Tejas Bhandari Final Report

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Conducted at


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of


Submitted By
Tejas Pravin Bhandari

Dr. D. K Shinde
Dr. Dipak Wagre

Department of Production Engineering,

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai




This is to certify that the Internship Project Report entitled “CAPACITY
by Mr. Tejas Bhandari (ID No. 191040008) is a record of bonafide carried
out by him, under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Production Engineering
at Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai.


(Internship Guide) (Internship Co-Guide)


The report entitled as ‘Capacity Enhancement through lean methodology”

prepared by Mr. TEJAS PRAVIN BHANDARI as intern at Siemens Ltd. Kalwa
Works Is found to be satisfactory and approved for the Degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Production Engineering.


(Guide) (Co-Guide) (Examiner)



I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and
where others’ ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources.
I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and
integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea / data / fact
/ source in my submission.
I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action
by the institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus
not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when
needed. I abide by the guidelines laid by the department and present my work with
complete honesty.

Yours Faithfully

Tejas Pravin Bhandari


I would like to express my gratitude towards the HR Department of the Siemens Ltd.
for giving me such an opportunity to undergo in plant training in their renowned and
esteemed organization.
I feel honored to acknowledge Mr. Suhas Parab (HoD of IE Dept), Mr. Sunil
Bhagat, Mr. Rajesh Thombare, with deep sense of gratitude for giving me an
opportunity to learn in this department and his superlative support and
encouragement given to me during my training period. I would like to express my
thanks to the entire staff.
I sincerely thank my colleagues and all the other staff and workers, members of
Switchgear Factory for their co-operation. I want to extend my thanks to the workers
of entire Siemens Company who directly or indirectly have helped me during my
training period.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. D. K Shinde and Dr.
Dipak Wagre for his inspiring guidance, constant encouragement, and involvement
in my work. Their continuous interest has been a source of strength to me.

Certificate ............................................................................................................................. I
Certificate of Approval ........................................................................................................II
Internship certificate .......................................................................................................... III
No Objection Certificate .................................................................................................... IV
Declaration of student ......................................................................................................... V
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. VI

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO SIEMENS ..................................................................... 2
Chapter 2:SIEMENS KALWA WORKS ............................................................................ 3
Chapter 3: UNITS AT SIEMENS KALWA WORKS ........................................................ 4
3.1.Switchgear Factory (WSGR) ..................................................................................... 4
3.2 Switchboard Factory (WSWB) .................................................................................. 5
3.3 Motor Factory (WMOT) ............................................................................................ 6
3.4 Transformer Factory (WTFTR) ................................................................................. 6
Chapter 4: INTRODUCTION TO SWITCHGEAR ........................................................... 7
4.1 Switchgear Factory: ................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Meaning of Switchgear .............................................................................................. 8
4.3 Description of Product Cell:....................................................................................... 8
Chapter 5: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 9
5.1 Air Circuit Breaker:.................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Relays: ...................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Contactors ................................................................................................................ 11
5.4 Classification of Contactors ..................................................................................... 11
5.5 Main Components of Contactors ............................................................................. 12
Chapter 6: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: ........................................ 13
6.1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering Department: ................................................ 13
6.2 Functions of Industrial Engineering Department ..................................................... 14

Chapter 7: .......................................................................................................................... 16
7.1 Introduction- ............................................................................................................. 17
7.2 Literature Review- ................................................................................................... 18
7.3 About The Product- .................................................................................................. 19
7.4 Problem Statement- .................................................................................................. 23
7.5 Objectives- ............................................................................................................... 24
7.6 Methodology Used- .................................................................................................. 25
7.7 Input Data- ............................................................................................................... 34
7.8 Analysis And Solution- ............................................................................................ 42
7.9 Implementation – ..................................................................................................... 56
7.10 Results – ................................................................................................................. 59
7.11 Future Scope –........................................................................................................ 63
Chapter 8 : CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 64
Chapter 9 : REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 65

Figure 1 Werner von Siemens ............................................................................................. 2
Figure 2.Siemens Ltd. Kalwa .............................................................................................. 3
Figure 3 .Siemens Kalwa Structure ..................................................................................... 4
Figure 4.Switchgear Components ....................................................................................... 4
Figure 5.Switchboard Products Motors Plant (WMOT) ..................................................... 5
Figure 6. Motors .................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 7.Siemens transformer ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 8.Product range ........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 9.Meaning of Switchgear ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 10 Air Circuit Breaker.............................................................................................. 9
Figure 11.Picture of relay .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 12.Siemens Contactor ............................................................................................ 11
Figure 13.Variety of contactors ......................................................................................... 11
Figure 14.Components of a contactor ............................................................................... 12
Figure 15.Industrial Engineering ....................................................................................... 13

Figure 16.Functions of Industrial Engineering Dept ......................................................... 14
Figure 17.RAJA DOL (Direct On-line) Starter+............................................................... 20
Figure 18.Construction of DOL starter ............................................................................. 20
Figure 19.Manufacturing Process Of RAJA+ DOL Starter- ............................................. 22
Figure 20.Objectives .......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 21.TIMWOOD ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 22. Market Demand................................................................................................ 34
Figure 23.Existing Layout ................................................................................................. 35
Figure 24.Current VSM ..................................................................................................... 37
Figure 25. 5 WHY’s .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 26.Extension Layout .............................................................................................. 48
Figure 27.Split Up Operations Layout .............................................................................. 49
Figure 28.Cellular Manufacuring Layout .......................................................................... 50
Figure 29.Electric Screwdriver .......................................................................................... 53
Figure 30.Future State VSM .............................................................................................. 54
Figure 31,NVA Current vs Future ..................................................................................... 55
Figure 32.Production Capacity .......................................................................................... 59
Figure 33.Reduction of Cycle Time .................................................................................. 60
Figure 34.Reduction in lead time ...................................................................................... 61
Figure 35. Reduced balancing loss .................................................................................... 61
Figure 36.VA/NVA Ratio.................................................................................................. 62
Figure 37.KAIZEN ............................................................................................................ 63

Table 1.Switchgear Products ............................................................................................... 9
Table 2.VSM Results ......................................................................................................... 38
Table 3.Wastages from VSM ............................................................................................ 39
Table 4.Operations and cycle time .................................................................................... 40
Table 5.Cycle time for each worker .................................................................................. 41
Table 6.Additional Infrastructure requirement .................................................................. 44
Table 7.New cycle time ..................................................................................................... 45
Table 8.Comparison of three layouts................................................................................. 51


This training report includes the information about the company and the department
where I have undergone the in-plant training. The working of the industry is
mentioned in the report. This report also includes the information about the various
products that are produced in the various units. It includes in the general information
about the switchgear and their types. It also contains the detailed study of lean
manufacturing and its usage in the capacity enhancement project.
The initial part of the report contains the history and general information of the
company. The various departments and their responsibilities are also included then
information about various operations takes place in the departments. The working
of these departments is mentioned and how these departments are interlinked with
each other but still differ from each other performing the important operation.
The project that I have chosen is ‘CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT THROUGH
LEAN MANUFACTURING’ in which I have used lean manufacturing
methodologies and process optimization techniques to improve the production
capacity. The problem-solving methodologies and their results were also included in
this report.


Figure 1 Werner von Siemens

Siemens was founded in Berlin by Werner von Siemens in 1847. As an

extraordinary inventor, engineer and entrepreneur, Werner von Siemens made the
world's first pointer telegraph and electric dynamo; inventions that helped put the
spin in the industrial revolution. He was the man behind one of the most fascinating
success stories of all time – “by turning a humble little workshop into one of the
world’s largest global enterprises”
As Werner had envisioned, the company he started grew from strength to
strength in every field of electrical engineering. From constructing the world's first
electric railway to laying the first telegraph line linking Britain and India, Siemens
was responsible for building much of the modern world's infrastructure.
Siemens is today a technology giant in more than 190 countries, employing some
440,000people worldwide. Siemens is active in the fields of Energy & Distribution,
Industry, Healthcare, and Information &Telecommunication.


Figure 2.Siemens Ltd. Kalwa


The Kalwa factory is equipped with some of the most modern machinery and
testing facilities. It started with the production of motors and later diversified in 1973
to produce switchgears and in 1975 to produce switchboards. Today, it is the most
important Business Center for Siemens India with almost 40% of the employees of
Siemens India working in Kalwa and contributing almost 45% of the total production
of Siemens in India.
A major step toward sustainability is the conversion of three complete building
roofs into a gigantic solar installation. Around 6,820 panels with a total area of
13,640 square meters have now been installed on the roofs in Kalwa. This solar
installation has a total output of 2.2 MW, as much as the normal electricity
consumption of 2,900 households in India. What's more, it’s the world's largest
Siemens project of its kind. A further project is currently under preparation in South
Africa. The installation in Kalwa covers approximately 15 percent of the production

location's entire electricity consumption, and cuts annual CO2 emissions by 2,400
tons – which in turn equates to 62,000 newly planted trees.


The Kalwa Factory is equipped with some of the most modern machinery and testing
facilities. It started with the production of Motors and later diversified in 1953 into
Switchgear and in 1975 into Switchboard.
SIEMENS, Kalwa Works comprises of 4 manufacturing units as shown in fig.3



Figure 3 .Siemens Kalwa Structure

3.1.Switchgear Factory (WSGR)

Figure 4.Switchgear Components

At the Switchgear factory a wide range of low and high tension equipment is
produced. The low tension Switchgear range consists of contactors, bimetal relays,

starters, circuit breakers, fuse switches, motor control gears like push buttons, pilot
lamps limit switches, HRC fuses, fuse bases, etc. as shown in fig.4

3.2 Switchboard Factory (WSWB)

Figure 5.Switchboard Products Motors Plant (WMOT)

SIEMENS switchboards have established remarkable leadership in the market. This

has through a deep understanding of the customer’s requirement, resulting in
customer-oriented products design manufactured with latest technology at par with
international standard. This unit manufactures switchboards and circuit breakers
with different ranges as shown in fig.5

3.3 Motor Factory (WMOT)

Figure 6. Motors

As shown in fig.6 the motor Factory produces high quality motors with economical
energy consumption, resilient enough to withstand wide voltage and frequency
fluctuations. The factory is equipped with dedicated and general-purpose CNC
machines that ensure accuracy at the micron level. Computerized on the line
production planning and control system ensures a built in quality from the very

3.4 Transformer Factory (WTFTR)

Figure 7.Siemens transformer

The new Transformer factory addresses heightened demand for power transmission
equipment in the country by designing and manufacturing large transformers of

power rating up to 600 MVA and 800 KV voltage class – which is the maximum
voltage established presently in India as shown in fig.7. The factory will also produce
special application transformers such as for HVDC and traction furnace applications.
In the near future, the factory will also be able to strengthen the transmission network
through its 1200 KV class transformers, in view of the 1200 KV lines that are
envisaged in the near future. To start with, the new facility has a capacity of
manufacturing transformers totaling 15,000 MVA annually.


4.1 Switchgear Factory:

Manufacturing of Switchgear initially started in 1960 at Worli, Bombay but was
transferred to Andheri in 1963. The expansion continued and the Switchgear factory
was shifted to its present location in Kalwa in 1973.
It is still the most profitable unit producing a range of distribution and control
equipment, which are tested to high standard providing reliable and durable
operation.Fig.8 shows the product range of switchgear department

Figure 8.Product range

4.2 Meaning of Switchgear

Figure 9.Meaning of Switchgear

Switchgear is a group of products which perform the function of control and

protection of electrical systems. Switchgear is necessary at every switching point in
power system. Between a generating station and final load point, there are several
voltage levels and fault levels. Hence switching and protective devices have
developed in several forms. When a fault on any power system occurs, it must be
quickly detected and disconnected from the system otherwise it will spread into the
system causing heavy damage of installation. This detection and disconnection is
achieved by Switchgear.Fig.9 shows the functions of a switchgear.

4.3 Description of Product Cell:

Switchgear includes fuses, switches, relays, isolators, circuit breaker, starters,
potential and current transformer, indicating device, lightning arresters, etc. that
protects electrical hardware from faulty conditions. The three types of switchgears
High Voltage (H.V.) Switchgear.
Medium Voltage (MV) Switchgear.
Low Voltage (LV) Switchgear.

The products related to there variants are manufactured in the following respective
cells as shown in Table 1
Product cell Product

PC – 1 Small contactors

PC – 2 Big contactors

PC – 3 Bimetal relays

PC – 4 Air circuit breakers

PC – 5 Starters

Table 1.Switchgear Products


5.1 Air Circuit Breaker:

Figure 10 Air Circuit Breaker

Air circuit breaker is a circuit breaker for the purpose of protecting low voltage
circuit, mainly for energizing and cutting off high current. It is used as the master of

a factory and building, and as a main circuit breaker of a ship, and it is possible to
attach various accessories according to the purpose.

Air circuit breakers use compressed air to blow out the arc, or alternatively, the
contacts are rapidly swung into a small, sealed chamber, the escaping of the
displaced air, thus blowing out the arc. This type of circuit breaker operates in air at
atmospheric pressure. Fig 10 depicts a air circuit breaker.

5.2 Relays:

Figure 11.Picture of relay

Relays are switch that open and close circuits electromechanically or

electronically. Relays control one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts
in another circuit. As relay diagrams show, when a relay contact is normally open
(NO), there is an open contact when the relay is not energized. Relay works on the
principle of electromagnetic induction. When the electromagnet is applied with
some current, it induces a magnetic field around it. Fig.11 depicts a picture of a relay.

5.3 Contactors

Figure 12.Siemens Contactor

Definition: A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an

electrical power circuit as shown in fig 12. Different from general purpose relays,
contactors are designed to be directly connected to high-current load devices. Relays
tend to be of lower capacity and are usually designed for both normally closed and
normally open applications. Contactors are designed with features to control and
suppress the arc produced when interrupting heavy motor currents.

5.4 Classification of Contactors

Figure 13.Variety of contactors

With the growth of Automation and industrialization in the country, contactors are
being used in large numbers and at different ranges. A contactor is an
electromagnetic device, which makes, breaks, and carries rated current at relevant
commands. It is different from a switch as it protects the system from overload and
other failures by using the respective relay, which is not possible by a fuse switch
unit. Contactors are used in motor control, capacitor switching, heating, and lighting
in single phase and three phase AC as well as DC circuits. Fig 13 shows variety of

5.5 Main Components of Contactors

Various components of a contactor is shown in figure 14.

2 3 4



source: google

Figure 14.Components of a contactor

Departments in Switchgear Factory



Supplier Quality


Plant Engineering






6.1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering Department:

Figure 15.Industrial Engineering

The Industrial Engineering department responsibility is confined to the Production
Planning and Control while other fields of production management are grouped
under a separate department bearing the name of “Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering or Process engineering is brain of any manufacturing unit it
is section which converts design into product. A conversion process is to convert
inputs into output. Process planning, manpower planning, line balancing are some
basic foremost important tasks of the process engineering. It is systematic
determination of methods by which a product is to be manufactured economically
and competitively. Manpower planning is a process by which management
determines how the organization should move from its current manpower position
to desire manpower position.

6.2 Functions of Industrial Engineering Department

Figure 16.Functions of Industrial Engineering Dept

As shown in figure 16 are the functions of the Industrial Engineering Dept
explained below-
Process planning: Process planning is the relation between design and
manufacturing. Process planning consists in defining the sequence of the steps that
should be taken to make the product. Process planning is referring to the engineering
and technological issues of how to make it. (1)
Layout and Infrastructure: Design and develop new layouts and workstations of
better productivity and for effective flow of material. Different parameters such as
ergonomics, engineering solutions and capacity are taken in consideration while
designing any workplace.
Product assembly: Assembly processes of products are studied, and improvements
are carried to reduce mfg. time and increase productivity.
Suggestion Scheme: Suggestion Scheme is a portal developed in Siemens to receive
different ideas for improvement.
Time study, routing, method study: MOST are some techniques used for capacity
planning and rationalization of product. With the help of this techniques SMH
(standard Man Hours) are calculated and reduced to achieve high productivity.
Capacity planning: To meet large orders and to gain profit from them labor
outsourcing is carried out under the observation of IE.
Eliminating industrial wastes: Different types of engineering solutions are
developing based on DOWNTIME i.e. Transport, Inventory, Movement, Waiting,
Over Production, Over Processing and Defects, Unutilized skills. These are normally
known as 8 wastes.
Making processes LEAN: Lean manufacturing concept is used in process planning
to reduce waste and control inventory. Different inventory control methods such as
two bin system, just in time are also used.

Chapter 7:



In an era of worldwide economic downturn, the survival and competitiveness of
manufacturing firms depend on their practices and capabilities to adapt to external
environments, which are attributed to changes in customer preferences, government
regulations, technology, and competitors.
This strategic alignment of internal resources and external market requirements enable not
only survival, but also competitiveness.
Manufacturing strategies determine the deployment of resources to build capabilities for
creating and sustaining costs and product advantages to maintain a high level of
profitability and strong market position. This reflects the ability to successfully define their
scope, to manage and coordinate the core functions and operations within the enterprise as
well as relationships with suppliers and customers, and to respond to market demand.

Production capacity is the maximum output that can be achieved in the production of
manufactured goods. It is generally a part-based metric that identifies the most goods or
products that can be created given a set number of resources (time, labor, materials).
Manufacturing businesses are always looking to maximize their available resources to
increase productivity and minimize production costs. Manufacturers in today’s competitive
environment are increasingly investing their resources into accurate production planning
and scheduling to get a handle on lead times.
Calculating production capacity is one of the basic steps manufacturers can take to
understand the maximum output of their facilities.
The ideal for any manufacturer is to operate at full capacity. This means that all equipment
is utilized at the highest percentage and operates with optimized processes to incur no
unnecessary downtime. But capacity in most manufacturing companies is constrained by
one of several factors.
With the continuous development of the Internet of Things and the progress
of information technology, all countries in the world are actively taking action to
emphasize the importance of manufacturing in the national economy.
Therefore, production capacity calculation helps in production planning and control (PPC)
which is a necessity for manufacturing facilities around the globe that are seeking to
maintain a competitive advantage in the market.


Many organizations are using the concept of “Lean Manufacturing” for their survival in the
global competition. Lean manufacturing has its origin in the Toyota Production System
(TPS), Japan (Arnheiter and Maleyeff, 2005; Watson, 2006), and focuses on elimination of
wastes as its principal objective (Pettersen, 2009). The ultimate objective of lean
manufacturing is to become highly responsive to customer demand, while producing quality
products in the most efficient and economical manner by reducing or eliminating all kinds
of wastes (Bhasin, 2006). Any operation which does not add value to the product is to be
considered as waste. Waste and value should be viewed from the customer’s viewpoint, and
this augments the process of identification and subsequent reduction of waste. If an activity
adds any such attribute to the product, which the customer wants and is ready to pay for the
same, then such an activity is not a waste. In the manufacturing context, various operations
are categorized into non-value adding (NVA) operations, necessary but non-value adding
(NNVA) operations and value-adding (VA) operations. NVA operations are pure waste and
should be eliminated completely. NNVA activities should be reduced to the maximum
extent possible by making certain changes in the process.
The seven commonly accepted wastes in the Toyota Production System are overproduction,
waiting of materials and/or workers, transport, inappropriate processing, unnecessary
inventory, unnecessary motion and defects (Hines and Rich, 1997). Frank Gilbreth, the
father of process charts developed the process mapping system which has been very popular
since its introduction. Womack and Jones (1996) published a second book on lean called
Lean Thinking (Greene, 2002; Serrano et al., 2008). In this book, Womack and Jones
introduce the concept of a value stream. Value stream refers to only those specific operations
or activities that actually add value to the specific product or service under consideration
(Hines and Rich, 1997).
The concept of VSM as a lean tool was first established in the book Learning to See by
Mike Rother and John Shook in 1998 (Lasa et al., 2008). VSM should help to identify areas
of improvement to make the process more productive. The ultimate objective of VSM is to
eliminate waste (Wan et al., 2007; Seth et al., 2008) and enable the organization to reach its
objectives. The creation of the VSM is by itself a value adding process, as it helps to have
more details and deeper insights of the process (McDonald et al., 2002b). The entire value
stream is first depicted visually in the form of a current state map which is studied to identify
the various wastes in the process (Barber and Tietje, 2008). The future state map is then

developed to illustrate a much improved version of the current state, which minimizes waste.
This future state should be a realistic one. It is essential to develop proper strategy to
implement the value stream as depicted in the future state (Braglia et al., 2006; Singh and
Sharma, 2009). McDonald et al. (2002a) suggested an application of value stream mapping,
enhanced by simulation, to a dedicated product line in an engineer-to-order motion control
products manufacturing plant. Huang and Li (2010) have illustrated how a PC original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) in Taiwan had achieved legality through reengineering its
supply chain. In this paper, VSM has been developed in a phase-wise manner in line with
the gradual increase in customer demand, ultimately satisfying the customer requirements
by having neither too much of excess production nor shortages.
A constraint in a production process is any element that prevents the system from increasing
its throughput. There are usually several constraints in an organization (Boyd and Gupta,
2004). Dr Eli Goldratt developed his TOC as a problem-solving approach for removal of
such constraints (Gupta and Boyd, 2008; Kim et al., 2008). This is a continuous process of
improvement, in which constraints are identified, the same are exploited and a procedure
for removing the constraints is adopted. Consequently, constraints shift elsewhere and the
whole process is repeated several times to improve the system (Rahman, 1998; Mabin and
Balderstone, 2003).

7.3 About the product-

RAJA DOL (Direct On-line) Starter+
 Introduction-
DOL Starter (Direct Online Starter) is also known as “across the line starter”as shown in
fig 17. DOL starter is a device consisting of main contactor, protective devices and
overload relay which is used for motor starting operations. It is used for low ratings,
usually below 5HP motors.
A DOL starter is a method of starting a 3-phase induction motor. In a DOL Starter, an
induction motor is connected directly across its 3-phase supply, and the DOL starter
applies the full line voltage to the motor terminals.
Despite this direct connection, no harm is done to the motor. A DOL motor starter
contains protection devices, and in some cases, condition monitoring.

Since the DOL starter connects the motor directly to the main supply line, the motor draws
a very high inrush current compared to the full load current of the motor (up to 5-8 times
higher). The value of this large current decreases as the motor reaches its rated speed.

Figure 17.RAJA DOL (Direct On-line) Starter+

 Construction of DOL starter-

The DOL starter consists of two switches namely Green and Red where the green switch
is used to start, and red switch is used to stop the motor. The DOL starter comprises a
circuit breaker (or) MCCB, overload relay & contactor for protecting the motor as shown
in fig.18. The two switches of the motor control the contacts. The motor can be started
when we shut the contact by pressing the switch, and full-line voltage comes out to the
induction motors

Generally, the contactors are 3-pole contactors

or 4-pole contactors. For instance, a 4-pole
type contactor consists of three normally open
contacts, and one is auxiliary or holds on
contact. The three NO contacts are used to
connect the induction motor to supply lines
whereas the auxiliary contact is used to boost
the contactor coil when the start button is
Figure 18.Construction of DOL starter

If any error takes place, then the hold on contactor gets deactivated. Therefore, the DOL
starter separates the induction motor from the mains supply
DOL Starter Working Principle-
The working principle of a DOL starter begins with the connection to the 3-phase main with
the motor. The control circuit is connected to any two phases and energized from them only.
When we press the start button, the current flows through the contactor coil (magnetizing
coil) and control circuit also.
The current energizes the contactor coil and leads to close the contacts, and hence 3-phase
supply becomes available to the motor.
If we press the stop button, the current through the contact becomes discontinued, hence
supply to the motor will not be available, and the similar thing will happen when the
overload relay operates. Since the supply of the motor breaks, the machine will come to
The contactor coil (Magnetizing Coil) gets supply even though we release start button
because when we release start button, it will get supply from the primary contacts

 DOL Starter Applications-

The applications of DOL starters are primarily motors where a high inrush current does not
cause excessive voltage to drop in the supply circuit (or where this high voltage drop is

Direct on-line starters are commonly used to start small water pumps, conveyor belts, fans,
and compressors. In the case of an asynchronous motor (such as the 3-phase squirrel-cage
motor) the motor will draw a high starting current until it has run up to full speed.

 Manufacturing Process Of RAJA+ DOL Starter-

The manufacturing process of the product is a simple one and not quite complicated. As
mentioned above the main components used in the formation of a starter are main contactor,
protective devices, and overload relay along with some other components like push buttons,
base plate, cover plate, etc.
The manufacturing process of the RAJA Starter can be said as an assembly process of the
above components. This can be depicted in given below fig.19

Figure 19.Manufacturing Process Of RAJA+ DOL Starter-

Siemens Ltd. Kalwa is a manufacturer of different types of switchgear products. One such
type of a product is called a starter.
Starters are of two types agricultural and industrial starters with Siemens having its
dominance in both the categories in the market.
With the increasing growth of Siemens in the market and the state-of-the-art quality
provided with the product is considered, there is a great demand for the motor starters in
the market
However, Siemens Ltd. was unable to cope up with the market demand considering its
current production capacity and facility.
When I started my training in JULY 2022, I was on boarded on a project regarding the
production capacity of starter products.
One of the top and most selling products among the starters was Raja DOL starter.
At the current stage Siemens was producing about X Qty RAJA starters per month.
Considering the market demands and trends, they needed to produce 2X Qty RAJA starters
per month to satisfy customer demand. The customer demand has been increased by twice
as compared to last financial year.

As a result, the goal was to study the current production capacity, look out for the
improvements and solutions to be taken to nearly double the production capacity of RAJA+
starter and achieve the goal of 2x starters per month.

Problems statement are as follows-

● Surge in customer demand
● Insufficient Production Capacity (Infrastructure and Layout setup)
● Space Constraints
● Material Storage and Movement
● Product mix

With the statement of the problem mentioned above comes a number of objectives that must
be kept in mind while making plans and setting goals to solve them.
In the modern world, staying dominant in the industrial sector requires staying one step
ahead of your competitors.
And to do that, a business needs to be able to meet customer requests while maintaining
control over its production capacity and a lean production line.
Production and lean manufacturing go hand in hand. While enhancing the production
capacity of RAJA starter it is needed to think with the lean methodology. Implementing
lean manufacturing in the process will increase the productivity and efficiency by
eliminating wastage form it. The objective of study to enhance the production through lean
manufacturing are as follows:

Figure 20.Objectives

● Elimination of waste
● Reduce Non-Value-added activities
● Reduction in cycle time
● Line Balancing
● Improve production capacity
● Improve efficiency
● Reduction in inventory
● Time to market
● Reduce Customer Complaints due to product mix


Lean Manufacturing

 Definition of Lean-
Lean Thinking is an approach that aims to get rid of all the wastes that bring a burden to
the system.
 Lean manufacturing-
It is a production method designed to help reduce both the time for production, as well
as response times to customers and from suppliers. The strategy aims to increase
efficiency by eliminating waste, optimizing processes, and cutting costs. The practice
allows reducing waste and inventory costs by producing only what’s in demand and not
overstocking. By reducing the production time, the method improves the productivity
rate and helps increase profits.
Lean manufacturing adopts the just-in-time approach and additionally focuses on
reducing cycle, flow, and throughput times by further eliminating activities which do
not add any value for the customer. Lean manufacturing also involves people who work
outside of the manufacturing process, such as in marketing and customer service.
 History Of Lean Manufacturing-
The method, also known as lean production or just-in-time production (JIT), dates back
to the late 1940s when Toyota developed its operating model called Toyota Production
System (TPS). Later on, in 1988, John Krafcik established the term “lean”.
The emergence of the lean manufacturing principles is attributed to James Womack and
Daniel Jones who defined the method’s 5 principles in 1996: value specification;
mapping the value stream; creating value flow; establishing pull system; pursuing
perfection. The principles forming a production cycle are the heart of Lean philosophy

and Lean thinking. Originating in the manufacturing world, today the method is
successfully applied as a management method across industries and domains.
 Key Principles of Lean Manufacturing-
Lean Manufacturing relies on five key principles.

1. Identify value.
2. Map the value stream.
3. Create flow.
4. Establish a pull system.
5. Pursue perfection.

At its core, Lean manufacturing is defined as the production strategy to reduce times for
delivery and response to customers’ inquiries. It does that by eliminating all processes
which don’t bring value.

The Toyota Production System, and later the concept of Lean, was developed around
eliminating the three types of deviations that show inefficient allocation of resources.
The three types are Muda (waste), Mura (unevenness), and Muri (overburden).


Muda means wastefulness, uselessness, and futility, which contradicts value-addition.

Value-added work is a process that adds value to the product or service that the customer
is willing to pay for. Muda Type 2 includes non-value-added activities in the processes,
but these activities are unnecessary for the customer. As a result, Muda Type 2 should
be eliminated. Here are seven categories of waste under Muda Type 2 that follow the
abbreviation TIMWOOD shown in fig.21

Figure 21.TIMWOOD

Types of Waste (MUDA) in Lean Manufacturing-

1. Overproduction -Overproduction is a type of waste in Lean manufacturing that

refers to producing or generating work more than what is in demand which
leads to additional costs for transportation, resources, waiting time, rework, etc.

2. Inventory- The inventory type of waste is related to an excessive overstocking

of materials or resources to meet unexpected customer demands. However, in
most cases, the result of this inventory is increased storage costs and no added
value for customers.

3. Motion -The motion waste type refers to any unnecessary movement of people
or equipment which affects production time, the safety of the working
environment, and workplace organization. This can include moving, lifting,
reaching, etc.

4. Defects -Defects are a type of Lean manufacturing waste that refer to any
product or service which is not fit for use and requires rework or scrapping
altogether. All defects lead inevitably to additional costs and do not add value
to the customers.

5. Over-processing -The waste refers to all excess work that is not required by the
customer and leads to additional costs and spending of resources. The result is
an increased end price a customer may not be willing to pay for. This can be an
additional product functionality or adding more steps in a workflow process.

6. Waiting -Waiting is a type of waste in Lean manufacturing that refers to any

type of service which is not in motion: waiting on materials or suppliers,
equipment waiting to be fixed, people waiting on approval, etc.

7. Transport -The transport waste in Lean manufacturing refers to any excessive

movement of materials or resources which turns out costly, can negatively
affect the quality, and does not add value to the product.

8. The eighth waste is the only lean manufacturing waste that is not
manufacturing-process specific. This type of manufacturing waste occurs when
management in a manufacturing environment fails to ensure that all their
potential employee talent is being utilized.

Lean manufacturing offers the use of multiple tools and techniques to achieve the goals
by eliminating the above-mentioned wastes.
There are various types of tools used to remove MUDA from a process,below mentioned
are some of the tools which were used while working on the project

 Value Stream Mapping (VSM)-
Value stream mapping is among the most important practices of Lean Manufacturing

● Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Definition -

The Value stream mapping process allows you to create a detailed visualization of
all steps in your work process. It is a representation of the flow of goods from the
supplier to the customer throughout your organization.

A value stream map displays all the important steps of your work process necessary
to deliver value from start to finish. It allows you to visualize every task that your
team works on and provides single glance status reports about each assignment's
The purpose of VSM is to identify and eliminate waste. Items are categorized as
adding or subtracting value based on the customer’s perspective.

● Benefits of value stream mapping:

1. With the help of VSM, you can identify wasteful activities.

2. VSM provides a clear view of the work process - where value-adding and non-
value-adding stages form. A good practice is also to visualize how long it takes
for work items to go through them.
3. VSM highlights the current workflow and brings the focus on future

● Steps to do Value Stream Mapping–

1. Form a Team to Create the Lean Value Stream Map
2. The KAIZEN Kick-off VSM Planning
3. The Process Family – VSM Planning
4. Identifying Similarities
5. Creating the Current State Map – VSM Planning
6. Start by Creating the Basic VSM Template
7. Creating the Future State Map
8. Creating the VSM Draft Plan

 Bottle-neck Analysis-
A bottleneck is any point where the output of one area is building up in another area
nearby. It constrains the ability to process goods or services according to plan. It is
the weakest link. Bottlenecks are problems that need to be resolved as quickly as
possible. They work directly against the idea of Just in Time (JIT) and cause issues
that result in needed parts storage and supply. In a nutshell, they mean someone isn’t
getting what they need when or where they need it.
Bottleneck analysis is a structured way of looking at the processes and workflows for
developing a product or service. Bottleneck analysis is also used to address both
present and future issues, by identifying and addressing operational and process

Utilizing Lean practices to spot and rectify a bottleneck saves companies time, energy
and money. Depending on the type of bottleneck, there are several things one can do
to address it. For example, bottlenecks caused by inefficient processes can be fixed
through streamlining and improving those processes; if it is instead caused by a lack
of resources, one may need to hire more people or purchase technology to make your
existing resources go further.

 Takt Time

TAKT time is the maximum acceptable time to meet the demands of the customer. In
other words, TAKT Time is the speed with which the product needs to be created to
satisfy the needs of the customer.

The TAKT Time Formula =

(Net Time Available for Production)/(Customer’s Daily Demand).

It’s the maximum amount of time a product needs to be produced while still meeting
consumer demand. Takt creates a rhythm across a supply chain to ensure continuous
flow and full utilization of available resources.

There are many advantages to calculating TAKT Time. Among them are:

● Estimating any service delivery processes

● Standardizing your work processes
● Increasing efficiency by decreasing training times
● Maintaining a constant production workflow
● Setting realistic time targets
● Minimizing worker overtime
● Reducing errors and increasing product or service quality.

 Cycle Time-
It is the amount of time required to complete one task. The process includes the time
required to produce the item as well as the wait stages (the length of time the item is
left 'waiting' on the board) between active work sessions.

Cycle Time refers to the period a team works on manufacturing a product before the
product gets prepared for shipment. It is the amount of time required to execute one
operation. It considers the actual time spent making the item and the wait periods, or
the length of time the job is kept "waiting" on the board between active work periods.
Cycle Time may be calculated using two numbers. The total 𝑥 number of goods
produced and the total time it took to make the 𝑥 number of goods.

 Lead Time-
Lead time is, in general, the interval of time between the commencement and
conclusion of a procedure. Several different solutions vary depending on the business
when it comes to the precise meaning of lead time.

Manufacturing, supply chain management, and project management are the three
industries where the lead time gets most commonly used:

Pre-processing time is about the time required to create plans and manage paperwork),
and the processing time is the time necessary to build the product. Post-processing
time is a component of lead time in manufacturing (i.e., the time needed to deliver the
product to the customer).
The lead period in supply chain management is the time that elapses between when
you place an order for supplies and when the supply delivery arrives from the supplier.
Lead time is a term used in project management to describe how long it takes to
accomplish a particular collection of activities. It refers to overlaps between the two
and includes dependencies between operations.

 Root Cause Analysis-

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a comprehensive term encompassing a collection of

problem-solving methods used to identify the real cause of a non-conformance or
quality problem. Root Cause Analysis is the process of defining, understanding, and
solving a problem. The root cause has also been described as an underlying or
fundamental cause of a non-conformance, defect or failure. Furthermore, the term
“root cause” can also be referred to as the precise point in the causal chain where
applying a corrective action or intervention would prevent the non-conformance from
Why to perform RCA?-
Repeat problems are a source of waste in manufacturing. Waste in the form of
machine downtime, product rework, increased scrap and the time and resources spent
“fixing” the problem. Many times, we may believe that the problem is resolved but in
reality, we have just addressed a symptom of the problem and not the actual root
cause. Correctly performed, a Root Cause Analysis can identify breakdowns in your
processes or systems that contributed to the non-conformance and determine how to
prevent it from happening again
Principles Of RCA-
The main principles of Root Cause Analysis include:
● The aim of Root Cause Analysis is to identify the root cause of a problem in order to
prevent it from ever occurring again. It’s a long term solution.
● Root Cause Analysis must be an investigative and systematic process to work
● Every problem only has one root cause.
 5 Whys Analysis -
The 5 Why method is simply asking the question “Why” enough times until you get
through all the symptoms of a problem and down to the root cause. The 5 Whys is
often used during problem-solving activities. It is also used in coordination with other
analysis tools, such as the Cause-and-Effect Diagram, but can also be used as a
standalone tool. The 5 Whys is most effective when the answers come from people
who have hands-on experience of the issue being examined. To discover the root
cause of a problem, keep asking “why”. By repeating “why”, you can drive down to
the root cause of the problem. A general rule of thumb is that you should reach the
3rd to 5th “why”, or you may just address a symptom of the problem and not the
actual root cause. The 5 Why Form can sometimes have three separate areas (or
“legs”) to address the 5 Whys: Why it occurred, why it was not detected and why our
systems failed. Each area should be explored, and you may have more than one causal
progression for each area.



1. Customer Demand-
As defined in the problem statement customer demand is the main and most important
factor which is the driving force of this project.
Customer demand of any product represents the buying habits of consumers and helps
determine the purchasing trends of specific populations.
Siemens Ltd. uses consumer demand projections and data to evaluate their pricing,
revenues and strategies when selling products or services.
RAJA + DOL Starter has always been a bread product for Siemens starter segment and
with that the demand for it has always been increasing since long time.
The graph for the market demand in Fig.22 shows how the customer demand and market
requirement has shown growth over the years.

Market Demand




2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Figure 22. Market Demand

2. Current Layout-
For any manufacturing or assembly process, layout of the assembly line is the very
important factor which directly affects the activity time, production capacity and
efficiency of the process. As a process planner I firstly and importantly worked on to
understand the existing layout of the assembly line.
For this the first step taken was to get a visual idea of the present layout which I got to
know from the CAD drawing of it. The CAD drawing helped to study the available space
at the location, formation of the workstations, their dimensions and the flow of activities
which undergoes during the assembly.
But while working in an industrial setup one can not only believe the data which is on
papers, it is equally important to practically observe things at the location. One need to
see where the real work happens. This phenomenon is given by the famous TAICHII
Gemba walk helped in to observe the actual work process, engage with employees, gain
knowledge about the work process, and explore opportunities for continuous
So again, the practically the layout dimensions, space available was calculated the setup
of the workstations and the material flow was studied and a drawing of this actual setup
was created which as shown below in fig.23-

Figure 23.Existing Layout

After the GEMBA walk, observing the layout following problems were pointed out-

 Material Flow- The material flow which is the first and the skeleton of any assembly
line was clearly not in the ideal condition. As with the manufacturing process going on
weight of the product increases with every operation and thus it is important to have
the final finished product flow in line with the storage or dispatch area. As seen in the
layout image the flow of raw material flow and the product flow is opposite from the
dispatch area. Also due to improper planning and setup the material movement is also
quite high.

 Storage - The storage setup for the raw materials as well as finished products was
scattered and was not handy. Due to this reason motion waste was also observed.

 Space Constraints - With the available space and the layout in place it is noted that the
space provided is not optimized in a correct manner. And this results in constraints
when any new change is going to be added. As we have to enhance the production
capacity in the existing space which will be difficult due to space constraints.
Therefore, the goal will be to optimize the layout in the available space only.

3. Current VSM (Value Stream Mapping)-

As an Industrial Engineer, for any project to be implemented it is necessary that one
must get its visual idea of it in mind. Siemens Ltd. and the Industrial Engineering
Department believes the same to create a visual map of the current situation which was
done with this project as shown in fig.24
A famous lean tool called as Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is used here to map the
whole production process of the product. As the name suggests the main motive was
to find out the value-added activity time from the process.
As a result, various GEMBA walks were done at the supplier location to execute the
value stream mapping which gave the following order of the process-
1. Incoming order from the customer is handled by the production department
2. Production department according to the order quantity plans and give further
plan of action to the press shop and assembly shop

3. Press shop and assembly shop in return provides the essential components which
is the raw material for starter assembly i.e., enclosure , contactors, relays, push
buttons, at the supplier location.
4. After receiving raw material supplier starts its operations which includes 4
assembly process, 2 testing process and a packing operation.
5. Final product then gets dispatched and is sent to the warehouse

The current state map of the VSM -

Figure 24.Current VSM

➢ During a Lean improvement of a process, we dissect a process in detail. While

doing so we list the following types of activities:
1. Value added activities -
Value adding activities are those that bring additional value to products or
services. Customers are willing to pay for these improvements that can change
the form, fit or function of a product or service
2. Non-Value-added activities - These are those activities for which the customer is
not willing to pay for. They only add to cost and time. Non-value-added activities
are also called "wastes," as delved in the last article. The focus should be to

eliminate these non-value-added activities. Examples of non-value-added
activities include all the eight wastes of Lean

So, with this approach VSM was focused to find out the value-added activity time and
the non-value-added activity time.
For this the correct way was to specifically segregate the assembly process into singular
operations which was done. After this as it is necessary to at least get enough data to find
out rejection time, utilization time, cycle time a whole shift of 480 min was chosen to
collect data which is as follows in Table 2 -

Assembl Assembl Assembl Testing 1 Testing 2 Assembl Packing

y Process y Process y Process y Process
1 2 3 4

CT 5.4 9 9.3 8.8 5 9.9 9.9

C/O - - - - - - -

Up time


Shift 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Working Time 480 480 480 480 480 480 480

Table 2.VSM Results

● The working time is taken as a shift of 8 hours which sums up to 480 minutes.
● With the above VSM and the data collected it can be said that the cycle time of the
above operations is considered as the value-added time as it is the time at which
the operation is done which adds some value to the product.
● Value added time – 58 mins
● The time taken between any two operations is the non-value-added activity time
which is observed due to inventory stack up caused by bottleneck, motion waste,
waiting waste. which is basically adding no value to our product.
Non- Value-added time – 2160 mins
● VA/NVA Ratio –
= 58/2160
= 0.0269
So, while VSM was carried out the non-value-added activities were found but it was more
important to find about the root causes of the non-value-added activities which is
responsible for the non-value added time.
As a result, various types of wastes were which were responsible for the non-value added
time given as below in Table 3

Table 3.Wastages from VSM

● While performing VSM the market demand of the starter product was known and
along with that VSM helped to find out the actual cycle time required for the
● Cycle time here refers to the time required to deliver a single piece of RAJA starter
right from its initiation of the order till the final delivery to the customer.
● As from the data of VSM the cycle time observed for our product is 9.9 mins
● Also, with the customer demand data provided by the production department Takt
Time is also calculated here-

Current Cycle Time-

(Net Time Available for Production)/ (Customer’s Daily Demand).

Net Available Time= No. of working hours per day x No of working days in a month
= 8 hrs. x 25 days
= 8 x 60 min x 25 days
= 12000

Customer’s daily demand = X qty
Note – All the figures used are imaginary as the original figures are confidential and
can’t be shared due to company’s policies.
Current Cycle Time-
= 12000/ X
= 10.08 min

4. Activity Time-
Activity time refers to the time taken by an operator to complete a given work or task.
At Siemens Ltd. activity time is the most important factor while calculating the
efficiency of the process. With the current case also the current activity time of all the
assembly processes and
Was collected from the time study sheet.
At Siemens for every manufacturing process time study calculation is performed and
this done using MOST technique. So MOST calculates time taken by an operator or
worker to perform a particular activity or task. Therefore, the MOST sheet of the
current RAJA starter assembly process was studied and the following data was used-

1. Cycle Time –
The cycle time for all the operations was recorded as followed-
Note – All the figures used are imaginary as the original figures are
confidential and can’t be shared due to company’s policies.

Operation Cycle time

Wire cutting /stripping, forming 10.8
Base plate assembly 27.4
Top cover assembly 27.9
Functional testing' 17.5
HV testing 5.1
cover fixing 9.9
Packing 19.9

Table 4.Operations and cycle time

2. Number of Workers-
As the cycle time of an operation is taken into consideration number of workers
was also counted. So, while working on this it was needed that cycle time per
worker for an operation should also be calculated.
Therefore, with the data of number of workers and cycle time for each operation,
Cycle time for each worker for that operation was calculated as follows in Table

Cycle No. of
Operation time Workers Cycle time
Wire cutting /stripping, forming 10.8 2 5.4
Base plate assembly 27.4 3 9.1
Top cover assembly 2.79 3 9.3
Functional testing' 17.5 2 8.8
HV testing 5.1 1 5.1
Cover fixing 9.9 1 9.9
Packing 19.9 2 9.9
Table 5.Cycle time for each worker

With the input data collected from the MOST calculation sheet and the current state map
of VSM
cycle time and number of workers for each operation was known. With that keeping in
mind data analysis was done further to find about the total activity time and output per
 Cumulative table time = sum of the cycle time = 118.6
 Total No of workers = 14
 Cycle Time of the complete process – The cycle time of a complete process is
always the maximum time taken for a single operation amongst all. In this case,
Cover fixing, and packing takes the most time which is 9.9. Hence, the cycle time
of the complete process is 9.9.
 Cumulative Cycle time – It was essential to calculate cumulative cycle time to get
the complete activity time as activity time is the sum of the cumulative cycle time
and the time loss due to rejection

So, Cumulative cycle time = No. of worker x cycle time
=14 x 9.9
= 139 min
While considering cycle time it is necessary to take the time loss due to rejection
into account which is 3 % as per data which equals to 1.7
 Therefore, the Total activity time = Cumulative cycle time + Rejection loss
= 139 + 1.7
= 140.7 min
 Output/shift (1 worker) =Shift time/Total Activity time
= 480/140.7
= 3.4
 Output/shift (14 worker) = 47.7


After collecting the data and finding about all the challenges and problems which were
meant to be overcome were listed.
While going with lean manufacturing it is very important to have the objectives clear so
that one can think in the right direction to achieve lean goals.
Adding to this to find the solutions for our objectives the approach used were as follows-
 Root Cause Analysis-
Coming to this project, RAJA starter project all started with the cause of solving high
consumer demand and with this comes a responsibility due to time constraints. As the
demand was growing it was necessary to find a solution and increase the production capacity
as early as possible. In such case it was very important to find the root cause of our problem
statement as if not found the root cause of the problem it will mislead the whole project idea
and thus it will be difficult to find solutions affecting the deadlines.
Hence with the above data taken, it was studied, analyzed and further the focus was to find
the root cause.

 5 Whys approach-
As the aim was to find the root cause and the challenges in the current setup the approach
was to be to start finding for the reasons for it and when you go for the questions it is always
important to have an insightful understanding of what is happening on the work floor.
So, in this method it was tried to go deep into the reasons and problems identified and to
know what the reason was behind the actual one and so on till the root cause is found. This
approach known as 5 Whys approach as shown in fig 25 is thoroughly used to find the areas
of improvement and more importantly when thinking about solutions for it.
As while looking for solutions and answers to the problems in this project the mindset was
always to question the reason behind a solution too and with it was taken care that what
other options can be implemented and what will be the best with the goal of having a lean

Figure 25. 5 WHY’s

1.Addition of new workstations-

Outcomes –
As it is proven with the current setup of workplaces, workers, and infrastructure the
maximum output which can be achieved is 47.7 per shift and X per month with a cycle
time of 9.9 min
Now to the takt time as per demand is 4.0 min which is approximately 60 % less than the
current cycle time.
So, with the current manufacturing facility it is very difficult to reach the target as the
root cause which is found here is insufficient infrastructure, workplaces, and
As a result, the first solution and plan of action was to increase the number of workstations
and eventually also number of workers and infrastructure with it.
With that taking into consideration the takt time to be attained number of workstations
depending upon the cycle time and bottleneck analysis was calculated and are as below
in Table 6
Note – All the figures used are imaginary as the original figures are confidential and can’t
be shared due to company’s policies.

New number of Additional
number of
Operation Workers and Infrastructure
Workers and
workstations requirement
Wire cutting /stripping, +1
forming 2 3
Base plate assembly 3 7 +4
Top cover assembly 3 8 +5
Functional testing 2 5 +3
HV testing 1 2 +1
Cover fixing 1 3 +2
Packing 2 5 +3

Table 6.Additional Infrastructure requirement

In reference to the above idea the calculation for the expected cycle time calculation was
done accordingly shown in Table.7 -
New number of New cycle
Operation Cycle time
operators time
Wire cutting /stripping, 10.8
forming 3.00 3.6
Base plate assembly 27.4 7.00 3.9
Top cover assembly 2.79 8.00 3.7
Functional testing' 17.5 5.00 3.5
HV testing 5.1 2.00 2.6
Cover fixing 9.9 3.00 3.3
Packing 19.9 5.00 4.0
Table 7.New cycle time

According to the above cycle time results, the further steps to find the activity time needs
to be done so that we activity time value will prove the per day capacity and eventually
our objective -

 Total No of workers = 33
 Cycle Time of the complete process – The cycle time of a complete process is
always the maximum time taken for a single operation amongst all. With this
packing operation takes the maximum time which is 4.0 min

 Cumulative cycle time = No. of worker x cycle time

= 33 x 4.0
 Therefore, the Total activity time which is expected is
= Cumulative cycle time + Rejection loss
= 131.1 + 1.7
= 132.8 min

 Output/shift (1 worker) =Shift time/Total Activity time

= 480/132.8
= 3.61
 Output/shift (33 worker) = 33 x 3.61
= 119

 So, the with the results coming shows that there are significant and substantial
changes in the cycle time, activity time, and eventually the production output
with that. The infrastructure addition idea is proven to be positive with the
outcomes coming and the improvement can be depicted as below-

2.Layout Formation-
As the plan of action was cleared in the above solution part that it is necessary to add new
When addition of new workplaces or change in assembly line is to be done the most
important thing which is to be kept in mind is the layout setup of the assembly lines and
the workplaces of it the reason being, the way in which workstations and tools are
arranged can affect ergonomics, productivity, and throughput of the product.
At this point in this project the goal while planning for the layout is clear which is to
optimize the flow and minimize the waste.

Objectives of layout planning are -

 To enable material flow to and from the line.
 To allow people to interface easily and quickly in a flexible environment.
 To ensure that all equipment is as versatile as possible.
 To minimize wasted motion.
 To separate people and machines.
 To enable the use of pull systems.

Now as the objectives of the activity are set analysis was done as below-

 Bottleneck analysis-
As the number of workstations are increased it is now important to achieve the
cycle time of 4.0 min which is calculated based on activity time data.
When the workstations setup is considered, bottleneck formation is the critical
challenge to be kept care of.
In this project, when cycle time was observed and thus studied thoroughly it was
found that there are areas where bottleneck can be formed-
i) Base Plate Assembly
ii) Top Cover Assembly
iii) Cover fixing

This is because these are the operations which has high lead time than the previous
operations respectively.

And therefore, it was decided to increase the number of workstations for these
operations more specifically to remove the bottleneck. And with the setup of
workstations is done to avoid any sort of bottleneck in the process.

 Material Flow-
Material flows influence the productivity of your company. As defined in the input
data and problem statement the material flow was in the opposite direction to the
area of storage and dispatch.
Hence while analyzing material flow is set in line starting from the first workstation
i.e., baseplate assembly or top cover assembly and finishing at the packing station
and stored at the storage area.
The purpose is to carefully structure production and storage spaces to reduce the
transport times and ultimately to enhance the efficiency.

With all the Input data gathered, and after number of Gemba walks and
brainstorming, keeping the layout objectives in mind layout design was created

As an Industrial Engineer it is always recommended to have all round thinking

approach. With that in mind it is always necessary to have different options and
solutions in hand to compare and choose for the best.

In our case also, same approached was used which resulted in formation of three
layout designs with the same objectives but with different ways which will give
different results.

The three layout designs are as follows -

a) Existing layout with extension-
In the first proposal, a new assembly line of the new workstations was added adjacent to
the existing assembly line.
The Setup of the workstations and the storage area was also kept same as the existing
line’s setup.
This is depicted as below in fig.26 –

Figure 26.Extension Layout

Key points-
 Space occupied – 159.2 m2
 Balancing loss – 17.26
 Output/shift – 95
 Material Movement – Medium

b) Existing layout with split-up operations –
In this proposal the key change was the change in the workstation’s setup than the existing
one. So basically, the operations are split into assembly line, functional testing line, HV
testing line and packing stations. Therefore, according to above four operations four
different lines were made and setup was done as shown below fig.27 –

Figure 27.Split Up Operations Layout

Key points-
 Space occupied – 187.45 m2
 Balancing loss – 13
 Output/shift – 104
 Material Movement – High

c) Cellular Manufacturing Layout –
This is the final proposal and is called as the cellular manufacturing layout. In cellular
manufacturing, production workstations and equipment are arranged in a sequence that
supports a smooth flow of materials and components through the production process with
minimal transport or delay. In this case, rather than processing multiple parts before
sending them on to the process step (as is the case in batch-and-queue, or large-lot
production), cellular manufacturing aims to move products through the manufacturing
process one-piece at a time, at a rate determined by our customers' needs

This one-piece flow method includes specific analytical techniques for assessing current
operations and designing a new cell-based manufacturing layout as shown in fig.28 that
will shorten cycle times and changeover times

Figure 28.Cellular Manufacuring Layout

Key points-
 Space occupied – 104 m2
 Balancing loss – 10.64 %
 Output/shift – 119
 Material Movement – Low

With the cellular manufacturing layout showing significant results it had various benefits
as below –
I. Provided flexibility to vary product type or features on the production
II. Minimized the time it takes for a single product to flow through the entire
production process.
III. Reduction in setup time
IV. Reduction in material handling cost
V. Reduction in material handling distance
VI. Reduction in material handling cost
VII. Improvement in Quality

According to above data three proposals were made for the layout design. All the three
had the same goal to achieve which is to minimize waste and enhance the production and
Now it is time to compare between the different proposals based on
 Space occupied
 Balancing loss
 Output/shift
 Material Movement
And when the comparison is done the best optimum solution which aligns with the
objectives and which proves best results in the favor of the project and the organization’s
aim will be chosen.
The comparison and the results are as follows shown in table 8
Note – All the figures used are imaginary as the original figures are confidential and can’t
be shared due to company’s policies.

KEY POINTS Proposed Layout 1 Proposed Layout 2 Proposed Layout 3

Space 159.62 187.45 104
Balancing loss (%) 17.26 13 10.64
Output/ shift 95 104 119
Material Movement High Medium Low

Table 8.Comparison of three layouts

Results –
 Proposal 3 has the lowest occupied space area than the others.
 Proposal 3 has the least balancing loss than the others.
 Proposal 3 has the highest output which is required i.e., 119 pcs.
 Proposal 3 has low material movement than the others.

Benefits –
 Space Saving by approx. 45%
 Reduction In Balancing Loss by Approx. 7%
 Increase in output per shift by 21%
 Reduced Material Movement
After evaluating the all the three layout proposals it was proven that the cellular
manufacturing layout shows the best results with less space occupied, least balancing
loss, giving highest output, and lowest material movement.
As a result, this was discussed with the senior management team and supervisors in
a cross functional department meet and thus with the presented data the cellular
manufacturing layout was approved by them, and thus cellular manufacturing
layout is finalized.

3.Change in technology-

In the existing setup, for the assembly operations specifically for the screwing and
tightening of the screws pneumatic screwdrivers were used. But when studied it was
found that pneumatic screwdrivers
has various drawbacks and issues. Therefore, there was need to find a solution to
overcome the following problems –
1) Sensitivity to vibration
2) Changes in temperature
3) Low accuracy
4) High variation in torque due to irregular air pressure
5) High operational cost

So, with the above issues to be resolved, a solution was given as replacing the pneumatic
screwdrivers with the electric brushless screwdrivers.

Comparison was done between the electric and pneumatic screwdrivers based on
operational cost, accuracy, variation, and performance.
Electric screwdrivers as shown in fig.29 are found to be very efficient, and performance
driven as compared to pneumatic screwdrivers.
Benefits of the electric brushless screwdrivers –
1) Economical than the pneumatic screwdrivers
2) More torque accuracy
3) Less variation
4) Low maintenance
5) Easy to use

Considering the above points, the proposal of replacing pneumatic screwdrivers with
electric screwdrivers was made and was further approved.

Figure 29.Electric Screwdriver

4.Future State VSM

At this point, we have worked on the problem areas, went for the root cause, focused on
eliminating the root causes, thought of various workable solutions and finalized the best
ones which will give best results to our objectives and our project.
As the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) lean methodology was used when the project was
in the planning phase where the visual overview of the process and its details were
collected. Takt time data which gave us the demand idea and after the mapping areas of
improvements were found and were kept in mind while finding answers to it.
Hence now it is necessary to again have a visual idea of the process when the changes
will be implemented and how the results will be of it. This will be done my drawing a
future state map of the process when the changes will be executed as shown in fig.30.
A future state value stream map (VSM) is simply a projection of how a value stream
should look in the future, 6 to 12 months.
It is a vision of how the value stream is really expected to look when all the continuous
improvement planned projects are done.

Figure 30.Future State VSM

Improvements described in the Future state VSM –

As the Future state VSM was drawn, the major goal of reducing non-value-added
activities days was accomplished as,
The Non -value added activities days were reduced by 73.33 % with having only 576 min
than the 2160 min as it was in the current state map shown in fig.31


Before After

Figure 31.NVA Current vs Future

Other Improvements -

 Line balancing will control the WIP bins/material

 Single piece flow is maintained in the layout
 Increased no. Of workers have also improved the bottleneck and constraints
 Raw materials and finished product are also kept handy to the process so as to
ease the access
 5s can be maintained in an effortless way


After all the planning and analysis phase has been completed now it is time to put the
things into reality from the papers. This phase of the project is called as the Execution
The project execution stage is where the team will do the actual work.
In this phase, the project team will execute and follow through on tasks based on the
Project Plan. At this stage, the team will spend most of its time coordinating with people,
help to ensure quality work, keep track of resources, and update stakeholders.
As the planning was done following activities were done to execute the project –

1. Layout Approval –
The finalized cellular manufacturing layout was to be executed and for that it
needs to be approved form the top management.
Therefore, a cross functional meeting was called with the following departments.
a) Industrial Engineering
b) Production Department
c) Safety Department
d) Vendor
All the three layouts were presented to the authorities and based on the
comparison provided and the results the cellular manufacturing layout (proposal
3) was approved by all the departments and was given permission for execution.

2. HIRA and EHS document preparation –

HIRA referred as Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment deals with the
identification and quantification of risks that are exposed to, due to accidents
resulting from the hazards present or handling of hazardous substances in the
As Siemens there is no tolerance regarding safety and risks at their plant locations,
same policy is believed to be implemented at the vendor’s location too.
Siemens believe in its tagline which Zero harm at the workplace so same was
taken care of when the new layout was taken into consideration.
All the ISO 45001 standards were checked, and the HIRA sheet and
documentation related to that was done.

Along with this the EHS (Environment Health Safety) regarding assessment was
also done with the coming plan and accordingly the standards of it i.e., ISO 14000
was checked and further the documentation of that was also done.

3. Infrastructure Procurement –
As mentioned in the solution part new additional workstations are to be added
along with a taping machine and electric screwdrivers.
So, for the same following tasks were done with the given order-
a) Designing of New workstations- CAD drawing was made with required
dimensions along with that ergonomics related concerns were also thought
of and according to that workstations were designed.
b) Preparation of Required Specification –
A document which shows the required specifications for the workstations
regarding the dimensions, material used and the color of the workstations.
A document which shows the required specifications for the taping machine
regarding its technicalities.
A document which shows the required specifications for the electric
screwdrivers regarding the torque required, the speed required and the other
c) Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order –
After the RS was made, it was sent to number of vendors and quotations was
collected for the same. These quotations are further sent to the Strategic
purchase department for purchase requisition. The department bids from the
vendors, selects the best suitable option and finally releases a purchase order.
d) Delivery and transfer of workstation at the supplier end –
After given period by the supplier, the workstations were delivered at the
supplier location.
4. Space Availability –
As at the supplier location where our new assembly lines setup is to be made
already was occupied by the ASD starter line. Thus, for space availability for the
line installation the existing ASD line is shifted to another area and the space was

5. Layout Marking –
So according to the layout drawing it is important to do floor marking so as to
place the workstations at their specified location and thus to bring the assembly
line in actual matching to the drawn design of it. Therefore, floor marking
considering dimensions at the actual location was done before setting up the

6. Installation of workstations and taping machine –

The delivered workstations were then installed at their specified locations
according to the floor marking and electric connections were made.
Along with the new taping machine is also installed at the marked location in the
end of the packing stations.

7. Installations of Electric Screwdrivers –

All the electric brushless screwdrivers are thus installed at the assembly
workstations replacing the pneumatic ones. Further according to the torque
requirement, the spring of the screwdriver was changed, and the torque was set
accordingly. The set torque was firstly applied on some samples to check whether
the required torque is delivered or not.
Storage racks
8. Production Rollout –
At the final stage, after all the infrastructure readiness, installation of
workstations, taping machine and the electric screwdrivers it was time for the
production layout. Aligning with the supplier and the checking availability of the
raw material from the production department production of the RAJA + DOL
starter was started and was successfully carried out.
9. Monitoring –
Even after the production was started it is important to monitor the process as it
as a new setup and there may be chances of issues.
Henceforth, the production rollout was monitored for 15 days to observe whether
the set goals and objectives are met.
Also, the changes give best results when they are sustained by the people.
Therefore, the results were considered only after suitable monitoring and when
the situations are under control and routine.

7.10 RESULTS –

The last activity of the execution phase to monitor the process for a particular period of
time . As a result the changes implemented were observed and monitored for 15 days and
then after the data was collected and results were found. The results which came out were
totally in accordance with our project’s objectives and goals.

1. Accomplished production capacity target –

With the solutions implemented the results showed that the per day production
output was 119 than the existing 47 qty which results into the monthly production
output of more than 2X starters as required as shown in figure 32. Hence it can be
said the major purpose of the project is completed and thus the production facility
is now able to satisfy the customer and market demands.

Production Capacity




Production Capacity

Figure 32.Production Capacity

2. Achieved takt time –
The project input data gave us the takt time as 4 min and after the daily output data
the rate at which the production is recorded it can be said that cycle time of the
process is as same as the takt time. Therefore, the Takt Time target is achieved.

3. Reduction of cycle time –

The cycle time of the complete process was reduced to 4.0 min from 9.9 min which
is about 60 % reduction.
The Cycle time reduction of the all the operations is shown as below figure 33 -

Cycle Time


Wire cutting Baseplate Cover Assly Functional HV testing Cover fixing Packing
Assly tesing

Before After

Figure 33.Reduction of Cycle Time

4. Reduction in Lead Time –
Reduction of non-value-added activities was a prime focus area as we used lean
manufacturing methodology throughout the project. From future state map the
NVA reduced from 2160 min to 576 min and VA reduced from 58 to 24.6 minutes
as shown in figure 34-

VSM Results VSM results

60 2500
10 NVA Current NVA After
0 NVA Current NVA After
VA current VA future

Figure 34.Reduction in lead time

5. Reduced Balancing loss-

With the implementation of cellular manufacturing layout and the lean
methodologies applied into the process he balancing loss was reduced by 7 %.
As shown in figure 35




Before After

Figure 35. Reduced balancing loss

6. Increased VA/NVA Ratio-
The VA/NVA ratio was increased from 0.0269 to 0.0427 adding more value to the
process as shown in figure 36-

VA/NVA Ratio





Before After

Figure 36.VA/NVA Ratio

7. Reduced customer complaints –

With the cellular manufacturing layout design there were two assembly lines and
henceforth there was very less chances of product mix.
This resulted into reduced customer complaints as there were no cases found of
product mix.
8. Reduction in Inventory –
As the cellular manufacturing layout approved one- piece flow and after removal
of bottleneck from the process there was reduction in inventory stack up between
the operations and thus inventory waste was eliminated from the process.
9. No Product Mix –
The cellular manufacturing layout has two separate assembly line along with
separate testing and packing stations. This allows to have two separate production
of starters according to variant or MLFB’s at the same time without any risk of
product mix and thus no customer complaints

In current times, the whole manufacturing sector is moving towards automation and
digitization. The pace at which technological advancement is taking place is so rapid that
what we implement today might not be relevant in coming times.
In these ever-changing times it is necessary that we grow at the same rate and make
improvements to our model to stay ahead of our competitors.
As we have used the lean approach throughout the project process so even after
completion of the project, we will stick to core of it which tells us to always find further
options for continuous improvement in any field or any area of the project.
This is called as KAIZEN approach in the Toyota Production System or the Lean world
as shown in figure 37.

Figure 37.KAIZEN

Thus, some of the improvements which can be made are mentioned below:

 A wire Cutting, bending, and stripping Machine of 100000 (Future Cost) can
be installed, thus automating it can reduce the cost of present 3 operators as
well as can reduce the takt time.
 Proper supply of bins can reduce any damage to body cover or finished
 Digitalization or creation of a live dashboard can provide real-time data to
achieve their target production volume and actual production volume for that

Chapter 8 : CONCLUSION

The entire training period and project helped me understand working of manufacturing
During this project I got to know about the concepts of lean manufacturing and various
optimization techniques. Working on this project taught me the correct approach to
bring a change in any existing setup which is through mapping the process and finding
root causes and brainstorming solutions for it. Also, when the capacity enhancement
was to be done different options of solutions were thought of and the best result
providing layout was finalized.
With the time study data cycle time of the process were studied and with that adding
new workstations solution was found. As an Industrial Engineer the main objective
throughout the project was to eliminate waste by optimizing the process.
With this goal and approach in the action plan the result is achieved by doubling the
production capacity of the product and it can be said that this is a milestone for the
organization itself.

Working with a team of highly experienced individuals, made me push my limits and
work steadily under deadlines. The work environment helped me take new initiatives
and increase my networking skills. The in-plant training helped me prepare for the
corporate world, by allowing me an opportunity to understand the working of the

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