Arduino Based Fingerprint Door Lock System
Arduino Based Fingerprint Door Lock System
Arduino Based Fingerprint Door Lock System
1. Fingerprint-based security system” project can be used by the employees, staff or workers in various
industries like Automobile industries, manufacturing industries, Software development companies.
2. Home or domestic application: This project can be used to automate the door locking process at our home, so
the user needs not to carry the door lock keys ...
3. Bank Lockers or security safes: Many of the banks use key based or password-based locks for their lockers
or safes.
The design and implementation of fingerprint-based door lock system is customizable and flexible. This door
locking mechanism is comparatively cost-effective than the available lock systems in the traditional market.
Our fingerprint-based lock system has high accuracy rate and is also quick to recognize fingerprints which
enable seamless integration with the users and provides tighter security. In our country, private and
government organizations are very much concerned about security. Many companies are interested in using
this type of locking mechanism but the system which is available have very high installation cost. Due to this
excessive cost, many small firms cannot afford such systems. Keeping the installation cost in mind we planned
to develop a system that should be affordable to both large and small firms.
This design can be improved by more intensive development and additional features such as more locks can be
added to the system. Thus, we do not need to spend so much for just one lock if this can be used to control
several doorways. A system to save prints without the use of a computer could have been made, but it will
require more parts than the ones we used. In order to maintain security properly, the whole mechanism should
be placed inside the door panel or on the other side of the door. One of the main advantages of this system is its
flexibility. Several other systems can be implemented with this system. The system is very secure. Fingerprints
are unique and the sensor is able to identify all of the prints during testing. There are some drawbacks of this
system such as this system is complicated and difficult to make any change in the hardware as it is a closed
system. Also, it needs high power to operate so providing continuous power through batteries is a challenge
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