Bsbhrm506 Up
Bsbhrm506 Up
Bsbhrm506 Up
3. Procedure
3. Analysis of 2000 Healthcare United recruitment and selection policy and procedures comparing
of 2016 Healthcare United recruitment and selection policy and relevant legislation.
1. The first difference I have noticed in the organisation’s staff quality criteria in 2000 HU
( Healthcare United ) was looking for the best possible employees, whereas, in 2016 HU is
aiming for the best employees available in the industry, which means HU is trying to
increase its staff quality in 2016.
2. 2000 HU policy did not discuss internal recruitment in vacant position analysis step that
requires special exemptions and must be approved by the General Manager according to
2016 HU policy.
3. According to 2000 HU policy managers were providing a supporting role to HR department.
Whereas, in 2016 policy managers are meanly responsible for recruitment selection and HR
is responsible for supporting role. I recommend to hire right people at right time in right
place, HU should give main responsibility of developing position description to managers
instead of HR.
4. 2000 HU policy has mentioned 20-25 working days for adverting vacant position, which basis
of first days of internal advertisement, and next 10 days for external advertisement.
Whereas, in 2016 this period is reduced to 10 days only including internal and external both
internal and external advertisement. In 2000, HU was only considering print media for
internal and external advertisement, whereas, in 2016 advertisement can be published
online and in leading national newspaper.
5. 2016 HU policy did not say anything about short-list applicants but we can say that the 2000
policy and procedure requires few updates on the basis of HU 2016 organisational vision,
which states,
6. Interview applicant.
1. Interview only those internal candidates who meet selection criteria to save time.
2. shift to automation e.g. use ATS (applicant tracking system) for cv/resumes management
and short-listing candidates.
c. According to 2016 policy interview must be conducted by the trained selection panel,
whereas, short timeframe for interview preparation (mentioned in 2000 HU policy make is
In 2000 HU policy HR department organises and choose interview panel whereas, in 2016
policy the managers will resumes major responsibility for recruitment and selection of them
staff so According 2016 policy HR will only play on supporting role in recruitment and
First of all, according privacy act 1988, organisations or individuals are required to take
permission for the reference check from candidate there, inform the candidate in the
beginning stages of recruitment about the reference check procedure and ask them to
provide their referee details and preferred method of communication.
8. Job offer: I will recommend sending an email, in addition of posting an employee contract to
9. Feedback to unsuccessful applicants: I will recommend an email apology/regret letter to all
un successful applicant whether internal or external and giving them an opportunity to seek
feedback if they juke.
1 Job Analysis
(i) All job specifications must be x x
up-to-date (job analysis). The
specifications must meet the
requirements of the job.
(ii) While assessing formal x x x
qualifications (academic, trade,
etc.,) ensure they are essential
to the performance of the job.
Likewise, while deciding the
length of experience, age
requirements etc., ensure they
are ‘essential and justifiable, for
performance of the job and not
set arbitrarily or based on
(iii) Evaluate all job vacancies to x x
ensure it is still required to
meet organizational needs.
(iv) Job analysis must yield a well- x x x
defined ‘person specification.’
A person specification is the
‘basis for assessment and
decision-making. It sets down
the skills, behaviors, and
underlying competencies which
enable a person to perform
that job successfully and in
accordance with the
organization’s values.’
2 Preliminary interview
(i) Short list candidates based on x x
essential qualifications first
followed by desired
(ii) Document all decisions. Provide x x x
rationale for each decision
(iii) Candidate selection criteria x x x x
must match the job
specifications. The selection
criteria should focus on skills,
experiences, qualifications
(knowledge) essential to
performance of the job.
(iv) Differentiate between essential x
criteria and desirable criteria.
Essential criteria are required
for the performance of the job.
Without them, the worker will
not be able to perform the job.
Desirable criteria are those that
will aid in the performance of
the job. Having them is an
added benefit but they are not
essential to the performance of
the job.
(v) Criteria must be specific. Avoid x x x
ambiguous and vague criteria
i.e. must possess good
communication skills
(vi) Each criteria must have well x
defined assessment method.
(vii) Prioritize all selection criteria x x
according to relevance and
(viii) Base decision on all x
information; application form,
interview, referee’s reports,
tests, etc.
(ix) Be prepared to provide x x
constructive feedback to
unsuccessful applicants on their
performance against the
selection criteria.
(x) Keep a list of previous x x
shortlists, reserve lists.
(xi) Set up a recruitment panel x x
responsible for the overall R&S
process-from writing up the
advertisements, to specifying
selection criteria and
assessment methods to making
the final selection.
(xii) ‘No criteria should discriminate x x
on the grounds of race, caste,
religious belief, disability,
gender, sexual orientation or
age unless the criteria is
fundamental to the job, clearly
justifiable and meets the legal
requirements of
antidiscrimination law.’
3 Employment tests
(i) Tests must match the essential x
requirements of the job.
(ii) Tests must be void of any bias x
or indirect discrimination
(iii) ‘Think beyond just hard skills, x x
knowledge and experience. The
right attitude may be one of the
most important factor in
determining an individual’s
success in a job.’
4 Interview
6.Develop a recruitment and selection policy and set of procedures, including checklists, that
complies with organisational, legal and policy requirements. Develop procedures for:
Policy statement:
Healthcare United is an organisation that seeks to employ the best possible healthcare professionals.
It is an equal opportunity employer. Healthcare United use innovative best practices and procedures
in a competitive environment.
The purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to ensure that Healthcare United has the
best employee available to provide its services effectively. The Healthcare United recruitment and
selection process has been developed in line with organisational strategies, relevant legislation and
best practice recruitment and selection.
2. Position description
a. Position title
1. All vacant and new position will be advertised internally and externally for ten working days
unless special exemptions apply.
2. Advertisements will be developed by HR and publications department in consultation with
department manager.
3. Advertisements should be developed by considering following fact or:
a. Tarket audience potential job candidate.
b. Current labour market understand the supply and demand in the labour market for the
skills Seth you are recruiting.
d. Communication channels: How you will advertise and promote advertise in print and
online media both depending on target audience.
4. Shortlisting Candidates
Short-listing is a process of elimination. Healthcare United requires to short-list all internal and
external applicants.
HU will use ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to manage, store, screen, and rank all received
applications (resumes):
5. Interview preparation
Healthcare United uses the interview selection technique with interview being conducted at actual
working sites. Healthcare United requires a selection panel of 1or 2 representatives from the related
department to interview applicants.
a. Make sure that interview panel must consists of trained in interview technique. This
training should specify how to conduct structured interview which is behavior oriented, how to
provide effective feedback, instructions on note taking, how to avoid interviewer bias and how
to select applicants based on merit.
6. Interview applicants
Interviews are to be conducted at actual work sites. Interviews are to be flexible in duration
depending on value and quality of the candidate. No more than 12 Interviews should be conducted
in a day.
Note: Check if there in a need of any special assessments before interview (e.g. Physical
acers, interpreters).
7. Reference check
Reference checks are an important part of the selection process. HU reference check must be
conducted on both internal and external applicants by the HR department.
a. Employment dates.
2. Contact professional referees (whose details are provided by the applicant) to obtain
information about the applicant.
3. Follow a structured approach by using a standardised questionnaire (rating score)
4. Telephone interview is quick way to obtain information. Email is also a good obtain if
telephone is not a preferred way of communication.
5. Discuss reference with other members of the panel.
8. Job offer
Job offer nedd to be made immediately after reference.
1. HR department organise written contract to be down up with terms and conditions also
include advice about salary and probation period.
2. A telephone call and email will also send to the successful applicant regarding offer letter.
3. Administration to employee contract to applicant.
4. Upon receipt of signed contract, HR advice new employee about induction reference
through phone call and email.
7. Develop a draft communications plan for the organisation using suitable media and including
managers and other staff who need to be informed of new policy and procedures.
8. Arrange a time and place to meet with your assessor (in the role of a senior manager) to:
1. Age
2. Qualification
3. Industry
4. State
5. Work duties & responsibilities
Modern pay rate can be calculated by using the online test given on the above mentioned
government website.
9. In a role-paly arranged by your assessor, facilitate and evaluate some training on at least two of
the procedures developed using a Training evaluation form.
A) Interviewing skills
a. They will learn not to make assumptions on the basis of person’s physical ability.
c. Listening skills.
B) Employment test:
a. They will learn how to develop test items which are relevant to the essential requirement
of the job.
10. Answer the following questions and record our answers on a document for submission to your
Recruitment process
Organisations aim to recruit the best available candidate who best meets their selection criteria,
competencies, needs, values and future directions of the organisation. When you manage a
recruitment process you need to be aware of the bigger organisational picture, HR planning, and
the factors that can affect the process. See the following diagram.
1. Organisation policies.
2. Organisation procedures.
3. Personal Skills and knowledge.
4. Available budget.
5. Allotment: sessional, part-time, casual.
6. Reputation of organisation.
7. Opportunity for learning and development.
8. Current labour marke.
The recruitment process needs to be managed in a very thorough manner to achieve the
objectives of HR planing and to ensure an organisation’s continued growth and productivity. It
needs to be monitored and evaluated in accordance with current organisational policy and
relevant legislation.
b. Position analysis
c. Permission to recruit
d. Selection committee
g. Advertise/search
h. Applications collated
As you can see from the above recruitment process flowchart, recruiting is not a simple case of
putting an advertisement in the paper. It involves several steps from conducting an analysis on
the vacant position to deciding recruitment options and each step has its own procedures based
on a recruitment policy.
Explain the concept of outsourcing
As a manager, you need to be aware of the many specialists associated with recruitment
processes. These include:
1. Recruitment agencies
2. Agencies who run security checks
3. Writers who specialise in job descriptions
4. Vocational psychologists
5. Competency profilers
6. Remuneration specialists - brand match salaries for newly created positions.
Organisations have the option of outsourcing a function or a service when using external
specialists from the above list. There are two types of outsourcing:
1. Short-term outsourcing.
2. Long-term outsourcing.
Describe the purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations
An employment contract details the terms and conditions of employment, as well as the
responsibilities and rights of you and your employer. This document is required by law to be
given to you no later than two months from the first day of employment, but ideally on your first
day with an employer.
The purpose
The purpose of an employment contract is to ensure that both you and your employer have a
clear understanding of what is expected during the term of employment. This document can also
serve to eliminate any disputes which may arise at a later date. It also helps you to understand
what your rights are under the law. Both you and your employer are bound to the employment
contract until such time that it ends due to notice given or a change in terms by either party.
Industrial relations
The Industrial Relations Commission is established under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 with
conciliation and arbitral functions. Section 3 of that Act sets out its functions as follows: To
provide a framework for the conduct of industrial relations that is fair and just
- To prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace and in particular to ensure equal
remuneration for men and women doing work of equal or comparable value
- To encourage and facilitate co-operative workplace reform and equitable, innovative and
productive workplace relations.
Summarise relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may
affect recruitment, selection and induction
9. Work/occupational health and safety legislation as enacted and enforced in your state.
Explain why terms and conditions of employment are an important aspect of recruitment
Importance of terms and conditions of employment as starting a new job the Employment Rights
Act says that all employees must be given a copy of their terms and conditions of employments,
which should be given within a month. The terms and conditions of employments includes thing
like wages, working hours and sickness pay etc. Also, the business has rules and regulations
which everyone needs to follow. The employees and employers need to know each other
responsibilities within the workplace. It also specifies the rights from the terms on which the
employee can legitimately challenge made by the employer. It also shows what the employer is
needed form the employee. The implied terms are terms which are applied to both employers
and employees is obvious but both of them need to abide them and if failure to do so would be
breaking those terms. The employee needs to abide the health and safety rules. If they fail to do
so then someone can get hurt or injured very bad then the employer can be sacked from work or
even maybe prosecuted but if something has been damaged then they will have to pay for the
damage or pay compensation to whoever that has been injured.
Psychometric tests and skills tests are often used in job selection. Both can be vital tools to help
you find the best people for the job. But what exactly are the, and what are the differences
between these two types of tests? Psychometric tests are instruments that tell us about
individual differences: such as personal characteristics or cognitive ability (intelligence),
compared to other people. Skills tests tell us about whether a person con perform a certain set
of tasks, and how well. While they might sound quite similar, they are actually different. The
main differences between psychometric and skills tests are their design, their applicability and
what conclusions can be drawn.
3. Procedure
Date: 14-08-2018
Time: 4 pm.
Agenda Details:
Dear All,
I would like to invite you to a meeting on HR needs identification. Please find attached
meeting agenda.
Venue: …............................................
Date: …...............................................
Time: …...............................................
Kind Regards,
Director HR
2. Develop or review the organisation’s human resources (HR) capability or staffing plan to address
the HR needs of the organisation and have the plan approved by the relevant senior manager or as
per organisational processes.
a. Staffing objectives
- Promote diversity.
- Succession planning.
3. Develop job descriptions, including position descriptors and specifications (see attached
template, for use if required).
1. Job Description:
Job description includes basic job-related data that is useful to advertise a specific job and
attract a pool of talent. It includes information such as job title, job location, reporting to and of
employee, job summary, nature and objectives of a job, tasks and duties to be performed,
working conditions, machines, tools and equipments to be used by a prospective worker and
hazards involved in it.
2. Job Specification:
4. Identify at least one specialist who may be able to assist in the recruitment and selection
5. Agree a time and place to meet with your assessor. Prepare todiscuss:
Your planned use of specialists who may assist you.
1. Assessing HR needs.
2. Reviewing and updating recruitment policies and procedures.
3. Recommend changes is selection process.
4. Recommend changes in induction process.
How you will ensure correct use by managers of position description.
I will ensure correct use by managers of position description with the help of industry job
1. Develop an action plan for recruitment and selection in accordance with the HR staffing
plan, including training, advertising,
2. Assess the need for and provide training or other forms of support, such as coaching, for
persons required to participate in recruitment. Collect evidence of conducting or providing
training or support, including deliver/coaching plans or schedules.
For Healthcare United we have already done some part of this activity in Task 1.
3. Conduct advertising in accordance with planning. Collect evidence such as screen captures
of online advertising.
4. Conduct recruitment and selection in accordance with planning and internal and external
a. Interview questions.
- Successful candidate.
- Unsuccessful candidate
Nicky M.
Street Address
Dear Nicky,
Thank you for your application for the position of Marketing Manager.
We are regret to advise that after careful consideration, your application has not been successful.
We received many applications, with a number of other applicants better matching the selection
criteria for the position on this occasion. We would like to thank you for the obvious time and effort
you made with our application, and for considering Company as a prospective employer.
Your sincerely,
Matthew S.
Senior Manager
Post code
Dear Nicky,
Following your recent interview for the position of Marketing Manager I am pleased to inform you
that the company would like to make you an offer of employment. Your job title will be selling. A
copy of the job description is enclosed for case of reference.
This appointment is (01/09/18-05/09/18). The salary for this position is $7500. You will be entitled to
365 days annual leave and 20 days public holidays. Standard working hours are 40 per week
exclusive of lunch breaks. The standard hours of work are from 7.30 am to 4 pm daily.
Your employment with the Company would be on the terms set out in the enclosed contract of
employment and Company Handbook.
Please contact me at the number below as soon as possible to confirm your acceptance of this offer.
Yours sincerely
Contact Details
1. Conduct research on induction procedures and program content within your workplace and
Healthcare United is committed to inducting all new employees, volunteers and contractors into the
organisation, in order to ensure that they have a smooth integration into their role and become
operationally competent. Induction programs which are well planned, conducted and evaluated will
enable new employees to learn about the organisation, its culture and the requirements of their
The purpose of this document is to ensure that new employees, volunteers and contractors have a
smooth transition into the organisation and their roles.
New employees refer to both recruits to the company (including contractors, casuals, volunteers and
temporary staff), and staff transfers and promotions.
This Policy applies to employees responsible for conducting Inductions within Healthcare United. All
employees (including contractors, casuals, volunteers and temporary staff) will be inducted into
Healthcare United in a manner as described in the procedures which accompany this policy
2.Draft policy statement, objectives, program outline, procedures and documents for each stage of
induction process that suit the organisation and comply with relevant legislation.
It is the responsibility of the CEO to ensure that:
an Induction Coordinator is assigned who will be responsible for arranging the induction of
new employees;
all new employees participate in an induction program.
The Induction Coordinator must schedule all new employees to attend an induction on their first day
of employment, nominating the area where the induction will be conducted, and ensuring all
necessary resources are available (e.g. chairs, DVD player, overhead projector, refreshments, etc.).
In cases where a new employee cannot be inducted by the Induction Coordinator, the Induction
Coordinator must arrange for an appropriate Manager or Supervisor to carry out the task.
An appropriate amount of time and expenditure should be used to ensure that all of the required
information is communicated to the new employee., such as Occupational Health & Safety
requirements, duties to be undertaken, dealing with clients/customers, physical layout of the site,
etc. This will ensure that employees can work safely and represent the organisation effectively.
The Induction Coordinator should tailor the induction program to suit the needs of the employee(s)
being inducted and provide the appropriate information to the new employee(s).
The Induction Coordinator should assign a “mentor” who will help induct the new employee during
the first two weeks of employment. The mentor should provide support, give advice on matters
arising, answer questions informally, give practical tips, introduce staff and be involved in giving
The Induction Coordinator is responsible for following up the employee’s induction during the first
week and month as indicated on the Induction Checklist (see Appendix A).
The Induction Coordinator should work through an Induction Checklist for each new employee,
ticking each item as it is addressed and crossing out those items not applicable. They should ensure
that the new employee and the appropriate Manager sign the Induction Checklist on completion.
Follow Up
The Induction Coordinator should ensure that each employee completes an Induction Evaluation
within three weeks of completing the Induction and forward this to the Human Resources
Related Documents
Position: ________________________________________
Employee Handbook
All Occupational Health and Safety Policies and processes, including (but not limited to) fire
safety, incident reporting, and sexual harassment policies and procedures
Other relevant policies
Organisational structure
Services provided
Introduce employee
Position description
Relationship of job to other jobs within the organisation
Leave entitlements
Remuneration and superannuation
Professional image
Training and development
Conduct office tour, including:
Tea room/canteen
First aid facilities
Car Parking / public transport
Local shops/facilities
Public transport
Introduce new employee to:
Assign a person to act as mentor for the next two weeks
Distribute Induction Evaluation for the employee to complete within three weeks.
Date: ______________________________________________________
Manager/Supervisor Name___________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________
3. Induct staff using your guidelines or following relevant or ganisational policies and procedures.
Probationary Review:
Instructions: Use this form to provide feedback to an employee during their 180 days probationary
period at UT. The probationary period is a part of the selection process and is intended to assess
whether a probationary employee’s performance, ability and behaviors merit continuation of
employment. It is your responsibility to notify an employee when his or her performance is below
acceptable standards.
….......................................................... …...............................................................
…......................................................... …...............................................................
Consider all position expectations. If the employee is making satisfactory progress, use space below
to make recommendations for aiding the employee in continuing his/her progress on the job. If the
employee is not making satisfactory progress, indicate nature of problem, any previous dates of
counseling, and any remedial action taken. Attach additional sheets for comments if necessary.
….......................................................................... ….........................................................................