DepEd CAR Research Agenda 2016 2019
DepEd CAR Research Agenda 2016 2019
DepEd CAR Research Agenda 2016 2019
In this time of rapid changes in our educational system, the importance of research is being
recognized in improving the delivery of basic education services. The Philippines is at its peak of
implementing the K to 12 Program and is on its way for the first batch of Senior High School students
in 2016. The K to 12 programs brings lots of challenges not only in the learning process but also in
implementing education policies and programs consistent with the Department of Education’s vision
and mission.
Chapter 1, Section 7 (5) of R.A 9155 states that the DepEd is mandated to “undertake national
educational research and studies” from which it can become part of the basis for necessary reforms
and policy inputs. In support to these, DepEd has issued Department Order No. 13, s. 2015 which
established a systematic policy development process; it explicitly promotes evidence-based policy
formulation that can be supported by research. And through DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2015 / DepEd
Order No. 4, s. 2016, DepEd started to provide funding facility for research through the Basic
Education Research Fund.
Rationale and Background
In keeping with the challenges to ensure quality education in the Cordillera Administrative Region
(CAR), the Department of Education, Cordillera Administrative Region Research Agenda was crafted
aligned with the Basic Education Research Agenda-National Research Agenda. The Regional Research
Agenda shall guide the Policy, Planning, and Research Division (PPRD) and other Regional Office
Divisions in DepEd, CAR in gathering and examining evidence that can be essential in developing
policies relevant to the Region’s needs and aspirations.
The DepEd, CAR Research Agenda identifies research topics that were identified by the different
Regional Office divisions in response to pressing concerns in the Philippine basic education, consistent
with the Department of Education’s vision and mission. The DepEd, CAR Research Agenda seeks to:
1. Build on gains from existing research;
2. Generate new knowledge on less explored but priority fields of basic education;
3. Systematically focus the DepEd, CAR’s attention to relevant education issues; and
4. Maximize available resources for research within and outside the Region.
The DepEd, CAR adheres to the following principles in the conduct of basic education research:
Given the influence of research on education decisions and actions, quality research is
expected. Excellence demands that the inquiry is relevant and researchable; methods
applied are appropriate; and findings are logical, coherent, and supported by data.
Although the research design may vary depending on the nature of the study, researchers
must apply rigorous and empirical methods grounded on scientific inquiry.
The highest ethical standards shall be applied to basic education research. Whether or not
human subjects are involved, researchers must ensure that the study will not cause people
harm. Research participants should be informed about the general purpose of the study and
should not be exposed to unusual risk. Consistent with the principle of excellence, integrity
also requires honesty and accuracy in the collection, analysis and reporting of data.
In the same manner, the identified themes dovetail with the Department’s mission, particularly its four
key stakeholders. The Teaching-Learning process responds to students’ and teachers’ needs. Child
Protection focuses on the students. Human Resource Development addresses concerns of teaching
and non-teaching staff, while Governance centers on administration and stakeholder engagement.
Each of the research themes is described with brief discussions of its general background and
coverage. The themes have been expanded into research questions to focus the investigation and
shape the design of a study. All questions are illustrative and need not be phrased verbatim to allow
flexibility in the research design. The stated research questions serve as concrete starting points for
discussions and may evolve upon further analysis. It is thus possible to combine or reformulate
research questions.
Each research theme contains sub-themes that have been broken down into general research
questions. Topics under each general question have been identified to highlight more specific areas of
interest, and not necessarily to limit its scope. Researchers are welcome to explore other topics that
likewise address the identified sub-themes. Explanation is provided to offer context to the intention of
the research questions and topics.
While the themes and questions appear as stand-alone areas of inquiry, the Research Agenda
recognizes that many of the listed topics relate to each other. Moreover, the Department recognizes
that the following cut across the four themes of the Agenda: (1) Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management; (2) Gender and Development; and (3) Inclusive Education. Some questions
and sub-topics expressly cover these areas of concern. Also, as necessary, separate research
questions under these areas have been identified to cater to more specific concerns.
Theme 1: Teaching and Learning
Instruction incorporates strategies to enhance teaching-learning
process. Particular attention is given to teaching various subjects
in light of reforms under the K to 12 Program, and the growing
importance of honing well-rounded learners able to compete in
the current as well as future economies in the Cordillera
Administrative Region.
Key topics under Instruction include, but are not limited to the following:
General Research Questions Topics
What factors affect the Class size
teacher’s delivery of Contact time
the curriculum in CAR? Materials and resources
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education
Medium of instruction
Continuing professional development and support (e.g. coaching and
mentoring, Learning Action Cell [LAC])
Classroom management (e.g. positive discipline)
Learning space/environment
Lesson planning and creation of Instructional Materials (IMs)
Teacher’s profile (e.g. background, specialization, knowledge, motivation)
On the other hand, Curriculum focuses on the contribution of the new K to 12 curriculum on improving learning
outcomes. With the integration of skills and competencies such as DRR and CCA in the delivery of the new
curriculum, looking at effectiveness is crucial.
Key topics under Curriculum include, but are not limited to the following:
This Agenda will study the developmental, social, and behavioral effects of the teaching-learning process on Learners, who are the
primary clients of basic education.
Key topics under Learners include, but are not limited to the following:
General Research Questions Topics
What factors affect the learning behaviors of Child development
External and internal environment
learners in CAR? Teaching strategies
Multiple intelligences
DepEd has defined the official K to 12 Assessment Framework, which lays out current policies and shows the
current thinking on the matter. As a key component of the teaching-learning process, Assessment requires further
study to refine the details of the framework.
Key topics under Assessment include, but are not limited to the following:
Learning Outcomes
The Research Agenda further examines Learning Outcomes by understanding what drives achievement, and by assessing and
comparing the progress of learners across subjects, grade levels, and geographical regions.
Key topics under Learning Outcomes include, but are not limited to the following:
General Research Questions Topics
What factors affect the achievement Teacher’s profile (e.g. specialization, training, experience)
of learning outcomes in CAR? Learning environment
Learning resources
How does the achievement of Division and school variation
expected learning outcomes vary in School typology
terms of practices per division and / Role of leaders
or school in CAR? Geographic, political, and economic factors
Partnerships (i.e. LGUs, other private and public organizations and institutions)
Main topics under Child Protection include, but are not limited to the following:
Career Development
There is likewise a keen interest on the Career Development of both teaching and non-teaching personnel in order
to surface and address their capacity-building needs, and examine various dimensions and determinants of their
professional growth. Specific questions attempt to validate reported challenges to their personnel movement and
Key topics under Career Development include, but are not limited to the following:
Employee Welfare
Understanding career development also includes studying the nature and effectiveness of existing Employee
Welfare provisions. The Department seeks to explore monetary and non-monetary strategies as well as non-
traditional mechanisms to keep its personnel, especially teacher, motivated to perform well.
Key topics under Employee Welfare include, but are not limited to, the following:
Theme 4: Governance
Managing the largest bureaucracy towards educating the
nation’s future requires efficient and effective operations. The
Governance theme of the Research Agenda, which covers
planning, finance, program management, transparency and
accountability, and evaluation, underscores Deped’s
commitment to ensure that its structure, systems, and
processes contribute to the achievement of basic education
The Department has already provided internal guidance (DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2015) for the development of effective and
efficient policies. With this in place, DepEd’s next concern is to ensure that these policies are implemenated and translated into
appropriate programs. Because it governs a very large sector with complex interrelationships, the Department often encounters
challenges in its Planning process. This section deals with standards and policies that ensure the achievement of the Department’s
Key topics under Planning include, but are not limited to, the following:
Financial management is critical component in the governance of basic education. Relevant research areas include
meeting government budget, accounting, and auditing requirements without compromising efficiency. This
highlights the need to closely examine the effects of financial management not just on program managers, but
also on the intended beneficiaries.
Key topics under Finance include, but are not limited to, the following:
General Research Questions Topics
How can DepEd, CAR improve its Policies and practices
process in the sourcing, Issues and challenges
acquisition, disbursement, Timeframe
Budget deliberation and complete staff work
recording, and reporting of Budget execution
program & project funds, Evaluation and policy amendment
consistent with applicable laws, Computation of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) to provide
policies, rules, and regulations? implementing units with accurate funding needs
Program Management
Program management focuses on how DepEd can best develop, implement, monitor and evaluate programs,
projects and activities. While evaluation is discussed separately, this section focuses on the core implementation
phases of program management. After the core mandate of teaching, program management is essentially the next
most important function of DepEd.
Key topics under Program Management include, but are not limited to the following:
How can DepEd, CAR Bilateral and multi-lateral One area of interest from
maximize external agreements this research question is the
partnerships locally and Public-Private Partnerships delivery of basic education
abroad to facilitate the (e.g. Build-Operate- services to undocumented
delivery of basic Transfer, Build-Lease- Filipino learners abroad.
education services? Transfer, Build-Transfer)
A separate section is dedicated to Evaluation, which by itself offers a multitude of topics. In this
document, monitoring is treated as part of management, as it provides timely information for periodic
decisions that need to be made while implementing various programs, policies, and activities.
Evaluation, on the other hand, aims to determine if the undertaking produced its intended result in
the best way possible so that decisions can be made to continue, discontinue, or revise the said
undertaking at the appropriate stages of the cycle.
Key topics under Evaluation include, but are not limited to the following:
General Research Questions Topics
How effective have Decentralization of basic education Science, Technology, Engineering,
DepEd, CAR policies, governance and Math Program
programs, and projects Private school regulations Strengthened Technical-Vocational
been in meeting their Private sector partnerships Education Program
stated objectives? What Community engagement and participation Adopt-a-School Program
are the unintended Civil society organization (CSO) engagement Library Hub
in governance MTB-MLE
Human Resource Training and Development ADMs
Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy School-based initiatives
(formerly Every Child A Reader Program) implemented in various versions in
Multi-grade schools different divisions
Regional Science High Schools Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS)
Special Science Elementary Schools
As mentioned, cross-cutting and emerging education social concerns will be considered in developing research
questions under all the four themes. To inform policies and programs on these concerns, also listed below are
research questions specific to each crosscutting theme.
Inclusive Education
General Research Questions Topics
How ready is DepEd, CAR in providing an Inclusive education programs
inclusive learning environment? Teaching strategies
Capacity building programs
Instructional materials
What are the perceptions of internal and external Internal and external stakeholders
stakeholders on inclusive education in the Inclusive education in the Philippines
Philippine education system?