Anshu Priya SOP
Anshu Priya SOP
Anshu Priya SOP
POC is a vital position to be held as the selected/elected person is not only going to be answerable to
his peers, but also to the management and higher authorities. I believe each and every one of us are
equally capable of holding such a huge responsibility, but I have held positions of responsibility in my
past which I believe could help me in standing out from everybody else and the experience of
management that I imbibed can help me to be a better representator for my batch.
I would like to start with the positions of responsibility that I have held and my achievements in my
period of service to present my candidature for the POC.
Lastly, I would like to mention that I try not to be constrained by my limitations and strive for
better opportunities and learning experience. This, too, shall be a great experience and may the
best candidate be selected.