Nijazi Halili

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Nijazi Halili



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Nijazi Halili




The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of globalization determined in the
integration of economic activities, mainly through markets, in economic and global
stability, against competition in the European Union sector. Globalization has opened up
new opportunities for extensive development around the world. However, this is not
developing evenly, as some countries are integrating into the global economy faster than
others with evidence of rapid growth and reduced poverty.

Consequently, a coherent analytical framework concept is used throughout the

study. The study consists of a literature review and an assessment of the main factors of
globalization. Globalization is the set of transformations in the world political and
economic order that have occurred in recent decades. The central point of change is the
integration of markets into a "Global Village", exploited by large international
corporations. States gradually abandon tariff barriers to protect their production from
competition from foreign products and open up to international trade and capital. This
process has been accompanied by an intense revolution in information technologies -
telephones, computers and television.

Globalism is the process of integration made possible by the exchange of views,

products, ideas and other cultural fields from around the world. Developments in
transportation (such as the steam locomotive, the jet engine) and telecommunications
infrastructure (including the telegraph and its modern successors, the Internet and mobile
phones) have been major factors in globalization, producing independence of economic and
cultural activities. Although many scholars place the origins of globalism in modern times,
others trace its history before the great European geographical discoveries and voyages to
the new world. Others trace their origins to the third millennium BC. Large-scale
globalization began in the 19th century. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the
connection between world economies and cultures developed very rapidly.

Globalization processes affect and are affected by businesses and employment

organizations, the economy, socio-cultural resources and the natural environment. The
academic literature usually divides globalization into three major areas: economic
globalization, cultural globalization, and political globalization.

People and nations can act individually and collectively to slow the pace of global
warming, while also preparing for the inevitable climate change and its consequences.
Several consensus studies have been undertaken. Among the most cited is a 2013 study of
nearly 12,000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers on climate science published since 1990, of
which just over 4,000 papers expressed an opinion on the cause of recent warming global.
Of these, 97% agree, explicitly or implicitly, that global warming is occurring and is man-

Information sources also become uniform due to the worldwide reach and
increasing popularity of television, pay channels and the Internet. This causes globalization
to exceed the limits of the economy and begin to provoke a certain cultural homogenization
between countries.

In short, it is in the dynamics of world economies that the productive forces, the
striving for markets, the striving to renew technologies and goods, all this forms the basis
of the progressive and erratic dynamics that take place in long-term cycles, signaling birth,
transformation, decline and the legacy of world economies. As capitalism resumed its
expansion around the world after World War II, the process of internationalization of
capital began. Capital partially lost its national character, and acquired an international

This internationalization will become more intense and generalized, or even more
global, with the end of the Cold War, the dissolution of the Soviet bloc, and changes in
economic policies in the nations of socialist regimes. At the basis of the internationalization
of capital are the formation, development and diversification of what can be called "global
production". In practice, the world has turned into a huge and complex factory, which is
developing along with what can be called a "global trade center".

The institutions, legal-political principles, standards and socio-cultural ideals that

make up the conditions and civilizing products of capitalism have been globalized.
Capitalism continues to have national bases, but these are no longer decisive, it is now
possible to accept that the meaning of the nation-state has changed drastically. The global
economy is something that will bring great benefits to humanity, especially to poor
countries, which will receive most of the investments that generate new jobs.

In this new context, the global company must be aware that people and cultures are
different in each part of the world, because each government has different interests.
Therefore, it is the thesis of the interdependence of nations. Much of what happens and can
happen in the context of globalization is synthesized in notions produced in the game of
relations between countries: diplomacy, alliance, pact, peace, bloc, bilateral,
multilateralism, regional integration, most-nation clause favorite, blockade, espionage,
overthrow, destabilization of governments, war, invasion, state terrorism. All these and
other notions have to do with the interdependence of nations. By the way, interdependence
is a very common idea in the analyzes and fantasies produced about the configurations and
movements of global society. This interdependence is focused on foreign, diplomatic,
international relations.

Then, we also dealt with the thesis of the interdependence of nations that I have
exposed so much and it is a systematic elaboration of how the world problem develops. It
concerns a scenario in which most of the problems appear in the reasons, strategies, tactics
and activities of the primary and secondary actors, all playing with the possibilities of
rational choice. Studies conducted from the perspective of systemic theory are dedicated to
the clarification of the following problems: interdependence and dependence, alliances and
blocs, bilateral and multilateralism, national and regional integration.

There is an obvious Occidentalism, along with capitalism, when the interpretations

clarify the way in which the less developed parts, units, segments or actors, that is, archaic,
peripheral or marginal, are envisaged in the organization and dynamics of world society.
World systems theory also includes the notions of Westernism and capitalism. It is the
standards, ideals and institutions of capitalism and Westernism, or vice versa, that
command the organization and dynamics of globalization.

Then the global challenges in the XXI century are also and always modernization,
but modernization, in the form of Western capitalism. It is possible to say that the
modernization theory of the world gains more stability when it is complemented, or
sophisticated, with the theory of world systems.

The systematic interpretation of international relations is already well developed in

studies and controversies on the issue of globalization. Systems theory seems to provide
stable frames of reference in order to write about important aspects of the organization and
dynamics of world society.

Closing the dialectic on the book, "Global Challenges in the XXI Century", I
conclude with the thoughts of the Swedish Journalist Thomas Larsson, in his book, The Race
to the Top: The Real Story of Globalization, which emphasizes that globalization: is the
process of shrinking of the world, of shorter distances, of bringing things closer.
Globalization is about the increasing ease with which someone on one side of the world can
interact, for mutual benefit, with someone on the other side of the world.

In conclusion, this paper is initially an impetus for me as the author of this book, but
it remains a duty for other researchers to engage and contribute to these specific problems
of globalization and global warming, which remains a challenge of the XXI century.

Prof.ass.dr.Nijazi Halili
The New York Academy of Science,USA

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