100 نصيحة في ادارة المشاريع القانونوبة

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100 Tips from experts at
the International Institute
of Legal Project
1 0 0 Tips from ex p e r t s a t t h e
In t e rnational In s t i t u t e o f L e g al
P r o j ect Manage m e n t

© International Institute of Legal Project

Management, 2022. All rights reserved.

No portion of this book my be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, except for brief
quotations in critical reviews or articles,
without the prior written permission of the
International Institute of Legal Project

ISBN: 978-1-922164-10-0

Introducing the IILPM 1

General LPM Tips 4

Tips for the Define Phase 20

Tips for the Plan Phase 26

Tips for the Deliver Phase 43

Tips for the Close Phase 52

Biographies of Experts 63
At its core, Legal Project Management (LPM) is
the application of project management principles
and practices to enhance the delivery of legal
services. In reality, it is more than that.

LPM combines project capabilities, technology

and process improvement methods to increase
efficiency and productivity in legal practices.

The International Institute of Legal Project

Management (IILPM) is a global education and
certifying body for the legal project management
and legal process improvement disciplines. It
promotes legal project management and legal
process improvement practices and connects a
world-wide community of skilled practitioners.

The IILPM undertakes research and develops

workplace tools, competency standards and
practice guides to improve legal operations and
matter delivery.

The IILPM has developed a standard course
syllabus for legal project management training
based on the IILPM 4-Phase LPM Framework.
All IILPM Accredited Training Providers (ATPs)
teach legal project management using this
syllabus, although detailed course content and
delivery methods vary slightly to reflect the
demands of local jurisdictions and the interests
of the ATPs.

The IILPM has certified legal project managers in

over 50 countries.

The Framework is a visual representation of project
management applied to the legal sector. Through
decades of experience in the legal industry as
lawyers and project managers, the IILPM has
adapted standard project management methods
and techniques to reflect the specific needs of legal

The four phases (Define, Plan, Deliver, and Close)

encapsulate standard project management
concepts and techniques, but the Framework goes

Technology, Lean, Agile, legal design, process

improvement, and process mapping all form part of
a holistic approach to operational excellence in legal

Knowing about particular techniques is just a

starting point. To apply these techniques effectively
and change the way lawyers work, strong legal
project managers also require excellent soft skills,
especially communications and leadership.

This eBook presents a collection of 100 tips from

our global experts, and reflects the Framework in

The first section provides some general conceptual

tips. The remaining sections offer tips organized by
the phases of LPM Framework.

We hope these tips help you implement legal project

management more effectively and overcome any
challenges you’re facing.




Anna Marra
Building your mindset as legal
project managers
Being a legal project manager means learning
how to adopt and adapt project management
knowledge, tools and techniques. But hard skills
Spain, Italy and alone will make you a mediocre project manager.
Latam Being a good project manager means having a
mindset that makes you feel comfortable with
constant change. This mindset must include, for
example, curiosity, the ability to learn, flexibility,
the courage to make difficult decisions quickly,
lateral thinking, critical thinking, and the ability to
lead people and create environments of trust and

Todd Hutchison
Process guides behavior
Having a documented process for planning and
delivering each legal matter type helps young
lawyers follow processes proven by their
Australia experienced colleagues. If you want effective
behaviors, then documented processes are


Cat Moon
Project managers are change
If project management is new for your
organization, your primary role is to manage the
change required to adopt and adapt the LPM 4-
USA phase framework. You succeed in making the
change through well-designed communication
and planning that involves the people you ask to

4Cat Moon
Just Start
You can integrate LPM today. How? Choose one
matter. Apply the IILPM 4-phase framework:
Define, Plan, Deliver, Close. Hold an after-action
USA review, learn from what went well (and didn’t),
and iterate.

Then repeat!


Ignaz Fuesgen
LPM is a team sport
Legal Project Management is not the sole
responsibility of the Legal Project Manager.
The Legal Project Manager orchestrates the
Germany application of LPM principles and practices.
However, everyone else, including the partners,
associates, BD, Marketing, HR, Finance staff and
Legal Secretaries, contributes to its success.

Larry Bridgesmith
Start where you are and grow as
you go
Many of us want to know all there is to know
before we begin a legal project. This “belts and
braces” approach is common in law. However, to
USA become a more effective legal project manager,
it is beneficial to eliminate waste and improve
processes wherever you find them.

You will begin to enjoy early victories that will

create more competent skills as you grow in your
LPM knowledge and experience.


Todd Hutchison
Legal Project Management Office
A Legal Project Management Office (LPMO) is a
support function for the legal practice. It ensures
legal team members are trained and coached in
Australia legal project management and oversee the
provision of technology, systems, and processes
that effectively support legal matters.

The LPMO collects lessons learnt and makes

sure that improvements are embedded back into
the practice.

Antony Smith
Building resilience
Legal project managers need to develop
resilience to bounce back from the inevitable
setbacks they will encounter when managing
UK legal matters. You can build up your store of
resilience by looking after your health, fitness,
diet and thinking about positive aspects of your
life that helps redress the balance when the
going gets tough.


Cat Moon
Team thinking brings innovation
In the same way our work should be innovative,
so too should be our approach as we structure
our teams and define what it looks like to be
creative. By including those with different
USA experiences than our own, we bring new thinking
to the planning of legal matters.

This is why using external legal process experts

to work with us to define our process will help
critically assess what we do and what we could
do. Differing thinking brings new ideas and

Larry Bridgesmith
Avoid the term “non-lawyer”
Remove “Non-lawyer” from your vocabulary.
The legal profession is one of the few which
divides the world into two parts: lawyers and
USA non-lawyers. How many non-plumbers do you
know? Physicians work alongside physician
assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners and many
other specialities. Lawyers need to learn how to
value the many roles in legal service delivery
respectfully and with dignity.


Aileen Leventon
Import practices from Lean
Beware of the successful legal project that does
the wrong things but still gets results.
USA Lean process methodologies enable you to
create the optimal work plan and assure that you
are doing the right task, in the right order, with the
right people.

12 Cat Moon
Take time to research
Research to learn what others are using to
succeed. Too much duplication of effort and too
little sharing of knowledge means we keep
USA reinventing the wheel all the time.

Challenges often have almost universal

commonalities, and by leveraging the
experiences of others, we can go faster and
farther together.

- 10 -

Larry Bridgesmith
Collaborate with other disciplines
The complexity of legal service delivery today
requires many professional disciplines to work
together. Lawyers possess a skill set unique to
USA their training and license. They rely on the unique
skill sets of other disciplines as much as lawyers
rely on their own. Technologists, data analysts,
project managers, system engineers, process
improvement experts and many other specialists
are critical to providing great client service.

14Antony Smith
The need for assertiveness
You will rarely see assertiveness listed as a
requirement in job advertisements for legal
project managers. It's a pity, because I think this
is a required attribute along with its cousin, tact.
Becoming an unquestioning servant to law firm
partners and clients does not necessarily help
anyone in the long term. Sometimes legal project
managers need to push back to manage
expectations properly. This requires

- 11 -

Todd Hutchison
Managing the risk to have critical
people on board
Critical people in the law firm provide a high risk
to the business continuity. Look at options like
colocation, formal training, documentation,
Australia coaching, succession planning, technology
replacement, simplifying complex tasks,
outsourcing, insurance, rotating staff and
recording what they do to reduce or eliminate the

Todd Hutchison
Fixed price matters best align to
Fixed price legal services better align to the
client's desire for productivity, transparency and
"no surprises". With fixed pricing, lawyers and
Australia clients focus more. Both parties focus on high
quality, fast delivery and delivering only on
promises made. Eliminate your client's fear of
opening up a bill with fixed price services.

- 12 -

17Harald Evers
Engaging a new client
First discussions with a potential client:
Prepare yourself for the interview and search
for details in registers, files and on the
Germany internet;
Be silent, be silent, be silent and listen
Make an initial prognosis based on a
decision tree, determine which experts
should be involved and what it costs, and
don't promise too much but follow the
client's request with great care.

18Anna Marra
Build trust through effective
Build trust through effective delegation. A
prevalent challenge for lawyers is their inability to
delegate tasks to the broader team effectively.
Spain, Italy and
Latam Try to resist the desire to do everything yourself
and learn how to delegate to your team by
strengthening the trust.

- 13 -

Larry Bridgesmith
Build team skills
LPM practices form powerful and empowered
teams. Great teams communicate, collaborate
and learn from each other. The process of
USA planning, managing and learning from the
conduct of legal matters supports the
development and training of new attorneys and
other legal professionals. Equally important is
the team-building impact of LPM.

20 Harald Evers
Commercial decisions are always
shaped by law
Business decisions are made within a legal
framework that managers must observe due to
the principle of legality. From an organizational
Germany point of view, ensure you do not implement
business decisions before consulting
independent legal and compliance advisors.
Otherwise, managers can't act on an informed
basis or in the company's best interest or good

- 14 -

Todd Hutchison
Revisit your legal software
Revisit your legal software and investigate its
functionality before buying new software.
Sometimes lawyers already have the 'new'
Australia functionality they require somewhere in their
existing software set.

22Anna Marra
Kanban or Scrum?
When predictability is low, you might decide to
use an agile approach, which means delivering
fast and continuous value to your client. The two
Spain, Italy and most frequently used methodologies are Kanban
Latam and Scrum. Which one should you choose?
Every case and every firm or law department is
different, so it depends. Scrum applies where
there are large projects, with work done in time-
boxed sprints, while Kanban applies during the
delivery of many projects. Kanban helps monitor
the continuous flow of work through the legal
- 15 -

David Skinner
Process enables consistency
Firms need to create strong processes to
establish and enforce consistency when
implementing and delivering effective legal
Canada project management. In short, you need to have
a rigorous process for delivering your legal
project management services.

24Anna Marra
Legal Design Thinking
Legal design thinking is not just visual
management. It is a methodology based on five
steps: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and
Spain, Italy and test. Use this methodology to approach a case
Latam from the user's point of view. The empathize
phase is fundamental to understanding the
problem by putting on the shoes of your user
(clients, lawyers, judges, and more).
Once you get the problem and define it, the next
step is to find the solution. Once you have
identified a potential solution, prototype, test and
deploy quickly and then monitor feedback from
- 16 -

25Antony Smith
Growing influence of legal project
In the IILPM’s 2019 survey of legal project
managers, only 28% of respondents felt they
were involved early enough in matters to help
UK define scope properly, whereas that increased to
59% in the 2020 survey. Similarly, in 2019 only
33% of respondents felt confident they were the
primary point of contact for all operational issues
concerning legal matters, whereas in 2020, the
figure rockets to 76%. This is evidence of the
growing maturity of legal project management
and the influence of legal project managers on
matter management.

Todd Hutchison
Matching legal teams
Behavioural profiling can provide key insights to
personal performance, which legal team
members complement each other the best, and
Australia how individuals can work more effectively in

- 17 -

David Skinner
Putting time to value-adding use
Process improvement projects help eliminate the
things lawyers typically write off, because a well-
designed, optimized process will waste less time
Canada and effort.

Tell the sceptics that your project will reduce

write-offs by ensuring the right people are doing
the right work at the right time and cost, so that
they won’t waste so much time. Instead, people
will be putting their time to value-adding use—
that you can bill!

Antony Smith
Plan legal matters in phases
In the IILPM’s 2020 survey of legal project
managers, 40% of respondents said they
regularly worked on matters which offered a
UK fixed price per matter phase, 30% most
commonly worked on matters which were priced
according to a single fixed fee per matter, while
26% worked on matters priced according to the
standard billable hour.

Planning matters by phases helps with both

project delivery and pricing.
- 18 -

Todd Hutchison
Not all business development is the
A part of the senior legal practitioner role is to
bring work into the firm. Behavioural styles help
lawyers understand their best-aligned business
Australia development initiatives.

Not every lawyer wants to be out networking.

Strategic board roles, article writing, pro-bono
engagements and other strategies across the
team can mean a multi-layered approach to
building the legal practice.

Aileen Leventon
Define and refine the definition of
Successful planning and executing of a matter
depends on the definition of success.
Stakeholders may have differing views that may
USA evolve over the course of the matter.

Be sure that you confirm and refine the definition

with a shared understanding as the matter

- 19 -

- 20 -

31Anna Marra
Adopting agile when
unpredictability is high
Have you ever said to yourself, “...Now, where do
I start from?” In some legal projects,
unpredictability is significantly high. In these
Spain, Italy and cases, a waterfall-driven approach is unlikely to
Latam be the best one. Project management is about
choosing the right methodology for the best
delivery. An agile approach based on fixed-length
project iterations or ‘sprints’ can help manage
projects with a high degree of unpredictability.

32 Anna Marra
Identify Smart Objectives
Before planning your project, spend time
identifying the project objectives with your client.
It is a very valuable use of time, which has a
Spain, Italy and direct impact on legal project results.
Latam Objectives should be Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART).

- 21 -

Antony Smith
Matter Definition
Have conversations with your clients to
understand what they want. Do you know why
the client has come to you for this matter? Where
UK does your legal work fit into the client’s
commercial objectives? What level of service is
the client expecting, especially regarding

Use answers to questions like these to help you

scope and plan the matter to ensure successful

34Anna Marra
The real project
Your legal project is always part of a bigger plan,
usually a business plan. Be sure about your goals
for the bigger plan.
Spain, Italy and

- 22 -

Clarify responsibilities
Before you take on the responsibility of a Legal
Harald Evers Project Manager, ensure you have clarity on the
IILPM LPP project roles and definitions. Know who is the
Germany legal project manager, sponsor, executive, and
who is part of your team, including who is
responsible for planning and providing
resources, including consultants. The perfect
Legal Project Manager is ready for any surprises
and open to engaging the correct stakeholders to
help solve problems.

David Skinner
Process guides behavior
If you want to build a culture of continuous
improvement, be a coach not a cheerleader or a

A cheerleader encourages and congratulates the

Canada team on work they’ve done, but teams need
more. They need guidance and accountability.

A consultant swoops in from the outside and

does the work. It’s useful, but won’t help if you’re
trying to build skills and culture across your

A coach guides the team as they do the hard

work themselves. Team members build skills
they can apply to their next projects. They
become authors of change, proposing solutions
that work for them and increasing your chances
of success.
- 23 -

37Anna Marra
The Golden Triangle
Every project has limits and constraints. The
Golden Triangle expresses the triple constraints
of scope, time and cost.
Spain, Italy and
Latam If the scope of your project increases, the other
two axes (time and cost) usually suffer
variations. That is particularly relevant in the
change of scope; ensure that you communicate
to the client that any change of scope can
impact the time and cost plans.

38Anna Marra
Convert your terms sheet into a
project charter
If you add to your terms sheet the description of
the reasons for the project, objectives and
constraints, project scope, who the main
Spain, Italy and stakeholders are, a general overview of time and
Latam budget, risks identified, project team, and who is
responsible or/and sponsor for the project, you
will convert it into a Project Charter.

- 24 -

Antony Smith
What the IILPM survey noted on
The IILPM 2019 survey of legal project managers
showed that 72% of legal project managers felt
they were not involved early enough in new
UK matters to help define the scope.

Therefore, legal project managers must invest

the time and energy showcasing their skills and
gaining the trust of their lawyer colleagues to
become more effective members of the legal
service delivery team.

- 25 -

- 26 -

40Antony Smith
Plan appropriately
You can't avoid the need to plan, so it's best to
learn how. Whether you follow predictive project
methods (traditional project management) or
UK adaptive methods (agile) you will need to plan
matters properly.

Agile is not the absence of planning. It is a lighter

and more flexible approach to planning.

41Anna Marra
Time on project planning speeds
delivery success
Spend more time on legal project planning. Each
hour you spend in project planning can be
equivalent to five hours of lost efficiency in
Spain, Italy and project execution.
By spending time planning, you can increase
productivity, reduce inefficiencies and improve
your work environment and matter success.

- 27 -

Antony Smith
Time spent planning is never
Research shows that high-performing project
managers spend twice as much time on project
planning than their less-successful peers. So,
UK learn from the best and spend more time
planning your legal projects.

Antony Smith
Scope in phases
Break more complex matters down into phases
when scoping. Usually, it is much easier to scope
phases of activity closer to the beginning of the
UK matter than those further away. You will probably
be more confident about the accuracy of early-
phase scoping than later-phase scoping. Nothing
wrong with this: use realistic phased scoping for
the basis of informed discussions with clients.

- 28 -

Larry Bridgesmith
If you can't "Process Map" it,
performing the matter is difficult
Visualizing a project's path in the form of a
process map helps the team improve the flow of
the project. Process mapping provides insights
USA into executable phases and tasks, those
responsible, when to do them, and in what
sequence. This reduces wasted effort and
improves the quality of the team's execution. The
team can complete tasks in sequence and
others in parallel. Reducing the project to a
process map format takes the guesswork out of
legal project execution.

Todd Hutchison
Use a kanban board
The kanban board is a simple workflow
visualization often displayed on an office wall or
in electronic form, including the 'To Do', 'Doing'
Australia and 'Done' tasks. Once a team member finishes
a task, they go back to the 'To Do' list and start
the next job. In this way, everyone can see who is
working on what.

- 29 -

Larry Bridgesmith
Plan for project changes
You can rarely complete legal projects without
experiencing deviation from the plan. Expecting
project plan variances is the best approach to
USA dealing with them when they occur. Some
changes can be anticipated and planned. Other
changes in the plan arise in unexpected ways.
Legal project planners have skills that enable
them to adjust a project plan to meet the
necessities of law practice.

Todd Hutchison
Manage the scope
Unauthorized scope creep can be avoided when
a variation (change) management process is in
Without properly managing the scope and any
proposed changes, lawyers can end up doing
work without receiving adequate financial

- 30 -

48Anna Marra
Break your project down into small
Continue to break down your project into tasks
and activities. An essential tool to help project
managers do this is a Work Breakdown Structure
Spain, Italy and (WBS) chart.
Using a WBS means that project activities are
easier to budget, schedule, assign, track and

Antony Smith
Graphical planning tools
A picture can be worth more than a thousand
words. A Gantt Chart that plots tasks on a
calendar is the best-known graphical planning
UK tool in legal project management.

Often, when plotting tasks along a timeline, the

realization occurs that you do not have as much
time as you initially thought. That's OK. The plot
has served its purpose. Time to re-plan already!

- 31 -

50Anna Marra
Schedule compression techniques
in time management
Do you ever face a critical delay in your project? If
it happens, try to shorten the schedule by using
the methods of fast-tracking and crashing.
Spain, Italy and
Latam In fast-tracking, the goal is to review the critical
path to determine if you can perform sequential
activities parallel or partially parallel to each
other. In crashing, you aim to add extra
resources to the project.

51 Three-point estimating
Antony Smith No one likes giving estimates because these
FIILPM LPP tend to be considered 'wrong', yet they aren't
supposed to be precise.
For a quick start, try 3-point estimation. Estimate'
best case', 'worst case' and 'most likely case'
outcomes of whatever you estimate.

Then add each estimate together and divide by

three. This is a simple and effective way to start

- 32-

Gustavo Carmona
Create a realistic schedule
Your professional responsibility as a Legal
Project Manager is to create a realistic schedule
before presenting it to the client. You must be
Mexico sure that your schedule is achievable and
considerate of all the other legal project

53 Antony Smith
Becoming comfortable with
Often, the precise nature of legal service work
and the tasks and activities are unknown when
first making matter plans. Working with
UK uncertainty is not a valid excuse for not planning
at all. The planning process itself should help the
legal team clarify areas of uncertainty by
providing a structured approach to things such
as the estimated duration of work and the
management of risks.

- 33 -

Ignaz Fuesgen
Utilize visualization
You can best handle the complexity of long and
parallel sequences of tasks and activities by
applying visualization techniques. Examples
Germany include Gantt Charts, which quickly illustrate the
“lay of the land” and highlight opportunities for
identifying more effective matter delivery.

Antony Smith
List client tasks as standing items
Often lawyers are waiting for their clients to do
something (such as provide documentation) to
progress matters. An easy and effective way of
UK reminding clients of their obligations is to list
them as standing items in matter status update
reports, which are shared regularly and
consistently as per the matter communications

- 34 -

56 Antony Smith
Work package definition
Lawyers sometimes find it challenging to get
their colleagues to do things on time and to the
right quality standards. In project management, a
UK ‘work-package definition’ allows project leaders
to set out clearly to their project team members
what and when something is required, and the
criteria for determining when tasks are complete.
I am not suggesting lawyers issue total ‘work-
package definitions’ to their colleagues, but
adopting a work-package mindset helps add
clarity to sometimes difficult conversations with

Todd Hutchison
People want different levels of
A person’s behavioural style often influences
what level of information they want. This can be
discussed upfront and documented in the
Australia Communications Management Plan. This allows
parties to agree with each other and avoid
providing too little or too much information.

- 35 -

Ignaz Fuesgen
Prepare for effective client feedback
Asking clients for feedback as part of the matter
debriefing is often an unstructured and ad hoc
exercise. Comprehensive preparation based on a
Germany thoroughly orchestrated and transparent
approach, assisted by internal checklists, not
only produces valuable insights and comparable
data for benchmarking purposes, but also avoids
wasting client time.

Antony Smith
Hold matter kick-off meetings
On the one hand, most lawyers scorn the idea
and practice of matter kick-off meetings. They
would prefer to 'just get the work done'. On the
UK other hand, many of those same lawyers are
quick to complain that collaboration and
cooperation between legal service delivery
teams are poor.

The fact is that matter kick-off meetings

significantly improve the chances of developing
engaged, responsive, and collaborative teams.

- 36 -

60Ignaz Fuesgen
Effective delegation authority
Applying a Legal Scrum approach to matter
management offers an effective way to
empower associates and foster accountability.
Germany With its rigorously defined roles and the carved-
out mandate for the legal team, which will mainly
consist of associates, they can be delegated
authority to progress their contribution to the
legal matter management.

Todd Hutchison
Communicate the value
proposition in the client fee
Value pricing is simply maximizing lawyer
revenue based on the real or perceived return to
the client for the investment they are making.
Client fees consist of adjustments made to
margins above the direct and indirect costs.
It is vital to make the client aware of the firm's
value proposition so the value is communicated
and recognized.

- 37 -

62 Anna Marra
Human resources are productive
just 80% of their time
Have you ever been too optimistic in evaluating
your project costs?
Spain, Italy and Try to be realistic about how much a resource
Latam will cost. In a law firm, the leading resources are
the lawyers themselves.

Assume that resources will only be productive

for 80 per cent of their time, and remember that
those lawyers who work on multiple projects
take longer to complete their work because of
time lost switching between tasks.

Todd Hutchison
Identify and resolve issues fast
An Issues Register helps the legal team identify
and alert others of issues that can stop, slow
down or negatively impact the delivery of the
Australia legal matter.

It simply provides an avenue to define the issue,

confirm its priority, create the remediation plan,
allocate it to a resource to progress and track it
to resolution.

- 38 -

64Anna Marra
Assessing impact and probability
will help you prioritize risks
Are you able to identify and prioritize risks that
might affect your project performance? Make a
list of risks that are related to your project
Spain, Italy and activities. Then analyze your metrics to
Latam determine the probability of each risk occurrence
and impact on your project. If the probability and
impact are high, you will need to prioritize the
management of these high-risk events. In PM,
we use a tool called a Risks Management Matrix
to help with this.

Todd Hutchison
Consider the wider risks
An individual's thoughts are influenced by what
they are interested in and focused on. This can
bias their thinking about risks. When considering
Australia the risks of a complex legal matter, utilize a list of
risk categories (e.g., financial, compliance,
technology, stakeholder etc.) that will prompt
broader thinking.

- 39 -

Todd Hutchison
Manage risks early
Law firms are constantly faced with risks when
seeking to deliver matters on time and to budget.
Legal Project Managers should identify risk
Australia events that can inhibit the delivery of the legal
matter and take action to treat them.
If risks are identified and treated early, lawyers
can avoid wasting time trying to put out fires that
may occur later.

Eliana Fonseca
Be proactive in managing risks
Risk Management is a must within LPM practice.
The best way to visualize the potential risks is by
using a risk matrix that assesses the likelihood
United Arab and impact of them happening. To determine the
Emirates "risk tolerance" and to have a response plan in
place are also best practices for forewarning
undesirable outcomes.

- 40 -

Ignaz Fuesgen
Prioritize mitigating reputational
It is worth considering reputational risks as a top
priority during the initial conflict check and
matter definition (inception). Research shows
Germany that brand and reputation have correlation
scores ranging from 60% to 90%, which shows
that perceptions of both tend to move in the
same direction (Zandan, P. and Lustina, M.

69Anna Marra
Identify the area affected by the
When you identify the risks that can threaten
your project, try to understand which area will be
affected the most. Will the new event affect the
Spain, Italy and scope of the project? By what percentage? Will
Latam the scope of the project still be of interest to the
client? Or does the new event create a deviation
in time or cost? Maybe the possible risks might
lower the quality of the job or create the need to
involve more human resources. Understanding
the affected area will make it easy to decide how
to manage the risk before any event occurs.

- 41 -

Litigation decisions
Harald Evers Demanding litigation is one of the most
IILPM LPP challenging areas of legal advice and LPM. Here
are four things to make it easier:
1. Develop the drafts at an early stage (not last-
minute) and give your client risk information at
an early stage, preferably with the help of a
decision tree for visualization.
2. Based on the decision tree, promptly coordinate
the relevant questions about the facts with the
client and the necessary information requested.
3. Following the risk analysis, you can make a
realistic budget agreement with the client, and
agree on the most relevant litigation objectives.
4. Involve your specialist colleagues and external
consultants at an early stage, and define the
individual specialist questions to be solved.
Make sure that you can pull their input together
on time.

Karen Dunn
Document anything you do more
than once
Any time you're doing something more than
once, you've got a process. Write it down. Written
processes prevent errors and enable you to
IILPM LPIP delegate tasks more efficiently and effectively to
Canada the right people. This allows you to select the
people who have the time and skills to do the
work correctly, quickly, and more cost-effectively
than you.
- 42 -

- 43 -

Larry Bridgesmith
Unleash the power of cognitive
Research into human achievement proves that
the more diverse the team, the greater the
innovation they can generate. Cognitive diversity
USA results when different people with different skills,
training and experiences learn to collaborate as a
team. A group that is composed of people with
similar perspectives on a problem tend to see
similar solutions. Collaboration is the key to great
team outcomes.

Todd Hutchison
Provide clarity through
In the absence of information, people tend to
make up negative stories. Just consider when
IILPM LPP you hear the Managing Partner wants to see you
Australia – you may automatically think it is something
terrible. The flow of information to the right
person at the right time and in the right format
eliminates rumours and manages expectations.

- 44 -

74Anna Marra
Engage the project team
Have you ever seen how some people can
become easily disengaged from the legal
project? Use a Responsibility Assignment Matrix
Spain, Italy and to let your team understand their role and
Latam responsibilities in each task of the legal project.
Clarity helps with accountability.

75 Anna Marra
Build “psychological safety” to get
performing teams
Do you ever have a feeling of insecurity when you
are working in a legal team? Does this insecurity
lower your team’s performance? Usually, it does.
Spain, Italy and If so, try to build an environment of
Latam “psychological safety” in which team members
feel safe for interpersonal risk-taking. Only in a
trust-based environment can you get the best

- 45 -

Take control of stress

Todd Hutchison Stress is a real or perceived loss of control.
IILPM LPP Having the right tools in place gives you a better
sense of control. When you document legal
Australia matter issues, you can then determine a remedy
and resolve them. It places you in a position of
control. Without using tools and documentation,
you may become overwhelmed.

Todd Hutchison
Negotiating positions
When negotiating, it is essential to look at
providing a win-win outcome. To avoid being
Australia overly emotional during the negotiation meeting,
preplan your three positions: your target (ideal)
position, your acceptable (compromise) position,
and your walk-away (unacceptable) position.
Then in the negotiation room, you can focus on
the opponent’s perception of value.

- 46 -

Aileen Leventon
Obtain clarity on roles and
Lawyers and other members of the legal team
benefit from clarification of their role. Ensure
every task in a project has a leader who assures
USA that the right person is doing the appropriate
level of work to achieve the goal associated with
performing the task.

79Antony Smith
Be clear about the purpose of team
It often helps to flag up the purpose and rationale
FIILPM LPP of different kinds of team meetings. This sets
expectations and keeps discussions more
UK focused. Status update meetings, meetings
where technical knowledge is shared, problem-
solving meetings and matter/stage review
meetings are different. Planning and designing
these different types of meetings helps create
teams that are engaged and productive.

- 47 -

80 Ignaz Fuesgen
Collect only meaningful data
LPM may give legal service providers and clients
access to an enormous amount of data. One
should carefully consider: is the data really
Germany assisting in meeting the specific matter
objectives set out during the Define phase
(monitoring) and improving the delivery process
of services (insight and foresight)?
In many instances, ‘less will be more’ and
exception reporting can be more useful than
simply displaying overwhelming amounts of

Larry Bridgesmith
Fail fast and recover quickly
Fail fast, fail often and fail small!

Failure is inevitable but most often unwelcome in

USA law. Failure is not the same as a professional
responsibility lapse or a legal malpractice claim.
We “fail” every time something doesn’t work out
as we planned. Recognizing the inevitability of
these missteps can allow us to plan for them and
recover more quickly. Developing risk
assessments and planning for the best response
will minimize the potential of significant failures
that we want to avoid.
- 48 -

Harald Evers
Progress over perfection
Always try to communicate a clear project
structure and progress objectively with all
imponderables and subjective sensitivities,
Germany involving and convincing all stakeholders.

In your client's interests, be fair to everyone;

attach importance to achieving results quickly,
openly and in a balanced manner. Do not pursue
perfect goals favouring your client; instead, focus
on bringing the project to a balanced conclusion.

Karen Dunn
Self-reflection brings fresh eyes
Asking WHY you work the way you do will help
you see your work through fresh eyes. We are
IILPM LPIP too often stuck in our own "normal." We work a
particular way because that's the way we have
Canada always worked. Often, it's only by looking
critically at why you work the way you do, that
you'll discover opportunities for improvement.

- 49 -

Todd Hutchison
Task allocations in legal software
Process guides behaviour. When the legal team
utilizes a platform that provides task allocation
and tracking functionality, the whole team works
in unison to efficiently deliver the legal matter.

Todd Hutchison
Body language speaks volumes
Did you know that Albert Mehrabian found that
the likeability for a person was based on:
7% verbal words
Australia 38% tonality of voice
55% body language
The fact that body language and voice tonality
have such a higher ratio than the words used
helps explain why you can see through people
when they are speaking dishonestly – there are
other factors at play.

- 50 -

86 Harald Evers
It’s a matter of transparency
Accounting begins with an explicit agreement at
the start of a mandate to consider: who is being
paid for what?
A legal matter needs precise budget planning
internally. In the event of changes in the
mandate, have a dialogue with your client to
adjust the pricing. Prompt (monthly) billing is
standard in almost all other industries. Any
misunderstandings are identified promptly.

87 Nicolene
Efficient comms builds rapports
A common complaint you often hear against
lawyers is poor reporting. Ensuring that you
identify interested parties and their preferred
IILPM LPP method of communication is critical in building
South Africa strong relationships with clients.

- 51 -

- 52 -

Larry Bridgesmith
Improving legal processes results
from after-action reviews
It is tempting to move on to the next legal matter
when you finish a legal project. However, a brief
"lessons learnt" exercise with the legal project
USA team can provide invaluable insights into
performing the next similar legal task. Simply
asking "What went well?" and "What can we
improve?" allows the team to share their various
perspectives on how they can implement project

89 Antony Smith
Don't look for software solutions too
There is plenty of great software available for
legal teams. However, it is usually best to
improve your team skills, processes and
UK procedures before implementing software to try
and fix your problems. Get as far as you can
without using software, and then implement
software tools to turbo-charge your practice.

- 53 -

Project management is often more
about building the right norms for
people to excel than managing
time, costs and resources.
Todd Hutchison Why do some teams perform better than others,
IILPM LPP even if they all are characterized by similar
individual intelligence? According to many
Australia researchers, the key is to establish the right
group norms or behaviours. Focus your effort on
giving your team the right norms to raise and
exploit its collective intelligence.

91Antony Smith
Brand the LPM methodology to
increase its awareness
After establishing which LPM techniques and
methods work best for you and your organization
via a low-key 'soft' roll-out of LPM, consider more
UK assertive marketing to promote it. Brand your
preferred LPM approach, perhaps even using a
unique logo, to help increase your LPM visibility
with colleagues and clients.

- 54 -

Don't take feedback personally

Antony Smith Successful project managers value, and
FIILPM LPP therefore seek out, regular feedback about all
aspects of their projects. Lawyers tend to shy
UK away from seeking input from colleagues, as
they often equate negative feedback about
matter progress with negative feedback about
their performance.

Separate 'personal performance' from 'project

(matter) performance'. Don't take criticism
personally. Step back and look objectively at how
matter management can be improved
considering feedback received.

Larry Bridgesmith
Legal data analytics
A precious benefit of a systematic LPM process
will be the data it generates about the norms and
variations in the management of legal projects.
Digital data has become the "new oil" in the age
of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Data analytics will prove to be increasingly
valuable in the management of legal matters.

- 55 -

Maintain quality standards

Todd Hutchison Never walk past or accept sub-standard quality.
IILPM LPP Always seek to improve all aspects of what you
do and make continuous improvement simply a
Australia way you do business.

Antony Smith
Early returns on LPM processes
Often I am asked at what point law firms and in-
house legal departments first see the value by
applying legal project management.
Generally, good legal project management
practices become first noticeable due to
improved communications, both within legal
service delivery teams and, most importantly,
with clients.

- 56 -

Larry Bridgesmith
Learning lessons
The best tool for improving your processes and
discovering efficiencies is an after-action review.
When the team looks back at what went well and
USA what could have been better, the door to
improvement opens wide. Adjusting the project
plan with lessons learned empowers the team to
enhance its performance.

97 Antony Smith
Keep team members fully engaged
When the end of a project, especially a long
project, is on the horizon, it can sometimes be
challenging to keep project team members fully
UK engaged. To counter this, start your 'close' phase
as early as possible in the context of the project.
Then use the close phase to inject more energy
into the project.

For example, during your close phase, you and

your team members could change how things
(such as status meetings or status reports are
done) can help keep everyone on their toes as
the team works towards successful project

- 57 -

Todd Hutchison
Adjourn and think of your mental
In the team development model, Dr Bruce
Tuckman talked about the adjourning phase
when the team disbands. This is one of the most
Australia important stages for mental health, when we
stop and look back at our achievements. Only
then do we have a sense of accomplishing

Todd Hutchison
Reflection breeds corporate
Lessons learnt throughout the legal project can
be captured in the lessons learnt register. At the
end of a complex matter, it is worthwhile to
Australia reflect on those lessons and make
recommendations for future improvements.

- 58 -

Ignaz Fuesgen
The 5 Whys - digging deeper
Sometimes, finding the root cause of an issue in
a review isn't trivial at all. Applying the 5 Whys
method may greatly assist. This straightforward
Germany activity consists of asking yourself (or others)
five times in a row the question "why" concerning
an identified issue. Teams usually pinpoint the
source of the issue buried by other problems. It's
easier to find a solution once the root of the
trouble is identified.


The easy LPM tips series will continue – keep a
lookout for them on LinkedIn and Twitter!

- 59 -
Join the Global IILPM Community

Join a worldwide association of legal project

management experts, including lawyers and
professional project managers.

We provide education, internationally-recognized

qualifications, global certifications and ongoing
support to build your legal project management
competency and promote your expertise.

Quality project management helps law firms

remain profitable through:
clear scope development and change
managing their own risks and being
responsive to project issues;
consistently delivering quality outcomes even
during peak workload periods;
better utilizing technology and process
improvement methods;
building stronger teams with clear
accountabilities; and
improving client and key stakeholder

We strive to bring together and support the

growing community of legal project practitioners
and enable a more standardized approach to
LPM best practice worldwide.

—Todd Hutchison, Chairperson

- 60 -
The IILPM provides a pathway to robust,
internationally recognized certifications. Our
graduates stand out in a busy marketplace as
trained in legal project management.

Our Certificates
Legal Project Associate™

The Legal Project Associate™ (LPA)

certification provides graduates with
introductory knowledge about Legal Project
Management, so they can either support legal
matters or work in the legal matter project team
as a team member (not the legal project

To apply for the LPA certification, an applicant

must have successfully completed either the 2-
day (14-hour) ‘Applied Legal Project
Management’ course delivered by an IILPM
Accredited Training Provider, or the online

- 61 -
Legal Process Improvement Professional™

The Legal Process Improvement

Professional™ (LPIP) certification recognizes
a person with applied knowledge about
process improvement techniques in a legal
setting, contributing to increasing
productivity and efficiencies in legal
operations and the legal matter process.

To apply for the LPIP certification, an

applicant must have completed either a 2-
day (14-hour) ‘Applied Legal Process
Improvement’ course delivered by an IILPM
Accredited Training Provider or the online

Legal Project Practitioner™

The Legal Project Practitioner™ (LPP)

certification recognizes a person with
practitioner level knowledge about Legal
Project Management who can successfully
lead legal projects as a legal project
manager. This is the premier global
certification for a legal project manager.

To apply for the LPP certification, an

applicant must complete at least a 3-day
(21-hour) IILPM, an ‘Advanced Legal Project
Management’ course delivered by an
Accredited Training Provider or the online
equivalent, and must have the prerequisite
workplace experience.

- 62 -

Larry Bridgesmith Gustavo Carmona

USA Mexico
Larry is a lawyer in Nashville, Gustavo is a consultant and trainer
Tennessee with over 30 years’ in Project Management, Marketing
experience practicing law in the and Digital Transformation for legal
fields of labor, employment, and service providers. He has a degree in
dispute resolution. He holds a Six Law and International Affairs, a
Sigma Green Belt certificate and is Master's Degree in Commercial Law
an adjunct professor in legal project from the Universidad Católica Santa
management, conflict management María La Antigua in Panama, and a
and mediation at Vanderbilt Postgraduate Degree in Strategic
University School of Law, The Management from Centennial
Nashville School of Law, and The College in Toronto, Canada.
Arizona State University Sandra Day
O’Connor School of Law. Gustavo is a certified Project
Management Professional (PMP) by
Larry cofounded the Program on the Project Management Institute,
Law and Innovation at Vanderbilt and a Legal Project Practitioner
School of Law. He is a founding (LPP) and ATP with the IILPM. He Is
member of the IILPM and sits on the also the author of Digital Marketing
IILPM’s Global Advisory Council. for Lawyers (First Edition) and
collaborator on the magazine Foro
Jurídico in México in subjects such
[email protected] as Legal Project Management and
Legal Innovation.

[email protected]

- 63 -
Karen Dunn Skinner Harald Evers
Canada Germany
Karen is the co-founder of Gimbal Harald is a German lawyer
Lean Practice Management specialized in corporate-commercial
Advisors and the LeanLegal® law and M&A. He has professional
Academy. She’s a Lean Six Sigma experience in-house and as an
Black Belt and an attorney with external legal advisor within law
experience practicing in Canada and firms and global multi-professional
Europe. Karen combines her deep service firms. He is also a certified
understanding of the legal industry Data Protection Officer.
with her training in Lean Six Sigma to
provide practical solutions to Harald has been an IILPM
competitive and budgetary Accredited Training Provider since
pressures facing the profession. 2018. He teaches public and private
courses on LPM for organizations
Karen is a global leader in practice and law firms, speaks at
innovation, Global Advisor to the conferences, Europe’s largest New
IILPM on Legal Process Legal conference, and has authored
Improvement, and a member of the articles on LPM in various German
IILPM’s Global Advisory Council. publications. He’s applied his LPM
knowledge to M&A projects, mass
An Accredited Training Provider, she litigation, data protection matters,
offers LPM and LPI training and and key organizational operations of
coaching in English and French a multinational listed company.
through live, virtual, and on-demand
[email protected]

- 64 -
Eliana Fonseca Ignaz Fuesgen
United Arab Emirates Germany
Eliana is an Argentinian lawyer with Ignaz Fuesgen is Managing Director
an international career focused on of smartvokat, a Legal Engineering
the Middle East. She is currently and Tech startup. With more than 20
based in Dubai, United Arab years’ professional experience at
Emirates (UAE), where she works as international law firms and
a legal counsel associate for one of management consultancies in
the leading retailers of luxury Europe and Sub-Sahara Africa,
watches and jewelry in the region. including KPMG/BearingPoint,
Clifford Chance, Allen & Overy and
Eliana delivers LPM training to Deloitte Legal, he advises clients on
Dubai-registered lawyers through the the transformation of legal services
Continuing Legal Professional with respect to Legal Services
Development Programme Portfolio Management, Legal Project
administered by the Government of Management, and digitisation. His
Dubai Legal Affairs Department and passion lies with innovations related
actively conducts private and public to access to justice.
coaching sessions and training
programs for legal professionals in Ignaz is an Accredited Training
the Gulf Cooperation Council region. Provider and member of the IILPM’s
Global Advisory Council, as well as a
As an IILPM Accredited Training certified Scrum Master. He holds an
Provider, Eliana delivers LPM Executive MBA from Carlson School
courses in English and Spanish. of Management (Minneapolis, USA)
and a Master of Business
Administration from the Vienna
[email protected] University of Business and
Economics (Vienna, Austria).

[email protected]

- 65 -
Todd Hutchison Aileen Leventon
Australia USA
Todd is an executive of the Aileen integrates successful
Australian law firm Balfour Meagher, business skills in supporting lawyers
a police-licensed investigator, and a and their organizations to enable
digital forensic practitioner with them to deliver professional services
Forensics Australia. Todd completed more effectively. She draws on
the world’s first bachelor’s degree in decades of experience as a
legal project management and is practicing lawyer, entrepreneur, Big 4
currently completing his doctorate. Accounting Firm partner, and
He is an international bestselling industry-leading specialist in Legal
author and an adjunct Associate Project Management.
Professor teaching contract law,
project management, and She is the co-founder of Law
international business. Strategy Coach, a blended learning
and coaching platform that supports
Todd is a founder of the International lawyers in acquiring skills not
Institute of Legal Project learned in law school.
Management and its Global
Chairman. He is a former global Aileen spearheaded the IILPM’s
Board Director of the Project development of a competency
Management Institute, and a Fellow model for legal project managers.
of both the Project Management She is also the co-chair of the well-
Institute and the Australian Institute established LPM committee of
of Project Management. CLOC.

[email protected] [email protected]

- 66 -
Anna Marra Caitlin Moon
Spain, Italy and Latam USA
Anna Marra is an Italian lawyer with For two decades, Caitlin “Cat” Moon
a Masters in International Affairs practiced law and learned from
from the Institute for International experience how project and process
Political Studies in Milan. In 2006, management can transform the
she moved to Spain to work as a delivery of legal services.
project management trainer and
consultant for private and public She is currently the Director of
organizations. Anna pioneered the Innovation Design at Vanderbilt Law
implementation of Legal Project School, where she also directs its
Management to improve executive education platform for
performance in law firms and legal practicing legal professionals.
Cat teaches lawyers and law
Anna is the Director of the Legal students how to leverage human-
Project Management Programs at IE centered design to reimagine the
Law School (Madrid, Spain) and co- delivery of legal services.
director of the Legal Management
Program LATAM. She is a member [email protected]
of the IILPM’s Global Advisory
Council and an Accredited Training
Provider. She teaches courses on
LPM and LPI in Spanish, Italian and


- 67 -
Nicolene Schoeman-Louw David Skinner
South Africa Canada
Nicolene founded SchoemanLaw Inc David is the co-founder of Gimbal
in 2007 and is the firm's Managing Lean Practice Management
Director in Cape Town, South Africa. Advisors and the LeanLegal®
She has built a firm committed to Academy. He’s a certified Business
providing solutions that are practical, Made Simple coach, Lean Six Sigma
lawful and make good business expert and lawyer with decades of
sense. For this reason, the firm experience in Canada, Europe, and
offers various training, content the UK. David’s profound knowledge
management, and implementation of the practice, and the perspective
options, regardless of the industry or he gained as a client, helps lawyers
size of the business involved. improve their practice, performance,
and profitability.
As an Accredited Training Provider,
Nicolene has developed online Legal David is a global leader in the
Project Management Courses that application of Lean to the legal
include virtual facilitation and profession, an Accredited Training
mentorship sessions. Provider, and Global Advisor to the
IILPM on Legal Process
Improvement. He facilitates process
improvement projects across North
America, coaches entrepreneurial
lawyers, and teaches LPM and LPI
through in-person, virtual, and on-
demand courses.

[email protected]

- 68 -
Antony Smith
Antony is a solicitor (England &
Wales, non-practising) with post-
graduate level qualifications in law,
project management, and

Since 2012, Antony has focused on

delivering legal project management
training and consultancy services via
his company, Legal Project
Management Limited. Before
January 2020 all of Antony’s training
was delivered face to face. Since
then, he has regularly run IILPM
certification courses via Zoom and
has developed ‘on-demand’ non-
certification courses, made up of
pre-recorded videos and live Zoom

Antony’s IILPM certification training

groups have a maximum size of 12
as his training style incorporates a
lot of workshops and practical

[email protected]

- 69 -

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