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BioMed Research International

Volume 2021, Article ID 1994764, 7 pages

Review Article
Review of Breast Cancer Pathologigcal Image Processing

Ya-nan Zhang ,1,2 Ke-rui XIA ,2 Chang-yi LI,1 Ben-li WEI,1 and Bing Zhang1
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
HRG International Institute (Hefei) of Research and Innovation, Hefei 230000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Ke-rui XIA; [email protected]

Received 12 July 2021; Accepted 24 August 2021; Published 21 September 2021

Academic Editor: Lei Zhang

Copyright © 2021 Ya-nan Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies. Pathological image processing of breast has become an important means
for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Using medical image processing to assist doctors to detect potential breast cancer as early as
possible has always been a hot topic in the field of medical image diagnosis. In this paper, a breast cancer recognition method
based on image processing is systematically expounded from four aspects: breast cancer detection, image segmentation, image
registration, and image fusion. The achievements and application scope of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, deep
learning, CNN, and so on in breast cancer examination are expounded. The prospect of unsupervised learning and transfer
learning for breast cancer diagnosis is prospected. Finally, the privacy protection of breast cancer patients is put forward.

1. Introduction the extracted features. Another manifestation of breast can-

cer on X-ray images is a large breast density [1].
Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors. The object of breast pathology image processing is a
According to Chinese Women’s survey, breast cancer is the variety of medical images with different imaging mecha-
most common malignant tumor in Chinese women, and nisms. The types of medical imaging widely used in clinic
the incidence rate is increasing year by year. The key to include X-ray imaging (X-CT), magnetic resonance imaging
reduce the mortality of breast cancer is early diagnosis and (MRI), nuclear medicine imaging (NMI), and ultrasonic
treatment. At present, mammography is the most com- imaging (UI). X-ray imaging (X-CT), mainly through X-
monly used method to detect breast cancer. However, ray tomography, such as head tomography, is used to diag-
because of the huge amount of data and the poor imaging nose cerebral vascular diseases and intracranial hemorrhage.
features of early breast cancer, early diagnosis is very diffi- X-ray tomography has a good effect in the diagnosis of trau-
cult. With the development of image processing technology matic skull and facial fractures. Magnetic resonance imaging
and early diagnosis technology, image processing of breast (MRI) is a noninvasive imaging technique, which can pro-
pathology has become an important way of early diagnosis duce three-dimensional anatomical images [2]. Nuclear
of breast cancer, which mainly includes the study of masses, medicine imaging (NMI) is based on the difference of radio-
calcifications, and breast density. One of the main manifes- activity concentration inside and outside organs or between
tations of breast cancer in breast mammography is mass. different parts of organs [3, 4]. UI was used to observe the
The basic steps of pathological image processing are as fol- shape, location, size, number and scope of the mass, and
lows: first is image preprocessing, which includes removing the activity of abdominal organs. The edge echo, capsule,
background, marker, pectoral muscle and noise, and breast smoothness, wall thickness, and halo were observed.
segmentation and image enhancement. Secondly, the region According to the clinical data, the symptoms of breast can-
of interest is found by a basic image processing method. cer can be adjusted by means of X-ray examination, which
Then, features that can represent the quality, such as texture is identified by X-ray mammography. MRI results of tumor
features and morphological features, are extracted. Finally, detection are higher than the actual value, while CT results
the tumor and normal tissue were separated according to of tumor detection are lower than the actual value. Dynamic
2 BioMed Research International

enhanced CT examination of breast lesions can better over- breast cancer. The combination of image processing technol-
come the situation of missed detection. ogy and reinforcement learning technology can reduce the
Medical image acquisition and interpretation are the dependence on a human doctor’s experience to the greatest
basis of breast cancer diagnosis based on medical imaging. extent. Image processing technology is used to process
In recent years, the speed and resolution of image acquisi- two-dimensional slices, and then reinforcement learning is
tion have been greatly improved. However, image diagnosis combined to set the enhancement target. Through the judg-
is limited by the doctor’s experience, ability, and other sub- ment of each discrete two-dimensional slice, the optimal
jective factors, and its ability of replication and promotion decision strategy is found, so as to maximize the benefit of
is limited. In order to minimize the dependence on doctors, judging the pathological correctness of the whole group of
image processing technology is applied to medical imaging two-dimensional slices. Through the analysis and process-
processing. Medical image processing includes lesion detec- ing of two-dimensional slice image, the segmentation,
tion, image segmentation, image registration, and image extraction, three-dimensional reconstruction, and three-
fusion. In addition to clinical diagnosis, medical image dimensional display of human breast, surrounding soft tis-
processing also plays an important auxiliary role in medical sue and lesion are realized. After the calibration of features,
teaching, operation planning, operation simulation, and var- the reinforcement learning is used to quantitatively analyze
ious medical researches [5, 6]. the lesion and the region around the breast. Combined
with the revenue target, the learning is carried out through
2. Detection of Breast Cancer continuous attempts. The goal is to obtain the maximum
revenue value. Based on the reinforcement learning
Detection of breast cancer is mainly based on detection method, it is found that breast cancer does not need to
methods, image processing of lesion detection, lesion loca- know how to produce correct breast cancer recognition
tion matching, and extraction of lesion feature values. action. Reinforcement learning relies on its own learning,
Breast cancer detection can detect candidate lesion location constantly trying and making mistakes and constantly
by supervised learning or classical image processing. The recording the maximum value of income in the process of
combination of image processing and Convolutional Neural trial and error until the method of finding the maximum
Networks (CNN) is one of the successful examples of deep value of income is found.
learning in recent years. The CNN is applied in breast can-
cer image analysis, mapping the input layer, pool layer, 3. Breast Cancer Image Segmentation
modified linear unit, all link layer, and output layer, respec-
tively, and predicting the information represented by medi- Based on the given feature factors, the medical image seg-
cal images. For example, Setio et al. extracted the features of mentation compares the similarity of feature factors between
pulmonary nodules in nine different directions of 3D chest images and divides the image into several regions. The
CT scanning, selected the appropriate candidate as the cen- objects of medical image segmentation mainly include cells,
ter, and classified the candidates through CNN [3, 7–11]. tissues, and organs. The region-based segmentation method
Ross et al. decomposed the 3D image into 2D patches and is mainly based on the spatial local features of the image,
then rotated the 2D patches randomly to get the “2.5D” such as gray, texture, and other pixel statistical characteris-
view. The CNN was used to detect the early features of can- tics. The boundary-based segmentation method mainly uses
cer from the 2.5D view. The combination of deep learning gradient information to determine the boundary of the tar-
and image processing greatly improves the accuracy of get. For example, the fast marching algorithm and the med-
lesion detection [12], while it is difficult to achieve high ical image segmentation method of watered transform can
accuracy by using nondeep learning classifiers such as sup- segment the image quickly and accurately [15].
port vector machine. The accuracy of CNN algorithm In recent years, with the development of other emerging
depends on the training of initial markers by experts and disciplines, image segmentation technology develops rap-
needs a wide range of case coverage. Therefore, the promo- idly, and new methods generated by interdisciplinary
tion of CNN in the field of medical image processing is con- emerge in endlessly. Some new image segmentation tech-
strained by resources “transfer learning” that can reduce the niques have been developed for breast cancer detection, such
dependence of CNN on initial marker training to a certain as the method based on statistics, the method based on fuzzy
extent [13, 14], but the application of transfer learning itself theory, the method based on neural network, the method
is limited, so it is difficult to find the application conditions based on wavelet analysis, the model-based snake model
of transfer learning between medical images of human (dynamic contour model), and the combination optimiza-
organs. tion model. Although new segmentation methods have been
Early diagnosis of breast cancer can be detected by proposed, the results are not ideal. At present, the research
tumor markers. Tumor markers are substances produced focus is a knowledge-based segmentation method; that is,
and secreted by tumor cells during growth and reproduc- some prior knowledge is introduced into the segmentation
tion. When these substances reach a certain amount, they process by some means, so as to constrain the computer seg-
can be extracted from breast images. The early feature values mentation process, so that the segmentation results can be
of breast cancer can be identified by using SIFT (scale invari- controlled within the range we can understand without
ant feature transform) or HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gra- going too far [16]. For example, when the gray value of the
dient) and so on to provide support for the early diagnosis of tumor in the liver is very different from that of the normal
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liver, the tumor and the normal liver will not be regarded as 4. Breast Cancer Image Registration
two independent tissues. All of the above methods have their
own limitations. The results are good in specific scenarios, Image registration is the first mock exam of image fusion. In
but not ideal beyond specific scenarios. Because the bound- breast cancer clinical diagnosis, multiple modes or modes of
aries of internal organs, muscles, blood vessels, and other image registration and fusion are needed. More information
organs are usually very complex, the diseased areas of organs can help doctors give more accurate diagnosis [24]. In the
are mixed with normal tissues, and the differences between clinical diagnosis process of breast cancer, medical image
the gray levels and boundaries of diseased areas and normal registration mainly locates reference points in two or more
tissues are relatively small, it is very difficult to identify these images; through spatial location transformation, such as
organs and diseased areas in medical images, and the exist- rotation, the reference point is located in a coordinate sys-
ing image segmentation algorithms can not complete the tem. Registration requires that the mapping of points
task of image segmentation independently. Human inter- between images is one-to-one correspondence; that is, each
vention is also needed [17]. Medical image segmentation is point in an image space has corresponding points in another
quite different from image segmentation in other fields. image space, or in the sense of medical diagnosis, the points
The effect of existing classical algorithms in medical image in the image can be accurately or approximately accurately
segmentation is not good. It is still necessary to continue corresponded [25–27]. Registration can be divided into two
to study in improving the accuracy, speed, adaptability, types: based on external features and based on internal
and robustness of image segmentation [18]. The image seg- features. Registration based on image internal features is
mentation method based on prior knowledge can well con- noninvasive and traceable, which is the focus of research
trol the segmentation boundary of the image. For example, on registration algorithm [28].
in the segmentation of intrahepatic mass, the image segmen- There are two major categories of medical registration
tation method based on prior knowledge can recognize research for breast cancer: (1) a deep learning network is
intrahepatic mass and normal liver by gray value. However, used to estimate the similarity of two images and drive iter-
image segmentation based on prior knowledge requires a ative optimization, and (2) the depth regression network is
large number of prior data. The more prior data, the more directly used to predict the conversion parameters. The for-
accurate the results. For example, Ghesu et al., based on mer only uses deep learning for similarity measurement and
2891 times of cardiac ultrasound data, used deep learning still needs the traditional registration method for iterative
and edge space learning to detect and segment cardiac ultra- optimization. It does not give full play to the advantages of
sound images [17, 18]. Parameter space exploration and data deep learning, takes a long time, and is difficult to achieve
sparsity are important factors to improve the efficiency of real-time registration. Therefore, only the latter is studied
medical image segmentation. Brosch et al. proposed a 3D and discussed, and the conclusion is limited to this kind of
deep convolution coder network through convolution and nonrigid registration method. Based on supervised learning,
deconvolution to segment multiple sclerosis brain lesions there are two ways to obtain tags: (1) the traditional classical
and normal brain regions [19]. Data normalization and data registration method is used for registration, and the defor-
enhancement techniques are applied to image enhancement mation field is used as tags. (2) The original image is simu-
and core regions of suspected tumors in brain tumor seg- lated as a fixed image, the deformed image as a moving
mentation research and achieved good results [20]. The image, and the simulated deformation field as a label. Based
research of medical image segmentation methods has the on unsupervised learning, the registration pair is input into
following remarkable characteristics: it is difficult for any the network to obtain the deformation field, and the moving
single existing image segmentation algorithm to achieve image is interpolated to obtain the registration image. The
satisfactory results for general images, so more attention 3D image is similar to it. The 3D image is input into the net-
should be paid to the effective combination of multiple seg- work to obtain the deformation field (dx, dy, dz), and then,
mentation algorithms. Due to the complexity of human the registration image is obtained by interpolation. However,
anatomical structure and the systematicness of function, the medical image registration of breast cancer is still an
although there have been studies on the methods of auto- unsolved classic problem. There are no universally recog-
matic segmentation of medical images to distinguish the nized gold standard and no corresponding large database
required organs and tissues or find the lesion area, the in this field. Deep learning methods have some successful
existing software packages generally can not complete the cases in breast cancer image registration. There are usually
automatic segmentation, and the manual intervention of several reasons: (1) the expert knowledge of the field is well
anatomy is still needed [21]. At present, it is impossible utilized, (2) the data are properly preprocessed and proc-
for computer to complete the task of image segmentation, essed by data enhancement, (3) a special network structure
so the human-computer interactive segmentation method is designed for a single task, and (4) the appropriate super
has gradually become the focus of research. The research parameter optimization method is used: such as parameter
of new segmentation methods mainly focuses on automatic, adjustment based on intuition or the Bayesian method.
accurate, fast, adaptive, and robust features. The compre- There are still some difficulties and challenges in the field
hensive utilization of classical segmentation technology of breast cancer medical image registration: (1) there is a
and modern segmentation technology is the development lack of large databases with precise annotation. (2) Specific
direction of medical image segmentation technology in tasks need guidance from experts in the field. (3) It is diffi-
the future [22, 23]. cult to agree with the opinions of different experts in some
4 BioMed Research International

ambiguous images. (4) The two classification models are too istration algorithms, such as image recognition of breast
simple to be competent for more complex cases. (5) the dif- cancer based on topology, feature points are extracted from
ficulties of breast cancer medical image analysis still exist in existing breast cancer images. They are combined into a
images. Besides the analysis, we need to make full use of the matching area with a certain topological structure as the
information about other dimensions of the patient, like age, matching template. In the breast images to be matched,
medical history, etc. (6) The slice-based neural network is regions with similar topological structures are found; these
having difficulty in using the location information of the regions may be breast cancer. The main steps of image rec-
corresponding anatomical structure in the original image, ognition of breast cancer based on topology are as follows:
but the method of transferring the whole image into the neu- (1) the first one is extracting feature points or feature regions
ral network has corresponding disadvantages. Although of a specific scale and combining them into topological tem-
Esteva et al. made amazing progress in dermatology in plates. (2) The topology of the image to be matched is
2017 and Gulshan et al. in ophthalmology in 2016, they have extracted. (3) By comparing the topology in the image to
achieved image classification models with higher accuracy be matched with the topology template, regions with similar
than human experts in both fields. However, the essential topology are found. (4) The similarity between similar topol-
reason for its success is that the above two problems are sim- ogy and feature points in topology template is compared,
ple enough, and the data volume of ImageNet dataset is very and the product of topology similarity and feature point
large, so the existing model is applied to the above two prob- similarity is regarded as the final similarity. The schematic
lems and has achieved very good results. Usually, there is no diagram of image recognition based on topology structure
such simple structure, and there is no effective network is shown in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the left dotted line is the
structure that can be used for 3D gray or multichannel topology template, the middle dotted line is the topology
image preprocessing. The advantage of unsupervised learn- extracted from the image to be matched, and the right dotted
ing over supervised learning is that unsupervised learning line is the region with similar topology [36].
does not need a large number of precisely labeled data. In Other methods such as algorithms based on wavelet
addition, unsupervised learning imitates the way of human transform, statistical parametric mapping algorithm, and
learning and can automatically perform the required tasks genetic algorithm are also continuously integrated into
without special labeling or can deal with a large number of breast cancer image registration. The combination of multi-
classification problems with little supervision. At present, objective optimization, reinforcement learning, and other
the main methods of unsupervised learning are self-coding methods with medical image registration is the future devel-
VAE and counter neural network Gan. Compared with opment direction of medical image registration.
accurately labeled breast cancer medical images, unlabeled
breast cancer medical image data are easier to obtain. Unsu-
pervised learning can directly use standard breast cancer 5. Breast Cancer Image Fusion
medical images without any supervision, so it has more
Breast cancer image fusion extracts useful information from
advantages. Finally, because deep learning is similar to black
multiple images, filters redundant information, and
box model, the interpretation of breast cancer medical image
improves the medical value of images. In general, image
domain requires a higher model, and further work is needed.
fusion from low to high is signal level fusion, data level
At present, some work includes introducing Bayesian statis-
fusion, feature level fusion, and decision level fusion.
tics into deep learning, which will help to measure the
uncertainty of prediction.
(1) Signal level: at the lowest level, the unprocessed sen-
Multimodality medical image registration is a new direc-
sor output is mixed in the signal domain to produce
tion of breast cancer registration, such as nonrigid multi-
a fused signal. The fused signal has the same form as
modal medical image registration based on structure
the source signal, but its quality is better. The signal
representation of PCANet [29]. PCANet can automatically
from the sensor can be modeled as random variables
learn intrinsic features from a large number of medical
mixed with different correlated noises. In this case,
images through multilevel linear and nonlinear transforma-
fusion can be considered an estimation process,
tion, which has better information entropy than the artificial
and signal level image fusion is the optimal concen-
feature extraction method. Multilevel image features
tration or distribution detection problem of signal to
extracted from each layer of PCANet can effectively repre-
a large extent, which requires the highest registration
sent multimodal images. The fusion of medical image regis-
in time and space.
tration technology and informatics theory opens a new idea
for medical image registration of breast cancer. For example, (2) Pixel level: pixel level image fusion is the most basic
the principle of maximum information entropy is applied to fusion of the three levels. After pixel level image
image registration, which can maximize the diversity of fusion, the obtained image has more detailed infor-
information and retain the main information without mation, such as edge and texture extraction, which
neglecting the secondary information [30–35]. Three- is conducive to the further analysis, processing, and
dimensional multimode image registration is a new direc- understanding of the image. It can also expose the
tion of medical image registration. It has more information potential target, which is conducive to the operation
than two-dimensional image and can support a doctor’s of judging and identifying the potential target pixels.
diagnosis more effectively. In addition, some new image reg- This method can save as much information as
BioMed Research International 5

d1 d2
u d1
f1 f2
b f2
c1 c2 c3
A set of matched
Demarcated lesion textures
lesion texture Texture to match

Figure 1: Image recognition sketch based on topological structure.

possible in the source image and increase the content decision level image fusion is the smallest, but this
and details of the fused image [37]. This advantage is method has a strong dependence on the previous
unique and only exists in pixel level fusion. However, level, and the image is not very clear compared with
the limitations of pixel level image fusion can not be the former two fusion methods. It is difficult to real-
ignored, because it is to operate on pixels, so the ize the decision level image fusion, but the noise has
computer has to process a large number of data, the least influence on the image transmission.
and the processing time will be relatively long, so
the fused image can not be displayed in time and To sum up, data level fusion is the process of directly
real-time processing can not be realized. In addition, processing the collected data to obtain the fused image,
in data communication, the amount of information which is the basis of high-level image fusion. Feature level
is large, and it is easy to be affected by noise. In addi- fusion preserves the information contained in different
tion, if you directly participate in image fusion with- images. Decision level fusion is the highest level of image
out strict image registration, the fused image will be fusion based on subjective needs. In breast medical image
blurred, and the target and details are not clear and fusion, data level fusion is the main method. For example,
accurate. multimodality medical image fusion is a technology that
integrates multiple dimensions information. It can provide
(3) Feature level: feature level image fusion is to extract more comprehensive and accurate information for clinical
the feature information from the source image. The detection of breast cancer [39]. The steps of image fusion
feature information is the information of the target are mainly divided into image data fusion and fusion image
or the region of interest in the source image, such display. At present, the data fusion of breast image is mainly
as edge, person, building, or vehicle. Then, the fea- based on pixels, which process the image point by point and
ture information is analyzed, processed, and inte- sum the gray values of the corresponding pixels of the two
grated to get the fused image features. The accuracy images. However, the image will be blurred to a certain
of target recognition based on fused features is obvi- extent after using this method. The fusion method based
ously higher than that of the original image. The on breast image features needs to extract image features
image information is compressed by feature level and do target segmentation and other processing on the
fusion and then analyzed and processed by com- image. The display of fusion image includes pseudocolor dis-
puter. Compared with pixel level, the memory and play, tomographic display, and three-dimensional display.
time consumed will be reduced, and the real-time Pseudocolor display takes an image as a benchmark and
performance of the required image will be improved. superimposes the gray and contrast features of the image
Feature level image fusion requires less accuracy of to be fused with the benchmark image. The tomographic
image matching than the first layer, and its comput- display method can display the fused three-dimensional data
ing speed is faster than the first layer. However, it synchronously in cross-sectional, coronal, and sagittal
extracts image features as fusion information, so it images, which are convenient for the observer to diagnose.
will lose a lot of detail features. The three-dimensional display method, namely, three-
dimensional reconstruction, is to display the fused breast
(4) Decision level: decision level image fusion is a data in the form of three-dimensional images, which can
cognitive-based method, which is not only the high- more intuitively observe the spatial anatomical position of
est level of image fusion method but also the highest the lesions. The earliest method of 3D reconstruction is back
level of abstraction. Decision level image fusion is projection. At present, there are two common reconstruc-
targeted [38]. According to the specific requirements tion methods: filtered back projection and convolution back
of the problem, the feature information obtained projection. The information content of three-dimensional
from the feature level image is used, and then, the image is large, and the future three-dimensional image
optimal decision is made directly according to cer- fusion technology will be a focus of image fusion research.
tain criteria and the credibility of each decision, that With the development of interdisciplinary research, new
is, the probability of the existence of the target. image fusion methods are emerging. The application of
Among the three fusion levels, the calculation of wavelet transform, nonlinear registration based on finite
6 BioMed Research International

element analysis, and artificial intelligence technology in Conflicts of Interest

breast image fusion will be the focus of image fusion
research. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

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