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SCoC – IIT Kharagpur Inter Hall Bridge Tournament (Team Event) , 2023


Organized by Technology Students' Gymkhana
IIT Kharagpur
The conditions of contest herein set forth are supplemental to the General Conditions and
Regulations for the National tournaments as specified in the “Hand Book” of Bridge Federation of
India, and are specific to the IIT Kharagpur Inter Hall Bridge Tournament (Team Event) , 2023 organized
by Technology Students' Gymkhana, IIT Kharagpur

The Championship will be conducted by the Tournament Committee ,IIT KGP under the technical management of MIdnapur
District Bridge Unit (MDBU) . The tournament will be played in accordance with the laws and provisions laid down by the
World Bridge Federation (WBF) and Bridge Federation of India (BFI following the WBF – 2017 Laws of Duplicate Bridge.


 All students presently pursuing any Degree course/specialisation at IIT Kharagpur (Alumni exclude) and bonafide member of
the Hall being represented. This includes all UG PG and research Scholars students of IIT Kharagpur.

 All participants are to play as per the schedule drawn up by the Chief Tournament Director (CTD) or his representative.
Refusal to play against any player(s) or any team or withdrawal from an event at any stage, without the consent of the CTD shall
result in disqualification for further participation in that event. CTD and the Tournament Committee, in addition, may take
further disciplinary actions against the offending player(s).
 English/Hindi will be the official languages for players to communicate with each other during the play in the tournament.
 All participating players should go through and abide by the tournament SCoC, which will be circulated beforehand

3. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS  Team of Four event


Each Hall can submit one team only, a team can have minimum of FOUR and maximum of SIX players including the Captain.
Entries of the event must be submitted at venue 10 minutes before scheduled start, stating the full names and Registration
Numbers of the participating players. Entries not giving the names of all the players of the team event, or without the players’
Registration numbers will be rejected. Acceptance of late entries shall be at the sole discretion of the CTD, CTD may accept late
entries at his sole discretion, where such acceptance does not disturb the tournament schedule. Any alteration in the names of the
players can be done only before the start of the event with the consent of CTD. In case a team having less than six members
wishes to add a team member, such addition can be done before the start of the 3rd session of the Swiss league with the consent of
the CTD.

5 Authority of the Tournament Committee

The Tournament Committee reserves the authority to alter or modify this SCoC. In exercising this right the committee shall also
have the right to ratify any clear error in the SCoC as soon as it is brought to its notice, provided that the error is evident from the
context or from it’s being in conflict with the laws.
Tournament Committee also reserves the right to alter the play format & schedule of an event, in case it is necessitated by less or
extra ordinary high number of entries.


“BFI System Policy 2021” will be followed. The policy can be found on BFI web site
Please note that the event of the tournament (Team of Four) have been categorized as Category 2 Events and the use of HUM
systems and Brown Sticker conventions are totally prohibited in them. In Category-2 events, Psychic Artificial bids are
prohibited in ALL rounds

7 Filling up of Convention cards and disclosure of systems

Fully filled System Card with supplementary sheets, if necessary, must be displayed at the table for all segments of all events. If
any team does not have their convention card at the table, they may be penalized. Players must disclose fully the meaning of their
conventional agreements, particularly, conventions and treatments that may require defensive preparation by opposing pairs. In
addition to system card, pairs shall use supplementary sheets, where necessary, to achieve this objective. To satisfy the principle
of adequate disclosure, the onus is on each pair to prepare for the information of opponents an accurate and comprehensive
system card. Understandings whereby there may be violations of the normal meaning of the call, and where the nature of
violation may possibly be anticipated, must also be disclosed in the convention card with full detail in a supplementary sheet,
wherever necessary. The understandings may be explicitly agreed or they may have developed from partnership experience or
mutually shared knowledge not available to opponents.

(ABOV E rules highlighted in pink may not be adhered to strictly, but Conventions MUST be explained to opponents. )

If a player makes use of any conventional call not sufficiently described on his system card (including supplementary sheets), that
player’s partnership may be subject to a procedural penalty (Law 90) for the infraction and/or to disciplinary penalty as well as to
score adjustments to redress any damage. The onus of disclosure is on the user. When there is a claim of damage through
inadequate disclosure, the CTD and the Review Committee will give the benefit of any doubt to the opponents.

Opening bid of 2 Diamond, which shows weak in either major with or without the possibility of any other strong hand has to be
explained in detail with responses and subsequent rebids. A written defense is to be provided as mentioned in the system policy.
Normal range of Weak Two opening should be specified and situations where it can be below minimum need to be alerted.

If a pair forgets a convention or resorts to a psyche, and there is no convention card, director is empowered to assume mistaken
explanation and may award an adjusted score [Law12C1]. In addition to this the offending pair may not be allowed to use that
convention in the rest of the match. Frequent violations of the system, amounts to a private understanding and will be dealt

Partnership may clearly describe their strategy of third hand openings. Third hand subminimum openings are required to be
alerted and lower limit of such opening should be specified very clearly. It is also essential to clarify conditions of such
subminimum openings. Consistency in such calls by partnerships is expected.

8. Substitutes
In Team events, if for any reason, a team is unable to produce four players, either at the start of a session or because of an
emergency that develops during the session, the CTD may designate a substitute to complete the team.

9. Disciplinary Rules and Penalties

The schedule of penalties which follows is supplemental to the laws. All infringements of the law will be dealt with in
accordance with the norms laid down by bridge federation of India.
 Lateness – In the Swiss League, penalty will be imposed on any team not seated and ready to play at the announced starting
time of the session according to the following scale.
0+ to 5 minutes - late warning;
5+to 10 minutes – 1.0 VP;
10+ to15 minutes 2.0 VPs;
a team may forfeit its match if it is late by over 15 minutes, at the discretion of the CTD/ Chairman Tournament Committee.

 Slow Play or Late finish– If slow play is reported and the Director is convinced about it, he may impose penalty on the
offending side. The penalty will be same as in case of “Lateness” clause above. In case any match is not finished within the
stipulated time, the Director may stop play after 5 minutes and declare result on the boards played. The result may be adjusted to
bring equity to the non-offending side in case of reduction of boards.
 Mobile Phones – Mobile phones shall be switched off during the play, Team from which the players are observed calling or
receiving call during the play will be penalized (0.5 VP in team) for the first offence and (1 VP in team) for any offence
thereafter. Repeated violation by any player may mean suspension of that player / pair at the discretion of the CTD and Chairman
Tournament Committee. In KO matches, players will not be allowed to carry the mobiles phones. They should be submitted with
the CTD / Organizers.
 Out of Turn Bid /Play and all disputes –procedure and penalty as per the Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017
 Movement of Players: Once the play is over, players are expected to go out of the playing area and not to watch the play at any
other table.


Team of Four event will be played in the Swiss League format of SIX rounds if no of teams are more than 8 (Eight). If teams are
less or equal to 7 (Seven) then it will be held as Round Robin, All plays All.

 The difference in IMPs earned by the two opposing teams at the end of each round of the Swiss League shall be converted into
VP, according to the WBF Continuous VP Scale (20-0).

 In the highly unlikely event of a tie for the last qualifying position in a Swiss league, determinations of rank will be broken on
VP product of all rounds as per BFI handbook, page No. 66.

 In case of odd number of teams in Swiss League, one team will get a bye. 12 VPs shall be awarded to all such teams in Team
of Four event.
 There will be no seeding of teams in Team of Four event. The first round will be by random draw. Thereafter the usual Swiss
league draw will be followed.
In Swiss League, the HOME Team (team shown first in the draw) will sit NS in the OPEN room and the AWAY Team (team
shown second in the draw) will sit EW in the OPEN room. It will be reverse in the CLOSED room, where the AWAY team will
sit NS and HOME team will sit EW. In case of any dispute regarding seating rights, arising during any match in Swiss League,
both the teams will submit blind line-up for the match

A change of player, pairs or partnerships can be made only at the beginning of the session and no restrictions of any pair playing
against another pair apply for any of the sessions of the match.

No player is permitted to leave the table till all the boards are played in each progression /session. Violation of this clause will
attract penalties. Repeated violation may lead to the disqualification of the player.
Scoring, ranking and tie breaking will be as per provisions of BFI Hand Book. Rank position in final shall be in accordance with
IMPs earned including carry over, if any, and less penalties, if any.

9.3 Spectators
Any person in the playing area, other than a player or a tournament official, has the status of a spectator unless the
Director specifies differently. A spectator may not look at the hand of more than one player. During a round a spectator
must refrain from mannerism or remarks of any kind and must have no conversation with a player. A spectator at the
table shall not draw attention to any aspect of the game. Spectators will or will not be allowed as per the decision of the
Tournament Committee in consultation with the Team Captains.

11. Tie- breaking Procedures

Team Event:
The teams with identical scores after deducting all penalties will deem to have tied. In case of a tie for the last qualifying position
in a Swiss league, determinations of rank will be broken on VP product of all rounds as per BFI handbook, page No. 66. But for
all other qualifying positions, tie is broken by draw of lots, as per BFI handbook - Page No. 66.

12. Length of Matches

8 board matches : 1 hour 10 minutes, Ten minutes more for Director to rank and announce next rounds draw

13. Review Procedure

Players have the right to bring to the notice of the Director any irregularity on the table, during play and the match. Directors will
give ruling on such irregularities, if necessary, after consultation with a panel of experts.

14. Forfeits in Team Tournaments

If a team is unable to play or complete a match, CTD may find that team in default and declare the match forfeited. The team in
forfeit shall score Zero VP and Zero IMPs for that match. The team winning the forfeited match shall be credited 10 VPs (in new
20 VP scale) initially and all draws will be based on that. At the end CTD in consultation with the Chairman Tournament
Committee, may increase the VPs credited based on the overall average performance of the team winning the forfeited match, or
credit a higher VP if they consider it to be equitable in all circumstances.

10. Withdrawal and Walk over

If utmost necessary, a team is permitted to withdraw only with the expressed consent of CTD after the completion of any Swiss
round, or after a direct knock out match but not after the beginning of a match during any stage or in the middle of knock out
match. In case a team withdraws without such expressed consent, the members of the team may be disqualified for the rest of the
championship by the CTD & the Tournament Committee may also have to face the disciplinary proceedings by BFI Disciplinary
Committee. Two walkovers by the same team will mean a compulsory withdrawal of that team from the Competition. The
Tournament Committee or the Disciplinary Committee may impose additional penalties to the forfeited team. Walkover should
be reported to the director before the start during KO matches. If any team would like to withdraw during the middle of the event
should have proper accepted
reasons like physical fitness, serious health problems or any other important practical reasons. However teams deciding of mutual
walk over decisions without the consent of the proper authority will have to face disciplinary procedures.
 Walkover: If a team, by its own fault, is unable to play another team, it will score zero VP. Its opponents will receive the best
score between: (a) 12 VP using the 20-0 VP scale, or the equivalent according to the VP scale adopted, (b) the teams average (c)
the average score obtained by all other opponents against the team at fault, whichever is greater. A second walkover by the same
team will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee which can apply further
sanctions including disqualification of the team.
IMPORTANT: Teams / Pairs giving walk over or forfeiting the match at any of the knock out stage of the team event or finals of
the Pairs event will not be eligible for Master Points.

 Alcoholic Influence –
 Smoking:
In accordance with Section XXXVIII of the Rules and Regulations of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of BFI
The Executive Committee shall have the power to expel, suspend or otherwise discipline a player for any of the following
(i) In case of any impropriety / cheating / fraud committed by the said player.
(ii) In case of misbehavior with officials or fellow contestants during various bridge competitions or contests or during meetings
of the Council, Executive Committee, or any other bridge related forum. With respect to the above clause, if any competitor is
found guilty of Improper conduct, including without limitation, acts of aggression, violence or intimidation, on the part of an
individual towards any director/s in preview of their ruling against any individual where such nominated director is in
performance of his/her BFI duties or functions, whether within the context of laws and bye laws of BFI rules and regulations and
WBF Laws for Duplicate Bridge will be seriously taken for procedural
penalty and disciplinary action immediately. Penalties liable to be imposed for misconduct:
Procedural Penalty: Notwithstanding any penalties which have been empowered to a Director as per WBF Law of Duplicate
Bridge 2017, the director may depending on the gravity of the reprehensible conduct, impose one or more of the following
penalties in respect of reprehensible conduct:

(a) Warning;
(b) On repeated misconduct in the same/later appearance, a penalty of 2 VPs/5 Imps
(c) Where Reprehensible Conduct occurs frequently at or in connection with a BFI Event, disqualification of all results
(including, at the discretion of the hearing panel, the results of the team) at such BFI Event, including forfeiture of any points,
prizes and medals;
Disciplinary Action:
(d) Suspension for a given period of at least 3 to 6 months from the day of of adjudication of final verdict of violation to
participate in any national federation recognized events or minimum 2 federation events whichever is later.
(e) Suspension for a given period of time of at least 1 year from the day of adjudication of final verdict of violation to participate
in any national federation recognized events or minimum 4 federation events whichever is later.
(f) Permanent ban on the person concerned (excluding STATEs) from attending and/or participating in BFI Events and/or

22. Disciplinary Powers

16. Ethics and Deportment

All contestants are required to conform at all times to the highest standards of ethics and deportment. BFI expects all teams and
partnerships to play to win at all times and in all circumstances. While a team may rest its players and make other decisions for
strategic reasons, it is not permissible for a partnership to play by design to obtain a session score inferior to that of its opponents.
All contestants (including non-playing captains) are expected to accept the decisions of the Tournament / Review Committee in a
sportsman like manner.

Tournament Schedule : Subject to change at the discretion of the Tournament / Technical Committee
3oth March 2023, Sunday 0930 Hrs Inauguration of the Championship
Team of Four Event - SWISS LEAGUE OF 6Rounds of 8 Boards each. (OR Round Robin if less than 8 teams)
Round – 1 will be random draw and all subsequent rounds will be on actual draw. Each round will be of 1:20 Hours including
scoring/ranking etc. Playing time 1 hour 10 minutes maximum allowed.
0930 – 1050 Hrs. Team of Four Event – Round – 1
1050 – 1210 Hrs. Team of Four Event – Round – 2
1210 – 1330 Hrs. Team of Four Event – Round – 3 1330 – 1430 Hrs. LUNCH BREAK

1430 – 1550 Team of Four Event – Round – 4

1550 – 1710 Team of Four Event – Round – 5
1710 – 1830 Team of Four Event – Round – 6

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