Travel Destination BD: MR Ayman Shams Chowdhury
Travel Destination BD: MR Ayman Shams Chowdhury
Travel Destination BD: MR Ayman Shams Chowdhury
Travel Destination BD
House:09(3rd floor) flat#B3, Road#14 Sector=01, Uttara Jashim Uddin, Dhaka
Phone: 01760729707
Passenger Information
Flight Details
Important Notice
E-Ticket Notice:
Carriage and other services provided by the carrier are subject to conditions of carriage which are hereby incorporated by reference. These conditions may be obtained from the issuing
Please ensure that you have all the required travel documents for your entire journey - i.e. valid passport & necessary Visas - and that you have had the recommended
vaccinations/immunizations for your destination's.
LIMIT: 1 Carry-On bag per passenger / SIZE LIMIT: 22in x 15in x 8in (L+W+H=45 inches) / WEIGHT LIMIT: Max weight 7 kg / 15 lb
Reporting Time:
Flights open for check-in 1 hour before scheduled departure time on domestic flights and 3 hours before scheduled departure time on international flights. Passengers must check-in 1
hour before flight departure. Check-in counters close 30 minutes before flight departure for domestic, and 90 minutes before the scheduled departure for international flights.