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Areas of Application
Inventory control
Facility design (distribution decision)
Product mix determination
Portfolio analysis
Allocation of scarce resources
Investment decisions (constructing new plant, expanding programs, sub-contracting and
the like)
Project management.
Chapter two
Formulating linear programming models involves the following steps:
1. Problem definition
2. Represent unknown quantities
3. Determine the objective function
4. Identify the constraints
- System constraints:- more than one
- Individual constraints
- Non-negativity constraints
- Product Mix: Using resources like labor, equipment, and materials to decide how much of
each product to make for maximum profit.
- Diet Problems: Mixing raw materials or ingredients to create a product that meets specific
dietary needs at the lowest cost.
- Blending Problems: Similar to diet problems, with an additional requirement to achieve a
specific consistency in the mix.
- Portfolio Selection: Allocating a fixed amount of money among different investments to
maximize income or total return, while meeting specific investment requirements.
Important Definitions
- Solution: The values of decision variables that satisfy the constraints of a linear programming
(LP) problem.
- Feasible Solution: The values of decision variables that satisfy all constraints and non-
negativity conditions of an LP problem at the same time.
- Infeasible Solution: The values of decision variables that do not satisfy all constraints and non-
negativity conditions of an LP problem at the same time.
- Basic Solution: A solution obtained by setting some variables to zero and solving for the
remaining variables in a set of simultaneous equations.
- Basic Feasible Solution: A feasible solution to an LP problem that is also a basic solution,
where all basic variables have non-negative values. It can be degenerate (if at least one basic
variable is zero) or non-degenerate (if all basic variables are non-zero and positive).
- Optimal Basic Feasible Solution: A basic feasible solution that optimizes the objective
function value of the given LP problem.
- Unbounded Solution: A solution where the value of the objective function of the LP problem
can increase or decrease indefinitely.
- Graphical linear programming is used to find the best solution for problems with two decision
- It helps in understanding important concepts of models and solutions.
- The optimal solution is where the constraint lines intersect, meaning all resources are used or
- Constraints without slack are called binding constraints and limit the solution.
- Unused capacity can be useful for planning, such as scheduling activities or considering
- Slack variables can represent any difference between the left and right sides of a constraint, and
are added to make the constraints equalities.
- Slack variables do not contribute to the objective, so they are assigned a coefficient of zero in
the objective function.
Sensitivity analysis, also called post-optimality analysis, goes beyond finding the best solution in
linear programming.
It starts with the final table of numbers used in the problem-solving process.
It helps understand how changes in the problem's parameters, like constraint coefficients or
objective function coefficients, would impact the solution.
This analysis is useful for decision-makers as it provides insights into how different factors can
affect the optimal solution.
The Assignment Problem (A.P) is a special case of the Transportation Problem (T.P) where the
number of origins is equal to the number of destinations (m=n).
Assignments are made on a one-to-one basis, meaning the number of jobs equals the number of
machines or persons.
Each person or machine is loaded with one and only one job, and they can handle any of the jobs
being presented.
Loading criteria must be specified, such as minimizing operating time, maximizing profit, or
minimizing production cost.
The objective is to assign the given job to the most appropriate machine or person to optimize
the objective, like minimizing cost.
The Assignment Problem is a variation of the Transportation Problem with a square cost matrix
and only one assignment per row or column.
Adding or subtracting a constant from each element in a row or column doesn't affect the optimal
The Hungarian Assignment Method (HAM) is an efficient way to solve assignment problems.
Special Issues
When we solve assignment problems, there are cases which are treated differently from the usual
Unbalanced Assignment Problems:
When the number of workers and machines is not equal, it's called an unbalanced problem.
In unbalanced situations, we add dummy rows or columns with zeros as the cost elements to
make the problem balanced.
Excess machines or workers may remain idle in unbalanced problems.
List of Alternatives: Set of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive decisions available to the
decision maker.
States of Nature: Possible future conditions or events beyond the decision maker's control that
determine the consequences of the decision.
Payoffs: Profits, revenues, costs, or other measures of value associated with each alternative and state
of nature combination.
Degree of Certainty: The level of certainty or uncertainty regarding the likelihood of different states
of nature.
Decision Criteria: The decision maker's attitudes and preferences, such as maximizing expected
Payoff Table
A summary device used to organize information about alternatives, states of nature, and associated
payoffs. It may also include probabilities for the states of nature if available.
Hurwitz Criterion:
- Strikes a balance between extreme optimism and extreme pessimism in decision making.
- Uses a coefficient of optimism (α) to weigh decision payoffs, where α is between 0 and 1.
- The maximum payoff is multiplied by α, and the minimum payoff is multiplied by 1-α for each
- A limitation is that α is determined subjectively by the decision maker, making it a completely
subjective criterion.