DA-BAFS Advisory No. 2023-12-012
DA-BAFS Advisory No. 2023-12-012
DA-BAFS Advisory No. 2023-12-012
Reference Numbers
No. 2023-12-012
This is to inform the public that the DA-BAFS has developed three new PNS relevant to
organic agriculture. In line with Clause A.2 (Standard and Normative Documents) of the
organic certification scheme (Annex A of Department Circular No. 01, series of 2018), PNS
relevant to organic agriculture shall serve as normative documents for the organic
certification scheme in the Philippines. These three PNS are as follows, with their
corresponding brief description and transition period:
The abovementioned PNS were approved by the DA Secretary in November 2023. Based on
Department Circular (DC) No. 01, series of 2018 (Revised Guidelines for the Official
Accreditation of Organic Certifying Bodies), and DC No. 03, series of 2022 (Guidelines for the
Accreditation of Core Participatory Guarantee System Groups and its Operation as Organic
Certifying Bodies), these three PNS shall have a one-year transition period from the time of
their approval.
The provisions relevant to organic animal production provided for in the PNS/BAFS 07:2016
(Organic Agriculture) shall remain valid and effective during the transition period.
Thereafter, all organic animal production specific to poultry and swine shall be based on
PNS/BAFS 370:2023 and PNS/BAFS 371:2023, respectively. For ruminants and other
animals not covered by the new PNS, the provisions of the PNS/BAFS 07:2016 shall be used
until revoked. Likewise, the provisions of the PNS/BAFS 112:2016 shall remain valid and
effective during the transition period. Thereafter, PNS/BAFS 112:2023 cancels PNS/BAFS
Ultimately, the PNS/BAFS 112:2023, PNS/BAFS 370:2023, and PNS/BAFS 371:2023 shall be
included in the criteria for organic certification of aquaculture, poultry, and swine,
The copies of the aforementioned PNS are included in this Advisory for your guidance and
reference. These PNS can also be accessed and downloaded on the BAFS
Website: https://bafs.da.gov.ph/page/pns_catalogue.
For further inquiries, you may contact the DA-BAFS Organic Agriculture Division (OAD) .
They may be reached through the DA trunkline (+632) 8273-2474 local 3303 or through
email at [email protected].