Wiring Diagram 2001

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Service Manual


Section 3 (39)
Wiring diagram
S80/V70 2001
Late edition



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Vehicles with SRS (Airbag)/SIPS bag/IC
(Inflatable Curtain)

Extra caution must be exercised when working on vehicles equipped with SRS/SIPS bag/lC
in order to avoid:
1. Personal injuries when performing repair work.
2. Damage or malfunction of the SRS/SIPS bag/lC system.
Work involving the SRS/SIPS bag/IC systems or other components in the vehicle that may
affect the SRS/SIPS bag/lC systems must always be performed by an authorised Volvo work-
In case of doubt, consult the SRS and SIPS bag/lC service manual.

Is the vehicle equipped with SRS/SIPS bag/IC?

Vehicles with SRS are most easily recognized by the letters SRS in the center of the steering
wheel. If the vehicle also has a passenger side airbag, the letters SRS are stamped on the dash-
board above the glove compartment. SRS vehicles from 1993 and onward also have explosive
seatbelt tensioners. SIPS bags are only installed on SRS vehicles from 1995 and onward. SIPS
bag decals are located on the windshield and seat compartment. Vehicles with IC can be recog-
nized by the letters IC on the C/O panel (4 door) or the B panel (5 door).

General recommendations
• Be especially careful when working on or around SRS, SIPS, and IC components.
• Make sure that no wires are pinched, frayed, or pierced.
• Never fit accessories by the sensors.
• Where applicable, work on the steering wheel, steering shaft, or steering gear must be done in
accordance with the methods in the SRS section of VADIS.
• Certain components of the aforementioned systems must be grounded while working. Read the
appropriate sections in VADIS.
• Do not install any accessories in the areas between the A and B-pillar, the Band C-pillars, and the
C and D-pillars.

Test terminal
Data link connector in the passenger compartment.

Changes introduced up to May 2000

Any changes made to the vehicles after this date are not included in the man-
ual. If necessary refer to Service Bulletins.

Volvo models are sold in versions adapted for different markets. These adapta-
tions depend on factors such as legal requirements, taxation, and market
This manual may therefore include illustrations and text that do not apply to the
vehicles in your country.

©Volvo Car Corporation

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A number of abbreviations are used in this manual. They are explained below.

Country/market Other

A = Austria ABS = Anti-lock Brake System

AUS = Australia ABS STC = Stability and Traction Control system
ABS DSTC = Dynamic Stability and Traction Control
B = Belgium system
ACC = Accessories
CON = Canada AUDIO = Radio
CH = Switzerland AUTO = Automatic transmission

o = Germany DENSO = Fuel control system gas 5 cyl,

OK = Denmark DIESEL = Diesel
E = Spain EXT.X = Extended x feed
EU/OS = Markets except USA and Canada
HISPEED = High speed bus
FIN = Finland
LH Left-hand side
GB = Great Britain LHD Left-hand drive
LOSPEED Low speed bus
ISR = Israel
MAN = Manual transmission
= Japan ME7 = Fuel control system fuel,
turbo 5 and 6 cyl.
KOR = Korea MSA 15.8 = fuel control system diesel
N = Norway OTHERS = Others
NL = the Netherlands
PETROL = Gas engine
S = Sweden
RH = Right-hand side
USA = USA RHO = Right-hand drive
RTI = Road Traffic Information system
WEU = Western Europe
SUB- = Sub-woofer
SRS = Airbag
TELE = Mobile phone
BL = Blue TURBO = Turbo engine
BN = Brown
WIO = Without
GN = Green
GR = Gray 5 CYL = 5 cylinder engine
6 CYL = 6 cylinder engine
OR = Orange
P = Pink
R = Red
SB = Black
VO = Violet
W = White
Y = Yellow

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How to use the wiring diagram

The descriptions below apply in general to

all wiring diagram manuals, although not
all sections are necessarily contained in
this manual.

A. Component designation B. Junction points

Every component has a component designation that The wiring diagrams contain numbered junction points,
consists of two parts. e.g. 53/352.

The first part is a type number that describes the type This manual contains a section with a list of junction
of component in question, for example 3/xx. points. This list shows all the components which are
connected to each junction point.
The second part of the designation is a serial number,
for example x/2. The location of the junction points is shown in the
"Cable harness routing in vehicle" section.
Combined these give a component designation,
for example, 3/2.
C. Connectors
At the end of the manual is a list of components, where, Connectors provide a bridge between two cable har-
with the help of the component designation, you can nesses and are described in the "Connectors" section.
read off the name of the component, for example
3/2 = Light switch.
D. Electrical distribution
Operation of fuses and relays is shown in the "Electri-
List of type numbers cal distribution" section.
This list shows the type of component to which each
type numbers refers, for example, 3/x = switch,
6/x = electric motor, etc. E. Data communication
Today's cars contain a CAN network, which transfers
1 Battery information. The connections to this network are not
2 Relay shown in their entirety on each wiring diagram. Com-
3 Switch plete information about CAN communications can be
4 Control module found in the section "Data communication". .
5 Combined instrument panel
6 Electric motor
7 Sensor
F. Abbreviations
8 Actuator
A number of different abbreviations are used in the
9 Heating element
manual. These are explained in the section "Abbrevia-
10 Lamp
11 Fuse
15 Distribution rail
16 Audio
17 Service/diagnosis
G. Component location
18 Contact reel There is a section at the end of the manual in which the
19 Meter appearance and location of components is described
20 Ignition component/shunt in numerical order.
31 Ground connection
53 Junction point
54 Connector

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List of components

1/1 Battery 3/1 Ignition switch

3/4 Control module, SWS cruise control
2/14 Relay, glow plug unit 3/6 Hazard warning flasher switch
2/16 Relay, intermittent rear window wiper on/off 3/8 Heated rear window/door mirrors switch
2/17 Horn relay 3/9 Brake light contact
2/22 AC relay 3/10 Reversing light contact
2/23 Fuel pump relay 3/25 Power sunroof switch
2/29 Relay, extended X feed 3/26 Power Seat Module (PSM), driver's side
2/30 X feed overload relay 3/27 Power Seat Module (PSM), passenger side
2/31 15-feed overload relay 3/35 Trunk lid/tailgate handle switch
2/32 Engine control module main relay 3/37 Horn contact
2/34 Fog light relay, front 3/47 Parking brake contact
2/35 Starter motor relay 3/53 Recirculation switch
2/49 Fog light relay, rear 3/56 Fan switch
2/52 15 feed relay, rear accessory 3/59 Beam adjustment actuator
2/58 Locking relay, fuel filler flap 3/60 Auxiliary light switch
2/59 Unlocking relay, fuel filler flap 3/62 Hood alarm contact
2/61 Parking light relay 3/71 Gear position contacts
2/62 Low beam relay 3/74 Lock unit, LH front door
2/63 High beam relay 3/75 Lock unit, RH front door
2/64 Auxiliary light relay, accessory 3/76 Lock unit, LH rear door
2/67 Relay, trunk lid/tailgate opening 3/77 Lock unit, RH rear door
2/72 Relay, rear window wiper 3/78 Lock unit, trunk lid/tailgate
2/74 Relay, coolant heater 1 3/80 LH central lock switch
2/75 Relay, adjustable head restraint, rear 3/82 RH central lock switch
2/79 Brake light relay 3/85 Power window switch, LH rear door
2/80 Reversing light relay 3/86 Power window switch, RH rear door
2/82 Heated rear window relay 3/91 Heated seat switch, LH seat
2/83 Relay, fog light, trailer 3/92 Heated seat switch, RH seat
2/86 Trunk lid/tailgate locking relay 3/93 Seat belt lock switch, LH seat
2/87 Trunk lid/tailgate unlocking relay 3/94 Seat belt lock switch, RH seat
2/88 15 feed relay, rear accessory 3/95 Spin control switch
2/90 Relay, windscreen wiper, low/high speed 3/111 Light control module
2/91 Relay, intermittent windscreen wiper 3/112 Climate Control Module (CCM)
2/92 Relay, windscreen washer motor 3/113 Adjustable head restraint, rear
2/93 Relay, rear window washer motor 3/117 Dome light control module
2/101 Relay, extended X feed, automatic transmission 3/119 Climate control switch, auto
2/109 Relay, coolant heater 2 3/121 Climate control switch, defroster
2/111 Locking relay, LH rear 3/122 Climate control switch, ventilation
2/112 Unlocking relay, LH rear 3/123 Climate control switch, floor
2/113 Locking relay, RH rear 3/124 Temperature switch, LH side
2/114 Unlocking relay, RH rear 3/125 Temperature switch, RH side
2/115 Relay, deadlock, rear doors 3/126 Control module, LH front door DDM/PDM
2/116 Relay, power window up, LH rear 3/127 Control module, RH front door PDM/DDM
2/117 Relay, power window up, RH rear 3/130 Steering Wheel Module (SWM)
2/118 Relay, power window down, LH rear 3/131 Switch, audio/mobile phone
2/119 Relay, power window down, LH rear 3/135 RTI switch
2/120 Relay, power window child lock, rear door 3/153 Switch, Power Childlock (PCL)
2/136 Relay, pager alarm 3/155 Program selector, automatic transmission
2/137 Relay, pager alarm 3/156 Gear Shift Module (GSM), automatic transmission
2/138 Door blocking relay, LH rear 3/171 Switch, retractable door mirrors
2/139 Door blocking relay, RH rear 3/173 Switch, trunk lid/tailgate private lock
2/142 Fuel preheater relay 3/174 Switch, reduced alarm
3/183 Switch, max defroster

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4/7 Combustion Preheater Module (CPM) 6/73 Coolant pump, auxiliary heater
4/9 SRS control module 6/92 Motor, LH rear power window
4/16 ABS control module 6/93 Motor, RH rear power window
4/28 Transmission Control Module (TCM) 6/95 Damper motor, temperature, LH side
4/31 Fan control module 6/96 Damper motor, temperature, RH side
4/33 Sunroof control module (SRM) 6/102 Damper motor, defroster
4/46 Engine Control Module (ECM) 6/103 Damper motor, floor/ventilation
4/50 Electronic Throttle Module (ETM)
4/52 Power Seat Module (PSM), driver's side 7/4 Brake fluid level monitor
4/56 Central Electronic Module (CEM) 7/5 Washer fluid level monitor
4/58 Rear Electronic Module (REM) 7/6 Oil pressure sensor
4/68 Control module, steering wheel angle sensor 7/8 Pressure sensor, AC
4/70 Upper Electronic Module (U EM) 7/10 Interior temperature sensor
4/71 Electric cooling fan control module 7/11 Outside temperature sensor
4/76 Remote controlled garage door opener 7/12 Sun sensor and alarm indicator/electronic
4/78 Control module, battery disconnect starter inhibitor
4/79 Pager alarm 7/15 Heated oxygen sensor 1
4/81 Communication module (OCM) 7/16 Coolant temperature sensor
4/201 Control module, LH seat heater 7/17 Mass Airflow (MAF) sensor
4/202 Control module, RH seat heater 7/21 Camshaft sensor
7/23 Knock sensor, rear
5/1 Combined instrument panel 7/24 Knock sensor, front
7/25 Impulse sensor
6/1 Windshield wiper motor 7/31 ABS sensor, LH front
6/2 Windshield washer pump 7/32 ABS sensor, RH front
6/3 RH headlight wiper motor 7/41 Temperature sensor evaporator
6/4 LH headlight wiper motor 7/51 Accelerator pedal sensor
6/15 Sunroof motor 7/56 ABS sensor, LH rear
6/16 Motor, lumbar support, driver's seat 7/57 ABS sensor, RH rear
6/17 Motor, front edge up/down, driver's seat 7/61 Input speed sensor
6/18 Motor, rear edge up/down, driver's seat 7/62 Output speed sensor
6/19 Motor, seat forward/rearward, driver's seat 7/71 Charging pressure sensor
6/20 Motor, seat forward/rearward, passenger seat 7/73 Coolant level monitor
6/25 Starter motor 7/74 Oil temperature sensor, automatic transmission
6/26 Generator 7/77 Temperature sensor, intake air
6/28 Motor, passenger compartment fan 7/81 Pressure sensor, intake manifold
6/29 Motor, electric cooling fan 7/82 Heated oxygen sensor, diagnosis 1
6/30 Washer pump, rear window 7/84 Tank pressure sensor
6/31 Injection pump 7/91 Steering wheel angle sensor
6/32 Rear window wiper motor 7/94 Needle lift sensor
6/33 Fuel pump 7/100 Vehicle inclination sensor ISM
6/35 Fuel pump, auxiliary heater 7/103 Heated oxygen sensor 2
6/37 Locking motor, fuel filler flap 7/104 Heated oxygen sensor, diagnosis 2
6/38 LH beam adjustment actuator 7/105 Outside temperature sensor, Engine control module
6/39 RH beam adjustment actuator 7/108 Side impact sensor, LH rear
6/48 Damper motor, recirculation 7/109 Side impact sensor, RH rear
6/58 Motor, LH front power window 7/110 Temperature sensor, LH seat
6/60 Motor, RH front power window 7/111 Temperature sensor, RH seat
6/62 LH power door mirror 7/115 Side impact sensor, LH front
6/63 RH power door mirror 7/116 Side impact sensor, RH front
6/64 Motor, lumbar support, passenger seat 7/122 Microwave Motion Sensor (MMS) alarm
6/65 Motor, front edge up/down, passenger seat 7/123 Clutch pedal sensor
6/66 Motor, rear edge up/down, passenger seat 7/124 Brake pedal sensor
6/69 Damper motor, ventilation/floor/defroster 7/127 Yaw angle speed sensor 1
6/71 Stepper motor, speed-dependent power steering 7/128 Lateral accelerometer

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7/129 Brake pressure sensor 10/1 LH front lamp housing
7/130 Fuel level sensor, left ejector side 10/2 RH front lamp housing
7/135 LH glass breakage wire 10/3 License plate lighting
7/136 RH glass breakage wire 10/5 Fog light, LH front
7/137 Glass breakage wire, trunk lid/tailgate 10/6 Fog light, RH front
7/139 Brake pressure sensor 10/9 Lamp housing, direction indicator, LH front
7/143 Fuel level sensor, right pump side 10/10 Lamp housing, direction indicator RH front
7/148 Yaw angle speed sensor 2 10/11 Parking light, LH front
7/149 Rain sensor 10/12 Parking light, RH front
7/153 Fuel quantity sensor 10/13 Direction indicator, LH front
7/154 Fuel temperature sensor 10/14 Direction indicator, RH front
7/159 Air quality sensor 10/15 Direction indicator, LH front fender
10/16 Direction indicator, RH front fender
8/3 AC solenoid clutch 10/17 Lamp housing, RH taillight
8/6-11 Injection valves 10/18 Lamp housing, LH tail light
8/17 EGR valve 10/19 Auxiliary brake light
8/18 EVAP valve 10/25 Dome light, cargo area/compartment
8/19 Adjustment valve, camshaft 10/29 Glove compartment lighting
8/28 Turbo control valve 10/43 RH brake light
8/30 Driver's side airbag 10/44 Parking light, RH rear
8/31 Passenger side airbag 10/45 RH parking/taillight
8/32 Passenger side airbag, step 2 10/46 Fog light, RH rear
8/33 Seat belt tensioner, LH front 10/47 Direction indicator, RH rear
8/34 Seat belt tensioner, RH front 10/48 RH reversing light
8/35 Air distribution valve 10/50 LH brake light
8/36 Solenoid, shift lock 10/51 Parking light, LH rear
8/37 Automatic transmission solenoids 10/52 LH parking/taillight
8/44 Canister valve 10/53 Fog light, LH rear
8/46 DSTC activation unit 10/54 Direction indicator, LH rear
8/49 Stop solenoid 10/55 LH reversing light
8/50 Injection timing valve 10/64 RH high beam
8/51 Side airbag, LH front 10/65 Auxiliary light, RH front
8/52 Side airbag, RH front 10/66 RH low beam
8/55 Seat belt tensioner, LH rear 10/68 LH high beam
8/56 Seat belt tensioner, RH rear 10/69 Auxiliary light, LH front
8/59 Solenoid, LH rear head restraint 10/70 LH low beam
8/60 Solenoid, RH rear head restraint 10/71 Side marker light, LH front
8/61 Driver's side airbag trigger, step 2 10/72 Ashtray lighting, front
8/62 Trigger, seat belt tensioner, rear center seat 10/73 Side marker light, RH front
8/64 Engine pad solenoid 10/88 Indicator light, failure sensor
8/66 Inflatable curtain, LH side 10/92 Indicator light, trailer
8/67 Inflatable curtain, RH side 10/94 Indicator light, RH direction indicator
8/77 Fuel quantity solenoid 10/95 Indicator light, LH direction indicator
8/78 Oil pressure contacts, automatic transmission 4T65EV 10/104 Indicator light, hazard warning flashers
10/114 LH vanity mirror lighting
9/1 Cigarette lighter/1 2V outlet, front 10/115 RH vanity mirror lighting
9/2 Heated rear window 10/122 Entry lighting, LH rear
9/12 LH seat heater 10/123 Entry lighting, RH rear
9/13 RH seat heater 10/125 Entry lighting, LH front
9/16 LH seat backrest heating element 10/126 Entry lighting, RH front
9/17 RH seat backrest heating element 10/127 Lighting, cargo area/compartment, LH side
9/18 LH seat heating element 10/128 Lighting, cargo area/compartment, RH side
9/19 RH seat heating element 10/129 Parking light, LH front
9/25 Cigarette lighter/1 2V outlet, rear 10/130 Parking light, RH front
9/26-27 Coolant heater 10/142 Lighting control module, LH front door
9/30 Auxiliary heater
9/32 PTC resistor, air preheating

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10/143 Lighting control module, RH front door 16/55 Tweeter, LH front door
10/148 Lighting, LH door mirror 16/56 Tweeter, RH front door
10/149 Lighting, RH door mirror 16/57 Speaker, LH D-pillar
10/150 Reading lamp, rear 16/58 Speaker, RH D-pillar
10/151 Light switch, LH rear door 16/59 Antenna, remote control
10/152 Light switch, RH rear door 16/60 Mobile phone
10/155 Light switch, recirculation AC 16/62 Hand unit, mobile phone
10/156 Lighting, compartment fan potentiometer 16/63 G PS antenna, Telephone
10/157 Lighting, LH heat control 16/64 Antenna, mobile phone
10/158 Lighting, control for climate control 16/65 Lighting, antenna ring/ignition switch
10/159 Lighting, RH heat control 16/67 Amplifier antenna, bumper
10/160 Lighting, switches, heated rear window/ 16/68 Antenna, bumper
mirrors/front seats 16/71 Amplifier, RH window antenna 1
16/73 Amplifier, LH window antenna 2
16/74 Amplifier, RH window antenna 2
11A/no. Main fuses in engine compartment fuse box 16/77 Microphone, mobile phone
11 B/no. Fuses in engine compartment fuse box 16/78 Mobile phone speaker
11C/no. Fuses in passenger compartment fuse box 16/79 Sub-woofer
11 D/no. Fuses in cargo area/compartment fuse box 16/84 Communication unit antenna
11 E/no. Main fuses by the battery
17/13 Data link connector
15/18-30 Distribution rail 17/17 Jump start connection
17/19 12V outlet, cargo area/compartment
16/1 Radio
16/2 Amplifier 18/4 Contact reel
16/3 Speaker, RH front door
16/4 Speaker, LH front door 20/3-8 Spark plug with ignition coil
16/5 Speaker, RH rear door 20/16 Capacitor
16/6 Speaker, LH rear door 20/22-26 Glow plug
16/9 Window antenna 20/27 Shunt, low beam CEM
16/10 Horn 1 20/28 Shunt, parking light REM
16/11 Horn 2 20/29 Shunt, fog light REM
16/15 CD changer 20/31 Shunt, brake light REM
16/16 Amplifier, LH window antenna 20/32 Shunt, LH direction indicator CEM
16/17 LH speaker, rear shelf 20/33 Shunt, parking light/taillight REM
16/18 RH speaker, rear shelf 20/34 Shunt, RH direction indicator CEM
16/26 Central dashboard speaker 20/39 Shunt, 12V outlet, cargo area/compartm
16/35 Alarm siren SCM 20/40 Suppression capacitor, roof
16/36 TV receiver
16/45 RTI control module 31/1-99 Ground connections
16/46 RTI Display
16/47 G PS antenna RTI 53/301-625 Junction points
16/48 CD-ROM player RTI
16/50 Window antenna, LH rear 54/1 B-214 Connector
16/54 Window antenna, RH rear

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