Sample 11071
Sample 11071
Sample 11071
Dr. Ruby Das C. S. Robinson
Department of Engineering Physics Department of Engineering Physics
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh
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Preface to the First Edition
The basic fundamental Physics forms the foundation of engineering and technology. Physics, and
natural science (being a description of the nature around us) in general, is a reasonable enterprise
based on valid experimental evidence, criticism, and rational discussion. It provides us with knowl-
edge of the physical world, and it is an experiment that provides the evidence that grounds this
knowledge. Experiment plays many roles in science. One of its important roles is to test theories
and to provide the basis for scientific knowledge. Experiment can provide hints toward the struc-
ture or mathematical form of a theory and it can provide evidence for the existence of the entities
involved in our theories.
This book has been written with the specific aim of presenting the subject-matter in the
simplest possible manner keeping in view the difficulties and the limitations of the average stu-
dents. The completely redesigned, pedagogically consistent artwork and diagrams integrate seamlessly
with the text to help “more visual” learners better visualize key concepts. The difficult experiments
are explained in a simple language with the help of neat diagrams. We feel that if a student does
all these thoroughly, the subject will appear to be friendly and enjoyable.
It is earnestly hoped that students and teachers of physics, engineering and technology will
find the book useful. The authors will appreciate any genuine and authentic suggestions, for the
substantial improvement of the book. All available standard books on the subject have been freely
consulted during the preparation of this book. We acknowledge gratefully our indebtedness to the
authors and publishers of different books on the subject. Authors are thankful to the management
of Bhilai Institute of Technology for providing all facilities in the laboratory. We thank the members
of our family for their support and encouragement. Finally we are grateful to Laxmi Publications,
(P) Ltd, New Delhi, for taking keen interest in the publication of this book.
“Physics is the Father of all branches of Engineering and Technology.” The physicist discovers
scientific principles and invents devices to describe and explain them. The technician applies and
magnifies these devices for human convenience and comfort. There is no branch of engineering
or technology in which one or other physical principle is not applied on a scale never contemplated
by the discoverer. Knowledge of Physics is so interwoven with engineering studies that one cannot
think of pursuing engineering studies without the knowledge of Physics. Study of Physics is
essential for students and practitioners of engineering and technology to develop them in proper
understanding of physical phenomenon, scientific temper and engineering aptitude. Thus, it
becomes immensely important to develop zeal among the students by creating an innovative ideas
and thoughts. Obviously the laboratories are the best corners for inculcating such habits.
The authors have judiciously opted to jot down their ideas and work in the form of a
textbook on Practical Physics which is of utmost importance to students. Such type of book was
under very much demand and I am of strong belief that the demand can be fulfilled by the present
book. Moreover, this book will definitely reduce the gap between the theoretical aspects of Physics
and its practical counterpart which is the need of the day. In short, the book is an indispensable
reference to faculty members and laboratory instructors and an invaluable aid to students.
I am pleased and honoured to have been asked to write the foreword for this book. The
authors should be congratulated for providing this valuable reference book for the would be
Dr. M. K. Kowar
Bhilai Institute of Technology,
Durg, Chhattisgarh
For BE-Ist year Examination of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Examination Duration Marks
Total 3 hrs 60
1. Obtain copy of the syllabus of your Engineering Physics lab.
2. Always be regular in practical classes and complete your work within the given schedule.
In all twelve turns (two periods, total of 90 minutes per turn = 24 periods) shall be
scheduled in the whole semester and there are ten experiments to be performed from
different branches of Engineering Physics.
3. Write down the experiments in your practical file in the same manner as given in this
4. Handle all the instruments carefully. Students found involved in any kind of misplacement
or breakage of lab instruments may be liable to fines.
5. Bring calculator, graph paper (if required) and the observation copy regularly in your lab
periods. At the end of the period submission of observation copy is a must for getting
6. Concentrate on each line written in this book, go through the experimental set-ups and
fill all the observation tables mentioned. Show calculations in the given manner. Prepare
answers of viva-voce.
7. Display a disciplined behavior. This should reflect in your manners and even in your talks.
For any quest regarding the Engineering Physics practical, discuss with Teacher in-charges.
8. The award of sessional marks in the examinations is largely dependent on the attendance
in the theory and practical classes as well as in internal marks obtained by your performance
in the lab, which is entered by the teachers in the enclosed internal invaluation chart for
teacher incharges. So, batch-wise get your readings checked by the teacher before leaving
the lab.
1. Do not enter the lab without your observation copy in which your name, batch number
and turn number is mentioned.
2. Do not try to manipulate your readings for getting errorless results. Instead of that learn
how to perform the experiments and discuss your results with the Teacher incharges.
3. Do not avoid the mentioned precautions to be measured in performing each experiment.
4. Do not request for your choice in performing experiment at the time of practical
examination. Anyone experiment shall be asked.
Name of the Student : …………………….
Class/Section : …………………….
Roll No. : …………………….
A Textbook of Engineering Physics