Relationship Between Cutting Conditions and Chips Morphology During Milling of Aluminium Al-2050

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Relationship between cutting conditions and chips morphology during

milling of aluminium Al-2050

Article in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology · July 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-7490-7


16 726

4 authors, including:

Vincent Wagner Emmanuel Duc

Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes SIGMA Clermont


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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897
DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7490-7


Relationship between cutting conditions and chips

morphology during milling of aluminium Al-2050
Vincent Wagner1 · Arnaud Vissio2 · Emmanuel Duc2 · Michele Pijolat3

Received: 18 December 2014 / Accepted: 22 June 2015 / Published online: 12 July 2015
© Springer-Verlag London 2015

Abstract In the aeronautical field, some parts are forged size. Concerning the chip formation, because the chip is pro-
and consequently some fibers orientation occurs. How- duced during milling where the uncut chip thickness varies,
ever, the thin walls are hard to get with forging method. the chip microstructure is then affected.
Consequently, some machining operations are done to get a
thin wall and reduce the weight of part. However, because of Keywords Chip morphology · Aluminum · Milling ·
the size of part of the volume of chips can be significant. The Al-2050 · Cutting conditions · Chip formation
ratio between the final weight of part and the final weight
of chips is approximately 80 %. To improve the economi-
cal and the environmental sustainability, a method consists 1 Introduction
of recycling directly the chip after machining operations.
However, studies show a great impact of different points In aeronautical, the parts carried out with stamping methods
on chip recyclability like chip thickness, chip roughness, are generally fibered. However, the machining operations
or chip density. Consequently, control of the chip morphol- are often necessary to reduce thickness part in order to get
ogy is a first point in ensuring a good recyclability. This the weight specifications in maintaining the part mechanical
article concerns the relationship between the cutting condi- properties. Consequently, a large volume of chips is pro-
tions, the cutting tool geometries, the lubricant conditions, duced. Frequently, the ratio between the final part weight
and the chips morphology. This analysis is decomposed on and the final weight of chips is approximately 80 %. The
several points: chip length, chip morphology, chip thickness, control of the chips recyclability can be a key to an eco-
and the chip formation. The observations show also a strong nomical and an environmental sustainability. This constraint
influence of cutting conditions on chip morphology where is especially important when the cost of the additional ele-
an increase of cutting conditions reduces drastically the chip ments is predominant. This analysis is particularly relevant
for the new aluminum alloy (AIRWARE®2050).
The conventional recycling consists of several steps
which consumes time and energy. For example, the pro-
cess must be divided in several steps: collecting the alu-
 Vincent Wagner minum chips, compressed into large bricks, shred, sepa-
[email protected] rated, melted, and produced some new ingots [1]. To use less
energy and time, the chips can be collected and melted just
1 after the machining operations. Unfortunately and due to
Universite de Toulouse, INP/ENIT, LGP, 47 avenue
d’Azereix, BP 1629, 65013 Tarbes Cedex, France the high lithium chemical reactivity, the metal yield depends
of some parameters such as surface area of each chip,
2 Clermont Universite, IFMA, UMR 6602, Institut Pascal, shape of scarp, type of alloy, scraps history, or contaminants
BP 10448, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
(lubricants, oil, water). It has proved that scarp distribution,
3 Centre SPIN LGF UMR CNRS 5307, 158 cours Fauriel CS contaminant, type, and size of chips have significant effect
62362, 42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2, France on melting behavior.
1882 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

The lithium is highly reactive during thermo-mechanical Table 1 Composition (% mass) of Al-2050
processing. According to [2], the lithium may diffuse to the
% Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Li Ag Zr
surface and react with the atmosphere. To optimize the chips
recyclability, the method chosen must reduce the lithium Min 3.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.06
and magnesium loss during heating. To limit oxidization, Max 0.08 0.10 3.9 0.5 0.6 0.25 1.3 0.7 0.14
the optimal chip is defined according to several criterion
function of lithium oxidation rate. A parameter is the chip
thickness. Indeed, some tests show a reduction of lithium
and magnesium oxidization for the thickest chips. Conse- temperature. However, most studies concern the chip forma-
quently, the lower thickness a large proportion of lithium tion in turning where the uncut chip thickness is unchanged.
and magnesium remains in the chip. As regards the chip [8] show, in his work, the evolution of the chip formation
length, as the oxidation phenomenon occurs at the chip sur- during milling of titanium alloys (Ti1023) in using toroidal
face, it is interesting to minimize the surface to volume tool. The authors respect the evolution of the chip forma-
ratio; so at constant thickness and width, increasing the tion with the insert position. When the insert penetrates
chip length reduces the surface in contact with the oxidiz- inside the workpiece material, the chip as like continuous
ing gases, and thus reduces the metal losses. In addition chips and when the uncut chip thickness increases the chip
and with the aim to reduce the chip oxidation, the chip formation change to get serrated chips.
surface must be smooth. For identical chip dimensions, a Due to the lack of chip morphology analysis and the lack
rough surface generates an increase of the exchange sur- of chip formation analysis of this new alloy,the aim of this
face area and provides good conditions for chips oxidation. work is the study of the relationship between the cutting tool
To improve the chips recyclability, the chips melting is geometry, the cutting conditions, and the chips morphology
then a crucial element. Some tests show that the chips den- during milling. A first section is devoted to the presenta-
sity must be the highest. A high density comfort the chips tion of this alloy aluminum. The second section concerns
transportation. Moreover, the use of high and stable chips the chips morphology study. This analysis is decomposed
density allows to homogenize the chips temperature dur- in several points: the length of chip, the type of chip, the
ing melting. Consequently, the metal bath and the alloy chip thickness, and its volume. The aim of this comparison
becomes homogeneous. To optimize the chip recyclability is to define the cutting conditions allowing the generation
after milling operations and control the relationship between of a chip with high recyclability based on the points define
cutting conditions and the chip recyclability. previously.
The chip formation is studied since many years. How-
ever, the majority of studies describe accurately the chip
formation mechanism. However, since 15 years, the litera- 2 Experimental set-up
ture show a great diversity of analytical or numerical models
to describe accurately the chip formation in several point The aluminum alloy used in the present study is Al-2050.
of view like microscopical approach or dynamic approach Its composition in percentage of mass is included in Table 1.
[3–5]. Several theories have been developed by [6] and The chemistry of Al-2050 is developed by Constellium.
discussed for different workpiece material. The leading the- According to [9], the chemical composition changes the
ory is built on the theory of catastrophic adiabatic shear. alloy behavior.
During the cutting process, most of the deformation are con-
centrated in the primary shear plane. A high rate of work
hardening of the material develops. Moreover, most of the
deformation energy are transformed into heat energy. Con- Table 2 Mechanical (in LT direction) and physical properties of Al-
sequently, there is a substantial increase in the temperature 7050-T7451, Al-2050-T84 (plate thickness 100–125 mm)
of the primary shear band. With this heat, the mechanical
Al-7050-T7451 Al-2050-T84
properties of the material are reduced. This phenomenon is
known as thermal softening. There is a catastrophic shear or Ultimate tensile stress (MP a) 490 490
adiabatic shear when the thermal softening exceeds the rate Tensile yield stress (MP a) 421 455
of hardening. According to the second theory, segmented A % (%) 9 5
chip formation is the result of a crack initiated at the free Young modulus (GP a) 69 76.5
surface and its spread to cutting edge in the primary shear Density (g/cm3 ) 2.83 2.70
plane. The chip formation of titanium alloys is also stud- Thermal conductivity (W/m/K) 157 78
ied by [7]. The authors note the strong effect of the cutting
Specific heat (J /g ◦ C) 0.86 0.85
condition on the chip formation and the effect of the cutting
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1883

Fig. 1 Microstructure of
Al-2050-T351 in two orthogonal
directions a for L-T direction, b
for L direction, and c for
Al-7050-T7451 in L direction
(collected 50 mm from the top
of the plate) (thickness plate
100–125 mm)

The Al-2050-T351 alloy mechanical properties [9] are microscopical observations after etching (Keller chemical
compared to Al-7050-T7451 mechanical properties. Based solution) highlight the strong anisotropy of the grain sizes
on these results, the highest mechanical properties occur in the sheet. Due to the rolling, grains seem elongated in
for the Al-2050-T84 alloys (Table 2). The ultimate tensile L direction (Fig. 1b). Concerning the 7050-T7451 alloy
stress, the tensile stress, and the Young modulus are often (Fig. 1c), an anisotropy was observed. As noted in the next
highest. Moreover, the Al-2050-T351 density is the lowest. section, grains orientations and the precipitates observed
Concerning the physical properties, the comparison is based can affect the chips formation.
on two points : the thermal conductivity and the specific The milling machine used is a PCI METEO CNC milling
heat. The thermal conductivity is the material capacity to machine. Milling tests were performed with a three-teeth
carry out heat. During machining, heat is generated close to milling cutter. The diameter of the cutters is 50 mm. Two
the cutting tool edge due to strains, strain rates in the work- inserts have served in this study with different rake angle.
piece material. This heat can be evacuated in different ways: The effect of the cutting edge preparation has been not
into the chip, the tool, and the workpiece. Due to the lower studied. Indeed, as demonstrated by Fang, a cutting edge
thermal conductivity compared to Al-7050, a higher propor- preparation generates some highest cutting edge which can
tion of heat can be transferred into the tool. Consequently, modify the cutting tool behavior [10]. Moreover, most of
high temperatures favor the rapid tool wear. The generation cutting tools proposed for machining aluminum present a
of high temperature at the tool chip interface influences as sharp cutting tool edge to improve its penetration in the
well the tribological behavior and modify the chip forma- workpiece material. The type of milling operation was a face
tion. The specific heat is the energy required to increase the milling. The cutting conditions and the tool are described in
workpiece material of 1 ◦ C. This property is similar for both Table 3. All measurements have been made three times with
alloys and should not affect the cutting process. the same method and the average value was considered. The
In order to figure out the chips formation, both alu- standard deviation is often lower at 5 % of the range. When
minum alloys microstructures have been analyzed. The the standard is great, it is represented in the plot.

Table 3 Cutting conditions for

tests Machine tool

PCI METEOR-10 Power max : 35 kW Speed rotation max. : 24,000 round/min

Tool S (Sandvik) Tool M (Mitsubishi)

R790-160420-PH-NM XDGX 227016 PDFR-GL TF15
Rake angle : 6◦ Rake angle : 14◦
Flank angle : 20◦ Flank angle : 14◦
Cutting edge preparation : Sharp Cutting edge preparation : Sharp

Cutting conditions

Cutting speed (m/min) 500 m/min ; 1000 m/min ; 1500 m/min

Feed (mm/tooth) 0.1 mm/tooth ; 0.2 mm/tooth; 0.3 mm/tooth 0.4 mm/tooth
Axial depth (mm) 5 mm
Radial depth (mm) 25 mm (tool radius) ; 50 mm (diameter radius)
Lubricant Emulsion Quakercool 7000 ALF 8 % pressure : 8 bars
1884 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

Chip serrated


Radius insert effect

Fig. 4 Types of chips recolted

Fig. 2 Chip analysis

Tool S – ae=25 mm - Dry Tool S – ae=25 mm - Wet

Vc=1500 m/min

Vc=1500 m/min
Vc=1000 m/min

Vc=1000 m/min
Vc=500 m/min

Vc=500 m/min

f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth

Tool S – ae=50 mm - Dry Tool S – ae=50 mm - Wet

Vc=1500 m/min
Vc=1500 m/min

Vc=1000 m/min
Vc=1000 m/min

Vc=500 m/min
Vc=500 m/min

f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth

Fig. 3 Evolution of chip morphology for the Tool S according to cutting conditions
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1885

3 Chips analysis a theoretical length of material corresponding to the circu-

lar arc of insert in the workpiece. However, the length of the
The relationship between the cutting conditions and the chip is always smaller than the theoretical length. Chip vol-
chips morphology needs to be based on several features. ume is mainly utilized for the chips density analysis. The
The first is the chips morphology where the shape of each type of chip defines the aluminum alloys behavior during
chip is analyzed. It can be achieved in different ways. A machining. The chip thickness is employed in several mod-
macroscopic study where the chips are compared with each els as Oxley’s model to calculate the strains or the cutting
other has been made. To compare each chip accurately, temperatures [12].
some characteristics have been used: the chip volume anal-
ysis, the chip density, and the chip length. The second 3.1 Morphology analysis
point employed in the comparison is the chip thickness. The
length of chip, the chip thickness, the chip volume, and The aim of this section is the study of the relationship
the type of chip formed providing some data on the chip between the cutting conditions, the cutting tool geometry,
formation (Fig. 2). The length of chip study is utilized to and the chips morphology. Figure 3 show the evolution
define partially the material lost during machining. During of the chips morphology according to the cutting condi-
the insert rotation in workpiece material, the insert removes tions and the lubricant conditions for the tool S. There is a

Tool M – ae=25 mm - Dry Tool M – ae=25 mm - Wet

Vc=1500 m/min

Vc=1500 m/min
Vc=1000 m/min

Vc=1000 m/min
Vc=500 m/min

Vc=500 m/min

f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth

Tool M – ae=50 mm - Dry Tool M – ae=50 mm - Wet

Vc=1500 m/min
Vc=1500 m/min

Vc=1000 m/min
Vc=1000 m/min

Vc=500 m/min
Vc=500 m/min

f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth f=0.1 mm/teeth f=0.2 mm/teeth f=0.3 mm/teeth f=0.4 mm/teeth

Fig. 5 Evolution of the chips morphology for the Tool M according to the cutting conditions
1886 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

Vc (m/min) Concerning the tool M, the effect of cutting conditions on

the chips morphology is different (Fig. 5). Whatever the cut-
ting speed and the feed, the chips are always like some coax-
ial cylinders with different diameters. When ae = 25 mm, the
chip morphology is unchanged and all chips are composed
of two coaxial cylinders. When ae = 50 mm, an increase
1000 of cutting speed and feed rate reduces the number of cylin-
ders. As for the tool S, the lubricant does not affect the chips
To complete the feed rate effect, some tests were made
with highest feeds (fz = 0.5 mm/tooth, fz = 0.6 mm/tooth,
fz = 0.7 mm/tooth, fz = 0.8 mm/tooth) (Fig. 6). As shown
0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 fz (mm/tooth) on Fig. 6, chips morphology evolves for highest feeds and
Fig. 6 Chips morphology for highest feeds two sorts of chips occur. The first is like tubular chips. The
second is smallest and it is composed of segments intercon-
nected. Generally for all tests, using highest feed generate
some smallest chips. This modification is due primarily
to highest stresses produced in workpiece material. With
combined effect of cutting speed, feed rate, and radial depth. these cutting conditions, the thermal softening compared to
When ae = 25 mm, the chips morphology changes when hardening is still superior to get some segmented chips.
fz = 0.3 mm/tooth and Vc = 1000 m/min. Indeed, themor- The Al-2050 is a new aluminum workpiece material. To
phology evolves to switch from two coaxial cylinders to define the influence of the workpiece material properties,
one. When ae = 50 mm, the chips are longer with an higher the same study has been carried out with the 7050 alu-
number of rollings. minum alloy (Fig. 7) in dry conditions (left figure) and
Two types of chips are denoted (Fig. 4). A first is wet conditions (right figure) and with tool M. There is a
observed for the lowest cutting conditions. These chips are strong difference between both aluminum alloys where the
like a ribbon wrapped around a vertical axis which corre- main difference is present in the chip curl radius and chip
sponds to the spindle axis. Some marks are presented at the length. This is explained by the mechanical and physical
bottom of the chip. They are caused by the insert corner properties of Al-7050 compared to Al-2050. This difference
radius where the strains are higher and where the uncut chip shows the strong effect of the workpiece material prop-
thickness is the smallest. The second type of chips occurs erties (material and physical). Indeed, due to the cutting
for the highest cutting conditions and they are very ser- process (strain, strain rate, pressure), heat is also generated
rated. It is composed of different lamellas interconnected. inside the chip. Consequently, the mechanical properties
As shown on these figures, the main difference between evolve. Generally with the temperature effect, the ultimate
these chips is their size. The highest cutting speeds generate tensile stress of the material decreases, contrary to the duc-
some smallest chips. tility. The temperature’s evolution in the chip is function of

Vc (m/min) Vc (m/min)

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 fz (mm/tooth) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 fz (mm/tooth)

Fig. 7 Chips morphology for 7050 milling in dry cutting (left) and wet cutting (right) with tool M
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1887

Fig. 8 Evolution of cylinders 16 Tool S - Vc=500 m/min - fz=0.1 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm

diameter according to cutting Tool S - Vc=500 m/min - fz=0.2 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=500 m/min - fz=0.3 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
conditions for the tool S 14 Tool S - Vc=500 m/min - fz=0.4 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=1000 m/min - fz=0.1 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=1000 m/min - fz=0.2 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=1000 m/min - fz=0.3 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=1000 m/min - fz=0.4 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
10 Tool S - Vc=1500 m/min - fz=0.1 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=1500 m/min - fz=0.2 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm
Tool S - Vc=1500 m/min - fz=0.3 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm

Diameter (mm)
Tool S - Vc=1500 m/min - fz=0.4 mm/tooth - ae=50 mm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Cylinder number

physical properties as thermal conductivity or density. The average value was considered. This comparison is based on
Al-2050 thermal conductivity is the lowest and its mechani- the diameter of each cylinder which composed the chip.
cal properties are the highest. Consequently, during the chip Figure 8 show the evolution of the chip cylinders according
formation of Al-2050, some heat is generated but its level to the cutting conditions for one radial depth, one lubricant
is too low to obtain the thermal softening and to machine a condition for the tool for the tool S. However, the same trend
ductile material. The effect is opposite for the Al-7050, the is observed for the tool M and for the highest radial depth.
heat accentuates the ductility and the chips lengths are the The largest cylinder corresponds always to the end of the
highest. cutting process when the insert leaves the workpiece mate-
rial. Consequently for all cutting conditions, the cylinders
3.2 Chip cylinder diameters—chip density diameter grow with the evolution of angular position of
insert. The highest chip thickness occurs at the smallest
To complete the chip morphology analysis and to quantify cylinders. An increasing of radial depth generates more
clearly the effect of cutting conditions on the chip forma- cylinders on the chip and especially some largest cylinders.
tion, each chip picked up has been measured. Each feature The increase of the number of cylinders is due to an high-
was measured three times with the same methods and the est arc of circle made by the insert consequently the period

Fig. 9 Relation between cutting 1,000

conditions and chip density for Vc=500 m/min - Dry - ae=25 mm
the tool S 0,900 Vc=1000 m/min - Dry - ae=25 mm
Vc=1500 m/min - Dry - ae=25 mm
Vc=500 m/min - Wet - ae=25 mm
Vc=1000 m/min - Wet - ae=25 mm
Vc=1500 m/min - Wet - ae=25 mm
Vc=500 m/min - Dry - ae=50 mm
Density (kg/m3)

Vc=1000 m/min - Dry - ae=50 mm
0,500 Vc=1500 m/min - Dry - ae=50 mm
Vc=500 m/min - Wet - ae=50 mm
Vc=1000 m/min - Wet - ae=50 mm
Vc=1500 m/min - Wet - ae=50 mm



0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
Feed (mm/tooth)
1888 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

where the chip is formed is longer. The tests show a low the cutting conditions. This difference is caused by the cut-
influence of lubricant on chip cylinder. Indeed, whatever ting tool geometry. Rake angle of tool S is 6° contrary to
the lubricant condition (wet or dry), the cylinders are the the tool M where the rake angle is higher. Moreover, tool
same. According to [15] and concerning the machining of S allows a lower restricted contact. As observed by [15]
carbon steel, the feed plays a significant role on the chip lowest restricted contact values associated with higher chip
breaking performance. Increase the feed generates highest back flow angle generates the lowest chip up-curl radius,
chip-side flow, highest chip back flow, and highest chip producing tighter and more efficiently broken chips. Anal-
thickness whatever the cutting speed. For aluminum, cutting ysis of the chip morphology shows a chip slide flow due to
conditions do not influence the chip cylinder diameters. The the cutting tool geometry. The chip-side flow angle is the
most critical parameter is the cutting tool geometry. Chip angle formed by the chip side flow on the tool face pro-
cylinders observed with the tool S are the largest whatever jected on a horizontal plane passing through cutting edge. It

Fig. 10 Evolution of chip 80

length according to cutting
conditions for both tools when
ae = 25 mm and when 70
ae = 50 mm
Tool M - Wet - Vc=500 m/min
Tool M - Wet - Vc=1000 m/min
Tool M - Wet - Vc=1500 m/min
50 Tool M - Dry - Vc=500 m/min
Length (mm)

Tool M - Dry - Vc=1000 m/min

40 Tool M - Dry - Vc=1500 m/min
Tool S - Wet - Vc=500 m/min

30 Tool S - Wet - Vc=1000 m/min

Tool S - Wet - Vc=1500 m/min
Tool S - Dry - Vc=500 m/min
Tool S - Dry - Vc=1000 m/min
Tool S - Dry - Vc=1500 m/min
Theore cal length

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
Feed (mm/tooth)



70 Tool M - Wet - Vc=500 m/min

Tool M - Wet - Vc=1000 m/min
60 Tool M - Wet - Vc=1500m/min
Tool M - Dry - Vc=500 m/min
Length (mm)

50 Tool M - Dry - Vc=1000 m/min

Tool M - Dry - Vc=1500 m/min
40 Tool S -Wet- Vc=500 m/min
Tool S - Wet - Vc=1000 m/min
30 Tool S - Wet - Vc=1500 m/min
Tool S - Dry - Vc=500 m/min
20 Tool S - Dry - Vc=1000 m/min
Tool S - Dry - Vc=1500 m/min
10 Theore cal length

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
Feed (mm/tooth)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1889

is generally accepted that this chip-side flow is mainly influ- length. Consequently, there is a loss of material during the
enced by nose radius, rake angle, and chip breaker. For the milling. When ae = 25 mm, the average of chip length cor-
second tool, the chip side flow is unchanged on all chip’s responds on average to 79.4 % of theoretical length with a
cylinders and is equal. The relationship between the cut- standard deviation of 5.4 % and when ae = 50 mm, the aver-
ting conditions and the curl chip was also observed by [11] age chip length is 61 % compared to theoretical length and
where the authors state the increase of helpful to form a curl with a standard deviation of 16.4 %. Concerning the low-
chip. est radial depth, the tool M generates some longest chips
to 20°. and the cutting speed does not affect the length. Concerning
To complete this analysis and to work on a pile of chips, the tool M, the lengths of chip are similar compared to the
the chips density has been measured. For all cutting con- tool S expected when V c = 1500 m/min where the length
ditions, a finite volume of chips has been weighed. As decreases with the highest feeds. Generally, the cutting con-
showed on Fig. 9, the highest cutting conditions reduce ditions and the lubricant conditions do not affect the length
the chips density. Consequently, the aluminum mass in of chips. When ae = 50 mm and for both tools, an increase of
a determinate volume raises with the cutting conditions. cutting conditions changes the length of chip. Whatever the
These observations corroborate with the previous observa- tool, the cutting conditions change the length of chip. The
tions where some highest cutting conditions generate some most important parameter is the feed. Indeed, an increasing
smallest chip. of feed reduces the length of chip. These conclusions agree
with the first observations where the cutting conditions tend
3.3 Length of chip to reduce the chip size.
The difference between theoretical length and real length
Figure 10 show the evolution of chips length according to of chips is caused by the chip generation. When the radial
the cutting conditions when ae = 25 mm figure (a) and when depth is equal to the tool radius, the uncut chip thickness
ae = 50 mm figure (b). The chip length corresponds to the begins at its highest value (tu = 0.2 mm) and decreases until
length in the middle of ribbon. 0 with the insert’s rotation. When ae = 50 mm or equal to the
Each length is compared to theoretical length which is the tool diameter, the uncut chip thickness starts to 0 mm and
arc of circle when the insert is inside the workpiece mate- increases to the maximal uncut chip thickness (0.2 mm) dur-
rial and when the chip is being formed (the cutting period). ing the first 90°. The uncut chip thickness diminishes then to
Firstly, the length of chip is smaller than the theoretical 0 mm during the next 90°. When the uncut chip thickness is

Fig. 11 Evolution of chip thickness according to chip length

1890 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

too small, the edge radius mainly forms the chip. The mate- the theoretical uncut chip thickness (1). The positioning of
rial is then not cut but scraped with the edge radius. This uncut chip thickness with the chip thickness was performed
phenomenon appears when insert leaves the material when with their maximum values.
ae = 25 mm and when insert enters and leaves the material
when ae = 50 mm. This difference explains the highest loss tu = fz sinδt (1)
for biggest radial depth.
To complete this analysis and to define where the mate- where tu is the uncut chip thickness (mm), fz is the feed
rial loss occurs, the chip thickness has been determined in (mm/tooth), and δt is the insert angular position (°).
different points. The first point is still the lowest part of the The chip thickness is still higher than the uncut chip
chip on the largest cylinder. Figure 11 presents the evolution thickness. When Vc = 500 m/min, the ratio (the chip thick-
of the chip thickness when Vc = 500 m/min, ae = 50 mm and ness divided by the uncut chip thickness) is between 1.5 and

Fig. 12 Effect of cutting

conditions on chip thickness
when ae = 25 mm (top) and
ae = 50 mm (below)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1891

Fig. 13 Evolution of chips according to the chips length and the cutting conditions
1892 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

chip is compared to a continuous chip where the lamel-

lae are not observed and where the chip thickness is the

4 Chip formations

The chip morphology is partially caused by the chip for-

mation. For this reason, the chip formation is analyzed in
several point of view. The first observation is a macroscopic
Fig. 14 Resin and chip positioning observation where the free surface is photographed. The free
surface is the surface which is not in contact with the rake
2. The comparison between theoretical uncut chip thickness face. In this case, the surface observed is the inner face of
and chip thickness shows a difference mainly for the lowest the cylinders.
uncut chip thickness. This variance occurs when the insert
penetrates into the aluminum or when the insert leaves the 4.0.1 Macroscopical observations
material as described previously. Consequently, the differ-
ence of length between the measures of the chip thickness The curled chips were spread out as flat as possible. Three
and the uncut chip thickness is explained by the low uncut types of chips are discussed in the state of the art [6]. The
chip thickness. In this configuration, the chip is not consti- continuous chip occurs in machining of ductile materials
tuted by shearing in the primary shear plane but mainly by such as steel, cooper of aluminum. In turning, they are gen-
plastic deformation. erally like continuous ribbon and both surfaces are smooth.
The second type is the segmented chips composed of some
3.4 Chip thickness interconnected elements. The last type is the segmented
chip. It occurs generally during machining of brittle mate-
To define the effect of the cutting conditions, the lubri- rials as brass and cast iron. Chips type is function of the
cant conditions, and the radial depth, all chips have been cutting tool geometry, the workpiece material, the cutting
measured with the same experimental procedure. The chip conditions, the chip uncut thickness, and the type of lubri-
thickness is always larger than the uncut chip thickness. cation. In milling, the uncut chip thickness varies with the
Figure 12 show the chip thickness according to the cutting angular position of insert, several chip types can be pro-
conditions and the lubricant conditions when ae = 25 mm duced in a chip and can modify the chip thickness. Figure
(figure a) and when ae = 50 mm (figure b) for the tool S. 13 shows the evolution of the chips for all cutting condi-
As outlined in the previous section, there is a com- tions in dry conditions. The highest chip thickness is always
bined effect of the cutting speed and the feed on the chip in the left on the figure. The chips formation starts on the
thickness. These modifications are explained by the chip right side and it finishes at the left side. As observed, sev-
formation. Indeed, the highest uncut chip thicknesses are eral types of chips appear on a same chip (continuous chip
observed when the chip becomes serrated. Consequently, and segmented chip) and show the evolution of the chip
when the cutting conditions increase, the chip formation formation with the angular position of the insert. For exam-
induces some serrated chip where some inclined lamellae ple, when the feed increases and whatever the cutting speed,
are generated. Concerning the lowest cutting conditions, the some lamellae are noted on the chip. Based on the literature,

Fig. 15 First type of chip

observed during milling for
V c = 1500 m/min and
fz = 0.3 mm/tooth observed in
with optical device
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1893

Fig. 16 First type of chip

observed during milling for
V c = 1500 m/min and
fz = 0.3 mm/tooth observed in
with SEM

the chip is continuous when the surface is smooth and seg- 4.0.2 Microscopical observations
mented when the surface is rough. When fz = 0.1 mm/tooth,
the chips are always continuous. According to [6], the To detail the comparison between continuous and seg-
stresses in the workpiece material are constant and the ther- mented chips, some chips were examined with an optical
mal softening is not sufficient compared to hardening to get microscope and SEM. Each chip was embedded in a resin
segmented chip. It is worth noting that the longest chips are and polished as showed on Fig. 14. The aluminum micro-
often the continuous chip. When fz = 0.2 mm/tooth, there structure has been highlighted with the Keller solution.
is an evolution on the chip. Indeed, when Vc = 1500 m/min, Figure 15 shows the upper part of Al-2050 chips
the beginning of the chip is segmented (rough surface). For observed with an optical microscope. During these tests, the
fz = 0.3 mm/tooth and fz = 0.4 mm/tooth, a part of the type of chip evolves. The first is similar to continuous chip
chip is segmented and the other part is continuous. However, where the microstructure is deformed by the cutting tool.
the increase of the cutting speed changes the ratio between Indeed, as saw on the Fig. 15, the initial microstructure is
segmented section and continuous section. As defined pre- moved according to the shear angle and the chip flow. The
viously, the chip formation is predominantly influenced by thermal and mechanical stresses seem too low to reach a
the uncut chip thickness varying with the insert rotation. segmentation. The tool during the milling through the mate-
Consequently, the strains, the stresses, and the temperature rial forces the material so that it follows the flow imposed
change as the chip formation. by the cutting geometry.

Fig. 17 Second type of chip

observed during milling of
Al-2050 for Vc = 1500 m/min
and fz = 0.4 mm/tooth observed
in with optical device (a) and
SEM (b)
1894 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

According to SEM analysis (Fig. 16), the cutting pro-

cess affects all the aluminum phases. In first, all phases are
deformed according to the shear angle as described by [6].
It appears in some aluminum phases some cracks oriented
according to the shear angle. At the bottom part of the chip,
a thickness hardened appears due to the friction at the tool
chip interface.
The second type of chip occurs for the highest cutting
conditions. According to the state of the art, this sort of
chip can be called discontinuous chip (Fig. 17). According
to [13], the discontinuous chips formation is divided in sev-
eral steps. First, in front of the tool above the cutting tool Fig. 18 Third type of chip observed during milling of Al-2050 for
edge a localized plastic deformation zone is formed. A plas- Vc = 500 m/min and fz = 0.3 mm/tooth observed in with optical device
tic deformation zone is also generated on the free surface.
An internal crack initiates and extends to the free surface
after the material reaches the failure strain. The free sur- As described previously, there is a strong relationship
face crack is also initiated and extended to the cutting edge between the chip formation and the chip thickness. Figure
and the material shears strongly along the crack surface. 20 shows the evolution of chip formation according to the
The two cracks (free surface and above the cutting edge) cutting conditions for the tool M. As observed when the
join and a discontinuous chip is formed. As showed on the cutting conditions increase, there is a modification of the
Fig. 17b, the material is deformed along the shear angle and chip formation and some different chips are observed on
all aluminium phases seem creep along the same direction. the same chip. The chip formation influences also the chip
Contrary to the previous sort of chip, all phases have the thickness. The ratio between the uncut chip thickness and
same strains. At the lower part of the chip, some high strains the chip thickness can be utilized. Its analysis show that
are noted. They are mainly due to the joint effect of the pri- when the chip formation the ratio is included between 1 and
mary shear plane phenomena and the secondary shear plane 2 and when the chip is a serrated chip, the ratio is between 2
phenomena. and 4, and for the serrated chip the ratio exceeds always 5.
The last type of chip can be categorized in saw-tooth
chips, and it is observed for the highest cutting condi-
tions (Fig. 18). The chip formation during machining is 5 Effect of tool wear on chip morphology
generally accompanied by sever plastic deformations in
the primary shear zone. Because of the lack of a suf- Figure 21 shows the evolution of the tool wear for differ-
ficient ductility of the workpiece material, the deforma- ent cutting speeds where the chips have been collected at
tion is limited by the crack initiation. The formation is the end of tool life. The criterion used for tool life is the
attributed to adiabatic shear because the low thermal prop- flank wear (Vbb < 0.2 mm). first, a highest cutting speed
erties and the heterogeneous microstructure. According to reduces the tool life. The longest tool life is obtained when
[14] for machining of SIC-particle reinforced aluminum- Vc = 1000 m/min where the temperatures are the lowest.
matrix composite, the addition of SIC particle reinforce- Concerning the chip morphology and only for the second
ment into the aluminum matrix causes a reduction in tool, the tool wear has no impact on the chip morphology.
its ductility and makes the material ideal for producing This low effect can be explained by the low effect of tool
such semi-continuous chips which can be easily discarded
after machining. For Al-2050 machining, the addition of
lithium reduces the elongation and the thermal properties
compared to classical aluminum can cause this sort of
As defined previously, the sort of chip can evolve on a
same chip. As showed on Fig. 19, at the beginning of the
chip formation where the chip curl radius is the lowest, the
chip is serrated. Some primary shear planes are observed.
When the uncut chip thickness decreases, at the end of the
chip formation, it becomes continuous. This evolution is
explained by the variation of the uncut chip thickness during
the insert rotation. Fig. 19 Evolution of chip type
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897 1895

Fig. 20 Evolution of sort of chip according to cutting conditions

wear on the cutting tool geometry. Indeed, the mirror fin- perform actual cutting. A cyclic dynamic process is typi-
ish and the sharp cutting tool geometry reduce the friction cally observed in BUE formation, the initiation of the BUE
at the tool chip interface and the adhesion. Moreover, when at the tool-chip interface, the rise of the BUE , and the
the feed is quite low (fz = 0.2 mm/tooth), the cutting speed breakage and disappearance of the BUE. These three steps
does not change the chip morphology. dynamic process, which constantly repeats itself throughout
Because tool S is without coating, the roughness is also the cutting operation, has a profound effect on the cutting
higher where a built-up edge (BUE) occurs after some forces, the cutting temperatures, tool wear, tool life, surface
tests and modifies greatly the chip formation (Fig. 22). roughness, and geometric dimensions of machined prod-
The BUE is a part of the chip material that adheres to the ucts [16]. In this study, the BUE has a pronounced effect
tool rake face during machining of ductile metals as alu- on the chip formation. The BUE modifies intensely the
minum and alloys at low to moderate cutting speeds. The friction properties at the tool chip interface. Consequently,
BUE is extremely strain hardened and can be brought up chips picked up are very serrated and show a cutting process
to a noticeable size and replace the cutting tool itself to modified.

Fig. 21 Effect on tool wear on chip morphology when for different cutting speed when fz = 0.2 mm/tooth and for the second M
1896 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2016) 82:1881–1897

To understand these results, the chip formation has been

analyzed in microscopical scale. The addition of lithium in
alloy modify the mechanical behavior. Consequently, the
chip formation is influenced. The chip formation is due
to several points as the uncut chip thickness, the cutting
speed, and the cutting tool geometry. Three types of chip
are also generated. The continuous chip mainly generated
for the lowest cutting speed. The saw tooth chip is generally
observed for the lowest uncut chip thickness and the highest
cutting speed. Finally, the saw tooth chips are obtained for
the highest cutting speed and highest uncut chip thickness.
Fig. 22 Effect of built-up edge on chip morphology However, and because the chip is formed during milling
operation, each chip is composed of different sort of chips.
The relationship between chip formation and chip mor-
6 Conclusion phology shows that the longer chip and consequently the
biggest chips are always continuous. The stress generated
This work talks about the chip morphology after milling of in the primary shear plane is always too small to fragment
a new aluminum alloy. In order to control the chips recy- the chips. Contrary, the smallest chip is always serrated
clability and consequently the to economic sustainability. where the stress in the chip exceeds the workpiece material
Based on previous study, the chip recyclability is a func- properties. Consequently, the choice of the optimal cutting
tion of chip thickness, chip roughness, and chip density. The conditions must be a commitment to get some segmented
understanding of the chip morphology, the chip formation, chips and thickest chips. A chip including all recyclable cri-
and especially the effect of cutting conditions is so essen- teria appears to be difficult. To confirm the optimal cutting
tial. Furthermore, this study concerns a new alloy which conditions, it is important in order to make a detailed anal-
is, for the moment, often machined. Why, in this paper a ysis of the cutting process. Indeed, its knowledge can help
detailed classification of chip morphology collected after to define accurately the hypothetical loss of lithium due to
milling operations was presented. To complete and under- high temperatures.
stand the chip morphology, the chip formation has been also
analyzed. The chip was analyzed according several ways:
the chip morphology, the chip thickness, the chip length, and Acknowledgments This work is done in the framework of the
the chip dimensions. OFELIA project, labeled by the “Pole de Competitivite Viameca”,
gathering several industrial partners (Constellium, Aubert & Duval and
1. The chip morphology analysis shows a strong rela- REXIAA) and research laboratories (IFMA, SPIN and CEMEF). The
authors are thankful for the financial aid to this project supplied by the
tionship between cutting conditions (cutting speed and
French Ministry of Industry.
feed), cutting engagement, and chip morphology. Even
if the chips generated are often like ribbon curled, the
increase of cutting speed provides an opportunity to
reduce the size chip. Moreover, the morphology change
to generate some lamella interconnected.
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