Network Characteristics of LEO Satellite Constellations: A Starlink-Based Measurement From End Users
Network Characteristics of LEO Satellite Constellations: A Starlink-Based Measurement From End Users
Network Characteristics of LEO Satellite Constellations: A Starlink-Based Measurement From End Users
AWS servers
measurement results and observations on the end-to-end network
(9 regions)
characteristics of Starlink, arguably the largest LSN constellation
to date. Our findings confirm that LSNs are a promising solution
towards ubiquitous Internet coverage over the Earth; yet, we also Raspi 4B Starlink Starlink
find that the users of Starlink experience much more dynamics in router dish
throughput and latency than terrestrial network users, and even
Lab computer ISP router Internet
frequent outages. Its user experiences are heavily affected by
environmental factors such as terrain, solar storms, rain, clouds,
and temperature, so is the power consumption. We further Fig. 1. Starlink measurement with diverse scenarios and tools.
analyze Starlink’s current bent-pipe relay strategy and its limits,
particularly for cross-ocean routes. We have also explored its
mobility and portability potentials, and extended our experiments
from urban cities to wild remote areas that are facing distinct Yet, LSNs remain in their early stages with limited user
practical and cultural challenges. bases and user experiences. There are novel theoretical and
simulation-based studies on satellite communications for both
I. I NTRODUCTION GEO and LEO. There exist, however, few comprehensive
Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites operate at around 180 studies that have a deep insight into the practical performance
km to 2,000 km above the Earth surface, which, compared of large-scale LSNs, except for scattered discussions in fo-
to the traditional Geosynchronous orbit (GEO) satellites at rums or with simulations [2], [3]. The complex and dynamic
around 35,780 km, enable much shorter delays and much topologies, as well as the heterogeneous and black-box ar-
higher throughput for space-ground communications, albeit chitectures incurred during incremental deployment, further
with smaller coverage.1 A large number of such LEO satellites, complicate how outstanding LSNs perform. To accelerate the
however, can form an LEO Satellite Network (LSN) constel- design, deployment, and optimization of LSNs, a systematic
lation that collectively offers high-quality network services to measurement is indispensable, though challenging.
ground users with truly global coverage. It has been suggested In this paper, we present our initial results and observations
as a key infrastructure towards the upcoming 6G networking on a systematic LSN measurement study. We focus on the Star-
and beyond [1]. We have seen commercial deployment of LSN link network, which is arguably the largest LSN constellation
constellations in the past decade with rapidly growing attention to date, in terms of both the number of satellites and the user
from the general public. One of the industrial leaders OneWeb, base. We are particularly interested in the end-to-end network
is building a constellation of 648 broadband satellites, which characteristics and performance with diverse configurations
would eventually expand to 7,000.2 Its rival, SpaceX’s Starlink, and applications. These are also the focus of most general
has launched more than 2,000 satellites to LEO and has users of the Internet, the mass consumer market that is targeted
received approval from the Federal Communications Commis- by Starlink. As a matter of fact, the Starlink network operator,
sion (FCC) to bring that number up to 12,000. FCC has further SpaceX, offers a plug-and-play black-box service to common
authorized Starlink to launch 7,500 generation 2 satellites in end users, who can simply connect to a Starlink router through
the near future.3 The next-generation Starlink constellation WiFi or Ethernet, without knowing the satellite communication
may eventually harbor up to 30,000.4 details and the constellation operations. We are therefore
interested in the following key questions:
A short version of this paper is to appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2023
(submitted on Aug. 1st, 2022; accepted on Dec. 1st, 2022) • Can today’s Starlink achieve comparable performance as
a typical modern terrestrial network does for end users?
3 • What are the key influential factors of the Starlink net-
up-to-7500-satellites.html work services as perceived by end users?
4 • Has Starlink achieved global coverage through its con-
stellation? If not, what are the challenges? ISL
Clear View Obstructions
B. Measurement Topology and Environment
Our measurement study started in January 2022 and lasted
7 months. We have deployed 4 dish kits in different locations
for data generation, communication, and collection. Among
them, three are Gen 1 (referred to as A, B, and C, respectively)
Dish A: 2.7% Dish B: 4.7% Dish C: 24.9% Dish F: 0.0% and one is Gen 2 (referred to as F) which is easier to carry
Fig. 3. Samples of Starlink visibility maps, together with obstruction ratios to remote areas. Our experiments span over a wide range of
taken from the Starlink app logs. Dishes A and B are in Burnaby; dish F is terrains, including major cities, namely Vancouver (Burnaby
in Koeye Point.
and Coquitlam in the metro-Vancouver, in particular) in British
Columbia (BC), Canada, with open sky spaces, remote areas
with steep valleys or at the far north (Koeye Point, BC, which
handsets to satellites, a dish (nicknamed as Dishy McFlatface)
is near the current service boundary of Starlink), temperate
is needed to communicate through a User Link (UL) with
rain forests with heavy obstacles, etc. Dish A and B are sta-
a LEO satellite that is currently visible and accessible, and
tioned in Burnaby whereas dish C is setup in Coqutilam, and
the dish then serves local user devices. Two generations of
Dish F is stationed at Koeye Point. To collect the measurement
dishes are available for consumers: the round-shaped Gen 1
data with minimum signal, workload interference, and power
and the rectangular Gen 2. Gen 1 spans 23.2” in diameter and
demands, a Raspberry Pi 4B (Raspi) was directly connected
weighs in at 7.3 kg, whereas Gen 2 is slightly smaller (19” x
to each Starlink router through an Ethernet cable, except for
12”) and lighter (4.2 kg) with more bandwidth streams in the
dish F which has a WiFi interface only. We have performed
router (3x3 MU-MIMO versus 2x2 in Gen 1). The latter has
measurements to 9 destination servers deployed using Amazon
better portability but remains bulky. Not only the sky needs
Web Services (AWS), which are geo-distributed worldwide:
to be clear, but the setup location needs to be wide enough to
Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, North California, Bahrain,
accommodate the dish size and any movement required for its
Tokyo, London, Cape Town, and Mumbai. This overall setup
self-adjusted tilt. A visibility map provided by the Starlink app
can be seen in Fig. 1.
can help with the placement (see Fig. 3 for an example), which
For the experiments where domestic terrestrial Internet
also gives a numerical obstruction ratio in its debug mode. We
access is available, we have used a PC with an i7-10700KF
have used both dishes in our measurement and found that their
CPU and the same AWS servers as the baseline for com-
network services experienced by end users are largely similar,
parison. The baseline presented in this paper is running over
though Gen 2 seems more friendly to TCP.
a terrestrial Cable service with a maximum download speed
Different from early satellite services that often serve a of 800 Mb/s. We have experimented with different terrestrial
niche market, Starlink targets the next generation broadband broadband Internet services of similar maximum speeds, and
Internet service for the global consumer market. To this have observed similar baseline performance. We also used
end, it provides end users a plug-and-play Internet access an Emporia smart plug8 to monitor the instant and historical
interface that hides the aforementioned technical details of power consumption of the dish kit. To understand the impact
satellite communications. The user kit consists of three main of weather conditions, we extract hourly data from a climate
components: the dish, a power-over-Ethernet power supply station at Vancouver Harbour, which is approximately 10 km
adapter, and a router with WiFi and Ethernet port (Gen 1) away from dish A.
or WiFi only (Gen 2) for local devices. The particular satellite
connecting to the dish at a time will act as a repeater, relaying C. Target Applications and Measurement Tools
the signal through the Ka-band to a Ground Station (GS) Our measurement cover different protocols and applications,
through a GS-to-Satellite Link (GSL), which further connects from standard Web browsing and file transfer to high-demand
to the global Internet, or vice versa (see Fig. 2(b)). Currently, video streaming. We use iperf3 to measure the TCP and
there are at least 65 GSes located in North America and 23 UDP throughput in the transport layer. We used cubic TCP
GSes in Europe, as well as others scattered worldwide.7 To as the default, though further studies would be conducted to
successfully establish this bent-pipe for traffic relay, the GS compare with other variants. For each destination server, two
and the dish must be both in the field of view of the satellite iperf3 are launched at different ports for downloading and
at the same time. Therefore, their distance should not exceed uploading, respectively, allowing simultaneous measurements
about 1,000 km. Also note that a LEO satellite has a fly- of both. We also use the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) to
over dwell time of only around 10 minutes over one spot copy files with different data sizes bi-directionally to the AWS
on the ground [15]; when it moves out, the service needs to regions. fallocate has been used to create files with data
be handover to a new satellite moving into the area (if there sizes ranging from 1 to 300 MB. ping and traceroute
is). Starlink has started laser-based ISL (Inter-Satellite Link) have been used to track and analyze the network path charac-
experiments; yet large scale implementation will not happen teristics and routing strategies. We have used the Starlink Mo-
till the end of 2022 [32]. bile App and YouTube’s built-in tool Stats for nerds to
7 8
Terrestrial Regions
1.0 N. California
Regions 300
N. California Tokyo
CDF 0.5 London
Latency (ms)
London 200 Sydney
0.0 Singapore
Starlink Singapore Sao Paulo
1.0 100 Bahrain
Sao Paulo
Bahrain Mumbai
Fig. 4. Cumulative distribution of latency (ms) globally. Fig. 6. Hourly latency over time during a one week period.
300 Starlink Ground Station
Latency (ms)
User Dish
Starlink Service Coverage
200 Starlink Satellite
Terrestrial Router
Starlink Path
100 Terrestrial Path
nia Tokyo ndon ydney apore Paulo hrain umbai Town
a lifor Lo S Sing Sao Ba M ape
N. C C
collect related network, user, and application information. We Fig. 7. Current Starlink network routing framework.
have designed Python-based scripts to automatically launch the
tests and collect the output data, which will be made publicly
available. Bahrain. Starlink’s latency being almost always just slightly
above that of the terrestrial network suggests that only a
IV. U RBAN C ITY M EASUREMENT: S TARLINK VERSUS small number of hops increase this latency, coinciding with
T ERRESTRIAL N ETWORKING the idea of the single bent-pipe transmission framework, i.e.,
We start our measurement in Vancouver, a major city at the only the first hop uses a bent-pipe [14]. Otherwise, if multiple
Pacific West Coast with all the state-of-the-art terrestrial Inter- bent-pipe transmissions are involved, there would be a larger
net infrastructures and Starlink coverage. We have deployed variation of the latency discrepancy between Starlink and the
the dishes in different locations in the city’s residential areas terrestrial network, and Starlink would have lower latency
with sufficient open surrounding spaces, and hence should to some destinations. Sydney being an outlier also reaffirms
reveal the best performance of Starlink. this. When Starlink started accepting requests for a Maritime
version of their dish9 in July 2022, its coverage map only spans
A. End-to-End Latency
across the coastal waters around in-land regions. A switch to
We have measured the latency across 9 AWS regions a terrestrial network would be required to cross the Atlantic
worldwide and looked at the difference between Starlink and or Pacific oceans through submarine fibre. For example, to
the terrestrial network’s latency. In summary, we have found communicate with Sydney, Starlink currently chooses to route
that Starlink’s latency is slightly higher (10%) than that of the packets through a Seattle AWS server after the first hop bent-
terrestrial network on average and is much more unstable (see pipe.
Fig. 4, 5). Obstruction, satellite movements, and ISP routing 2) Latency Variation: Starlink’s latency has a very high
decisions are potential factors that affect Starlink’s latency. variation, around 3.8 times that of the terrestrial network
1) Latency across Regions: We can see noticeable gaps (Shown in Fig. 5). Given that the terrestrial network keeps
between the latencies of Starlink and that of the terrestrial a relatively stable latency as seen in Fig. 6, the common rise
network in Fig. 4 with the average gaps shown in TABLE I. and falls for Starlink not observed in the terrestrial network are
The gaps typically range from 1.8 to 22.8 ms away from likely due to the constant network path changes as satellites
the terrestrial network, with Sydney being an outlier (3.4x to move closer or further away from the dish, affecting the
43.6x larger gap). There is a noticeable increase in latency latency of the single bent-pipe transmission. As shown in
for Bahrain, but since the terrestrial network also observes Fig. 7, when a connected satellite S is moving away from the
such an increase, the dish is likely not the culprit. This
could be due to a connection issue with the AWS server at 9
TABLE I. Average Latency Gaps between Starlink and Terrestrial Networks
Bahrain Cape Town London Mumbai
N. California Sao Paulo Singapore Sydney Tokyo
(µs − µt )∗
Gap 8.4 14.3 16.0 12.9 20.9 22.8 1.8 78.4 9.2
∗ where µ and µ are, respectively, the Starlink’s and terrestrial network’s average latency (ms).
s t
2 50
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Data Sizes (MB)
10 packet losses that are much higher than the terrestrial network.
0 Such losses are not necessarily caused by congestion, as we
rnia Tokyo ondon ydney apore Paulo ahrain umba Town
have observed them with a low UDP throughput experiment
alifo L S Sing Sao B M ape
N. C C as well. For 20% of the presented throughput, which is low
enough to mitigate congestion factors of packet loss [33],
(b) Upload throughput we still see bursty losses of 0.24% and 1.24% on average
for downloads and uploads, respectively. This is consistent
Fig. 8. Throughput measurements across different regions for the terrestrial
(TCP-T/UDP-T) and Starlink (TCP-S/UDP-S) network, respectively. Vertical with early simulation studies for satellite communications
lines correspond to standard deviations of data samples. [34]. Interestingly, there is also a cycle around 12 hours. The
average and peak values differ from cycle to cycle but are
similar across regions during each cycle, suggesting that the
user dish (from S t0 to position S t1 , where the superscripts t0 losses happen most likely on the bent-pipe, in particular, the
and t1 represent the satellite S at different times), the latency UL, which will be further examined in our analysis of the
would increase continuously until a handover to a new satellite routing strategy in Section IV-C.
happens. This is also validated by a closer look at the arrival
time at the packet level — the jitters of Starlink are 0.255 ms For TCP traffic, Starlink has experienced more issues with
(download) and 2.715 ms (upload), both of which are over congestion control than the terrestrial network. Our results
5x higher than that of the terrestrial network (0.041 ms for show that Starlink has a bandwidth utilization [33] of 39.0% ,
download and 0.546 ms for upload, respectively). which is noticeably lower than that of the terrestrial network
(46.8%), suggesting TCP’s congestion control is quite sensitive
B. End-to-End Throughput to the dynamics in the satellite hop. The newer Gen 2 dish
We have measured the throughput of the Starlink dish using may optimize TCP uploads with a 1.76x more throughput as
iperf3 with both TCP and UDP. As shown in Fig. 8, compared to the Gen 1 dishes in the urban city. Unfortunately,
Starlink achieves good throughput (∼80 Mb/s on average) but UDP uploads do not see a similar increase, which is 0.73x
again lacks stability. The standard deviations of throughput of the Gen 1 dishes in terms of throughput. This suggests
for Starlink and terrestrial networks are 50.71% and 34.44%, that the improvement of TCP uploads could be due to a more
respectively. Again, this variation is likely due to constantly optimized access method in the updated dish or the revised
changing network paths from satellite movements and han- router design.
dovers, in addition to potentially low-cost terrestrial network We have also examined bulk data transfer through SCP. As
routing after being passed over from the Starlink network. displayed in Fig. 9, compared to the terrestrial network, there
For UDP measurements, we gradually increase iperf3’s is a much stronger upward trend for Starlink in transfer time
traffic flow until the path is saturated. Starlink’s achieved with higher variance when data sizes grow. While there is
throughput is similar across all regions (see TABLE II). This almost no difference for the 1 MB data size likely due to
suggests either the dish’s hop is physically the bottleneck SCP overhead, SCP over Starlink almost doubles in transfer
or traffic engineering has been applied to this hop at UL time compared to the terrestrial network for the 200 MB data
or GSL. The latter would be the root cause as the results size. This suggests that network dynamics of the satellite hop
in IV-D3 suggest that the throughput may be throttled for accumulate overtime and hence have amplified the impact with
power consumption control. We have also observed bursty larger data size in SCP.
TABLE II. Average Throughput (Mb/s) across Regions and Protocols.
Terrestrial Starlink
Download Upload Download Upload Download Upload Download Upload
N. California 798.89 64.21 804.97 104.42 107.77 6.26 201.42 10.41
Tokyo 647.55 42.69 807.79 99.96 87.28 6.24 205.72 11.18
London 644.71 43.98 806.91 103.49 78.51 6.08 203.56 10.16
Sydney 238.38 37.66 804.55 98.67 70.72 7.16 200.08 10.10
Singapore 475.39 43.25 805.45 101.02 78.11 6.33 202.50 10.56
Sao Paulo 481.63 47.68 807.84 103.21 73.83 6.13 205.39 10.49
Bahrain 398.05 54.07 810.59 103.20 74.49 6.14 194.27 9.90
Mumbai 346.69 51.35 803.79 101.65 66.43 6.29 196.20 10.33
Cape Town 318.90 55.62 816.03 105.58 68.51 6.34 193.67 10.07
Starlink Terrestrial
Bahrain 1.0
Cape Town 0.53 0.51
London 0.44 0.53 0.35 0.54 0.5
Mumbai 0.52 0.62 0.53 0.24 0.48 0.56
N. California 0.37 0.54 0.51 0.49 0.082 0.25 0.17 0.15 0.0
Sao Paulo 0.51 0.63 0.52 0.57 0.48 0.064 0.26 0.16 0.15 0.75
Singapore 0.47 0.62 0.56 0.57 0.46 0.49 0.041 0.3 0.18 0.15 0.65 0.66 0.5
Sydney 0.35 0.7 0.49 0.64 0.39 0.5 0.6 0.097 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.61 0.6 0.62
Tokyo 0.51 0.53 0.58 0.5 0.54 0.56 0.61 0.54 0.079 0.24 0.16 0.14 0.74 0.73 0.67 0.61 1.0
Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Cape Town
Cape Town
N. California
N. California
Fig. 10. Pearson latency correlation heatmap between regions.
C. Routing Strategy considering that London is closer to US East, the traffic from
our measurement location (at the Pacific West Coast) should
The results from our traceroute measurements suggest
be routed by Starlink to GSes in US East using multiple bent-
that the Starlink network only does one bent-pipe communica-
pipe transmissions before switching to the terrestrial network,
tion (e.g., the first UL and GSL) along the route and then enters
which should have lowered the correlations against other
the terrestrial network to arrive at the destination, or vice versa.
regions not in the same general direction as London, such
In our experiments, the Starlink network will always connect
as N. California, Sydney, and Tokyo. Unfortunately, this is
to the geographically closest GS from the dish no matter where
currently not the case as the correlations shown in Fig. 10 are
the destination is. We only see a single SpaceX Services ISP
entry located at a GS nearest to the dish before the routing
So far our discussion has been limited to the case of only
switches to a terrestrial ISP. To the best of our efforts, we
one end being a Starlink user. When Starlink becomes a
have found no reference of Starlink using L2 routing so far.
ubiquitous Internet service, frequently, both network endpoints
As shown in Fig. 6, the regions, especially Sydney, Sao Paulo,
would be dish users. Ideally, one would expect that, when two
and London have similar latency patterns for the Starlink
nearby dishes are both within the service area of a satellite,
network. We use the Pearson correlation between all the
they can peer-to-peer exchange data using the satellite to
regions to further analyze this point.10 The correlation matrices
relay their respective ULs, without going through GSLs or
in Fig. 10 show that all the regions the dish communicates
other terrestrial Internet nodes. To verify this, we have placed
with have moderate correlations, further suggesting they have
dishes A and B together, attempting to connect them directly.
similar latency patterns. Despite communicating with different
Unfortunately, we have discovered that only ssh connections
regions, both observations suggest that similar satellites, GSes,
are allowed by Starlink in this setup. In fact, Starlink prevents
and routes have been used. In other words, this single-bent-
users from editing more advanced features in typical routers
pipe architecture does not participate in the routing strategy
such as port forwarding. In the end, an external proxy must be
other than serving as the first hop to bridge to the Internet (or
used, e.g. through,11 which, being customized
last hop should the Starlink user be the destination). Otherwise,
for Starlink, sets up an external AWS server as the public
10 Pearson correlation works by drawing a best fit line through the dat-
proxy. The throughput averaged 2-3 Mb/s with occasional
apoints on a plot and providing a coefficient that describe the distribu- bursts to 9-12 Mb/s; however, 27% of the throughput read-
tion from the line to denote the correlation between two variables. The ings are simply zero. Clearly, the tunnel-based solution does
closer the Pearson coefficient is to 1, the higher the correlation between
the two variables. See
correlation-coefficient-statistical-guide.php 11
not work well yet, needing improvements for pair-wise dish TCP UDP
communications. Download Upload
Throughput (Mb/s)
D. Environmental Influential Factors 200 20
1) Obstruction: The Starlink App gives the sky visibility
map of the dish at the current location (Fig. 3), together 100 10
Power (Watts)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Precip. Amount (mm)
TABLE III. Outage counts for 2-dish synchronous streaming.
30 Source
Dish A
Dish B place two dishes (A and B) in nearby locations within the cov-
erage of the same satellite. In other words, they share the same
01:00:00 02:00:00 03:00:00 04:00:00 05:00:00 06:00:00
Timestamp GSL but have their respective ULs. We then perform YouTube
streaming synchronously to them, each being attached to a PC
Fig. 16. Buffer health over time for 2-dish synchronous streaming. Each bar to playback the video. The synchronous streaming sessions last
outlines the standard deviation for 7-min samples. Outages are highlighted by
vertical dotted lines. over 24 hours by loop playing back the video, and the PCs’
browser buffers were cleaned up after each playback to ensure
continuous data downloading. We use a script to automatically
regions with huge fluctuations over 1,000 ms. Throughput was scrape YouTube’s built-in tool Stats for nerds for real-
on average 13 Mb/s and 4 Mb/s with rare bursts to 100 Mb/s time data statistics [26], including connection speed, network
and 20 Mb/s for download and upload, respectively. Frequent activity, and buffer health. The buffer health here represents
outages happened every 1-3 minutes, even though the App the length (in seconds) of pre-loaded video content, which,
reports only a 2% obstruction ratio. Given the terrain, we being sensitive to network outages, is directly correlated with
believe that any LEO satellite, if not being directly above, the viewer’s perceived quality.
would be obstructed by the mountains. The clear short-distance As can be seen from Fig. 16, both dishes have experienced
visibility to the sky within the valley would mislead the App’s a series of buffer outages in this synchronous test, some of
algorithm in calculating the obstruction. As a matter of fact, which are overlapped. For instance, two pairs of buffer outages
dish C used to be placed within a balcony in the urban city, occurred at 01:18 and 03:26 simultaneously for both dishes,
suffering from a 24.9% obstruction ratio, but its end user and their Starlink Apps both reported network outages at the
experience there was nearly as good as dishes A and B. same time. The overlapped outages indicate that there can be
This suggests that location (and terrain in particular) plays a common factor, the bent-pipe, causing them between the
an important role and not all obstructions are equal to the two dishes. Table. III summarizes the outage events, from
end user experience. With more satellites being deployed and which we can confirm that a non-negligible amount of outage
the valley becoming officially serviceable, the service quality events are caused by their bent-pipes (over 37.5% for A and
would be improved, if not to the level of flat open areas. 15.79% for B). The data also show that Dish A is more stable
It is also worth noting that both remote locations have not in streaming than B, which is likely because it has clearer
been connected to the power grid, nor would be in the near visibility. There are more trees around dish B, so the Starlink
future. Hence we have to rely on a solar-diesel hybrid power App has reported a 2.7% and a 4.7% obstruction ratio for Dish
system at the estuary and a battery power pack in the valley. A and B, respectively. Hence, even in the same service area,
Given the current Starlink kit’s power consumption, a typical different Starlink users may experience different UL quality
1,500 Ah power pack lasts around only 1 hour. and hence network service quality.
B. Mobility Potentials
A. Stability of Bent-Pipe
Our early experiments have suggested that, despite being FCC has recently authorized Starlink Internet for use on
reasonably good in throughput, the bent-pipe is often unstable vehicles in motion,20 though it has yet to be fully supported
in communication. To closely examine its stability, we have by Starlink. Hence, we have run a short test at this stage to
done a stress test under continuous streaming of an ultra-high- gauge the work needed to get Starlink ready for full in-motion
resolution 8K (7,680 x 4,320 pixels) YouTube video.19 We
19 to-vehicles-boats-planes.html
4 × 102
3 × 10
Latency (ms) 2 × 10
6 × 10
Download Upload
Throughput (Mb/s)
is not allowed nor practical). As such, intermittent operations First Nation, for their great support. We also thank the QQS
are inevitable as the dish needs a max of 145 watts of power (EYES) Projects Society for hosting us at the Koeye Lodge
if it does not enter snow melting mode. (in particular, the lodgekeepers Ian and Emily Files) and for
Cultural challenges are more complicated, which we have their effort in protecting the natural environment of the Great
not considered before the site visit. The Koeye river and its Bear Rainforest and the Heiltsuk heritage.
surrounded temperate rainforest is a holy land of the Heiltsuk
native people, hosting their traditional big house. The people R EFERENCES
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