113 Midterm Compilation
113 Midterm Compilation
113 Midterm Compilation
Part 1
Second: Understand the Dimensions Measures: commitment to community health,
within the Community awareness of self and others and clarity of
situational definitions, effective communication,
> Status conflict containment, management of
Three areas of concern: relationships with society.
a. Biological part- focuses on health
indicators (Mortality & Morbidity rates, life
expectancy rates, case fatality Examples of data sources:
b. Emotional part- measured through Health Dept. NGO‟s
satisfaction rates and mental health
Support Groups
c. Social part- measured through the social Census Date
functional level of the members of society
(e.g crime rates, worker absentism).
Examples of data sources:
> Structure
Measures of community health services and Local News Paper Health Insurance
resources: Databases
a. Service use patterns
Local Gov‟t.
b. Provider-to-client ratio (data will provide
number of available hospital beds or the Professional
number of necessary facilities within a Licensing boards
care facility).
Hospital Reports
> Process
- Community health when viewed in terms
Examples of data sources:
of process deals with the process of
effective community functioning or
problem solving. In its sense, it will direct State Dep‟t. Community Meeting
the study of community health for
community action. Local History Windshield survey:
Observation of
>Status interactions
Measures: vital statistics (live births, neonatal
Neighborhood Help
deaths, infants deaths, maternal deaths), Org.
incidence and prevalence of leading causes of
mortality and morbidity, health risk profiles of
selected aggregates, functional ability levels.
Third: Understand the Community The practitioner will be able to:
Behavioral Health Needs 1. Facilitate collation and analysis of data
2. Identification, clustering, and prioritization
- We need to understand the theory in the of problems/needs
community because theories comprise 3. Planning of health programs and
principles devised to explain a group of intervention
facts or phenomenon. 4. Implementation of plans/ programs
- Thus, health behavior theories are meant 5. Monitoring and evaluation
to provide broader understanding of that
behavior and its links to the general COMMUNITY NURSING PROCESS (ADPIE)
human condition. As these are vital and
influential to the social determinants of ONPRIME MODEL
health in the community. ONPRIME integrates many of the public
- health core competencies within a single
Common Theories: phase, recursive model.
● Communication ONPRIME components will contribute
● Economics toward the development skills in:
● Psychology Leadership and systems thinking
● Philosophy (broad) (comm. organizing)
Analysis and assessment (esp. needs
Common Theories utilized in Practice: assessment and evaluation)
● Communication Theories: Policy dev‟t and program planning
(Prochaska & DiClemente, 1998) (priority setting)
Communication Persuasion Model Community dimensions of practice
(1989) (needs and resource assessment)
Transtheoretical Approach Communication (interventions)
● Behavioral Change Theories Management (monitoring and eval)
- Provide strategies for tailoring and Cultural competency as well as
interventions to individual
Public Health
- Behavioral Analysis Theory
(Skinner, 1953; Holland & Skinner,
- refers to whether the program entails working
1961; Baer et.al.,1968;
within existing organizations, working through
various community gatekeepers, program
- Social Learning Cognitive Theory
planners, grassroot workers to develop a
sponsoring structure where no apparent
candidate exists.
Things to Note when Facilitating Assessment
- Therefore, establishing organizations
as a Pillar:
within the community provides links and
relationships to facilitate entry,
assessment and delivery of programs.
- “A set of beliefs, values, adn assumptions Assumption 1: It takes time for culture to develop
about life that is widely held among a and is resistant to change
group of people and that are transmitted - Question1: Why is it necessary to
intergenerationally” examine the evolution of the Philippine
- It takes time for culture to develop and is
resistant to change
- In response to the need of its members
and the environment, culture provides
tested solutions to life‟s problems and as a
result, guides our thinking, discussion and
- Individuals learn about their culture during
the process of learning language and
becoming socialized, usually as a child. Collective Unconscious
- Each culture has an organizational - “Refers to structures of the unconscious
structure that distinguishes it from other. mind which are shared among beings of
the same species
You May Come To Ask?
- How does this influence one‟s care? Culture Modification
- Who are we as Filipinos and how should - Data Banking capability of the collective
we approach caring for the Filipino unconscious to modify culture. (Gaviola,
population? 2019)
- Epidemiology is the basic science of
disease prevention and plays major roles
in developing and evaluating public
policies relating to health and to social
legal issues.
Back in 1971, there was a person called Mr. Abdel Omran ★ Main concept that you should remember in the first epidemiologic shift is that
- He coined the term epidemiological transition or epidemiological shift “It is marked by a high mortality rate and a high occurrence of infectious
- To denote the change in disease patterns and the cause of death within a diseases.”
- Back then, people were not really aware about these diseases and the treatment for
This could be due to various demographic economic industrial and sociological factors them was very limited. The scientists still studied about all those diseases so the
treatment was not readily available.They did not have the advanced technology and the
March 2019, it was the start of the “novel coronavirus pandemic” equipment to make these certain cures for the diseases.
Many of those affected with or who contracted the virus have been affected negatively, The average life expectancy at birth is low and its variable ranges from 20 to 40 years
most severely those who died with the pandemic. These changes in the population like from the time a person is born.
for example in the coronavirus pandemic these changes in the population with the
death of those who were affected contributes to the increasing mortality rates. One example was the “Black Plague”
- This was an infection from rats.
Mortality is central to the epidemiological shifts. - Most violent form of epidemic that belongs to stage once in the age of
pestilence and famine
There are still problems occurring because of the term itself receding pandemic. There - Social status is between the rich and the poor. If there is a really big gap between
are still these infectious diseases that are present but mostly in industrial cities where the rich and the poor it means there is a greater difference in health. More
people crowd together. detrimental effects if there is a bigger gap in the social standing of people.
- Stable low and decline in mortality rates and a shift in the primary cause of - Low education levels are linked to poor health. If a person isn’t educated and
death which is from non-communicable diseases doesn't know is very ignorant about such things.
- More like cardiovascular and degenerative diseases like cancer and diabetes - - Low education also more stress because you will be looking for jobs
still considered as non-communicable diseases but primarily myocardial
cardiac diseases. Physical Environment
The average life expectancy at birth rises gradually by more than 50 years. It has the - Safe water is the most basic one of the most basic necessities that people need
highest life expectancy. to be healthy
- Clean air
The last report or last study of the average life expectancy of a person is 77 year old. - Healthy workplace
*(77.1 or 0.2 background of 77 years old) - Safe houses
- Communities and roads
Major health issues with this shift or the third shift are mostly heart attacks and cancer
as I have stressed out cardiac diseases. There is also a decline in infectious diseases Now the physics that contributes to physical environment so if one of those are very
here because of the discovery of vaccines and the roll out of these vaccines to the problematic
majority of the people.
Now we need all those to have good health with the physical environment.
Employment and Working Conditions
- Income and social status
- Education
- Employed people are healthier, especially those with control over their working
- Physical Environment
- Employment and working conditions
- Social Support Networks
- Culture
Social Support Networks
- Genetics
- Personal Behavior and Coping Skills
- These could be families, our friends, communities.
- Health Services
- Gender
If we have these networks of people that support us, now it also links to better health
because we are not an island so we need other people to help us deal with stress,
Notes by BSN 3B Batch RHO Third Generation Class of 2024 2
problems which contribute to better health and a happier life. Social support is very
important so we try to ward off those negative people in our lives.
Culture GROUP
- Culture also affects health. The customs, traditions, and beliefs. 1. Preventing Disease
2. Prolonging Life
For example, in a place in the Philippines, very rural areas. They have a tradition there 3. Promoting Health and Efficiency
of treating cough with leaves. 4. Health Protection
- Inheritance plays a role in determining the lifespan, longevity, healthiness 1. Preventing Disease
- Genetics plays a role in developing the likelihood of us developing certain
- Public health or community health really focuses on preventing disease,
illnesses which affects health. promoting “health promotion disease prevention”.
- These are very individual factors - We modify the different lifestyles such as the diet, the activities, the
exposure to these pollutants.
Changes that you do to your life or lifestyle such as having a balanced diet, being more 3. Promoting Health and Efficiency
active, engaging in sports, quitting smoking, quitting drinking. Whatever practices or
strategies that you have to deal with stress and positively impact our health. - By campaigning like the DOH in strengthening the public to get their
booster doses.
Health Services
4. Health Protection
- Access to health services is a very important priority talking about public
- Like a cluster of all these three with preventing disease with prolonging life
health because we are looking out for the best of the majority of the residents and promoting health and efficiency. We are protecting the health of the
in a certain community population.
- The access to health services is really very central
● Men are more prone based on statistics to car developing cardiac diseases
● Women also have higher rates of developing breast cancer
- Assessments involve the regular collection analysis and information sharing Primary
about health conditions.
- To address these, we try to measure the risks and the resources that are - Activities aimed to prevent problems before they occur.
available in the community - The main concept of primary is that before diseases occur or before a person
gets sick we try to alter their susceptibility to these certain diseases or reduce
their exposure to these pathogens and all especially to those susceptible
Policy Development individuals.
- Policy development in public health -it’s the use of information that we have ● GENERAL HEALTH PROMOTION
gathered during the assessment. In order to develop these local and national ○ Try to target the well population or those who aren’t sick but are healthy. We
policies, try to enhance their resiliency with different aspects in their life including
- we could suggest that to local boards or city counselors. If the problems are
lifestyle, healthy diet, the right exercise, keeping away from vices and all.
very common that really involves or really risks the health of a population and
to direct the resources for those policies because let’s say once policies are
there are being laid out or rolled out. There needs to be a resource so where * Adequate shelter, providing a safe and secure shelter -one that's durable for families
will the budget come from then is really a basic need.
- The budget is the supporting actor.
- These local and national policies there need to be a backup where you will get ● SPECIFIC PROTECTION
the resources. Who will be the people involved in doing these? So those are ○ This means we try to reduce or eliminate the risk factors of our clients. For
parts of the policy development
example, immunization because we try to protect the kids now with these
Assurance immunity against different illnesses. We also have water purification by
purification, distillation, filtration or the use of chemical agents to purify waters
- It focuses on the availability of necessary health services. There needs to be so that the public won’t catch any illness from waterborne diseases
an assurance that health services are readily available in the community.
- Early detection and prompt interventions during the period of early disease
ESSENTIAL PUBLIC HEALTH FUNCTIONS - This could be implemented before the actual signs and symptoms appear
- The target population are those with high risk factors
- Health Situation Monitoring and Analysis rson needs to get a check
- Epidemiological Surveillance/Disease Prevention and Control Tertiary
- Development of Policies and Planning in Public Health
- Strategic Management of Health Systems and Services - Populations with disease or injury, focuses on limiting disability and
- Regulation and Enforcement rehabilitation.
- Human Resources and Development in Public Health - We target clients that already have an existing disease or injury focusing on
- Health Promotion, Social Participation and Empowerment limiting their disability and then rehabilitation as well.
- Ensuring Quality of Health Services - Our aim for this is to reduce the effects of the disease and to restore the
- Research, Development and Implementation of Innovative Public Health client’s optimum level of functioning.
A client just had a stroke. He is being enrolled in rehabilitation therapies every Saturday.
That’s already included as a tertiary level of prevention so as to improve the client’s
level of functioning, every day and every session.
Notes by BSN 3B Batch RHO Third Generation Class of 2024 4
Another example is a diabetic client taking insulin so we try to teach the client how to
self-administer insulin at home. That’s also tertiary part of the rehabilitative process
since the client is for discharge already so as part of the tertiary level prevention we try
to teach the client.
* Health teaching is very central to these levels of prevention so that we can prevent
grave consequences or more serious consequences if the illness is not managed.
- Secondary are for those who will undergo screening such as laboratory diagnostics
before the appearance of signs and symptoms or trying to prevent a more serious
- Tertiary are those with already existing illnesses, Those were discharged and the
clients for rehabilitation
- Those married couples without children are considered a family. Those who
have children such as nuclear families, extended families, cohabiting
Group or Aggregate