Rob Walling - The SaaS Playbook-Start Small, LLC
Rob Walling - The SaaS Playbook-Start Small, LLC
Rob Walling - The SaaS Playbook-Start Small, LLC
Written by Rob Walling
Edited by Jessie Kwak
Cover Art by Pete Garceau
“Rob knows software, and he knows startups. I’ve been learning from him
since the early years of HubSpot. You should too.”
— DHARMESH SHAH, Cofounder/CTO, HubSpot
“By far the best book on this subject. Packed with specific instructions but
also surprisingly deep insights into the hurdles and solutions. You can tell he’s
speaking not only from his own extensive experience but from knowing hun-
dreds of other startups. A must-read for every bootstrapping entrepreneur.”
— DEREK SIVERS, Founder of CD Baby. Author of Anything You Want
“If you’re starting or running a SaaS business, this book isn’t just good; it’s
essential. Rob’s seen hundreds of SaaS businesses fail and dozens succeed,
and he’s distilled that knowledge into a beautifully readable, perfect-sized
volume of only the really good advice. Even as a seasoned founder, I kept
uncovering bits of gold, chapter after chapter. You will, too. If you want to
avoid the pitfalls that imperil every SaaS startup (and kill 95% of them),
read this cover to cover and refer back often; that’s my plan.”
— RAND FISHKIN, Cofounder, SparkToro
“I do whatever Rob recommends in SaaS! With a track record like his, it’s
a gift he’s sharing this playbook with the world. Must read for every SaaS
— NOAH KAGAN, Chief Sumo, AppSumo.
“Rob’s one of the few minds who sits at the center of the SaaS ecosystem
with the knowledge of not only how to build SaaS products properly but also
how to scale them. His playbook is something I’ve wanted for years—glad he
finally put it down on the page so we can all learn.”
— PATRICK CAMPBELL, Cofounder, Profitwell
“Most of the advice that’s out there about growing a SaaS past the initial
phases is pretty bad. Not a lot of people have actually run a bootstrapped
SaaS business for a long time. Rob Walling is the exception. He’s been in
the trenches for over a decade and has been mentoring the indie software
community the whole time. I started reading this book, and I can’t put it
— PELDI GUILIZZONI, Founder and CEO, Balsamiq
“Rob has more years in the bootstrapped trenches than anyone, and that’s
why he’s my go-to source for how to build a lucrative bootstrapped business.
After learning from his teachings and community, I exited my bootstrapped
SaaS for 7 figures!”
— LAURA ROEDER, Founder, Paperbell
“Rob has instilled so many important lessons about building software busi-
nesses in me so deeply that I almost forget how naive and lost I was before
finding his work. Even if you wouldn't call your business SaaS, you're going to
learn something from this book that changes the trajectory of your company.”
— ADAM WATHAN, Founder, Tailwind Labs
“If you want to raise a million dollars for your next big idea, look elsewhere.
If you want to develop your idea into a multimillion-dollar software compa-
ny, this book is for you. Rob Walling is the go-to strategist for bootstrapped
entrepreneurs. As a founder, he's achieved life-changing exits, all while ad-
vising and helping countless others. His ability to share his in-the-trenches
experience with authenticity, clarity and intellectual honesty is unmatched.”
— DAN ANDREWS, Author of Before the Exit
About the Author
His podcast Startups for the Rest of Us has shipped every week
since 2010 and now has more than 650 episodes and 10 million
Rob has invested in more than 125 companies and has been quot-
ed in dozens of major publications, including The Wall Street Jour-
nal, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Magazine.
This is his fourth book about building startups. Learn more about
him at
Introduction 19
Market 43
Strengthening Product-Market Fit 43
How Can I Compete in a Competitive Market? 51
How Much Should I Worry about Competition? 55
How Can I Build a Moat? 57
Should I Translate My Product into Other Languages? (And 62
Other Common Mistakes)
Pricing 67
How Should I Structure My Pricing? 67
SaaS Cheat Code: Expansion Revenue 70
Should I Offer Freemium? 73
Should I Ask for a Credit Card Up Front? 75
When Should I Raise Prices? 79
How to Raise Prices 80
Marketing 87
How Do I Find More Customers? 87
Marketing Funnels 89
SaaS Cheat Code: Dual Funnels 93
Business-to-Business SaaS Marketing Approaches 95
How Do I Know Which Marketing Approaches Fit 101
My Business?
How Should I Structure Sales Demos? 109
Team 117
How Should I Structure My Team? 117
Hiring Managers 127
How Can I Hire Great People? 1 31
Should I Offer Equity, Stock Options, or Profit Sharing? 135
Do I Need a Cofounder? 139
Mindset 165
How Do I Achieve Success? 165
Where Should I Focus My Time? 168
Should I Raise Funding? 171
Am I Turning Speed Bumps into Roadblocks? 176
Where Can I Find Community? 179
How Can I Avoid Burnout? 182
What Are Founder Retreats? 186
Afterword 191
Acknowledgments 193
Appendix A: Resources 195
It doesn’t matter whether it’s OK, it’s what you’re going to do.
You’ve already decided to do it; that’s why you’re holding this book.
You’ve already decided you have to do it, whether it’s justified or
not, whether for a higher purpose or a simple force of personality.
The elation the first time a customer gives you money for some-
thing that you created, which you can hardly believe they did con-
sidering how bad the product is.
The trepidation of the first time you hire someone, where the fam-
ily of a fellow human being is now dependent on you, and sud-
denly you realize that payroll is a permanent inexorable weight, a
new stressor and a visceral demonstration that the line between
“business” and “personal” is very wide and very fuzzy.
So you possess the personality defect that drives you to join this
coterie; now comes the hard work. Fortunately for you, Rob Wall-
ing has been one of the most active members of this party for
a few decades, having built several successful companies and,
through investment, has seen the ups and downs of more than
one hundred. He distilled this experience into a book of wisdom,
exactly what you need to tackle the work now in front of you.
Most of what you’ll need to do, you’ve never done before, and
you’re not good at it, although you think you are. Probably you’ll
be better than most people at doing it for the first time because
you’re highly motivated and because the work is connected to
other work that you do understand. So, you don’t know market-
ing, but you do know your customer; it’s better to write clearly and
directly to a person you deeply understand than to have a degree
in advertising.
Still, you’re not good at it, whether or not you think you are a ge-
nius at everything. This delusion of competence is helpful in over-
coming the otherwise overwhelming barriers to embarking on this
improbable project. And in some aspects, your unacknowledged
deficiencies aren’t detrimental—you don’t need to be an expert in
E&O insurance when no customers are depending on your soft-
ware, nor in accounting when there’s no revenue to account for.
But there are key areas, early in the life of a bootstrapped compa-
ny, where lack of competence is a leading cause of death. Dozens
of twittering successful bootstrappers agree, for example, that
picking the right market was the primary cause of their success;
many self-reported autopsies blame the converse. Pricing is an-
other example; in my case, the moment when hyper-growth ignit-
ed in my most successful company was exactly coincident with a
customer-inspired revamp of our pricing and packaging.
You chose this path because you don’t like to be told what to do,
and here’s a book telling you what to do. But it’s not forcing you to
do things. It’s giving you Cheat Codes in the areas that are crucial
to get right and in which—for the good of the company—you have
to admit you are not a world expert.
And if you discover any of it wasn’t right for you, you can wave
your thriving business in Rob’s face and tell him how wrong he
was. Won’t that be fun?
I never have email notifications turned on, except for two weeks in
late June of 2016. The startup I had launched two and a half years
prior had grown into one of the top 10 companies in our space and
was in the final throes of being acquired.
It was done. The result I had dreamed of for decades and been “all
in” on for 15 years was over. I could take a deep breath and relax.
At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.
Me: Haha, I was just going to send you the same thing ;-)
Congratulations, sir
in Silicon Valley and other startup hubs around the world. Except
there’s something wrong with seeking this narrative . . . It’s lazy.
If you were a filmmaker, I would tell you to stop asking film stu-
dios for permission and go make a film. Kevin Smith and Robert
Rodriguez did, and they’ve built careers based on their unique
voices and scrappy approaches to filmmaking.
Much like the author who waits to write their book, or the film-
maker who waits for permission from the studio, the startup
founder who waits for funding to start their company is more
likely to wind up disappointed than funded. At least, that’s the
way the numbers play out.
If you search for meetups about startups, most will assume you
are seeking funding. If you search the Internet for how to launch
a startup, the first step is usually building a slide deck to pitch
The point of this book is to show you that path. If raising fund-
ing is the blue pill, I invite you to take the red one. It may not be
pleasant, but it’s a reality you control. A reality where you don’t
need permission.
More than 99% of companies that seek funding do not receive it,
and the vast majority of those that land funding ultimately fail.
This is not the case with bootstrapping, as I’ve observed first-
hand while starting six startups and running the largest commu-
nity for bootstrapped (and mostly bootstrapped) software found-
ers, MicroConf.
Or maybe you want to earn millions of dollars so you can buy your
dream car, your dream house, or Banksy NFT.
Maybe you just want a sane work life in which you have more say
about when and how much you work.
There are many reasons to start your own company, and funding
is simply a tool you may or may not opt to use. The good news is
the easiest way to raise funding is to build a great business first.
I wish the tech press spent more time selling us on this dream and
less time telling us how a company that will be out of business in
18 months just closed its Series A (at a ridiculous valuation, no
less; otherwise it wouldn’t be on the front page of TechCrunch).
Aspiring founders read this and figure that if they play the startup
lottery, one day they, too, can be anointed as worthy.
Instead, they show up, they work hard, they focus, and they ship
products every day. They made the decision to build their busi-
ness instead of their slide deck. This is what I did on my 13-year
journey bootstrapping software products and software as a ser-
vice (SaaS) companies. Tens of thousands of others are doing the
same today.
Many will become successful, and some will become wildly prof-
itable. They won't get there by waiting around or asking permis-
sion. They show up every day, and they do the work.
If you’re looking to grow a side project that could one day replace
your full-time income (and then some), you should read this book.
If you are dead set on raising venture capital and building a high-
risk billion-dollar company, this book is not for you. I won’t be
showing you how to hone your pitch deck, cozy up to venture
capitalists, or evaluate a term sheet.
startup, this book is not for you. I won’t be telling you that you
deserve to be successful or that it’s going to be easy. I’ve been
doing this too long to present it any other way.
If you want to build a business that allows you to stay small and
live the four-hour workweek, I suggest checking out my first book,
Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer’s Guide to Launching a Startup
(even if you’re not a developer).
I struggled with the title of this book. I’m not a fan of hard-sell-
ing, over-promising Internet marketers who use phrases like
“seven-figure” or “million-dollar” because they have a nice ring
to them.
My first book, Start Small, Stay Small, focused on tiny niche prod-
ucts that generate thousands or low tens of thousands in revenue
each month.
This one is another step or two along the journey (in my Stair Step
Method of Entrepreneurship, this book is focused on step 3).
Whether you’ve bought out your time with smaller products or you
want to jump into the deep end, this is the playbook for launching
and growing a SaaS startup to millions in revenue without raising
buckets of venture capital.
This book is filled with lessons I’ve learned about building com-
panies, having done it myself, invested in more than 125 startups,
and worked closely with thousands of founders through my writ-
ings, podcast, community, and SaaS accelerator.
Here are terms the startup community uses to describe the fund-
ing status of a company:
I was blown away the first time I heard a founder talk about rais-
ing funding without the intention of following the path of tradi-
tional venture capital. That company is, which raised
its first round of $250,000 in 2012. is now a highly
profitable, eight-figure SaaS company.
founders still own the vast majority of the company, and they
run it as if it were bootstrapped. It’s capital efficient, maintains
healthy but steady growth, and focuses on serving its customers
and team members rather than its investors. I would call them a
mostly bootstrapped company. They don’t fit the technical defi-
nition of bootstrapped, but they are much closer to being boot-
strapped than venture-funded.
Craig used his funding to expand their team, allowing him to grow
top-line revenue and create room to expand the team even further.
He didn’t sign a lease on a big office in the SOMA neighborhood of
San Francisco or spend $50,000 on a billboard on Highway 101.
Instead, he hired slowly and grew efficiently. Thus, I call Castos a
mostly bootstrapped startup.
Do you aim to build a real product that sells to real customers who
pay you real money? This book calls you “bootstrapped,” even if
you raise a bit of money.
Do you aim to avoid raising money from investors who want you
to raise another round of funding every 18 months and consider it
a failure if you don’t sell for $1 billion? This book calls you “boot-
strapped,” even if you raise a bit of money.
You might wonder why this book focuses specifically on SaaS and
not just tech startups, such as two-sided marketplaces, biotech,
direct-to-consumer applications, and games.
If this book were not focused on a single type of company, I’d have
to take the typical approach and water down my advice, providing
you with less actionable information and far less value.
A Repeatable Playbook
SaaS may seem boring to people outside of it. Instead of the next
sexy direct-to-consumer viral game, ride-sharing app, or social
network, SaaS focuses on solving pain points for businesses.
Thus, the ideas seem pretty dry if you can’t see past them and
look at the exciting part: you are solving someone’s problem in a
real way and creating a valuable business while doing it.
There are a couple of reasons why SaaS companies have the best
business model in the world. Let’s dig deep into some of the most
Recurring Revenue
Every business wishes it could charge a subscription for its ser-
vices and get paid in advance before it renders those services.
With SaaS, it’s built into the business model. People expect to pay
you every month (or year) for your product. There is no need for
financial gymnastics; you get it free with SaaS.
During the 2008 financial crisis, I owned a small software product
that sold for a $295 one-time fee. As the recession hit, my revenue
dropped by 80% in one month. I was lucky I had other sources of
income to support me, a few of which charged a subscription. This
crisis was my wake-up call: recurring revenue handles economic
downturns exceptionally well.
apps before Uber. Still, variables out of your control, like smart-
phone penetration, consumer behavior, or Internet speeds, can
make or break your company. This tends to be different in SaaS.
It’s not that they can’t work, but they usually need a ton of funding
to get off the ground, and building one requires much more luck
than most people realize. With a two-sided marketplace, if you
have 10 people on one side and 1,000 on the other, your business
is a failure. With B2B SaaS, if you have one, 10, or 100 customers,
you have a business.
For the most part, SaaS does not have this capital requirement.
There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of SaaS companies
that are profitable, continue to grow, and have never raised a dime
of outside funding. Companies like Zoom, Slack, and PagerDuty
went public with an enormous percentage of their venture capital
still in their bank accounts. Actually, Zoom had more cash in the
bank than they had raised!
Note I didn’t say four to eight times profit, a multiple many busi-
nesses would kill for.
You may build your company and run it forever, which is great.
But if you decide to exit at some point, know that the value you’ve
created in your company is enormous compared to the same size
company in most other sectors.
When I sat down to write this book, I sketched out a long list of
topics. It quickly became apparent that topics relevant at one stage
of a startup are less relevant at another. For example, if you’ve just
launched, you should approach finding customers differently than
if you’re making $100,000 in MRR.
To that end, I decided to focus this book on topics that will help
a business with some semblance of product-market fit take its
company to the next level.
emails. Even if you see the value of customer research, how do you
find the time to do it?
These conversations will inform your product road map and how
you build features as well as your positioning, marketing copy,
and pricing. You’ll build a better product for your ideal customer
faster than if you try to guess what people need.
Ruben listened, and that was one of the many features he heard
through customer conversation that helped SignWell become a
strong player in an incredibly competitive market.
• Prospects
• Customers
• People who decided not to become customers
• People who became customers and then canceled
Henry Ford never actually said his customers wanted faster hors-
es instead of a car, but the wisdom in that story is strong enough
that people have been repeating it for 100 years.
The Crackpots. First up are the crackpot requests: ideas so far out
of left field you can’t imagine why they want it or even understand
what they mean.
No, no, and no—these folks make it easy to say, “Sorry, these re-
quests are not a fit for us.”
These are also easy to handle because you know they’ll objective-
ly improve the product and make it more valuable for your users.
Well, no . . . but it was a great idea and not terribly hard to build.
Drip was (and might still be) the only product that offered that
feature, and it became a powerful tool for our users that they
couldn’t use anywhere else.
The reality of running a software product is that you will get doz-
ens of feature requests that aren’t necessarily bad, but aren’t slam
dunks either.
You can’t build all of them—that’s how good software bloats into
a mass of buttons, boxes, toggles, and settings. As the founder,
you’re the gatekeeper. You’re going to have to say “no” to an awful
lot of good ideas.
I usually roll my eyes when people quote Steve Jobs as their rea-
son for taking a particular course of action because he was such
an outlier that his thinking won’t work for most of us. But on the
“ People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus
on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hun-
dred other good ideas . . . Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1,000 things.”
It’s pretty easy to do this in a way that makes people feel like
you’ve listened to them, whether you end up building what they
want or not.
Question #1: What’s the Use Case for This? Or, in layman’s terms,
what problem are you trying to solve?
You can get at this by asking questions such as: “What leads you
to want that? What problem are you trying to solve with this fea-
ture? What are you currently using to get that done?”
Sometimes you’ll realize you already have a way to solve the cus-
tomer’s problem but in a way they hadn’t discovered yet. At that
point, it’s up to you to explain how they can use your tool to ac-
complish their goal and maybe add something to the UI to help
other users find it more easily.
Why hide these features? Because if the vast majority of your us-
ers will never need them, adding dozens of checkboxes and drop-
downs will make your core product confusing for them.
If you think 20% or more of your customers will use a feature, it’s
something to consider building.
Question #3: Does This Fit with My Vision of the Product? Every
feature has opportunity costs. Every hour you spend building a
feature is an hour you don’t spend building a different one.
Too many products get cluttered with obscure features that only
help one or two customers, and too many entrepreneurs get
bogged down in building endless feature requests instead of fo-
cusing on making great software.
Compete on Price
Competing on price is tricky, but you can get traction if you offer
more than 80% of the product for half the cost.
In a mature market, the large players have pricing power that al-
lows them to raise prices relatively frequently. When you don’t
have the brand or credibility, it can be hard for customers to justify
paying the same price for your service.
In this case, if you’ve built a product that’s easier to use than the
large players’ products and you are less expensive, it can be an in-
credible one-two punch when convincing early adopters to switch.
I’m not recommending that you remain the low-cost provider in-
definitely, but before you’ve built a strong brand, this can be a good
strategy. Of course, you should keep adding value to your product
and raising prices as it matures.
If you enter the space with a low- or no-touch sales process and
your pricing is listed on your website, you can start winning cus-
tomers who don’t want to jump through so many hoops.
With Drip we offered a free trial—all you needed was a credit card.
This made early adopters more willing to give us a shot.
Compete on Product
The third area in which you can outmaneuver larger competition is
your product—especially if you’re dealing with larger companies
who have 10- or 15-year-old code bases and clunky user interfaces.
If you can find this group that desperately wants to escape and
help them migrate to your tool, not only will you gain new custom-
ers, but they will rave about you to others in their circle.
People also love the scrappy new underdog, which can be a great
marketing angle for a startup in a competitive market.
Rental car company Avis did this with its “We’re #2, we try harder”
ads in the 1980s.
Most founders worry too much about their competition. They fol-
low them on social media, scour the news for updates, and have
Google alerts set up on competing founders and executives.
There are only two things you should care about when it comes
to competition:
Read it and understand it. But rather than losing sleep over wheth-
er you should follow suit, spend that energy studying what that
Once you understand why you’re losing deals, you can decide how
to address those objections. Maybe you need to carve out a new po-
sition in the market where those features aren’t as necessary. May-
be you need to revamp your pricing or look into securing similar
Low-Level Details. From the outside, it might look like your com-
petitors have their act together. But if you’re not in the room where
decisions are being made, all you see is a polished image. Don’t let
that polished image fool you into thinking your competitors know
what they’re doing.
Just because your competitor is acting, don’t assume it’s the right
move—or even a well-thought-out move.
Even if you don’t say it to your team, even if you never say it pub-
licly, it’s infuriating to see someone come into your space and copy
your positioning, features, or marketing. It’s even more annoying
when they pretend like they’re innovating by doing so.
As a founder, it’s your job to manage your mindset and not let
their plagiarism derail you. It’s inevitable in business, especially
if you’re on the leading edge of your industry.
As you scale your company, you need to think about how to pro-
actively defend against competition. The more success you have,
the more your competitors will grab their battering ram and start
storming the castle.
A Strong Brand
When we talk about your brand, we’re not talking about your col-
or scheme or logo. Your brand is your reputation—it’s what peo-
ple say about your company when you’re not around.
Once people recognize and trust your name, you become a brand
rather than a commodity. Instead of comparing your pricing and
features to everyone else, prospects will start looking at you as a
unique offering, even if your features are mostly equivalent to a
There are hundreds of CRMs, but I bet if you and I sat down and
tried to name every one we could think of, we’d top out at maybe
a half dozen. Those are the ones with strong brands. It’s a signif-
icant advantage.
Maybe your digital asset management software could work for any-
one, but if you decide to focus your product on museums and make
sure it talks to the collections management tools they’re already
using—and that your marketing and website are speaking the lan-
One caveat is that this moat can be a bit dicey to maintain because
the algorithms at any of those companies can change quickly—
and have. Google’s many updates have tanked businesses over-
night that depended solely on SEO-driven traffic.
Stripe, Twilio, and SendGrid have a pretty hefty switching cost moat.
Tools like Slack are difficult to switch from because of the need
to obtain buy-in from every manager in an organization. Also,
because of the high number of integrations pushing data, Slack
requires effort to recreate.
Tools with low switching costs are those in which history is most-
ly irrelevant, and the time it takes to recreate something you’ve
built in the tool is low or nonexistent.
Likewise, one-click SaaS analytics tools that tie into your Stripe
account are relatively easy to switch from because they are “one-
click easy” to set up.
You can absolutely find growth that way. But realize you’ll also
want to focus on some of the other, more enduring, moats.
I’ve seen founders fall prey to some common siren songs, which I
talk about below. With some rare exceptions, heading down the fol-
lowing roads is a distraction at best and a major blunder at worst.
There has only been one time when a founder told me they were
going to translate their app and it turned out to be a good deci-
sion. In that case, he wanted to add Spanish as a second language
(English being the first).
In this case, the users of his product primarily spoke Spanish, but
their managers—his actual customers—mostly spoke English.
This founder didn’t have to take on the challenge of handling mar-
keting or customer support in Spanish, but by translating the app
itself, he made it more accessible to his customers’ end users.
White Labeling
White labeling is when another company pays you to license your
product and present it with its own branding, and the moment
you launch a successful product, people will start emailing you
with “exciting opportunities” to white label.
For the most part, these conversations are a big waste of time.
Usually what you have is someone who wants to start a business
but can’t build their own product. They want to pay you per ac-
count they add, but they have no audience or distribution. In the
end, you’ll spend a bunch of time talking to them, writing up con-
tracts, and taking feature requests—for nothing.
example, if you have a product that’s working well for wedding pho-
tographers, chances are it will also serve wedding videographers.
Most of the reasons I see founders pricing too low are psycholog-
ical, not logistical. You’re afraid of rejection. You’re having trouble
seeing value in your product because you built it. You’re compar-
ing your price to cheap competitors rather than seeing how much
value you bring to your customers.
Pricing too low holds your business back in two major ways. First,
if you’re charging $10 instead of $100 a month, you have to find
10 times as many customers. Second, you’ll have a much harder
time finding those customers because you’ll be severely limiting
the marketing channels you can afford to use.
Pricing is the biggest lever in SaaS, and almost no one gets it right
out of the gate.
Most founders price their product too low or create confusing tiers
that don’t align with the value a customer receives from the product.
You’ll have more breathing room (and less churn) if you aim for
an ARPA of $50 a month or more. In niche markets—or where a
demo is required or sales cycles are longer—aim higher (e.g., $250
a month and up).
One of the best signals to guide your pricing is other SaaS tools,
and I don’t just mean competition. Any SaaS tool a company in
your space might replace you with, a complementary tool or a
tool similar to yours in a different vertical can offer guidance, but
make sure you don’t just compare features; compare how it’s sold.
There are so many SaaS tools out now that a survey of competi-
tive and adjacent tools can give you a mental map of the range of
prices you can charge.
No matter where your business sits, one thing is true: “If no one’s
complaining about your price, you’re probably priced too low.”
In the middle of the market, a podcast like mine that’s aimed at the
entrepreneur audience will probably be okay paying $50 to $100
a month because it’ll get at least that much value out of its show.
At the top end of the spectrum, you can imagine large podcast
networks like NPR or I Heart Radio have much larger budgets
to spend on recording—and they also have very different needs
than a hobbyist or mid-market show. They’ll be happy to pay 20
times more than the base plan because of the sheer value they’ll
get from the product.
Most popular
Indie Pro Studio Enterprise
Emerging creators Larger production teams Agencies and small businesses Large businesses
5 Hours Audio Recording 12 Hours Video Recording 25 Hours Video Recording Volume Video Recording
Per Month Per Month Per Month Volume Shows
1 Show 3 Shows 10 Shows Volume Team Member Seats
2 Team Member Seats 10 Team Member Seats
5 Team Member Seats Unlimited Integration + Zapier
1 Integration + Zapier 2 Integration + Zapier Unlimited Integration + Zapier Iso & Mix Audio Tracks
Iso & Mix Audio Tracks Iso & Mix Audio Tracks Iso & Mix Audio Tracks Video + Screen Recording
Video + Screen Recording Video + Screen Recording Master Audio w/Dolby Voice
Master Audio w/Dolby Voice ACH Invoices
When you segment your customers by size and usage, you start
to see how your pricing tiers work to offer the most value to cus-
tomers while driving growth for your business. Getting pricing
tiers right also allows you to tap into the SaaS Cheat Code we’ve
already alluded to: expansion revenue.
For example, if User A logs into the CRM and sees tickets
assigned to them by User B, seat-based pricing makes
sense. If both users log in and have the exact same expe-
rience, they might as well just share a login.
Using Both. You can also combine a value metric and feature
gating. I tend to encourage people who are in the early stag-
es to start by using just one model, then refine that as they
get to know their customer base and what they need. But in
many cases, having per-seat pricing with two or three levels
of feature access is not a bad way to go.
Enterprise Pricing
One big mistake founders make is not charging enough for their
most valuable customers: those on enterprise plans.
much work for the customer to get value, where the support bur-
den is reasonably low and there’s some level of virality built into
the product.
On the other hand, a freemium model would likely not work for a
construction management software CRM with low to zero virality
and a complex setup and onboarding process.
You can run into problems if your free users are in a completely
different market than your paid users. Do they need additional
features or require more support? Are they in different verticals
or categories?
If the majority of your competitors offer a free plan and it’s be-
come a sticking point with the prospects you talk with, then you
might consider offering a freemium option to remain competitive.
Or you could come into the market like automated customer ac-
quisition software Bounce Exchange (now Wunderkind). Not only
did they not offer freemium like the majority of their competitors,
but they also launched at $2,995 a month. Some people in the
community thought they had lost their minds.
This is important because all those free trials can actually be pret-
ty expensive. If you’re bootstrapping, you probably don’t have the
Once your initial champion and their team start using your prod-
uct at work, they’ll see how valuable it is (and probably want to add
integrations). Then, they can make the case to their manager to
break out the company credit card and upgrade to the pro version.
If you’re not in that situation but are having trouble getting people
to sign up with a credit card, the answer probably isn’t to drop the
requirement. Instead, make sure you’ve built something people
want and learn how best to market it.
But during that time, be obsessive about the numbers. Every met-
ric you know by heart—trial-to-paid, churn, referral, etc.—is go-
ing to change once you pull the credit card requirement. Best case,
you’ll know within a month or two if it’s working, but it can take
several months because you also want to take into account chang-
es in downstream churn. Craig said it took almost two months
after Castos dropped the requirement for him to get a bead on the
new numbers.
You may want to consider a shorter trial length so you can see the
results of your experiments even faster. A seven-day trial means
you can run through four cohorts of trial users in the same amount
of time as a 30-day trial—that’s four times as many tests.
Not every industry or app can have a seven-day trial, but the
shorter you make your trial—including having no trial at all but
just a refund policy during the first 30 days—the faster you can
So it’s not solely about making more money. It’s about providing
you with more options to grow your business.
It’s not technically hard to raise your prices. You change a number
on the pricing page and make an API call, and there you go. You
doubled your prices. It’s the emotional part that typically makes
it hard for most founders.
Some tell me, “If I raise my prices, I’ll make my customers angry.
I’ll completely crush my business. I’m going to take it too far.” Or
they’ll push back by saying, “I can’t just raise prices to infinity,
right? At some point I’ll get too high for my market or where my
product is at.”
Yes, you will probably make some customers angry. No, you’re
probably not going to crush your business—and you can always
roll back pricing if you find out it’s a mistake. It’s possible to
raise your prices higher than what the market will bear. But more
founders err on the low side than the high side regarding pricing.
It may be that you are overcharging for what your product current-
ly does. When I launched Drip, it was just an email capture widget
that sent out an email sequence. I charged $49 a month and kept
getting feedback that it was too expensive.
I could have dropped the price to $19 or $29 a month, but I didn’t
want to build a cheap tool. I wanted to build a tool that was an
easy sell at $49 a month.
That said, there are ways to raise your prices that cause the least
amount of shock to your customers.
But there have been other times when I was less certain, and I
proceeded with a bit more caution.
This is what we call the “poor person’s split test.” In a perfect world,
you’d split test the pricing evenly at the same time—but that’s diffi-
cult for a SaaS company. I only know of one that’s done it.
Zapier didn’t publish pricing on its public page. When you clicked
the sign-up button, it was forked within the app so that half saw
one price and half saw the other. That gave Zapier great data, but
for the rest of us, monitoring cohorts of sign-ups at the new price
will have to do.
If you know for certain that you’re going to raise prices, make
this a marketable event—especially if you’ll be grandfathering in
current users at the old rate. Announce the price increase ahead
of time and let the world know that if they’ve been meaning to try
your app, now’s a good time. If they sign up for a trial now, they’ll
be grandfathered in at the old price.
Use Rob’s Rule of 10: If raising prices for existing customers will
not grow MRR by at least 10% (ideally more), it’s rarely worth
1. Set the stage for the value your product offers (i.e., we’ve
been around for some time, we’ve become a trusted provid-
er in this space, etc.).
2. “We’re changing our pricing.” Let them know up front
what’s going on.
3. Provide high-level justification about why you’re changing
your pricing (i.e., we’ve added tons more value, we’re in a
completely different space than when we launched, we’re
expanding our features, etc.).
4. (Optional) Offer more specifics about whom it impacts,
when price increases will go into effect, etc.
5. (Optional) Provide more justification if you feel it’s necessary.
6. “Reach out with questions.” Let them know your doors are
open for questions, comments, and feedback.
In the end, only a few of Gymdesk’s more than 600 customers left
as a result of the price increase. The company’s MRR increased
by 25%, MRR growth went up by around 70%, and its ARPA has
continued to climb.
Yes, you can get lucky with early adopters and word of mouth.
Some people do. But the vast majority of the time, if you’re going to
be successful, you have to build a good product and market it well.
I did that for years until I realized the only way to reliably build a
business was to get good at marketing.
I know for a fact marketing is a huge area of concern for most SaaS
startups because when we ask in the TinySeed application what a
company’s biggest hurdle is, the vast majority say they need more
Many people can write code. But creating a product people want
and actually selling it is relatively hard. To build a seven- or eight-fig-
ure SaaS business, you need to develop your marketing tool belt.
Let’s take a quick look at the basics, then talk about scaling from
Marketing Funnels
High-Touch Funnel
A high-touch funnel gives your customers a lot of human interac-
tion as they make their buying decision.
For example, when someone from your sales team follows up with
an offer to jump on a sales demo, they say yes. If the demo goes
Obviously, the higher touch your marketing funnel is, the more
money you need to make from each customer. High-touch funnels
work best for companies that charge a minimum of $500 a month
and focus on customers who can afford that price point.
Low-Touch Funnel
A low-touch or no-touch funnel works when you have a wide mar-
ket and a low-priced product.
Keep in mind that you need to have enough traffic coming through
your funnel that reliable patterns appear. If you’re only tracking a
handful of customers, you won’t have enough data to see notice-
able patterns.
How you fix your funnel depends on where the problem exists.
Starting at the bottom of the funnel:
Then in the next section, we’ll dive into my framework for filtering
and prioritizing marketing approaches to find the best options for
your particular situation.
SEO. SEO is not just about Google. Even though it’s the largest
search engine in the world, there are many more search engines
people use and which might be best suited to your product.
Then, determine which integrations your users are using the most
and circle back to release another version that maybe adds OAuth
or a simpler integration.
This includes writing blog posts you hope will make it to the top
of social news sites like Hacker News and Reddit and building
a media brand alongside your product (something I recommend
only for very well-funded companies). It also includes producing
content to educate people at different steps in their funnel whom
you already have permission to contact.
Most people think of blog posts when you mention content mar-
keting. However, content can include books, ebooks, audio (think
podcasts), video (think YouTube), or even in-person courses that
are given away to bring links, traffic, and leads and build credibility.
At scale, most SaaS companies have net margins between 30% and
50%, where a 50% margin is impressive. If you’re giving away 30%
of your top line to affiliates, you can have an incredible revenue
graph but have the least profitable SaaS application on the block.
One way to be cautious with your commission rates is, for exam-
ple, to give 20% to most affiliates and provide higher rates (say,
30%) to premium affiliates who have large audiences.
In-Person Events and Trade Shows. Events and trade shows can
be a fantastic marketing approach, depending on your industry.
Whatever the reason, take a hard look at your ROI. Will landing one
enterprise deal give you a return on the cost (in money and time) of
attending the event? Then it could be worth it. But if you have to sign
up 20 new customers to make your money back, you either need to
raise your prices or in-person events are not a fit for your business.
Daily Deal Sites. These sites promote SaaS products and other
software tools at deep discounts. For example, AppSumo and
Launch Sites. These sites curate and showcase new SaaS and soft-
ware products for clients to discover. They rate them by a voting
system. For example, Product Hunt and BetaList.
Lesser-Used Approaches
These are tactics used by such a small percentage of mostly boot-
strapped B2B SaaS companies that we won’t focus on them in
subsequent sections (but I want to list them here because they
might be valuable in certain situations).
PR. PR can help build buzz about your product in the media (ei-
ther mainstream press or news sites specific to your industry).
Offline Ads. These include billboards, bus stop benches, and ra-
dio ads.
In the early days, faster approaches are the key to getting initial
customers. As your product matures, you can afford to spend
more time cultivating slower marketing approaches.
For example, you can get relatively fast results with cold outreach
while building organic search results that can sustain you in the
long term.
Cost. How much will it cost? In the early days, you’ll want to think in
terms of hard costs—dollars and cents—instead of your own time.
The higher your ACV, the more money you’ll have to invest in
marketing. As you scale your product and raise prices, you'll no-
tice that more marketing approaches become available.
On the other hand, if there is enough search intent for your tool
and you can dial in search and PPC ads, you can often keep turning
that dial up to reach more people without spending a lot more time.
Note that any approach listed as a fit for a particular ACV can also
be used in the higher ACV tiers.
• Impact: If this works, how big will the potential impact be?
• Confidence: How likely is this to succeed?
• Ease of implementation: How easy is this to execute?
However you rank those facets, using the ICE framework is a way
to get your approaches into a spreadsheet and figure out which are
the best to start with. You can list things by high-level approach-
es (content marketing, PPC) or by individual tactics (ebook, blog
post, guest posting, YouTube ads, Facebook ads).
You’ll want to track your cost (in dollars and time) and the results.
Compare the results of each marketing approach with your initial
rating in the ICE framework. How close were you in your original
estimation? What assumptions did you start with, and how cor-
rect were they? What issues did you uncover? What did you learn?
This data will help you hone your founder gut when choosing your
next marketing approaches and tactics with the ICE framework.
Don’t Try Too Much at Once. The approaches that are best suited
for your business will vary, but there is one thing that tends to
work well: doubling down on a successful approach rather than
spreading your energy all over the place.
If you’ve built a tool for developers, you can take a look at other
tools your audience would likely use. If they’re not direct competi-
tors, contact the founder and ask for a quick call. Say, “I know you
market to developers. Could you spend 30 minutes chatting with
me about what’s working for you?”
their marketing secrets. But I’ve found that if they have a com-
plementary or unrelated tool, they’re often happy to help. That
conversation might even turn into a partnership later.
You can also learn from your competitors. Watch how they’re
talking to your shared audience (with the caveat that just because
they’re marketing a certain way doesn’t mean they know what
they’re doing).
You can also talk to their past employees to get the inside scoop.
I’ve reached out to former employees of competitors on LinkedIn
to say, “I’ve built a competitor to your former employer, and I’d
love to chat about what’s working in our industry when it comes
to marketing.” I make it clear they don’t have to tell me any secrets
they don’t feel comfortable sharing, and I’ve even offered to pay
them for their time.
The takeaway is that word of mouth does not account for as much
as you think it does—which means you need to get to work figur-
ing out where your traffic is actually coming from.
If you don’t know where your customers are coming from, how
can you find more of them? How can you figure out which of your
marketing experiments are working? How can you dial in your
marketing budget better? How can you know which levers to
move to scale your business?
It’s easy to figure out where people from your PPC ads and SEO
are coming from. It’s much harder to figure out where direct traffic
is coming from. You might have gone on a podcast and mentioned
the URL. Someone might have read about it in a book, newspaper,
or magazine. They might be on a different device than the one on
which they originally heard about your product, so the referral
link is cleared. This could be a returning visit.
(I know that sales isn’t marketing, but I’ve included it in this section
for those of you with high-touch funnels. If you have a low-touch
funnel, you can skip this section and move on to the next chapter.)
I’m not a great salesperson. But even if you don’t think of yourself
as a salesperson, every founder needs to be able to sell—whether
you’re talking to potential customers, trying to raise investment,
or even just “selling” the company’s vision to new hires.
Many founders I talk to shy away from sales because they have
negative perceptions. They think of the high-pressure salesper-
son at the car lot or the bored upsell from the customer service
rep at their internet provider.
You’re not trying to force a fit between your software and your pros-
pect’s problem. You’re putting on your consultant hat to help your
prospect define their problem and come up with a good solution.
If your tool doesn’t fit their needs, it’s far better to let that pros-
pect move on (maybe with a recommendation for a tool that’s a
better fit) than to pressure them into signing up. Don’t waste time
or money onboarding someone who’s just going to churn out after
a month or two.
Asking even a few questions about budget, timeline, and the prob-
lem they are trying to solve can be a window into whether it’s
worth your time to jump on a demo.
Have a Script
Even though as the founder you can run a demo with your eyes
closed, if you have a standard script, you are always ready to train
someone new to take over sales.
Follow Up
It’s amazing how many salespeople don’t bother following up.
People are busy, and following up until someone tells you they are
no longer interested is the process that good salespeople follow.
How Are You Solving That Problem Today? Finding out what oth-
er tools and software they’re currently using to solve their prob-
lem helps you frame your solution relative to what they’re already
familiar with.
Knowing this can help you understand how valuable this sale is
to your company and how much value you’ll be able to provide to
One way to ask about their expertise is by going deeper into how
they’re using other tools. For example, if a prospect tells me they’re
using Mailchimp, I could gauge their sophistication by asking if
they’ve used any of the automation features.
Talk through the timeline of when you can expect to hear from
them, when you should follow up, etc. Then, when the demo’s
over, make sure they’re in some type of CRM so that you follow
up at the right time.
Software demos are not tours of your product. You don’t need to
take a deep dive into all your settings and obscure integrations, no
matter how proud you are of them. Instead, think of a sales demo
less as a presentation and more as a conversation. You should be
asking questions and listening more than talking.
You need a good process for qualifying prospects before they get
to you so you’re not stuck doing demos with people who will pay
you $30 a month or are the wrong fit for your product.
As Drip grew, the cutoff number for in-person demos grew, too. At
first, we were doing demos for people in our lowest tiers because
it was early and we wanted to learn about our market by talking
to anyone we could. Bit by bit, we ratcheted up the number on the
form based on how many salespeople had the bandwidth to run
One thing to note is that if most of your leads are warm, inbound
leads, you can actually combine the sales role with customer success.
This works best when your prospects already have some sense
of your product and are just trying to understand whether or not
it’s a good fit for them. Your customer success/salesperson will be
there to show them around and answer questions rather than lead
high-pressure sales calls. If it’s more cold/complex sales, you’ll
want a salesperson incentivized by commission.
If you want your business to grow, you have to start peeling off
some of those hats and giving them to other people.
But a challenge most founders face is, because you perform three
(or ten) roles at once, you think you can hire people who can also
handle many roles. It’s easy to dream of hiring someone who’s
good at customer support, business development, and front-end
design when you’re handling those tasks and none of them add up
to a full-time position. But these three disciplines require specific
skill sets unlikely to exist in a single person.
When building your team you should delegate roles, not tasks.
Your first hire here will depend on your marketing funnel, but
typically you start with individual contributors who have experi-
ence implementing one or two marketing approaches (e.g., SEO,
content, PPC).
But eventually you will need to hand off marketing strategy and
project management to a Manager/Director of Marketing.
Sales. Sales brings in qualified leads and closes deals. This role is
TEAM | 119
Before you can fire yourself, you have to hire someone to fill that
role. To determine which role to fill next, track your time for a week
or two (or you can list from memory) to compile a list of all the
tasks you’re handling. As a founder, these will usually span many
departments and many roles.
In a perfect world, you’ll find that what the company needs most
urgently is one of the things you’re not good at or don’t enjoy.
When that doesn’t happen, you’ll have to decide which role to
prioritize. It seems there is never enough money to hire for every
role you’d like to.
One reminder I have for you is that, as a founder, you are often
more effective than the average hire. So realize something that
takes you 10 hours per week might take them 20.
Second, as the founder, you are often not doing the best job han-
dling certain tasks because you’re in a hurry as you task-switch
from one to the next. Someone focused on a single role will do a
more thorough job, requiring more time than you expect.
But unless you’ve raised a chunk of funding, when you only have
10 or 15 employees, you’ll want to look for generalists who can fill
two roles at once. Eventually, you will hire specialists with specif-
ic domain expertise who fill a single role.
With that said, certain roles combine more easily because they
require similar skill sets. If you are going to combine two roles
into a single hire, here are some typical combinations that work:
Legal + Finance + HR
As your team grows, you’ll start splitting these roles using the
same principle of firing yourself from roles you’re not a good fit
for. If your Customer Success Manager is great with your high-
end customers, hire someone to take their support workload off
their hands so they can focus on retaining your best customers.
When splitting roles, have your team member run through the
task-tracking exercise described above to help determine which
role you most need to hire for.
There are standard SaaS job titles. Use them. Your ideal candi-
dates have saved job searches for things like “Engineer,” “Cus-
tomer Service Lead,” and, yes, “Senior Architect.” Ignoring that
makes it harder to connect with people searching for the job you’re
hiring for. It also does a disservice to whomever you end up hiring.
They’ll have a much tougher time explaining their qualifications
to their next employer when their job title was “Code Wizard”
rather than “Senior Engineer.”
TEAM | 123
Although a treatise on organizational structure is beyond the
scope of this book, here’s a typical hierarchy of engineering titles
(in descending order of authority) that can be easily translated
into other departments:
Note: These titles assume the typical path is to move into manage-
ment, which doesn’t have to be the case. Individual contributor
titles above Senior exist, such as Principal Engineer and Distin-
guished Engineer. But for the sake of simplicity, I’m laying out
the above hierarchy, which will work for companies well into the
millions of ARR.
I just got done recommending you hire for the roles you don’t
enjoy or aren’t good at. This is especially true if you’re a founder
Second, coding is deep work. You need to get into the Zen state of
flow to have the right headspace. But looking up at the clock and
saying, “Oh wow, it’s already 4 o’clock!” is antithetical to handling
all the day-to-day marketing and sales tasks you need to do as a
Of course, you can ignore this advice. You’re in control; it’s your
TEAM | 125
company. Just know that you will hamper growth if you keep the
job of developer forever.
There’s a reason for this: building SaaS is both complex and ex-
pensive. Aside from marketing, sales, and support, you have to
write code and maintain an always-on production environment.
Developers who are good at SaaS are usually not cheap, and being
able to tell the difference between someone who says they are good
and someone who is actually good is close to impossible without
knowing how to evaluate their code.
This is rarely true. It’s not that your product is too technical; it’s
that you need to take the time to set up documentation, systems,
and training. I’ve seen super technical products where people
found a sharp junior developer who could provide amazing sup-
port. Eventually that junior developer will graduate to an actual
developer in the company, and you can replace them.
In the long term, handling support will likely lead to burnout, and
hiring a frontline support agent will free you up to keep doing the
work you love.
If you hire and tolerate mediocre performance, you will lose your
best people and create a culture of underperforming.
No one has ever said, “I fired that person too soon.” Normally
the regret is that you waited too long to fire someone and they
dragged morale down around them.
Hiring Managers
Not only will this remove stress from your life, but it will also help
your team move faster because they don’t need to wait on you for
every decision. And if you plan to sell the company at some point,
the less the business relies on you, the better terms you’re likely
to receive.
You can stretch this, but it will take a toll on you. It takes up too
much of your time if you’re managing twelve direct reports well
(e.g., holding weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings, working
on career development).
Usually, founders let it go for too long and then start managing
their team poorly because they are pulled in too many directions.
This can work for a while, but it will eventually lead to poor results
or folks leaving your company.
Keep in mind that your first management hires must also be indi-
vidual contributors. You’ll want to find someone who can manage
and develop. Or manage and do customer support or write docu-
mentation or work on strategy.
I find that people who’ve had a good manager in the past tend to
have a leg up when it comes to being a good manager themselves.
The problem is that many bootstrapped founders have never had
a “real job” inside a bigger company. They haven’t experienced a
range of managers or aren’t familiar with office politics, so they
don’t develop a mental model of managing a team well.
TEAM | 131
Your team members need to trust that you’ll be fair. That you’ll
listen to them. That you’ll make good decisions. That you’ll take
the fall instead of throwing them under the bus when things go
wrong—because if someone below you makes a mistake, that ul-
timately falls on you.
They also need to trust that you’ll tell them the truth, even if the
news is not good.
Now that you know the role you want to fill, how can you find the
best candidate?
Many recruiters will work off commission, such as asking for 15%
of the first year’s salary. Unfortunately, they are more expensive
than the value they bring. I recommend going with a flat-fee re-
cruiter like Remote First Recruiting.
Whether or not you have the money to hire a recruiter, these tips
will help you find and attract the best candidates.
Be Different. When I was hiring for Drip, I would write job de-
scriptions explaining that we viewed software as a craft. That we
often wrote 2.5 lines of test code for every line of production code
and that our codebase was immaculate.
When writing job descriptions, you want to show folks that work-
ing at your company will be unlike other places they’ve worked.
It’s not enough to say that you’re different; you have to be different.
For example, here’s a pitch I could give to any role I was hiring for:
“We’re fully remote. We’re a small team with no politics. You’ll
work with and learn directly from the founders. We’re a fast-grow-
ing company. You’ll work on interesting problems.”
I told customer success folks, “We have a great product, and our
customers love us, which makes your job easy. We also have a high
feature velocity to make sure it continues to be easy.”
You’re not a big company, so don’t write like one. One of your ad-
vantages is that you can inject personality into your job descrip-
tions, even to the point of making them entertaining. Write like a
human, and don’t shy away from having personality.
When you think along the lines of a long-form sales letter rather
than a list of requirements, it will set you apart from the stiff For-
tune 1000 job descriptions and communicate something about
your company’s culture by showing, not telling.
You should also let candidates know you’re picky about who you
hire. A-level performers want to work with other A-level perform-
ers, and they get excited by the idea of joining a top-notch team.
Bonuses sound great because of their flexibility, but they are tricky,
given their arbitrary nature. They are a decision to give people an
extra few thousand dollars at the end of a year.
Bonuses can make people feel left out or that you’re playing favor-
ites. They might feel like you’re giving more money to someone
who doesn’t deserve it.
If you don’t have a profitable year and don’t give out bonuses,
people can get angry and blame you. They’ll point out how much
money you spent on things they don’t like. Not to mention in Cal-
ifornia, a lawsuit ruled in favor of employees over nonpayment of
bonuses those employees had come to depend on.
Equity gives employees ownership—and not just literal owner-
ship. It gives them emotional ownership of the business and mo-
tivates them to grow it.
Let’s say your LLC makes $500,000 in profit this year, and you’ve
given 1% equity to a key employee. Even if you haven’t pulled
money out, they will receive a K-1 for 1% of that $500,000, or
$5,000. Essentially, they’re getting taxed on $5,000 even though
they didn’t receive that money.
Stock Options
Stock options are the standard startup approach to getting deeper
buy-in from employees. An option just means an employee has
Those 10,000 options vest over time, the standard is four years,
creating an incentive for the person to stick around so they don’t
lose their unvested options.
From the company’s side, you would set up an options pool of 10%
or 15% of outstanding shares that are given out in small chunks to
new hires, the amount varying based on seniority.
Profit Sharing
The nice thing about profit sharing is that it doesn’t require you to
sell your business for your employees to make money. If your goal
is to make your company profitable and run it for the long term,
profit sharing may be your best option.
As you add more people to the pool, those first employees’ per-
TEAM | 139
Some companies have folks vest into profit sharing for their first
few months, much like some companies have a waiting period to
get health insurance or to access a 401(k). This is a way to make
sure the person’s a fit for the team and that the team is a fit for
the person.
Of course, if your plan is to grow and exit rather than run profit-
ably, profit sharing is likely not your best option.
Do I Need a Cofounder?
The short answer is: no, you don’t need a cofounder. In fact, the
most equity you will ever give away is to your cofounder. No inves-
tor, employee, or advisor will come close to owning the amount
of equity you give away when starting a company with another
founder and splitting it 50/50.
Being a single founder has its own list of pros and cons. The beau-
ty of being the sole founder is the simplicity. You don’t have to
play nice with a cofounder, and you get to make all the decisions.
One of the major downsides is that you need to make all the deci-
sions and do all the work yourself. Especially in the early days when
resources are tight, this can be isolating and mentally challenging.
How Well Do You Know This Person? You are effectively entering a
marriage. If you don’t know the person well or have never worked
with them before, take things slow. “Date” by working on small
projects before equity changes hands.
everyone’s equity vest, typically over four years. One of the worst
things you can do to your company is let a founder walk away with
50% of it after working on it for a few months. At my SaaS accel-
erator, TinySeed, we wanted to but sadly declined to fund several
companies in this situation.
Add a third or fourth person into that mix, and there can easily be
too many opinions to serve the business well.
What often happens is that when three or four friends get togeth-
er to start a company, one of them is a weak link in the chain. If
you’re in this situation, you may already know in your gut who
isn’t pulling their weight. And that weak link will be detrimental
to the business—both in terms of the increased growth you need
to justify having that founder on board and because there are too
many chefs in the kitchen.
80/20 SaaS Metrics
Tracking the 3 High/3 Low Metrics (six in total) will tell you two
important things:
You’ll notice that many of these six are in tension with each other.
You want the Low Metrics to be as low as possible and the High
Metrics as high as possible, but often when one is going down, it’s
causing another to increase.
I’ll provide some rules of thumb in the following section, but keep
in mind that your product, ideal customer, and industry will have
a substantial impact on these numbers.
80/20 SAAS METRICS | 145
The 3 High/3 Low framework includes the next six metrics you
should be tracking after MRR and growth, and you want to push
three of them upward (i.e., high) and three of them downward
(i.e., low).
It’s a lot simpler to calculate CAC if you’re running ads. Then, you
can see how much you’re paying per click and track how many
people convert from each source.
How do you know if your CAC is too high? By calculating how long
it’ll take to pay back the costs of acquiring each customer.
The problem is that you’re not getting $1,000 every time you sign
a new customer. With a $50-a-month contract, you’re getting that
$1,000 over the course of the next year and a half.
If you spend $700 per new customer in January, you won’t break
even on those customer acquisition costs until next February (as-
suming the customer doesn’t churn).
With venture capital, the rule of thumb is that you should spend
no more than one-third of your customer’s LTV or no more than
one ACV.
There are times when that number can get more aggressive. For
example, at our peak with Drip, we could afford to spend more on
customer acquisition because we had the cash in the bank and I
knew the numbers in the rest of our funnel by heart. Even at our
peak, though, we were only running seven or eight months out—
that’s the high end for bootstrapped companies.
The best way to track sales effort is to look at both the average
number of days from someone scheduling their first demo to clos-
ing and the number of calls it takes to close a deal.
Your ability to keep sales effort low depends greatly on your in-
80/20 SAAS METRICS | 147
If you’re doing enterprise sales, your sales cycle will be long and
require more effort than if you’re targeting solopreneurs and oth-
er small businesses with a single decision-maker. A three- or four-
month sales cycle is reasonable in enterprise sales—and worth it
because the ACV might be $50,000. If you’re spending that much
time for $5,000 contracts, though, that’s rough.
No matter what your sales process looks like, you want your sales
effort to be as low as possible. Here are some ways to lower this
The higher your ARPA, the less likely they are to become custom-
ers without some sales effort. But finding places to offer self-ser-
vice along the journey can reduce the amount of hand-holding
your team has to do while making the process speedier for your
LOW: Churn
Churn is the percentage of people canceling their subscription
each month, and it’s the Achilles heel that kills (or plateaus) SaaS
apps. If you can keep churn low, growth is much easier. If churn
is high, it’s a force that’s very hard to outrun.
Canceled MRR
Gross revenue churn =
MRR at the start of the month
At some point, the number of new customers you acquire will equal
the number of customers you churn out each month. This causes
your growth rate to effectively hit zero. You’ve hit your maximum
number of customers (and revenue) that you can achieve without
changing something in the business.
80/20 SAAS METRICS | 149
If you acquire $5,000 in new MRR each month and have a churn
rate of 10%, that’s 5,000/0.10 = $50,000. If you don’t change
something in your business, you will plateau at $50,000 in MRR.
This plateau number should strike fear in your heart because SaaS
plateaus are brutal. They are often difficult to fix, as they might
require a strategic overhaul of your product, customer focus, or
marketing approaches.
Churn is such a critical metric that we’ll dive deeper into it in the
next section.
A lot of SaaS resources will point you to tracking LTV, but ACV is ac-
tually the more valuable metric for SaaS bootstrappers. Here’s why.
The simplest equation for LTV is your ARPA divided by your churn.
This is far from a perfect formula, but it’s the simplest one to get
insight into your LTV.
Let’s say you lower that churn to 1%, which makes your LTV
$5,000. Pretty good, right? Except that you’ll be getting that five
grand over the next eight years. If you have millions in venture cap-
ital in the bank, maybe you can afford to wait a while to recoup your
costs, but as a bootstrapper, you need to be thinking shorter term.
One of the biggest ways to keep your ACV high is to sell to busi-
nesses rather than consumers—usually the larger the business,
the more they can pay (though that depends on the problem your
product solves). This metric in particular is usually in tension with
CAC and sales effort because selling to more significant custom-
ers requires more sales effort, which is naturally more expensive.
HIGH: Referrals
The last critical SaaS metric is referrals, or how many new custom-
ers were referred by your existing ones. Referrals are a good metric
to monitor because it is less of a lagging indicator than most.
The best way I’ve seen for determining how many referrals you’re
receiving is to ask how a customer heard about you at their point
of sign-up.
Asking for Referrals. Not every product can have word of mouth
baked into the product, but every founder can—and should—be
proactive about asking for referrals.
When you see that trials are converting well and customers are
happy with your product, set up an automated email that goes out
around the 60- or 90-day mark. Say something like, “So much of
our business is based on referrals. If you’re enjoying our product,
could you please pass the word along?”
The automated email works well when you have a pretty hands-
off, low-touch sales process. However, for products with higher
ACVs and a more intensive sales process, it’s better to ask for re-
ferrals in person.
The first reason these are weak viral loops is that, even
though they get your brand in front of potential users, it
doesn’t create as strong a bond as when someone interacts
directly with your product.
The good news is that you can absolutely build a SaaS com-
pany to millions in revenue with a zero viral coefficient. Vi-
rality is amazing when you have it, but it’s not a deal breaker
for building your company.
unique visitors a month to their website, getting 100 new free us-
ers a week, or having 25,000 people on their mailing list.
Vanity metrics like page views, subscribers, or free users are in-
teresting, but only in context. The real question is: how many of
those visits or free users are turning into paying customers?
When you see a company with high churn, it’s a sign something’s
not working. The product isn’t where it needs to be, they’re solv-
ing a problem no one needs solved, or they’re getting the wrong
customers through the door. At that point, they should be trying
to refine product-market fit.
Until you have product-market fit, you should worry much more
about why people are churning than the actual churn number. Of
course, low churn is always better. But throwing churn-reduc-
ing tactics at your customers when you haven’t built something
people want and are willing to pay for can mask your lack of
80/20 SAAS METRICS | 155
product-market fit.
There are many ways to game churn, like making people email
you to cancel or moving to annual only, but those often hide the
real reason people are churning, especially early on. The approach
at this stage is to find out why people are churning and use that
knowledge to refine your product-market fit.
Once you have decent product-market fit, your churn rate be-
comes highly relevant because it’s how you know when you’re
going to plateau, and it’s part of your LTV calculation, which is
one indication of the strength of your business. Reducing churn
is a critical part of keeping your business strong.
For most companies like the type we’re discussing in this book, I
suggest shooting for gross revenue churn as low as possible, cer-
tainly under 3% per month. At the venture scale, successful com-
panies have less than 1% gross churn.
Segmenting Churn
If I tell you a product has an average review of 2.5 stars on Amazon
of over 1,000 reviews, it probably sounds mediocre.
But if I tell you that it has 500 five-star ratings and 500 one-star
ratings, that’s a different story. Half of the product’s users love it,
and half are the wrong audience.
It’s the same with churn rate. Saying you have a gross churn rate
of 8% doesn’t give you the right information to work with. But
once you start looking at the churn rate of specific customer seg-
ments, you’ll get a clearer picture of what’s going on.
(We cover net negative churn, one of the SaaS Cheat Codes,
later in this chapter.)
80/20 SAAS METRICS | 157
Is the answer in this case to cut your lowest pricing tier? It de-
pends. If your lower tier allows people to try out your product
and you’re seeing a decent amount of conversion from that tier
to a higher one, it might be worth dealing with the high churn
rate. Especially if the lower tier doesn’t require a lot of expensive
support or onboarding.
You could roll your own solution to this, but taking developer
time away from your product is a foolish decision in my opinion.
I would recommend Aaron’s approach or using a tool like Seg-
Metrics (built to solve this problem) or Mixpanel to allow you to
segment your churn by marketing channel.
Segmenting by Cohort
Another interesting way to segment churn is by time-based co-
hort. The easiest way to do this is by setting up a retention grid,
which sorts customers based on their tenure with your company
and their paying relationship. Some SaaS metrics providers offer
this out of the box.
MRR Retention
You’ll often see that churn is significantly higher in the first one
to two months of a customer’s lifetime because people use that
80/20 SAAS METRICS | 159
To figure out why people are churning in the first few months, ask
When you have a high price point, hiring someone to help with
onboarding can go a long way toward helping your customer find
For a social media scheduling app, maybe it’s when they load the
first few posts and realize they can sit back and let your product
take care of the rest. For an email product, it could be the minute
they get a form installed on their website and start seeing new
It’s not always easy to find the MPA. Your product might be so
complicated that there are many paths to seeing value.
There are many ways to ask customers why they churn. At Drip,
any customer that canceled their account received an automated
email within ten minutes of canceling. It said, “Hello, I’m one of
the founders of Drip, and I’d love to hear why you decided to can-
cel your account.”
This can give you a glimpse into what potential customers want,
which helps guide product decisions.
More often than not, you can get a quick win with churn using
tactics like an email welcome sequence and in-app onboarding
tools to make sure new users see value early. However, pushing
churn below 2% or 3% is a long road that unfolds slowly as you
refine your marketing and sales language, learn more about your
ideal customer, and add more features those customers love (we
covered that in the Market chapter).
If you reduce churn enough, you might find yourself unlocking the
SaaS Cheat Code: Net Negative Churn.
Success comes down to three factors: hard work, luck, and skill.
did a good job, too. But really it was luck and timing.”
Hearing him recount the story, it’s obvious they worked hard and
had excellent design and technical chops. Those two factors alone
would have allowed them to build a great business. But maybe not
one that grew organically to (presumably) more than $100 million
in revenue in about a decade.
A mistake I see founders make is taking too long to act. They get
paralyzed in analysis and have a lot of churning without making
any notable progress.
You can also circumvent some of the more painful lessons on your
way to developing your founder gut by watching, listening, and
learning from others.
You might join a mastermind group and learn from your peers. You
can hire a coach. You can find a mentor—whether that’s someone
you know personally or someone you’ve never met whose work
you follow. (I’ll talk more about finding masterminds and mentors
later in this section.)
My founder gut has made huge leaps when I’m around someone
who’s amazing at something that I am not.
Then there are those who get in their own way at every step. They
don’t do it intentionally, but they always seem to have a reason
they can’t ship, can’t market, aren’t closing sales, or aren’t grow-
ing their business.
In the rest of this section, I’ll talk about some of the frameworks
that are key to developing the mindset you need for your business
to achieve escape velocity.
The early days are a pressure cooker. You might be putting your
nights and weekends into making this work. You might be eating
through your savings or relying on a spouse for support. It can be
rough, which is why in those early days your priority needs to be
moving as quickly as possible to get to product-market fit.
You need to move fast, and you need to work on the right things.
As you move toward escape velocity, you figure out how to get
more of these things systematized. You hire people to handle sales
demos, answer customer support emails, and build the product.
The problem was that I was often ineffective at what I was work-
ing on. I could get a lot of things done “efficiently.” But becoming
“effective” took a lot of hard work and learning.
How do you know what to work on? Some founders are good at
seeing this from the start—most of us are not. You can get better
at it by:
Certainties are things that need to get done, and you know how
to do them. You know you need to build a new feature, you just
need to grind for eight hours and write the code. You know you
need to update your website copy. You know you need to send out
an email newsletter to your customers announcing new features.
Risks are the things you’re not sure of. You know you need more
customers, but you don’t know how to do that. You need to ex-
periment with marketing approaches to figure that out. You know
something’s off with your product-market fit, but you don’t know
how to fix it. You need to do a deep dive into customer research
to figure it out.
The areas of risk are iterative. You’re rarely going to get them right
the first time, so you need to try things, make mistakes, adjust
course, and know when to give up and when to press on.
You may wonder why I’ve placed this section in the chapter on
mindset. The mechanics of raising funding are straightforward,
but I’ve found the internal struggle a founder faces when deciding
whether to raise funding is often more challenging.
Ten years ago, it was much more difficult for bootstrapping found-
ers to raise money while using a capital-efficient approach to
growth and not being pressured to raise additional funding every
18 months. Most investors, whether angels or venture capitalists,
share the mentality that once you raise funding, you are seeking
to grow fast enough that you can raise a Series A funding round
and shoot for a billion-dollar outcome.
These days, though, capital that doesn’t force you onto the ven-
ture-funded track is much more accessible. It’s now possible to
raise an angel round or join an accelerator like TinySeed that gives
you a boost without tying you to the venture-funded track.
Have a Plan
What will you do with the money? How are you going to deploy it
to grow the company?
It is tough to find an investor who will give you money if you don’t
have a plan, and it can be dangerous for your business. If you don’t
know what you’re doing, money will not fix that. You’re just going
to make bigger mistakes, faster.
Your cap table can get complicated if you start taking multiple
rounds of investment. I’ve seen cap tables with 40 entries, where
the founder still owns 50% of the company, a bunch of angel in-
vestors own 5% each, and early employees each own 1% to 2%.
A complicated cap table isn’t a deal breaker. But you can torch
your cap table if you let early investors or founders take too much
of the company. We’ve had multiple companies we’ve been unable
to fund because of their cap table.
One was a company where the founder only owned 30% because
he’d given up 70% to an agency he was working with in the early
days. Another founder gave 60% of her company to an early in-
vestor who had only invested $50,000.
When you let early investors take too much, you end up shooting
your business in the foot by making it uninvestable. You also put
the majority of the profits into someone else’s pocket.
You can also torch your cap table by not vesting founder equity. If
you start a company with two other people and split it equally, but
six months later one of your cofounders gets a full-time job and
leaves, they still own 33% of your company. You and your remain-
ing cofounder are stuck working the next five or 10 years growing
a company and putting money in your ex-cofounder’s pocket.
This can be fixed with vesting, where you get zero shares during
the first year you work at the company and 25% of shares after the
first year, then the rest drip out over the next three years. Those
numbers can vary—you might decide to say it’s three years to
vest. Just make sure to talk to a lawyer when you set it up.
Funding Is a Tool
There are a lot of dynamics when it comes to raising money, and,
like I said before, raising funding won’t automatically solve your
At the end of the day, raising money can make the downsides of
your product or business model worse. If you don’t have prod-
uct-market fit, haven’t found a good marketing approach, or are
working inefficiently, raising money can exacerbate those issues.
But raising funding also has the potential to save you years. As
Craig Hewett, the founder of Castos, told me, funding allows you
to “live in the future” by making investments you otherwise would
have had to wait for.
Those are just a few of the ways funding can help when applied
There are three main drawbacks to outside funding.
The first is the time investment. A typical angel round can feel like
a part-time job, taking 10 hours a week for three to six months.
Getting accepted into an accelerator might only cost you the time
to apply, handle interviews, and work with legal counsel to review
and sign the docs. But there is a definite time investment involved
in raising, and during those hours you won’t be working on tasks
that could drive your business forward.
Finally, there’s the fact that you are selling part of your company
to someone else. The idea, of course, is that the funding should
allow you to increase the value of your company far more than
the value of the equity you sell. But that ultimately falls back on
your ability to execute and grow the business with the funding
Problems are inevitable when you are building a company. When
they arise, if you find yourself using phrases like the following,
your founder lens is viewing them as roadblocks:
Speed Bumps
The tricky part about speed bumps is they masquerade as road-
blocks. They do this by taking advantage of your lizard brain. The
stress and uncertainty we experience as we build companies leave
us vulnerable to believing things that simply aren’t true.
We often do this because our stress level is high and our minds
don’t quite know how to handle it. When we’re in a constant fight-
or-flight mode, most things feel like an existential threat. They
feel business-ending.
Unnecessary Stress
Roadblocks put stress on your mind, on your body, and on your
relationships. It’s no way to live, especially for folks who are build-
ing startups to improve our lives.
At some point a couple years ago, I realized that all the stress
and worry over my then 14 years building companies was not a
good thing. When people ask what my biggest regret has been as a
founder, it’s that I stressed too much about things that were going
to work out. I made roadblocks out of speed bumps.
My process for solving problems has moved from stressing about
everything that could go wrong to mapping out three or four pos-
sible options if things do go wrong. Often these options are not
optimal, but none of them would be business-ending.
Hopefully there’s at least one other person on each call who has
more experience in a specific area than you do. There are some
things in my business that I’m pretty damn confident I’m good at.
But I know I have blind spots in other areas. I can bring those things
to my mastermind because they don’t have the same blind spots.
setting new goals and tracking them, and reporting back to the
other members with updates along the way. By asking your group
to keep you accountable to your business, you’re also committing
to holding them accountable.
Your mastermind will tell you things that if your spouse said them,
you’d ignore them. (Ask my wife about that.)
Support. Humans are social beings. Napoleon Hill says that the
convergence of two individual minds creates a third, invisible
force that combines the strength of both of its components.
I made the second mistake for years. I thought I had such a unique
take on business that I didn’t need to listen to others who had come
before me and likely had insight into how I could be successful.
My advice: find a mentor or two. But no more. This keeps your in-
formation consumption at a reasonable level while allowing input
from outside sources.
As the founder, I was bearing the burden of every task that slipped
through the rest of the team. I managed legal, HR, payroll, opera-
tions, business development, and marketing; I co-led product and
engineering; and I ordered snacks for the office. These were all
things the company needed, and I was fully capable of doing them.
A few of them brought me joy.
Some months Drip grew enough to warrant hiring one or two ad-
Jason Cohen did a talk at SaaStr in 2018 that put visuals to what
I experienced.
Everyonedeserves fulfillment
Trap Burnout
In one circle are the things you’re happy doing. In the second are
the things you’re good at. And in the third are the things your
company needs.
The sweet spot for your work should be where all three intersect.
If you’re focusing solely on things you’re good at that bring you joy,
you can get stuck galloping down paths that are detrimental to the
needs of your company. If you’re doing things the company needs
that bring you joy (but you’re not good at), then you’re dragging
your company down.
But if you’re stuck doing things the company needs that you’re
good at (but don’t like), that leads to burnout.
At the time, I felt like we couldn’t afford someone who wasn’t con-
tributing to the bottom line of the company. In retrospect, this was
one of the biggest mistakes I made while building the company.
I should have hired someone who could come into the office and
handle operations. Things like legal, payroll, HR, and facilities.
Most of these were outsourced to external providers, and it was
just a matter of interfacing with them.
I hope you’re not at a place where the next section is helpful to you.
I hope that you’re smarter than I was and are putting measures
into place to keep yourself from burning out like I did.
As Jason said in his talk: “The right question is what should you be
doing differently now […] in order to build a company that’s more
healthy and prosperous, and also avoid this balloon payment of emo-
tional toil at the end.”
I’ve only started to touch on burnout here, but for an entire chap-
ter about it, check out my third book: The Entrepreneur’s Guide
After I left Drip, I took six months off to decide what to do next. I
wasn’t sure I was going to start another company.
I was actually in talks with a major tabletop review site and was
starting to look at a hard pivot. What would it look like to sell the
podcast? To sell MicroConf? Maybe it was time for me to get out
of the startup game and sail off into the sunset to game until I got
bored of that and moved on as well.
When she first started taking retreats, it didn’t sound like my thing.
I’m always listening to a podcast or an audiobook. I’m constantly
working on the next project. But after seeing her come back from
these retreats energized and focused, I decided to give it a try.
I booked myself a hotel on the coast and drove out for the week-
end with no radio, no project, no kids, and no distractions.
During that retreat, it became obvious that my whole life had been
about entrepreneurship. Ever since I was a kid, I have wanted to
start a business. I’ve always been enamored with being an entre-
preneur and the excitement of startups.
At that time, my podcast had more than 400 episodes, which had
been recorded over eight years. That wasn’t an accident. It existed
because I loved doing it. I showed up every week even though it
didn’t generate any revenue.
You made it! I appreciate you sticking with me through parts that
were fun and those that were less fun (metrics, anyone?). My hope
is that this book brought you many times more value than what
you spent buying it.
This is my fourth book, and trust me when I say that writing them
does not get easier. This book is only possible because of the many
people who generously contributed their time and energy.
Thanks to Charlie Gilkey for the pep talk when I stalled halfway
through the book.
Thanks to Sherry and the boys for their support during the years
it took me to learn these lessons.
MicroConf is a community of tens of thousands of ambitious SaaS
founders, ranging from those in the idea stage to those who have
many millions in revenue. It offers both online and in-person
events, a free online community (hosted in Slack), mastermind
matching, and more. Learn more at
If you are interested in being matched with like-minded founders,
check out these SaaS-focused mastermind matching services:
You can also check out MicroConf’s free guide to starting a Mas-
termind at
• Traction by Gabriel Weinberg
• Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown
• The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib
• Product Demos That Sell: How to Deliver Winning SaaS Demos
by Steli Efti
• Founding Sales by Pete Kazanjy
• Demand-Side Sales by Bob Moesta and Greg Engle
• The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, with Amanda
• The Zen Founder Guide to Founder Retreats by Sherry Walling
• The Art of Selling Your Business: Winning Strategies & Secret
Hacks for Exiting on Top by John Warrillow
• Before The Exit: Thought Experiments For Entrepreneurs:
A Short Guide For Founders Planning to Sell Their Business
by Dan Andrews
Customer Research
• The Jobs To Be Done Playbook: Align Your Markets, Organiza-
tion, and Strategy Around Customer Needs by Jim Kalbach
• Deploy Empathy: A Practical Guide to Interviewing Customers
by Michele Hansen
• The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers & Learn If Your
Business Is a Good Idea When Everyone Is Lying to You by Rob
Other Works by the Author
“A personal, generous, and incredibly useful guide to staying sane and changing
the world at the same time. Read it before you think you need it.”