Cral Syllabus Vtp1.2024

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Critical Reasoning and Academic Literacy PG

Unit code and version 10436.1

Unit offering option 220450

Study level Post Graduate Level

Credit points 3

Faculty Faculty of Education

Discipline Academic Program Area - Education

Unit offering details Vietnam Period 1, 2024 , INTENSIVE , UCI - Hanoi University, Hanoi

Unit convener name and contact details

Unit Convenor

Dr Siew Imm TAN

Faculty of Education

University of Canberra

ACT 2617


[email protected]

T +612 6201 5697

Unit Lecturers


Room 217, Building A

Hanoi University

Km9, Nguyen Trai, Nam Tu Liem,Hanoi


E [email protected]

DrNgan Giang DANG

Room 217, Building A

Hanoi University

Km9, Nguyen Trai, Nam Tu Liem,Hanoi


[email protected]

Administrative contact details

The Administrative Manager of the MTESOL Program

Room 217, Building A

Hanoi University

Km9, Nguyen Trai, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi


E [email protected]

Academic content
Unit description
This unit focuses on the development of critical reasoning and academic literacy with the aim of enhancing students' capacities to complete a

broad range of assessment types at a progressively higher level while maintaining academic integrity. Students will learn to critically assess

arguments in academic writing, to construct sound arguments, and to make effective grammatical choices to produce high quality oral and

written work.

Learning outcomes
After successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

1. Define and critically evaluate an argument presented in a text;

2. Demonstrate and justify the selection and implementation of effective oral presentation strategies;

3. Demonstrate strategic use of grammatical resources to achieve coherence and cohesion in written work; and

4. Construct a critically informed argument in a piece of research-based writing that reflects academic integrity.

Graduate attributes
1. UC graduates are professional

• communicate effectively

• use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems

2. UC graduates are global citizens

• communicate effectively in diverse cultural and social settings

• think globally about issues in their profession

3. UC graduates are lifelong learners

• be self-aware

• reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic

Skills development
As students of the University of Canberra, you will develop your critical thinking skills, your ability to solve complex problems, your ability to

work with others, your confidence to learn independently, your written communication skills, your spoken communication skills and a number of

work-related knowledge and skills.



Timetable of activities

Session Topic Workshop

1 Written assignments: Structures and rhetorical modes Yes

2 Effective oral presentations Yes

3 Maintaining academic integrity Yes

4 Critical reasoning: Arguments, premises and conclusions Yes

5 Critical reasoning: Implicit premises Yes

6 Evaluative reading and critiquing Yes

7 Secondary research Yes

8 Writing a research-based essay Yes

9 Practical techniques in vocabulary and grammar Yes

10 Coherence and cohesion Yes

Unit resources
Required texts
Required Texts

Bassham, G., Irwin, W., Nardone, H., & Wallace, J. (2023). Critical thinking: A student's introduction. 7th Ed. NY: McGraw-Hill Education. [E-book

available via Canvas]

Maimon, E. P., & Yancey, K. B. (2020). A writer's resource: A handbook for writing and research. 6th Ed. NY: McGraw-Hill Education. [E-book

available via Canvas]

Additional resources will be made available on the unit Canvas site. Students are also expected to do independent secondary research.

Materials and equipment


Unit website
Each unit you are enrolled in has an online teaching site in the learning management system UCLearn. You access UCLearn through MyUC.

Social Media
Social media will be used as part of the teaching and learning of this unit, and relates to websites and applications that allow students and staff

to create and share material, or interact via social networking activities. This can take many forms including text, images, audio, video, gestures

(such as 'liking', 'favouriting', 'following') and other multimedia communications. Students and staff should be aware that social media creates an

environment for limitless communication, collaboration, dialogue and information exchange but that there should be an awareness of the

'amplificatory' effect of popular content, which can portray both positive and negative outputs. Students should note that social media is not at

the control of the University and, therefore, changes may be made to learning or assessment materials at late notice as a consequence of

changes to content or access to the social media platform. Students are warned that there may be possible disturbing content that can be

viewed when using social media, that is outside the control of the University. Students who are concerned with the use of social media for

privacy or other issues are advised to speak with their unit convener as soon as possible.

For further information please refer to the section on Social Media in the Assessment Procedures.

Assessment item details
Assessment item 1: Project presentation

Due date
11.59PM, Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 (Hanoi Time)/3.59AM, Monday, 4 Mar 2024 (Canberra Time, AEDT)

30% (group) + 5% (individual)

Assessment details
This assessment item is a chance for you to think critically and creatively about TESOL and FLT. It is to be completed in

groups of 2 or 3. As a group, you are required to complete two tasks:

1. develop an educational product concept (e.g., online tool, storyboarding app, social communication tool, game-based
platform, etc.) that facilitates teaching and learning in a specific way (e.g., by promoting student engagement in an

online learning environment, by encouraging group work and collaborative learning, by promoting interest in a

difficult topic, by promoting learner empowerment, by enhancing learner intrinsic motivation, by teaching functional

literacy in English or a foreign language, etc.); and

2. present your product concept.

Product concept

Your product concept should include the following:

1. Introduction and background: an examination of an area of TESOL that can be improved (e.g., functional literacy in

English among secondary school students [7-12] in Vietnam)

2. Product statement: a description of your product and its affordances/features (e.g., an app that teaches listening,

speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation using texts that learners can expect to encounter

in their daily living and educational tasks)

3. (Pedagogical) principles of your product: a critical discussion of the principles underlying the design of your product

(e.g., [a] Functional literacy is necessary to help learners meet the demands of life and employment in an increasingly

globalised workplace.; [b] Literacy development should be adapted for the needs, interests and potential that exist

around the learner.)

4. Real-world application and conclusion: an illustration of how this product might be used in authentic situations to

address the gap identified in the background (e.g., Learners can access self-regulated functional literacy programs to

supplement formal classroom learning.)

Your product concept must demonstrate critical engagement with relevant secondary sources (no more than 10).

Group presentation

You will design a 12-15 minute PowerPoint presentation (no more than 10 slides, including the title and references slides) of

your product concept. You should aim to present as a team (by constructing a unified and coherent message, and sharing

content and time allocation as equally as possible), to be well-paced and enthusiastic in your delivery, to make effective use

of slides and/or visuals, and to adhere to the time limit. Presentations will be conducted in class on Thu, 29 Feb and Fri, 1

Mar 2024. You will be making an audio recording of your presentation.

Signing up

You will form groups and sign up for a presentation slot on Mon, 26 Feb 2024.


A member of your group will submit on behalf of the entire group. You will submit your group's PowerPoint file and the

audio recording of your presentation to the relevant DropBox by the due date. All project presentations will be shared on


Assessment criteria

This assessment has a group component and an individual component. All members of the group will receive the same mark

for the group component. For the individual component, group members will be assessed individually.

Criteria: Group Component Points

Demonstrated impact of research, reflected in a well considered introduction and background, a clear 20
product statement, coherent pedagogical principles and a strong real-world application

Demonstrated quality of research, reflected in reference to and engagement with relevant secondary 5

sources (no more than 10)

Demonstrated collaboration, reflected in adherence to time allocation (12-15 minutes per group, shared 5

equally among members), and a unified and coherent message

Total 30

Criteria: Individual Component Points

Demonstrated effectiveness in presentation and communication, reflected in fluency, expression and 5

engagement, and effective use of slides and/or visuals

Total 5

Addresses learning outcomes

After successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

• 1. Define and critically evaluate an argument presented in a text;

• 2. Demonstrate and justify the selection and implementation of effective oral presentation strategies;

Assessment item 2: Online quiz

Due date
8.00PM – 8.30PM, Wednesday, 13 Mar 2024 (Hanoi Time)/12.00 – 12.30AM, Thursday, 14 Mar 2024 (Canberra Time,



Assessment details
This open-book online quiz consists of 18 questions based on 7 texts. You will be required to answer all questions.

The quiz assesses your mastery of the contents covered in the first six sessions of this unit. You will be required to read

short passages and analyse their structure, rhetorical modes and reasoning. There will be a combination of question types.

Although this is an open-book quiz, you will not be able to find the answers in any of your readings. The best way to prepare

for the quiz is to keep pace with the workshops, engage with all the resources (e-resources as well as all the recommended

readings), participate in the online and class activities, have group discussions with your peers, and most important of all,

think and reflect. Don't leave your preparation until the last minute.

The duration of the quiz is 30 minutes. The quiz will be available via Canvas from 8.00PM – 8.30PM, Wednesday, 13 Mar

2024 (Hanoi Time)/12.00 – 12.30AM, Thursday, 14 Mar 2024 (Canberra Time, AEDT).

If you encounter persistent issues with Canvas, you should contact [email protected] as soon as possible to

minimise the chances of technical difficulties on the day of the quiz. If reliable internet is a problem in your normal location,
you should consider taking the quiz in another location.

Failure to complete this quiz without a documented, compelling reason will result in a mark of 0 for this assessment item.

Assessment Criterion

Demonstrated understanding of structures, rhetorical modes and reasoning in written texts: 100 points (the specific point

allocation of individual items will be presented in the quiz).

Your total mark for this assessment item will be converted to a mark out of 15.

Addresses learning outcomes

After successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

• 1. Define and critically evaluate an argument presented in a text;

Assessment item 3: Research-based essay

Due date
11.59PM, Monday, 1 Apr 2024 (Hanoi Time)/3.59AM, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024 (Canberra Time, AEDT)


Assessment details
For this assessment item, you will write a 1500-word +/- 10% research-based essay on a current challenge or issue in


The main aim of your essay is to propose some solutions to a challenge (or some ways forward to address an issue) that the

TESOL profession faces (e.g. how to motivate students to learn a language that is not widely used within the community,

how to make curricula more culturally appropriate, how to prepare students for intercultural communication in the

workplace, etc.).

Think of your essay either as an argument or as a response to a research question on a topic of your choice. To develop a

sophisticated argument or response to your research question, you will need to identify relevant secondary sources, engage

with them critically, and integrate them into your writing.

The essay must be written in your own words, and conform to academic writing conventions. You are expected to include

in-text referencing, and an appropriately documented reference list, including no more than six current authoritative

secondary sources. The preferred referencing style for in-text citations and references is APA 7th Edition.


To assist you with the structure of your essay, a template is provided in the Session 8 Workshop. You may use this template

to plan your research and writing.

Your essay must include:

1. a concise and informative title;

2. a relevant background;

3. a well-articulated mega argument or research question;

4. a coherent and logical progression of ideas that clearly addresses the mega argument or research question;
5. a consideration of alternative viewpoints;

6. a clear conclusion;

7. a brief statement of the practical implications of your research and direction for future research; and

8. references.

Word limit

Failure to keep to the word limit may result in a penalty.


Your assignment (in Word document) must be submitted to the relevant DropBox by the due date.

Assessment criteria

Criteria Points

Demonstrated impact of research, reflected in a relevant background, a convincing mega argument or 25

response to a research question, consideration of alternative viewpoints, and an effective conclusion

Effective delivery, reflected in a clear structure, an appropriate line of reasoning, coherence, cohesion, 15

grammatical control and adherence to academic writing conventions

Demonstrated quality of research, reflected in reference to and engagement with authoritative and credible 10

secondary sources (no more than 6)

Total 50

Addresses learning outcomes

After successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

• 1. Define and critically evaluate an argument presented in a text;

• 3. Demonstrate strategic use of grammatical resources to achieve coherence and cohesion in written work; and

• 4. Construct a critically informed argument in a piece of research-based writing that reflects academic integrity.

Submission of assessment items

Approval of extenuating circumstances will be dependent upon the production of supporting documentation and at the discretion of the unit


All assessment items required to be submitted online must be submitted via the appropriate Canvas drop box. It is the student's responsibility to

upload the correct and corresponding draft or assessment item to the right submission section. Assignments must be submitted in a format

accessible to the assessor(s), as stated on the relevant canvas site. If the unit convener and/or tutor are unable to access a submission, a

standard late penalty of 5% of the total marks possible for the task may be applied per day until the assignment is made accessible.

Students can apply for an extension to the submission due date for an assessment item due to extenuating, evidenced circumstances (specific
details are found in the Assessment Procedures). An extension must be applied for before the due date. Documentary evidence (e.g. medical

certificate) will be expected for an extension to be granted, however this will not guarantee that the application will be successful. The Unit

Convener or relevant Program Director/Course Convener will decide whether to grant an extension and the length of the extension.

An Assignment Extension form is available from the Student Forms page.

Late submissions
Late submission of assignments without an approved extension will result in a penalty of 5% reduced marks from the total available, per calendar

day late. An assignment submitted over 7 days late will not be accepted.

Approval of extensions based on extenuating circumstances will be dependent upon the production of supporting documentation and at the

discretion of the unit convener.

Special assessment requirements


Students must complete and submit all assessments to pass the unit. An aggregate mark of 50% is required to pass the unit.


Sample assignments reflecting the range of grades will be moderated. All assignments that receive a fail grade will be reassessed by a colleague

in the discipine.

Academic integrity
Students have a responsibility to uphold University standards on ethical scholarship. Good scholarship involves building on the work of others

and use of others' work must be acknowledged with proper attribution made. Cheating, plagiarism, and falsification of data are dishonest

practices that contravene academic values. Refer to the University's Student Charter for more information.

To enhance understanding of academic integrity, all students are expected to complete the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) at least once

during their course of study. You can access this module within UCLearn (Canvas) through the 'Academic Integrity and Avoiding Plagiarism' link

in the Study Help site.

Use of Text-Matching Software

The University of Canberra uses text-matching software to help students and staff reduce plagiarism and improve understanding of academic

integrity. The software matches submitted text in student assignments against material from various sources: the internet, published books and

journals, and previously submitted student texts.

Provision of valid documentation

Please note that the University takes student conduct very seriously. All documentation provided to University staff must be valid and the

provision of fraudulent documentation carries with it potentially serious consequences, including suspension and/or exclusion from the

University. Note that all allegations of student misconduct will be referred to the Associate Dean for Education (ADE) as a prescribed authority

for investigation.

The Academic Integrity Module is a mandatory (non-assessable) requirement in this unit. This module teaches you about plagiarism and how to

avoid it. Once you have completed the module, you will receive a course completion certificate. Please upload this certificate to the Academic

Integrity Module DropBox (under Assessments) before you start work on any assessment item. Students who do not submit the AIM certificate

will be given a withheld (WH) grade until such time as they upload it to the Canvas site.

Student responsibility
Learner engagement
Students are expected to attend workshops, listen to lectures, engage with relevant e-resources and readings, participate in online and class

activities, conduct independent secondary research, work in groups and complete all assessment items to the best of their ability. They should

also consult the unit convenor or lecturer when in doubt.

Breakdown of workload

Workshop activities: 36 hours

Reading and other preparation: 42 hours

Assessments: 60 hours

Group work: 12 hours

Inclusion and engagement

It is strongly recommended that students who need assistance in undertaking the unit because of disability or an ongoing health condition

register with the Inclusion and Engagement Office as soon as possible so that reasonable adjustment arrangements can be made.

Participation requirements
Your participation in both class and online activities will enhance your understanding of the unit content and therefore the quality of your

assessment responses. Lack of participation may result in your inability to satisfactorily pass assessment items.

If you are planning to withdraw please discuss with your Unit Convener. UC College students must also seek advice from the College.

Required IT skills
Students are expected to have word processing and IT skills to allow them to fully engage in the unit through Canvas and to complete their

assessment. This includes basic word processing skills, engagement in Canvas activities, posting messages, uploading video and audio files,

uploading assignments, and using the library catalogue and library databases. Students should ensure they have access to a computer and a safe

workspace to complete the online activities.

In-unit costs
This unit utilises E-books and E-resources subscribed to by the UC Library. These can be accessed, at no additional cost to students, via the unit

Canvas site.

Work integrated learning


Additional information
Provision of information to the group

Notifications through the Canvas Announcements Forum or the Canvas Discussion Forums are deemed to be made to the whole class. It is the

responsibility of the student to ensure that they check for announcements on the Unit’s Canvas website (forum messages are also emailed to

student email addresses only). Students should ensure they check their student email regularly. The Canvas discussion forums will be checked by

staff regularly.

Use of student email account

The University Email policy states that “students wishing to contact the University via email regarding administrative or academic matters need

to send the email from the University account for identity verification purposes”. Therefore all unit enquiries should be emailed using a student

university email account. Students should contact [email protected] if they have any issues accessing their university email account.

Research led education

The unit addresses research-led education. There are active researchers teaching the unit who are able to engage students in deep and active

learning and transmit to students their passion for the research they are carrying out.

Student feedback
All students enrolled in this unit will have opportunities to provide anonymous feedback on the unit through the InterFace Student Experience

Questionnaire (ISEQ). The request for your feedback will be posted on your InterFace page at least twice during a teaching period. InterFace can

be accessed through MyUC.

Changes to unit based on student feedback

Some teaching material have been revised since the previous offering of this unit.

Authority of this unit outline

This unit outline must be read in conjunction with the University of Canberra's Policies and Procedures, including the Assessment Policy and

associated Procedure. The Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure include information on matters such as plagiarism, grade descriptors,

moderation, feedback, and deferred exams.

Any change to the information contained in the Academic content and Assessment sections of this document, will only be made by the Unit

Convener if the written agreement of the Program Director and a majority of students has been obtained; and if written advice of the change is

then provided on the teaching site in UCLearn. If this is not possible, written advice of the change must be then forwarded to each student

enrolled in the unit at their registered term address. Any individual student who believes themselves to be disadvantaged by a change is

encouraged to discuss the matter with the Unit Convener.

Authority Text

Exception – Potential changes to a unit's learning activities and assessment items (Approved Academic Board 2020)

In the event of Australian Government and/or ACT Government directive, such as those requiring physical distancing and restrictions on

movement because of a pandemic, learning activities and/or assessment items in some units may change. These changes will not be

updated in the published Unit Outline but will be communicated to students via the unit’s UCLearn (Canvas) teaching site. The new

learning activities and/or assessment items will continue to meet the unit's learning outcomes, as described in the Unit Outline.

New learning activities and/or assessment items will be available on the unit's UCLearn (Canvas) teaching site. Please contact the Unit

Convener with any questions.

Printed on 16, February, 2024

University of Canberra, Bruce ACT 2617 Australia

+61 2 6201 5111

ABN 81 633 873 422


TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12003 (Australian University)

UC acknowledges the Ngunnawal people, traditional custodians of the lands where Bruce campus is situated. We wish to acknowledge and
respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of Canberra and the region. We also acknowledge all other First

Nations Peoples on whose lands we gather.

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