Cloud Computing Notes
Cloud Computing Notes
Cloud Computing Notes
High-Throughput Computing-HTC
HTC paradigm pays more attention to high-flux computing. The main application for high-flux
computing is in Internet searches and web services by millions or more users simultaneously. The
performance measures high throughput or the number of tasks completed per unit of time. HTC
technology needs to improve batch processing speed, and also address the acute problems of cost,
energy savings, security, and reliability at many data and enterprise computing centers
• Parallel computing
• In parallel computing, all processors are either tightly coupled with centralized shared memory or
loosely coupled with distributed memory
• . Interprocessor communication is accomplished through shared memory or via message passing.
• A computer system capable of parallel computing is commonly known as a parallel computer
• Programs running in a parallel computer are called parallel programs. The process of writing
parallel programs is often referred to as parallel programming
• Distributed computing
• A distributed system consists of multiple autonomous computers, each having its own private
memory, communicating through a computer network.
• Information exchange in a distributed system is accomplished through message passing.
• A computer program that runs in a distributed system is known as a distributed program.
• The process of writing distributed programs is referred to as distributed programming.
• Distributed computing system uses multiple computers to solve large-scale problems over the
Internet using a centralized computer to solve computational problems.
• Cloud computing
• An Internet cloud of resources can be either a centralized or a distributed computing system. The
cloud applies parallel or distributed computing, or both.
• Clouds can be built with physical or virtualized resources over large data centers that are centralized
or distributed.
• Cloud computing can also be a form of utility computing or service computing
Computing cluster
o A computing cluster consists of interconnected stand-alone computers which work cooperatively
as a single integrated computing resource.
Cluster Architecture
o the architecture consists of a typical server cluster built around a low-latency, high bandwidth
interconnection network.
o build a larger cluster with more nodes, the interconnection network can be built with multiple
levels of Gigabit Ethernet, Myrinet, or InfiniBand switches.
o Through hierarchical construction using a SAN, LAN, or WAN, one can build scalable
clusters with an increasing number of nodes
o cluster is connected to the Internet via a virtual private network (VPN) gateway. o gateway
IP address locates the cluster
Single-System Image -Cluster o an ideal cluster should merge multiple system images
intoa single-system image (SSI) o acluster operating system or some middleware have to
support SSI at various levels, including the sharing of CPUs, memory, and I/O across all
cluster nodes.
o illusion created by software or hardware that presents a collection of resources as one
integrated, powerful resource
o SSI makes the cluster appear like a single machine to the user. o A cluster with multiple
system images is nothing but a collection of independent computers.
Grid Computing
• A web service such as HTTP enables remote access of remote web pages
• computing grid offers an infrastructure that couples computers, software/middleware, special
instruments, and people and sensors together
• Enterprises or organizations present grids as integrated computing resources. They can also
beviewed as virtual platforms to support virtual organizations.
• The computers used in a grid are primarilyworkstations, servers, clusters, and supercomputers
Peer-to-Peer Network-P2P
• P2P architecture offers a distributed model of networked systems.
• P2P network is client-oriented instead of server-oriented
• In a P2P system, every node acts as both a client and a server
• Peer machines are simply client computers connected to the Internet.
Cloud Computing
• A cloud is a pool of virtualized computer resources.
• A cloud can host a variety of different workloads, including batch-style backend jobs and interactive
and user-facing applications.”
• Cloud computing applies a virtualized platform with elastic resources on demand by provisioning
hardware, software, and data sets dynamically
Performance Metrics:
Dimensions of Scalability
Any resource upgrade ina system should be backward compatible with existing hardware and
software resources. System scaling can increase or decrease resources depending on many
Size scalability
• This refers to achieving higher performance or more functionality by increasingthe machine size.
The word “size” refers to adding processors, cache, memory, storage, or I/Ochannels. The most
obvious way to determine size scalability is to simply count the number ofprocessors installed.
• Not all parallel computer or distributed architectures are equally sizescalable.
• For example, the IBM S2 was scaled up to 512 processors in 1997. But in 2008,
theIBMBlueGene/L system scaled up to 65,000 processors.
Amdahl’s Law
• Let the program has been parallelized or partitioned for parallelexecution on a cluster of many
processing nodes.
• Assume that a fraction α of the code must be executedsequentially, called the sequential
The total execution time of the program is calculated byα T + (1 − α)T/n, where the first
term is the sequential execution time on a single processor and thesecond term is the
parallel execution time on n processing nodes.
• I/O time or exception handling timeis also not included in the following speedup analysis.
• Amdahl’s Law states that the speedup factorof using the n-processor system over the use of a
single processor is expressed by:
• this upper bound is independentof the cluster size n. The sequential bottleneck is the portion
of the code that cannot be parallelized.
Gustafson’s Law
• To achieve higher efficiency when using a large cluster, we must consider scaling the problem
sizeto match the cluster capability. This leads to the following speedup law proposed by John
Gustafson(1988), referred as scaled-workload speedup. Let W be the workload in a given
• When using an n-processor system, the user scales the workload to W′ = αW + (1 −
Energy Consumption of Unused Servers: To run a server farm (data center) a company has to
spend a huge amount of money for hardware,software, operational support, and energy every year.
Therefore, companies should thoroughlyidentify whether their installed server farm (more
specifically, the volume of provisioned resources)is at an appropriate level, particularly in terms
of utilization.
Application Layer: Until now, most user applications in science, business, engineering, and
financial areas tend toincrease a system’s speed or quality. By introducing energy-aware
applications, the challenge is todesign sophisticated multilevel and multi-domain energy
management applications without hurtingperformance.
Middleware Layer: The middleware layer acts as a bridge between the application layer and the
resource layer. Thislayer provides resource broker, communication service, task analyzer, task
scheduler, securityaccess, reliability control, and information service capabilities. It is also
responsible for applyingenergy-efficient techniques, particularly in task scheduling.
Resource Layer: The resource layer consists of a wide range of resources including computing
nodes and storageunits. This layer generally interacts with hardware devices and the operating
system; therefore, itis responsible for controlling all distributed resources in distributed computing
systems. Dynamic power management (DPM) and dynamic voltage-frequency scaling (DVFS)
are two popular methods incorporated into recent computer hardware systems. In DPM, hardware
devices, such as the CPU, have the capability to switch from idle mode to one or more lower power
modes. In DVFS, energy savings are achieved based on the fact that the power consumptionin
CMOS circuits has a direct relationship with frequency and the square of the voltage supply.
Network Layer: Routing and transferring packets and enabling network services to the resource
layer are the mainresponsibility of the network layer in distributed computing systems. The major
challenge to buildenergy-efficient networks is, again, determining how to measure, predict, and
create a balancebetween energy consumption and performance.
• Clustering of computers is based on the concept of modular growth. To scale a cluster from
hundreds of uniprocessor nodes to a supercluster with 10,000 multicore nodes is a nontrivial
• The scalability could be limited by a number of factors, such as the multicore chip technology,
cluster topology, packaging method, power consumption, and cooling scheme applied.
• Cluster nodes can be packaged in a compact or a slack fashion. In a compact cluster, the nodes
are closely packaged in one or more racks sitting in a room, and the nodes are not attached to
peripherals (monitors, keyboards, mice, etc.).
• In a slack cluster, the nodes are attached to their usual peripherals (i.e., they are complete
SMPs, workstations, and PCs), and they may be located in different rooms, different buildings,
or even remote regions.
• Packaging directly affects communication wire length, and thus the selection of
interconnection technology used.
• While a compact cluster can utilize a high-bandwidth, low-latency communication network
that is often proprietary, nodes of a slack cluster are normally connected through standard
LANs or WANs.
• A cluster can be either controlled or managed in a centralized or decentralized fashion. A
compact cluster normally has centralized control, while a slack cluster can be controlled either
• In a centralized cluster, all the nodes are owned, controlled, managed, and administered by a
central operator.
• In a decentralized cluster, the nodes have individual owners. This lack of a single point of
control makes system administration of such a cluster very difficult. It also calls for special
techniques for process scheduling, workload migration, checkpointing, accounting, and other
similar tasks.
• A homogeneous cluster uses nodes from the same platform, that is, the same processor architecture
and the same operating system; often, the nodes are from the same vendors.
• A heterogeneous cluster uses nodes of different platforms. Interoperability is an important issue in
heterogeneous clusters.
4. Cluster Job Management: Clusters try to achieve high system utilization from traditional
workstations or PC nodes that are normally not highly utilized. Job management software
is required to provide batching, load balancing, parallel processing, and other functionality
6. Fault Tolerance and Recovery: Clusters of machines can be designed to eliminate all
single points of failure. Through redundancy, a cluster can tolerate faulty conditions up to
a certain extent. Heartbeat mechanisms can be installed to monitor the running condition
of all nodes. In case of a node failure, critical jobs running on the failing nodes can be saved
by failing over to the surviving node machines. Rollback recovery schemes restore the
computing results through periodic checkpointing.
• Compute clusters:
o These are clusters designed mainly for collective computationover a single large job. The
compute clusters do not handle many I/O operations, such as database services. When
a single compute job requires frequent communication among the cluster nodes, the
cluster must share a dedicated network, and thus the nodes are mostly homogeneous
and tightly coupled. This type of clusters is also known as a Beowulf cluster
• High-Availability clusters HA (high-availability) o clusters are designed to be fault-
tolerant and achieve HA of services. HA clusters operate with many redundant nodes to
sustain faults or failures.
• Load-balancing clusters o These clusters shoot for higher resource utilization through
load balancing among all participating nodes in the cluster. All nodes share the workload
or function as a single virtual machine (VM). o Requests initiated from the user are
distributed to all node computers to form a cluster. This results in a balanced workload
among different machines, and thus higher resource utilization or higher performance.
Middleware is needed to achieve dynamic load balancing by job or process migration
among all the cluster nodes
• simple cluster of computers built with commodity components supported with desired SSI
features and HA capability
• commodity nodes are easy to replace or upgrade with new generations of hardware
• node operating systems should be designed for multiuser, multitasking, and multithreaded
• nodes are interconnected by one or more fast commodity networks and use standard
communication protocols
• network interface card is connected to the node’s standard I/O bus
Clustering improves both availability and performance. Some HA clusters use hardware
redundancy for scalable performance. The nodes of a cluster can be connected in one of three ways
Single System Image: A single system image is the illusion, created by software or hardware,
that presents a collection of resources as an integrated powerful resource. SSI makes the cluster
appear like a single machine to the user, applications, and network. A cluster with multiple
system images is nothing but a collection of independent computers Single-SystemImage
⚫ Single System: The entire cluster is viewed by the users as one system, which has multiple
⚫ Single Control: Logically, an end user or system user utilizes services from one place with
a single interface.
⚫ Symmetry: A user can use a cluster service from any node. All cluster services and
functionalities are symmetric to all nodes and all users, except those protected by access
⚫ Location Transparent: The user is not aware of the whereabouts of the physical device that
eventually provides a service.
Three types of storage in a single file hierarchy. Solid lines show what process P can access and
thedashed line shows what P may be able to access
Single Networking: A properly designed cluster should behave as one system. Any process on
any node can use any network and I/O device as though it were attached to the local node. Single
networking means any node can access any network connection.
Single Point of Control: The system administrator should be able to configure, monitor, test, and
control the entire cluster and each individual node from a single point. Many clusters help with
this through a system console that is connected to all nodes of the cluster
Single Memory Space: Single memory space gives users the illusion of a big, centralized main
memory, which in reality may be a set of distributed local memory spaces.
Single I/O Address Space: A single I/O space implies that any node can access the RAIDs
A cluster with single networking, single I/O space, single memory, and single point of control
Other Services
Single Job Management: All cluster jobs can be submitted from any node to a single job
management system. GlUnix, Codine, LSF, etc.
Single User Interface: The users use the cluster through a single graphical interface. Such an
interface is available for workstations and PCs like CDE in Solaris/NT
Middleware support for SSI clusteringSSI features aresupported by middleware developed at three
cluster application levels:
• Management level This level handles user applications and provides a job management system
such as GLUnix, MOSIX, Load Sharing Facility (LSF), or Codine.
• Programming levelThis level provides single file hierarchy (NFS, xFS, AFS, Proxy) and
distributed shared memory (TreadMark, Wind Tunnel).
• Implementation level This level supports a single process space, checkpointing, process
migration, and a single I/O space. These features must interface with the cluster hardware and OS
Relationship among clustering middleware at the job management, programming, and implementation levels.
A system’s reliability is measured by the mean time to failure (MTTF), which is the average time
of normal operation before the system (or a component of the system) fails. The metricfor
serviceability is the mean time to repair (MTTR), which is the average time it takes to repair
thesystem and restore it to working condition after it fails.
Failure is any event that prevents the system from normal operation
• Unplanned failures The system breaks, due to an operating system crash, a hardware
failure, anetwork disconnection, human operation errors, a power outage, and so on. All
these are simplycalled failures. The system must be repaired to correct the failure.
•Planned shutdownsThe system is not broken, but is periodically taken off normal operationfor
upgrades, reconfiguration, and maintenance.
Transient versus Permanent Failures
A lot of failures are transient in that they occur temporarily and then disappear. They can be
dealtwith without replacing any components. A standard approach is to roll back the system to a
known state and start over.
Permanent failures cannot be corrected by rebooting. Some hardwareor software component
must be repaired or replaced. For instance, rebooting will not work ifthe system hard disk is
Redundancy Techniques
Isolated Redundancy: A key technique to improve availability in any system is to use redundant
components. When acomponent (the primary component) fails, the service it provided is taken
over by another component(the backup component). Furthermore, the primary and the backup
components should be isolatedfrom each other, meaning they should not be subject to the same
cause of failure. Clustersprovide HA with redundancy in power supplies, fans, processors,
memories, disks, I/O devices, networks,operating system images, and so on. In a carefully
designed cluster, redundancy is also isolated.
• Hot standby server clusters: In a hot standby cluster, only the primary node is actively
doing all the useful work normally. The standby node is powered on (hot) and running some
monitoring programs to communicate heartbeat signals to check the status of the primary
node, but is not actively running other useful workloads. The primary node must mirror any
data to shared disk storage, which is accessible by the standby node. The standby node
requires a second copy of data.
• Active-takeover clusters: In this case, the architecture is symmetric among multiple server
nodes. Both servers are primary, doing useful work normally. Both failover and failback are
often supported on both server nodes. When a node fails, the user applications fail over to
the available node in the cluster. Depending on the time required to implement the failover,
users may experience some delays or may lose some data that was not saved in the last
• Failover cluster: When a component fails, this technique allows the remaining system to
take over the services originally provided by the failed component. A failover mechanism
mustprovide several functions, such as failure diagnosis, failure notification, and failure
recovery.Failure diagnosis refers to the detection of a failure and the location of the failed
componentthat caused the failure. A commonly used technique is heartbeat, whereby the
cluster nodessend out a stream of heartbeat messages to one another. If the system does not
receive thestream of heartbeat messages from a node, it can conclude that either the node or
the networkconnection has failed.
Recovery Schemes
Failure recovery refers to the actions needed to take over the workload of a failed component.
Thereare two types of recovery techniques. In backward recovery, the processes running on a
cluster periodicallysave a consistent state (called a checkpoint) to a stable storage. After a failure,
If execution time is crucial,such as in real-time systems where the rollback time cannot be
tolerated, a forward recovery schemeshould be used. With such a scheme, the system is not
rolled back to the previous checkpoint upon afailure. Instead, the system utilizes the failure
diagnosis information to reconstruct a valid system stateand continues execution. Forward
recovery is application-dependent and may need extra hardware
Checkpointing can be realized by the operating system at the kernel level, where the OS
transparentlycheckpoints and restarts processes
A less transparent approach linksthe user code with a checkpointinglibrary in the user space.
Checkpointing and restarting are handled by this runtime support. This approach is used widely
because it has the advantage thatuser applications do not have to be modified.
A third approach requires the user (or the compiler) to insert checkpointingfunctions in the
application; thus, the application has to be modified, and the transparencyis lost. However, it has
the advantage that the user can specify where to checkpoint. This is helpful to reduce
checkpointing overhead. Checkpointing incurs both time and storage overheads.
Checkpoint Overheads
During a program’s execution, its states may be saved many times. This is denoted by the time
consumedto save one checkpoint. The storage overhead is the extra memory and disk space
requiredfor checkpointing. Both time and storage overheads depend on the size of the checkpoint
The time period between two checkpoints is called the checkpoint interval. Making the interval larger
can reduce checkpoint time overhead.
Wong and Franklin derived an expression for optimal checkpoint interval
Incremental Checkpoint
Instead of saving the full state at each checkpoint, an incremental checkpoint scheme saves only
theportion of the state that is changed from the previous checkpoint In full-state checkpointing,
only one checkpoint file needs to be kepton disk. Subsequent checkpoints simply overwrite this
file. With incremental checkpointing, old filesneeded to be kept, because a state may span many
files. Thus, the total storage requirement is larger
Forked Checkpointing
Most checkpoint schemes are blocking in that the normal computation is stopped while
checkpointingis in progress. With enough memory, checkpoint overhead can be reduced by
making a copy ofthe program state in memory and invoking another asynchronous thread to
perform the checkpointingconcurrently. A simple way to overlap checkpointing with computation
is to use the UNIXfork( ) system call. The forked child process duplicates the parent process’s
address space andcheckpoints it. Meanwhile, the parent process continues execution.
Overlapping is achieved sincecheckpointing is disk-I/O intensive
User-Directed Checkpointing
The checkpoint overheads can sometimes be substantially reduced if the user inserts code (e.g.,
library or system calls) to tell the system when to save, what to save, and what not to save. What
should be the exact contents of a checkpoint? It should contain just enough information to allow
asystem to recover. The state of a process includes its data state and control state
Checkpointing Parallel Programs The state of a parallel program is usually much larger than
that of a sequential program, as it consists of the set of the states of individual processes, plus
thestate of the communication network. Parallelism also introduces various timing and
consistency problems
Consistent Snapshot
A global snapshot is called consistent if there is no message that is received by the checkpoint of
one process, but not yet sent by another process. Graphically, this corresponds to the case that no
arrow crosses a snapshot line from right to left
JMS Administration
⚫ JMS should be able to dynamically reconfigure the cluster with minimal impact on the running
⚫ The administrator’s prologue and epilogue scripts should be able to run before and after each
job for security checking, accounting, and cleanup.
⚫ Users should be able to cleanly kill their own jobs.
⚫ The administrator or the JMS should be able to cleanly suspend or kill any job.
➢ Clean means that when a job is suspended or killed, all its processes must be included.
➢ Otherwise some “orphan” processes are left in the system, wasting cluster resources
and may eventually render the system unusable.
⚫ Cluster jobs may be scheduled to run at a specific time (calendar scheduling) or when a
particular event happens (event scheduling).
⚫ Jobs are scheduled according to priorities based on submission time, resource nodes, execution
time, memory, disk, job type, and user identity.
⚫ With static priority, jobs are assigned priorities according to a predetermined, fixed scheme.
Scheduling Modes
Dedicated Mode:
⚫ Only one job runs in the cluster at a time, and at most one process of the job is assigned to a
node at a time.
⚫ The single job runs until completion before it releases the cluster to run other jobs.
Space Sharing:
Multiple jobs can run on disjoint partitions (groups) of nodes simultaneously.
⚫ At most one process is assigned to a node at a time.
⚫ Although a partition of nodes is dedicated to a job, the interconnect and the I/O subsystem
may be shared by all jobs.
Time sharing :
⚫ Multiple user processes are assigned to the same node.
Time-sharing introduces the following parallel scheduling policies:
1. Migration Scheme IssuesNode Availability: Can the job find another available node to
migrate to?
➢ Berkeley study : Even during peak hours, 60% of workstations in a cluster are
2. Migration Overhead: The migration time can significantly slow down a parallel job. ➢
Berkeley study : a slowdown as great as 2.4 times.
➢ Slowdown is less if a parallel job is run on a cluster of twice the size.
➢ e.g. a 32-node job on a 60-node cluster – migration slowdown no more than 20%, even
when migration time of 3 minutes.
3. Recruitment Threshold: the amount of time a workstation stays unused before the cluster
considers it an idle node.
User-Application Level
• Virtualization at the application level virtualizes an application as a VM.
• On a traditional OS, anapplication often runs as a process. Therefore, application-level
virtualization is also known as process-level virtualization.
• The most popular approach is to deploy high level language (HLL)VMs. In this scenario, the
virtualization layer sits as an application program on top of the operatingsystem,
• The layer exports an abstraction of a VM that can run programs written and compiledto a particular
abstract machine definition.
• Any program written in the HLL and compiled for thisVM will be able to run on it. The Microsoft
.NET CLR and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) are twogood examples of this class of VM.
Xen Architecture
• Xen is an open source hypervisor program developed by Cambridge University.
• Xen is a microkernel hypervisor
• The core components of a Xen system are the hypervisor, kernel, and applications
• The guest OS, which has control ability, is called Domain 0, and the others are called Domain
• Domain 0 is designed to access hardware directly and manage devices
Full virtualization
• Full virtualization, noncritical instructions run on the hardware directly while critical
instructions are discovered and replaced with traps into the VMM to be emulated by software
• VMware puts the VMM at Ring 0 and the guest OS at Ring 1.
• The VMM scans the instruction stream and identifies the privileged, control- and behavior-
sensitive instructions.
• When these instructions are identified, they are trapped into the VMM, which emulates the
behavior of these instructions.
• The method used in this emulation is called binary translation.
• Therefore, full virtualization combines binary translation and direct execution.
CPU Virtualization
• A CPU architecture is virtualizable if it supports the ability to run the VM’s privileged and
unprivileged instructions in the CPU’s user mode while the VMM runs in supervisor mode.
• Hardware-Assisted CPU Virtualization: This technique attempts to simplify virtualization because
full or paravirtualization is complicated
Memory Virtualization
• Memory Virtualization :the operating system maintains mappings of virtual memory to
machine memory using page table
• All modern x86 CPUs include a memory management unit (MMU) and a translation lookaside
buffer (TLB) to optimize virtual memory performance
• Two-stage mapping process should be maintained by the guest OS and the VMM, respectively:
virtual memory to physical memory and physical memory to machine memory.
• The VMM is responsible for mapping the guest physical memory to the actual machine
Virtual Clusters
• Four ways to manage a virtual cluster.
• First, you can use a guest-based manager, by which the cluster manager resides on a guest
• The host-based manager supervises the guest systems and can restart the guest system on another
physical machine
• Third way to manage a virtual cluster is to use an independent cluster manager on both the host
and guest systems.
• Finally, use an integrated cluster on the guest and host systems.
• This means the manager must be designed to distinguish between virtualized resources and
physical resources
Introduction to Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing allowing access to large amounts of computing power in a fully
virtualized manner, by aggregating resources and offering a single system view
Deployment Models
• Public cloud as a “cloud made available in a pay-as-you-go manner to the general public”
• Features of a cloud
• are essential to enable services that truly represent the cloud computing model
• Self-Service : clouds must allow self-service access so that customers can request, customize,
pay, and use services (expect on-demand, nearly instant access to resources) without
intervention of human operators
• Per-Usage Metering and Billing : Services must be priced on a shortterm basis (e.g., by the
hour), allowing users to release (and not pay for) resources as soon as they are not needed
• Why Migrate?
• There are economic and business reasons why an enterprise application can be migrated into
the cloud, and there are also a number of technological reasons.
• Initiatives in adoption of cloud technologies in the enterprise,
• resulting in integration of enterprise applications running off the captive data centers with the
new ones that have been developed on the cloud.
• P is the application before migration running in captive data center,
• P’C is the application part after migration either into a (hybrid) cloud,
• P’l is the part of application being run in the captive local data center, and
• P’OFC is the application part optimized for cloud
• The biggest challenge to any cloud migration project is how effectively the migration risks are
identified and mitigated.
On the security front - as addressed in the guideline document published by the Cloud
Security Alliance.
– Issues include
– There are several legal compliances that a migration strategy and implementation
has to fulfill,
– including obtaining the right execution logs as well as retaining the rights to all audit
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is an IaaS service that provides elastic compute capacity in
the cloud
“Hybrid cloud”
• in which a combination of private/internal and external cloud resources exist together by
enabling outsourcing of noncritical services and functions in public cloud and keeping the
critical ones internal
• Release resources from a public cloud and to handle sudden demand usage, which is called
“cloud bursting
Cloud and Virtualization Standardization Efforts
• Standardization is important to ensure interoperability between
• virtualization mangement vendors,
• the virtual machines produced by each one of them,
• and cloud computing
• Distributed Management Task Force(DMTF)
• initiated the VMAN (Virtualization Management Initiative),
• delivers broadly supported interoperability and portability standards for managing the virtual
computing lifecycle.
Deployment Scenario:
• ConVirt deployment consists of at least one ConVirt workstation,
• whereConVirt is installed and ran, which provides the main console for managing the VM
life cycle, managing images, provisioning new VMs, monitoring machine resources, and
so on.
• There are two essential deployment scenarios for ConVirt:
• A, basic configuration in which the Xen or KVM virtualization platform is on the local
machine, where ConVirt is already installed; B,
• An advanced configuration in which the Xen or KVM is on one or more remote servers.
Installation. The installation process involves the following:
• Installing ConVirt on at least one computer.
• VMware Vmotion.
• This allows users to
• (a) automatically optimize and allocate an entire pool of resources for maximum hardware
utilization, flexibility, and availability and
Citrix XenServerXenMotion.
• This is a nice feature of the Citrix XenServer product, inherited from the Xen live migrate
utility, which provides the IT administrator with the facility to move a running VM from
one XenServer to another in the same pool without interrupting the service
Regular/Cold Migration.
Cold migration is the migration of a powered-off virtual machine.
• Main differences between live migration and cold migration are that
• 1) live migration needs a shared storage for virtual machines in the server’s pool, but
cold migration does not;
• 2) live migration for a virtual machine between two hosts, there would be certain CPU
compatibility checks to be applied; while in cold migration this checks do not apply
• The cold migration process (VMware ) can be summarized as follows:
• The configuration files, including the NVRAM file (BIOS settings), log files, as well as
the disks of the virtual machine, are moved from the source host to the destination host’s
associated storage area.
• The virtual machine is registered with the new host.
• After the migration is completed, the old version of the virtual machine is deleted from
the source host.
• Jitterbit is a fully graphical integration solution that provides users a versatile platform
• suite of productivity tools to reduce the integration efforts sharply.
• Jitterbit can be used standalone or with existing EAI infrastructures
• Help us quickly design, implement, test, deploy, and manage the integration projects
• These are covered by the depreciation policy and the service-level agreement of the app engine.
Any changes made to such a feature are backward-compatible and
implementation of such a feature is usually stable. These include data storage, retrieval, and
search; communications; process management; computation; app configuration and
• Data storage, retrieval, and search include features such as HRD migration tool, Google Cloud
SQL, logs, datastore, dedicated Memcache, blobstore, Memcache and search.
• Communications include features such as XMPP. channel, URL fetch, mail, and Google Cloud
• Process management includes features like scheduled tasks and task queue
• App management and configuration cover app identity, users, capabilities, traffic splitting,
modules, SSL for custom domains, modules, remote access, and multitenancy
• Gmail does, however, let you “tag” each message with one or more labels. This has the
effect of creating virtual folders, as you can search and sort your messages by any of their
• In addition, Gmail groups together related email messages in what Google calls
Yahoo! Mail Yahoo! Mail (
• is another web mail service, provided by the popular Yahoo! search site.
• The basic Yahoo! Mail is free and can be accessed from any PC, using any web browser.
• Yahoo! also offers a paid service called Yahoo! Mail Plus that lets you send larger
messages and offers offline access to your messages via POP email clients
Data Security
• Information in a cloud environment has much more dynamism and fluidity than information
that is static on a desktop or in a network folder
• Nature of cloud computing dictates that data are fluid objects, accessible froma multitude
of nodes and geographic locations and, as such, must have a datasecurity methodology that
takes this into account while ensuring that this fluidity is not compromised
• The idea of content-centric or information-centric protection, being an inherent part of a
data object is a development out of the idea of the “de-perimerization” of the enterprise.
• This idea was put forward by a group of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) who formed an
organization called the Jericho Forum
User-Centric Identity:
• Digital identities are a mechanism for identifying an individual, particularly within a
cloud environment ; identity ownership being placed upon the individual is known as
usercentric identity
• It allows users to consent and control how their identity (and the individual identifiers
making up the identity, the claims) is used.
• This reversal of ownership away from centrally managed identity platforms
(enterprisecentric) has many advantages.
• This includes the potential to improve the privacy aspects of a digital identity, by giving
an individual the ability to apply permission policies based on their identity and to control
which aspects of that identity are divulged
• An identity may be controllable by the end user, to the extent that the user can then decide
what information is given to the party relying on the identity Information Card:
• Information cards permit a user to present to a Web site or other service (relying party)
one or more claims, in the form of a software token, which may be used to uniquely
identify that user.
They can be used in place of user name/ passwords, digital certificates, and other
identification systems, when user identity needs to be established to control access to a
Web site or other resource, or to permit digital signing
Each information card is associated with a set of claims which can be used toidentify the user.
These claims include identifiers such as name, email address,post code Using
Information Cards to Protect Data
• Information cards are built around a set of open standards devised by a consortium that
includes Microsoft, IBM, Novell, and so on.
• The original remit of the cards was to create a type of single sign on system for the Internet,
to help users to move away from the need to remember multiple passwords.
• However, the information card system can be used in many more ways.
• Because an information card is a type of digital identity, it can be used in the same way
that other digital identities can be used.
For example, an information card can be used to digitally sign data and content and to control
access to data and content. One of the more sophisticated uses of an information card is the
advantage given to the cards by way of the claims system.
Data security risks are compounded by the open nature of cloud computing.
• Access control becomes a much more fundamental issue in cloud-based systems because
of the accessibility of the data
• Information-centric access control (as opposed to access control lists) can help to balance
improved accessibility with risk, by associating access rules with different data objects
within an open and accessible platform, without losing the Inherent usability of that
• A further area of risk associated not only with cloud computing, but also with traditional
network computing, is the use of content after access.
• The risk is potentially higher in a cloud network, for the simple reason that the information
is outside of your corporate walls
• that are used to perform business processes around data creation and dissemination—by
their very nature, can be used to hijack data, leaking sensitive information and/or affecting
integrity of that data
• Cloud computing, more than any other form of digital communication technology, has
created a need to ensure that protection is applied at the inception of the information, in a
content centric manner, ensuring that a security policy becomes an integral part of that
data throughout its life cycle.
• is a vital component of the protection policy, but further controls over the access of that
data and on the use of the data must be met.
• In the case of mashups, the controlling of access to data resources, can help toalleviate the
security concerns by ensuring that mashup access is authenticated.
• Linking security policies, as applied to the use of content, to the access control method
offer a way of continuing protection of data, post access and throughout the life cycle; this
type of data security philosophy must be incorporated into the use of cloud computing to
alleviate security risks.