explore the relationship of CRGs and CRDEGs
immunotherapy sensitivity was exhibited through violin subtype patterns, the expression level data of the 18
chart drafted by ‘ggpubr’ package in R software. CRGs in 1282 samples were collected from the TCGA
and GEO databases. Consensus clustering analysis was
Statistical analysis then performed, and the optimal k-value was obtained
All statistical analyses were performed with R software, based on the consistent cumulative distribution func-
version 4.2.1, and software perl. The Wilcoxon signed- tion and the delta area plots. The k-value was set to range
rank test was conducted to determine the expression from 1 to 9; and k = 3 generated the best subtype patterns
distinction of CRGs among normal and tumor tissues. for clustering (Fig. 2A). CRGs expression and other clini-
The Kaplan-Meier method was utilized to perform sur- cal features like stage or survival status are displayed in
vival analysis. The correlation of expression of CRGs with the heatmap (Fig. 2B). Samples of each cluster that ful-
immune cells and immune checkpoints were calculated filled the criteria of the adjusted P-value = 0.001 and
by Spearman analysis. The PCA method and lasso cox |log2FC| > 2 genes were found to intersect the three sub-
regression analysis were used to build the two models. types, which were used to determine the CRDEGs, visu-
alized by the Venn diagram displayed in Fig. 2C. Based
Results on the result of these CRDEGs, consensus cluster analy-
Clinical features and mutations at the genetic transcription sis was again implemented and the an optimal k-value = 3
level of CRGs was also obtained (Fig. 2D). The CRDEG expression and
The expression levels of 18 CRGs were acquired from the other clinical features such as the stage or survival status
TCGA dataset and the GEO (GSE42127) dataset, which are displayed in the heatmap (Fig. 2E), in which suggested
was used to identify the differential expression of the that cluster C had lower expression in stage II-IV NSCLC
CRGs between normal and tumor tissues (Fig. 1). All the than clusters A and B, which was also lower in all NSCLC
CRGs were more highly expressed in tumor tissues than samples regardless of the gender. Moreover, the differ-
in normal tissues; the differences in 15 of these CRGs ences in the expression of CRGs among the three clusters
were statistically significant (P < 0.05, Fig. 1B). Experi- were statistically significant (P < 0.05) except for that of
mental validation of the expression in tumor and normal the MTF1 gene (Fig. 2F).
tissues and cell lines was carried out by qRT-PCR (Fig. 1E
and Figure S1A). A prognostic correlation network was Prognostic value, functional enrichment, and immune
developed through correlation analysis, which suggested infiltration analysis of CRGs and CRDEGs subtypes
that LIPT1 (P < 0.01) and GLS (P < 0.05) were prob- In the first consensus cluster pattern based on CRGs,
ably prognosis-related CRGs (Fig. 1C). Additionally, the the prognosis analysis showed that the OS of cluster
CRGs’ CNV and TMB were also estimated (Fig. 1A and B was apparently higher than those of clusters A and C
D). CDKN2A had the highest CNV frequency and the (Fig. 2H). However, the distinction between cluster A and
second highest mutation burden; NLRP3 was associated cluster C was not significant, which was reflected in the
with the highest TMB. PCA. The boundary between cluster B and cluster A was
The clinical survival data and CRG expression from clear, whereas those between cluster C and both clusters
the TCGA and GEO datasets were analyzed to evalu- A and B were not that clear (Fig. 2I). Immune infiltra-
ate the correlation of the overall survival rate with tion was performed through ssGSEA (Fig. 2G), in which
the CRGs expression level. The differences in ATP7A, cluster B had the highest infiltration level among all the
CDKN2A, DLAT, DLST, GLS, LIPT1, and SLC31A clusters, primarily of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. The rep-
CRGs were statistically significant (Figure S2B). Mean- resentative clinicopathology images, obtained from the
while, high expression levels of CDKN2A, DLAT, DLST, TCGA data, shown for each of the three cluster subtypes
and SCL31A1 were linked with worse overall survival in Figure S3B, revealed that immune cell infiltration was
(OS) rates, whereas the high expression levels of LIPT1, higher in the tumor nests of cluster B patients than in
ATP7A, and GLS showed the opposite trend. Functional the other two clusters. Increased CD4 + and CD8 + T cell
enrichment revealed that CRGs were primarily enriched infiltration has previously been reported to be correlated
in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) pathway, carbon with better prognosis [30, 31], which may explain why
metabolism (Fig. 1F, G), and the acetyl-CoA biosynthetic cluster B had the longest OS among the three clusters.
process of the pyruvate pathway (Fig. 1H, I), which corre- GSVA exhibited inter-cluster distinction in the functional
sponds to the findings of previous research [29]. enrichment pathways (Figure S3A).
For the second cluster pattern involving genetic mod-
elling, 1829 CRDEGs were selected, which were pre-
dominantly correlated with Parkinson’s, Huntington’s,
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 6 of 16

Fig. 1 Transcriptional variance and expression of CRGs, and experimental validation and functional enrichment of CRGs in NSCLC. (A) Frequency and lo-
cation of the copy number variation (CNV); (B) Variance of the expression of 18 CRGs from TCGA database in the normal and tumor tissues; (C) Prognosis-
related network of expression of18 CRGs from TCGA database; (D) Tumor mutation burden (TMB) of 18 CRGs from TCGA database; (E) PCR validation of
the CRGs expression level of the tumor and normal tissues; (F, G) KEGG functional enrichment of CRGs; (H, I) GO functional enrichment of CRGs (*P < 0.05;
** P < 0.01; and *** P < 0.001; Ns, not significant). CRGs, cuproptosis-related genes; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; CNV, copy number variation; TMB,
tumor mutation burden; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; GO, gene ontology
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 7 of 16

Fig. 2 Consensus cluster analyses based on CRGs and CRDEGs. (A) Three clusters were divided by consensus cluster analysis coupled with cumulative
distribution function plot and delta area plot; (B) Heatmap of CRGs expression allied with clinical characteristic of three clusters; (C) Venn diagram of
CRDEGs; (D) Based on CRDEGs, three clusters were divided by consensus cluster analysis coupled with cumulative distribution function and delta area
plots; (E) Heatmap of CRDEGs expression combined with other clinical features in three subtype clusters; (F) Variances in CRGs expression level among
three gene clusters; (G) Immune infiltration through ssGSEA among the three clusters; (H) OS among three clusters. (I) Principal component analysis (PCA)
of the three clusters. (*P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; and *** P < 0.001; Ns, not significant) OS, overall survival; PCA, principal component analysis; ssGSEA, single
sample gene set enrichment analysis. CRGs, cuproptosis-related genes. CRDEGs, cuproptosis-related differentially expressed genes; OS, overall survival
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 8 of 16

and Alzheimer’s diseases, as well as with a number of score model indicated that the high score group cor-
other neural degeneration diseases (Figure S4B). These related with better OS (P < 0.001, Fig. 4B and C). The
CRDEGs were enriched in the ribonucleoprotein com- same tendency was found in patients with different can-
plex biogenesis and mRNA processing pathways (Figure cer stages (Fig. 4D). There was a statistically significant
S4A). For this model, the survival analysis indicated that distinction between the high-cuproptosis-score group
cluster C had higher survival probability than clusters A (87.93%) the low-cuproptosis-score group (98.87%)
and B, whereas the difference between cluster A and clus- (Fig. 4F). The low-cuproptosis-score group showed an
ter B was not obvious (Figure S4C). apparent TMB upregulation. Ranked from high to low,
the TMB in the gene clusters was as follows: cluster B,
Clinical characteristic-related analysis combined with cluster A, and cluster C (Fig. 4E). The OS of the high-
assessment of the tumor mutation burden (TMB) of the TMB group was longer than that of the low-TMB group,
prognostic score model and cuproptosis score models in when the cuproptosis score was taken into consideration.
NSCLC The high-TMB group plus the high-cuproptosis group
A prognostic score model was constructed based on 53 was correlated with better OS than the high-TMB group
prognosis-related CRDEGs filtered by univariate and plus low-cuproptosis group (P = 0.032, Fig. 4G; P = 0.007,
multivariate analysis. The prognostic analysis showed Fig. 4H). Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that a
that the higher risk score usually indicated a worse OS high cuproptosis score is linked with a better probabil-
rate (P < 0.001, Fig. 3A) and progression-free survival ity of survival. The difference in the cuproptosis score is
(PFS) (P < 0.001, Fig. 3B). The expression level of the related to different clinical features. The survival prob-
prognosis-related CRDEGs is displayed in the heatmap ability in the high-score cuproptosis group was higher
along with the prognostic high/low-risk score and sur- than that in the low-score cuproptosis group (Fig. 4C).
vival status between the two score groups (Fig. 3C). The EGFR is one of the most essential receptors in the prog-
status “dead” significantly increased in the high score risk ress of NSCLC tumorigenesis and tumor development
group. Both univariate and multivariate Cox analyses [32]. A low cuproptosis score was related with a higher
indicated that the prognostic risk score was an indepen- level of EGFR expression, which may result in worse OS
dent prognostic factor in NSCLC (Fig. 3D, E). Applying in NSCLC (Fig. 4C). The Sankey diagram of CRGs sub-
the prognostic model and clinical score parameters, we type clusters, CRDEGs subtype clusters, cuproptosis
established a nomogram to estimate the 1-, 3-, and 5-year score group, and survival status is presented in Fig. 4I.
OSs of NSCLC patients (Fig. 3F). The consistency of
the calibration curves of this nomogram determines the TME and immune treatment sensitivity of the prognostic
accuracy of the predicted values. This nomograph may be score model and the cuproptosis score model in NSCLC
advantageous in predicting the clinical prognosis and can Based on the prognostic model, the immune function
be used as a clinical decision-making tool in the future. analysis (Fig. 5A) showed that compared with the high-
The C-index curve revealed that our prognostic model risk score group, the low-risk group is enriched mainly
had a higher concordance index than the other clini- in the cytolytic, T-cell stimulation, and inflammation-
cal factors (Fig. 3G). Similarly, the DCA and ROC curve promoting pathways. A high level of T-cell immune
also confirmed this outcome. Therefore, our CRDEGs infiltration may be correlated with the better progno-
prognostic model was the most precise method of pre- sis in the low-risk NSCLC group. Immune checkpoint
dicting the NSCLC prognosis (Fig. 3H and I). The higher analysis (Fig. 5B) revealed that basically all the check-
risk score group had higher mutation frequency than points were upregulated in the low-risk group except for
the lower risk group (Fig. 3J), but the difference between CD44, TNFSF4/9, and CD276 (marker of cancer stem
the two groups was not statistically significant (P = 0.81, cell) [33]. Based on the TME score, we conclude that a
Figure S2A). However, the OSs of the TMB groups were distinction existed between the high/low risk groups in
significantly different. Surprisingly, better OS was found terms of immune and estimate scores (Fig. 5C). Immune
in the high-TMB group (Fig. 3K). Nevertheless, when cell infiltration analysis showed that CD4+T and CD8+T
the risk score was considered, a higher risk was always cells were enriched mainly in the low-risk score group,
associated with worse OS as compared with the low-risk whereas macrophage M0- and cancer-associated fibro-
group regardless of whether the TMB was high or low blast cells were highly infiltrated in the high-risk model
(Fig. 3L). group (Fig. 5D), which corresponds to the outcomes of
А cuproptosis score model was established through the survival and PFS analysis. Representative clinico-
univariate Cox analysis of CRDEGs processed by PCA. pathology images from the TCGA data showed that the
The cuproptosis score was statistically significant among low-risk score group had higher immune cell infiltration
both CRGs subtype clusters and CRDEGs subtype clus- (Fig. 5E). Through drug sensitivity tests we selected four
ters (Fig. 4A). The survival probability of the cuproptosis potential reagents which might be correlated with the
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 9 of 16

Fig. 3 Analysis of a prognostic score model based on CRDEGs. (A, B) Overall survival (OS) rate and progression free survival (PFS) of the high/low risk
groups; (C) Heatmap regarding expression of CRDEGs and survival status of the risk high/low groups; (D, E) Univariate and multivariate cox analysis, green
for univariate, and red for multivariate; (F) Nomograph and nomograph prediction diagram for the 1-, 3-, and 5-year OS of NSCLC patients; (G) C-index
curve of risk score and other tumor related clinical characteristics; (H) DCA of risk score and other tumor related clinical characteristics; (I) ROC and multi-
ROC curve of risk score and other tumor related clinical characteristics; (J) TMB situation of the prognostic score model risk high/low group; (K, L) Survival
probability of TMB high/low group and TMB high/low group plus high/low-risk score. (*P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; and *** P < 0.001; Ns, not significant). CRDEGs,
cuproptosis-related differentially expressed genes; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression free survival; C-index, concordance index; DCA, decision curve
analysis; TMB, tumor mutation burden; ROC, receiver operating characteristic curve
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 10 of 16

Fig. 4 Analysis of the CRG and CRDEG clusters. (A) Cuproptosis score among three CRGs clusters and CREDGs clusters; (B) Survival probability of high/low
group in cuproptosis score model NSCLC patients; (C) Correlation of survival period, survival status, and NSCLC major mutant gene EGFR with two groups
in cuproptosis score model; (D) Survival curve of NSCLC patients from different stages; (E) TMB among the two groups of cuproptosis score models and
the three gene clusters; (F) TMB in the cuproptosis score model high/low groups; (G, H) Survival probability in the high-/low-TMB group and the high/
low-TMB group plus the high/low cuproptosis score; (I) Sankey diagram of the CRGs and CRDEGs subtype clusters, the cuproptosis score group, and the
survival status. (*P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; and *** P < 0.001; Ns, not significant). TMB, tumor mutation burden. EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; NSCLC,
non-small-cell lung cancer

better efficacy in the high-risk group of prognostic score results supported our hypothesis and provide solid evi-
model while another four reagents may be correlated dence for the rationality of constructing prognostic and
with the same effect in the low-risk group of prognostic cuproptosis score models (Fig. 7).
score model. (Figure S5A).
The correlation diagram (Fig. 6A) of the cuproptosis Discussion
group revealed that a higher cuproptosis score was posi- Copper ions have recently been shown to be involved
tively associated with the activation of B cells, dendritic in a cell death pathway [34, 35], a process that is linked
cells, eosinophilia, immature B cells, MDSC, macro- with tumorigenesis, metastasis, and immune function in
phages, mast cells, monocytes, natural killer cells, plas- cancer [17, 19]. It is possible that the knockdown of cop-
macytoid dendritic cells, regulatory T cells, T follicular per chaperone antioxidant-1 inhibits copper-stimulated
helper cells, type 1 T-helper cells, and type 17 T-helper proliferation of NSCLC [36] and that the copper trans-
cells. Representative clinicopathology images were porter ATP7A is correlated with platinum chemotherapy
acquired from the TCGA data which showed that the resistance in NSCLC [37]. Moreover, autophagy suppres-
high-cuproptosis-score group had greater immune cell sion contributes to disulfiram/copper-induced apoptosis
infiltration (Fig. 6B). Regardless of whether the immune in NSCLC cells [38]. Key targets of copper homeostasis
target was CTLA4- and PD1-positive or -negative, bet- in humans and mammals include ceruloplasmin, CTR1
ter immune effect was observed in the high-cuproptosis (known as SLC31A1) as the major protein carrier of
group than in the low-cuproptosis group (Fig. 6C). These exchangeable copper in plasma, and ion transporters
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 11 of 16

Fig. 5 Immune-related analysis of the prognostic score model high/low risk groups. (A) Immune function pathway analysis of prognostic score model;
(B) Immune checkpoint analysis of the prognostic score model; (C) TME score of high/low risk group; (D) Heatmap of immune cell infiltration of the two
groups; (E) Representative image of HE staining from the TCGA database showing the degree of immune cell infiltration of the two groups. (*P < 0.05;
** P < 0.01; and *** P < 0.001; Ns, not significant). TME, tumor microenvironment. TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas; HE, hematoxylin and eosin staining
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 12 of 16

Fig. 6 Clinical characteristics and immune correlation analysis of the cuproptosis score model. (A) Immune infiltration correlation analysis network; (B)
Representative image of HE staining from the TCGA database showing the immune cell infiltration in the two high-score cuproptosis groups from TCGA;
(C) Immunotherapy efficacy score in the two groups. (*P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; and *** P < 0.001; Ns, not significant). TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas; HE,
hematoxylin and eosin

associated with cellular copper uptake, cytosolic metal significance of cuproptosis and the mechanisms of its
chaperones and cytosolic mitochondrial metal chaper- interactions with the immune microenvironment. These
ones target copper insertion into metalloenzymes and two models improve the existing understanding of cupro-
copper-dependent ATP enzymes like ATP7A and ATP7B ptosis in NSCLC and may provide an innovative guid-
[16], which have copper export and metal chaperone ance for clinical practice.
functions. Metallothionein 1 (MT1) and MT2 are two of Eighteen CRGs were classified into three subtypes by
three thiol-rich proteins that bind with high affinity to a consensus clustering. Survival analysis results suggested
variety of copper ions. At the same time, copper is also that subtype B had a better prognosis than subtypes
a dynamic signaling metal and metal allosteric regula- A and C, and that the different subtypes had obvious
tor, such as copper-dependent phosphodiesterase 3B enrichment differences in certain pathways. Immune
(PDE3B) in lipolysis, mitogen-activated protein kinase infiltration pathways with distinct enrichment discrep-
kinase 1 (MEK1) in cell growth and proliferation and ancy were also evident among the three subtypes. The
MEK2, the kinases ULK1 and ULK2 in autophagy [39, greatest differences among the three subtype clusters
40]. Cell proliferation that relies on copper is called cop- were observed in the T cell-related pathways. Enrich-
per hyperplasia, which corresponds to this article about ment analysis of the CRGs showed that they were
copper death. These enzymes may have some interac- enriched mainly in the TCA pathway, which is in agree-
tions with FDX1 signaling, which may be a focus of ment with the latest research evidence [41, 42]. Three
future research. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate gene clusters were developed after consensus clustering
that there is a link between cuproptosis and NSCLC. We was performed on CRDEGs. Cluster C had a better prog-
undertook an analysis of a cuproptosis scoring model nosis than clusters A and B, implying that the subtypes of
based on different cuproptosis subtypes and a prognos- CRGs and CRDEGs may be associated with the clinical
tic score model of CRDEGs to further explore the clinical characteristics of NSCLC patients.
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 13 of 16

Fig. 7 Overall graphical summary and brief flow chart of the study
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 14 of 16

The cuproptosis score model was established based on TMB than the low-risk group. Immune cell infiltration
the prognosis-related genes acquired by univariate Cox analysis revealed that CD4+T and CD8+T cells were
analysis of CRDEGs to determine the cuproptosis value enriched mainly in the low-risk score group, whereas
of each sample. Higher cuproptosis score indicated a macrophage M0 and cancer-associated fibroblast cells
better OS rate, even within patients at different cancer were highly infiltrated the high-risk model group. The
stages. The low-cuproptosis-score group had a higher distinction in TME may lead to the difference in the
TMB than the high-cuproptosis group. This is an inter- prognosis between the two groups. This provides evi-
esting point because in our earlier analysis, the OSs of dence that CD4+T cells and CD8+T cells are correlated
different TMB groups were significantly different. Sur- with better prognosis in NSCLC [47, 48]. Drug sensitiv-
prisingly, a better OS was found in the high-TMB group. ity testing results has demonstrated merely correlation
It is possible that high TMB may improve the recogni- relationships between eight agents and high-/low-risk
tion of tumor cells by the immune system, facilitating the groups, four of which might be related with higher sen-
attack and elimination of tumor cells by immune cells. sitivities in the high-risk group and the other four agents
High mutational burden may also lead to more adap- might be related with better efficacy in low-risk group.
tive variants in tumor cells and the production of more Considering that the two models were established
aggressive, drug-resistant subclones. The intersection of from different aspects and through different meth-
high-/low-cuproptosis-score and mutation samples was ods, differences in the results were expected. However,
obtained in this cuproptosis score model the mutation the subsequent clinicopathological analysis, prognos-
burden survival curve analysis, requires the intersec- tic analysis, and immune microenvironment analysis
tion of high/low cuproptosis score samples and muta- of NSCLC through both models supports diverse ideas
tion samples,. The number of intersection samples in and approaches to guide the clinical screening, diag-
the high-cuproptosis score group was significantly lower nosis and treatment of NSCLC. There are limitations
than that in the low-cuproptosis-score group, which in this research that have to be considered. First, all the
might have caused bias in analysis. However, when sur- data were obtained from public data sources, and such
vival was analyzed with the cuproptosis score combined retrospective data are vulnerable to selection bias, which
with the mutation rate, the prognosis of the high-cupro- might have interfered with the accuracy of our analysis.
ptosis-score group was better than that of the low-cupro- Additionally, for further explorations of cuproptosis in
ptosis-score group, regardless of the combination of NSCLC, more clinical features and data should be taken
high/low TMB. The results of the ssGSEA and immune into consideration, which were lacking in the publicly
correlation analyses indicated that the cuproptosis score accessible databases. Finally, more experimental assays
was highly positively correlated with the levels of mast are required to validate more comprehensively the bioin-
cells, monocytes, and follicular T-helper cells, a special- formatics analysis results.
ized CD4+ T cell type primarily found in the tonsils [43].
Meanwhile, the NSCLC-related molecule EGFR [44] was Conclusions
upregulated in the low-cuproptosis group. In this study, we systematically constructed two mod-
Immunotherapy is essential for limiting tumorigenesis els and performed clinicopathological, prognostic, and
and progression [45], and thus, regardless of the immune immunological analyses to explore the involvement of
molecules status, the high-cuproptosis-score group cuproptosis in tumorigenesis and tumor development
showed better efficacy than the lower group. This result in NSCLC. These CRGs and CRDEGs may have the
indicates that cuproptosis is likely to be involved in the potential to serve as effective immunotherapy and che-
changes of tumor development progress and TME. motherapy sensitivity biomarkers. Therefore, both the
Previous research on CRDEGs enrichment analysis has cuproptosis score model and the prognostic model can
been concentrated on neurodegeneration diseases such be clinically significant and may provide novel targets for
as Alzheimer’s disease [46]. The filtering of CRDEGS in individualized immunotherapy in the future.
our univariate and multivariate Cox analyses yielded 53
prognosis-related CRDEGs, which were then screened CDF Cumulative distribution function
for the development of this novel model. The low-risk CNV Copy number variation
group had better prognosis regardless of OS or PFS, CRDEGs Cluster-related specific differentially expressed genes
CRGs Cuproptosis-related genes
which is directly opposite to the results obtained in the CT Computed tomography
cuproptosis score model. Both univariate and multivari- DLAT Dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase
ate Cox analyses showed that the risk score of the prog- EBUS-TBNA Endobronchial ultrasound-guided needle aspiration biopsy
EGFR Epidermal growth factor receptor
nostic model was an independent prognostic factor. ESTIMATE Estimated Stromal and Immune cells in Malignant Tumor
Contrary to the cuproptosis score system, in the prog- tissues using Expression data
nostic score model, the high-risk score group had higher GADPH Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
Tang et al. Cancer Cell International (2024) 24:68 Page 15 of 16

GEO Gene Expression Omnibus Declarations

GPX4 Glutathione peroxidase
GSVA Gene set variation analysis Ethics approval and consent to participate
KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes This work was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
lncRNAs Long non-coding RNAs (2000) of the World Medical Association. This study was approved by the
LUAD Lung adenocarcinoma Ethics Committee of the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University (Nantong,
NSCLC Non-small-cell lung cancer Jiangsu, China) under no. 2022-L165.
PCA Principal component analysis
PD-1 Programmed cell death-1 Consent for publication
SCLC Small-cell lung cancer Not applicable.
TCGA The Cancer Genome Atlas
TCIA The Cancer Immunity Database Competing interests
TIMER Tumor Immune Estimation Resource database The authors declare no competing interests.
TMB Tumor mutation load
TME Tumor microenvironment Received: 2 November 2023 / Accepted: 5 February 2024

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