Malaysia House Price
Malaysia House Price
Malaysia House Price
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Seremban Campus, 70300
Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, School of Quantitative Sciences,
Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.
Norani binti Amit*, Hasimah binti Sapiri, Zahayu binti Md Yusof : Factors Affecting Housing
Prices In Malaysia -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-
Housing prices in Malaysia are greatly influenced by various factors, both internal and external.
The increase in housing prices has led to the existence of affordable housings, especially for the
middle-class society. However, this “affordable housing” is no longer affordable to most
Malaysians due to a sharp rise in house prices. Therefore, this research aims to determine factors
affecting housing prices in Malaysia. This research was carried out by using questionnaire
surveys with 100 respondents consisting of homebuyers participated in this survey. Factor
analysis has been used and all the 46 items. Accordingly, the factor analysis final outcome was
five factors, namely; financial assistance, housing performance, housing motivational, housing
market and housing policy. The result obtained has proven that the instrument has high reliability
and validity. The findings from this research can be used as a guideline for the policymakers,
developers, urban planners, contractors and homebuyers in creating strategies to deliver
affordable housing prices in the future.
As a developing country, Malaysia has been experiencing major
economic developments particularly in recent years which led to the growing
housing demand. Over the past ten years, along with rapid technological
This is an exploratory study utilizing a quantitative method. Data
collection is carried out using survey questionnaire that was distributed to a
sample of 100 respondents. In this research, the respondents entail homebuyers
or potential homebuyers. Based on the general rule, the sample size is deemed
as sufficient based on the minimum size suggested by Sander et al. [36], i.e. 5
samples per variable. Sample selection is broadly based on two approaches
namely probability and non-probability [37-38]. This current study utilizes the
non-probability sampling technique which is a convenience sampling technique
whereby the samples are conveniently selected at the location where the
researcher is carrying out the data collection process [39].
For the purpose of this study, the newly designed questionnaire survey
forms were self-administered. There are 4 parts to the questionnaire i.e. Parts A
to D. Part A captures the respondent‟s demographic profile entailing their age,
gender, ethnicity, marital status and highest education level. The respondents
were also asked about whether they are a homeowner or otherwise. Part B
inquires about the respondents‟ current employment background including
their occupation, current gross monthly salary, gross annual salary and total
years of working experience. Part C entails questions about the respondents‟
current residence in terms of type of house, total years of living there and
whether the house is their own, rented, family-owned or others. If the
respondent is a homeowner, two sub-parts will follow entailing questions about
the price of the house, how it was acquired, and its monthly mortgage. Lastly,
Part D inquires about the respondents‟ opinion about certain housing attributes
and the extent to which those attributes influence the price of houses. The
answers are measured using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from „strongly
disagree‟ to „strongly agree‟.
The data analysis comprised of demographic information, Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability testing. Cudeck [40] delineated factor
analysis as a group of methods for elucidating the relationships between a set
of variables as affected by several key factors. Factor analysis is typically used
in categorizing variables based on analogous correlational patterns [41-42].
Factor analysis aims to identify the basic factors affecting a group of variables,
quantifying the degree to which each factor affects the variable and attaining
more information of their nature by determining the exact factor that affects a
given variable. The analysis aims to classify the variables into sub-groups that
are potentially different from the others, but are identical within its own. Factor
analysis mainly conceptualizes that multiple observed variables possess
analogous response patterns due to their linkage with a fundamental latent
variable, a complex factor to measure.
Descriptive Statistics
The descriptive statistics delivered in this study entails the frequency
and percentages of the respondents‟ demographic profiles which are described
in terms of gender, age, occupation, monthly income and education level. Out
of the total respondents, 24% are males and the majority of 76% are females. In
terms of age, the respondents are between 20 and 64 years old. Most are in the
age group of 25-34 years old (42%) and 35-44 years old (40%) followed by 45-
54 years old (9%), less than 24 years old (5%) and 55-64 years old (4%). The
survey questionnaire was especially designed for homeowners or household
members who are knowledgeable about the details of their houses. A total of
57% of the respondents are public sector workers followed by private sector
workers (34%), self-employed (8%) and others (1%). Figure 1 shows the
respondents‟ monthly income level ranging between RM 3,001 and RM 4,000
(18%), RM 2,001 - RM 3,000 (16%) and RM 6,001 - RM 7,000 (15%). A total
of 43% of the respondents have a Master‟s degree while 38% are Bachelor‟s
degree holders as shown in Figure 2.
Factor Analysis
Factor analysis was generated to discover the factors affecting housing
prices in Malaysia. The factorability of the overall matrix was determined
using Bartlett‟s test of sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure
of sampling adequacy. The value derived from the Bartlett‟s test of sphericity
was found to be significant (p=0.000) as shown in Table 1. In addition, the
KMO measure was 0.910 which is greater than 0.6. Kim et al. [43] stated that
the value that acceptable for KMO is above 0.6. Based on these results, factor
ability was assumed [36]. Factor Analysis was performed to determine the
factors that affect the decision of buyers to purchase a house.
The Total Variance Explained in Table 2 showed that there were seven
components with initial Eigenvalues more than 1.0. The first component
explained 57.73% of the total variance, 64.43% for second component, 68.94%
for third component, 72.43% for fourth component, 75.68% for fifth
component, followed by 78.63% and 81.34% respectively.
F2 3.08 64.43
F3 2.08 68.94
F4 1.60 72.43
F5 1.50 75.68
F6 1.36 78.63
F7 1.24 81.34
Table 3 demonstrated all the factors related to the housing price. Based
on Table 3, the initial communalities denote the correlation between the
variable and all other variables before rotation. Communalities can be
explained as a continuation of factor loadings, meaning that the communality
of a variable is the sum of the loadings of this variable on all extracted factors
[44]. If the majority of the communalities are low (< 0.30), it is likely that a
small sample size will misrepresent the outcomes. The analysis shows that
there are 46 items related to the housing price factors; it shows that all 46 items
had initial communalities greater than 0.30, as it is a good sign. The
communalities values for the entire 46 questionnaire items ranged between
0.581 to 0.896; thus, all the questionnaire items are retained and are under the
acceptable limits [45]. Instead of 7 components are listed, only 5 components
are available which mean a total of 46 items were succeed to meet a criterion.
Based on the factor loading results, the researcher indicates that there
are five important factors that can be related to the housing prices in Malaysia.
The first factor is referred to the financial assistance. According to Chen et al.
[46], household income is correlated to house price and both significantly
affect housing affordability. Apart from that, Central Bank of Malaysia stated
that the financial institution needs to ensure that the mortgage repayment for
the bank cannot exceed a third of their monthly gross income (30%).
Meanwhile, the second factor found is housing performance. For this research,
housing performance consists of locational component, structural component
and neighbourhood component. Kim et al. [47] suggested that the housing
performance measurement model which is based on the indicators of housing
environment, housing function, and housing comfort.
The third factor involved is housing motivation. Motivation has been an
important reason in the explanation of home owning [48]. There is much
evidence that home owning associated with motivation. Home become an
investment because it gives the financial return through rental payment from
tenants [46] or through capital growth since increased price of the property due
to higher demand [49]. The fourth factor entails the housing market of which
volatility has raised a lot of concerns in recent times. Leung et al. [50]
recommended that supply elasticity differences can justify the variations in
house price volatility. In the context of major US cities, the authors found that
supply elasticity has a negative and significant effect on housing volatility. The
fifth factor is related to the housing policy. The Ministry of Housing and Local
Government in Malaysia had initiated the National Housing Policy (NHP)
which provides sufficient, comfortable, quality and affordable housing for the
public so as to improve their quality of life. The objective is to provide an
opportunity for all Malaysians especially those in the lower income groups to
have access to proper housing. This is to address the imbalance in prevailing
housing needs particularly for the low-income and middle-income groups
considering that home ownership affordability is linked to the income and the
market prices of houses.
Reliability Test
The reliability of the questionnaire depends on the internal
homogeneity of the set items as measured by Cronbach„s coefficient.
Cronbach‟s Alpha was used to interpret and explain the reliability among the
variables measured. Cronbach„s coefficient was also used to measure the
reliability of the dimensions of factors affecting housing prices. Coefficient
values of more than 0.7 are considered acceptable, but 0.6 is deemed
acceptable as well for developing the new questionnaire [51]. The values of the
Cronbach„s alpha are shown in Table 4.
Issues pertaining to housing prices have been among the major
concerns for house buyers in Malaysia. This research was conducted to
determine the factors influencing the price of houses in Malaysia. The factors
identified are financial assistance, housing performance, housing motivational,
housing market and housing policy. With regards to previous literatures and
comprehensive reviews on housing prices, all these factors are found to be
important in determining and measuring the price of houses in Malaysia, which
has been increasing from year to year. In order to stabilize the housing price,
housing industry experts need to observe the matter from the perspective of
homebuyers. This research offers beneficial and practical guidelines for the
housing industry stakeholders and field researchers. Besides that, this research
could help homebuyers to understand the causes of the rising price of houses in
The authors are grateful for the financial support received from
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under the Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme (S/O Code: 14368). We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their
useful suggestions.
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