Lecture6 Neural Network Basics v1.1
Lecture6 Neural Network Basics v1.1
Lecture6 Neural Network Basics v1.1
Machine learning
Deep learning
Artificial intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep learning models
Machine learning
o Loss function
o Email classification
o Recommendation systems
o Add placement in a new market
[Slide from Maria-Florina Balcan et al.]
o After 𝑀 mistakes:
o 𝑤𝑀+1T𝑤∗ ≥ 𝛾𝑀 (by Claim 1)
o ||𝑤𝑀+1|| ≤ 𝑅 𝑀 (by Claim 2)
o 𝑤𝑀+1T𝑤∗ ≤ ǁ𝑤𝑀+1ǁ (since 𝑤∗ is unit length)
o Adagrad:
o smaller updates for params associated with frequently occurring features
o larger updates for params associated with infrequent features
o Adam
oWhat’s next?
o Regularization in neural networks
o Widely used NN architecture in practice