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ENTREP LP Week 26 2020 2021

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LEARNING PACKAGE -WEEK 26- March 1-6, 2021

TITLE: Market Segmentation

Name: _______________________________________________ Date Received: __________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _________________
Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP__________________________ Teacher’s Signature: ______________

Standards: The learner

Content: recognizes the essence of the business implementation
Performance: independently or with his/her classmates starts and operates a business according to the business plan and
presents a terminal report of its operation
Formation: demonstrates a practice of being organized in doing business.
Learning Outcome/Objectives
● manifests understanding of starting and operating a simple business. MELC

● applies opportunity screening

● describes the market segmentation

● Instill the value of thrift and savings to develop a community of savers

● Commitment and Cooperation

Note: Please use a separate sheet for your answers in the activities. Make sure to indicate the day, the number and title of
activity. Place the answer sheet at the last page and staple properly to avoid loss.

This week you will understand the process of basis selection in cautiously selecting the best opportunity.

DAY 1: This day you will learn situational analysis and opportunity of the possible process for the entrepreneur.
Core content: Opportunity Screening -Explore Activity No.1: Situational Analysis
Maria is a fish vendor located at the Liwayway Public Market. She has a great problem because there are a lot of
competitors. She looks for another opportunity in order to have high income that is less in competition. Write
your suggestions of business she will push through.
Firm-Up/Deepen -Opportunity Screening comes to the rigorous process of Opportunity Screening because of the many
opportunities possible for the entrepreneur it is important to come up with a short list of a few very promising
opportunities, which could be scrutinized in detail.
The 12 Rs of Opportunity Screening
1. Relevance to vision, mission, and objectives of the entrepreneur. 2. Resonance to values. 3. Reinforcement of
Entrepreneurial Interests 4. Revenues. 5. Responsiveness to customer needs and wants. 6. Reach 7. Range
8.Revolutionary Impact 9. Returns
10. Relative Ease of Implementation 11. Resource Required 12. Risk
Activity No.2: Opportunities in Screening!
Directions: Choose among the following Rs of Opportunity Screening is very necessary in your business and write its
importance in the box.

Closure: The process of opportunity screening is important because as an entrepreneur you need to scrutinize the details .
DAY 2: Today, you have to learn about market segmentation. It is very important for you when you are going to sell your
Core content: Market Segmentation
Firm-Up/Deepen -Market Segmentation
Using a set of demographic (e.g. age, place of residence, income class, etc.) will be the most basic approach in
determining the target segment. Keep in mind that some general statistics for these demographics can be found online, In
this regard, the entrepreneur must be able to do actual field research like surveys, focus groups discussions, in-depth-
interviews, observation and techniques.
Activity No.1: Make a Segmentation (Problem-Solving)
Mrs. Reyes is establishing her online business. She observes that there are different types of customers she has that
differ in ages. Write your suggestions in order to segment her products based upon the ages of customers.
Closure: Segmentation is a determining the target of the segment, in this regard, as an entrepreneur you must be able to
need a survey that can be focused on how to discuss and observe the technique.
DAY 3:Today you will apply the management overview of the business. It covers the description of the business, the
goals and why the business is a good venture to start.
Core Content:Business Plan-SCAFFOLD 2:Bond Me Strongly
You will gather at least 3 different examples of business plans from different known companies in the country. Then have
a comparative analysis between the samples and come up with a generalization on how to make an effective business
Closure: In doing the performance task you need to concentrate and analyze carefully so that you can be able to achieve
your goal.
DAY 4: Today you are going to assess market competition. You will do your part to survive in business especially in
Core content: Assessing Competition
Market potential is also affected by the number of establishments supplying and serving your target customers. This
process would determine how saturated the market is in a given area of coverage. The more suppliers and competitors
there are within a confined area, the greater level of saturation. On the other hand, it would be best for the entrepreneur to
keep out of a market where competition is fierce. On the other hand, some entrepreneurs prefer to enter the biggest,
richest, and most competitive markets in order to achieve highly visibility and growth potential.
Activity No.1: Make a Way!
Directions: Assume that you are in a market that there are a lot of competitors. Write at least five ways to generate more
sales out of competition.
PVMGOV Integration: What are the qualities that the entrepreneur must have to win the competition?
Goal checking: Share your insights of the day.
Closure: The best way to succeed is to have practice until you will reach the peak of success.
DAY 5:
You have to be thankful to God for all the blessings you received and all the answered prayers for Him. It is time for you
to reflect his heavenly presence.

Note: If you have questions just contact this number 09438063898 or chat as messenger or facebook Ley Ester Aro, Jovy
Osabel 09974473857 , Glenford Jay Degamo 09499356155 , Illery Pahugot 09179516683 , Raphael Chiong
Resources Materials:Entrepreneurship (Dr. Eduardo A. Morato, Jr.)

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