Privacy Act 1988 C2023C00130

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Privacy Act 1988

No. 119, 1988

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 1 July 2023

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 89, 2022

Registered: 8 July 2023

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Privacy Act 1988 that shows the text of the law as
amended and in force on 1 July 2023 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information
about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the
compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible
on the Register ( The details of amendments made up
to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes.
For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for
the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by
an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this
compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see
the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as
modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,
this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For
more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self-repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a
provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part I—Preliminary 1
1 Short title ........................................................................................... 1
2 Commencement ................................................................................. 1
2A Objects of this Act ............................................................................. 1
3 Saving of certain State and Territory laws ......................................... 2
3A Application of the Criminal Code ..................................................... 2
4 Act to bind the Crown ....................................................................... 3
5A Extension to external Territories ....................................................... 3
5B Extra-territorial operation of Act ....................................................... 3

Part II—Interpretation 5
Division 1—General definitions 5
6 Interpretation ..................................................................................... 5
6AA Meaning of responsible person ....................................................... 32
6A Breach of an Australian Privacy Principle ....................................... 34
6B Breach of a registered APP code ..................................................... 35
6BA Breach of the registered CR code .................................................... 36
6C Organisations ................................................................................... 36
6D Small business and small business operators ................................... 39
6DA What is the annual turnover of a business? ..................................... 41
6E Small business operator treated as organisation .............................. 42
6EA Small business operators choosing to be treated as
organisations.................................................................................... 45
6F State instrumentalities etc. treated as organisations ......................... 46
6FA Meaning of health information ........................................................ 46
6FB Meaning of health service ............................................................... 47
Division 2—Key definitions relating to credit reporting 49
Subdivision A—Credit provider 49
6G Meaning of credit provider.............................................................. 49
6H Agents of credit providers ............................................................... 50
6J Securitisation arrangements etc. ...................................................... 51
6K Acquisition of the rights of a credit provider ................................... 52
Subdivision B—Other definitions 53
6L Meaning of access seeker ................................................................ 53
6M Meaning of credit and amount of credit .......................................... 53
6N Meaning of credit information......................................................... 54

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

6P Meaning of credit reporting business .............................................. 55
6Q Meaning of default information ....................................................... 56
6QA Meanings of financial hardship arrangement and financial
hardship information ....................................................................... 57
6R Meaning of information request ...................................................... 59
6S Meaning of new arrangement information ...................................... 60
6T Meaning of payment information .................................................... 61
6U Meaning of personal insolvency information .................................. 61
6V Meaning of repayment history information ..................................... 62
Division 3—Other matters 64
7 Acts and practices of agencies, organisations etc. ........................... 64
7A Acts of certain agencies treated as acts of organisation ................... 67
7B Exempt acts and exempt practices of organisations ......................... 68
7C Political acts and practices are exempt ............................................ 70
8 Acts and practices of, and disclosure of information to, staff
of agency, organisation etc. ............................................................. 72
10 Agencies that are taken to hold a record .......................................... 74
11 File number recipients ..................................................................... 74
12A Act not to apply in relation to State banking or insurance
within that State ............................................................................... 75
12B Severability—additional effect of this Act ...................................... 76

Part III—Information privacy 78

Division 1—Interferences with privacy 78
13 Interferences with privacy ............................................................... 78
13B Related bodies corporate ................................................................. 80
13C Change in partnership because of change in partners ...................... 81
13D Overseas act required by foreign law............................................... 82
13E Effect of sections 13B, 13C and 13D .............................................. 82
13F Act or practice not covered by section 13 is not an
interference with privacy ................................................................. 82
13G Serious and repeated interferences with privacy.............................. 82
Division 2—Australian Privacy Principles 85
14 Australian Privacy Principles.......................................................... 85
15 APP entities must comply with Australian Privacy Principles ........ 85
16 Personal, family or household affairs .............................................. 85
16A Permitted general situations in relation to the collection, use
or disclosure of personal information .............................................. 85

ii Privacy Act 1988

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16B Permitted health situations in relation to the collection, use
or disclosure of health information .................................................. 88
16C Acts and practices of overseas recipients of personal
information ...................................................................................... 91
Division 4—Tax file number information 92
17 Rules relating to tax file number information .................................. 92
18 File number recipients to comply with rules.................................... 92

Part IIIA—Credit reporting 93

Division 1—Introduction 93
19 Guide to this Part ............................................................................. 93
Division 2—Credit reporting bodies 94
Subdivision A—Introduction and application of this Division etc. 94
20 Guide to this Division ...................................................................... 94
20A Application of this Division and the Australian Privacy
Principles to credit reporting bodies ................................................ 94
Subdivision B—Consideration of information privacy 95
20B Open and transparent management of credit reporting
information ...................................................................................... 95
Subdivision C—Collection of credit information 96
20C Collection of solicited credit information ........................................ 96
20D Dealing with unsolicited credit information .................................... 98
Subdivision D—Dealing with credit reporting information etc. 99
20E Use or disclosure of credit reporting information ............................ 99
20F Permitted CRB disclosures in relation to individuals .................... 102
20G Use or disclosure of credit reporting information for the
purposes of direct marketing ......................................................... 104
20H Use or disclosure of pre-screening assessments ............................ 105
20J Destruction of pre-screening assessment ....................................... 106
20K No use or disclosure of credit reporting information during a
ban period ...................................................................................... 107
20L Adoption of government related identifiers ................................... 108
20M Use or disclosure of credit reporting information that is
de-identified................................................................................... 109
Subdivision E—Integrity of credit reporting information 110
20N Quality of credit reporting information.......................................... 110
20P False or misleading credit reporting information ........................... 110
20Q Security of credit reporting information ........................................ 111

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Subdivision F—Access to, and correction of, information 112
20R Access to credit reporting information .......................................... 112
20S Correction of credit reporting information .................................... 114
20T Individual may request the correction of credit information
etc. ................................................................................................. 115
20U Notice of correction etc. must be given ......................................... 116
Subdivision G—Dealing with credit reporting information after
the retention period ends etc. 117
20V Destruction etc. of credit reporting information after the
retention period ends ..................................................................... 117
20W Retention period for credit information—general ......................... 119
20X Retention period for credit information—personal
insolvency information .................................................................. 120
20Y Destruction of credit reporting information in cases of fraud ........ 122
20Z Dealing with information if there is a pending correction
request etc. ..................................................................................... 124
20ZA Dealing with information if an Australian law etc. requires it
to be retained ................................................................................. 125
Division 3—Credit providers 127
Subdivision A—Introduction and application of this Division 127
21 Guide to this Division .................................................................... 127
21A Application of this Division to credit providers............................. 127
Subdivision B—Consideration of information privacy 128
21B Open and transparent management of credit information etc. ....... 128
Subdivision C—Dealing with credit information 130
21C Additional notification requirements for the collection of
personal information etc. ............................................................... 130
21D Disclosure of credit information to a credit reporting body ........... 131
21E Payment information must be disclosed to a credit reporting
body ............................................................................................... 133
21EA Financial hardship information must be disclosed ......................... 133
21F Limitation on the disclosure of credit information during a
ban period ...................................................................................... 134
Subdivision D—Dealing with credit eligibility information etc. 134
21G Use or disclosure of credit eligibility information ......................... 134
21H Permitted CP uses in relation to individuals .................................. 137
21J Permitted CP disclosures between credit providers ....................... 139
21K Permitted CP disclosures relating to guarantees etc. ..................... 141
21L Permitted CP disclosures to mortgage insurers.............................. 142

iv Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

21M Permitted CP disclosures to debt collectors ................................... 142
21N Permitted CP disclosures to other recipients ................................. 143
21NA Disclosures to certain persons and bodies that do not have an
Australian link ............................................................................... 145
21P Notification of a refusal of an application for consumer
credit .............................................................................................. 146
Subdivision E—Integrity of credit information and credit
eligibility information 147
21Q Quality of credit eligibility information ......................................... 147
21R False or misleading credit information or credit eligibility
information .................................................................................... 148
21S Security of credit eligibility information ....................................... 148
Subdivision F—Access to, and correction of, information 149
21T Access to credit eligibility information.......................................... 149
21U Correction of credit information or credit eligibility
information .................................................................................... 151
21V Individual may request the correction of credit information
etc. ................................................................................................. 152
21W Notice of correction etc. must be given ......................................... 154
Division 4—Affected information recipients 156
22 Guide to this Division .................................................................... 156
Subdivision A—Consideration of information privacy 156
22A Open and transparent management of regulated information ........ 156
Subdivision B—Dealing with regulated information 158
22B Additional notification requirements for affected information
recipients ....................................................................................... 158
22C Use or disclosure of information by mortgage insurers or
trade insurers ................................................................................. 158
22D Use or disclosure of information by a related body corporate ....... 160
22E Use or disclosure of information by credit managers etc. .............. 161
22F Use or disclosure of information by advisers etc. .......................... 162
Division 5—Complaints 164
23 Guide to this Division .................................................................... 164
23A Individual may complain about a breach of a provision of
this Part etc. ................................................................................... 164
23B Dealing with complaints ................................................................ 165
23C Notification requirements relating to correction complaints .......... 166

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Division 6—Unauthorised obtaining of credit reporting
information etc. 169
24 Obtaining credit reporting information from a credit
reporting body ............................................................................... 169
24A Obtaining credit eligibility information from a credit
provider ......................................................................................... 170
Division 7—Court orders 172
25 Compensation orders ..................................................................... 172
25A Other orders to compensate loss or damage .................................. 172
Division 8—Review 174
25B Review of operation of this Part .................................................... 174

Part IIIB—Privacy codes 175

Division 1—Introduction 175
26 Guide to this Part ........................................................................... 175
Division 2—Registered APP codes 177
Subdivision A—Compliance with registered APP codes etc. 177
26A APP entities to comply with binding registered APP codes .......... 177
26B What is a registered APP code ...................................................... 177
26C What is an APP code ..................................................................... 177
26D Extension of Act to exempt acts or practices covered by
registered APP codes ..................................................................... 178
Subdivision B—Development and registration of APP codes 179
26E Development of APP codes by APP code developers ................... 179
26F Application for registration of APP codes ..................................... 180
26G Development of APP codes by the Commissioner ........................ 180
26H Commissioner may register APP codes ......................................... 181
Subdivision C—Variation and removal of registered APP codes 181
26J Variation of registered APP codes ................................................. 181
26K Removal of registered APP codes ................................................. 183
Division 3—Registered CR code 184
Subdivision A—Compliance with the registered CR code 184
26L Entities to comply with the registered CR code if bound by
the code ......................................................................................... 184
26M What is the registered CR code ..................................................... 184
26N What is a CR code ......................................................................... 184

vi Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Subdivision B—Development and registration of CR code 185
26P Development of CR code by CR code developers ......................... 185
26Q Application for registration of CR code......................................... 186
26R Development of CR code by the Commissioner ............................ 187
26S Commissioner may register CR code ............................................ 187
Subdivision C—Variation of the registered CR code 188
26T Variation of the registered CR code .............................................. 188
Division 4—General matters 190
26U Codes Register ............................................................................... 190
26V Guidelines relating to codes........................................................... 190
26W Review of operation of registered codes ........................................ 191

Part IIIC—Notification of eligible data breaches 192

Division 1—Introduction 192
26WA Simplified outline of this Part ........................................................ 192
26WB Entity ............................................................................................. 192
26WC Deemed holding of information ..................................................... 192
26WD Exception—notification under the My Health Records Act
2012 ............................................................................................... 194
Division 2—Eligible data breach 195
26WE Eligible data breach ....................................................................... 195
26WF Exception—remedial action .......................................................... 196
26WG Whether access or disclosure would be likely, or would not
be likely, to result in serious harm—relevant matters .................... 199
Division 3—Notification of eligible data breaches 201
Subdivision A—Suspected eligible data breaches 201
26WH Assessment of suspected eligible data breach................................ 201
26WJ Exception—eligible data breaches of other entities ....................... 201
Subdivision B—General notification obligations 202
26WK Statement about eligible data breach ............................................. 202
26WL Entity must notify eligible data breach .......................................... 203
26WM Exception—eligible data breaches of other entities ....................... 204
26WN Exception—enforcement related activities .................................... 204
26WP Exception—inconsistency with secrecy provisions ....................... 205
26WQ Exception—declaration by Commissioner .................................... 206

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Subdivision C—Commissioner may direct entity to notify eligible
data breach 209
26WR Commissioner may direct entity to notify eligible data
breach ............................................................................................ 209
26WS Exception—enforcement related activities .................................... 211
26WT Exception—inconsistency with secrecy provisions ....................... 211
Division 4—Commissioner’s powers to obtain information or
documents relating to eligible data breaches 213
26WU Power to obtain information and documents relating to
eligible data breaches .................................................................... 213

Part IV—Functions of the Information Commissioner 215

Division 2—Functions of Commissioner 215
27 Functions of the Commissioner ..................................................... 215
28 Guidance related functions of the Commissioner .......................... 216
28A Monitoring related functions of the Commissioner ....................... 216
28B Advice related functions of the Commissioner .............................. 218
29 Commissioner must have due regard to the objects of the Act ...... 219
Division 3—Reports and information sharing by Commissioner 220
30 Reports following investigation of act or practice ......................... 220
31 Report following examination of proposed law............................. 222
32 Commissioner may report to the Minister if the
Commissioner has monitored certain activities etc. ....................... 222
33 Exclusion of certain matters from reports ...................................... 223
33A Commissioner may share information with other authorities ........ 224
33B Commissioner may disclose certain information if in the
public interest etc. .......................................................................... 226
Division 3A—Assessments by, or at the direction of, the
Commissioner 227
33C Commissioner may conduct an assessment relating to the
Australian Privacy Principles etc. .................................................. 227
33D Commissioner may direct an agency to give a privacy impact
assessment ..................................................................................... 229
Division 4—Miscellaneous 231
34 Provisions relating to documents exempt under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982................................................................. 231
35 Direction where refusal or failure to amend exempt
document ....................................................................................... 231

viii Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

35A Commissioner may recognise external dispute resolution
schemes ......................................................................................... 233

Part V—Investigations etc. 234

Division 1A—Introduction 234
36A Guide to this Part ........................................................................... 234
Division 1—Investigation of complaints and investigations on the
Commissioner’s initiative 236
36 Complaints .................................................................................... 236
36B Complaints relating to the data sharing scheme ............................. 237
37 Principal executive of agency ........................................................ 237
38 Conditions for making a representative complaint ........................ 238
38A Commissioner may determine that a complaint is not to
continue as a representative complaint .......................................... 239
38B Additional rules applying to the determination of
representative complaints .............................................................. 240
38C Amendment of representative complaints ..................................... 240
39 Class member for representative complaint not entitled to
lodge individual complaint ............................................................ 241
40 Investigations................................................................................. 241
40A Conciliation of complaints............................................................. 242
41 Commissioner may or must decide not to investigate etc. in
certain circumstances ..................................................................... 243
42 Preliminary inquiries ..................................................................... 244
43 Conduct of investigations .............................................................. 245
43A Interested party may request a hearing .......................................... 247
44 Power to obtain information and documents ................................. 247
45 Power to examine witnesses .......................................................... 248
46 Directions to persons to attend compulsory conference................. 249
47 Conduct of compulsory conference ............................................... 250
48 Complainant and certain other persons to be informed of
various matters .............................................................................. 250
49 Investigation under section 40 to cease if certain offences
may have been committed ............................................................. 251
49A Investigation under section 40 to cease if civil penalty
provision under Personal Property Securities Act 2009 may
have been contravened................................................................... 252
49B Transfer of complaints from the Inspector-General of
Intelligence and Security ............................................................... 253
50 Reference of matters to other authorities ....................................... 253

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

50A Substitution of respondent to complaint ........................................ 255
51 Effect of investigation by Auditor-General ................................... 256
Division 2—Determinations following investigation of
complaints 257
52 Determination of the Commissioner .............................................. 257
52A Determination—requirement to notify conduct constituting
interference with privacy of individual .......................................... 260
53 Determination must identify the class members who are to
be affected by the determination .................................................... 261
53A Notice to be given to outsourcing agency ...................................... 261
53B Substituting an agency for a contracted service provider .............. 262
Division 3—Enforcement of determinations 264
54 Application of Division ................................................................. 264
55 Obligations of organisations and small business operators ............ 264
55A Proceedings in the Federal Court or Federal Circuit and
Family Court of Australia (Division 2) to enforce a
determination ................................................................................. 265
55B Evidentiary certificate.................................................................... 266
Division 4—Review and enforcement of determinations
involving Commonwealth agencies 267
57 Application of Division ................................................................. 267
58 Obligations of agencies ................................................................. 267
59 Obligations of principal executive of agency ................................ 267
60 Compensation and expenses .......................................................... 268
62 Enforcement of determination against an agency .......................... 269
Division 5—Miscellaneous 270
63 Legal assistance ............................................................................. 270
64 Commissioner etc. not to be sued .................................................. 271
65 Failure to attend etc. before Commissioner ................................... 271
66 Failure to give information etc. ..................................................... 272
67 Protection from civil actions .......................................................... 275
68 Power to enter premises ................................................................. 275
68A Identity cards ................................................................................. 277
70 Certain documents and information not required to be
disclosed ........................................................................................ 277
70B Application of this Part to former organisations ............................ 279

x Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part VI—Public interest determinations and temporary public
interest determinations 280
Division 1—Public interest determinations 280
71 Interpretation ................................................................................. 280
72 Power to make, and effect of, determinations ................................ 280
73 Application by APP entity ............................................................. 281
74 Publication of application etc. ....................................................... 282
75 Draft determination ....................................................................... 282
76 Conference .................................................................................... 283
77 Conduct of conference ................................................................... 283
78 Determination of application ......................................................... 284
79 Making of determination ............................................................... 284
Division 2—Temporary public interest determinations 285
80A Temporary public interest determinations ..................................... 285
80B Effect of temporary public interest determination ......................... 285
80D Commissioner may continue to consider application .................... 286
Division 3—Register of determinations 287
80E Register of determinations ............................................................. 287

Part VIA—Dealing with personal information in emergencies

and disasters 288
Division 1—Object and interpretation 288
80F Object ............................................................................................ 288
80G Interpretation ................................................................................. 288
80H Meaning of permitted purpose....................................................... 289
Division 2—Declaration of emergency 290
80J Declaration of emergency—events of national significance .......... 290
80K Declaration of emergency—events outside Australia .................... 290
80L Form of declarations ...................................................................... 291
80M When declarations take effect ........................................................ 291
80N When declarations cease to have effect ......................................... 291
Division 3—Provisions dealing with the use and disclosure of
personal information 293
80P Authorisation of collection, use and disclosure of personal
information .................................................................................... 293
Division 4—Other matters 296
80Q Disclosure of information—offence .............................................. 296

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

80R Operation of Part ........................................................................... 297
80S Severability—additional effect of Part .......................................... 297
80T Compensation for acquisition of property—constitutional
safety net ....................................................................................... 298

Part VIB—Enforcement 300

Division 1—Civil penalties 300
80U Civil penalty provisions ................................................................. 300
Division 1A—Infringement notices 301
80UB Infringement notices ...................................................................... 301
Division 2—Enforceable undertakings 302
80V Enforceable undertakings .............................................................. 302
Division 3—Injunctions 303
80W Injunctions ..................................................................................... 303

Part VII—Privacy Advisory Committee 304

81 Interpretation ................................................................................. 304
82 Establishment and membership ..................................................... 304
83 Functions ....................................................................................... 305
84 Leave of absence ........................................................................... 306
85 Removal and resignation of members ........................................... 306
86 Disclosure of interests of members ................................................ 306
87 Meetings of Advisory Committee.................................................. 307
88 Travel allowance ........................................................................... 307

Part VIII—Obligations of confidence 308

89 Obligations of confidence to which Part applies ........................... 308
90 Application of Part ........................................................................ 308
91 Effect of Part on other laws ........................................................... 308
92 Extension of certain obligations of confidence .............................. 309
93 Relief for breach etc. of certain obligations of confidence ............ 309
94 Jurisdiction of courts ..................................................................... 309

Part IX—Miscellaneous 310

95 Medical research guidelines .......................................................... 310
95A Guidelines for Australian Privacy Principles about health
information .................................................................................... 310
95AA Guidelines for Australian Privacy Principles about genetic
information .................................................................................... 312
95B Requirements for Commonwealth contracts .................................. 312

xii Privacy Act 1988

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95C Disclosure of certain provisions of Commonwealth contracts ....... 313
96 Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal ........................... 313
98A Treatment of partnerships .............................................................. 314
98B Treatment of unincorporated associations ..................................... 315
98C Treatment of trusts ......................................................................... 316
99A Conduct of directors, employees and agents .................................. 317
100 Regulations .................................................................................... 318

Schedule 1—Australian Privacy Principles 320

Overview of the Australian Privacy Principles ............................................. 320

Part 1—Consideration of personal information privacy 322

1 Australian Privacy Principle 1—open and transparent
management of personal information ............................................ 322
2 Australian Privacy Principle 2—anonymity and
pseudonymity ................................................................................ 323

Part 2—Collection of personal information 325

3 Australian Privacy Principle 3—collection of solicited
personal information ...................................................................... 325
4 Australian Privacy Principle 4—dealing with unsolicited
personal information ...................................................................... 327
5 Australian Privacy Principle 5—notification of the collection
of personal information ................................................................. 328

Part 3—Dealing with personal information 330

6 Australian Privacy Principle 6—use or disclosure of personal
information .................................................................................... 330
7 Australian Privacy Principle 7—direct marketing ......................... 332
8 Australian Privacy Principle 8—cross-border disclosure of
personal information ...................................................................... 335
9 Australian Privacy Principle 9—adoption, use or disclosure
of government related identifiers ................................................... 337

Part 4—Integrity of personal information 339

10 Australian Privacy Principle 10—quality of personal
information .................................................................................... 339
11 Australian Privacy Principle 11—security of personal
information .................................................................................... 339

Part 5—Access to, and correction of, personal information 340

12 Australian Privacy Principle 12—access to personal
information .................................................................................... 340

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

13 Australian Privacy Principle 13—correction of personal
information .................................................................................... 343

Endnotes 345
Endnote 1—About the endnotes 345
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 347
Endnote 3—Legislation history 348
Endnote 4—Amendment history 363

xiv Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Preliminary Part I

Section 1

An Act to make provision to protect the privacy of

individuals, and for related purposes
WHEREAS Australia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, the English text of which is set out in Schedule 2 to the
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986:
AND WHEREAS, by that Covenant, Australia has undertaken to adopt such
legislative measures as may be necessary to give effect to the right of persons
not to be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with their privacy,
family, home or correspondence:
AND WHEREAS Australia is a member of the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development:
AND WHEREAS the Council of that Organisation has recommended that
member countries take into account in their domestic legislation the principles
concerning the protection of privacy and individual liberties set forth in
Guidelines annexed to the recommendation:
AND WHEREAS Australia has informed that Organisation that it will
participate in the recommendation concerning those Guidelines:
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and the
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:

Part I—Preliminary

1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Privacy Act 1988.

2 Commencement
This Act commences on a day to be fixed by Proclamation.

2A Objects of this Act

The objects of this Act are:
(a) to promote the protection of the privacy of individuals; and

Privacy Act 1988 1

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part I Preliminary

Section 3

(b) to recognise that the protection of the privacy of individuals

is balanced with the interests of entities in carrying out their
functions or activities; and
(c) to provide the basis for nationally consistent regulation of
privacy and the handling of personal information; and
(d) to promote responsible and transparent handling of personal
information by entities; and
(e) to facilitate an efficient credit reporting system while
ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected; and
(f) to facilitate the free flow of information across national
borders while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is
respected; and
(g) to provide a means for individuals to complain about an
alleged interference with their privacy; and
(h) to implement Australia’s international obligation in relation
to privacy.

3 Saving of certain State and Territory laws

It is the intention of the Parliament that this Act is not to affect the
operation of a law of a State or of a Territory that makes provision
with respect to the collection, holding, use, correction or disclosure
of personal information (including such a law relating to credit
reporting or the use of information held in connection with credit
reporting) and is capable of operating concurrently with this Act.
Note: Such a law can have effect for the purposes of the provisions of the
Australian Privacy Principles that regulate the handling of personal
information by organisations by reference to the effect of other laws.

3A Application of the Criminal Code

Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code (except Part 2.5) applies to all
offences against this Act.
Note: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of
criminal responsibility.

2 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Preliminary Part I

Section 4

4 Act to bind the Crown

(1) This Act binds the Crown in right of the Commonwealth, of each
of the States, of the Australian Capital Territory and of the
Northern Territory.
(2) Nothing in this Act renders the Crown in right of the
Commonwealth, of a State, of the Australian Capital Territory or of
the Northern Territory liable to be prosecuted for an offence.
(3) Nothing in this Act shall be taken to have the effect of making the
Crown in right of a State, of the Australian Capital Territory or of
the Northern Territory an agency for the purposes of this Act.

5A Extension to external Territories

This Act extends to all external Territories.

5B Extra-territorial operation of Act

(1) This Act, a registered APP code and the registered CR code extend
to an act done, or practice engaged in, outside Australia and the
external Territories by an agency.
Note: The act or practice overseas will not breach an Australian Privacy
Principle or a registered APP code if the act or practice is required by
an applicable foreign law (see sections 6A and 6B).

Organisations and small business operators

(1A) This Act, a registered APP code and the registered CR code extend
to an act done, or practice engaged in, outside Australia and the
external Territories by an organisation, or small business operator,
that has an Australian link.
Note: The act or practice overseas will not breach an Australian Privacy
Principle or a registered APP code if the act or practice is required by
an applicable foreign law (see sections 6A and 6B).

Privacy Act 1988 3

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part I Preliminary

Section 5B

Australian link
(2) An organisation or small business operator has an Australian link
if the organisation or operator is:
(a) an Australian citizen; or
(b) a person whose continued presence in Australia is not subject
to a limitation as to time imposed by law; or
(c) a partnership formed in Australia or an external Territory; or
(d) a trust created in Australia or an external Territory; or
(e) a body corporate incorporated in Australia or an external
Territory; or
(f) an unincorporated association that has its central
management and control in Australia or an external Territory.
(3) An organisation or small business operator also has an Australian
link if all of the following apply:
(a) the organisation or operator is not described in
subsection (2);
(b) the organisation or operator carries on business in Australia
or an external Territory.

Power to deal with complaints about overseas acts and practices

(4) Part V of this Act has extra-territorial operation so far as that Part
relates to complaints and investigation concerning acts and
practices to which this Act extends because of subsection (1) or
Note: This lets the Commissioner take action overseas to investigate
complaints and lets the ancillary provisions of Part V operate in that

4 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

Part II—Interpretation
Division 1—General definitions

6 Interpretation
(1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:
ACC means the Australian Crime Commission.
access seeker has the meaning given by subsection 6L(1).
ACT enactment has the same meaning as enactment has in the
Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988.
advice related functions has the meaning given by
subsection 28B(1).
affected information recipient means:
(a) a mortgage insurer; or
(b) a trade insurer; or
(c) a body corporate referred to in paragraph 21G(3)(b); or
(d) a person referred to in paragraph 21G(3)(c); or
(e) an entity or adviser referred to in paragraph 21N(2)(a).
agency means:
(a) a Minister; or
(b) a Department; or
(c) a body (whether incorporated or not), or a tribunal,
established or appointed for a public purpose by or under a
Commonwealth law, not being:
(i) an incorporated company, society or association; or
(ii) an organisation that is registered under the Fair Work
(Registered Organisations) Act 2009 or a branch of such
an organisation; or

Privacy Act 1988 5

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(ca) a body (whether incorporated or not), or a tribunal,

established for a public purpose by or under a law (other than
a law providing for the incorporation of companies, societies
or associations) of a State or Territory as in force in an
external Territory, other than a body exempted by the
Minister under subsection (5A); or
(d) a body established or appointed by the Governor-General, or
by a Minister, otherwise than by or under a Commonwealth
law; or
(e) a person holding or performing the duties of an office
established by or under, or an appointment made under, a
Commonwealth law, other than a person who, by virtue of
holding that office, is the Secretary of a Department; or
(ea) a person holding or performing the duties of an office
established by or under, or an appointment made under, a law
of a State or Territory as in force in an external Territory,
other than an office or appointment exempted by the Minister
under subsection (5A); or
(f) a person holding or performing the duties of an appointment,
being an appointment made by the Governor-General, or by a
Minister, otherwise than under a Commonwealth law; or
(g) a federal court; or
(h) the Australian Federal Police; or
(ha) a court of Norfolk Island; or
(k) an eligible hearing service provider; or
(l) the service operator under the Healthcare Identifiers Act
alternative complaint body has the meaning given by
subsection 50(1).
amount of credit has the meaning given by subsection 6M(2).
annual turnover of a business has the meaning given by
section 6DA.
APP code has the meaning given by section 26C.

6 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

APP code developer means:

(a) an APP entity; or
(b) a group of APP entities; or
(c) a body or association representing one or more APP entities.
APP complaint means a complaint about an act or practice that, if
established, would be an interference with the privacy of an
individual because it breached an Australian Privacy Principle.
APP entity means an agency or organisation.
APP privacy policy has the meaning given by Australian Privacy
Principle 1.3.
at risk from an eligible data breach has the meaning given by
section 26WE.
Australian law means:
(a) an Act of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory; or
(b) regulations, or any other instrument, made under such an
Act; or
(c) any other law in force in the Jervis Bay Territory or an
external Territory; or
(d) a rule of common law or equity.
Australian link has the meaning given by subsections 5B(2) and
Australian Privacy Principle has the meaning given by section 14.
authorised agent of a reporting entity means a person authorised to
act on behalf of the reporting entity as mentioned in section 37 of
the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act
bank means:
(a) the Reserve Bank of Australia; or
(b) a body corporate that is an ADI (authorised deposit-taking
institution) for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959; or

Privacy Act 1988 7

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(c) a person who carries on State banking within the meaning of

paragraph 51(xiii) of the Constitution.
Bankruptcy Act means the Bankruptcy Act 1966.
ban period has the meaning given by subsection 20K(3).
Board of the ACC means the Board of the Australian Crime
Commission established under section 7B of the Australian Crime
Commission Act 2002.
(a) in relation to an Australian Privacy Principle, has the
meaning given by section 6A; and
(b) in relation to a registered APP code, has the meaning given
by section 6B; and
(c) in relation to the registered CR code, has the meaning given
by section 6BA.
civil penalty provision has the same meaning as in the Regulatory
Powers Act.
class member, in relation to a representative complaint, means any
of the persons on whose behalf the complaint was lodged, but does
not include a person who has withdrawn under section 38B.
code complaint means a complaint about an act or practice that, if
established, would be an interference with the privacy of an
individual because it breached a registered APP code.
Codes Register has the meaning given by subsection 26U(1).
collects: an entity collects personal information only if the entity
collects the personal information for inclusion in a record or
generally available publication.
commercial credit means credit (other than consumer credit) that is
applied for by, or provided to, a person.
commercial credit related purpose of a credit provider in relation
to a person means the purpose of:

8 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(a) assessing an application for commercial credit made by the

person to the provider; or
(b) collecting payments that are overdue in relation to
commercial credit provided by the provider to the person.
Commissioner means the Information Commissioner within the
meaning of the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010.
Commissioner of Police means the Commissioner of Police
appointed under the Australian Federal Police Act 1979.
Commission of inquiry means:
(a) the Commission of inquiry within the meaning of the
Quarantine Act 1908 (as in force immediately before its
repeal); or
(b) a Commission of inquiry within the meaning of the Offshore
Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.
committee of management of an unincorporated association means
a body (however described) that governs, manages or conducts the
affairs of the association.
Commonwealth contract means a contract, to which the
Commonwealth or an agency is or was a party, under which
services are to be, or were to be, provided to an agency.
Note: See also subsection (9) about provision of services to an agency.

Commonwealth law means the following:

(a) an Act other than:
(i) the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978; or
(ii) an Act providing for the administration or government
of an external Territory; or
(iii) the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act
(b) an Ordinance of the Australian Capital Territory or of an
external Territory;
(c) a law continued in force by section 16 or 16A of the Norfolk
Island Act 1979;

Privacy Act 1988 9

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(d) an instrument (including rules, regulations or by-laws) made

(i) an Act to which paragraph (a) applies; or
(ii) an Ordinance to which paragraph (b) applies; or
(iii) a law to which paragraph (c) applies;
(e) any other legislation that applies as a law of the
Commonwealth, other than legislation in so far as it is
(i) by an Act referred to in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii); or
(ii) as a law of the Australian Capital Territory, to the extent
that it operates as such a law.
Commonwealth officer means a person who holds office under, or
is employed by, the Commonwealth, and includes:
(a) a person appointed or engaged under the Public Service Act
(b) a person (other than a person referred to in paragraph (a))
permanently or temporarily employed by, or in the service of,
an agency;
(c) a member of the Defence Force; and
(d) a member, staff member or special member of the Australian
Federal Police;
but does not include a person permanently or temporarily
employed in the Australian Capital Territory Government Service
or in the Public Service of the Northern Territory.
Commonwealth record has the same meaning as in the Archives
Act 1983.
consent means express consent or implied consent.
consumer credit means credit:
(a) for which an application has been made by an individual to a
credit provider, or that has been provided to an individual by
a credit provider, in the course of the provider carrying on a
business or undertaking as a credit provider; and
(b) that is intended to be used wholly or primarily:

10 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(i) for personal, family or household purposes; or

(ii) to acquire, maintain, renovate or improve residential
property for investment purposes; or
(iii) to refinance consumer credit that has been provided
wholly or primarily to acquire, maintain, renovate or
improve residential property for investment purposes.
consumer credit liability information: if a credit provider provides
consumer credit to an individual, the following information about
the consumer credit is consumer credit liability information about
the individual:
(a) the name of the provider;
(b) whether the provider is a licensee;
(c) the type of consumer credit;
(d) the day on which the consumer credit is entered into;
(e) the terms or conditions of the consumer credit:
(i) that relate to the repayment of the amount of credit; and
(ii) that are prescribed by the regulations;
(f) the maximum amount of credit available under the consumer
(g) the day on which the consumer credit is terminated or
otherwise ceases to be in force.
consumer credit related purpose of a credit provider in relation to
an individual means the purpose of:
(a) assessing an application for consumer credit made by the
individual to the provider; or
(b) collecting payments that are overdue in relation to consumer
credit provided by the provider to the individual.
consumer data rules has the same meaning as in the Competition
and Consumer Act 2010.
contracted service provider, for a government contract, means:
(a) an organisation that is or was a party to the government
contract and that is or was responsible for the provision of

Privacy Act 1988 11

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

services to an agency or a State or Territory authority under

the government contract; or
(b) a subcontractor for the government contract.
corporation means a body corporate that:
(a) is a foreign corporation;
(b) is a trading corporation formed within the limits of Australia
or is a financial corporation so formed; or
(c) is incorporated in a Territory, other than the Northern
court proceedings information about an individual means
information about a judgement of an Australian court:
(a) that is made, or given, against the individual in proceedings
(other than criminal proceedings); and
(b) that relates to any credit that has been provided to, or applied
for by, the individual.
court/tribunal order means an order, direction or other instrument
made by:
(a) a court; or
(b) a tribunal; or
(c) a judge (including a judge acting in a personal capacity) or a
person acting as a judge; or
(d) a magistrate (including a magistrate acting in a personal
capacity) or a person acting as a magistrate; or
(e) a member or an officer of a tribunal;
and includes an order, direction or other instrument that is of an
interim or interlocutory nature.
CP derived information about an individual means any personal
information (other than sensitive information) about the individual:
(a) that is derived from credit reporting information about the
individual that was disclosed to a credit provider by a credit
reporting body under Division 2 of Part IIIA; and
(b) that has any bearing on the individual’s credit worthiness;

12 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(c) that is used, has been used or could be used in establishing

the individual’s eligibility for consumer credit.
CRB derived information about an individual means any personal
information (other than sensitive information) about the individual:
(a) that is derived by a credit reporting body from credit
information about the individual that is held by the body; and
(b) that has any bearing on the individual’s credit worthiness;
(c) that is used, has been used or could be used in establishing
the individual’s eligibility for consumer credit.
CR code has the meaning given by section 26N.
CR code developer means:
(a) an entity that is subject to Part IIIA; or
(b) a group of entities that are subject to Part IIIA; or
(c) a body or association representing one or more entities that
are subject to Part IIIA.
credit has the meaning given by subsections 6M(1) and (3).
credit card means any article of a kind commonly known as a
credit card, charge card or any similar article intended for use in
obtaining cash, goods or services by means of credit, and includes
any article of a kind commonly issued by persons carrying on
business to customers or prospective customers of those persons
for use in obtaining goods or services from those persons by means
of credit.
credit eligibility information about an individual means:
(a) credit reporting information about the individual that was
disclosed to a credit provider by a credit reporting body
under Division 2 of Part IIIA; or
(b) CP derived information about the individual.
credit enhancement, in relation to credit, means:

Privacy Act 1988 13

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(a) the process of insuring risk associated with purchasing or

funding the credit by means of a securitisation arrangement;
(b) any other similar process related to purchasing or funding the
credit by those means.
credit guarantee purpose of a credit provider in relation to an
individual means the purpose of assessing whether to accept the
individual as a guarantor in relation to:
(a) credit provided by the provider to a person other than the
individual; or
(b) credit for which an application has been made to the provider
by a person other than the individual.
credit information has the meaning given by section 6N.
credit provider has the meaning given by sections 6G to 6K, and,
for the purposes of sections 7 and 8 and Parts III, IIIB, IV and V, is
taken to include a mortgage insurer and a trade insurer.
credit reporting body means:
(a) an organisation; or
(b) an agency prescribed by the regulations;
that carries on a credit reporting business.
credit reporting business has the meaning given by section 6P.
credit reporting complaint means a complaint about an act or
practice that, if established, would be an interference with the
privacy of an individual because:
(a) it breached the registered CR code; or
(b) it breached a provision of Part IIIA.
credit reporting information about an individual means credit
information, or CRB derived information, about the individual.
credit worthiness of an individual means the individual’s:
(a) eligibility to be provided with consumer credit; or
(b) history in relation to consumer credit; or

14 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(c) capacity to repay an amount of credit that relates to consumer

de facto partner of an individual has the meaning given by the Acts
Interpretation Act 1901.
default information has the meaning given by section 6Q.
Defence Department means the Department of State that deals
with defence and that is administered by the Minister administering
section 1 of the Defence Act 1903.
Defence Force includes the Australian Defence Force Cadets.
de-identified: personal information is de-identified if the
information is no longer about an identifiable individual or an
individual who is reasonably identifiable.
Department means an Agency within the meaning of the Public
Service Act 1999.
eligible data breach has the meaning given by Division 2 of
Part IIIC.
eligible hearing service provider means an entity (within the
meaning of the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997):
(a) that is, or has at any time been, engaged under Part 3 of the
Hearing Services Administration Act 1997 to provide hearing
services; and
(b) that is not covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g)
or (h) of the definition of agency.
employee record, in relation to an employee, means a record of
personal information relating to the employment of the employee.
Examples of personal information relating to the employment of
the employee are health information about the employee and
personal information about all or any of the following:
(a) the engagement, training, disciplining or resignation of the
(b) the termination of the employment of the employee;

Privacy Act 1988 15

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(c) the terms and conditions of employment of the employee;

(d) the employee’s personal and emergency contact details;
(e) the employee’s performance or conduct;
(f) the employee’s hours of employment;
(g) the employee’s salary or wages;
(h) the employee’s membership of a professional or trade
(i) the employee’s trade union membership;
(j) the employee’s recreation, long service, sick, personal,
maternity, paternity or other leave;
(k) the employee’s taxation, banking or superannuation affairs.
enforcement body means:
(a) the Australian Federal Police; or
(aa) the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner; or
(ab) the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission;
(b) the ACC; or
(c) Sport Integrity Australia; or
(ca) the Immigration Department; or
(d) the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority; or
(e) the Australian Securities and Investments Commission; or
(ea) the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, or a similar
body established under a law of a State or Territory; or
(f) another agency, to the extent that it is responsible for
administering, or performing a function under, a law that
imposes a penalty or sanction or a prescribed law; or
(g) another agency, to the extent that it is responsible for
administering a law relating to the protection of the public
revenue; or
(h) a police force or service of a State or a Territory; or
(i) the New South Wales Crime Commission; or
(j) the Independent Commission Against Corruption of New
South Wales; or

16 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(k) the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission of New South

Wales; or
(ka) the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission of
Victoria; or
(l) the Crime and Corruption Commission of Queensland; or
(la) the Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia;
(lb) the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption of South
Australia; or
(m) another prescribed authority or body that is established under
a law of a State or Territory to conduct criminal
investigations or inquiries; or
(n) a State or Territory authority, to the extent that it is
responsible for administering, or performing a function
under, a law that imposes a penalty or sanction or a
prescribed law; or
(o) a State or Territory authority, to the extent that it is
responsible for administering a law relating to the protection
of the public revenue.
enforcement related activity means:
(a) the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution or
punishment of:
(i) criminal offences; or
(ii) breaches of a law imposing a penalty or sanction; or
(b) the conduct of surveillance activities, intelligence gathering
activities or monitoring activities; or
(c) the conduct of protective or custodial activities; or
(d) the enforcement of laws relating to the confiscation of the
proceeds of crime; or
(e) the protection of the public revenue; or
(f) the prevention, detection, investigation or remedying of
misconduct of a serious nature, or other conduct prescribed
by the regulations; or

Privacy Act 1988 17

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(g) the preparation for, or conduct of, proceedings before any

court or tribunal, or the implementation of court/tribunal
entity means:
(a) an agency; or
(b) an organisation; or
(c) a small business operator.
Federal Court means the Federal Court of Australia.
file number complaint means a complaint about an act or practice
that, if established, would be an interference with the privacy of an
(a) because it breached a rule issued under section 17; or
(b) because it involved an unauthorised requirement or request
for disclosure of a tax file number.
financial corporation means a financial corporation within the
meaning of paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution.
financial hardship arrangement has the meaning given by
subsection 6QA(1).
financial hardship information has the meaning given by
subsection 6QA(4).
foreign corporation means a foreign corporation within the
meaning of paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution.
Freedom of Information Act means the Freedom of Information
Act 1982.
generally available publication means a magazine, book, article,
newspaper or other publication that is, or will be, generally
available to members of the public:
(a) whether or not it is published in print, electronically or in any
other form; and
(b) whether or not it is available on the payment of a fee.

18 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

genetic relative of an individual (the first individual) means

another individual who is related to the first individual by blood,
including but not limited to a sibling, a parent or a descendant of
the first individual.
government contract means a Commonwealth contract or a State
government related identifier of an individual means an identifier
of the individual that has been assigned by:
(a) an agency; or
(b) a State or Territory authority; or
(c) an agent of an agency, or a State or Territory authority, acting
in its capacity as agent; or
(d) a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract,
or a State contract, acting in its capacity as contracted service
provider for that contract.
guarantee includes an indemnity given against the default of a
person in making a payment in relation to credit that has been
applied for by, or provided to, the person.
guidance related functions has the meaning given by
subsection 28(1).
healthcare identifier has the meaning given by the Healthcare
Identifiers Act 2010.
healthcare identifier offence means:
(a) an offence against section 26 of the Healthcare Identifiers
Act 2010; or
(b) an offence against section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914 that
relates to an offence mentioned in paragraph (a) of this
Note: For ancillary offences, see section 11.6 of the Criminal Code.

health information has the meaning given by section 6FA.

health service has the meaning given by section 6FB.

Privacy Act 1988 19

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

hearing services has the same meaning as in the Hearing Services

Administration Act 1997.
holds: an entity holds personal information if the entity has
possession or control of a record that contains the personal
Note: See section 10 for when an agency is taken to hold a record.

identification information about an individual means:

(a) the individual’s full name; or
(b) an alias or previous name of the individual; or
(c) the individual’s date of birth; or
(d) the individual’s sex; or
(e) the individual’s current or last known address, and 2 previous
addresses (if any); or
(f) the name of the individual’s current or last known employer;
(g) if the individual holds a driver’s licence—the individual’s
driver’s licence number.
identifier of an individual means a number, letter or symbol, or a
combination of any or all of those things, that is used to identify
the individual or to verify the identity of the individual, but does
not include:
(a) the individual’s name; or
(b) the individual’s ABN (within the meaning of the A New Tax
System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999); or
(c) anything else prescribed by the regulations.
Immigration Department means the Department administered by
the Minister administering the Migration Act 1958.
individual means a natural person.
information request has the meaning given by section 6R.
intelligence agency means:
(a) the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation;

20 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(b) the Australian Secret Intelligence Service; or

(ba) the Australian Signals Directorate; or
(c) the Office of National Intelligence.
interested party has the meaning given by subsections 20T(3) and
interference with the privacy of an individual has the meaning
given by sections 13 to 13F.
licensee has the meaning given by the National Consumer Credit
Protection Act 2009.
managing credit does not include the act of collecting overdue
payments in relation to credit.
media organisation means an organisation whose activities consist
of or include the collection, preparation for dissemination or
dissemination of the following material for the purpose of making
it available to the public:
(a) material having the character of news, current affairs,
information or a documentary;
(b) material consisting of commentary or opinion on, or analysis
of, news, current affairs, information or a documentary.
medical research includes epidemiological research.
misconduct includes fraud, negligence, default, breach of trust,
breach of duty, breach of discipline or any other misconduct in the
course of duty.
monitoring related functions has the meaning given by
subsections 28A(1) and (2).
mortgage credit means consumer credit:
(a) that is provided in connection with the acquisition,
maintenance, renovation or improvement of real property;
(b) in relation to which the real property is security.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

mortgage insurance purpose of a mortgage insurer in relation to

an individual is the purpose of assessing:
(a) whether to provide insurance to, or the risk of providing
insurance to, a credit provider in relation to mortgage credit:
(i) provided by the provider to the individual; or
(ii) for which an application to the provider has been made
by the individual; or
(b) the risk of the individual defaulting on mortgage credit in
relation to which the insurer has provided insurance to a
credit provider; or
(c) the risk of the individual being unable to meet a liability that
might arise under a guarantee provided, or proposed to be
provided, in relation to mortgage credit provided by a credit
provider to another person.
mortgage insurer means an organisation, or small business
operator, that carries on a business or undertaking that involves
providing insurance to credit providers in relation to mortgage
credit provided by providers to other persons.
National Credit Code has the same meaning as in the National
Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.
national emergency declaration has the same meaning as in the
National Emergency Declaration Act 2020.
National Personal Insolvency Index has the meaning given by the
Bankruptcy Act.
new arrangement information has the meaning given by
section 6S.
non-participating credit provider means a credit provider to which
all of the following apply:
(a) the credit provider has not disclosed credit reporting
information or credit eligibility information about an
individual to a credit reporting body or another credit

22 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(b) the credit provider is not likely to disclose credit reporting

information or credit eligibility information about an
individual to a credit reporting body or another credit
(c) the credit provider has not collected credit reporting
information or credit eligibility information about an
individual from a credit reporting body or another credit
non-profit organisation means an organisation:
(a) that is a non-profit organisation; and
(b) that engages in activities for cultural, recreational, political,
religious, philosophical, professional, trade or trade union
offence against this Act includes an offence against section 6 of
the Crimes Act 1914, or section 11.1, 11.2, 11.2A, 11.4 or 11.5 of
the Criminal Code, that relates to an offence against this Act.
Ombudsman means the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
organisation has the meaning given by section 6C.
overseas recipient, in relation to personal information, has the
meaning given by Australian Privacy Principle 8.1.
payment information has the meaning given by section 6T.
penalty unit has the meaning given by section 4AA of the Crimes
Act 1914.
pending correction request in relation to credit information or
CRB derived information means:
(a) a request made under subsection 20T(1) in relation to the
information if a notice has not been given under
subsection 20U(2) or (3) in relation to the request; or
(b) a request made under subsection 21V(1) in relation to the
information if:

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Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(i) the credit reporting body referred to in

subsection 20V(3) has been consulted about the request
under subsection 21V(3); and
(ii) a notice has not been given under subsection 21W(2) or
(3) in relation to the request.
pending dispute in relation to credit information or CRB derived
information means:
(a) a complaint made under section 23A that relates to the
information if a decision about the complaint has not been
made under subsection 23B(4); or
(b) a matter that relates to the information and that is still being
dealt with by a recognised external dispute resolution
scheme; or
(c) a complaint made to the Commissioner under Part V that
relates to the information and that is still being dealt with.
permitted CP disclosure has the meaning given by sections 21J to
permitted CP use has the meaning given by section 21H.
permitted CRB disclosure has the meaning given by section 20F.
permitted general situation has the meaning given by section 16A.
permitted health situation has the meaning given by section 16B.
personal information means information or an opinion about an
identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably
(a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
(b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material
form or not.
Note: Section 187LA of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access)
Act 1979 extends the meaning of personal information to cover
information kept under Part 5-1A of that Act.

24 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

personal insolvency information has the meaning given by

section 6U.
pre-screening assessment means an assessment made under
paragraph 20G(2)(d).
principal executive, of an agency, has a meaning affected by
section 37.
purchase, in relation to credit, includes the purchase of rights to
receive payments relating to the credit.
recognised external dispute resolution scheme means an external
dispute resolution scheme recognised under section 35A.
record includes:
(a) a document; or
(b) an electronic or other device;
but does not include:
(d) a generally available publication; or
(e) anything kept in a library, art gallery or museum for the
purposes of reference, study or exhibition; or
(f) Commonwealth records as defined by subsection 3(1) of the
Archives Act 1983 that are in the open access period for the
purposes of that Act; or
(fa) records (as defined in the Archives Act 1983) in the care (as
defined in that Act) of the National Archives of Australia in
relation to which the Archives has entered into arrangements
with a person other than a Commonwealth institution (as
defined in that Act) providing for the extent to which the
Archives or other persons are to have access to the records;
(g) documents placed by or on behalf of a person (other than an
agency) in the memorial collection within the meaning of the
Australian War Memorial Act 1980; or
(h) letters or other articles in the course of transmission by post.
Note: For document, see section 2B of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

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Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

registered APP code has the meaning given by section 26B.

registered CR code has the meaning given by section 26M.
registered political party means a political party registered under
Part XI of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.
regulated information of an affected information recipient means:
(a) if the recipient is a mortgage insurer or trade insurer—
personal information disclosed to the recipient under
Division 2 or 3 of Part IIIA; or
(b) if the recipient is a body corporate referred to in
paragraph 21G(3)(b)—credit eligibility information disclosed
to the recipient under that paragraph; or
(c) if the recipient is a person referred to in
paragraph 21G(3)(c)—credit eligibility information disclosed
to the recipient under that paragraph; or
(d) if the recipient is an entity or adviser referred to in
paragraph 21N(2)(a)—credit eligibility information disclosed
to the recipient under subsection 21N(2).
Regulatory Powers Act means the Regulatory Powers (Standard
Provisions) Act 2014.
related body corporate: see subsection (8).
repayment history information has the meaning given by
subsection 6V(1).
reporting entity has the same meaning as in the Anti-Money
Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.
representative complaint means a complaint where the persons on
whose behalf the complaint was made include persons other than
the complainant, but does not include a complaint that the
Commissioner has determined should no longer be continued as a
representative complaint.
residential property has the meaning given by section 204 of the
National Credit Code.

26 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

respondent for a complaint made under section 23A means the

credit reporting body or credit provider to which the complaint is
responsible person has the meaning given by section 6AA.
retention period has the meaning given by sections 20W and 20X.
Secretary means an Agency Head within the meaning of the Public
Service Act 1999.
securitisation arrangement means an arrangement:
(a) involving the funding, or proposed funding, of:
(i) credit that has been, or is to be, provided by a credit
provider; or
(ii) the purchase of credit by a credit provider;
by issuing instruments or entitlements to investors; and
(b) under which payments to investors in respect of such
instruments or entitlements are principally derived, directly
or indirectly, from such credit.
securitisation related purpose of a credit provider in relation to an
individual is the purpose of:
(a) assessing the risk in purchasing, by means of a securitisation
arrangement, credit that has been provided to, or applied for
(i) the individual; or
(ii) a person for whom the individual is, or is proposing to
be, a guarantor; or
(b) assessing the risk in undertaking credit enhancement in
relation to credit:
(i) that is, or is proposed to be, purchased or funded by
means of a securitisation arrangement; and
(ii) that has been provided to, or applied for by, the
individual or a person for whom the individual is, or is
proposing to be, a guarantor.
sensitive information means:

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

(a) information or an opinion about an individual’s:

(i) racial or ethnic origin; or
(ii) political opinions; or
(iii) membership of a political association; or
(iv) religious beliefs or affiliations; or
(v) philosophical beliefs; or
(vi) membership of a professional or trade association; or
(vii) membership of a trade union; or
(viii) sexual orientation or practices; or
(ix) criminal record;
that is also personal information; or
(b) health information about an individual; or
(c) genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise
health information; or
(d) biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of
automated biometric verification or biometric identification;
(e) biometric templates.
serious credit infringement means:
(a) an act done by an individual that involves fraudulently
obtaining consumer credit, or attempting fraudulently to
obtain consumer credit; or
(b) an act done by an individual that involves fraudulently
evading the individual’s obligations in relation to consumer
credit, or attempting fraudulently to evade those obligations;
(c) an act done by an individual if:
(i) a reasonable person would consider that the act
indicates an intention, on the part of the individual, to
no longer comply with the individual’s obligations in
relation to consumer credit provided by a credit
provider; and

28 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(ii) the provider has, after taking such steps as are

reasonable in the circumstances, been unable to contact
the individual about the act; and
(iii) at least 6 months have passed since the provider last had
contact with the individual.
small business has the meaning given by section 6D.
small business operator has the meaning given by section 6D.
solicits: an entity solicits personal information if the entity requests
another entity to provide the personal information, or to provide a
kind of information in which that personal information is included.
staff of the Ombudsman means the persons appointed or employed
for the purposes of section 31 of the Ombudsman Act 1976.
State includes the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern
State contract means a contract, to which a State or Territory or
State or Territory authority is or was a party, under which services
are to be, or were to be, provided to a State or Territory authority.
Note: See also subsection (9) about provision of services to a State or
Territory authority.

State or Territory authority has the meaning given by section 6C.

subcontractor, for a government contract, means an organisation:
(a) that is or was a party to a contract (the subcontract):
(i) with a contracted service provider for the government
contract (within the meaning of paragraph (a) of the
definition of contracted service provider); or
(ii) with a subcontractor for the government contract (under
a previous application of this definition); and
(b) that is or was responsible under the subcontract for the
provision of services to an agency or a State or Territory
authority, or to a contracted service provider for the

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6

government contract, for the purposes (whether direct or

indirect) of the government contract.
tax file number means a tax file number as defined in Part VA of
the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
tax file number information means information, whether compiled
lawfully or unlawfully, and whether recorded in a material form or
not, that records the tax file number of a person in a manner
connecting it with the person’s identity.
temporary public interest determination means a determination
made under section 80A.
trade insurance purpose of a trade insurer in relation to an
individual is the purpose of assessing:
(a) whether to provide insurance to, or the risk of providing
insurance to, a credit provider in relation to commercial
credit provided by the provider to the individual or another
person; or
(b) the risk of a person defaulting on commercial credit in
relation to which the insurer has provided insurance to a
credit provider.
trade insurer means an organisation, or small business operator,
that carries on a business or undertaking that involves providing
insurance to credit providers in relation to commercial credit
provided by providers to other persons.
trading corporation means a trading corporation within the
meaning of paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution.
(1A) In order to avoid doubt, it is declared that an ACT enactment is not
a Commonwealth law for the purposes of this Act.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, an act or practice breaches a rule
issued under section 17 if, and only if, it is contrary to, or
inconsistent with, the rule.

30 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6

(4) The definition of individual in subsection (1) shall not be taken to

imply that references to persons do not include persons other than
natural persons.
(5) For the purposes of this Act, a person shall not be taken to be an
agency merely because the person is the holder of, or performs the
duties of:
(a) a prescribed office; or
(b) an office prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of
subparagraph 4(3)(b)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act
1982; or
(c) an office established by or under a Commonwealth law, or a
law of a State or Territory that applies in an external
Territory, for the purposes of an agency;
(d) a judicial office or of an office of magistrate; or
(e) an office of a member of a tribunal:
(i) that is established by or under a Commonwealth law, or
a law of a State or Territory that applies in an external
Territory; and
(ii) that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of
this subparagraph.
(5A) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, exempt a body, office
or appointment for the purposes of paragraph (ca) or (ea) of the
definition of agency in subsection (1).
(6) For the purposes of this Act, the Defence Department shall be
taken to include the Defence Force.
(7) Nothing in this Act prevents a complaint from:
(a) being both a file number complaint and an APP complaint; or
(b) being both a file number complaint and a credit reporting
complaint; or
(c) being both a file number complaint and a code complaint; or
(e) being both a code complaint and a credit reporting complaint;

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6AA

(f) being both an APP complaint and a credit reporting

complaint; or
(g) being both an APP complaint and a code complaint.
(8) For the purposes of this Act, the question whether bodies corporate
are related to each other is determined in the manner in which that
question is determined under the Corporations Act 2001.
(9) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this Act, services provided to
an agency or a State or Territory authority include services that
consist of the provision of services to other persons in connection
with the performance of the functions of the agency or State or
Territory authority.
(10) For the purposes of this Act, a reference to family in the definition
of consumer credit in subsection 6(1), and in sections 6D and 16,
in relation to any individual is taken to include the following
(without limitation):
(a) a de facto partner of the individual;
(b) someone who is the child of the person, or of whom the
person is the child, because of the definition of child in
subsection (11);
(c) anyone else who would be a member of the individual’s
family if someone mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) is taken
to be a member of the individual’s family.
(10A) For the purposes of this Act, the Supreme Court of Norfolk Island
is taken not to be a federal court.
(11) In this section:
child: without limiting who is a child of a person for the purposes
of subsection (10), someone is the child of a person if he or she is a
child of the person within the meaning of the Family Law Act

6AA Meaning of responsible person

(1) A responsible person for an individual is:

32 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6AA

(a) a parent of the individual; or

(b) a child or sibling of the individual if the child or sibling is at
least 18 years old; or
(c) a spouse or de facto partner of the individual; or
(d) a relative of the individual if the relative is:
(i) at least 18 years old; and
(ii) a member of the individual’s household; or
(e) a guardian of the individual; or
(f) a person exercising an enduring power of attorney granted by
the individual that is exercisable in relation to decisions
about the individual’s health; or
(g) a person who has an intimate personal relationship with the
individual; or
(h) a person nominated by the individual to be contacted in case
of emergency.
(2) In this section:
child: without limiting who is a child of an individual for the
purposes of subsection (1), each of the following is a child of an
(a) an adopted child, stepchild, exnuptial child or foster child of
the individual;
(b) someone who is a child of the individual within the meaning
of the Family Law Act 1975.
parent: without limiting who is a parent of an individual for the
purposes of subsection (1), someone is a parent of an individual if
the individual is his or her child because of the definition of child
in this subsection.
relative of an individual (the first individual) means a grandparent,
grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of the first individual and
for this purpose, relationships to the first individual may also be
traced to or through another individual who is:
(a) a de facto partner of the first individual; or

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6A

(b) the child of the first individual because of the definition of

child in this subsection.
sibling of an individual includes:
(a) a half-brother, half-sister, adoptive brother, adoptive sister,
step-brother, step-sister, foster-brother and foster-sister of the
individual; and
(b) another individual if a relationship referred to in
paragraph (a) can be traced through a parent of either or both
of the individuals.
stepchild: without limiting who is a stepchild of an individual,
someone is a stepchild of an individual if he or she would be the
individual’s stepchild except that the individual is not legally
married to the individual’s de facto partner.

6A Breach of an Australian Privacy Principle

(1) For the purposes of this Act, an act or practice breaches an
Australian Privacy Principle if, and only if, it is contrary to, or
inconsistent with, that principle.

No breach—contracted service provider

(2) An act or practice does not breach an Australian Privacy Principle
(a) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in:
(i) by an organisation that is a contracted service provider
for a Commonwealth contract (whether or not the
organisation is a party to the contract); and
(ii) for the purposes of meeting (directly or indirectly) an
obligation under the contract; and
(b) the act or practice is authorised by a provision of the contract
that is inconsistent with the principle.

34 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6B

No breach—disclosure to the National Archives of Australia

(3) An act or practice does not breach an Australian Privacy Principle
if the act or practice involves the disclosure by an organisation of
personal information in a record (as defined in the Archives Act
1983) solely for the purposes of enabling the National Archives of
Australia to decide whether to accept, or to arrange, care (as
defined in that Act) of the record.

No breach—act or practice outside Australia

(4) An act or practice does not breach an Australian Privacy Principle
(a) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in, outside
Australia and the external Territories; and
(b) the act or practice is required by an applicable law of a
foreign country.

Effect despite subsection (1)

(5) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) have effect despite subsection (1).

6B Breach of a registered APP code

Breach if contrary to, or inconsistent with, code

(1) For the purposes of this Act, an act or practice breaches a
registered APP code if, and only if, it is contrary to, or inconsistent
with, the code.

No breach—contracted service provider

(2) An act or practice does not breach a registered APP code if:
(a) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in:
(i) by an organisation that is a contracted service provider
for a Commonwealth contract (whether or not the
organisation is a party to the contract); and
(ii) for the purposes of meeting (directly or indirectly) an
obligation under the contract; and

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6BA

(b) the act or practice is authorised by a provision of the contract

that is inconsistent with the code.

No breach—disclosure to the National Archives of Australia

(3) An act or practice does not breach a registered APP code if the act
or practice involves the disclosure by an organisation of personal
information in a record (as defined in the Archives Act 1983) solely
for the purposes of enabling the National Archives of Australia to
decide whether to accept, or to arrange, care (as defined in that
Act) of the record.

No breach—act or practice outside Australia

(4) An act or practice does not breach a registered APP code if:
(a) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in, outside
Australia and the external Territories; and
(b) the act or practice is required by an applicable law of a
foreign country.

Effect despite subsection (1)

(5) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) have effect despite subsection (1).

6BA Breach of the registered CR code

For the purposes of this Act, an act or practice breaches the
registered CR code if, and only if, it is contrary to, or inconsistent
with, the code.

6C Organisations

What is an organisation?
(1) In this Act:
organisation means:
(a) an individual; or
(b) a body corporate; or

36 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6C

(c) a partnership; or
(d) any other unincorporated association; or
(e) a trust;
that is not a small business operator, a registered political party, an
agency, a State or Territory authority or a prescribed
instrumentality of a State or Territory.
Note 1: Under section 187LA of the Telecommunications (Interception and
Access) Act 1979, service providers are, in relation to their activities
relating to retained data, treated as organisations for the purposes of
this Act.
Note: 2: Regulations may prescribe an instrumentality by reference to one or
more classes of instrumentality. See subsection 13(3) of the
Legislation Act 2003.
Example: Regulations may prescribe an instrumentality of a State or Territory
that is an incorporated company, society or association and therefore
not a State or Territory authority.

Legal person treated as different organisations in different

(2) A legal person can have a number of different capacities in which
the person does things. In each of those capacities, the person is
taken to be a different organisation.
Example: In addition to his or her personal capacity, an individual may be the
trustee of one or more trusts. In his or her personal capacity, he or she
is one organisation. As trustee of each trust, he or she is a different

What is a State or Territory authority?

(3) In this Act:
State or Territory authority means:
(a) a State or Territory Minister; or
(b) a Department of State of a State or Territory; or
(c) a body (whether incorporated or not), or a tribunal,
established or appointed for a public purpose by or under a
law of a State or Territory, other than:
(i) an incorporated company, society or association; or

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6C

(ii) an association of employers or employees that is

registered or recognised under a law of a State or
Territory dealing with the resolution of industrial
disputes; or
(d) a body established or appointed, otherwise than by or under a
law of a State or Territory, by:
(i) a Governor of a State; or
(ii) the Australian Capital Territory Executive; or
(iii) the Administrator of the Northern Territory; or
(v) a State or Territory Minister; or
(e) a person holding or performing the duties of an office
established by or under, or an appointment made under, a law
of a State or Territory, other than the office of head of a State
or Territory Department (however described); or
(f) a person holding or performing the duties of an appointment
made, otherwise than under a law of a State or Territory, by:
(i) a Governor of a State; or
(ii) the Australian Capital Territory Executive; or
(iii) the Administrator of the Northern Territory; or
(v) a State or Territory Minister; or
(g) a State or Territory court.

Making regulations to stop instrumentalities being organisations

(4) Before the Governor-General makes regulations prescribing an
instrumentality of a State or Territory for the purposes of the
definition of organisation in subsection (1), the Minister must:
(a) be satisfied that the State or Territory has requested that the
instrumentality be prescribed for those purposes; and
(b) consider:
(i) whether treating the instrumentality as an organisation
for the purposes of this Act adversely affects the
government of the State or Territory; and

38 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6D

(ii) the desirability of regulating under this Act the

collection, holding, use, correction and disclosure of
personal information by the instrumentality; and
(iii) whether the law of the State or Territory regulates the
collection, holding, use, correction and disclosure of
personal information by the instrumentality to a
standard that is at least equivalent to the standard that
would otherwise apply to the instrumentality under this
Act; and
(c) consult the Commissioner about the matters mentioned in
subparagraphs (b)(ii) and (iii).

State does not include Territory

(5) In this section:
State does not include the Australian Capital Territory or the
Northern Territory (despite subsection 6(1)).

6D Small business and small business operators

What is a small business?

(1) A business is a small business at a time (the test time) in a
financial year (the current year) if its annual turnover for the
previous financial year is $3,000,000 or less.

Test for new business

(2) However, if there was no time in the previous financial year when
the business was carried on, the business is a small business at the
test time only if its annual turnover for the current year is
$3,000,000 or less.

What is a small business operator?

(3) A small business operator is an individual, body corporate,
partnership, unincorporated association or trust that:
(a) carries on one or more small businesses; and

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Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6D

(b) does not carry on a business that is not a small business.

Entities that are not small business operators

(4) However, an individual, body corporate, partnership,
unincorporated association or trust is not a small business operator
if he, she or it:
(a) carries on a business that has had an annual turnover of more
than $3,000,000 for a financial year that has ended after the
later of the following:
(i) the time he, she or it started to carry on the business;
(ii) the commencement of this section; or
(b) provides a health service to another individual and holds any
health information except in an employee record; or
(c) discloses personal information about another individual to
anyone else for a benefit, service or advantage; or
(d) provides a benefit, service or advantage to collect personal
information about another individual from anyone else; or
(e) is a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract
(whether or not a party to the contract); or
(f) is a credit reporting body.

Private affairs of small business operators who are individuals

(5) Subsection (4) does not prevent an individual from being a small
business operator merely because he or she does something
described in paragraph (4)(b), (c) or (d):
(a) otherwise than in the course of a business he or she carries
on; and
(b) only for the purposes of, or in connection with, his or her
personal, family or household affairs.

Non-business affairs of other small business operators

(6) Subsection (4) does not prevent a body corporate, partnership,
unincorporated association or trust from being a small business
operator merely because it does something described in

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Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6DA

paragraph (4)(b), (c) or (d) otherwise than in the course of a

business it carries on.

Disclosure compelled or made with consent

(7) Paragraph (4)(c) does not prevent an individual, body corporate,
partnership, unincorporated association or trust from being a small
business operator only because he, she or it discloses personal
information about another individual:
(a) with the consent of the other individual; or
(b) as required or authorised by or under legislation.

Collection with consent or under legislation

(8) Paragraph (4)(d) does not prevent an individual, body corporate,
partnership, unincorporated association or trust from being a small
business operator only because he, she or it:
(a) collects personal information about another individual from
someone else:
(i) with the consent of the other individual; or
(ii) as required or authorised by or under legislation; and
(b) provides a benefit, service or advantage to be allowed to
collect the information.

Related bodies corporate

(9) Despite subsection (3), a body corporate is not a small business
operator if it is related to a body corporate that carries on a
business that is not a small business.

6DA What is the annual turnover of a business?

What is the annual turnover of a business for a financial year?

(1) The annual turnover of a business for a financial year is the total
of the following that is earned in the year in the course of the
(a) the proceeds of sales of goods and/or services;

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Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6E

(b) commission income;

(c) repair and service income;
(d) rent, leasing and hiring income;
(e) government bounties and subsidies;
(f) interest, royalties and dividends;
(g) other operating income.
Note: The annual turnover for a financial year of a business carried on by an
entity that does not carry on another business will often be similar to
the total of the instalment income the entity notifies to the
Commissioner of Taxation for the 4 quarters in the year (or for the
year, if the entity pays tax in annual instalments).

(2) However, if a business has been carried on for only part of a

financial year, its annual turnover for the financial year is the
amount worked out using the formula:

Amount that would be the Number of days in the

annual turnover of the business whole financial year
under subsection (1) if the part Number of days in the part
were a whole financial year

6E Small business operator treated as organisation

Small business operator that is a reporting entity

(1A) If a small business operator is a reporting entity or an authorised
agent of a reporting entity because of anything done in the course
of a small business carried on by the small business operator, this
Act applies, with the prescribed modifications (if any), in relation
to the activities carried on by the small business operator for the
purposes of, or in connection with, activities relating to:
(a) the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
Financing Act 2006; or
(b) regulations or AML/CTF Rules under that Act;
as if the small business operator were an organisation.
Note: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different small business operators. See subsection 33(3A) of the Acts
Interpretation Act 1901.

42 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6E

Small business operator that is a protected action ballot agent

under the Fair Work Act 2009
(1B) If a small business operator is the protected action ballot agent for
a protected action ballot conducted under Part 3-3 of the Fair Work
Act 2009, this Act applies, with the prescribed modifications (if
any), in relation to the activities carried on by the small business
operator for the purpose of, or in connection with, the conduct of
the protected action ballot, as if the small business operator were
an organisation.
Note: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different small business operators. See subsection 33(3A) of the Acts
Interpretation Act 1901.

Small business operator that is an association of employees that is

registered or recognised under the Fair Work (Registered
Organisations) Act 2009
(1C) If a small business operator is an association of employees that is
registered or recognised under the Fair Work (Registered
Organisations) Act 2009, this Act applies, with the prescribed
modifications (if any), in relation to the activities carried on by the
small business operator, as if the small business operator were an
organisation (within the meaning of this Act).
Note: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different small business operators. See subsection 33(3A) of the Acts
Interpretation Act 1901.

Small business operator that is accredited for the consumer data

right regime
(1D) If a small business operator holds an accreditation under
subsection 56CA(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010,
this Act applies, with the prescribed modifications (if any), in
relation to information that:
(a) is personal information; but
(b) is not CDR data (within the meaning of that Act);
as if the small business operator were an organisation.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6E

Note: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different small business operators. See subsection 33(3A) of the Acts
Interpretation Act 1901.

Regulations treating a small business operator as an organisation

(1) This Act applies, with the prescribed modifications (if any), in
relation to a small business operator prescribed for the purposes of
this subsection as if the small business operator were an
Note 1: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different small business operators. See subsection 33(3A) of the Acts
Interpretation Act 1901.
Note 2: Regulations may prescribe a small business operator by reference to
one or more classes of small business operator. See subsection 13(3)
of the Legislation Act 2003.

Regulations treating a small business operator as an organisation

for particular acts or practices
(2) This Act also applies, with the prescribed modifications (if any), in
relation to the prescribed acts or practices of a small business
operator prescribed for the purposes of this subsection as if the
small business operator were an organisation.
Note 1: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different acts, practices or small business operators. See
subsection 33(3A) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.
Note 2: Regulations may prescribe an act, practice or small business operator
by reference to one or more classes of acts, practices or small business
operators. See subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act 2003.

(3) In this section:
protected action ballot agent means a person (other than the
Australian Electoral Commission) that conducts a protected action
ballot under Part 3-3 of the Fair Work Act 2009.

44 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6EA

Making regulations
(4) Before the Governor-General makes regulations prescribing a
small business operator, act or practice for the purposes of
subsection (1) or (2), the Minister must:
(a) be satisfied that it is desirable in the public interest to
regulate under this Act the small business operator, act or
practice; and
(b) consult the Commissioner about the desirability of regulating
under this Act the matters described in paragraph (a).

6EA Small business operators choosing to be treated as

(1) This Act applies in relation to a small business operator as if the
operator were an organisation while a choice by the operator to be
treated as an organisation is registered under this section.
(2) A small business operator may make a choice in writing given to
the Commissioner to be treated as an organisation.
Note: A small business operator may revoke such a choice by writing given
to the Commissioner. See subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation
Act 1901.

(3) If the Commissioner is satisfied that a small business operator has

made the choice to be treated as an organisation, the Commissioner
must enter in a register of operators who have made such a choice:
(a) the name or names under which the operator carries on
business; and
(b) the operator’s ABN, if the operator has one under the A New
Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999.
(4) If a small business operator revokes a choice to be treated as an
organisation, the Commissioner must remove from the register the
material relating to the operator.
(5) The Commissioner may decide the form of the register and how it
is to be kept.

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Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6F

(6) The Commissioner must make the register available to the public
in the way that the Commissioner determines. However, the
Commissioner must not make available to the public in the register
information other than that described in subsection (3).

6F State instrumentalities etc. treated as organisations

Regulations treating a State instrumentality etc. as an organisation

(1) This Act applies, with the prescribed modifications (if any), in
relation to a prescribed State or Territory authority or a prescribed
instrumentality of a State or Territory (except an instrumentality
that is an organisation because of section 6C) as if the authority or
instrumentality were an organisation.
Note 1: The regulations may prescribe different modifications of the Act for
different authorities or instrumentalities. See subsection 33(3A) of the
Acts Interpretation Act 1901.
Note 2: Regulations may prescribe an authority or instrumentality by reference
to one or more classes of authority or instrumentality. See
subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act 2003.

Making regulations to treat instrumentality etc. as organisation

(3) Before the Governor-General makes regulations prescribing a State
or Territory authority or instrumentality of a State or Territory for
the purposes of subsection (1), the Minister must:
(a) be satisfied that the relevant State or Territory has requested
that the authority or instrumentality be prescribed for those
purposes; and
(b) consult the Commissioner about the desirability of regulating
under this Act the collection, holding, use, correction and
disclosure of personal information by the authority or

6FA Meaning of health information

The following information is health information:
(a) information or an opinion about:

46 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
General definitions Division 1

Section 6FB

(i) the health, including an illness, disability or injury, (at

any time) of an individual; or
(ii) an individual’s expressed wishes about the future
provision of health services to the individual; or
(iii) a health service provided, or to be provided, to an
that is also personal information;
(b) other personal information collected to provide, or in
providing, a health service to an individual;
(c) other personal information collected in connection with the
donation, or intended donation, by an individual of his or her
body parts, organs or body substances;
(d) genetic information about an individual in a form that is, or
could be, predictive of the health of the individual or a
genetic relative of the individual.

6FB Meaning of health service

(1) An activity performed in relation to an individual is a health
service if the activity is intended or claimed (expressly or
otherwise) by the individual or the person performing it:
(a) to assess, maintain or improve the individual’s health; or
(b) where the individual’s health cannot be maintained or
improved—to manage the individual’s health; or
(c) to diagnose the individual’s illness, disability or injury; or
(d) to treat the individual’s illness, disability or injury or
suspected illness, disability or injury; or
(e) to record the individual’s health for the purposes of
assessing, maintaining, improving or managing the
individual’s health.
(2) The dispensing on prescription of a drug or medicinal preparation
by a pharmacist is a health service.
(3) To avoid doubt:
(a) a reference in this section to an individual’s health includes
the individual’s physical or psychological health; and

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 1 General definitions

Section 6FB

(b) an activity mentioned in subsection (1) or (2) that takes place

in the course of providing aged care, palliative care or care
for a person with a disability is a health service.
(4) The regulations may prescribe an activity that, despite
subsections (1) and (2) is not to be treated as a health service for
the purposes of this Act.

48 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6G

Division 2—Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Subdivision A—Credit provider

6G Meaning of credit provider

(1) Each of the following is a credit provider:
(a) a bank;
(b) an organisation or small business operator if:
(i) the organisation or operator carries on a business or
undertaking; and
(ii) a substantial part of the business or undertaking is the
provision of credit;
(c) an organisation or small business operator:
(i) that carries on a retail business; and
(ii) that, in the course of the business, issues credit cards to
individuals in connection with the sale of goods, or the
supply of services, by the organisation or operator (as
the case may be);
(d) an agency, organisation or small business operator:
(i) that carries on a business or undertaking that involves
providing credit; and
(ii) that is prescribed by the regulations.

Other credit providers

(2) If:
(a) an organisation or small business operator (the supplier)
carries on a business or undertaking in the course of which
the supplier provides credit in connection with the sale of
goods, or the supply of services, by the supplier; and
(b) the repayment, in full or in part, of the amount of credit is
deferred for at least 7 days; and

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6H

(c) the supplier is not a credit provider under subsection (1);

then the supplier is a credit provider but only in relation to the
(3) If:
(a) an organisation or small business operator (the lessor) carries
on a business or undertaking in the course of which the lessor
provides credit in connection with the hiring, leasing or
renting of goods; and
(b) the credit is in force for at least 7 days; and
(c) no amount, or an amount less than the value of the goods, is
paid as a deposit for the return of the goods; and
(d) the lessor is not a credit provider under subsection (1);
then the lessor is a credit provider but only in relation to the credit.
(4) An organisation or small business operator is a credit provider if
subsection 6H(1), 6J(1) or 6K(1) provides that the organisation or
operator is a credit provider.

(5) Despite subsections (1) to (4) of this section, an organisation or
small business operator acting in the capacity of:
(a) a real estate agent; or
(b) a general insurer (within the meaning of the Insurance Act
1973); or
(c) an employer of an individual;
is not a credit provider while acting in that capacity.
(6) Despite subsections (1) to (4) of this section, an organisation or
small business operator is not a credit provider if it is included in a
class of organisations or operators prescribed by the regulations.

6H Agents of credit providers

(1) If an organisation or small business operator (the agent) is acting
as an agent of a credit provider (the principal) in performing, on
behalf of the principal, a task that is reasonably necessary:

50 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6J

(a) in processing an application for credit made to the principal;

(b) in managing credit provided by the principal;
then, while the agent is so acting, the agent is a credit provider.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the principal is an organisation or
small business operator that is a credit provider because of a
previous application of that subsection.
(3) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit that has been provided
by the principal, the credit is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to
have been provided by both the principal and the agent.
(4) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit for which an
application has been made to the principal, the application is taken,
for the purposes of this Act, to have been made to both the
principal and the agent.

6J Securitisation arrangements etc.

(1) If:
(a) an organisation or small business operator (the securitisation
entity) carries on a business that is involved in either or both
of the following:
(i) a securitisation arrangement;
(ii) managing credit that is the subject of a securitisation
arrangement; and
(b) the securitisation entity performs a task that is reasonably
necessary for:
(i) purchasing, funding or managing, or processing an
application for, credit by means of a securitisation
arrangement; or
(ii) undertaking credit enhancement in relation to credit;
(c) the credit has been provided by, or is credit for which an
application has been made to, a credit provider (the original
credit provider);

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6K

then, while the securitisation entity performs such a task, the

securitisation entity is a credit provider.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the original credit provider is an
organisation or small business operator that is a credit provider
because of a previous application of that subsection.
(3) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit that has been provided
by the original credit provider, the credit is taken, for the purposes
of this Act, to have been provided by both the original credit
provider and the securitisation entity.
(4) If subsection (1) applies in relation to credit for which an
application has been made to the original credit provider, the
application is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been
made to both the original credit provider and the securitisation

6K Acquisition of the rights of a credit provider

(1) If:
(a) an organisation or small business operator (the acquirer)
acquires, whether by assignment, subrogation or any other
means, the rights of a credit provider (the original credit
provider) in relation to the repayment of an amount of credit;
(b) the acquirer is not a credit provider under subsection 6G(1);
then the acquirer is a credit provider but only in relation to the
(2) If subsection (1) of this section applies in relation to credit that has
been provided by the original credit provider, the credit is taken,
for the purposes of this Act, to have been provided by the acquirer.
(3) If subsection (1) of this section applies in relation to credit for
which an application has been made to the original credit provider,
the application is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been
made to the acquirer.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6L

Subdivision B—Other definitions

6L Meaning of access seeker

(1) An access seeker in relation to credit reporting information, or
credit eligibility information, about an individual is:
(a) the individual; or
(b) a person:
(i) who is assisting the individual to deal with a credit
reporting body or credit provider; and
(ii) who is authorised, in writing, by the individual to make
a request in relation to the information under
subsection 20R(1) or 21T(1).
(2) An individual must not authorise a person under
subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) if the person is:
(a) a credit provider; or
(b) a mortgage insurer; or
(c) a trade insurer; or
(d) a person who is prevented from being a credit provider by
subsection 6G(5) or (6).
(3) Subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) does not apply to a person who provides
the National Relay Service or a person prescribed by the

6M Meaning of credit and amount of credit

(1) Credit is a contract, arrangement or understanding under which:
(a) payment of a debt owed by one person to another person is
deferred; or
(b) one person incurs a debt to another person and defers the
payment of the debt.
(2) The amount of credit is the amount of the debt that is actually
deferred, or that may be deferred, but does not include any fees or
charges payable in connection with the deferral of the debt.

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Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6N

(3) Without limiting subsection (1), credit includes:

(a) a hire-purchase agreement; and
(b) a contract, arrangement or understanding of a kind referred to
in that subsection that is for the hire, lease or rental of goods,
or for the supply of services, other than a contract,
arrangement or understanding under which:
(i) full payment is made before, or at the same time as, the
goods or services are provided; and
(ii) in the case of goods—an amount greater than, or equal
to, the value of the goods is paid as a deposit for the
return of the goods.

6N Meaning of credit information

Credit information about an individual is personal information
(other than sensitive information) that is:
(a) identification information about the individual; or
(b) consumer credit liability information about the individual; or
(c) repayment history information about the individual; or
(ca) financial hardship information about the individual; or
(d) a statement that an information request has been made in
relation to the individual by a credit provider, mortgage
insurer or trade insurer; or
(e) the type of consumer credit or commercial credit, and the
amount of credit, sought in an application:
(i) that has been made by the individual to a credit
provider; and
(ii) in connection with which the provider has made an
information request in relation to the individual; or
(f) default information about the individual; or
(g) payment information about the individual; or
(h) new arrangement information about the individual; or
(i) court proceedings information about the individual; or
(j) personal insolvency information about the individual; or
(k) publicly available information about the individual:

54 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6P

(i) that relates to the individual’s activities in Australia or

the external Territories and the individual’s credit
worthiness; and
(ii) that is not court proceedings information about the
individual or information about the individual that is
entered or recorded on the National Personal Insolvency
Index; or
(l) the opinion of a credit provider that the individual has
committed, in circumstances specified by the provider, a
serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit
provided by the provider to the individual.

6P Meaning of credit reporting business

(1) A credit reporting business is a business or undertaking that
involves collecting, holding, using or disclosing personal
information about individuals for the purpose of, or for purposes
including the purpose of, providing an entity with information
about the credit worthiness of an individual.
(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the information about the
credit worthiness of an individual is:
(a) provided for profit or reward; or
(b) provided, or intended to be provided, for the purposes of
assessing an application for consumer credit.
(3) In determining whether a business or undertaking carried on by a
credit provider is a credit reporting business, disregard the
provision of information about the credit worthiness of an
individual to a related body corporate by the provider.
(4) Despite subsection (1), a business or undertaking is not a credit
reporting business if the business or undertaking is included in a
class of businesses or undertakings prescribed by the regulations.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6Q

6Q Meaning of default information

Consumer credit defaults

(1) Default information about an individual is information about a
payment (including a payment that is wholly or partly a payment of
interest) that the individual is overdue in making in relation to
consumer credit that has been provided by a credit provider to the
individual if:
(a) the individual is at least 60 days overdue in making the
payment; and
(b) the provider has given a written notice to the individual
informing the individual of the overdue payment and
requesting that the individual pay the amount of the overdue
payment; and
(c) the provider is not prevented by a statute of limitations from
recovering the amount of the overdue payment; and
(d) the amount of the overdue payment is equal to or more than:
(i) $150; or
(ii) such higher amount as is prescribed by the regulations.

Guarantor defaults
(2) Default information about an individual is information about a
payment that the individual is overdue in making as a guarantor
under a guarantee given against any default by a person (the
borrower) in repaying all or any of the debt deferred under
consumer credit provided by a credit provider to the borrower if:
(a) the provider has given the individual written notice of the
borrower’s default that gave rise to the individual’s
obligation to make the overdue payment; and
(b) the notice requests that the individual pay the amount of the
overdue payment; and
(c) at least 60 days have passed since the day on which the
notice was given; and

56 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6QA

(d) in addition to giving the notice, the provider has taken other
steps to recover the amount of the overdue payment from the
individual; and
(e) the provider is not prevented by a statute of limitations from
recovering the amount of the overdue payment.

6QA Meanings of financial hardship arrangement and financial

hardship information

Financial hardship arrangement

(1) If:
(a) a credit provider provides consumer credit to an individual;
(b) the National Credit Code applies to the provision of the
credit; and
(c) the individual is or will be unable to meet the individual’s
obligations in relation to the consumer credit; and
(d) as a result of the inability, an arrangement covered by
subsection (3) affecting the monthly payment obligations of
the individual is made between the credit provider and the
individual which is either:
(i) a permanent variation to the terms of the consumer
credit; or
(ii) a temporary relief from or deferral of the individual’s
obligations in relation to the consumer credit;
then the arrangement is a financial hardship arrangement.
Note: Financial hardship arrangements affect repayment history information:
see subsection 6V(1A).

(2) For the purposes of this section, it does not matter whether the
arrangement was initiated by the credit provider or the individual.
(3) This subsection covers any kind of agreement, arrangement or
understanding, whether formal or informal, whether express or
implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended to be
enforceable, by legal proceedings.

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Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6QA

Examples: An arrangement might involve a credit provider agreeing to:

(a) defer or reduce required monthly payments for a temporary
period; or
(b) accept interest-only payments for a temporary period; or
(c) extend the term of a loan to reduce monthly payments.

Financial hardship information

(4) If subsection 6V(1A) (about financial hardship arrangements)
applies in determining repayment history information about an
individual, then the following information is financial hardship
information about the individual:
(a) for an arrangement referred to in subparagraph (1)(d)(i)
(about permanent variations)—information, relating only to
the first monthly payment affected by the arrangement, that
indicates that the monthly payment is the first monthly
payment affected by a financial hardship arrangement of that
(b) for an arrangement referred to in subparagraph (1)(d)(ii)
(about temporary relief or deferral of obligations)—
information, relating to each monthly payment affected by
the arrangement, that indicates that the monthly payment was
affected by a financial hardship arrangement of that kind.
Note: Paragraph (b) may apply even if, under the arrangement, the
individual is not required to make a payment for a month: see
subsection 6V(1B).

(5) Paragraph (4)(b) does not apply in relation to a monthly payment

under a financial hardship arrangement if:
(a) the individual met the obligation to make the monthly
payment, as affected by the arrangement; and
(b) the amount paid was equal to, or greater than, the amount the
individual would have been obliged to pay apart from the

58 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6R

6R Meaning of information request

Credit provider
(1) A credit provider has made an information request in relation to
an individual if the provider has sought information about the
individual from a credit reporting body:
(a) in connection with an application for consumer credit made
by the individual to the provider; or
(b) in connection with an application for commercial credit made
by a person to the provider; or
(c) for a credit guarantee purpose of the provider in relation to
the individual; or
(d) for a securitisation related purpose of the provider in relation
to the individual.

Mortgage insurer
(2) A mortgage insurer has made an information request in relation to
an individual if:
(a) the insurer has sought information about the individual from
a credit reporting body; and
(b) the information was sought in connection with the provision
of insurance to a credit provider in relation to mortgage credit
provided by the provider to:
(i) the individual; or
(ii) a person for whom the individual is, or is proposing to
be, a guarantor.

Trade insurer
(3) A trade insurer has made an information request in relation to an
individual if:
(a) the insurer has sought information about the individual from
a credit reporting body; and
(b) the information was sought in connection with the provision
of insurance to a credit provider in relation to commercial

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Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6S

credit provided by the provider to the individual or another


6S Meaning of new arrangement information

Consumer credit defaults

(1) If:
(a) a credit provider has disclosed default information about an
individual to a credit reporting body; and
(b) the default information relates to a payment that the
individual is overdue in making in relation to consumer
credit (the original consumer credit) that has been provided
by the provider to the individual; and
(c) because of the individual being so overdue:
(i) the terms or conditions of the original consumer credit
that relate to the repayment of the amount of credit are
varied; or
(ii) the individual is provided with other consumer credit
(the new consumer credit) by a credit provider that
relates, wholly or in part, to that amount of credit;
then new arrangement information about the individual is a
statement that those terms or conditions of the original consumer
credit have been varied, or that the individual has been provided
with the new consumer credit.

Serious credit infringements

(2) If:
(a) a credit provider is of the opinion that an individual has
committed a serious credit infringement in relation to
consumer credit (the original consumer credit) provided by
the provider to the individual; and
(b) the provider has disclosed the opinion to a credit reporting
body; and
(c) because of the provider having that opinion:

60 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6T

(i) the terms or conditions of the original consumer credit

that relate to the repayment of the amount of credit are
varied; or
(ii) the individual is provided with other consumer credit
(the new consumer credit) by a credit provider that
relates, wholly or in part, to that amount of credit;
then new arrangement information about the individual is a
statement that those terms or conditions of the original consumer
credit have been varied, or that the individual has been provided
with the new consumer credit.

6T Meaning of payment information

(a) a credit provider has disclosed default information about an
individual to a credit reporting body; and
(b) on a day after the default information was disclosed, the
amount of the overdue payment to which the information
relates is paid;
then payment information about the individual is a statement that
the amount of the overdue payment has been paid on that day.

6U Meaning of personal insolvency information

(1) Personal insolvency information about an individual is
(a) that is entered or recorded in the National Personal
Insolvency Index; and
(b) that relates to:
(i) a bankruptcy of the individual; or
(ii) a debt agreement proposal given by the individual; or
(iii) a debt agreement made by the individual; or
(iv) a personal insolvency agreement executed by the
individual; or

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Part II Interpretation
Division 2 Key definitions relating to credit reporting

Section 6V

(v) a direction given, or an order made, under section 50 of

the Bankruptcy Act that relates to the property of the
individual; or
(vi) an authority signed under section 188 of that Act that
relates to the property of the individual.
(2) Despite subparagraph (1)(b)(i), personal insolvency information
about an individual must not relate to:
(a) the presentation of a creditor’s petition against the individual;
(b) an administration under Part XI of the Bankruptcy Act of the
individual’s estate.
(3) An expression used in paragraph (1)(b) or (2)(a) that is also used in
the Bankruptcy Act has the same meaning in that paragraph as it
has in that Act.

6V Meaning of repayment history information

(1) If a credit provider provides consumer credit to an individual, the
following information about the consumer credit is repayment
history information about the individual:
(a) whether or not the individual has met an obligation to make a
monthly payment that is due and payable in relation to the
consumer credit;
(b) the day on which the monthly payment is due and payable;
(c) if the individual makes the monthly payment after the day on
which the payment is due and payable—the day on which the
individual makes that payment.
(1A) If an obligation of the individual to make a monthly payment is, or
is taken by subsection (1B) to be, affected by a financial hardship
arrangement, then repayment history information is to be
determined by reference to that obligation as so affected.
Note: In this case, there may be financial hardship information: see
subsections 6QA(4) and (5).

62 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Key definitions relating to credit reporting Division 2

Section 6V

(1B) If, under a financial hardship arrangement, an individual is not

required to make a monthly payment for a month, then, for the
purposes of subsections (1) and (1A) and section 6QA:
(a) a monthly payment is taken to have been due and payable on
the day on which it would have been due and payable apart
from the arrangement; and
(b) the individual is taken to have met the obligation to make the
monthly payment; and
(c) the obligation to make the monthly payment is taken to be
affected by the arrangement.
(2) The regulations may make provision in relation to:
(a) whether or not an individual has met an obligation to make a
monthly payment that is due and payable in relation to
consumer credit; and
(b) whether or not a payment is a monthly payment.

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Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 7

Division 3—Other matters

7 Acts and practices of agencies, organisations etc.

(1) Except so far as the contrary intention appears, a reference in this
Act (other than section 8) to an act or to a practice is a reference to:
(a) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by
an agency (other than an eligible hearing service provider), a
file number recipient, a credit reporting body or a credit
provider other than:
(i) an agency specified in any of the following provisions
of the Freedom of Information Act 1982:
(A) Schedule 1;
(B) Division 1 of Part I of Schedule 2;
(C) Division 1 of Part II of Schedule 2; or
(ii) a federal court; or
(iia) a court of Norfolk Island; or
(iii) a Minister; or
(iiia) the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner; or
(iiib) the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption
Commission; or
(iv) the ACC; or
(v) a Royal Commission; or
(vi) a Commission of inquiry; or
(b) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
federal court or by an agency specified in Schedule 1 to the
Freedom of Information Act 1982, being an act done, or a
practice engaged in, in respect of a matter of an
administrative nature; or
(ba) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
court of Norfolk Island, being an act done, or a practice
engaged in, in respect of a matter of an administrative nature;

64 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 7

(c) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by
an agency specified in Division 1 of Part II of Schedule 2 to
the Freedom of Information Act 1982, other than an act done,
or a practice engaged in, in relation to a record in relation to
which the agency is exempt from the operation of that Act; or
(ca) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
part of the Defence Department specified in Division 2 of
Part I of Schedule 2 to the Freedom of Information Act 1982,
other than an act done, or a practice engaged in, in relation to
the activities of that part of the Department; or
(cc) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by
an eligible hearing service provider in connection with the
provision of hearing services under an agreement made under
Part 3 of the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997; or
(d) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
Minister in relation to the affairs of an agency (other than an
eligible hearing service provider), not being an act done, or a
practice engaged in, in relation to an existing record; or
(e) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
Minister in relation to a record that is in the Minister’s
possession in his or her capacity as a Minister and relates to
the affairs of an agency (other than an eligible hearing
service provider); or
(ec) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
Minister in relation to the affairs of an eligible hearing
service provider, being affairs in connection with the
provision of hearing services under an agreement made under
Part 3 of the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997; or
(ed) an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the case may be, by a
Minister in relation to a record that is in the Minister’s
possession in his or her capacity as a Minister and relates to
the affairs of an eligible hearing service provider, being
affairs in connection with the provision of hearing services
under an agreement made under Part 3 of the Hearing
Services Administration Act 1997; or

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Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 7

(ee) an act done, or a practice engaged in, by an organisation,

other than an exempt act or exempt practice (see sections 7B
and 7C);
but does not include a reference to an act done, or a practice
engaged in, in relation to a record that has originated with, or has
been received from:
(f) an intelligence agency;
(g) the Defence Intelligence Organisation or the Australian
Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation; or
(ga) the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner or another staff
member of the NACC (within the meaning of the National
Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022); or
(gb) the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission or
a person assisting the Inspector (within the meaning of the
National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022); or
(h) the ACC or the Board of the ACC.
(1A) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a reference in this Act (other than
section 8) to an act or to a practice does not include a reference to
the act or practice so far as it involves the disclosure of personal
information to:
(a) the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation; or
(b) the Australian Secret Intelligence Service; or
(c) the Australian Signals Directorate.
(1B) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a reference in this Act (other than
section 8) to an act or to a practice does not include a reference to
the act or practice by an agency with an intelligence role or
function (within the meaning of the Office of National Intelligence
Act 2018) so far as it involves the disclosure of personal
information to the Office of National Intelligence.
(2) Except so far as the contrary intention appears, a reference in this
Act (other than section 8) to an act or to a practice includes, in the
application of this Act otherwise than in respect of the Australian
Privacy Principles, a registered APP code and the performance of
the Commissioner’s functions in relation to the principles and such

66 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 7A

a code, a reference to an act done, or a practice engaged in, as the

case may be, by an agency specified in Part I of Schedule 2 to the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 or in Division 1 of Part II of that
Schedule other than:
(a) an intelligence agency;
(b) the Defence Intelligence Organisation or the Australian
Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation; or
(c) the ACC or the Board of the ACC.
(3) Except so far as the contrary intention appears, a reference in this
Act to doing an act includes a reference to:
(a) doing an act in accordance with a practice; or
(b) refusing or failing to do an act.
(4) For the purposes of section 28, of paragraphs 28A(2)(a) to (e), of
subsection 31(2) and of Part VI, this section has effect as if a
reference in subsection (1) of this section to an act done, or to a
practice engaged in, included a reference to an act that is proposed
to be done, or to a practice that is proposed to be engaged in, as the
case may be.

7A Acts of certain agencies treated as acts of organisation

(1) This Act applies, with the prescribed modifications (if any), in
relation to an act or practice described in subsection (2) or (3) as if:
(a) the act or practice were an act done, or practice engaged in,
by an organisation; and
(b) the agency mentioned in that subsection were the
(2) Subsection (1) applies to acts done, and practices engaged in, by a
prescribed agency. Regulations for this purpose may prescribe an
agency only if it is specified in Part I of Schedule 2 to the Freedom
of Information Act 1982.
(3) Subsection (1) also applies to acts and practices that:
(a) are done or engaged in by an agency specified in Division 1
of Part II of Schedule 2 to the Freedom of Information Act

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 7B

1982 in relation to documents in respect of its commercial

activities or the commercial activities of another entity; and
(b) relate to those commercial activities.
(4) This section has effect despite subparagraph 7(1)(a)(i),
paragraph 7(1)(c) and subsection 7(2).

7B Exempt acts and exempt practices of organisations

Individuals in non-business capacity

(1) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation that is an
individual is exempt for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if the
act is done, or the practice is engaged in, other than in the course of
a business carried on by the individual.
Note: See also section 16 which provides that the Australian Privacy
Principles do not apply for the purposes of, or in connection with, an
individual’s personal, family or household affairs.

Organisation acting under Commonwealth contract

(2) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation is exempt
for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if:
(a) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a
Commonwealth contract (whether or not the organisation is a
party to the contract); and
(b) the organisation would be a small business operator if it were
not a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth
contract; and
(c) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in, otherwise than
for the purposes of meeting (directly or indirectly) an
obligation under a Commonwealth contract for which the
organisation is the contracted service provider.
Note: This puts the organisation in the same position as a small business
operator as far as its activities that are not for the purposes of a
Commonwealth contract are concerned, so the organisation need not
comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP
code that binds the organisation, in relation to those activities.

68 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 7B

Employee records
(3) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation that is or
was an employer of an individual, is exempt for the purposes of
paragraph 7(1)(ee) if the act or practice is directly related to:
(a) a current or former employment relationship between the
employer and the individual; and
(b) an employee record held by the organisation and relating to
the individual.

(4) An act done, or practice engaged in, by a media organisation is
exempt for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if the act is done, or
the practice is engaged in:
(a) by the organisation in the course of journalism; and
(b) at a time when the organisation is publicly committed to
observe standards that:
(i) deal with privacy in the context of the activities of a
media organisation (whether or not the standards also
deal with other matters); and
(ii) have been published in writing by the organisation or a
person or body representing a class of media

Organisation acting under State contract

(5) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation is exempt
for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if:
(a) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a State
contract (whether or not the organisation is a party to the
contract); and
(b) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in for the purposes
of meeting (directly or indirectly) an obligation under the

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 7C

7C Political acts and practices are exempt

Members of a Parliament etc.

(1) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation (the
political representative) consisting of a member of a Parliament, or
a councillor (however described) of a local government authority,
is exempt for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if the act is done,
or the practice is engaged in, for any purpose in connection with:
(a) an election under an electoral law; or
(b) a referendum under a law of the Commonwealth or a law of a
State or Territory; or
(c) the participation by the political representative in another
aspect of the political process.

Contractors for political representatives etc.

(2) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation (the
contractor) is exempt for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if the
act is done or the practice is engaged in:
(a) for the purposes of meeting an obligation under a contract
between the contractor and a registered political party or a
political representative described in subsection (1); and
(b) for any purpose in connection with one or more of the
(i) an election under an electoral law;
(ii) a referendum under a law of the Commonwealth or a
law of a State or Territory;
(iii) the participation in another aspect of the political
process by the registered political party or political
(iv) facilitating acts or practices of the registered political
party or political representative for a purpose mentioned
in subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph.

70 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 7C

Subcontractors for organisations covered by subsection (1) etc.

(3) An act done, or practice engaged in, by an organisation (the
subcontractor) is exempt for the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee) if
the act is done or the practice is engaged in:
(a) for the purposes of meeting an obligation under a contract
between the subcontractor and a contractor described in
subsection (2); and
(b) for a purpose described in paragraph (2)(b).

Volunteers for registered political parties

(4) An act done voluntarily, or practice engaged in voluntarily, by an
organisation for or on behalf of a registered political party and with
the authority of the party is exempt for the purposes of
paragraph 7(1)(ee) if the act is done or the practice is engaged in
for any purpose in connection with one or more of the following:
(a) an election under an electoral law;
(b) a referendum under a law of the Commonwealth or a law of a
State or Territory;
(c) the participation in another aspect of the political process by
the registered political party;
(d) facilitating acts or practices of the registered political party
for a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).

Effect of subsection (4) on other operation of Act

(5) Subsection (4) does not otherwise affect the operation of the Act in
relation to agents or principals.

Meaning of electoral law and Parliament

(6) In this section:
electoral law means a law of the Commonwealth, or a law of a
State or Territory, relating to elections to a Parliament or to a local
government authority.
Parliament means:

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Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 8

(a) the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or

(b) a State Parliament; or
(c) the legislature of a Territory.
Note: To avoid doubt, this section does not make exempt for the purposes of
paragraph 7(1)(ee) an act or practice of the political representative,
contractor, subcontractor or volunteer for a registered political party
involving the use or disclosure (by way of sale or otherwise) of
personal information in a way not covered by subsection (1), (2), (3)
or (4) (as appropriate). The rest of this Act operates normally in
relation to that act or practice.

8 Acts and practices of, and disclosure of information to, staff of

agency, organisation etc.
(1) For the purposes of this Act:
(a) an act done or practice engaged in by, or information
disclosed to, a person employed by, or in the service of, an
agency, organisation, file number recipient, credit reporting
body or credit provider in the performance of the duties of
the person’s employment shall be treated as having been
done or engaged in by, or disclosed to, the agency,
organisation, recipient, credit reporting body or credit
(b) an act done or practice engaged in by, or information
disclosed to, a person on behalf of, or for the purposes of the
activities of, an unincorporated body, being a board, council,
committee, sub-committee or other body established by or
under a Commonwealth law, or a law of a State or Territory
that applies in an external Territory, for the purpose of
assisting, or performing functions in connection with, an
agency or organisation, shall be treated as having been done
or engaged in by, or disclosed to, the agency or organisation;
(c) an act done or practice engaged in by, or information
disclosed to, a member, staff member or special member of
the Australian Federal Police in the performance of his or her
duties as such a member, staff member or special member

72 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 10

shall be treated as having been done or engaged in by, or

disclosed to, the Australian Federal Police.
(2) Where:
(a) an act done or a practice engaged in by a person, in relation
to a record, is to be treated, under subsection (1), as having
been done or engaged in by an agency; and
(b) that agency does not hold that record;
that act or practice shall be treated as the act or the practice of the
agency that holds that record.
(3) For the purposes of the application of this Act in relation to an
organisation that is a partnership:
(a) an act done or practice engaged in by a partner is taken to
have been done or engaged in by the organisation; and
(b) a communication (including a complaint, notice, request or
disclosure of information) made to a partner is taken to have
been made to the organisation.
(4) For the purposes of the application of this Act in relation to an
organisation that is an unincorporated association:
(a) an act done or practice engaged in by a member of the
committee of management of the association is taken to have
been done or engaged in by the organisation; and
(b) a communication (including a complaint, notice, request or
disclosure of information) made to a member of the
committee of management of the association is taken to have
been made to the organisation.
(5) For the purposes of the application of this Act in relation to an
organisation that is a trust:
(a) an act done or practice engaged in by a trustee is taken to
have been done or engaged in by the organisation; and
(b) a communication (including a complaint, notice or request or
disclosure of information) made to a trustee is taken to have
been made to the organisation.

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Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 10

10 Agencies that are taken to hold a record

(4) Where:
(a) a record of personal information (not being a record relating
to the administration of the National Archives of Australia) is
in the care (within the meaning of the Archives Act 1983) of
the National Archives of Australia; or
(b) a record of personal information (not being a record relating
to the administration of the Australian War Memorial) is in
the custody of the Australian War Memorial;
the agency by or on behalf of which the record was placed in that
care or custody or, if that agency no longer exists, the agency to
whose functions the contents of the record are most closely related,
shall be regarded, for the purposes of this Act, to be the agency that
holds that record.
(5) Where a record of personal information was placed by or on behalf
of an agency in the memorial collection within the meaning of the
Australian War Memorial Act 1980, that agency or, if that agency
no longer exists, the agency to whose functions the contents of the
record are most closely related, shall be regarded, for the purposes
of this Act, to be the agency that holds that record.

11 File number recipients

(1) A person who is (whether lawfully or unlawfully) in possession or
control of a record that contains tax file number information shall
be regarded, for the purposes of this Act, as a file number recipient.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), where a record that contains tax file
number information is in the possession or under the control of a
(a) in the course of the person’s employment in the service of or
by a person or body other than an agency;
(b) in the course of the person’s employment in the service of or
by an agency other than the Australian Federal Police; or

74 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 12A

(c) as a member, staff member or special member of the

Australian Federal Police in the performance of his or her
duties as such a member, staff member or special member;
then, for the purposes of this Act, the file number recipient in
relation to that record shall be taken to be:
(d) if paragraph (a) applies—the person’s employer;
(e) if paragraph (b) applies—the agency first referred to in that
paragraph; and
(f) if paragraph (c) applies—the Australian Federal Police.
(3) Where a record that contains tax file number information is in the
possession or under the control of a person for the purposes of the
activities of, an unincorporated body, being a board, council,
committee, sub-committee or other body established by or under a
Commonwealth law, or a law of a State or Territory that applies in
an external Territory, for the purpose of assisting, or performing
functions connected with, an agency, that agency shall be treated,
for the purposes of this Act, as the file number recipient in relation
to that record.

12A Act not to apply in relation to State banking or insurance

within that State
Where, but for this section, a provision of this Act:
(a) would have a particular application; and
(b) by virtue of having that application, would be a law with
respect to, or with respect to matters including:
(i) State banking not extending beyond the limits of the
State concerned; or
(ii) State insurance not extending beyond the limits of the
State concerned;
the provision is not to have that application.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part II Interpretation
Division 3 Other matters

Section 12B

12B Severability—additional effect of this Act

(1) Without limiting its effect apart from this section, this Act has
effect in relation to the following (the regulated entities) as
provided by this section:
(a) an agency;
(b) an organisation;
(c) a small business operator;
(d) a body politic.
Note: Subsection 27(4) applies in relation to an investigation of an act or
practice referred to in subsection 29(1) of the Healthcare Identifiers
Act 2010.

(2) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to an operation to
give effect to the following:
(a) the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights done
at New York on 16 December 1966 ([1980] ATS 23), and in
particular Articles 17 and 24(1) of the Covenant;
(b) Article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child done
at New York on 20 November 1989 ([1991] ATS 4).
Note: In 2012, the text of the Covenant and Convention in the Australian
Treaty Series was accessible through the Australian Treaties Library
on the AustLII website (

(3) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices
covered by section 5B (which deals with acts and practices outside
Australia and the external Territories).
(4) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to regulated entities
that are corporations.
(5) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices of
regulated entities taking place in the course of, or in relation to,
trade or commerce:

76 Privacy Act 1988

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Interpretation Part II
Other matters Division 3

Section 12B

(a) between Australia and places outside Australia; or

(b) among the States; or
(c) within a Territory, between a State and a Territory or
between 2 Territories.
(5A) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices
engaged in by regulated entities in the course of:
(a) banking (other than State banking not extending beyond the
limits of the State concerned); or
(b) insurance (other than State insurance not extending beyond
the limits of the State concerned).
(6) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices of
regulated entities taking place using a postal, telegraphic,
telephonic or other like service within the meaning of
paragraph 51(v) of the Constitution.
(7) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices of
regulated entities taking place in a Territory.
(8) This Act also has the effect it would have if its operation in relation
to regulated entities were expressly confined to acts or practices of
regulated entities taking place in a place acquired by the
Commonwealth for public purposes.

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Part III Information privacy
Division 1 Interferences with privacy

Section 13

Part III—Information privacy

Division 1—Interferences with privacy

13 Interferences with privacy

APP entities
(1) An act or practice of an APP entity is an interference with the
privacy of an individual if:
(a) the act or practice breaches an Australian Privacy Principle in
relation to personal information about the individual; or
(b) the act or practice breaches a registered APP code that binds
the entity in relation to personal information about the

Credit reporting
(2) An act or practice of an entity is an interference with the privacy
of an individual if:
(a) the act or practice breaches a provision of Part IIIA in
relation to personal information about the individual; or
(b) the act or practice breaches the registered CR code in relation
to personal information about the individual and the code
binds the entity.

Contracted service providers

(3) An act or practice of an organisation is an interference with the
privacy of an individual if:
(a) the act or practice relates to personal information about the
individual; and
(b) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a
Commonwealth contract (whether or not the organisation is a
party to the contract); and
(c) the act or practice does not breach:

78 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Interferences with privacy Division 1

Section 13

(i) an Australian Privacy Principle; or

(ii) a registered APP code that binds the organisation;
in relation to the personal information because of a provision
of the contract that is inconsistent with the principle or code;
(d) the act is done, or the practice is engaged in, in a manner
contrary to, or inconsistent with, that provision.
Note: See subsections 6A(2) and 6B(2) for when an act or practice does not
breach an Australian Privacy Principle or a registered APP code.

Tax file numbers

(4) An act or practice is an interference with the privacy of an
individual if:
(a) it is an act or practice of a file number recipient and the act or
practice breaches a rule issued under section 17 in relation to
tax file number information that relates to the individual; or
(b) the act or practice involves an unauthorised requirement or
request for disclosure of the tax file number of the individual.

Notification of eligible data breaches etc.

(4A) If an entity (within the meaning of Part IIIC) contravenes
subsection 26WH(2), 26WK(2), 26WL(3) or 26WR(10), the
contravention is taken to be an act that is an interference with the
privacy of an individual.

Other interferences with privacy

(5) An act or practice is an interference with the privacy of an
individual if the act or practice:
(a) constitutes a breach of Part 2 of the Data-matching Program
(Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 or the rules issued under
section 12 of that Act; or
(b) constitutes a breach of the rules issued under section 135AA
of the National Health Act 1953.
Note: Other Acts may provide that an act or practice is an interference with
the privacy of an individual. For example, see the Healthcare

Privacy Act 1988 79

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part III Information privacy
Division 1 Interferences with privacy

Section 13B

Identifiers Act 2010, the Anti-Money Laundering and

Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 and the Personal Property
Securities Act 2009.

13B Related bodies corporate

Acts or practices that are not interferences with privacy

(1) Despite subsection 13(1), each of the following acts or practices of
an organisation that is a body corporate is not an interference with
the privacy of an individual:
(a) the collection of personal information (other than sensitive
information) about the individual by the body corporate from
a related body corporate;
(b) the disclosure of personal information (other than sensitive
information) about the individual by the body corporate to a
related body corporate.
Note: Subsection (1) lets related bodies corporate share personal
information. However, in using or holding the information, they must
comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and a registered APP
code that binds them. For example, there is an interference with
privacy if:
(a) a body corporate uses personal information it has collected from
a related body corporate; and
(b) the use breaches Australian Privacy Principle 6 (noting that the
collecting body’s primary purpose of collection will be taken to
be the same as that of the related body).

(1A) However, paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to the collection by a

body corporate of personal information (other than sensitive
information) from:
(a) a related body corporate that is not an organisation; or
(b) a related body corporate whose disclosure of the information
to the body corporate is an exempt act or exempt practice for
the purposes of paragraph 7(1)(ee); or
(c) a related body corporate whose disclosure of the information
to the body corporate is not an interference with privacy
because of section 13D.

80 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Interferences with privacy Division 1

Section 13C

Note: The effect of subsection (1A) is that a body corporate’s failure to

comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP
code that binds the body, in collecting personal information about an
individual from a related body corporate covered by that subsection is
an interference with the privacy of the individual.

Relationship with subsection 13(3)

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent an act or practice of an
organisation from being an interference with the privacy of an
individual under subsection 13(3).

13C Change in partnership because of change in partners

Acts or practices that are not interferences with privacy

(1) If:
(a) an organisation (the new partnership) that is a partnership
forms at the same time as, or immediately after, the
dissolution of another partnership (the old partnership); and
(b) at least one person who was a partner in the old partnership is
a partner in the new partnership; and
(c) the new partnership carries on a business that is the same as,
or similar to, a business carried on by the old partnership; and
(d) the new partnership holds, immediately after its formation,
personal information about an individual that the old
partnership held immediately before its dissolution;
neither the disclosure (if any) by the old partnership, nor the
collection (if any) by the new partnership, of the information that
was necessary for the new partnership to hold the information
immediately after its formation constitutes an interference with the
privacy of the individual.
Note: Subsection (1) lets personal information be passed on from an old to a
new partnership. However, in using or holding the information, they
must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and a registered
APP code that binds them. For example, the new partnership’s use of
personal information collected from the old partnership may constitute
an interference with privacy if it breaches Australian Privacy
Principle 6.

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Part III Information privacy
Division 1 Interferences with privacy

Section 13D

Effect of subsection (1)

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite subsections 13(1) and (3).

13D Overseas act required by foreign law

Acts or practices that are not interferences with privacy

(1) An act or practice of an organisation done or engaged in outside
Australia and an external Territory is not an interference with the
privacy of an individual if the act or practice is required by an
applicable law of a foreign country.

Effect of subsection (1)

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite subsections 13(1) and (3).

13E Effect of sections 13B, 13C and 13D

Sections 13B, 13C and 13D do not prevent an act or practice of an
organisation from being an interference with the privacy of an
individual under subsection 13(2), (4) or (5).

13F Act or practice not covered by section 13 is not an interference

with privacy
An act or practice that is not covered by section 13 is not an
interference with the privacy of an individual.

13G Serious and repeated interferences with privacy

(1) An entity contravenes this subsection if:
(a) the entity does an act, or engages in a practice, that is a
serious interference with the privacy of an individual; or
(b) the entity repeatedly does an act, or engages in a practice,
that is an interference with the privacy of one or more
(1A) Subsection (1) is a civil penalty provision.

82 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Interferences with privacy Division 1

Section 13G

Note: Section 80U deals with civil penalty provisions in this Act.

(2) The amount of the penalty for a contravention of subsection (1) by

a person other than a body corporate is an amount not more than
(3) The amount of the penalty for a contravention of subsection (1) by
a body corporate is an amount not more than the greater of the
(a) $50,000,000;
(b) if the court can determine the value of the benefit that the
body corporate, and any related body corporate, have
obtained directly or indirectly and that is reasonably
attributable to the conduct constituting the contravention—3
times the value of that benefit;
(c) if the court cannot determine the value of that benefit—30%
of the adjusted turnover of the body corporate during the
breach turnover period for the contravention.
(4) Subsection (3) applies despite paragraph 82(5)(a) of the Regulatory
Powers Act.
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(c), the adjusted turnover of a
body corporate during a period is the sum of the values of all the
supplies that the body corporate, and any related body corporate,
have made, or are likely to make, during the period, other than:
(a) supplies made from any of those bodies corporate to any
other of those bodies corporate; or
(b) supplies that are input taxed; or
(c) supplies that are not for consideration (and are not taxable
supplies under section 72-5 of the A New Tax System (Goods
and Services Tax) Act 1999); or
(d) supplies that are not made in connection with an enterprise
that the body corporate carries on; or
(e) supplies that are not connected with the indirect tax zone.

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Part III Information privacy
Division 1 Interferences with privacy

Section 13G

(6) Expressions used in subsection (5) that are also used in the A New
Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 have the same
meaning as in that Act.
(7) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(c), the breach turnover period
for a contravention means the longer of the following periods:
(a) the period of 12 months ending at the end of the month in
which the contravention ceased, or proceedings in relation to
the contravention were instituted (whichever is earlier);
(b) the period:
(i) starting at the beginning of the month in which the
contravention occurred or began occurring; and
(ii) ending at the same time as the period determined under
paragraph (a).

84 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Australian Privacy Principles Division 2

Section 14

Division 2—Australian Privacy Principles

14 Australian Privacy Principles

(1) The Australian Privacy Principles are set out in the clauses of
Schedule 1.
(2) A reference in any Act to an Australian Privacy Principle by a
number is a reference to the Australian Privacy Principle with that

15 APP entities must comply with Australian Privacy Principles

An APP entity must not do an act, or engage in a practice, that
breaches an Australian Privacy Principle.

16 Personal, family or household affairs

Nothing in the Australian Privacy Principles applies to:
(a) the collection, holding, use or disclosure of personal
information by an individual; or
(b) personal information held by an individual;
only for the purposes of, or in connection with, his or her personal,
family or household affairs.

16A Permitted general situations in relation to the collection, use or

disclosure of personal information
(1) A permitted general situation exists in relation to the collection,
use or disclosure by an APP entity of personal information about
an individual, or of a government related identifier of an
individual, if:
(a) the entity is an entity of a kind specified in an item in column
1 of the table; and
(b) the item in column 2 of the table applies to the information or
identifier; and

Privacy Act 1988 85

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Part III Information privacy
Division 2 Australian Privacy Principles

Section 16A

(c) such conditions as are specified in the item in column 3 of

the table are satisfied.

Permitted general situations

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Kind of entity Item applies to Condition(s)
1 APP entity (a) personal (a) it is unreasonable or impracticable
information; to obtain the individual’s consent to
or the collection, use or disclosure;
(b) a and
government (b) the entity reasonably believes that
related the collection, use or disclosure is
identifier. necessary to lessen or prevent a
serious threat to the life, health or
safety of any individual, or to
public health or safety.
2 APP entity (a) personal (a) the entity has reason to suspect that
information; unlawful activity, or misconduct of
or a serious nature, that relates to the
(b) a entity’s functions or activities has
government been, is being or may be engaged
related in; and
identifier. (b) the entity reasonably believes that
the collection, use or disclosure is
necessary in order for the entity to
take appropriate action in relation to
the matter.
3 APP entity Personal (a) the entity reasonably believes that
information the collection, use or disclosure is
reasonably necessary to assist any
APP entity, body or person to
locate a person who has been
reported as missing; and
(b) the collection, use or disclosure
complies with the rules made under
subsection (2).

86 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Australian Privacy Principles Division 2

Section 16A

Permitted general situations

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Kind of entity Item applies to Condition(s)
4 APP entity Personal The collection, use or disclosure is
information reasonably necessary for the
establishment, exercise or defence of a
legal or equitable claim.
5 APP entity Personal The collection, use or disclosure is
information reasonably necessary for the purposes
of a confidential alternative dispute
resolution process.
6 Agency Personal The entity reasonably believes that the
information collection, use or disclosure is
necessary for the entity’s diplomatic or
consular functions or activities.
7 Defence Force Personal The entity reasonably believes that the
information collection, use or disclosure is
necessary for any of the following
occurring outside Australia and the
external Territories:
(a) war or warlike operations;
(b) peacekeeping or peace
(c) civil aid, humanitarian assistance,
medical or civil emergency or
disaster relief.

(2) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make rules

relating to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information
that apply for the purposes of item 3 of the table in subsection (1).

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Part III Information privacy
Division 2 Australian Privacy Principles

Section 16B

16B Permitted health situations in relation to the collection, use or

disclosure of health information

Collection—provision of a health service

(1) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection by
an organisation of health information about an individual if:
(a) the information is necessary to provide a health service to the
individual; and
(b) either:
(i) the collection is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law (other than this Act); or
(ii) the information is collected in accordance with rules
established by competent health or medical bodies that
deal with obligations of professional confidentiality
which bind the organisation.
(1A) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection by
an organisation of health information about an individual (the third
party) if:
(a) it is necessary for the organisation to collect the family,
social or medical history of an individual (the patient) to
provide a health service to the patient; and
(b) the health information about the third party is part of the
family, social or medical history necessary for the
organisation to provide the health service to the patient; and
(c) the health information is collected by the organisation from
the patient or, if the patient is physically or legally incapable
of giving the information, a responsible person for the

Collection—research etc.
(2) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection by
an organisation of health information about an individual if:
(a) the collection is necessary for any of the following purposes:
(i) research relevant to public health or public safety;

88 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Australian Privacy Principles Division 2

Section 16B

(ii) the compilation or analysis of statistics relevant to

public health or public safety;
(iii) the management, funding or monitoring of a health
service; and
(b) that purpose cannot be served by the collection of
information about the individual that is de-identified
information; and
(c) it is impracticable for the organisation to obtain the
individual’s consent to the collection; and
(d) any of the following apply:
(i) the collection is required by or under an Australian law
(other than this Act);
(ii) the information is collected in accordance with rules
established by competent health or medical bodies that
deal with obligations of professional confidentiality
which bind the organisation;
(iii) the information is collected in accordance with
guidelines approved under section 95A for the purposes
of this subparagraph.

Use or disclosure—research etc.

(3) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the use or
disclosure by an organisation of health information about an
individual if:
(a) the use or disclosure is necessary for research, or the
compilation or analysis of statistics, relevant to public health
or public safety; and
(b) it is impracticable for the organisation to obtain the
individual’s consent to the use or disclosure; and
(c) the use or disclosure is conducted in accordance with
guidelines approved under section 95A for the purposes of
this paragraph; and
(d) in the case of disclosure—the organisation reasonably
believes that the recipient of the information will not disclose
the information, or personal information derived from that

Privacy Act 1988 89

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Part III Information privacy
Division 2 Australian Privacy Principles

Section 16B

Use or disclosure—genetic information

(4) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the use or
disclosure by an organisation of genetic information about an
individual (the first individual) if:
(a) the organisation has obtained the information in the course of
providing a health service to the first individual; and
(b) the organisation reasonably believes that the use or disclosure
is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life,
health or safety of another individual who is a genetic
relative of the first individual; and
(c) the use or disclosure is conducted in accordance with
guidelines approved under section 95AA; and
(d) in the case of disclosure—the recipient of the information is a
genetic relative of the first individual.

Disclosure—responsible person for an individual

(5) A permitted health situation exists in relation to the disclosure by
an organisation of health information about an individual if:
(a) the organisation provides a health service to the individual;
(b) the recipient of the information is a responsible person for the
individual; and
(c) the individual:
(i) is physically or legally incapable of giving consent to
the disclosure; or
(ii) physically cannot communicate consent to the
disclosure; and
(d) another individual (the carer) providing the health service for
the organisation is satisfied that either:
(i) the disclosure is necessary to provide appropriate care
or treatment of the individual; or
(ii) the disclosure is made for compassionate reasons; and
(e) the disclosure is not contrary to any wish:

90 Privacy Act 1988

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Information privacy Part III
Australian Privacy Principles Division 2

Section 16C

(i) expressed by the individual before the individual

became unable to give or communicate consent; and
(ii) of which the carer is aware, or of which the carer could
reasonably be expected to be aware; and
(f) the disclosure is limited to the extent reasonable and
necessary for a purpose mentioned in paragraph (d).

16C Acts and practices of overseas recipients of personal

(1) This section applies if:
(a) an APP entity discloses personal information about an
individual to an overseas recipient; and
(b) Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 applies to the disclosure of
the information; and
(c) the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply, under this
Act, to an act done, or a practice engaged in, by the overseas
recipient in relation to the information; and
(d) the overseas recipient does an act, or engages in a practice, in
relation to the information that would be a breach of the
Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian Privacy
Principle 1) if those Australian Privacy Principles so applied
to that act or practice.
(2) The act done, or the practice engaged in, by the overseas recipient
is taken, for the purposes of this Act:
(a) to have been done, or engaged in, by the APP entity; and
(b) to be a breach of those Australian Privacy Principles by the
APP entity.

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Part III Information privacy
Division 4 Tax file number information

Section 17

Division 4—Tax file number information

17 Rules relating to tax file number information

The Commissioner must, by legislative instrument, issue rules
concerning the collection, storage, use and security of tax file
number information.

18 File number recipients to comply with rules

A file number recipient shall not do an act, or engage in a practice,
that breaches a rule issued under section 17.

92 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Introduction Division 1

Section 19

Part IIIA—Credit reporting

Division 1—Introduction

19 Guide to this Part

In general, this Part deals with the privacy of information relating

to credit reporting.

Divisions 2 and 3 contain rules that apply to credit reporting bodies

and credit providers in relation to their handling of information
relating to credit reporting.

Division 4 contains rules that apply to affected information

recipients in relation to their handling of their regulated

Division 5 deals with complaints to credit reporting bodies or

credit providers about acts or practices that may be a breach of
certain provisions of this Part or the registered CR code.

Division 6 deals with entities that obtain credit reporting

information or credit eligibility information by false pretence, or
when they are not authorised to do so under this Part.

Division 7 provides for compensation orders, and other orders, to

be made by the Federal Court or Federal Circuit and Family Court
of Australia (Division 2).

Privacy Act 1988 93

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20

Division 2—Credit reporting bodies

Subdivision A—Introduction and application of this Division

20 Guide to this Division

This Division sets out rules that apply to credit reporting bodies in
relation to their handling of the following:

(a) credit reporting information;

(b) CP derived information;

(c) credit reporting information that is de-identified;

(d) a pre-screening assessment.

The rules apply in relation to that kind of information or

assessment instead of the Australian Privacy Principles.

20A Application of this Division and the Australian Privacy

Principles to credit reporting bodies
(1) This Division applies to a credit reporting body in relation to the
(a) credit reporting information;
(b) CP derived information;
(c) credit reporting information that is de-identified;
(d) a pre-screening assessment.
(2) The Australian Privacy Principles do not apply to a credit reporting
body in relation to personal information that is:
(a) credit reporting information; or
(b) CP derived information; or

94 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20B

(c) a pre-screening assessment.

Note: The Australian Privacy Principles apply to the credit reporting body in
relation to other kinds of personal information.

Subdivision B—Consideration of information privacy

20B Open and transparent management of credit reporting

(1) The object of this section is to ensure that credit reporting bodies
manage credit reporting information in an open and transparent

Compliance with this Division etc.

(2) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in
the circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems
relating to the credit reporting business of the body that:
(a) will ensure that the body complies with this Division and the
registered CR code; and
(b) will enable the body to deal with inquiries or complaints
from individuals about the body’s compliance with this
Division or the registered CR code.

Policy about the management of credit reporting information

(3) A credit reporting body must have a clearly expressed and
up-to-date policy about the management of credit reporting
information by the body.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the policy of the credit reporting
body must contain the following information:
(a) the kinds of credit information that the body collects and how
the body collects that information;
(b) the kinds of credit reporting information that the body holds
and how the body holds that information;
(c) the kinds of personal information that the body usually
derives from credit information that the body holds;

Privacy Act 1988 95

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20C

(d) the purposes for which the body collects, holds, uses and
discloses credit reporting information;
(e) information about the effect of section 20G (which deals with
direct marketing) and how the individual may make a request
under subsection (5) of that section;
(f) how an individual may access credit reporting information
about the individual that is held by the body and seek the
correction of such information;
(g) information about the effect of section 20T (which deals with
individuals requesting the correction of credit information
(h) how an individual may complain about a failure of the body
to comply with this Division or the registered CR code and
how the body will deal with such a complaint.

Availability of policy etc.

(5) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in
the circumstances to make the policy available:
(a) free of charge; and
(b) in such form as is appropriate.
Note: A credit reporting body will usually make the policy available on the
body’s website.

(6) If a person or body requests a copy, in a particular form, of the

policy of a credit reporting body, the credit reporting body must
take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to give the
person or body a copy in that form.

Subdivision C—Collection of credit information

20C Collection of solicited credit information

Prohibition on collection
(1) A credit reporting body must not collect credit information about
an individual.

96 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20C

Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the collection of the credit
information is required or authorised by or under an Australian law
or a court/tribunal order.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) the credit reporting body collects the credit information about
the individual from a credit provider who is permitted under
section 21D to disclose the information to the body; and
(b) the body collects the information in the course of carrying on
a credit reporting business; and
(c) if the information is identification information about the
individual—the body also collects from the provider, or
already holds, credit information of another kind about the
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) the credit reporting body:
(i) collects the credit information about the individual from
an entity (other than a credit provider) in the course of
carrying on a credit reporting business; and
(ii) knows, or believes on reasonable grounds, that the
individual is at least 18 years old; and
(b) the information does not relate to an act, omission, matter or
thing that occurred or existed before the individual turned 18;
(c) if the information relates to consumer credit or commercial
credit—the credit is or has been provided, or applied for, in
Australia; and
(d) if the information is identification information about the
individual—the body also collects from the entity, or already
holds, credit information of another kind about the
individual; and

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20D

(e) if the information is repayment history information or

financial hardship information about the individual—the
body collects the information from another credit reporting
body that has an Australian link.
(5) Paragraph (4)(b) does not apply to identification information about
the individual.
(6) Despite paragraph (4)(b), consumer credit liability information
about the individual may relate to consumer credit that was entered
into on a day before the individual turned 18, so long as the
consumer credit was not terminated, or did not otherwise cease to
be in force, on a day before the individual turned 18.

Means of collection
(7) A credit reporting body must collect credit information only by
lawful and fair means.

Solicited credit information

(8) This section applies to the collection of credit information that is
solicited by a credit reporting body.

20D Dealing with unsolicited credit information

(1) If:
(a) a credit reporting body receives credit information about an
individual; and
(b) the body did not solicit the information;
the body must, within a reasonable period after receiving the
information, determine whether or not the body could have
collected the information under section 20C if the body had
solicited the information.
(2) The credit reporting body may use or disclose the credit
information for the purposes of making the determination under
subsection (1).

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20E

(3) If the credit reporting body determines that it could have collected
the credit information, sections 20E to 20ZA apply in relation to
the information as if the body had collected the information under
section 20C.
(4) If the credit reporting body determines that it could not have
collected the credit information, the body must, as soon as
practicable, destroy the information.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the credit reporting body is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to
retain the credit information.

Subdivision D—Dealing with credit reporting information etc.

20E Use or disclosure of credit reporting information

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information about
an individual, the body must not use or disclose the information.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of credit reporting
information about the individual if:
(a) the credit reporting body uses the information in the course
of carrying on the body’s credit reporting business; or
(b) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law (other than the consumer data rules) or a court/tribunal
order; or
(c) the use is a use prescribed by the regulations.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20E

Permitted disclosures
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of credit reporting
information about the individual if:
(a) the disclosure is a permitted CRB disclosure in relation to the
individual; or
(b) the disclosure is to another credit reporting body that has an
Australian link; or
(c) both of the following apply:
(i) the disclosure is for the purposes of a recognised
external dispute resolution scheme;
(ii) a credit reporting body or credit provider is a member of
or subject to the scheme; or
(d) both of the following apply:
(i) the disclosure is to an enforcement body;
(ii) the credit reporting body is satisfied that the body, or
another enforcement body, believes on reasonable
grounds that the individual has committed a serious
credit infringement; or
(e) the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law (other than the consumer data rules) or a
court/tribunal order; or
(f) the disclosure is a disclosure prescribed by the regulations.
(4) However, if the credit reporting information is, or was derived
from, repayment history information or financial hardship
information about the individual, the credit reporting body must
not disclose the information under paragraph (3)(a) or (f) unless the
recipient of the information is:
(a) a credit provider who is a licensee or is prescribed by the
regulations; or
(b) a mortgage insurer.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(4A) Despite subsection (3), if the credit reporting information is, or was
derived from, financial hardship information about the individual,

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20E

the credit reporting body must not disclose the information under
paragraph (3)(a) or (f) to a credit provider or mortgage insurer if
the provider or insurer requested the information for the purpose
(a) in the case of a credit provider:
(i) collecting payments that are overdue in relation to
consumer credit provided by the provider to the
individual; or
(ii) collecting payments that are overdue in relation to
commercial credit provided by the provider to a person;
(iii) assessing whether to accept the individual as a guarantor
in relation to credit for which an application has been
made to the provider by a person other than the
individual; or
(b) in the case of a mortgage insurer—assessing the risk of the
individual defaulting on mortgage credit in relation to which
the insurer has provided insurance to a credit provider.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(5) If a credit reporting body discloses credit reporting information
under this section, the body must make a written note of that
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.
Note: Other Acts may provide that the note must not be made (see for
example the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 and the National
Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022).

No use or disclosure for the purposes of direct marketing

(6) This section does not apply to the use or disclosure of credit
reporting information for the purposes of direct marketing.
Note: Section 20G deals with the use or disclosure of credit reporting
information for the purposes of direct marketing.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20F

No disclosure of financial hardship information as part of credit

(7) Subsection (3) does not apply to the disclosure of CRB derived
information which contains or takes the form of a credit score
where the credit information from which the credit score is derived
includes financial hardship information.

20F Permitted CRB disclosures in relation to individuals

(1) A disclosure by a credit reporting body of credit reporting
information about an individual is a permitted CRB disclosure in
relation to the individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to an entity that is specified in an item of the
table and that has an Australian link; and
(b) such conditions as are specified for the item are satisfied.

Permitted CRB disclosures

Item If the disclosure is to ... the condition or conditions are ...
1 a credit provider the provider requests the information for a
consumer credit related purpose of the provider
in relation to the individual.
2 a credit provider (a) the provider requests the information for a
commercial credit related purpose of the
provider in relation to a person; and
(b) the individual expressly consents to the
disclosure of the information to the provider
for that purpose.
3 a credit provider (a) the provider requests the information for a
credit guarantee purpose of the provider in
relation to the individual; and
(b) the individual expressly consents, in writing,
to the disclosure of the information to the
provider for that purpose.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20F

Permitted CRB disclosures

Item If the disclosure is to ... the condition or conditions are ...
4 a credit provider the credit reporting body is satisfied that the
provider, or another credit provider, believes on
reasonable grounds that the individual has
committed a serious credit infringement.
5 a credit provider (a) the credit reporting body holds consumer
credit liability information that relates to
consumer credit provided by the provider to
the individual; and
(b) the consumer credit has not been terminated,
or has not otherwise ceased to be in force.
6 a credit provider under the provider requests the information for a
subsection 6J(1) securitisation related purpose of the provider in
relation to the individual.
7 a mortgage insurer the insurer requests the information for a
mortgage insurance purpose of the insurer in
relation to the individual.
8 a trade insurer (a) the insurer requests the information for a
trade insurance purpose of the insurer in
relation to the individual; and
(b) the individual expressly consents, in writing,
to the disclosure of the information to the
insurer for that purpose.

(2) The consent of the individual under paragraph (b) of item 2 of the
table in subsection (1) must be given in writing unless:
(a) the credit provider referred to in that item requests the
information for the purpose of assessing an application for
commercial credit made by a person to the provider; and
(b) the application has not been made in writing.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20G

20G Use or disclosure of credit reporting information for the

purposes of direct marketing

Prohibition on direct marketing

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information about
an individual, the body must not use or disclose the information for
the purposes of direct marketing.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted use for pre-screening

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use by the credit reporting
body of credit information about the individual for the purposes of
direct marketing by, or on behalf of, a credit provider if:
(a) the provider has an Australian link and is a licensee; and
(b) the direct marketing is about consumer credit that the
provider provides in Australia; and
(c) the information is not consumer credit liability information,
repayment history information, or financial hardship
information about the individual; and
(d) the body uses the information to assess whether or not the
individual is eligible to receive the direct marketing
communications of the credit provider; and
(e) the individual has not made a request under subsection (5);
(f) the body complies with any requirements that are set out in
the registered CR code.
(3) In assessing under paragraph (2)(d) whether or not the individual is
eligible to receive the direct marketing communications of the
credit provider, the credit reporting body must have regard to the
eligibility requirements nominated by the provider.
(4) An assessment under paragraph (2)(d) is not credit reporting
information about the individual.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20H

Request not to use information for pre-screening

(5) An individual may request a credit reporting body that holds credit
information about the individual not to use the information under
subsection (2).
(6) If the individual makes a request under subsection (5), the credit
reporting body must not charge the individual for the making of the
request or to give effect to the request.

Written note of use

(7) If a credit reporting body uses credit information under
subsection (2), the body must make a written note of that use.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

20H Use or disclosure of pre-screening assessments

Use or disclosure by credit reporting bodies

(1) If a credit reporting body makes a pre-screening assessment in
relation to direct marketing by, or on behalf of, a credit provider,
the body must not use or disclose the assessment.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) the credit reporting body discloses the pre-screening
assessment for the purposes of the direct marketing by, or on
behalf of, the credit provider; and
(b) the recipient of the assessment is an entity (other than the
provider) that has an Australian link.
(3) If the credit reporting body discloses the pre-screening assessment
under subsection (2), the body must make a written note of that
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20J

Use or disclosure by recipients

(4) If the credit reporting body discloses the pre-screening assessment
under subsection (2), the recipient must not use or disclose the
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the recipient uses the
pre-screening assessment for the purposes of the direct marketing
by, or on behalf of, the credit provider.
(6) If the recipient uses the pre-screening assessment under
subsection (5), the recipient must make a written note of that use.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If the recipient is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles 6, 7
and 8 do not apply to the recipient in relation to a pre-screening

20J Destruction of pre-screening assessment

(1) If an entity has possession or control of a pre-screening
assessment, the entity must destroy the assessment if:
(a) the entity no longer needs the assessment for any purpose for
which it may be used or disclosed under section 20H; and
(b) the entity is not required by or under an Australian law, or a
court/tribunal order, to retain the assessment.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(2) If the entity is an APP entity but not a credit reporting body,
Australian Privacy Principle 11.2 does not apply to the entity in
relation to the pre-screening assessment.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20K

20K No use or disclosure of credit reporting information during a

ban period
(1) If:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information
about an individual; and
(b) the individual believes on reasonable grounds that the
individual has been, or is likely to be, a victim of fraud
(including identity fraud); and
(c) the individual requests the body not to use or disclose the
information under this Division;
then, despite any other provision of this Division, the body must
not use or disclose the information during the ban period for the
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) the individual expressly consents, in writing, to the use or
disclosure of the credit reporting information under this
Division; or
(b) the use or disclosure of the credit reporting information is
required by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal

Ban period
(3) The ban period for credit reporting information about an individual
is the period that:
(a) starts when the individual makes a request under
paragraph (1)(c); and
(b) ends:
(i) 21 days after the day on which the request is made; or
(ii) if the period is extended under subsection (4)—on the
day after the extended period ends.
(4) If:

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20L

(a) there is a ban period for credit reporting information about an

individual that is held by a credit reporting body; and
(b) before the ban period ends, the individual requests the body
to extend that period; and
(c) the body believes on reasonable grounds that the individual
has been, or is likely to be, a victim of fraud (including
identity fraud);
the body must:
(d) extend the ban period by such period as the body considers is
reasonable in the circumstances; and
(e) give the individual written notification of the extension.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(5) A ban period for credit reporting information may be extended
more than once under subsection (4).

No charge for request etc.

(6) If an individual makes a request under paragraph (1)(c) or (4)(b), a
credit reporting body must not charge the individual for the making
of the request or to give effect to the request.

20L Adoption of government related identifiers

(1) If:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information
about an individual; and
(b) the information is a government related identifier of the
the body must not adopt the government related identifier as its
own identifier of the individual.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the adoption of the government
related identifier is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20M

20M Use or disclosure of credit reporting information that is


Use or disclosure
(1) If:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information;
(b) the information (the de-identified information) is
the body must not use or disclose the de-identified information.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use or disclosure of the
de-identified information if:
(a) the use or disclosure is for the purposes of conducting
research in relation to credit; and
(b) the credit reporting body complies with the rules made under
subsection (3).

Commissioner may make rules

(3) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make rules
relating to the use or disclosure by a credit reporting body of
de-identified information for the purposes of conducting research
in relation to credit.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the rules may relate to the
following matters:
(a) the kinds of de-identified information that may or may not be
used or disclosed for the purposes of conducting the research;
(b) whether or not the research is research in relation to credit;
(c) the purposes of conducting the research;
(d) consultation about the research;
(e) how the research is conducted.

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20N

Subdivision E—Integrity of credit reporting information

20N Quality of credit reporting information

(1) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in
the circumstances to ensure that the credit information the body
collects is accurate, up-to-date and complete.
(2) A credit reporting body must take such steps as are reasonable in
the circumstances to ensure that the credit reporting information
the body uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of the
use or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.
(3) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), a credit reporting body
(a) enter into agreements with credit providers that require the
providers to ensure that credit information that they disclose
to the body under section 21D is accurate, up-to-date and
complete; and
(b) ensure that regular audits are conducted by an independent
person to determine whether those agreements are being
complied with; and
(c) identify and deal with suspected breaches of those

20P False or misleading credit reporting information

(1) A credit reporting body commits an offence if:
(a) the body uses or discloses credit reporting information under
this Division (other than subsections 20D(2) and 20T(4));
(b) the information is false or misleading in a material particular.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20Q

Civil penalty
(2) A credit reporting body must not use or disclose credit reporting
information under this Division (other than subsections 20D(2) and
20T(4)) if the information is false or misleading in a material
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

20Q Security of credit reporting information

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information, the
body must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to
protect the information:
(a) from misuse, interference and loss; and
(b) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a credit reporting body must:
(a) enter into agreements with credit providers that require the
providers to protect credit reporting information that is
disclosed to them under this Division:
(i) from misuse, interference and loss; and
(ii) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure;
(b) ensure that regular audits are conducted by an independent
person to determine whether those agreements are being
complied with; and
(c) identify and deal with suspected breaches of those
(3) Without limiting subsection (1), if a credit reporting body holds
credit reporting information, the body must store the information:
(a) either:
(i) in Australia or an external Territory; or
(ii) in accordance with any security requirements prescribed
by the regulations for storing the information outside of
Australia and the external Territories; and

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20R

(b) in accordance with any security requirements prescribed by

the regulations.
Note: Requirements prescribed for paragraph (b) apply wherever the
information is stored.

Subdivision F—Access to, and correction of, information

20R Access to credit reporting information

(1) If a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information about
an individual, the body must, on request by an access seeker in
relation to the information, give the access seeker access to:
(a) the information; and
(b) if the body is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the
Constitution applies, and the credit reporting business of the
body involves deriving CRB derived information about
individuals in the form of a rating (a credit rating) of the
individuals on a credit score scale or range—the information
referred to in subsection (1A).
(1A) The information is:
(a) the credit rating of the individual, as derived by the body
after the request is made; and
(b) information that identifies the particular credit information
that is held by the body and from which the credit rating was
derived; and
(c) information about the relative weighting of the credit
information described in paragraph (b) in deriving the credit
rating; and
(d) information about what the other ratings on the scale or range
are, and how the individual’s credit rating relates to those
other ratings.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20R

Exceptions to access
(2) Despite subsection (1), the credit reporting body is not required to
give the access seeker access to the credit reporting information to
the extent that:
(a) giving access would be unlawful; or
(b) denying access is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
(c) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,
an enforcement body; or
(d) for information referred to in subsection (1A)—the credit
information about the individual that is held by the body is
insufficient for the body to be able to derive the credit rating
of the individual in the ordinary course of its credit reporting
business within the period referred to in subsection (3).

Dealing with requests for access

(3) The credit reporting body must respond to the request within a
reasonable period, but not longer than 10 days, after the request is

Means of access
(4) If the credit reporting body gives access to the credit reporting
information, the access must be given in the manner set out in the
registered CR code.

Access charges
(5) If a request under subsection (1) in relation to the individual has
not been made to the credit reporting body in the previous 3
months, the body must not charge the access seeker for the making
of the request or for giving access to the information.
(6) If subsection (5) does not apply, any charge by the credit reporting
body for giving access to the information must not be excessive
and must not apply to the making of the request.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20S

Refusal to give access

(7) If the credit reporting body refuses to give access to the
information because of subsection (2), the body must give the
access seeker a written notice that:
(a) sets out the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that,
having regard to the grounds for the refusal, it would be
unreasonable to do so; and
(b) states that, if the access seeker is not satisfied with the
response to the request, the access seeker may:
(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme
of which the body is a member; or
(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

20S Correction of credit reporting information

(1) If:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information
about an individual; and
(b) the body is satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for
which the information is held by the body, the information is
inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading;
the body must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the
circumstances to correct the information to ensure that, having
regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is
accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.
(2) If:
(a) the credit reporting body corrects credit reporting
information under subsection (1); and
(b) the body has previously disclosed the information under this
Division (other than subsections 20D(2) and 20T(4));
the body must, within a reasonable period, give each recipient of
the information written notice of the correction.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if:

114 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting bodies Division 2

Section 20T

(a) it is impracticable for the credit reporting body to give the

notice under that subsection; or
(b) the credit reporting body is required by or under an
Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, not to give the
notice under that subsection.

20T Individual may request the correction of credit information etc.

(1) An individual may request a credit reporting body to correct
personal information about the individual if:
(a) the personal information is:
(i) credit information about the individual; or
(ii) CRB derived information about the individual; or
(iii) CP derived information about the individual; and
(b) the body holds at least one kind of the personal information
referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) If the credit reporting body is satisfied that the personal
information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or
misleading, the body must take such steps (if any) as are
reasonable in the circumstances to correct the information within:
(a) the period of 30 days that starts on the day on which the
request is made; or
(b) such longer period as the individual has agreed to in writing.

(3) If the credit reporting body considers that the body cannot be
satisfied of the matter referred to in subsection (2) in relation to the
personal information without consulting either or both of the
following (the interested party):
(a) another credit reporting body that holds or held the
information and that has an Australian link;

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Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20U

(b) a credit provider that holds or held the information and that
has an Australian link;
the body must consult that interested party, or those interested
parties, about the individual’s request.
(4) The use or disclosure of personal information about the individual
for the purposes of the consultation is taken, for the purposes of
this Act, to be a use or disclosure that is authorised by this

No charge
(5) The credit reporting body must not charge the individual for the
making of the request or for correcting the information.

20U Notice of correction etc. must be given

(1) This section applies if an individual requests a credit reporting
body to correct personal information under subsection 20T(1).

Notice of correction etc.

(2) If the credit reporting body corrects the personal information under
subsection 20T(2), the body must, within a reasonable period:
(a) give the individual written notice of the correction; and
(b) if the body consulted an interested party under
subsection 20T(3) about the individual’s request—give the
party written notice of the correction; and
(c) if the correction relates to information that the body has
previously disclosed under this Division (other than
subsections 20D(2) and 20T(4))—give each recipient of the
information written notice of the correction.
(3) If the credit reporting body does not correct the personal
information under subsection 20T(2), the body must, within a
reasonable period, give the individual written notice that:
(a) states that the correction has not been made; and

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Section 20V

(b) sets out the body’s reasons for not correcting the information
(including evidence substantiating the correctness of the
information); and
(c) states that, if the individual is not satisfied with the response
to the request, the individual may:
(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme
of which the body is a member; or
(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

(4) Paragraph (2)(c) does not apply if it is impracticable for the credit
reporting body to give the notice under that paragraph.
(5) Subsection (2) or (3) does not apply if the credit reporting body is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order,
not to give the notice under that subsection.

Subdivision G—Dealing with credit reporting information after

the retention period ends etc.

20V Destruction etc. of credit reporting information after the

retention period ends
(1) This section applies if:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit information about an
individual; and
(b) the retention period for the information ends.
Note: There is no retention period for identification information or credit
information of a kind referred to in paragraph 6N(k).

Destruction etc. of credit information

(2) The credit reporting body must destroy the credit information, or
ensure that the information is de-identified, within 1 month after
the retention period for the information ends.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

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Section 20V

(3) Despite subsection (2), the credit reporting body must neither
destroy the credit information nor ensure that the information is
de-identified, if immediately before the retention period ends:
(a) there is a pending correction request in relation to the
information; or
(b) there is a pending dispute in relation to the information.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.
(4) Subsection (2) does not apply if the credit reporting body is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to
retain the credit information.

Destruction etc. of CRB derived information

(5) The credit reporting body must destroy any CRB derived
information about the individual that was derived from the credit
information, or ensure that the CRB derived information is
(a) if:
(i) the CRB derived information was derived from 2 or
more kinds of credit information; and
(ii) the body is required to do a thing referred to in
subsection (2) to one of those kinds of credit
at the same time that the body does that thing to that credit
information; or
(b) otherwise—at the same time that the body is required to do a
thing referred to in subsection (2) to the credit information
from which the CRB derived information was derived.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(6) Despite subsection (5), the credit reporting body must neither
destroy the CRB derived information nor ensure that the
information is de-identified, if immediately before the retention
period ends:

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Section 20W

(a) there is a pending correction request in relation to the

information; or
(b) there is a pending dispute in relation to the information.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.
(7) Subsection (5) does not apply if the credit reporting body is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to
retain the CRB derived information.

20W Retention period for credit information—general

The following table sets out the retention period for credit
(a) that is information of a kind referred to in an item of the
table; and
(b) that is held by a credit reporting body.

Retention period
Item If the credit information is ... the retention period for the information
is ...
1 consumer credit liability the period of 2 years that starts on the
information day on which the consumer credit to
which the information relates is
terminated or otherwise ceases to be in
2 repayment history information the period of 2 years that starts on the
day on which the monthly payment to
which the information relates is due and
2A financial hardship information the period of 1 year that starts on the day
on which the monthly payment to which
the information relates is due and
3 information of a kind referred to the period of 5 years that starts on the
in paragraph 6N(d) or (e) day on which the information request to
which the information relates is made.

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Section 20X

Retention period
Item If the credit information is ... the retention period for the information
is ...
4 default information the period of 5 years that starts on the
day on which the credit reporting body
collects the information.
5 payment information the period of 5 years that starts on the
day on which the credit reporting body
collects the default information to which
the payment information relates.
6 new arrangement information the period of 2 years that starts on the
within the meaning of day on which the credit reporting body
subsection 6S(1) collects the default information referred
to in that subsection.
7 new arrangement information the period of 2 years that starts on the
within the meaning of day on which the credit reporting body
subsection 6S(2) collects the information about the
opinion referred to in that subsection.
8 court proceedings information the period of 5 years that starts on the
day on which the judgement to which the
information relates is made or given.
9 information of a kind referred to the period of 7 years that starts on the
in paragraph 6N(l) day on which the credit reporting body
collects the information.

20X Retention period for credit information—personal insolvency

(1) The following table has effect:

Item If personal insolvency the retention period for the information

information relates to ... is whichever of the following periods
ends later ...
1 a bankruptcy of an individual (a) the period of 5 years that starts on the
day on which the individual becomes
a bankrupt;

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Section 20X

Item If personal insolvency the retention period for the information

information relates to ... is whichever of the following periods
ends later ...
(b) the period of 2 years that starts on the
day the bankruptcy ends.
2 a personal insolvency (a) the period of 5 years that starts on the
agreement to which item 3 of day on which the agreement is
this table does not apply executed;
(b) the period of 2 years that starts on the
day the agreement is terminated or set
aside under the Bankruptcy Act.
3 a personal insolvency (a) the period of 5 years that starts on the
agreement in relation to which a day on which the agreement is
certificate has been signed executed;
under section 232 of the (b) the period that ends on the day on
Bankruptcy Act which the certificate is signed.
4 a debt agreement to which (a) the period of 5 years that starts on the
item 5 of this table does not day on which the agreement is made;
apply (b) the period of 2 years that starts on the
(i) the agreement is terminated
under the Bankruptcy Act; or
(ii) an order declaring that all the
agreement is void is made
under that Act.
5 a debt agreement that ends (a) the period of 5 years that starts on the
under section 185N of the day on which the agreement is made;
Bankruptcy Act (b) the period that ends on the day on
which the agreement ends.

Debt agreement proposals

(2) If personal insolvency information relates to a debt agreement
proposal, the retention period for the information is the period that
ends on the day on which:
(a) the proposal is withdrawn; or

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Section 20Y

(b) the proposal is not accepted under section 185EC of the

Bankruptcy Act; or
(c) the acceptance of the proposal for processing is cancelled
under section 185ED of that Act; or
(d) the proposal lapses under section 185G of that Act.

Control of property
(3) If personal insolvency information relates to a direction given, or
an order made, under section 50 of the Bankruptcy Act, the
retention period for the information is the period that ends on the
day on which the control of the property to which the direction or
order relates ends.
Note: See subsection 50(1B) of the Bankruptcy Act for when the control of
the property ends.

(4) If the personal insolvency information relates to an authority

signed under section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act, the retention
period for the information is the period that ends on the day on
which the property to which the authority relates is no longer
subject to control under Division 2 of Part X of that Act.

(5) An expression used in this section that is also used in the
Bankruptcy Act has the same meaning in this section as it has in
that Act.

20Y Destruction of credit reporting information in cases of fraud

(1) This section applies if:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information
about an individual; and
(b) the information relates to consumer credit that has been
provided by a credit provider to the individual, or a person
purporting to be the individual; and
(c) the body is satisfied that:

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Section 20Y

(i) the individual has been a victim of fraud (including

identity fraud); and
(ii) the consumer credit was provided as a result of that

Destruction of credit reporting information

(2) The credit reporting body must:
(a) destroy the credit reporting information; and
(b) within a reasonable period after the information is destroyed:
(i) give the individual a written notice that states that the
information has been destroyed and sets out the effect of
subsection (4); and
(ii) give the credit provider a written notice that states that
the information has been destroyed.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the credit reporting body is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to
retain the credit reporting information.

Notification of destruction to third parties

(4) If:
(a) a credit reporting body destroys credit reporting information
about an individual under subsection (2); and
(b) the body has previously disclosed the information to one or
more recipients under Subdivision D of this Division;
the body must, within a reasonable period after the destruction,
notify those recipients of the destruction and the matters referred to
in paragraph (1)(c).
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the credit reporting body is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order,
not to give the notification.

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Section 20Z

20Z Dealing with information if there is a pending correction

request etc.
(1) This section applies if a credit reporting body holds credit reporting
information about an individual and either:
(a) subsection 20V(3) applies in relation to the information; or
(b) subsection 20V(6) applies in relation to the information.

Notification of Commissioner
(2) The credit reporting body must, as soon as practicable, notify in
writing the Commissioner of the matter referred to in
paragraph (1)(a) or (b) of this section.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Use or disclosure
(3) The credit reporting body must not use or disclose the information
under Subdivision D of this Division.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(4) However, the credit reporting body may use or disclose the
information under this subsection if:
(a) the use or disclosure is for the purposes of the pending
correction request, or pending dispute, in relation to the
information; or
(b) the use or disclosure of the information is required by or
under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.
(5) If the credit reporting body uses or discloses the information under
subsection (4), the body must make a written note of the use or
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

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Section 20ZA

Direction to destroy information etc.

(6) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, direct the credit
reporting body to destroy the information, or ensure that the
information is de-identified, by a specified day.
(7) If the Commissioner gives a direction under subsection (6) to the
credit reporting body, the body must comply with the direction.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(8) To avoid doubt, section 20M applies in relation to credit reporting
information that is de-identified as a result of the credit reporting
body complying with the direction.

20ZA Dealing with information if an Australian law etc. requires it

to be retained
(1) This section applies if a credit reporting body is not required:
(a) to do a thing referred to in subsection 20V(2) to credit
information because of subsection 20V(4); or
(b) to do a thing referred to in subsection 20V(5) to CRB derived
information because of subsection 20V(7); or
(c) to destroy credit reporting information under
subsection 20Y(2) because of subsection 20Y(3).

Use or disclosure
(2) The credit reporting body must not use or disclose the information
under Subdivision D of this Division.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(3) However, the credit reporting body may use or disclose the
information under this subsection if the use or disclosure of the
information is required by or under an Australian law or a
court/tribunal order.

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Division 2 Credit reporting bodies

Section 20ZA

(4) If the credit reporting body uses or discloses the information under
subsection (3), the body must make a written note of the use or
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Other requirements
(5) Subdivision E of this Division (other than section 20Q) does not
apply in relation to the use or disclosure of the information.
Note: Section 20Q deals with the security of credit reporting information.

(6) Subdivision F of this Division does not apply in relation to the


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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit providers Division 3

Section 21

Division 3—Credit providers

Subdivision A—Introduction and application of this Division

21 Guide to this Division

This Division sets out rules that apply to credit providers in

relation to their handling of the following:

(a) credit information;

(b) credit eligibility information;

(c) CRB derived information.

If a credit provider is an APP entity, the rules apply in relation to

that information in addition to, or instead of, any relevant
Australian Privacy Principles.

21A Application of this Division to credit providers

(1) This Division applies to a credit provider in relation to the
(a) credit information;
(b) credit eligibility information;
(c) CRB derived information.
(2) If the credit provider is an APP entity, this Division may apply to
the provider in relation to information referred to in subsection (1)
in addition to, or instead of, the Australian Privacy Principles.

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Section 21B

Subdivision B—Consideration of information privacy

21B Open and transparent management of credit information etc.

(1) The object of this section is to ensure that credit providers manage
credit information and credit eligibility information in an open and
transparent way.

Compliance with this Division etc.

(2) A credit provider must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems
relating to the provider’s functions or activities as a credit provider
(a) will ensure that the provider complies with this Division and
the registered CR code if it binds the provider; and
(b) will enable the provider to deal with inquiries or complaints
from individuals about the provider’s compliance with this
Division or the registered CR code if it binds the provider.

Policy about the management of credit information etc.

(3) A credit provider must have a clearly expressed and up-to-date
policy about the management of credit information and credit
eligibility information by the provider.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the policy of the credit provider
must contain the following information:
(a) the kinds of credit information that the provider collects and
holds, and how the provider collects and holds that
(b) the kinds of credit eligibility information that the provider
holds and how the provider holds that information;
(c) the kinds of CP derived information that the provider usually
derives from credit reporting information disclosed to the
provider by a credit reporting body under Division 2 of this

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Section 21B

(d) the purposes for which the provider collects, holds, uses and
discloses credit information and credit eligibility information;
(e) how an individual may access credit eligibility information
about the individual that is held by the provider;
(f) how an individual may seek the correction of credit
information or credit eligibility information about the
individual that is held by the provider;
(g) how an individual may complain about a failure of the
provider to comply with this Division or the registered CR
code if it binds the provider;
(h) how the provider will deal with such a complaint;
(i) whether the provider is likely to disclose credit information
or credit eligibility information to entities that do not have an
Australian link;
(j) if the provider is likely to disclose credit information or
credit eligibility information to such entities—the countries
in which those entities are likely to be located if it is
practicable to specify those countries in the policy.

Availability of policy etc.

(5) A credit provider must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to make the policy available:
(a) free of charge; and
(b) in such form as is appropriate.
Note: A credit provider will usually make the policy available on the
provider’s website.

(6) If a person or body requests a copy, in a particular form, of the

policy of a credit provider, the provider must take such steps as are
reasonable in the circumstances to give the person or body a copy
in that form.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principles 1.3 and 1.4 do not apply to the provider in relation to
credit information or credit eligibility information.

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Section 21C

Exemption for certain non-participating credit providers

(8) This section does not apply to a non-participating credit provider.

Subdivision C—Dealing with credit information

21C Additional notification requirements for the collection of

personal information etc.
(1) At or before the time a credit provider collects personal
information about an individual that the provider is likely to
disclose to a credit reporting body, the provider must:
(a) notify the individual of the following matters:
(i) the name and contact details of the body;
(ii) any other matter specified in the registered CR code; or
(b) otherwise ensure that the individual is aware of those matters.
(2) If a credit provider is an APP entity, subsection (1) applies to the
provider in relation to personal information in addition to
Australian Privacy Principle 5.
(3) If a credit provider is an APP entity, then the matters for the
purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 5.1 include the following
matters to the extent that the personal information referred to in
that principle is credit information or credit eligibility information:
(a) that the policy (the credit reporting policy) of the provider
that is referred to in subsection 21B(3) contains information
about how an individual may access the credit eligibility
information about the individual that is held by the provider;
(b) that the credit reporting policy of the provider contains
information about how an individual may seek the correction
of credit information or credit eligibility information about
the individual that is held by the provider;
(c) that the credit reporting policy of the provider contains
information about how an individual may complain about a
failure of the provider to comply with this Division or the
registered CR code if it binds the provider;

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Section 21D

(d) that the credit reporting policy of the provider contains

information about how the provider will deal with such a
(e) whether the provider is likely to disclose credit information
or credit eligibility information to entities that do not have an
Australian link;
(f) if the provider is likely to disclose credit information or
credit eligibility information to such entities—the countries
in which those entities are likely to be located if it is
practicable to specify those countries in the credit reporting

21D Disclosure of credit information to a credit reporting body

Prohibition on disclosure
(1) A credit provider must not disclose credit information about an
individual to a credit reporting body (whether or not the body’s
credit reporting business is carried on in Australia).
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted disclosure
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of credit
information about the individual if:
(a) the credit provider:
(i) is a member of or subject to a recognised external
dispute resolution scheme or is prescribed by the
regulations; and
(ii) knows, or believes on reasonable grounds, that the
individual is at least 18 years old; and
(b) the credit reporting body is:
(i) an agency; or
(ii) an organisation that has an Australian link; and
(c) the information meets the requirements of subsection (3).

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Section 21D

Note: Section 21F limits the disclosure of credit information if there is a ban
period for the information.

(3) Credit information about an individual meets the requirements of

this subsection if:
(a) the information does not relate to an act, omission, matter or
thing that occurred or existed before the individual turned 18;
(b) if the information relates to consumer credit or commercial
credit—the credit is or has been provided, or applied for, in
Australia; and
(c) if the information is repayment history information or
financial hardship information about the individual:
(i) the credit provider is a licensee or is prescribed by the
regulations; and
(ii) the consumer credit to which the information relates is
consumer credit in relation to which the provider also
discloses, or a credit provider has previously disclosed,
consumer credit liability information about the
individual to the credit reporting body; and
(iii) the provider complies with any requirements relating to
the disclosure of the information that are prescribed by
the regulations; and
(d) if the information is default information about the individual:
(i) the credit provider has given the individual a notice in
writing stating that the provider intends to disclose the
information to the credit reporting body; and
(ii) at least 14 days have passed since the giving of the
(4) Paragraph (3)(a) does not apply to identification information about
the individual.
(5) Despite paragraph (3)(a), consumer credit liability information
about the individual may relate to consumer credit that was entered
into on a day before the individual turned 18, so long as the
consumer credit was not terminated, or did not otherwise cease to
be in force, on a day before the individual turned 18.

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Section 21E

Written note of disclosure

(6) If a credit provider discloses credit information under this section,
the provider must make a written note of that disclosure.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principles 6 and 8 do not apply to the disclosure by the provider of
credit information to a credit reporting body.

21E Payment information must be disclosed to a credit reporting

(a) a credit provider has disclosed default information about an
individual to a credit reporting body under section 21D; and
(b) after the default information was disclosed, the amount of the
overdue payment to which the information relates is paid;
the provider must, within a reasonable period after the amount is
paid, disclose payment information about the amount to the body
under that section.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

21EA Financial hardship information must be disclosed

(a) a credit provider discloses to a credit reporting body
repayment history information about an individual in relation
to a monthly payment under section 21D; and
(b) financial hardship information about that individual exists in
relation to that monthly payment;
the credit provider must, at the same time, disclose the financial
hardship information to the credit reporting body.
Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

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Section 21F

21F Limitation on the disclosure of credit information during a ban

(1) This section applies if:
(a) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting information
about an individual; and
(b) a credit provider requests the body to disclose the
information to the provider for the purpose of assessing an
application for consumer credit made to the provider by the
individual, or a person purporting to be the individual; and
(c) the body is not permitted to disclose the information because
there is a ban period for the information; and
(d) during the ban period, the provider provides the consumer
credit to which the application relates to the individual, or the
person purporting to be the individual.
(2) If the credit provider holds credit information about the individual
that relates to the consumer credit, the provider must not, despite
sections 21D and 21E, disclose the information to a credit
reporting body.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the credit provider has taken such
steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to verify the identity of
the individual.

Subdivision D—Dealing with credit eligibility information etc.

21G Use or disclosure of credit eligibility information

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If a credit provider holds credit eligibility information about an
individual, the provider must not use or disclose the information.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit providers Division 3

Section 21G

Permitted uses
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of credit eligibility
information about the individual if:
(a) the use is for a consumer credit related purpose of the credit
provider in relation to the individual; or
(b) the use is a permitted CP use in relation to the individual; or
(c) both of the following apply:
(i) the credit provider believes on reasonable grounds that
the individual has committed a serious credit
(ii) the provider uses the information in connection with the
infringement; or
(d) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law (other than the consumer data rules) or a court/tribunal
order; or
(e) the use is a use prescribed by the regulations.

Permitted disclosures
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of credit eligibility
information about the individual if:
(a) the disclosure is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual; or
(b) the disclosure is to a related body corporate of the credit
provider; or
(c) the disclosure is to:
(i) a person for the purpose of processing an application for
credit made to the credit provider; or
(ii) a person who manages credit provided by the credit
provider for use in managing that credit; or
(d) both of the following apply:
(i) the credit provider believes on reasonable grounds that
the individual has committed a serious credit

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21G

(ii) the provider discloses the information to another credit

provider that has an Australian link, or to an
enforcement body; or
(e) both of the following apply:
(i) the disclosure is for the purposes of a recognised
external dispute resolution scheme;
(ii) a credit provider or credit reporting body is a member of
or subject to the scheme; or
(f) the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law (other than the consumer data rules) or a
court/tribunal order; or
(g) the disclosure is a disclosure prescribed by the regulations.
Note: See section 21NA for additional rules about the disclosure of credit
eligibility information under paragraph (3)(b) or (c).

(4) However, if the credit eligibility information about the individual

is, or was derived from, repayment history information or financial
hardship information about the individual, the credit provider must
not disclose the information under subsection (3).
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if:
(a) the recipient of the credit eligibility information is another
credit provider who is a licensee; or
(b) the disclosure is a permitted CP disclosure within the
meaning of section 21L; or
(c) the credit provider discloses the credit eligibility information
under paragraph (3)(b), (c), (e) or (f); or
(d) the credit provider discloses the credit eligibility information
under paragraph (3)(d) to an enforcement body.

Written note of use or disclosure

(6) If a credit provider uses or discloses credit eligibility information
under this section, the provider must make a written note of that
use or disclosure.

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21H

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principles 6, 7 and 8 do not apply to the provider in relation to
credit eligibility information.
(8) If:
(a) a credit provider is an APP entity; and
(b) the credit eligibility information is a government related
identifier of the individual;
Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the provider in
relation to the information.

21H Permitted CP uses in relation to individuals

A use by a credit provider of credit eligibility information about an
individual is a permitted CP use in relation to the individual if:
(a) the relevant credit reporting information was disclosed to the
provider under a provision specified in column 1 of the table
for the purpose (if any) specified in that column; and
(b) the provider uses the credit eligibility information for the
purpose specified in column 2 of the table.

Permitted CP uses
Column 1 Column 2
Item The relevant credit reporting The credit provider uses the credit
information was disclosed to the eligibility information for ...
credit provider under ...
1 item 1 of the table in (a) a securitisation related purpose of
subsection 20F(1) for the purpose the provider in relation to the
of assessing an application for individual; or
consumer credit made by the (b) the internal management purposes
individual to the provider. of the provider that are directly
related to the provision or
management of consumer credit by

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21H

Permitted CP uses
Column 1 Column 2
Item The relevant credit reporting The credit provider uses the credit
information was disclosed to the eligibility information for ...
credit provider under ...
the provider.
2 item 2 of the table in that particular commercial credit
subsection 20F(1) for a particular related purpose.
commercial credit related purpose
of the provider in relation to the
3 item 2 of the table in the internal management purposes of
subsection 20F(1) for the purpose the provider that are directly related to
of assessing an application for the provision or management of
commercial credit made by a commercial credit by the provider.
person to the provider.
4 item 3 of the table in (a) the credit guarantee purpose; or
subsection 20F(1) for a credit (b) the internal management purposes
guarantee purpose of the provider of the provider that are directly
in relation to the individual. related to the provision or
management of any credit by the
5 item 5 of the table in the purpose of assisting the individual
subsection 20F(1). to avoid defaulting on his or her
obligations in relation to consumer
credit provided by the provider to the
6 item 6 of the table in that particular securitisation related
subsection 20F(1) for a particular purpose.
securitisation related purpose of
the provider in relation to the

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21J

21J Permitted CP disclosures between credit providers

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to another credit provider (the recipient) for
a particular purpose; and
(b) the recipient has an Australian link; and
(c) the individual expressly consents to the disclosure of the
information to the recipient for that purpose.
(2) The consent of the individual under paragraph (1)(c):
(a) must be given in writing unless:
(i) the disclosure of the information to the recipient is for
the purpose of assessing an application for consumer
credit or commercial credit made to the recipient; and
(ii) the application has not been made in writing; and
(b) must be given to the credit provider or recipient.

Agents of credit providers

(3) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the provider is acting as an agent of another credit provider
that has an Australian link; and
(b) while the provider is so acting, the provider is a credit
provider under subsection 6H(1); and
(c) the provider discloses the information to the other credit
provider in the provider’s capacity as such an agent.

Securitisation arrangements etc.

(4) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21J

(a) the provider is a credit provider under subsection 6J(1) in

relation to credit; and
(b) the credit has been provided by, or is credit for which an
application has been made to, another credit provider (the
original credit provider) that has an Australian link; and
(c) the original credit provider is not a credit provider under that
subsection; and
(d) the information is disclosed to:
(i) the original credit provider; or
(ii) another credit provider that is a credit provider under
that subsection in relation to the credit and that has an
Australian link; and
(e) the disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for:
(i) purchasing, funding or managing, or processing an
application for, the credit by means of a securitisation
arrangement; or
(ii) undertaking credit enhancement in relation to the credit.

Mortgage credit secured by the same real property

(5) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to another credit provider that has an
Australian link; and
(b) both credit providers have provided mortgage credit to the
individual in relation to which the same real property forms
all or part of the security; and
(c) the individual is at least 60 days overdue in making a
payment in relation to the mortgage credit provided by either
provider; and
(d) the information is disclosed for the purpose of either provider
deciding what action to take in relation to the overdue

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21K

21K Permitted CP disclosures relating to guarantees etc.

Offer to act as a guarantor etc.

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) either:
(i) the provider has provided credit to the individual; or
(ii) the individual has applied to the provider for credit; and
(b) the disclosure is to a person for the purpose of that person
considering whether:
(i) to offer to act as a guarantor in relation to the credit; or
(ii) to offer property as security for the credit; and
(c) the person has an Australian link; and
(d) the individual expressly consents to the disclosure of the
information to the person for that purpose.
(2) The consent of the individual under paragraph (1)(d) must be given
in writing unless:
(a) if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies—the application for the
credit was not made in writing; or
(b) if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies—the application for the
credit has not been made in writing.

Guarantors etc.
(3) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to a person who:
(i) is a guarantor in relation to credit provided by the
provider to the individual; or
(ii) has provided property as security for such credit; and
(b) the person has an Australian link; and
(c) either:

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21L

(i) the individual expressly consents to the disclosure of the

information to the person; or
(ii) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—the information is
disclosed to the person for a purpose related to the
enforcement, or proposed enforcement, of the
(4) The consent of the individual under subparagraph (3)(c)(i) must be
given in writing unless the application for the credit was not made
in writing.

21L Permitted CP disclosures to mortgage insurers

A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if the disclosure is to a mortgage insurer that has an
Australian link for:
(a) a mortgage insurance purpose of the insurer in relation to the
individual; or
(b) any purpose arising under a contract for mortgage insurance
that has been entered into between the provider and the

21M Permitted CP disclosures to debt collectors

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to a person or body that carries on a business
or undertaking that involves the collection of debts on behalf
of others; and
(c) the information is disclosed to the person or body for the
primary purpose of the person or body collecting payments
that are overdue in relation to:
(i) consumer credit provided by the provider to the
individual; or

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21N

(ii) commercial credit provided by the provider to a person;

(d) the information is information of a kind referred to in
subsection (2).
Note: See section 21NA for additional rules about the disclosure of credit
eligibility information under this subsection.

(2) The information for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) is:

(a) identification information about the individual; or
(b) court proceedings information about the individual; or
(c) personal insolvency information about the individual; or
(d) if subparagraph (1)(c)(i) applies—default information about
the individual if:
(i) the information relates to a payment that the individual
is overdue in making in relation to consumer credit that
has been provided by the credit provider to the
individual; and
(ii) the provider does not hold, or has not held, payment
information about the individual that relates to that
overdue payment.

21N Permitted CP disclosures to other recipients

Mortgage credit assistance schemes

(1) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to a State or Territory authority; and
(b) the functions or responsibilities of the authority include:
(i) giving assistance (directly or indirectly) that facilitates
the provision of mortgage credit to individuals; or
(ii) the management or supervision of schemes or
arrangements under which such assistance is given; and
(c) the information is disclosed for the purpose of enabling the

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21NA

(i) to determine the extent of the assistance (if any) to give

in relation to the provision of mortgage credit to the
individual; or
(ii) to manage or supervise such a scheme or arrangement.

Assignment of debts owed to credit providers etc.

(2) A disclosure by a credit provider of credit eligibility information
about an individual is a permitted CP disclosure in relation to the
individual if:
(a) the disclosure is to one or more of the following (the
(i) an entity;
(ii) a professional legal adviser of the entity;
(iii) a professional financial adviser of the entity; and
(b) the recipient has an Australian link; and
(c) subsection (3) applies to the information.
(3) This subsection applies to the credit eligibility information if the
recipient proposes to use the information:
(a) in the process of the entity considering whether to:
(i) accept an assignment of a debt owed to the credit
provider; or
(ii) accept a debt owed to the provider as security for credit
provided to the provider; or
(iii) purchase an interest in the provider or a related body
corporate of the provider; or
(b) in connection with exercising rights arising from the
acceptance of such an assignment or debt, or the purchase of
such an interest.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit providers Division 3

Section 21NA

21NA Disclosures to certain persons and bodies that do not have an

Australian link

Related bodies corporate and credit managers etc.

(1) Before a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information
under paragraph 21G(3)(b) or (c) to a related body corporate, or
person, that does not have an Australian link, the provider must
take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure
that the body or person does not breach the following provisions
(the relevant provisions) in relation to the information:
(a) for a disclosure under paragraph 21G(3)(b)—section 22D;
(b) for a disclosure under paragraph 21G(3)(c)—section 22E;
(c) in both cases—the Australian Privacy Principles (other than
Australian Privacy Principles 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9.2).
(2) If:
(a) a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information under
paragraph 21G(3)(b) or (c) to a related body corporate, or
person, that does not have an Australian link; and
(b) the relevant provisions do not apply, under this Act, to an act
done, or a practice engaged in, by the body or person in
relation to the information; and
(c) the body or person does an act, or engages in a practice, in
relation to the information that would be a breach of the
relevant provisions if those provisions applied to the act or
the act done, or the practice engaged in, by the body or person is
taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been done, or engaged
in, by the provider and to be a breach of those provisions by the

Debt collectors
(3) Before a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information
under subsection 21M(1) to a person or body that does not have an
Australian link, the provider must take such steps as are reasonable
in the circumstances to ensure that the person or body does not

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21P

breach the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian

Privacy Principle 1) in relation to the information.
(4) If:
(a) a credit provider discloses credit eligibility information under
subsection 21M(1) to a person or body that does not have an
Australian link; and
(b) the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply, under this
Act, to an act done, or a practice engaged in, by the person or
body in relation to the information; and
(c) the person or body does an act, or engages in a practice, in
relation to the information that would be a breach of the
Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian Privacy
Principle 1) if those Australian Privacy Principles applied to
the act or practice;
the act done, or the practice engaged in, by the person or body is
taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have been done, or engaged
in, by the provider and to be a breach of those Australian Privacy
Principles by the provider.

21P Notification of a refusal of an application for consumer credit

(1) This section applies if:
(a) a credit provider refuses an application for consumer credit
made in Australia:
(i) by an individual; or
(ii) jointly by an individual and one or more other persons
(the other applicants); and
(b) the refusal is based wholly or partly on credit eligibility
information about one or more of the following:
(i) the individual;
(ii) a person who is proposing to act as a guarantor in
relation to the consumer credit;
(iii) if the application is an application of a kind referred to
in subparagraph (a)(ii)—one of the other applicants; and

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21Q

(c) a credit reporting body disclosed the relevant credit reporting

information to the provider for the purposes of assessing the
(2) The credit provider must, within a reasonable period after refusing
the application, give the individual a written notice that:
(a) states that the application has been refused; and
(b) states that the refusal is based wholly or partly on credit
eligibility information about one or more of the persons
referred to in paragraph (1)(b); and
(c) if that information is about the individual—sets out:
(i) the name and contact details of the credit reporting body
that disclosed the relevant credit reporting information
to the provider; and
(ii) any other matter specified in the registered CR code.

Subdivision E—Integrity of credit information and credit

eligibility information

21Q Quality of credit eligibility information

(1) A credit provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in
the circumstances to ensure that the credit eligibility information
the provider collects is accurate, up-to-date and complete.
(2) A credit provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in
the circumstances to ensure that the credit eligibility information
the provider uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of
the use or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.
(3) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principle 10 does not apply to the provider in relation to credit
eligibility information.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21R

21R False or misleading credit information or credit eligibility


(1) A credit provider commits an offence if:
(a) the provider discloses credit information under section 21D;
(b) the information is false or misleading in a material particular.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.
(2) A credit provider commits an offence if:
(a) the provider uses or discloses credit eligibility information
under this Division; and
(b) the information is false or misleading in a material particular.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.

Civil penalties
(3) A credit provider must not disclose credit information under
section 21D if the information is false or misleading in a material
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.
(4) A credit provider must not use or disclose credit eligibility
information under this Division if the information is false or
misleading in a material particular.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

21S Security of credit eligibility information

(1) If a credit provider holds credit eligibility information, the provider
must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to
protect the information:
(a) from misuse, interference and loss; and

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21T

(b) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

(2) If:
(a) a credit provider holds credit eligibility information about an
individual; and
(b) the provider no longer needs the information for any purpose
for which the information may be used or disclosed by the
provider under this Division; and
(c) the provider is not required by or under an Australian law, or
a court/tribunal order, to retain the information;
the provider must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to destroy the information or to ensure that the
information is de-identified.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.
(3) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principle 11 does not apply to the provider in relation to credit
eligibility information.

Subdivision F—Access to, and correction of, information

21T Access to credit eligibility information

(1) If a credit provider holds credit eligibility information about an
individual, the provider must, on request by an access seeker in
relation to the information, give the access seeker access to the

Exceptions to access
(2) Despite subsection (1), the credit provider is not required to give
the access seeker access to the credit eligibility information to the
extent that:
(a) giving access would be unlawful; or

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Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21T

(b) denying access is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
(c) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,
an enforcement body.

Dealing with requests for access

(3) The credit provider must respond to the request within a reasonable
period after the request is made.

Means of access
(4) If the credit provider gives access to the credit eligibility
information, the access must be given in the manner set out in the
registered CR code.

Access charges
(5) If the credit provider is an agency, the provider must not charge the
access seeker for the making of the request or for giving access to
the information.
(6) If a credit provider is an organisation or small business operator,
any charge by the provider for giving access to the information
must not be excessive and must not apply to the making of the

Refusal to give access

(7) If the provider refuses to give access to the information because of
subsection (2), the provider must give the access seeker a written
notice that:
(a) sets out the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that,
having regard to the grounds for the refusal, it would be
unreasonable to do so; and
(b) states that, if the access seeker is not satisfied with the
response to the request, the access seeker may:

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Credit providers Division 3

Section 21U

(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme

of which the provider is a member or to which it is
subject; or
(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(8) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principle 12 does not apply to the provider in relation to credit
eligibility information.

21U Correction of credit information or credit eligibility

(1) If:
(a) a credit provider holds credit information or credit eligibility
information about an individual; and
(b) the provider is satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for
which the information is held by the provider, the
information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant
or misleading;
the provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the
circumstances to correct the information to ensure that, having
regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is
accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

Notice of correction
(2) If:
(a) the credit provider corrects credit information or credit
eligibility information under subsection (1); and
(b) the provider has previously disclosed the information under:
(i) this Division (other than subsection 21V(4)); or
(ii) the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian
Privacy Principle 4.2);
the provider must, within a reasonable period, give each recipient
of the information written notice of the correction.

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Section 21V

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if:

(a) it is impracticable for the credit provider to give the notice
under that subsection; or
(b) the credit provider is required by or under an Australian law,
or a court/tribunal order, not to give the notice under that

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principle 13:
(a) applies to the provider in relation to credit information or
credit eligibility information that is identification
information; but
(b) does not apply to the provider in relation to any other kind of
credit information or credit eligibility information.
Note: Identification information may be corrected under this section or
Australian Privacy Principle 13.

Exemption for certain non-participating credit providers

(5) This section does not apply to a non-participating credit provider.

21V Individual may request the correction of credit information etc.

(1) An individual may request a credit provider to correct personal
information about the individual if:
(a) the personal information is:
(i) credit information about the individual; or
(ii) CRB derived information about the individual; or
(iii) CP derived information about the individual; and
(b) the provider holds at least one kind of the personal
information referred to in paragraph (a).

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Section 21V

(2) If the credit provider is satisfied that the personal information is
inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, the
provider must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the
circumstances to correct the information within:
(a) the period of 30 days that starts on the day on which the
request is made; or
(b) such longer period as the individual has agreed to in writing.

(3) If the credit provider considers that the provider cannot be satisfied
of the matter referred to in subsection (2) in relation to the personal
information without consulting either or both of the following (the
interested party):
(a) a credit reporting body that holds or held the information and
that has an Australian link;
(b) another credit provider that holds or held the information and
that has an Australian link;
the provider must consult that interested party, or those interested
parties, about the individual’s request.
(4) The use or disclosure of personal information about the individual
for the purposes of the consultation is taken, for the purposes of
this Act, to be a use or disclosure that is authorised by this

No charge
(5) The credit provider must not charge the individual for the making
of the request or for correcting the information.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(6) If a credit provider is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principle 13:

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Division 3 Credit providers

Section 21W

(a) applies to the provider in relation to personal information

referred to in paragraph (1)(a) that is identification
information; but
(b) does not apply to the provider in relation to any other kind of
personal information referred to in that paragraph.
Note: Identification information may be corrected under this section or
Australian Privacy Principle 13.

Exemption for certain non-participating credit providers

(7) This section does not apply to a non-participating credit provider.

21W Notice of correction etc. must be given

(1) This section applies if an individual requests a credit provider to
correct personal information under subsection 21V(1).

Notice of correction etc.

(2) If the credit provider corrects personal information about the
individual under subsection 21V(2), the provider must, within a
reasonable period:
(a) give the individual written notice of the correction; and
(b) if the provider consulted an interested party under
subsection 21V(3) about the individual’s request—give the
party written notice of the correction; and
(c) if the correction relates to information that the provider has
previously disclosed under:
(i) this Division (other than subsection 21V(4)); or
(ii) the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian
Privacy Principle 4.2);
give each recipient of the information written notice of the
(3) If the credit provider does not correct the personal information
under subsection 21V(2), the provider must, within a reasonable
period, give the individual written notice that:
(a) states that the correction has not been made; and

154 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Credit providers Division 3

Section 21W

(b) sets out the provider’s reasons for not correcting the
information (including evidence substantiating the
correctness of the information); and
(c) states that, if the individual is not satisfied with the response
to the request, the individual may:
(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme
of which the provider is a member or to which it is
subject; or
(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.

(4) Paragraph (2)(c) does not apply if it is impracticable for the credit
provider to give the notice under that paragraph.
(5) Subsection (2) or (3) does not apply if the credit provider is
required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order,
not to give the notice under that subsection.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 4 Affected information recipients

Section 22

Division 4—Affected information recipients

22 Guide to this Division

This Division sets out rules that apply to affected information

recipients in relation to their handling of their regulated

If an affected information recipient is an APP entity, the rules

apply in relation to the regulated information of the recipient in
addition to, or instead of, any relevant Australian Privacy

Subdivision A—Consideration of information privacy

22A Open and transparent management of regulated information

(1) The object of this section is to ensure that an affected information
recipient manages the regulated information of the recipient in an
open and transparent way.

Compliance with this Division etc.

(2) An affected information recipient must take such steps as are
reasonable in the circumstances to implement practices, procedures
and systems relating to the recipient’s functions or activities that:
(a) will ensure that the recipient complies with this Division and
the registered CR code if it binds the recipient; and
(b) will enable the recipient to deal with inquiries or complaints
from individuals about the recipient’s compliance with this
Division or the registered CR code if it binds the recipient.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Affected information recipients Division 4

Section 22A

Policy about the management of regulated information

(3) An affected information recipient must have a clearly expressed
and up-to-date policy about the recipient’s management of the
regulated information of the recipient.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the policy of the affected
information recipient must contain the following information:
(a) the kinds of regulated information that the recipient collects
and holds, and how the recipient collects and holds that
(b) the purposes for which the recipient collects, holds, uses and
discloses regulated information;
(c) how an individual may access regulated information about
the individual that is held by the recipient and seek the
correction of such information;
(d) how an individual may complain about a failure of the
recipient to comply with this Division or the registered CR
code if it binds the recipient;
(e) how the recipient will deal with such a complaint.

Availability of policy etc.

(5) An affected information recipient must take such steps as are
reasonable in the circumstances to make the policy available:
(a) free of charge; and
(b) in such form as is appropriate.
Note: An affected information recipient will usually make the policy
available on the recipient’s website.

(6) If a person or body requests a copy, in a particular form, of the

policy of an affected information recipient, the recipient must take
such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to give the person
or body a copy in that form.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 4 Affected information recipients

Section 22B

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(7) If an affected information recipient is an APP entity, Australian
Privacy Principles 1.3 and 1.4 do not apply to the recipient in
relation to the regulated information of the recipient.

Subdivision B—Dealing with regulated information

22B Additional notification requirements for affected information

If an affected information recipient is an APP entity, then the
matters for the purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 5.1 include
the following matters to the extent that the personal information
referred to in that principle is regulated information of the
(a) that the policy (the credit reporting policy) of the recipient
that is referred to in subsection 22A(3) contains information
about how an individual may access the regulated
information about the individual that is held by the recipient,
and seek the correction of such information;
(b) that the credit reporting policy of the recipient contains
information about how an individual may complain about a
failure of the recipient to comply with this Division or the
registered CR code if it binds the recipient; and
(c) that the credit reporting policy of the recipient contains
information about how the recipient will deal with such a

22C Use or disclosure of information by mortgage insurers or trade


Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:
(a) a mortgage insurer or trade insurer holds or held personal
information about an individual; and

158 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Affected information recipients Division 4

Section 22C

(b) the information was disclosed to the insurer by a credit

reporting body or credit provider under Division 2 or 3 of
this Part;
the insurer must not use or disclose the information, or any
personal information about the individual derived from that
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of the information if:
(a) for a mortgage insurer—the use is for:
(i) a mortgage insurance purpose of the insurer in relation
to the individual; or
(ii) any purpose arising under a contract for mortgage
insurance that has been entered into between the credit
provider and the insurer; or
(b) for a trade insurer—the use is for a trade insurance purpose
of the insurer in relation to the individual; or
(c) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law or a court/tribunal order.

Permitted disclosure
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of the information
if the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law or a court/tribunal order.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the mortgage insurer or trade insurer is an APP entity, Australian
Privacy Principles 6, 7 and 8 do not apply to the insurer in relation
to the information.
(5) If:
(a) the mortgage insurer or trade insurer is an APP entity; and

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 4 Affected information recipients

Section 22D

(b) the information is a government related identifier of the

Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the insurer in
relation to the information.

22D Use or disclosure of information by a related body corporate

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:
(a) a body corporate holds or held credit eligibility information
about an individual; and
(b) the information was disclosed to the body by a credit
provider under paragraph 21G(3)(b);
the body must not use or disclose the information, or any personal
information about the individual derived from that information.
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Permitted use or disclosure

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use or disclosure of the
information by the body corporate if the body would be permitted
to use or disclose the information under section 21G if the body
were the credit provider.
(3) In determining whether the body corporate would be permitted to
use or disclose the information under section 21G, assume that the
body is whichever of the following is applicable:
(a) the credit provider that has provided the relevant credit to the
(b) the credit provider to which the relevant application for credit
was made by the individual.

160 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Affected information recipients Division 4

Section 22E

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the body corporate is an APP entity, Australian Privacy
Principles 6, 7 and 8 do not apply to the body in relation to the
(5) If:
(a) the body corporate is an APP entity; and
(b) the information is a government related identifier of the
Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the body in
relation to the information.

22E Use or disclosure of information by credit managers etc.

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:
(a) a person holds or held credit eligibility information about an
individual; and
(b) the information was disclosed to the person by a credit
provider under paragraph 21G(3)(c);
the person must not use or disclose the information, or any
personal information about the individual derived from that
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

Permitted uses
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of the information if:
(a) the person uses the information for the purpose for which it
was disclosed to the person under paragraph 21G(3)(c); or
(b) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law (other than the consumer data rules) or a court/tribunal

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 4 Affected information recipients

Section 22F

Permitted disclosure
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of the information
(a) the disclosure is to the credit provider; or
(b) the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law (other than the consumer data rules) or a
court/tribunal order.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the person is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles 6, 7
and 8 do not apply to the person in relation to the information.
(5) If:
(a) the person is an APP entity; and
(b) the information is a government related identifier of the
Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the person in
relation to the information.

22F Use or disclosure of information by advisers etc.

Prohibition on use or disclosure

(1) If:
(a) any of the following (the recipient) holds or held credit
eligibility information about an individual:
(i) an entity;
(ii) a professional legal adviser of the entity;
(iii) a professional financial adviser of the entity; and
(b) the information was disclosed to the recipient by a credit
provider under subsection 21N(2);
the recipient must not use or disclose the information, or any
personal information about the individual derived from that
Civil penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

162 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Affected information recipients Division 4

Section 22F

Permitted uses
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of the information if:
(a) for a recipient that is the entity—the information is used for a
matter referred to in subsection 21N(3); or
(b) for a recipient that is the professional legal adviser, or
professional financial adviser, of the entity—the information
is used:
(i) in the adviser’s capacity as an adviser of the entity; and
(ii) in connection with advising the entity about a matter
referred to in subsection 21N(3); or
(c) the use is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law or a court/tribunal order.

Permitted disclosure
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disclosure of the information
if the disclosure is required or authorised by or under an Australian
law or a court/tribunal order.

Interaction with the Australian Privacy Principles

(4) If the recipient is an APP entity, Australian Privacy Principles 6, 7
and 8 do not apply to the recipient in relation to the information.
(5) If:
(a) the recipient is an APP entity; and
(b) the information is a government related identifier of the
Australian Privacy Principle 9.2 does not apply to the recipient in
relation to the information.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 5 Complaints

Section 23

Division 5—Complaints

23 Guide to this Division

This Division deals with complaints about credit reporting bodies

or credit providers.

Individuals may complain to credit reporting bodies or credit

providers about acts or practices that may be a breach of certain
provisions of this Part or the registered CR code.

If a complaint is made, the respondent for the complaint must

investigate the complaint and make a decision about the complaint.

23A Individual may complain about a breach of a provision of this

Part etc.

(1) An individual may complain to a credit reporting body about an act
or practice engaged in by the body that may be a breach of either of
the following provisions in relation to the individual:
(a) a provision of this Part (other than section 20R or 20T);
(b) a provision of the registered CR code (other than a provision
that relates to that section).
Note: A complaint about a breach of section 20R or 20T, or a provision of
the registered CR code that relates to that section, may be made to the
Commissioner under Part V.

(2) An individual may complain to a credit provider about an act or

practice engaged in by the provider that may be a breach of either
of the following provisions in relation to the individual:
(a) a provision of this Part (other than section 21T or 21V);
(b) a provision of the registered CR code (other than a provision
that relates to that section) if it binds the credit provider.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Complaints Division 5

Section 23B

Note: A complaint about a breach of section 21T or 21V, or a provision of

the registered CR code that relates to that section, may be made to the
Commissioner under Part V.

Nature of complaint
(3) If an individual makes a complaint, the individual must specify the
nature of the complaint.
(4) The complaint may relate to personal information that has been
destroyed or de-identified.

No charge
(5) The credit reporting body or credit provider must not charge the
individual for the making of the complaint or for dealing with the

23B Dealing with complaints

(1) If an individual makes a complaint under section 23A, the
respondent for the complaint:
(a) must, within 7 days after the complaint is made, give the
individual a written notice that:
(i) acknowledges the making of the complaint; and
(ii) sets out how the respondent will deal with the
complaint; and
(b) must investigate the complaint.

Consultation about the complaint

(2) If the respondent for the complaint considers that it is necessary to
consult a credit reporting body or credit provider about the
complaint, the respondent must consult the body or provider.
(3) The use or disclosure of personal information about the individual
for the purposes of the consultation is taken, for the purposes of
this Act, to be a use or disclosure that is authorised by this

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 5 Complaints

Section 23C

Decision about the complaint

(4) After investigating the complaint, the respondent must, within the
period referred to in subsection (5), make a decision about the
complaint and give the individual a written notice that:
(a) sets out the decision; and
(b) states that, if the individual is not satisfied with the decision,
the individual may:
(i) access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme
of which the respondent is a member or to which it is
subject; or
(ii) make a complaint to the Commissioner under Part V.
(5) The period for the purposes of subsection (4) is:
(a) the period of 30 days that starts on the day on which the
complaint is made; or
(b) such longer period as the individual has agreed to in writing.

23C Notification requirements relating to correction complaints

(1) This section applies if an individual makes a complaint under
section 23A about an act or practice that may breach section 20S or
21U (which deal with the correction of personal information by
credit reporting bodies and credit providers).

Notification of complaint etc.

(2) If:
(a) the respondent for the complaint is a credit reporting body;
(b) the complaint relates to credit information or credit eligibility
information that a credit provider holds;
the respondent must, in writing:
(c) notify the provider of the making of the complaint as soon as
practicable after it is made; and

166 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Complaints Division 5

Section 23C

(d) notify the provider of the making of a decision about the

complaint under subsection 23B(4) as soon as practicable
after it is made.
(3) If:
(a) the respondent for the complaint is a credit provider; and
(b) the complaint relates to:
(i) credit reporting information that a credit reporting body
holds; or
(ii) credit information or credit eligibility information that
another credit provider holds;
the respondent must, in writing:
(c) notify the body or other provider (as the case may be) of the
making of the complaint as soon as practicable after it is
made; and
(d) notify the body or other provider (as the case may be) of the
making of a decision about the complaint under
subsection 23B(4) as soon as practicable after it is made.

Notification of recipients of disclosed information

(4) If:
(a) a credit reporting body discloses credit reporting information
to which the complaint relates under Division 2 of this Part;
(b) at the time of the disclosure, a decision about the complaint
under subsection 23B(4) has not been made;
the body must, at that time, notify in writing the recipient of the
information of the complaint.
(5) If:
(a) a credit provider discloses personal information to which the
complaint relates under Division 3 of this Part or under the
Australian Privacy Principles; and
(b) at the time of the disclosure, a decision about the complaint
under subsection 23B(4) has not been made;

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 5 Complaints

Section 23C

the provider must, at that time, notify in writing the recipient of the
information of the complaint.

(6) Subsection (2), (3), (4) or (5) does not apply if:
(a) it is impracticable for the credit reporting body or credit
provider to give the notification under that subsection; or
(b) the credit reporting body or credit provider is required by or
under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, not to give
the notification under that subsection.

168 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Unauthorised obtaining of credit reporting information etc. Division 6

Section 24

Division 6—Unauthorised obtaining of credit reporting

information etc.

24 Obtaining credit reporting information from a credit reporting


(1) An entity commits an offence if:
(a) the entity obtains credit reporting information; and
(b) the information is obtained from a credit reporting body; and
(c) the entity is not:
(i) an entity to which the body is permitted to disclose the
information under Division 2 of this Part; or
(ii) an access seeker for the information.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.
(2) An entity commits an offence if:
(a) the entity obtains credit reporting information; and
(b) the information is obtained from a credit reporting body; and
(c) the information is obtained by false pretence.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.

Civil penalties
(3) An entity must not obtain credit reporting information from a credit
reporting body if the entity is not:
(a) an entity to which the body is permitted to disclose the
information under Division 2 of this Part; or
(b) an access seeker for the information.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 6 Unauthorised obtaining of credit reporting information etc.

Section 24A

(4) An entity must not obtain, by false pretence, credit reporting

information from a credit reporting body.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

24A Obtaining credit eligibility information from a credit provider

(1) An entity commits an offence if:
(a) the entity obtains credit eligibility information; and
(b) the information is obtained from a credit provider; and
(c) the entity is not:
(i) an entity to which the provider is permitted to disclose
the information under Division 3 of this Part; or
(ii) an access seeker for the information.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.
(2) An entity commits an offence if:
(a) the entity obtains credit eligibility information; and
(b) the information is obtained from a credit provider; and
(c) the information is obtained by false pretence.
Penalty: 200 penalty units.

Civil penalties
(3) An entity must not obtain credit eligibility information from a
credit provider if the entity is not:
(a) an entity to which the provider is permitted to disclose the
information under Division 3 of this Part; or
(b) an access seeker for the information.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Unauthorised obtaining of credit reporting information etc. Division 6

Section 24A

(4) An entity must not obtain, by false pretence, credit eligibility

information from a credit provider.
Civil penalty: 2,000 penalty units.

Privacy Act 1988 171

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 7 Court orders

Section 25

Division 7—Court orders

25 Compensation orders
(1) The Federal Court or the Federal Circuit and Family Court of
Australia (Division 2) may order an entity to compensate a person
for loss or damage (including injury to the person’s feelings or
humiliation) suffered by the person if:
(a) either:
(i) a civil penalty order has been made under
subsection 82(3) of the Regulatory Powers Act against
the entity for a contravention of a civil penalty provision
of this Part; or
(ii) the entity is found guilty of an offence against this Part;
(b) that loss or damage resulted from the contravention or
commission of the offence.
The order must specify the amount of compensation.
(2) The court may make the order only if:
(a) the person applies for an order under this section; and
(b) the application is made within 6 years of the day the cause of
action that relates to the contravention or commission of the
offence accrued.
(3) If the court makes the order, the amount of compensation specified
in the order that is to be paid to the person may be recovered as a
debt due to the person.

25A Other orders to compensate loss or damage

(1) This section applies if:
(a) either:
(i) a civil penalty order has been made under
subsection 82(3) of the Regulatory Powers Act against

172 Privacy Act 1988

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Credit reporting Part IIIA
Court orders Division 7

Section 25A

the entity for a contravention of a civil penalty provision

of this Part; or
(ii) an entity is found guilty of an offence against this Part;
(b) a person has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss or damage
(including injury to the person’s feelings or humiliation) as a
result of the contravention or commission of the offence.
(2) The Federal Court or the Federal Circuit and Family Court of
Australia (Division 2) may make such order as the Court considers
appropriate against the entity to:
(a) compensate the person, in whole or in part, for that loss or
damage; or
(b) prevent or reduce that loss or damage suffered, or likely to be
suffered, by the person.
(3) Without limiting subsection (2), examples of orders the court may
make include:
(a) an order directing the entity to perform any reasonable act, or
carry out any reasonable course of conduct, to redress the
loss or damage suffered by the person; and
(b) an order directing the entity to pay the person a specified
amount to reimburse the person for expenses reasonably
incurred by the person in connection with the contravention
or commission of the offence; and
(c) an order directing the defendant to pay to the person the
amount of loss or damage the plaintiff suffered.
(4) The court may make the order only if:
(a) the person applies for an order under this section; and
(b) the application is made within 6 years of the day the cause of
action that relates to the contravention or commission of the
offence accrued.
(5) If the court makes an order that the entity pay an amount to the
person, the person may recover the amount as a debt due to the

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Part IIIA Credit reporting
Division 8 Review

Section 25B

Division 8—Review

25B Review of operation of this Part

(1) The Minister must cause an independent review to be conducted of
the operation of this Part.
(2) The persons who conduct the review must complete it, and give the
Minister a written report of the review, before 1 October 2024.
(3) The Minister must cause a copy of the report to be tabled in each
House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after
the report is given to the Minister.

174 Privacy Act 1988

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Privacy codes Part IIIB
Introduction Division 1

Section 26

Part IIIB—Privacy codes

Division 1—Introduction

26 Guide to this Part

This Part deals with privacy codes.

Division 2 deals with codes of practice about information privacy,

called APP codes. APP code developers or the Commissioner may
develop APP codes, which:

(a) must set out how one or more of the Australian

Privacy Principles are to be applied or complied
with; and

(b) may impose additional requirements to those

imposed by the Australian Privacy Principles; and

(c) may deal with other specified matters.

If the Commissioner includes an APP code on the Codes Register,

an APP entity bound by the code must not breach it. A breach of a
registered APP code is an interference with the privacy of an

Division 3 deals with a code of practice about credit reporting,

called a CR code. CR code developers or the Commissioner may
develop a CR code, which:

(a) must set out how one or more of the provisions of

Part IIIA are to be applied or complied with; and

(b) must deal with matters required or permitted by

Part IIIA to be provided for by the registered CR
code; and

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 1 Introduction

Section 26

(c) may deal with other specified matters.

If the Commissioner includes a CR code on the Codes Register, an

entity bound by the code must not breach it. A breach of the
registered CR code is an interference with the privacy of an

Division 4 deals with the Codes Register, guidelines relating to

codes and the review of the operation of registered codes.

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Privacy codes Part IIIB
Registered APP codes Division 2

Section 26A

Division 2—Registered APP codes

Subdivision A—Compliance with registered APP codes etc.

26A APP entities to comply with binding registered APP codes

An APP entity must not do an act, or engage in a practice, that
breaches a registered APP code that binds the entity.

26B What is a registered APP code

(1) A registered APP code is an APP code:
(a) that is included on the Codes Register; and
(b) that is in force.
(2) A registered APP code is a legislative instrument.
(3) Subsection 12(2) (retrospective application of legislative
instruments) of the Legislation Act 2003 does not apply to a
registered APP code.
Note: An APP code cannot come into force before it is included on the
Codes Register: see paragraph 26C(2)(c).

26C What is an APP code

(1) An APP code is a written code of practice about information
(2) An APP code must:
(a) set out how one or more of the Australian Privacy Principles
are to be applied or complied with; and
(b) specify the APP entities that are bound by the code, or a way
of determining the APP entities that are bound by the code;
(c) set out the period during which the code is in force (which
must not start before the day the code is registered under
section 26H).

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 2 Registered APP codes

Section 26D

(3) An APP code may do one or more of the following:

(a) impose additional requirements to those imposed by one or
more of the Australian Privacy Principles, so long as the
additional requirements are not contrary to, or inconsistent
with, those principles;
(b) cover an act or practice that is exempt within the meaning of
subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3);
(c) deal with the internal handling of complaints;
(d) provide for the reporting to the Commissioner about
(e) deal with any other relevant matters.
(4) An APP code may be expressed to apply to any one or more of the
(a) all personal information or a specified type of personal
(b) a specified activity, or a specified class of activities, of an
APP entity;
(c) a specified industry sector or profession, or a specified class
of industry sectors or professions;
(d) APP entities that use technology of a specified kind.
(5) An APP code is not a legislative instrument.

26D Extension of Act to exempt acts or practices covered by

registered APP codes
If a registered APP code covers an act or practice that is exempt
within the meaning of subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3), this Act applies
in relation to the code as if that act or practice were not exempt.

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Privacy codes Part IIIB
Registered APP codes Division 2

Section 26E

Subdivision B—Development and registration of APP codes

26E Development of APP codes by APP code developers

Own initiative
(1) An APP code developer may develop an APP code.

At the Commissioner’s request

(2) The Commissioner may, in writing, request an APP code developer
to develop an APP code, and apply to the Commissioner for the
code to be registered, if the Commissioner is satisfied it is in the
public interest for the code to be developed.
(3) The request must:
(a) specify the period within which the request must be complied
with; and
(b) set out the effect of section 26A.
(4) The period:
(a) must run for at least 120 days from the date the request is
made; and
(b) may be extended by the Commissioner.
(5) The request may:
(a) specify one or more matters that the APP code must deal
with; and
(b) specify the APP entities, or a class of APP entities, that
should be bound by the code.
(6) Despite paragraph (5)(a), the Commissioner must not require an
APP code to cover an act or practice that is exempt within the
meaning of subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3). However, the APP code
that is developed by the APP code developer may cover such an act
or practice.
(7) The Commissioner must make a copy of the request publicly
available as soon as practicable after the request is made.

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 2 Registered APP codes

Section 26F

26F Application for registration of APP codes

(1) If an APP code developer develops an APP code, the developer
may apply to the Commissioner for registration of the code.
(2) Before making the application, the APP code developer must:
(a) make a draft of the APP code publicly available; and
(b) invite the public to make submissions to the developer about
the draft within a specified period (which must run for at
least 28 days); and
(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the
specified period.
(3) The application must:
(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the
Commissioner; and
(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the
(4) The APP code developer may vary the APP code at any time
before the Commissioner registers the code, but only with the
consent of the Commissioner.

26G Development of APP codes by the Commissioner

(1) This section applies if the Commissioner made a request under
subsection 26E(2) and either:
(a) the request has not been complied with; or
(b) the request has been complied with but the Commissioner
has decided not to register, under section 26H, the APP code
that was developed as requested.
(2) The Commissioner may develop an APP code if the Commissioner
is satisfied that it is in public interest to develop the code.
However, despite subsection 26C(3)(b), the APP code must not
cover an act or practice that is exempt within the meaning of
subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3).

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Registered APP codes Division 2

Section 26H

(3) Before registering the APP code under section 26H, the
Commissioner must:
(a) make a draft of the code publicly available; and
(b) invite the public to make submissions to the Commissioner
about the draft within a specified period (which must run for
at least 28 days); and
(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the
specified period.

26H Commissioner may register APP codes

(1) If:
(a) an application for registration of an APP code is made under
section 26F; or
(b) the Commissioner develops an APP code under section 26G;
the Commissioner may register the code by including it on the
Codes Register.
(2) In deciding whether to register the APP code, the Commissioner
(a) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate;
(b) consider the matters specified in any relevant guidelines
made under section 26V.
(3) If the Commissioner decides not to register an APP code developed
by an APP code developer, the Commissioner must give written
notice of the decision to the developer, including reasons for the

Subdivision C—Variation and removal of registered APP codes

26J Variation of registered APP codes

(1) The Commissioner may, in writing, approve a variation of a
registered APP code:
(a) on his or her own initiative; or

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 2 Registered APP codes

Section 26J

(b) on application by an APP entity that is bound by the code; or

(c) on application by a body or association representing one or
more APP entities that are bound by the code.
(2) An application under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) must:
(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the
Commissioner; and
(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the
(3) If the Commissioner varies a registered APP code on his or her
own initiative, then, despite subsection 26C(3)(b), the variation
must not deal with an act or practice that is exempt within the
meaning of subsection 7B(1), (2) or (3).
(4) Before deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner
(a) make a draft of the variation publicly available; and
(b) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate
about the variation; and
(c) consider the extent to which members of the public have
been given an opportunity to comment on the variation.
(5) In deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner may
consider the matters specified in any relevant guidelines made
under section 26V.
(6) If the Commissioner approves a variation of a registered APP code
(the original code), the Commissioner must:
(a) remove the original code from the Codes Register; and
(b) register the APP code, as varied, by including it on the
(7) If the Commissioner approves a variation, the variation comes into
effect on the day specified in the approval, which must not be
before the day on which the APP code, as varied, is included on the
Codes Register.

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Registered APP codes Division 2

Section 26K

(8) An approval is not a legislative instrument.

Note: The APP code, as varied, is a legislative instrument once it is included
on the Codes Register: see section 26B.

26K Removal of registered APP codes

(1) The Commissioner may remove a registered APP code from the
Codes Register:
(a) on his or her own initiative; or
(b) on application by an APP entity that is bound by the code; or
(c) on application by a body or association representing one or
more APP entities that are bound by the code.
(2) An application under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) must:
(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the
Commissioner; and
(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the
(3) Before deciding whether to remove the registered APP code, the
Commissioner must:
(a) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate
about the proposed removal; and
(b) consider the extent to which members of the public have
been given an opportunity to comment on the proposed
(4) In deciding whether to remove the registered APP code, the
Commissioner may consider the matters specified in any relevant
guidelines made under section 26V.

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 3 Registered CR code

Section 26L

Division 3—Registered CR code

Subdivision A—Compliance with the registered CR code

26L Entities to comply with the registered CR code if bound by the

If an entity is bound by the registered CR code, the entity must not
do an act, or engage in a practice, that breaches the code.
Note: There must always be one, and only one, registered CR code at all
times after this Part commences: see subsection 26S(4).

26M What is the registered CR code

(1) The registered CR code is the CR code that is included on the
Codes Register.
(2) The registered CR code is a legislative instrument.
(3) Subsection 12(2) (retrospective application of legislative
instruments) of the Legislation Act 2003 does not apply to the
registered CR code.

26N What is a CR code

(1) A CR code is a written code of practice about credit reporting.
(2) A CR code must:
(a) set out how one or more of the provisions of Part IIIA are to
be applied or complied with; and
(b) make provision for, or in relation to, matters required or
permitted by Part IIIA to be provided for by the registered
CR code; and
(c) bind all credit reporting bodies; and
(d) specify the credit providers that are bound by the code, or a
way of determining which credit providers are bound; and

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Registered CR code Division 3

Section 26P

(e) specify any other entities subject to Part IIIA that are bound
by the code, or a way of determining which of those entities
are bound.
(3) A CR code may do one or more of the following:
(a) impose additional requirements to those imposed by
Part IIIA, so long as the additional requirements are not
contrary to, or inconsistent with, that Part;
(b) deal with the internal handling of complaints;
(c) provide for the reporting to the Commissioner about
(d) deal with any other relevant matters.
(4) A CR code may be expressed to apply differently in relation to:
(a) classes of entities that are subject to Part IIIA; and
(b) specified classes of credit information, credit reporting
information or credit eligibility information; and
(c) specified classes of activities of entities that are subject to
Part IIIA.
(5) A CR code is not a legislative instrument.

Subdivision B—Development and registration of CR code

26P Development of CR code by CR code developers

(1) The Commissioner may, in writing, request a CR code developer to
develop a CR code and apply to the Commissioner for the code to
be registered.
(2) The request must:
(a) specify the period within which the request must be complied
with; and
(b) set out the effect of section 26L.
(3) The period:
(a) must run for at least 120 days from the date the request is
made; and

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 3 Registered CR code

Section 26Q

(b) may be extended by the Commissioner.

(4) The request may:
(a) specify one or more matters that the CR code must deal with;
(b) specify the credit providers, or a class of credit providers,
that should be bound by the code; and
(c) specify the other entities, or a class of other entities, subject
to Part IIIA that should be bound by the code.
(5) The Commissioner must make a copy of the request publicly
available as soon as practicable after the request is made.

26Q Application for registration of CR code

(1) If a CR code developer develops a CR code, the developer may
apply to the Commissioner for registration of the code.
(2) Before making the application, the CR code developer must:
(a) make a draft of the CR code publicly available; and
(b) invite the public to make submissions to the developer about
the draft within a specified period (which must run for at
least 28 days); and
(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the
specified period.
(3) The application must:
(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the
Commissioner; and
(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the
(4) The CR code developer may vary the CR code at any time before
the Commissioner registers the code, but only with the consent of
the Commissioner.

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Registered CR code Division 3

Section 26R

26R Development of CR code by the Commissioner

(1) The Commissioner may develop a CR code if the Commissioner
made a request under section 26P and either:
(a) the request has not been complied with; or
(b) the request has been complied with but the Commissioner
has decided not to register, under section 26S, the CR code
that was developed as requested.
(2) Before registering the CR code under section 26S, the
Commissioner must:
(a) make a draft of the code publicly available; and
(b) invite the public to make submissions to the Commissioner
about the draft within a specified period (which must run for
at least 28 days); and
(c) give consideration to any submissions made within the
specified period.

26S Commissioner may register CR code

(1) If:
(a) an application for registration of a CR code is made under
section 26Q; or
(b) the Commissioner develops a CR code under section 26R;
the Commissioner may register the code by including it on the
Codes Register.
(2) In deciding whether to register the CR code, the Commissioner
(a) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate;
(b) consider the matters specified in any guidelines made under
section 26V.
(3) If the Commissioner decides not to register a CR code developed
by a CR code developer, the Commissioner must give written
notice of the decision to the developer, including reasons for the

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 3 Registered CR code

Section 26T

(4) The Commissioner must ensure that there is one, and only one,
registered CR code at all times after this Part commences.

Subdivision C—Variation of the registered CR code

26T Variation of the registered CR code

(1) The Commissioner may, in writing, approve a variation of the
registered CR code:
(a) on his or her own initiative; or
(b) on application by an entity that is bound by the code; or
(c) on application by a body or association representing one or
more of the entities that are bound by the code.
(2) An application under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) must:
(a) be made in the form and manner specified by the
Commissioner; and
(b) be accompanied by such information as is specified by the
(3) Before deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner
(a) make a draft of the variation publicly available; and
(b) consult any person the Commissioner considers appropriate
about the variation; and
(c) consider the extent to which members of the public have
been given an opportunity to comment on the variation.
(4) In deciding whether to approve a variation, the Commissioner may
consider the matters specified in any relevant guidelines made
under section 26V.
(5) If the Commissioner approves a variation of the registered CR code
(the original code), the Commissioner must:
(a) remove the original code from the Codes Register; and
(b) register the CR code, as varied, by including it on the

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Privacy codes Part IIIB
Registered CR code Division 3

Section 26T

(6) If the Commissioner approves a variation, the variation comes into

effect on the day specified in the approval, which must not be
before the day on which the CR code, as varied, is included on the
Codes Register.
(7) An approval is not a legislative instrument.
Note: The CR code, as varied, is a legislative instrument once it is included
on the Codes Register: see section 26M.

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Part IIIB Privacy codes
Division 4 General matters

Section 26U

Division 4—General matters

26U Codes Register

(1) The Commissioner must keep a register (the Codes Register)
which includes:
(a) the APP codes the Commissioner has decided to register
under section 26H; and
(b) the APP codes the Commissioner must register under
section 26J; and
(c) the CR code the Commissioner has decided to register under
section 26S; and
(d) the CR code the Commissioner must register under
section 26T.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Commissioner is not required to include
on the Codes Register:
(a) an APP code removed from the Register under section 26J or
26K; or
(b) the CR code removed from the Register under section 26T.
(3) The Commissioner must make the Codes Register available on the
Commissioner’s website.
(4) The Commissioner may charge fees for providing copies of, or
extracts from, the Codes Register.

26V Guidelines relating to codes

(1) The Commissioner may make written guidelines:
(a) to assist APP code developers to develop APP codes; or
(b) to assist APP entities bound by registered APP codes to apply
or comply with the codes; or
(c) to assist CR code developers to develop a CR code; or
(d) to assist entities bound by the registered CR code to apply or
comply with the code.

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Privacy codes Part IIIB
General matters Division 4

Section 26W

(2) The Commissioner may make written guidelines about matters the
Commissioner may consider in deciding whether:
(a) to register an APP code or a CR code; or
(b) to approve a variation of a registered APP code or the
registered CR code; or
(c) to remove a registered APP code from the Codes Register.
(3) The Commissioner may publish any such guidelines on the
Commissioner’s website.
(4) Guidelines are not a legislative instrument.

26W Review of operation of registered codes

(1) The Commissioner may review the operation of a registered APP
Note: The review may inform a decision by the Commissioner to approve a
variation of a registered APP code or to remove a registered APP code
from the Codes Register.

(2) The Commissioner may review the operation of the registered CR

Note: The review may inform a decision by the Commissioner to approve a
variation of the registered CR code.

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 1 Introduction

Section 26WA

Part IIIC—Notification of eligible data breaches

Division 1—Introduction

26WA Simplified outline of this Part

• This Part sets up a scheme for notification of eligible data


• An eligible data breach happens if:

(a) there is unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure
of, or loss of, personal information held by an entity;
(b) the access, disclosure or loss is likely to result in serious
harm to any of the individuals to whom the information

• An entity must give a notification if:

(a) it has reasonable grounds to believe that an eligible data
breach has happened; or
(b) it is directed to do so by the Commissioner.

• The Commissioner may obtain information or documents in

relation to actual or suspected eligible data breaches.

26WB Entity
For the purposes of this Part, entity includes a person who is a file
number recipient.

26WC Deemed holding of information

Overseas recipients
(1) If:

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Introduction Division 1

Section 26WD

(a) an APP entity has disclosed personal information about one

or more individuals to an overseas recipient; and
(b) Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 applied to the disclosure of
the personal information; and
(c) the overseas recipient holds the personal information;
this Part has effect as if:
(d) the personal information were held by the APP entity; and
(e) the APP entity were required under section 15 not to do an
act, or engage in a practice, that breaches Australian Privacy
Principle 11.1 in relation to the personal information.

Bodies or persons with no Australian link

(2) If:
(a) either:
(i) a credit provider has disclosed, under
paragraph 21G(3)(b) or (c), credit eligibility information
about one or more individuals to a related body
corporate, or person, that does not have an Australian
link; or
(ii) a credit provider has disclosed, under
subsection 21M(1), credit eligibility information about
one or more individuals to a body or person that does
not have an Australian link; and
(b) the related body corporate, body or person holds the credit
eligibility information;
this Part has effect as if:
(c) the credit eligibility information were held by the credit
provider; and
(d) the credit provider were required to comply with
subsection 21S(1) in relation to the credit eligibility
Note: See section 21NA.

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 1 Introduction

Section 26WD

26WD Exception—notification under the My Health Records Act

(a) an unauthorised access to information; or
(b) an unauthorised disclosure of information; or
(c) a loss of information;
has been, or is required to be, notified under section 75 of the My
Health Records Act 2012, this Part does not apply in relation to the
access, disclosure or loss.

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Eligible data breach Division 2

Section 26WE

Division 2—Eligible data breach

26WE Eligible data breach

(1) This section applies if:
(a) both:
(i) an APP entity holds personal information relating to one
or more individuals; and
(ii) the APP entity is required under section 15 not to do an
act, or engage in a practice, that breaches Australian
Privacy Principle 11.1 in relation to the personal
information; or
(b) both:
(i) a credit reporting body holds credit reporting
information relating to one or more individuals; and
(ii) the credit reporting body is required to comply with
section 20Q in relation to the credit reporting
information; or
(c) both:
(i) a credit provider holds credit eligibility information
relating to one or more individuals; and
(ii) the credit provider is required to comply with
subsection 21S(1) in relation to the credit eligibility
information; or
(d) both:
(i) a file number recipient holds tax file number
information relating to one or more individuals; and
(ii) the file number recipient is required under section 18
not to do an act, or engage in a practice, that breaches a
section 17 rule that relates to the tax file number

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 2 Eligible data breach

Section 26WF

Eligible data breach

(2) For the purposes of this Act, if:
(a) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) there is unauthorised access to, or unauthorised
disclosure of, the information;
(ii) a reasonable person would conclude that the access or
disclosure would be likely to result in serious harm to
any of the individuals to whom the information relates;
(b) the information is lost in circumstances where:
(i) unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of,
the information is likely to occur; and
(ii) assuming that unauthorised access to, or unauthorised
disclosure of, the information were to occur, a
reasonable person would conclude that the access or
disclosure would be likely to result in serious harm to
any of the individuals to whom the information relates;
(c) the access or disclosure covered by paragraph (a), or the loss
covered by paragraph (b), is an eligible data breach of the
APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be; and
(d) an individual covered by subparagraph (a)(ii) or (b)(ii) is at
risk from the eligible data breach.
(3) Subsection (2) has effect subject to section 26WF.

26WF Exception—remedial action

Access to, or disclosure of, information

(1) If:
(a) an access to, or disclosure of, information is covered by
paragraph 26WE(2)(a); and

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Eligible data breach Division 2

Section 26WF

(b) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, takes action in relation
to the access or disclosure; and
(c) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, does so before the
access or disclosure results in serious harm to any of the
individuals to whom the information relates; and
(d) as a result of the action, a reasonable person would conclude
that the access or disclosure would not be likely to result in
serious harm to any of those individuals;
the access or disclosure is not, and is taken never to have been:
(e) an eligible data breach of the APP entity, credit reporting
body, credit provider or file number recipient, as the case
may be; or
(f) an eligible data breach of any other entity.
(2) If:
(a) an access to, or disclosure of, information is covered by
paragraph 26WE(2)(a); and
(b) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, takes action in relation
to the access or disclosure; and
(c) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, does so before the
access or disclosure results in serious harm to a particular
individual to whom the information relates; and
(d) as a result of the action, a reasonable person would conclude
that the access or disclosure would not be likely to result in
serious harm to the individual;
this Part does not require:
(e) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be; or
(f) any other entity;
to take steps to notify the individual of the contents of a statement
that relates to the access or disclosure.

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 2 Eligible data breach

Section 26WF

Loss of information
(3) If:
(a) a loss of information is covered by paragraph 26WE(2)(b);
(b) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, takes action in relation
to the loss; and
(c) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, does so before there is
unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, the
information; and
(d) as a result of the action, there is no unauthorised access to, or
unauthorised disclosure of, the information;
the loss is not, and is taken never to have been:
(e) an eligible data breach of the APP entity, credit reporting
body, credit provider or file number recipient, as the case
may be; or
(f) an eligible data breach of any other entity.
(4) If:
(a) a loss of information is covered by paragraph 26WE(2)(b);
(b) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, takes action in relation
to the loss; and
(c) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, does so:
(i) after there is unauthorised access to, or unauthorised
disclosure of, the information; and
(ii) before the access or disclosure results in serious harm to
any of the individuals to whom the information relates;
(d) as a result of the action, a reasonable person would conclude
that the access or disclosure would not be likely to result in
serious harm to any of those individuals;

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Eligible data breach Division 2

Section 26WG

the loss is not, and is taken never to have been:

(e) an eligible data breach of the APP entity, credit reporting
body, credit provider or file number recipient, as the case
may be; or
(f) an eligible data breach of any other entity.
(5) If:
(a) a loss of information is covered by paragraph 26WE(2)(b);
(b) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, takes action in relation
to the loss; and
(c) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be, does so:
(i) after there is unauthorised access to, or unauthorised
disclosure of, the information; and
(ii) before the access or disclosure results in serious harm to
a particular individual to whom the information relates;
(d) as a result of the action, a reasonable person would conclude
that the access or disclosure would not be likely to result in
serious harm to the individual;
this Part does not require:
(e) the APP entity, credit reporting body, credit provider or file
number recipient, as the case may be; or
(f) any other entity;
to take steps to notify the individual of the contents of a statement
that relates to the loss.

26WG Whether access or disclosure would be likely, or would not be

likely, to result in serious harm—relevant matters
For the purposes of this Division, in determining whether a
reasonable person would conclude that an access to, or a disclosure
of, information:
(a) would be likely; or

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 2 Eligible data breach

Section 26WG

(b) would not be likely;

to result in serious harm to any of the individuals to whom the
information relates, have regard to the following:
(c) the kind or kinds of information;
(d) the sensitivity of the information;
(e) whether the information is protected by one or more security
(f) if the information is protected by one or more security
measures—the likelihood that any of those security measures
could be overcome;
(g) the persons, or the kinds of persons, who have obtained, or
who could obtain, the information;
(h) if a security technology or methodology:
(i) was used in relation to the information; and
(ii) was designed to make the information unintelligible or
meaningless to persons who are not authorised to obtain
the information;
the likelihood that the persons, or the kinds of persons, who:
(iii) have obtained, or who could obtain, the information;
(iv) have, or are likely to have, the intention of causing harm
to any of the individuals to whom the information
have obtained, or could obtain, information or knowledge
required to circumvent the security technology or
(i) the nature of the harm;
(j) any other relevant matters.
Note: If the security technology or methodology mentioned in paragraph (h)
is encryption, an encryption key is an example of information required
to circumvent the security technology or methodology.

200 Privacy Act 1988

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Notification of eligible data breaches Division 3

Section 26WH

Division 3—Notification of eligible data breaches

Subdivision A—Suspected eligible data breaches

26WH Assessment of suspected eligible data breach

(1) This section applies if:
(a) an entity is aware that there are reasonable grounds to suspect
that there may have been an eligible data breach of the entity;
(b) the entity is not aware that there are reasonable grounds to
believe that the relevant circumstances amount to an eligible
data breach of the entity.

(2) The entity must:
(a) carry out a reasonable and expeditious assessment of whether
there are reasonable grounds to believe that the relevant
circumstances amount to an eligible data breach of the entity;
(b) take all reasonable steps to ensure that the assessment is
completed within 30 days after the entity becomes aware as
mentioned in paragraph (1)(a).
Note: Section 26WK applies if an entity is aware that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that there has been an eligible data breach of the

26WJ Exception—eligible data breaches of other entities

(a) an entity complies with section 26WH in relation to an
eligible data breach of the entity; and

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 3 Notification of eligible data breaches

Section 26WK

(b) the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the eligible data
breach of the entity is an eligible data breach of one or more
other entities;
that section does not apply in relation to those eligible data
breaches of those other entities.

Subdivision B—General notification obligations

26WK Statement about eligible data breach

(1) This section applies if an entity is aware that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that there has been an eligible data breach of the

(2) The entity must:
(a) both:
(i) prepare a statement that complies with subsection (3);
(ii) give a copy of the statement to the Commissioner; and
(b) do so as soon as practicable after the entity becomes so
(3) The statement referred to in subparagraph (2)(a)(i) must set out:
(a) the identity and contact details of the entity; and
(b) a description of the eligible data breach that the entity has
reasonable grounds to believe has happened; and
(c) the particular kind or kinds of information concerned; and
(d) recommendations about the steps that individuals should take
in response to the eligible data breach that the entity has
reasonable grounds to believe has happened.
(4) If the entity has reasonable grounds to believe that the access,
disclosure or loss that constituted the eligible data breach of the
entity is an eligible data breach of one or more other entities, the

202 Privacy Act 1988

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Notification of eligible data breaches Division 3

Section 26WL

statement referred to in subparagraph (2)(a)(i) may also set out the

identity and contact details of those other entities.

26WL Entity must notify eligible data breach

(1) This section applies if:
(a) an entity is aware that there are reasonable grounds to believe
that there has been an eligible data breach of the entity; and
(b) the entity has prepared a statement that:
(i) complies with subsection 26WK(3); and
(ii) relates to the eligible data breach that the entity has
reasonable grounds to believe has happened.

(2) The entity must:
(a) if it is practicable for the entity to notify the contents of the
statement to each of the individuals to whom the relevant
information relates—take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to notify the contents of the statement to each
of the individuals to whom the relevant information relates;
(b) if it is practicable for the entity to notify the contents of the
statement to each of the individuals who are at risk from the
eligible data breach—take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to notify the contents of the statement to each
of the individuals who are at risk from the eligible data
breach; or
(c) if neither paragraph (a) nor (b) applies:
(i) publish a copy of the statement on the entity’s website
(if any); and
(ii) take reasonable steps to publicise the contents of the
Note: See also subsections 26WF(2) and (5), which deal with remedial

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 3 Notification of eligible data breaches

Section 26WM

(3) The entity must comply with subsection (2) as soon as practicable
after the completion of the preparation of the statement.

Method of providing a statement to an individual

(4) If the entity normally communicates with a particular individual
using a particular method, the notification to the individual under
paragraph (2)(a) or (b) may use that method. This subsection does
not limit paragraph (2)(a) or (b).

26WM Exception—eligible data breaches of other entities

(a) an entity complies with sections 26WK and 26WL in relation
to an eligible data breach of the entity; and
(b) the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the eligible data
breach of the entity is an eligible data breach of one or more
other entities;
those sections do not apply in relation to those eligible data
breaches of those other entities.

26WN Exception—enforcement related activities

(a) an entity is an enforcement body; and
(b) the chief executive officer of the enforcement body believes
on reasonable grounds that there has been an eligible data
breach of the entity; and
(c) the chief executive officer of the enforcement body believes
on reasonable grounds that compliance with section 26WL in
relation to the eligible data breach would be likely to
prejudice one or more enforcement related activities
conducted by, or on behalf of, the enforcement body;
paragraph 26WK(3)(d) and section 26WL do not apply in relation
(d) the eligible data breach of the entity; and

204 Privacy Act 1988

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Notification of eligible data breaches Division 3

Section 26WP

(e) if the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the eligible

data breach of the entity is an eligible data breach of one or
more other entities—such an eligible data breach of those
other entities.

26WP Exception—inconsistency with secrecy provisions

Secrecy provisions
(1) For the purposes of this section, secrecy provision means a
provision that:
(a) is a provision of a law of the Commonwealth (other than this
Act); and
(b) prohibits or regulates the use or disclosure of information.
(2) If compliance by an entity with subparagraph 26WK(2)(a)(ii) in
relation to a statement would, to any extent, be inconsistent with a
secrecy provision (other than a prescribed secrecy provision),
subsection 26WK(2) does not apply to the entity, in relation to the
statement, to the extent of the inconsistency.
(3) If compliance by an entity with section 26WL in relation to a
statement would, to any extent, be inconsistent with a secrecy
provision (other than a prescribed secrecy provision),
section 26WL does not apply to the entity, in relation to the
statement, to the extent of the inconsistency.

Prescribed secrecy provisions

(4) For the purposes of this section, prescribed secrecy provision
means a secrecy provision that is specified in the regulations.
(5) For the purposes of a prescribed secrecy provision:
(a) subparagraph 26WK(2)(a)(ii); and
(b) section 26WL;
are taken not to be provisions that require or authorise the use or
disclosure of information.

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 3 Notification of eligible data breaches

Section 26WQ

(6) If compliance by an entity with subparagraph 26WK(2)(a)(ii) in

relation to a statement would, to any extent, be inconsistent with a
prescribed secrecy provision, subsection 26WK(2) does not apply
to the entity in relation to the statement.
(7) If compliance by an entity with section 26WL in relation to a
statement would, to any extent, be inconsistent with a prescribed
secrecy provision, section 26WL does not apply to the entity in
relation to the statement.

26WQ Exception—declaration by Commissioner

(1) If the Commissioner:
(a) is aware that there are reasonable grounds to believe that
there has been an eligible data breach of an entity; or
(b) is informed by an entity that the entity is aware that there are
reasonable grounds to believe that there has been an eligible
data breach of the entity;
the Commissioner may, by written notice given to the entity:
(c) declare that sections 26WK and 26WL do not apply in
relation to:
(i) the eligible data breach of the entity; and
(ii) if the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the
eligible data breach of the entity is an eligible data
breach of one or more other entities—such an eligible
data breach of those other entities; or
(d) declare that subsection 26WL(3) has effect in relation to:
(i) the eligible data breach of the entity; and
(ii) if the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the
eligible data breach of the entity is an eligible data
breach of one or more other entities—such an eligible
data breach of those other entities;
as if that subsection required compliance with
subsection 26WL(2) before the end of a period specified in
the declaration.

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Notification of eligible data breaches Division 3

Section 26WQ

(2) The Commissioner’s power in paragraph (1)(d) may only be used

to extend the time for compliance with subsection 26WL(2) to the
end of a period that the Commissioner is satisfied is reasonable in
the circumstances.
(3) The Commissioner must not make a declaration under
subsection (1) unless the Commissioner is satisfied that it is
reasonable in the circumstances to do so, having regard to the
(a) the public interest;
(b) any relevant advice given to the Commissioner by:
(i) an enforcement body; or
(ii) the Australian Signals Directorate;
(c) such other matters (if any) as the Commissioner considers
(4) Paragraph (3)(b) does not limit the advice to which the
Commissioner may have regard.
(5) The Commissioner may give a notice of a declaration to an entity
under subsection (1):
(a) on the Commissioner’s own initiative; or
(b) on application made to the Commissioner by the entity.

(6) An application by an entity under paragraph (5)(b) may be
expressed to be:
(a) an application for a paragraph (1)(c) declaration; or
(b) an application for a paragraph (1)(d) declaration; or
(c) an application for:
(i) a paragraph (1)(c) declaration; or
(ii) in the event that the Commissioner is not disposed to
make such a declaration—a paragraph (1)(d)
(7) If an entity applies to the Commissioner under paragraph (5)(b):

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 3 Notification of eligible data breaches

Section 26WQ

(a) the Commissioner may refuse the application; and

(b) if the Commissioner does so—the Commissioner must give
written notice of the refusal to the entity.
(8) If:
(a) an application for a paragraph (1)(d) declaration nominates a
period to be specified in the declaration; and
(b) the Commissioner makes the declaration, but specifies a
different period in the declaration;
the Commissioner is taken not to have refused the application.
(9) If an entity applies to the Commissioner under paragraph (5)(b) for
a declaration that, to any extent, relates to an eligible data breach of
the entity, sections 26WK and 26WL do not apply in relation to:
(a) the eligible data breach; or
(b) if the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the eligible
data breach of the entity is an eligible data breach of one or
more other entities—such an eligible data breach of those
other entities;
until the Commissioner makes a decision in response to the
application for the declaration.
(10) An entity is not entitled to make an application under
paragraph (5)(b) in relation to an eligible data breach of the entity
(a) the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the eligible data
breach of the entity is an eligible data breach of one or more
other entities; and
(b) one of those other entities has already made an application
under paragraph (5)(b) in relation to the eligible data breach
of the other entity.

Extension of specified period

(11) If notice of a paragraph (1)(d) declaration has been given to an
entity, the Commissioner may, by written notice given to the
entity, extend the period specified in the declaration.

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Notification of eligible data breaches Division 3

Section 26WR

Subdivision C—Commissioner may direct entity to notify

eligible data breach

26WR Commissioner may direct entity to notify eligible data breach

(1) If the Commissioner is aware that there are reasonable grounds to
believe that there has been an eligible data breach of an entity, the
Commissioner may, by written notice given to the entity, direct the
entity to:
(a) prepare a statement that complies with subsection (4); and
(b) give a copy of the statement to the Commissioner.
(2) The direction must also require the entity to:
(a) if it is practicable for the entity to notify the contents of the
statement to each of the individuals to whom the relevant
information relates—take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to notify the contents of the statement to each
of the individuals to whom the relevant information relates;
(b) if it is practicable for the entity to notify the contents of the
statement to each of the individuals who are at risk from the
eligible data breach—take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to notify the contents of the statement to each
of the individuals who are at risk from the eligible data
breach; or
(c) if neither paragraph (a) nor (b) applies:
(i) publish a copy of the statement on the entity’s website
(if any); and
(ii) take reasonable steps to publicise the contents of the
Note: See also subsections 26WF(2) and (5), which deal with remedial

(3) Before giving a direction to an entity under subsection (1), the

Commissioner must invite the entity to make a submission to the
Commissioner in relation to the direction within the period
specified in the invitation.

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 3 Notification of eligible data breaches

Section 26WR

(4) The statement referred to in paragraph (1)(a) must set out:

(a) the identity and contact details of the entity; and
(b) a description of the eligible data breach that the
Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe has
happened; and
(c) the particular kind or kinds of information concerned; and
(d) recommendations about the steps that individuals should take
in response to the eligible data breach that the Commissioner
has reasonable grounds to believe has happened.
(5) A direction under subsection (1) may also require the statement
referred to in paragraph (1)(a) to set out specified information that
relates to the eligible data breach that the Commissioner has
reasonable grounds to believe has happened.
(6) In deciding whether to give a direction to an entity under
subsection (1), the Commissioner must have regard to the
(a) any relevant advice given to the Commissioner by:
(i) an enforcement body; or
(ii) the Australian Signals Directorate;
(b) any relevant submission that was made by the entity:
(i) in response to an invitation under subsection (3); and
(ii) within the period specified in the invitation;
(c) such other matters (if any) as the Commissioner considers
(7) Paragraph (6)(a) does not limit the advice to which the
Commissioner may have regard.
(8) If the Commissioner is aware that there are reasonable grounds to
believe that the access, disclosure or loss that constituted the
eligible data breach of the entity is an eligible data breach of one or
more other entities, a direction under subsection (1) may also
require the statement referred to in paragraph (1)(a) to set out the
identity and contact details of those other entities.

210 Privacy Act 1988

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Notification of eligible data breaches Division 3

Section 26WS

Method of providing a statement to an individual

(9) If an entity normally communicates with a particular individual
using a particular method, the notification to the individual
mentioned in paragraph (2)(a) or (b) may use that method. This
subsection does not limit paragraph (2)(a) or (b).

Compliance with direction

(10) An entity must comply with a direction under subsection (1) as
soon as practicable after the direction is given.

26WS Exception—enforcement related activities

An entity is not required to comply with a direction under
subsection 26WR(1) if:
(a) the entity is an enforcement body; and
(b) the chief executive officer of the enforcement body believes
on reasonable grounds that compliance with the direction
would be likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related
activities conducted by, or on behalf of, the enforcement

26WT Exception—inconsistency with secrecy provisions

Secrecy provisions
(1) For the purposes of this section, secrecy provision means a
provision that:
(a) is a provision of a law of the Commonwealth (other than this
Act); and
(b) prohibits or regulates the use or disclosure of information.
(2) If compliance by an entity with paragraph 26WR(1)(b) or
subsection 26WR(2) in relation to a statement would, to any extent,
be inconsistent with a secrecy provision (other than a prescribed
secrecy provision), paragraph 26WR(1)(b) or subsection 26WR(2),
as the case may be, does not apply to the entity, in relation to the
statement, to the extent of the inconsistency.

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 3 Notification of eligible data breaches

Section 26WT

Prescribed secrecy provisions

(3) For the purposes of this section, prescribed secrecy provision
means a secrecy provision that is specified in the regulations.
(4) For the purposes of a prescribed secrecy provision:
(a) paragraph 26WR(1)(b); and
(b) subsection 26WR(2);
are taken not to be provisions that require or authorise the use or
disclosure of information.
(5) If compliance by an entity with paragraph 26WR(1)(b) or
subsection 26WR(2) in relation to a statement would, to any extent,
be inconsistent with a prescribed secrecy provision,
paragraph 26WR(1)(b) or subsection 26WR(2), as the case may be,
does not apply to the entity in relation to the statement.

212 Privacy Act 1988

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Notification of eligible data breaches Part IIIC
Commissioner’s powers to obtain information or documents relating to eligible data
breaches Division 4

Section 26WU

Division 4—Commissioner’s powers to obtain information

or documents relating to eligible data breaches

26WU Power to obtain information and documents relating to

eligible data breaches
(1) This section applies if the Commissioner has reason to believe that
a person or entity has information or documents, or can answer
questions, that are relevant to either or both of the following
matters (the relevant matters):
(a) an actual or suspected eligible data breach of an entity;
(b) an entity’s compliance with the requirements in Division 3 of
this Part.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the relevant matters may relate to
one or more of the following:
(a) whether the entity is required to comply with one or more of
those requirements;
(b) the conduct or events that led to, or may have led to, the
application of one or more of those requirements to the
(c) the actions taken by the entity to comply with one or more of
those requirements;
(d) the actual or suspected eligible data breach that has, or may
have, happened;
(e) the particular kind or kinds of information involved in the
actual or suspected eligible data breach;
(f) the steps taken to notify individuals affected by the actual or
suspected eligible data breach.
(3) The Commissioner may give to the person or entity a written
notice requiring the person or entity:
(a) to give information of the kind specified in the notice to the
Commissioner that relates to the matter; or

Privacy Act 1988 213

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Part IIIC Notification of eligible data breaches
Division 4 Commissioner’s powers to obtain information or documents relating to
eligible data breaches

Section 26WU
(b) to produce documents of the kind specified in the notice to
the Commissioner that relate to the matter; or
(c) answer questions of the kind specified in the notice to the
Commissioner that relate to the matter.
Note: For a failure to give information etc., see section 66.

(4) A notice given by the Commissioner under subsection (3) must

(a) the place at, or manner in which, the information or
document is to be given or produced or the questions are to
be answered; and
(b) the time at which, or the period within which, the information
or document is to be given or produced or the questions are
to be answered.
(5) If documents are produced to the Commissioner in accordance
with a requirement under subsection (3), the Commissioner:
(a) may take possession of, and may make copies of, or take
extracts from, the documents; and
(b) may retain possession of the documents for any period that is
necessary for the purposes of assessing an entity’s
compliance with this Part; and
(c) during that period must permit a person who would be
entitled to inspect any one or more of the documents if they
were not in the Commissioner’s possession to inspect at all
reasonable times any of the documents that the person would
be so entitled to inspect.
(6) This section is subject to section 70 but it has effect regardless of
any other Commonwealth law.
(7) A person or entity is not liable to a penalty under the provisions of
any other Commonwealth law because the person or entity gives
information, produces a document or answers a question when
required to do so under this section.

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Functions of Commissioner Division 2

Section 27

Part IV—Functions of the Information

Division 2—Functions of Commissioner

27 Functions of the Commissioner

(1) The Commissioner has the following functions:
(a) the functions that are conferred on the Commissioner by or
(i) this Act; or
(ii) any other law of the Commonwealth;
(b) the guidance related functions;
(c) the monitoring related functions;
(d) the advice related functions;
(e) to do anything incidental or conducive to the performance of
any of the above functions.
(2) The Commissioner has power to do all things necessary or
convenient to be done for, or in connection with, the performance
of the Commissioner’s functions.
(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Commissioner may establish a
panel of persons with expertise in relation to a particular matter to
assist the Commissioner in performing any of the Commissioner’s
(4) Section 38 of the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010, rather than
section 12B of this Act, applies in relation to an investigation of an
act or practice referred to in subsection 29(1) of that Act in the
same way as it applies to Parts 3 and 4 of that Act.
Note: Section 38 of the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 deals with the
additional effect of Parts 3 and 4 of that Act.

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 2 Functions of Commissioner

Section 28

28 Guidance related functions of the Commissioner

(1) The following are the guidance related functions of the
(a) making guidelines for the avoidance of acts or practices that
may or might be interferences with the privacy of
individuals, or which may otherwise have any adverse effects
on the privacy of individuals;
(b) making, by legislative instrument, guidelines for the purposes
of paragraph (d) of Australian Privacy Principle 6.3;
(c) promoting an understanding and acceptance of:
(i) the Australian Privacy Principles and the objects of
those principles; and
(ii) a registered APP code; and
(iii) the provisions of Part IIIA and the objects of those
provisions; and
(iv) the registered CR code;
(d) undertaking educational programs for the purposes of
promoting the protection of individual privacy.
(2) The Commissioner may publish the guidelines referred to in
paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) in such manner as the Commissioner
considers appropriate.
(3) The educational programs referred to in paragraph (1)(d) may be
undertaken by:
(a) the Commissioner; or
(b) a person or authority acting on behalf of the Commissioner.
(4) Guidelines made under paragraph (1)(a) are not a legislative

28A Monitoring related functions of the Commissioner

Credit reporting and tax file number information

(1) The following are the monitoring related functions of the

216 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Functions of Commissioner Division 2

Section 28A

(a) monitoring the security and accuracy of information held by

an entity that is information to which Part IIIA applies;
(b) examining the records of entities to ensure that the entities:
(i) are not using information to which Part IIIA applies for
unauthorised purposes; and
(ii) are taking adequate measures to prevent the unlawful
disclosure of such information;
(c) examining the records of the Commissioner of Taxation to
ensure that the Commissioner:
(i) is not using tax file number information for purposes
beyond his or her powers; and
(ii) is taking adequate measures to prevent the unlawful
disclosure of the tax file number information that he or
she holds;
(d) evaluating compliance with the rules issued under section 17;
(e) monitoring the security and accuracy of tax file number
information kept by file number recipients.

Other matters
(2) The following are also the monitoring related functions of the
(a) examining a proposed Commonwealth law that would
require or authorise acts or practices of an entity that might
otherwise be interferences with the privacy of individuals, or
which may otherwise have any adverse effects on the privacy
of individuals;
(b) examining a proposal for data matching or linkage that may
involve an interference with the privacy of individuals, or
which may otherwise have any adverse effects on the privacy
of individuals;
(c) ensuring that any adverse effects of the proposed law or the
proposal on the privacy of individuals are minimised;
(d) undertaking research into, and monitoring developments in,
data processing and technology (including data matching and

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 2 Functions of Commissioner

Section 28B

linkage) to ensure that any adverse effects of such

developments on the privacy of individuals are minimised;
(e) reporting to the Minister the results of that research and
(f) monitoring and reporting on the adequacy of equipment and
user safeguards.
(3) The functions referred to in paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) may be
performed by the Commissioner:
(a) on request by a Minister; or
(b) on the Commissioner’s own initiative.
(4) If the reporting referred to in paragraph (2)(e) or (f) is done in
writing, the instrument is not a legislative instrument.

28B Advice related functions of the Commissioner

(1) The following are the advice related functions of the
(a) providing advice to a Minister or entity about any matter
relevant to the operation of this Act;
(b) informing the Minister of action that needs to be taken by an
agency in order to comply with the Australian Privacy
(c) providing reports and recommendations to the Minister in
relation to any matter concerning the need for, or the
desirability of, legislative or administrative action in the
interests of the privacy of individuals;
(d) providing advice to file number recipients about:
(i) their obligations under the Taxation Administration Act
1953 in relation to the confidentiality of tax file number
information; or
(ii) any matter relevant to the operation of this Act.
(2) The functions referred to in paragraphs (1)(a), (c) and (d) may be
performed by the Commissioner on request or on the
Commissioner’s own initiative.

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Functions of Commissioner Division 2

Section 29

(3) The Commissioner may perform the function referred to in

paragraph (1)(b) whenever the Commissioners think it is necessary
to do so.
(4) If the Minister is informed under paragraph (1)(b) in writing, or the
report referred to in paragraph (1)(c) is provided in writing, the
instrument is not a legislative instrument.

29 Commissioner must have due regard to the objects of the Act

The Commissioner must have due regard to the objects of this Act
in performing the Commissioner’s functions, and exercising the
Commissioner’s powers, conferred by this Act.
Note: The objects of this Act are set out in section 2A.

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 3 Reports and information sharing by Commissioner

Section 30

Division 3—Reports and information sharing by


30 Reports following investigation of act or practice

(1) Where the Commissioner has investigated an act or practice
without a complaint having been made under section 36, the
Commissioner may report to the Minister about the act or practice,
and shall do so:
(a) if so directed by the Minister; or
(b) if the Commissioner:
(i) thinks that the act or practice is an interference with the
privacy of an individual; and
(ii) does not consider that it is reasonably possible that the
matter that gave rise to the investigation can be
conciliated successfully or has attempted to conciliate
the matter without success.
(2) Where the Commissioner reports under subsection (1) about an act
done in accordance with a practice, the Commissioner shall also
report to the Minister about the practice.
(3) Where, after an investigation of an act or practice of an agency, file
number recipient, credit reporting body or credit provider that is an
interference with the privacy of an individual under
subsection 13(1), (2) or (4), the Commissioner is required by virtue
of paragraph (1)(b) of this section to report to the Minister about
the act or practice, the Commissioner:
(a) shall set out in the report his or her findings and the reasons
for those findings;
(b) may include in the report any recommendations by the
Commissioner for preventing a repetition of the act or a
continuation of the practice;
(c) may include in the report any recommendation by the
Commissioner for either or both of the following:

220 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Reports and information sharing by Commissioner Division 3

Section 30

(i) the payment of compensation in respect of a person who

has suffered loss or damage as a result of the act or
(ii) the taking of other action to remedy or reduce loss or
damage suffered by a person as a result of the act or
(d) shall serve a copy of the report on the agency, file number
recipient, credit reporting body or credit provider concerned
and the Minister (if any) responsible for the agency,
recipient, credit reporting body or credit provider; and
(e) may serve a copy of the report on any person affected by the
act or practice.
(4) Where, at the end of 60 days after a copy of a report about an act or
practice of an agency, file number recipient, credit reporting body
or credit provider was served under subsection (3), the
(a) still thinks that the act or practice is an interference with the
privacy of an individual; and
(b) is not satisfied that reasonable steps have been taken to
prevent a repetition of the act or a continuation of the
the Commissioner shall give to the Minister a further report that:
(c) incorporates the first-mentioned report and any document
that the Commissioner has received, in response to the
first-mentioned report, from the agency, file number
recipient, credit reporting body or credit provider;
(d) states whether, to the knowledge of the Commissioner, any
action has been taken as a result of the findings, and
recommendations (if any), set out in the first-mentioned
report and, if so, the nature of that action; and
(e) states why the Commissioner is not satisfied that reasonable
steps have been taken to prevent a repetition of the act or a
continuation of the practice;
and shall serve a copy of the report on the Minister (if any)
responsible for the agency, recipient, credit reporting body or
credit provider.

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 3 Reports and information sharing by Commissioner

Section 31

(5) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report given to the Minister
under subsection (4) to be laid before each House of the Parliament
within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is received by
the Minister.

31 Report following examination of proposed law

(1) Where the Commissioner has examined a proposed
Commonwealth law under paragraph 28A(2)(a), subsections (2)
and (3) of this section have effect.
(2) If the Commissioner thinks that the proposed law would require or
authorise acts or practices of an entity that would be interferences
with the privacy of individuals, the Commissioner shall:
(a) report to the Minister about the proposed law; and
(b) include in the report any recommendations he or she wishes
to make for amendment of the proposed law to ensure that it
would not require or authorise such acts or practices.
(3) Otherwise, the Commissioner may report to the Minister about the
proposed law, and shall do so if so directed by the Minister.
(4) Where the Commissioner is of the belief that it is in the public
interest that the proposed law should be the subject of a further
report, the Commissioner may give to the Minister a further report
setting out the Commissioner’s reasons for so doing.
(5) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report given under
subsection (4) to be laid before each House of the Parliament as
soon as practicable, and no later than 15 sitting days of that House,
after the report is received by the Minister.

32 Commissioner may report to the Minister if the Commissioner

has monitored certain activities etc.
(1) If the Commissioner has:
(a) monitored an activity in the performance of a function under
paragraph 28(1)(d), 28A(1)(a), (b), (d) or (e) or (2)(b), (c) or
(d) or 28B(1)(b) or (c); or

222 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Reports and information sharing by Commissioner Division 3

Section 33

(b) conducted an assessment under section 33C;

the Commissioner may report to the Minister about the activity or
assessment, and must do so if so directed by the Minister.
(2) Where the Commissioner is of the belief that it is in the public
interest that the activity or assessment should be the subject of a
further report, the Commissioner may give to the Minister a further
report setting out the Commissioner’s reasons for so doing.
(3) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report given under
subsection (2) to be laid before each House of the Parliament as
soon as practicable, and no later than 15 sitting days of that House,
after the report is received by the Minister.

33 Exclusion of certain matters from reports

(1) In setting out findings, opinions and reasons in a report to be given
under section 30, 31 or 32, the Commissioner may exclude a
matter if the Commissioner considers it desirable to do so having
regard to the obligations of the Commissioner under
subsections (2) and (3).
(2) In deciding under subsection (1) whether or not to exclude matter
from a report, the Commissioner shall have regard to the need to
(a) prejudice to the security, defence or international relations of
(b) prejudice to relations between the Commonwealth
Government and the Government of a State or between the
Government of a State and the Government of another State;
(c) the disclosure of deliberations or decisions of the Cabinet, or
of a Committee of the Cabinet, of the Commonwealth or of a
(d) the disclosure of deliberations or advice of the Federal
Executive Council or the Executive Council of a State;
(da) the disclosure of the deliberations or decisions of the
Australian Capital Territory Executive or of a committee of
that Executive;

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 3 Reports and information sharing by Commissioner

Section 33A

(e) the disclosure, or the ascertaining by a person, of the

existence or identity of a confidential source of information
in relation to the enforcement of the criminal law;
(f) the endangering of the life or safety of any person;
(g) prejudice to the proper enforcement of the law or the
protection of public safety;
(h) the disclosure of information the disclosure of which is
prohibited, absolutely or subject to qualifications, by or under
another Commonwealth law;
(j) the unreasonable disclosure of the personal affairs of any
person; and
(k) the unreasonable disclosure of confidential commercial
(3) The Commissioner shall try to achieve an appropriate balance
between meeting the need referred to in subsection (2) and the
desirability of ensuring that interested persons are sufficiently
informed of the results of the Commissioner’s investigation,
examination or monitoring.
(4) Where the Commissioner excludes a matter from a report, he or
she shall give to the Minister a report setting out the excluded
matter and his or her reasons for excluding the matter.

Norfolk Island
(5) In this section:
State includes Norfolk Island.

33A Commissioner may share information with other authorities

(1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the Commissioner may share
information or documents with a body covered by subsection (2) (a
receiving body):
(a) for the purpose of the Commissioner exercising powers, or
performing functions or duties, under this Act; or

224 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Reports and information sharing by Commissioner Division 3

Section 33B

(b) for the purpose of the receiving body exercising its powers,
or performing its functions or duties.
(2) The following bodies are covered by this subsection:
(a) an enforcement body;
(b) an alternative complaint body;
(c) a State or Territory authority, or an authority of the
government of a foreign country, that has functions to protect
the privacy of individuals (whether or not the authority has
other functions).
(3) The Commissioner may only share information or documents with
a receiving body under this section if:
(a) the information or documents were acquired by the
Commissioner in the course of exercising powers, or
performing functions or duties, under this Act; and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the
receiving body has satisfactory arrangements in place for
protecting the information or documents.
(4) If the Commissioner acquired the information or documents from
an agency, the Commissioner may only share the information or
documents with a receiving body under this section if the receiving
body is an agency.
(5) If information is shared with a receiving body under this section,
the receiving body may use the information only for the purposes
for which it was shared.
(6) To avoid doubt, the Commissioner may share information or
documents with a receiving body under this section whether or not
the Commissioner is transferring a complaint or part of a complaint
to the body.

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 3 Reports and information sharing by Commissioner

Section 33B

33B Commissioner may disclose certain information if in the public

interest etc.

Information may generally be disclosed if in the public interest

(1) The Commissioner may disclose information acquired by the
Commissioner in the course of exercising powers or performing
functions or duties under this Act if the Commissioner is satisfied
that it is in the public interest to do so.

Public interest considerations

(2) In determining under subsection (1) whether the Commissioner is
satisfied that a disclosure is in the public interest, the
(a) must have regard to the following:
(i) the rights and interests of any complainant or
(ii) whether the disclosure will, or is likely to, prejudice any
investigation the Commissioner is undertaking;
(iii) whether the disclosure will, or is likely to, disclose the
personal information of any person;
(iv) whether the disclosure will, or is likely to, disclose any
confidential commercial information;
(v) whether the Commissioner reasonably believes that the
disclosure would be likely to prejudice one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by or on behalf
of an enforcement body; and
(b) may have regard to any other matter the Commissioner
considers relevant.
(3) This section does not limit any other powers the Commissioner has
to disclose information under this Act or any other law of the

226 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Assessments by, or at the direction of, the Commissioner Division 3A

Section 33C

Division 3A—Assessments by, or at the direction of, the


33C Commissioner may conduct an assessment relating to the

Australian Privacy Principles etc.
(1) The Commissioner may conduct an assessment of the following
(a) whether personal information held by an APP entity is being
maintained and handled in accordance with the following:
(i) the Australian Privacy Principles;
(ii) a registered APP code that binds the entity;
(b) whether information held by an entity is being maintained
and handled in accordance with the following to the extent
that they apply to the information:
(i) the provisions of Part IIIA;
(ii) the registered CR code if it binds the entity;
(c) whether tax file number information held by a file number
recipient is being maintained and handled in accordance with
any relevant rules issued under section 17;
(ca) the ability of an entity subject to Part IIIC to comply with
that Part, including the extent to which the entity has
processes and procedures in place to:
(i) assess suspected eligible data breaches; and
(ii) provide notice of eligible data breaches to the
Commissioner and to individuals at risk from such
(d) whether the data matching program (within the meaning of
the Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990)
of an agency complies with Part 2 of that Act and the rules
issued under section 12 of that Act;
(e) whether information to which section 135AA of the National
Health Act 1953 applies is being maintained and handled in
accordance with the rules issued under that section;

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 3A Assessments by, or at the direction of, the Commissioner

Section 33C

(f) whether the matching of information under Part VIIIA of the

National Health Act 1953, and the handling of information
relating to that matching, is in accordance with that Part,
(i) any terms and conditions relating to the matching of the
information determined by the Chief Executive
Medicare under paragraph 132B(3)(a) of that Act; and
(ii) the principles made by the Minister under
subsection 132F(1) of that Act.
(2) The Commissioner may conduct the assessment in such manner as
the Commissioner considers fit.
(3) Without limiting subsection (2), if the Commissioner has reason to
believe that an entity or file number recipient being assessed has
information or a document relevant to the assessment the
Commissioner may, by written notice, require the entity or file
number recipient to give the information or produce the document
within the period specified in the notice, which must not be less
than 14 days after the notice is given to the entity or file number
Note: For a failure to give information etc., see section 66.

(4) The Commissioner must not give a notice under subsection (3)
unless the Commissioner is satisfied that it is reasonable in the
circumstances to do so, having regard to the following:
(a) the public interest;
(b) the impact on the entity or file number recipient of
complying with the notice;
(c) any other matters that the Commissioner considers relevant.
(5) An enforcement body is not required to comply with a notice given
by the Commissioner under subsection (3) if the chief executive
officer of the enforcement body believes on reasonable grounds
that compliance with the notice would be likely to prejudice one or
more enforcement related activities conducted by or on behalf of
the enforcement body.

228 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Assessments by, or at the direction of, the Commissioner Division 3A

Section 33D

(6) Subsection (3) is subject to section 70 but it has effect regardless of

any other Commonwealth law.
(7) A person or entity is not liable to a penalty under the provisions of
any other Commonwealth law because the person or entity gives
information or produces a document when required to do so under
subsection (3).
(8) The Commissioner may publish information relating to an
assessment on the Commissioner’s website.

33D Commissioner may direct an agency to give a privacy impact

(1) If:
(a) an agency proposes to engage in an activity or function
involving the handling of personal information about
individuals; and
(b) the Commissioner considers that the activity or function
might have a significant impact on the privacy of individuals;
the Commissioner may, in writing, direct the agency to give the
Commissioner, within a specified period, a privacy impact
assessment about the activity or function.
(2) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

Privacy impact assessment

(3) A privacy impact assessment is a written assessment of an activity
or function that:
(a) identifies the impact that the activity or function might have
on the privacy of individuals; and
(b) sets out recommendations for managing, minimising or
eliminating that impact.
(4) Subsection (3) does not limit the matters that the privacy impact
assessment may deal with.
(5) A privacy impact assessment is not a legislative instrument.

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 3A Assessments by, or at the direction of, the Commissioner

Section 33D

Failure to comply with a direction

(6) If an agency does not comply with a direction under subsection (1),
the Commissioner must advise both of the following of the failure:
(a) the Minister;
(b) if another Minister is responsible for the agency—that other

(7) Before the fifth anniversary of the commencement of this section,
the Minister must cause a review to be undertaken of whether this
section should apply in relation to organisations.

230 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Miscellaneous Division 4

Section 34

Division 4—Miscellaneous

34 Provisions relating to documents exempt under the Freedom of

Information Act 1982
(1) The Commissioner shall not, in connection with the performance
of the Commissioner’s functions, give to a person information as to
the existence or non-existence of a document where information as
to the existence or non-existence of that document would, if
included in a document of an agency, cause the last-mentioned
document to be:
(a) an exempt document by virtue of section 33 or
subsection 37(1) or 45A(1) of the Freedom of Information
Act 1982; or
(b) an exempt document to the extent referred to in
subsection 45A(2) or (3) of that Act.
(2) The Commissioner shall not, in connection with the performance
of the Commissioner’s functions, give to a person information:
(a) about the contents of a document of an agency, or the
contents of an official document of a Minister, being a
document that is an exempt document; or
(b) about exempt matter contained in a document of an agency or
in an official document of a Minister.
(3) An expression used in this section and in the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 has the same meaning in this section as in
that Act.

35 Direction where refusal or failure to amend exempt document

(1) Where:
(a) an application made under subsection 55(1) of the Freedom
of Information Act 1982 for review of a decision under that
Act refusing access to a document has been finally
determined or otherwise disposed of;

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Part IV Functions of the Information Commissioner
Division 4 Miscellaneous

Section 35

(b) the period within which an appeal may be made to the

Federal Court has expired or, if such an appeal has been
instituted, the appeal has been determined;
(c) the effect of the review and any appeal is that access is not to
be given to the document;
(d) the applicant has requested the agency concerned to amend
the document;
(e) the applicant has complained to the Commissioner under this
Act about the refusal or failure of the agency to amend the
(f) the Commissioner has, as a result of the complaint,
recommended under subsection 30(3) of this Act that the
agency amend the document, or amend a part of the
document, to which the applicant has been refused access;
(g) as at the end of 60 days after a copy of the report containing
the recommendation was served on the agency, the
(i) still thinks that the agency should amend the document
in a particular manner; and
(ii) is not satisfied that the agency has amended the
document in that manner;
the Commissioner may direct the agency to add to the document an
appropriate notation setting out particulars of the amendments of
the document that the Commissioner thinks should be made.
(2) An agency shall comply with a direction given in accordance with
subsection (1).
(3) In subsection (1), amend, in relation to a document, means amend
by making a correction, deletion or addition.
(4) An expression used in this section and in the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 has the same meaning in this section as in
that Act.

232 Privacy Act 1988

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Functions of the Information Commissioner Part IV
Miscellaneous Division 4

Section 35A

35A Commissioner may recognise external dispute resolution

(1) The Commissioner may, by written notice, recognise an external
dispute resolution scheme:
(a) for an entity or a class of entities; or
(b) for a specified purpose.
(2) In considering whether to recognise an external dispute resolution
scheme, the Commissioner must take the following matters into
(a) the accessibility of the scheme;
(b) the independence of the scheme;
(c) the fairness of the scheme;
(d) the accountability of the scheme;
(e) the efficiency of the scheme;
(f) the effectiveness of the scheme;
(g) any other matter the Commissioner considers relevant.
(3) The Commissioner may:
(a) specify a period for which the recognition of an external
dispute resolution scheme is in force; and
(b) make the recognition of an external dispute resolution
scheme subject to specified conditions, including conditions
relating to the conduct of an independent review of the
operation of the scheme; and
(c) vary or revoke:
(i) the recognition of an external dispute resolution
scheme; or
(ii) the period for which the recognition is in force; or
(iii) a condition to which the recognition is subject.
(4) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 1A Introduction

Section 36A

Part V—Investigations etc.

Division 1A—Introduction

36A Guide to this Part

In general, this Part deals with complaints and investigations about

acts or practices that may be an interference with the privacy of an

An individual may complain to the Commissioner about an act or

practice that may be an interference with the privacy of the
individual. If a complaint is made, the Commissioner is required to
investigate the act or practice except in certain circumstances.

The Commissioner may also, on his or her own initiative,

investigate an act or practice that may be an interference with the
privacy of an individual or a breach of Australian Privacy
Principle 1.

The Commissioner has a range powers relating to the conduct of

investigations including powers:

(a) to conciliate complaints; and

(b) to make preliminary inquiries of any person; and

(c) to require a person to give information or

documents, or to attend a compulsory conference;

(d) to transfer matters to an alternative complaint body

in certain circumstances.

234 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Introduction Division 1A

Section 36A

After an investigation, the Commissioner may make a

determination in relation to the investigation. An entity to which a
determination relates must comply with certain declarations
included in the determination. Court proceedings may be
commenced to enforce a determination.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 1 Investigation of complaints and investigations on the Commissioner’s

Section 36

Division 1—Investigation of complaints and investigations

on the Commissioner’s initiative

36 Complaints
(1) An individual may complain to the Commissioner about an act or
practice that may be an interference with the privacy of the
(2) In the case of an act or practice that may be an interference with
the privacy of 2 or more individuals, any one of those individuals
may make a complaint under subsection (1) on behalf of all of the
(2A) In the case of a representative complaint, this section has effect
subject to section 38.
(3) A complaint shall be in writing.
(4) It is the duty of:
(a) members of the staff of the Commissioner; and
(b) members of the staff of the Ombudsman who have had
powers of the Commissioner delegated to them under
section 99;
to provide appropriate assistance to a person who wishes to make a
complaint and requires assistance to formulate the complaint.
(5) The complaint shall specify the respondent to the complaint.
(6) In the case of a complaint about an act or practice of an agency:
(a) if the agency is an individual or a body corporate, the agency
shall be the respondent; and
(b) if the agency is an unincorporated body, the principal
executive of the agency shall be the respondent.
(7) In the case of a complaint about an act or practice of an
organisation, the organisation is the respondent.

236 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Investigation of complaints and investigations on the Commissioner’s initiative
Division 1

Section 36B
Note: Sections 98A to 98C contain further rules about how this Part operates
in relation to respondent organisations that are not legal persons.

(8) The respondent to a complaint about an act or practice described in

subsection 13(2), (4) or (5), other than an act or practice of an
agency or organisation, is the person or entity who engaged in the
act or practice.

36B Complaints relating to the data sharing scheme

(1) If a complaint relates to the data sharing scheme within the
meaning of the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022, the
Commissioner may share information and documents about the
complaint with the National Data Commissioner (the NDC), for the
purposes of the NDC exercising powers, or performing functions
or duties, under that Act.
(2) The Commissioner may share only information and documents
under subsection (1) that were acquired by the Commissioner in
the course of exercising powers, or performing functions or duties,
under this Act.
(3) To avoid doubt, the Commissioner may share information or
documents with the NDC under this section whether or not the
Commissioner is transferring the complaint or part of the
complaint to the NDC.
Note: The Commissioner may transfer the complaint to the NDC under
section 50, if the Commissioner is of the opinion that the complaint
could have been made to the NDC.

37 Principal executive of agency

The principal executive of an agency of a kind specified in column
1 of an item in the following table is the person specified in
column 2 of the item:

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Section 38

Column 1 Column 2
Item Agency Principal executive
1 Department The Secretary of the
2 An unincorporated body, or a The chief executive officer
tribunal, referred to in of the body or tribunal
paragraph (c) of the definition
of agency in subsection 6(1)
3 A body referred to in The chief executive officer
paragraph (d) of the definition of the body
of agency in subsection 6(1)
4 A federal court The principal registrar of the
court or the person
occupying an equivalent
5 The Australian Federal Police The Commissioner of Police
5A A body or tribunal referred to The person responsible for
in paragraph (ca) of the the day-to-day management
definition of agency in of the agency
subsection 6(1)
5D A court of Norfolk Island The registrar or principal
registrar of the court or the
person occupying an
equivalent office
9 An eligible hearing service The individual
provider that is an individual
10 An eligible hearing service The individual primarily
provider that is not an responsible for the
individual management of the eligible
hearing service provider

38 Conditions for making a representative complaint

(1) A representative complaint may be lodged under section 36 only if:
(a) the class members have complaints against the same person
or entity; and

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Division 1

Section 38A
(b) all the complaints are in respect of, or arise out of, the same,
similar or related circumstances; and
(c) all the complaints give rise to a substantial common issue of
law or fact.
(2) A representative complaint made under section 36 must:
(a) describe or otherwise identify the class members; and
(b) specify the nature of the complaints made on behalf of the
class members; and
(c) specify the nature of the relief sought; and
(d) specify the questions of law or fact that are common to the
complaints of the class members.
In describing or otherwise identifying the class members, it is not
necessary to name them or specify how many there are.
(3) A representative complaint may be lodged without the consent of
class members.

38A Commissioner may determine that a complaint is not to

continue as a representative complaint
(1) The Commissioner may, on application by the respondent or on his
or her own initiative, determine that a complaint should no longer
continue as a representative complaint.
(2) The Commissioner may only make such a determination if the
Commissioner is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do
so for any of the following reasons:
(a) the costs that would be incurred if the complaint were to
continue as a representative complaint are likely to exceed
the costs that would be incurred if each class member lodged
a separate complaint;
(b) the representative complaint will not provide an efficient and
effective means of dealing with the complaints of the class
(c) the complaint was not brought in good faith as a
representative complaint;

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Section 38B
(d) it is otherwise inappropriate that the complaints be pursued
by means of a representative complaint.
(3) If the Commissioner makes such a determination:
(a) the complaint may be continued as a complaint by the
complainant on his or her own behalf against the respondent;
(b) on the application of a person who was a class member for
the purposes of the former representative complaint, the
Commissioner may join that person as a complainant to the
complaint as continued under paragraph (a).

38B Additional rules applying to the determination of representative

(1) The Commissioner may, on application by a class member, replace
the complainant with another class member, where it appears to the
Commissioner that the complainant is not able adequately to
represent the interests of the class members.
(2) A class member may, by notice in writing to the Commissioner,
withdraw from a representative complaint:
(a) if the complaint was lodged without the consent of the
member—at any time; or
(b) otherwise—at any time before the Commissioner begins to
hold an inquiry into the complaint.
Note: If a class member withdraws from a representative complaint that
relates to a matter, the former member may make a complaint under
section 36 that relates to the matter.

(3) The Commissioner may at any stage direct that notice of any
matter be given to a class member or class members.

38C Amendment of representative complaints

If the Commissioner is satisfied that a complaint could be dealt
with as a representative complaint if the class of persons on whose
behalf the complaint is lodged is increased, reduced or otherwise

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Division 1

Section 39
altered, the Commissioner may amend the complaint so that the
complaint can be dealt with as a representative complaint.

39 Class member for representative complaint not entitled to lodge

individual complaint
A person who is a class member for a representative complaint is
not entitled to lodge a complaint in respect of the same subject

40 Investigations
(1) Subject to subsection (1A), the Commissioner shall investigate an
act or practice if:
(a) the act or practice may be an interference with the privacy of
an individual; and
(b) a complaint about the act or practice has been made under
section 36.
(1A) The Commissioner must not investigate a complaint if the
complainant did not complain to the respondent before making the
complaint to the Commissioner under section 36. However, the
Commissioner may decide to investigate the complaint if he or she
considers that it was not appropriate for the complainant to
complain to the respondent.
(1B) Subsection (1A) does not apply if the complaint is about an act or
practice that may breach:
(a) section 20R, 20T, 21T or 21V (which are about access to,
and correction of, credit reporting information etc.); or
(b) a provision of the registered CR code that relates to that
(2) The Commissioner may, on the Commissioner’s own initiative,
investigate an act or practice if:
(a) the act or practice may be an interference with the privacy of
an individual or a breach of Australian Privacy Principle 1;

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Section 40A
(b) the Commissioner thinks it is desirable that the act or practice
be investigated.
(3) This section has effect subject to section 41.

40A Conciliation of complaints

(1) If:
(a) a complaint about an act or practice is made under section 36;
(b) the Commissioner considers it is reasonably possible that the
complaint may be conciliated successfully;
the Commissioner must make a reasonable attempt to conciliate the
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the Commissioner has decided
under section 41 or 50 not to investigate, or not to investigate
further, the act or practice.
(3) If the Commissioner is satisfied that there is no reasonable
likelihood that the complaint will be resolved by conciliation, the
Commissioner must, in writing, notify the complainant and
respondent of that matter.
(4) If a notification is given under subsection (3), the Commissioner
may decide not to investigate, or not to investigate further, the act
or practice.
(5) Evidence of anything said or done in the course of the conciliation
is not admissible in any hearing before the Commissioner, or in
any legal proceedings, relating to complaint or the act or practice
(a) the complainant and respondent otherwise agree; or
(b) the thing was said or done in furtherance of the commission
of a fraud or an offence, or the commission of an act that
renders a person liable to a civil penalty.

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Section 41
41 Commissioner may or must decide not to investigate etc. in
certain circumstances
(1) The Commissioner may decide not to investigate, or not to
investigate further, an act or practice about which a complaint has
been made under section 36 if the Commissioner is satisfied that:
(a) the act or practice is not an interference with the privacy of
an individual; or
(c) the complaint was made more than 12 months after the
complainant became aware of the act or practice; or
(d) the complaint is frivolous, vexatious, misconceived, lacking
in substance or not made in good faith; or
(da) an investigation, or further investigation, of the act or
practice is not warranted having regard to all the
circumstances; or
(db) the complainant has not responded, within the period
specified by the Commissioner, to a request for information
in relation to the complaint; or
(dc) the act or practice is being dealt with by a recognised external
dispute resolution scheme; or
(dd) the act or practice would be more effectively or appropriately
dealt with by a recognised external dispute resolution
scheme; or
(e) the act or practice is the subject of an application under
another Commonwealth law, or a State or Territory law, and
the subject-matter of the complaint has been, or is being,
dealt with adequately under that law; or
(f) another Commonwealth law, or a State or Territory law,
provides a more appropriate remedy for the act or practice
that is the subject of the complaint.
(1A) The Commissioner must not investigate, or investigate further, an
act or practice about which a complaint has been made under
section 36 if the Commissioner is satisfied that the complainant has
withdrawn the complaint.

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Section 42
(2) The Commissioner may decide not to investigate, or not to
investigate further, an act or practice about which a complaint has
been made under section 36 if the Commissioner is satisfied that
the complainant has complained to the respondent about the act or
practice and either:
(a) the respondent has dealt, or is dealing, adequately with the
complaint; or
(b) the respondent has not yet had an adequate opportunity to
deal with the complaint.
(3) The Commissioner may defer the investigation or further
investigation of an act or practice about which a complaint has
been made under section 36 if:
(a) an application has been made by the respondent for a
determination under section 72 in relation to the act or
practice; and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that the interests of persons
affected by the act or practice would not be unreasonably
prejudiced if the investigation or further investigation were
deferred until the application had been disposed of.

42 Preliminary inquiries
(1) Where a complaint has been made to the Commissioner, the
Commissioner may, for the purpose of determining:
(a) whether the Commissioner has power to investigate the
matter to which the complaint relates; or
(b) whether the Commissioner may, in his or her discretion,
decide not to investigate the matter;
make inquiries of the respondent or any other person.
(2) The Commissioner may make inquiries of any person for the
purpose of determining whether to investigate an act or practice
under subsection 40(2).

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Division 1

Section 43
43 Conduct of investigations
(1) Before commencing an investigation of a matter to which a
complaint relates, the Commissioner shall inform the respondent
that the matter is to be investigated.
(1AA) Before commencing an investigation of an act or practice of a
person or entity under subsection 40(2), the Commissioner must
inform the person or entity that the act or practice is to be
(1A) Before starting to investigate an act done, or practice engaged in,
by a contracted service provider for the purpose of providing
(directly or indirectly) a service to an agency under a
Commonwealth contract, the Commissioner must also inform the
agency that the act or practice is to be investigated.
Note: See subsection 6(9) about provision of services to an agency.

(2) An investigation under this Division shall be conducted in such

manner as the Commissioner thinks fit.
(3) The Commissioner may, for the purposes of an investigation,
obtain information from such persons, and make such inquiries, as
he or she thinks fit.
(4) The Commissioner may make a determination under section 52 in
relation to an investigation under this Division without holding a
hearing, if:
(a) it appears to the Commissioner that the matter to which the
investigation relates can be adequately determined in the
absence of:
(i) in the case of an investigation under subsection 40(1)—
the complainant and respondent; or
(ii) otherwise—the person or entity that engaged in the act
or practice that is being investigated; and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that there are no unusual
circumstances that would warrant the Commissioner holding
a hearing; and

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Section 43
(c) an application for a hearing has not been made under
section 43A.
(7) Where, in connection with an investigation of a matter under this
Division, the Commissioner proposes to hold a hearing, or
proposes to make a requirement of a person under section 44, the
Commissioner shall, if he or she has not previously informed the
responsible Minister (if any) that the matter is being investigated,
inform that Minister accordingly.
(8) The Commissioner may, either before or after the completion of an
investigation under this Division, discuss any matter that is
relevant to the investigation with a Minister concerned with the
(8A) Subsection (8) does not allow the Commissioner to discuss a
matter relevant to an investigation of a breach of the Australian
Privacy Principles or a registered APP code with a Minister, unless
the investigation is of an act done, or practice engaged in:
(a) by a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth
contract; and
(b) for the purpose of providing a service to an agency to meet
(directly or indirectly) an obligation under the contract.
(9) Where the Commissioner forms the opinion, either before or after
completing an investigation under this Division, that there is
evidence that an officer of an agency has been guilty of a breach of
duty or of misconduct and that the evidence is, in all the
circumstances, of sufficient force to justify the Commissioner
doing so, the Commissioner shall bring the evidence to the notice
(a) an appropriate officer of an agency; or
(b) if the Commissioner thinks that there is no officer of an
agency to whose notice the evidence may appropriately be
drawn—an appropriate Minister.

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Division 1

Section 43A
43A Interested party may request a hearing
(1) An interested party in relation to an investigation under this
Division may, in writing, request that the Commissioner hold a
hearing before the Commissioner makes a determination under
section 52 in relation to the investigation.
(2) If an interested party makes request under subsection (1), the
Commissioner must:
(a) notify any other interested party of the request; and
(b) give all interested parties a reasonable opportunity to make a
submission about the request; and
(c) decide whether or not to hold a hearing.
(3) In this section:
interested party in relation to an investigation means:
(a) in the case of an investigation under subsection 40(1)—the
complainant or respondent; or
(b) otherwise—the person or entity that engaged in the act or
practice that is being investigated.

44 Power to obtain information and documents

(1) If the Commissioner has reason to believe that a person has
information or a document relevant to an investigation under this
Division, the Commissioner may give to the person a written
notice requiring the person:
(a) to give the information to the Commissioner in writing
signed by the person or, in the case of a body corporate, by
an officer of the body corporate; or
(b) to produce the document to the Commissioner.
Note: For a failure to give information etc., see section 66.

(2) A notice given by the Commissioner under subsection (1) shall

(a) the place at which the information or document is to be given
or produced to the Commissioner; and

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Section 45
(b) the time at which, or the period within which, the information
or document is to be given or produced.
(2A) If documents are produced to the Commissioner in accordance
with a requirement under subsection (1), the Commissioner:
(a) may take possession of, and may make copies of, or take
extracts from, the documents; and
(b) may retain possession of the documents for any period that is
necessary for the purposes of the investigation to which the
documents relate; and
(c) during that period must permit a person who would be
entitled to inspect any one or more of the documents if they
were not in the Commissioner’s possession to inspect at all
reasonable times any of the documents that the person would
be so entitled to inspect.
(3) If the Commissioner has reason to believe that a person has
information relevant to an investigation under this Division, the
Commissioner may give to the person a written notice requiring the
person to attend before the Commissioner at a time and place
specified in the notice to answer questions relevant to the
(4) This section is subject to section 70 but it has effect regardless of
any other Commonwealth law.
(5) A person is not liable to a penalty under the provisions of any other
Commonwealth law because he or she gives information, produces
a document or answers a question when required to do so under
this Division.

45 Power to examine witnesses

(1) The Commissioner may administer an oath or affirmation to a
person required under section 44 to attend before the
Commissioner and may examine such a person on oath or

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Division 1

Section 46
(2) The oath or affirmation to be taken or made by a person for the
purposes of this section is an oath or affirmation that the answers
the person will give will be true.

46 Directions to persons to attend compulsory conference

(1) For the purposes of performing the Commissioner’s functions in
relation to a complaint, the Commissioner may, by written notice,
(a) the complainant;
(b) the respondent; and
(c) any other person who, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is
likely to be able to provide information relevant to the matter
to which the complaint relates or whose presence at the
conference is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, likely to
assist in connection with the performance of the
Commissioner’s functions in relation to the complaint;
to attend, at a time and place specified in the notice, a conference
presided over by the Commissioner.
(2) A person who has been directed to attend a conference and who:
(a) fails to attend as required by the direction; or
(b) fails to attend from day to day unless excused, or released
from further attendance, by the Commissioner;
commits an offence punishable on conviction:
(c) in the case of an individual—by imprisonment for a period
not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding 10 penalty
units, or both; or
(d) in the case of a body corporate—by a fine not exceeding 50
penalty units.
(2A) Subsection (2) does not apply if the person has a reasonable
Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in
subsection (2A) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

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Section 47
(3) A person who has been directed under subsection (1) to attend a
conference is entitled to be paid by the Commonwealth a
reasonable sum for the person’s attendance at the conference.
(4) The Commissioner may, in a notice given to a person under
subsection (1), require the person to produce such documents at the
conference as are specified in the notice.
Note: For a failure to give information etc., see section 66.

47 Conduct of compulsory conference

(1) The Commissioner may require a person attending a conference
under this Division to produce a document.
Note: For a failure to give information etc., see section 66.

(2) A conference under this Division shall be held in private and shall
be conducted in such manner as the Commissioner thinks fit.
(3) A body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, that is
directed under section 46 to attend a conference shall be deemed to
attend if a member, officer or employee of that body attends on
behalf of that body.
(4) Except with the consent of the Commissioner:
(a) an individual is not entitled to be represented at the
conference by another person; and
(b) a body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, is not
entitled to be represented at the conference by a person other
than a member, officer or employee of that body.

48 Complainant and certain other persons to be informed of various

(1) Where the Commissioner decides not to investigate, or not to
investigate further, a matter to which a complaint relates, the
Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable and in such manner as
the Commissioner thinks fit, inform the complainant and the
respondent of the decision and of the reasons for the decision.

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Investigation of complaints and investigations on the Commissioner’s initiative
Division 1

Section 49
(2) If the Commissioner decides not to investigate (at all or further) an
act done, or practice engaged in, by a contracted service provider
for the purpose of providing (directly or indirectly) a service to an
agency under a Commonwealth contract, the Commissioner must
also inform the agency of the decision.
Note: See subsection 6(9) about provision of services to an agency.

49 Investigation under section 40 to cease if certain offences may

have been committed
(1) Where, in the course of an investigation under section 40, the
Commissioner forms the opinion that a tax file number offence, a
healthcare identifier offence, an AML/CTF verification offence or
a credit reporting offence may have been committed, the
Commissioner shall:
(a) inform the Commissioner of Police or the Director of Public
Prosecutions of that opinion;
(b) in the case of an investigation under subsection 40(1), give a
copy of the complaint to the Commissioner of Police or the
Director of Public Prosecutions, as the case may be; and
(c) subject to subsection (3), discontinue the investigation except
to the extent that it concerns matters unconnected with the
offence that the Commissioner believes may have been
(2) If, after having been informed of the Commissioner’s opinion
under paragraph (1)(a), the Commissioner of Police or the Director
of Public Prosecutions, as the case may be, decides that the matter
will not be, or will no longer be, the subject of proceedings for an
offence, he or she shall give a written notice to that effect to the
(3) Upon receiving such a notice the Commissioner may continue the
investigation discontinued under paragraph (1)(c).
(4) In subsection (1):

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Section 49A
AML/CTF verification offence (short for anti-money laundering
and counter-terrorism financing offence) means an offence against
section 35H, 35J or 35K of the Anti-Money Laundering and
Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.
credit reporting offence means:
(a) an offence against subsection 20P(1), 21R(1) or (2), 24(1) or
(2) or 24A(1) or (2); or
(b) an offence against section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914, or
section 11.1, 11.4 or 11.5 of the Criminal Code, being an
offence that relates to an offence referred to in paragraph (a)
of this definition.
tax file number offence means:
(a) an offence against section 8WA or 8WB of the Taxation
Administration Act 1953; or
(b) an offence against section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914, or
section 11.1, 11.4 or 11.5 of the Criminal Code, being an
offence that relates to an offence referred to in paragraph (a)
of this definition.

49A Investigation under section 40 to cease if civil penalty provision

under Personal Property Securities Act 2009 may have
been contravened
(1) If, in the course of an investigation under section 40, the
Commissioner forms the opinion that subsection 172(3) of the
Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (civil penalty for searching
otherwise than for authorised purposes) may have been
contravened, the Commissioner must:
(a) inform the Registrar of Personal Property Securities under
the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 of that opinion;
(b) in the case of an investigation under subsection 40(1), give a
copy of the complaint to the Registrar of Personal Property
Securities; and

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Division 1

Section 49B
(c) discontinue the investigation except to the extent that it
concerns matters unconnected with the contravention that the
Commissioner believes may have taken place.
(2) The Registrar of Personal Property Securities must notify the
Commissioner in writing if, after having been informed of the
Commissioner’s opinion under paragraph (1)(a), the Registrar
(a) not to apply for an order under section 222 of the Personal
Property Securities Act 2009; or
(b) to discontinue a proceeding that is an application for an order
under section 222 of that Act.
(3) Upon receiving a notice under subsection (2), the Commissioner
may continue an investigation discontinued under paragraph (1)(c).

49B Transfer of complaints from the Inspector-General of

Intelligence and Security
An individual is taken to have complained to the Information
Commissioner under subsection 36(1) in respect of action taken by
ACC or the Australian Federal Police if the Inspector-General of
Intelligence and Security transfers all or part of the complaint to
the Information Commissioner under section 32AD of the
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986.

50 Reference of matters to other authorities

(1) In this Act:
alternative complaint body means:
(a) the Australian Human Rights Commission; or
(aa) the National Data Commissioner; or
(b) the Ombudsman; or
(ba) the eSafety Commissioner; or
(c) the Postal Industry Ombudsman; or
(d) the Overseas Students Ombudsman; or

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Section 50
(e) the Australian Public Service Commissioner; or
(f) the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security; or
(g) a recognised external dispute resolution scheme.
Australian Human Rights Commission includes a person
performing functions of that Commission.
(2) Where, before the Commissioner commences, or after the
Commissioner has commenced, to investigate a matter to which a
complaint relates, the Commissioner forms the opinion that:
(a) a complaint relating to that matter has been, or could have
been, made by the complainant:
(i) to the Australian Human Rights Commission under
Division 3 of Part II of the Australian Human Rights
Commission Act 1986; or
(ia) to the National Data Commissioner under Part 5.3 of the
Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022; or
(ii) to the Ombudsman under the Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iia) to the Ombudsman under a law in force in an external
Territory other than the Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iii) to the Postal Industry Ombudsman under the
Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iv) to the Overseas Students Ombudsman under the
Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iva) to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
under the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Act 1986; or
(v) to a recognised external dispute resolution scheme; or
(b) an application with respect to that matter has been, or could
have been, made by the complainant to the Australian Public
Service Commissioner under the Public Service Act 1999;
and that that matter could be more conveniently or effectively dealt
with by the alternative complaint body, the Commissioner may
decide not to investigate the matter, or not to investigate the matter
further, as the case may be, and, if the Commissioner so decides,
he or she shall:

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Investigations etc. Part V
Investigation of complaints and investigations on the Commissioner’s initiative
Division 1

Section 50A
(c) transfer the complaint to the alternative complaint body; and
(d) give notice in writing to the complainant stating that the
complaint has been so transferred; and
(e) give to the alternative complaint body any information or
documents that relate to the complaint and are in the
possession, or under the control, of the Commissioner.
(3) A complaint transferred under subsection (2) shall be taken to be:
(a) a complaint made:
(i) to the Australian Human Rights Commission under
Division 3 of Part II of the Australian Human Rights
Commission Act 1986; or
(ia) to the National Data Commissioner under Part 5.3 of the
Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022; or
(ii) to the Ombudsman under the Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iia) to the Ombudsman under the law mentioned in
subparagraph 50(2)(a)(iia); or
(iii) to the Postal Industry Ombudsman under the
Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iv) to the Overseas Students Ombudsman under the
Ombudsman Act 1976; or
(iva) to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
under the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Act 1986; or
(v) to the recognised external dispute resolution scheme; or
(b) an application made to the Australian Public Service
Commissioner under the Public Service Act 1999;
as the case requires.

50A Substitution of respondent to complaint

(1) This section lets the Commissioner substitute an agency for an
organisation as respondent to a complaint if:
(a) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a
Commonwealth contract to provide services to the agency;

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 1 Investigation of complaints and investigations on the Commissioner’s

Section 51
(b) before the Commissioner makes a determination under
section 52 in relation to the complaint, the organisation:
(i) dies or ceases to exist; or
(ii) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, commences to be
wound up, applies to take the benefit of a law for the
relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with
creditors or makes an assignment of any property for the
benefit of creditors.
(2) The Commissioner may amend the complaint to specify as a
respondent to the complaint the agency or its principal executive,
instead of the organisation.
Note 1: The complaint still relates to the act or practice of the organisation.
Note 2: The Commissioner may determine under section 53B that the
determination applies in relation to an agency if the organisation has
not complied with the determination.

(3) Before amending the complaint, the Commissioner must:

(a) give the agency a notice stating that the Commissioner
proposes to amend the complaint and stating the reasons for
the proposal; and
(b) give the agency an opportunity to appear before the
Commissioner and to make oral and/or written submissions
relating to the proposed amendment.
(4) If the Commissioner amends the complaint after starting to
investigate it, the Commissioner is taken to have satisfied
subsection 43(1A) in relation to the agency.

51 Effect of investigation by Auditor-General

Where the Commissioner becomes aware that a matter being
investigated by the Commissioner is, or is related to, a matter that
is under investigation by the Auditor-General, the Commissioner
shall not, unless the Commissioner and Auditor-General agree to
the contrary, continue to investigate the matter until the
investigation by the Auditor-General has been completed.

256 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Determinations following investigation of complaints Division 2

Section 52

Division 2—Determinations following investigation of


52 Determination of the Commissioner

(1) After investigating a complaint, the Commissioner may:
(a) make a determination dismissing the complaint; or
(b) find the complaint substantiated and make a determination
that includes one or more of the following:
(i) a declaration:
(A) where the principal executive of an agency is
the respondent—that the agency has engaged in
conduct constituting an interference with the
privacy of an individual and must not repeat or
continue such conduct; or
(B) in any other case—that the respondent has
engaged in conduct constituting an interference
with the privacy of an individual and must not
repeat or continue such conduct;
(ia) a declaration that the respondent must take specified
steps within a specified period to ensure that such
conduct is not repeated or continued;
(ii) a declaration that the respondent must perform any
reasonable act or course of conduct to redress any loss
or damage suffered by the complainant;
(iia) a declaration that the respondent must prepare and
publish, or otherwise communicate, a statement about
the conduct (see section 52A);
(iii) a declaration that the complainant is entitled to a
specified amount by way of compensation for any loss
or damage suffered by reason of the act or practice the
subject of the complaint;
(iv) a declaration that it would be inappropriate for any
further action to be taken in the matter.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 2 Determinations following investigation of complaints

Section 52

(1A) After investigating an act or practice of a person or entity under

subsection 40(2), the Commissioner may make a determination
that includes one or more of the following:
(a) a declaration that:
(i) the act or practice is an interference with the privacy of
one or more individuals; and
(ii) the person or entity must not repeat or continue the act
or practice;
(b) a declaration that the person or entity must take specified
steps within a specified period to ensure that the act or
practice is not repeated or continued;
(ba) a declaration that the respondent must prepare and publish, or
otherwise communicate, a statement about the conduct (see
section 52A);
(c) a declaration that the person or entity must perform any
reasonable act or course of conduct to redress any loss or
damage suffered by one or more of those individuals;
(d) a declaration that one or more of those individuals are
entitled to a specified amount by way of compensation for
any loss or damage suffered by reason of the act or practice;
(e) a declaration that it would be inappropriate for any further
action to be taken in the matter.
(1AAA) Without limiting subparagraph (1)(b)(ia) or paragraph (1A)(b), the
steps specified by the Commissioner may include a requirement for
the respondent to:
(a) engage, in consultation with the Commissioner, a suitably
qualified independent adviser to review:
(i) the acts or practices engaged in by the respondent that
were the subject of the complaint; and
(ii) the steps (if any) taken by the respondent to ensure that
the conduct referred to in the determination is not
repeated or continued; and
(iii) any other matter specified in the declaration that is
relevant to those acts or practices, or that complaint; and
(b) provide a copy of the review to the Commissioner.

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Investigations etc. Part V
Determinations following investigation of complaints Division 2

Section 52

(1AA) The steps specified by the Commissioner under

subparagraph (1)(b)(ia) or paragraph (1A)(b) must be reasonable
and appropriate.
(1AB) The loss or damage referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or
subsection (1A) includes:
(a) injury to the feelings of the complainant or individual; and
(b) humiliation suffered by the complainant or individual.
(1B) A determination of the Commissioner under subsection (1) or (1A)
is not binding or conclusive between any of the parties to the
(2) The Commissioner shall, in a determination, state any findings of
fact upon which the determination is based.
(3) In a determination under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) (other than a
determination made on a representative complaint), the
Commissioner may include a declaration that the complainant is
entitled to a specified amount to reimburse the complainant for
expenses reasonably incurred by the complainant in connection
with the making of the complaint and the investigation of the
(3A) A determination under paragraph (1)(b) or subsection (1A) may
include any order that the Commissioner considers necessary or
(4) A determination by the Commissioner under
subparagraph (1)(b)(iii) on a representative complaint:
(a) may provide for payment of specified amounts or of amounts
worked out in a manner specified by the Commissioner; and
(b) if the Commissioner provides for payment in accordance
with paragraph (a), must make provision for the payment of
the money to the complainants concerned.
(5) If the Commissioner makes a determination under
subparagraph (1)(b)(iii) on a representative complaint, the

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 2 Determinations following investigation of complaints

Section 52A

Commissioner may give such directions (if any) as he or she thinks

just in relation to:
(a) the manner in which a class member is to establish his or her
entitlement to the payment of an amount under the
determination; and
(b) the manner for determining any dispute regarding the
entitlement of a class member to the payment.
(5A) The Commissioner may publish a determination made under this
section on the Commissioner’s website.
(6) In this section:
complainant, in relation to a representative complaint, means the
class members.

52A Determination—requirement to notify conduct constituting

interference with privacy of individual
(1) If a determination under section 52 includes a declaration
mentioned in subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iia) or paragraph 52(1A)(ba),
the respondent must, within 14 days after receiving the
determination (or such longer period as the Commissioner allows):
(a) prepare a statement, in consultation with the Commissioner,
setting out:
(i) the identity and contact details of the respondent or, if
the respondent is the principal executive of an agency,
the agency; and
(ii) a description of the conduct engaged in by the
respondent that constitutes the interference with the
privacy of an individual; and
(iii) the steps (if any) undertaken, or to be undertaken, by the
respondent to ensure the conduct is not repeated or
continued; and
(iv) any other information required by the declaration to be
included in the statement; and
(b) if required by the declaration—give a copy of the statement
to the complainant or, if the complaint is a representative

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Investigations etc. Part V
Determinations following investigation of complaints Division 2

Section 53

complaint, to each class member identified as affected by the

determination, in the manner specified by the declaration;
(c) if required by the declaration—publish, or otherwise
communicate, the statement in the manner specified by the
declaration; and
(d) give the Commissioner, within 14 days after the end of the
period specified in the declaration, evidence that the actions
required by paragraphs (b) and (c) were taken in accordance
with this section and the declaration.
(2) The matters specified by the Commissioner for the purposes of
subsection (1) must be reasonable and appropriate.

53 Determination must identify the class members who are to be

affected by the determination
A determination under section 52 on a representative complaint
must describe or otherwise identify those of the class members
who are to be affected by the determination.

53A Notice to be given to outsourcing agency

(1) If the Commissioner makes a determination that applies in relation
to a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract, the
(a) must give a copy of the determination to each agency:
(i) to which services are or were to be provided under the
contract; and
(ii) to which the Commissioner considers it appropriate to
give a copy; and
(b) may give such an agency a written recommendation of any
measures that the Commissioner considers appropriate.
(2) The Commissioner may give an agency a recommendation only
after consulting the agency.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 2 Determinations following investigation of complaints

Section 53B

(3) An agency that receives a recommendation from the Commissioner

must tell the Commissioner in writing of any action the agency
proposes to take in relation to the recommendation. The agency
must do so within 60 days of receiving the recommendation.

53B Substituting an agency for a contracted service provider

(1) This section applies if:
(a) a determination under section 52 applies in relation to a
contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract;
(b) the determination includes:
(i) a declaration under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iii) that the
complainant is entitled to a specified amount by way of
compensation; or
(ia) a declaration under paragraph 52(1A)(d) that one or
more individuals are entitled to a specified amount by
way of the compensation; or
(ii) a declaration under subsection 52(3) that the
complainant is entitled to a specified amount by way of
reimbursement; and
(c) at a particular time after the determination was made, the
(i) dies or ceases to exist; or
(ii) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, commences to be
wound up, applies to take the benefit of a law for the
relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with
creditors or makes an assignment of any property for the
benefit of creditors; and
(d) at that time, the complainant or individuals had not been paid
the whole or part of an amount referred to in paragraph (b).
(2) The Commissioner may determine in writing that the determination
under section 52 instead applies in relation to a specified agency to
which services were or were to be provided under the contract. The
determination has effect according to its terms for the purposes of
section 60.

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Investigations etc. Part V
Determinations following investigation of complaints Division 2

Section 53B

Note: This means that the amount owed by the contracted service provider
will be a debt due by the agency to the complainant or individuals.

(3) Before making a determination, the Commissioner must give the

(a) a notice stating that the Commissioner proposes to make the
determination and stating the reasons for the proposal; and
(b) an opportunity to appear before the Commissioner and to
make oral and/or written submissions relating to the proposed

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 3 Enforcement of determinations

Section 54

Division 3—Enforcement of determinations

54 Application of Division
(1) This Division applies to a determination made under section 52
after the commencement of this Division, except where the
determination applies in relation to an agency or the principal
executive of an agency.
(2) In this section:
agency does not include an eligible hearing service provider.

55 Obligations of organisations and small business operators

If the determination applies in relation to an organisation or small
business operator, the organisation or operator:
(a) must not repeat or continue conduct that is covered by a
declaration included in the determination under
sub-subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i)(B) or paragraph 52(1A)(a); and
(b) must take the steps that are specified in a declaration
included in the determination under
subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ia) or paragraph 52(1A)(b) within the
specified period; and
(c) must perform the act or course of conduct that is covered by
a declaration included in the determination under
subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ii) or paragraph 52(1A)(c); and
(d) must prepare and publish, or otherwise communicate, a
statement in accordance with a declaration included in the
determination under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iia) or
paragraph 52(1A)(ba) and section 52A.

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Investigations etc. Part V
Enforcement of determinations Division 3

Section 55A

55A Proceedings in the Federal Court or Federal Circuit and Family

Court of Australia (Division 2) to enforce a determination
(1) The following persons may commence proceedings in the Federal
Court or the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
(Division 2) for an order to enforce a determination:
(a) if the determination was made under subsection 52(1)—the
(b) the Commissioner.
(2) If the court is satisfied that the person or entity in relation to which
the determination applies has engaged in conduct that constitutes
an interference with the privacy of an individual, the court may
make such orders (including a declaration of right) as it thinks fit.
(3) The court may, if it thinks fit, grant an interim injunction pending
the determination of the proceedings.
(4) The court is not to require a person, as a condition of granting an
interim injunction, to give an undertaking as to damages.
(5) The court is to deal by way of a hearing de novo with the question
whether the person or entity in relation to which the determination
applies has engaged in conduct that constitutes an interference with
the privacy of an individual.
(6) Despite subsection (5), the court may receive any of the following
as evidence in proceedings about a determination made by the
Commissioner under section 52:
(a) a copy of the Commissioner’s written reasons for the
(b) a copy of any document that was before the Commissioner;
(c) a copy of a record (including any tape recording) of any
hearing before the Commissioner (including any oral
submissions made).
(7A) In conducting a hearing and making an order under this section, the
court is to have due regard to the objects of this Act.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 3 Enforcement of determinations

Section 55B

(8) In this section:

complainant, in relation to a representative complaint, means any
of the class members.

55B Evidentiary certificate

(1) The Commissioner may issue a written certificate setting out the
findings of fact upon which the Commissioner based his or her
determination that:
(a) a specified APP entity had breached an Australian Privacy
Principle; or
(b) a specified APP entity had breached a registered APP code
that binds the entity.
(3) In any proceedings under section 55A, a certificate under
subsection (1) of this section is prima facie evidence of the facts
found by the Commissioner and set out in the certificate. However,
the certificate is not prima facie evidence of a finding that:
(a) a specified APP entity had breached an Australian Privacy
Principle; or
(b) a specified APP entity had breached a registered APP code
that binds the entity.
(4) A document purporting to be a certificate under subsection (1) must,
unless the contrary is established, be taken to be a certificate and to
have been properly given.

266 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Review and enforcement of determinations involving Commonwealth agencies
Division 4

Section 57

Division 4—Review and enforcement of determinations

involving Commonwealth agencies

57 Application of Division
(1) This Division applies to a determination that is made under
section 52 and that applies in relation to an agency or the principal
executive of an agency.
(2) In this section:
agency does not include an eligible hearing service provider.

58 Obligations of agencies
If this Division applies to a determination and the determination
applies in relation to an agency, the agency:
(a) must not repeat or continue conduct that is covered by a
declaration included in the determination under
subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 52(1A)(a); and
(b) must take the steps that are specified in a declaration
included in the determination under
subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ia) or paragraph 52(1A)(b) within the
specified period; and
(c) must perform the act or course of conduct that is covered by
a declaration included in the determination under
subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ii) or paragraph 52(1A)(c); and
(d) must prepare and publish, or otherwise communicate, a
statement in accordance with a declaration included in the
determination under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iia) or
paragraph 52(1A)(ba) and section 52A.

59 Obligations of principal executive of agency

If this Division applies to a determination and the determination
applies in relation to the principal executive of an agency, the

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 4 Review and enforcement of determinations involving Commonwealth

Section 60
principal executive must take all such steps as are reasonably
within his or her power to ensure:
(a) that the terms of the determination are brought to the notice
of all members, officers and employees of the agency whose
duties are such that they may engage in conduct of the kind
to which the determination relates; and
(b) that no member, officer or employee of the agency repeats or
continues conduct that is covered by a declaration included in
the determination under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(i) or
paragraph 52(1A)(a); and
(ba) that the steps specified in a declaration included in the
determination under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ia) or
paragraph 52(1A)(b) are taken within the specified period;
(c) the performance of any act or course of conduct that is
covered by a declaration included in the determination under
subparagraph 52(1)(b)(ii) or paragraph 52(1A)(c); and
(d) the preparation, publishing or communicating of a statement
in accordance with a declaration included in the
determination under subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iia) or
paragraph 52(1A)(ba) and section 52A.

60 Compensation and expenses

(1) If a determination to which this Division applies includes a
declaration of the kind referred to in subparagraph 52(1)(b)(iii),
paragraph 52(1A)(d) or subsection 52(3), the complainant or
individual is entitled to be paid the amount specified in the
(2) If the determination applies in relation to an agency that has the
capacity to sue and be sued, the amount is recoverable as a debt
due by the agency to the complainant or individual. In any other
case, the amount is recoverable as a debt due by the
Commonwealth to the complainant or individual.
(3) In this section:

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Investigations etc. Part V
Review and enforcement of determinations involving Commonwealth agencies
Division 4

Section 62
complainant, in relation to a representative complaint, means a
class member.

62 Enforcement of determination against an agency

(1) If an agency fails to comply with section 58, an application may be
made to the Federal Court or the Federal Circuit and Family Court
of Australia (Division 2) for an order directing the agency to
(2) If the principal executive of an agency fails to comply with
section 59, an application may be made to the Federal Court or the
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) for an
order directing the principal executive to comply.
(3) The application may be made by:
(a) if the determination was made under subsection 52(1)—the
complainant; or
(b) the Commissioner.
(4) On an application under this section, the court may make such
other orders as it thinks fit with a view to securing compliance by
the agency or principal executive.
(5) An application may not be made under this section in relation to a
determination under section 52 until:
(a) the time has expired for making an application under
section 96 for review of the determination; or
(b) if such an application is made, the decision of the
Administrative Appeals Tribunal on the application has come
into operation.
(6) In this section:
complainant, in relation to a representative complaint, means a
class member.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 63

Division 5—Miscellaneous

63 Legal assistance
(1) If:
(a) the Commissioner has dismissed a file number complaint;
(b) the respondent to the complaint is not an agency or the
principal executive of an agency;
the respondent may apply to the Attorney-General for assistance
under this section.
(2) A person who:
(a) has commenced or proposes to commence proceedings in the
Federal Court or the Federal Circuit and Family Court of
Australia (Division 2) under section 55; or
(b) has engaged in conduct or is alleged to have engaged in
conduct in respect of which proceedings have been
commenced in the Federal Court or the Federal Circuit and
Family Court of Australia (Division 2) under section 55;
may apply to the Attorney-General for the provision of assistance
under this section in respect of the proceedings.
(2A) Subsection (2) does not permit an application relating to
proceedings under section 55A to enforce a determination relating
to a code complaint or an APP complaint.
(3) If the Attorney-General is satisfied that in all the circumstances it
is reasonable to grant an application made under this section, he or
she may authorise the provision by the Commonwealth to the
applicant of:
(a) in the case of an application under subsection (1)—such
financial assistance in connection with the investigation of
the complaint as the Attorney-General determines; or
(b) in the case of an application under subsection (2)—such legal
or financial assistance in respect of the proceeding as the
Attorney-General determines.

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Investigations etc. Part V
Miscellaneous Division 5

Section 64

(4) An authorisation under subsection (3) may be made subject to such

conditions (if any) as the Attorney-General determines.
(5) In considering an application made under this section, the
Attorney-General must have regard to any hardship to the applicant
that refusal of the application would involve.

64 Commissioner etc. not to be sued

Neither the Commissioner nor a person acting under his or her
direction or authority is liable to an action, suit or proceeding in
relation to an act done or omitted to be done in good faith in the
exercise or purported exercise of any power or authority conferred
by this Act.

65 Failure to attend etc. before Commissioner

(1) A person shall not:
(a) refuse or fail to attend before the Commissioner; or
(b) refuse or fail to be sworn or make an affirmation;
when so required under this Act.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 12 months or 20 penalty units, or both.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the person has a reasonable
Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in
subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(3) A person shall not furnish information or make a statement to the

Commissioner knowing that it is false or misleading in a material
Penalty for a contravention of this subsection: Imprisonment
for 12 months or 20 penalty units, or both.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 66

66 Failure to give information etc.

Basic contravention
(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:
(a) the person is required to give information, answer a question
or produce a document or record under this Act; and
(b) the person refuses or fails to do so.
Civil penalty: 60 penalty units.

Multiple contraventions
(1AA) A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person is a corporation; and
(b) the person engages in conduct that constitutes a system of
conduct or a pattern of behaviour; and
(c) the system of conduct or pattern of behaviour results in 2 or
more contraventions of subsection (1).
Penalty: 300 penalty units.
(1A) For the purposes of subsection (1B), a journalist has a reasonable
excuse if giving the information, answering the question or
producing the document or record would tend to reveal the identity
of a person who gave information or a document or record to the
journalist in confidence.
(1B) Subsection (1) or (1AA) does not apply if the person has a
reasonable excuse.
Note: A person who wishes to rely on this subsection bears an evidential
burden in relation to the matter in this subsection: see
subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code and section 96 of the
Regulatory Powers Act.

(2) For the purposes of subsections (3) to (11) (inclusive):

document includes a record.
information includes an answer to a question.

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Investigations etc. Part V
Miscellaneous Division 5

Section 66

(3) Subject to subsections (4), (7) and (10), it is a reasonable excuse

for the purposes of subsection (1B) for an individual:
(a) to refuse or fail to give information when so required under
this Act; or
(b) to refuse or fail to produce a document when so required
under this Act;
that giving the information, or producing the document, as the case
may be, might tend to incriminate the individual or make the
individual liable to forfeiture or a penalty.
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to a failure or refusal by
an individual to give information, or to produce a document, on the
ground that giving the information or producing the document
might tend to prove his or her guilt of an offence against, or make
him or her liable to forfeiture or a penalty under, a law of the
Commonwealth or of a Territory, if the Director of Public
Prosecutions has given the individual a written undertaking under
subsection (5).
(5) An undertaking by the Director of Public Prosecutions shall:
(a) be an undertaking that:
(i) information given, or a document produced, by the
individual; or
(ii) any information or document obtained as a direct or
indirect consequence of the giving of the information, or
the production of the document;
will not be used in evidence in any proceedings for an
offence against a law of the Commonwealth or of a Territory,
or in any disciplinary proceedings, against the individual,
other than proceedings in respect of the falsity of evidence
given by the individual;
(b) state that, in the opinion of the Director of Public
Prosecutions, there are special reasons why, in the public
interest, the information or document should be available to
the Commissioner; and
(c) state the general nature of those reasons.

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 66

(6) The Commissioner may recommend to the Director of Public

Prosecutions that an individual who has been, or is to be, required
under this Act to give information or produce a document be given
an undertaking under subsection (5).
(7) Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to a failure or refusal by
an individual to give information, or to produce a document, on the
ground that giving the information or producing the document
might tend to prove his or her guilt of an offence against, or make
him or her liable to forfeiture or a penalty under, a law of a State, if
the Attorney-General of the State, or a person authorised by that
Attorney-General (being the person holding the office of Director
of Public Prosecutions, or a similar office, of the State) has given
the individual a written undertaking under subsection (8).
(8) An undertaking by the Attorney-General of the State, or authorised
person, shall:
(a) be an undertaking that:
(i) information given, or a document produced, by the
individual; or
(ii) any information or document obtained as a direct or
indirect consequence of the giving of the information, or
the production of the document;
will not be used in evidence in any proceedings for an
offence against a law of the State, or in any disciplinary
proceedings, against the individual, other than proceedings in
respect of the falsity of evidence given by the individual;
(b) state that, in the opinion of the person giving the undertaking,
there are special reasons why, in the public interest, the
information or document should be available to the
Commissioner; and
(c) state the general nature of those reasons.
(9) The Commissioner may recommend to the Attorney-General of a
State that an individual who has been, or is to be, required under
this Act to give information or produce a document be given an
undertaking under subsection (8).

274 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Miscellaneous Division 5

Section 67

(10) For the purposes of subsection (1B):

(a) it is not a reasonable excuse for a body corporate to refuse or
fail to produce a document that production of the document
might tend to incriminate the body corporate or make it liable
to forfeiture or a penalty; and
(b) it is not a reasonable excuse for an individual to refuse or fail
to produce a document that is, or forms part of, a record of an
existing or past business (not being, if the individual is or has
been an employee, a document that sets out details of
earnings received by the individual in respect of his or her
employment and does not set out any other information) that
production of the document might tend to incriminate the
individual or make the individual liable to forfeiture or a
(11) Subsections (4), (7) and (10) do not apply where proceedings, in
respect of which giving information or producing a document
might tend to incriminate an individual or make an individual
liable to forfeiture or a penalty, have been commenced against the
individual and have not been finally dealt with by a court or
otherwise disposed of.

67 Protection from civil actions

Civil proceedings do not lie against a person in respect of loss,
damage or injury of any kind suffered by another person because
of any of the following acts done in good faith:
(a) the making of a complaint under this Act;
(b) the making of a statement to, or the giving of a document or
information to, the Commissioner.

68 Power to enter premises

(1) Subject to subsection (3), for the purposes of the performance by
the Commissioner of his or her functions under this Act, a person
authorised by the Commissioner in writing for the purposes of this
section may, at any reasonable time of the day, enter premises
occupied by an agency, an organisation, a file number recipient, a

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 68

credit reporting body or a credit provider and inspect any

documents that are kept at those premises and that are relevant to
the performance of those functions, other than documents in
respect of which the Attorney-General has furnished a certificate
under subsection 70(1) or (2).
(1A) The Commissioner may authorise a person only while the person is
a member of the staff assisting the Commissioner.
(2) The occupier or person in charge of the premises shall provide the
authorised person with all reasonable facilities and assistance for
the effective exercise of the authorised person’s powers under
subsection (1).
(3) A person shall not enter under subsection (1) premises other than
premises that are occupied by an agency unless:
(a) the occupier of the premises has consented to the person
entering the premises; or
(b) the person is authorised, pursuant to a warrant issued under
subsection (4), to enter the premises.
(3A) Before obtaining the consent, the authorised person must inform
the occupier or person in charge that he or she may refuse to
(3B) An entry by an authorised person with the consent of the occupier
or person in charge is not lawful if the consent was not voluntary.
(3C) The authorised person may not enter premises (other than premises
occupied by an agency) if:
(a) the occupant or person in charge asks the authorised person
to produce his or her identity card; and
(b) the authorised person does not produce it.
(3D) If an authorised person is on premises with the consent of the
occupier or person in charge, the authorised person must leave the
premises if the occupier or person in charge asks the authorised
person to do so.

276 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Miscellaneous Division 5

Section 68A

(4) If, on an application made by a person authorised by the

Commissioner under subsection (1), a Magistrate is satisfied, by
information on oath, that it is reasonably necessary, for the
purposes of the performance by the Commissioner of his or her
functions under this Act, that the person be empowered to enter the
premises, the Magistrate may issue a warrant authorising the
person, with such assistance as the person thinks necessary, to
enter the premises, if necessary by force, for the purpose of
exercising those powers.
(5) A warrant issued under subsection (4) shall state:
(a) whether entry is authorised to be made at any time of the day
or during specified hours of the day; and
(b) a day, not being later than one month after the day on which
the warrant was issued, at the end of which the warrant
ceases to have effect.
(6) Nothing in subsection (1) restricts the operation of any other
provision of this Part.

68A Identity cards

(1) The Commissioner must issue to a person authorised for the
purposes of section 68 an identity card in the form approved by the
Commissioner. The identity card must contain a recent photograph
of the authorised person.
(2) As soon as practicable after the person ceases to be authorised, he
or she must return the identity card to the Commissioner.
(3) A person must not contravene subsection (2).
Penalty: 1 penalty unit.

70 Certain documents and information not required to be disclosed

(1) Where the Attorney-General furnishes to the Commissioner a
certificate certifying that the giving to the Commissioner of
information concerning a specified matter (including the giving of

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Part V Investigations etc.
Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 70

information in answer to a question), or the production to the

Commissioner of a specified document or other record, would be
contrary to the public interest because it would:
(a) prejudice the security, defence or international relations of
(b) involve the disclosure of communications between a Minister
of the Commonwealth and a Minister of a State, being a
disclosure that would prejudice relations between the
Commonwealth Government and the Government of a State;
(c) involve the disclosure of deliberations or decisions of the
Cabinet or of a Committee of the Cabinet;
(d) involve the disclosure of deliberations or advice of the
Executive Council;
(e) prejudice the conduct of an investigation or inquiry into
crime or criminal activity that is currently being pursued, or
prejudice the fair trial of any person;
(f) disclose, or enable a person to ascertain, the existence or
identity of a confidential source of information in relation to
the enforcement of the criminal law;
(g) prejudice the effectiveness of the operational methods or
investigative practices or techniques of agencies responsible
for the enforcement of the criminal law; or
(h) endanger the life or physical safety of any person;
the Commissioner must not exercise a power under this Act that
requires a person to give any information concerning the matter or
to produce the document or other record.
(2) Without limiting the operation of subsection (1), where the
Attorney-General furnishes to the Commissioner a certificate
certifying that the giving to the Commissioner of information as to
the existence or non-existence of information concerning a
specified matter (including the giving of information in answer to a
question) or as to the existence or non-existence of any document
or other record required to be produced to the Commissioner would
be contrary to the public interest:
(a) by reason that it would prejudice the security, defence or
international relations of Australia; or

278 Privacy Act 1988

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Investigations etc. Part V
Miscellaneous Division 5

Section 70B

(b) by reason that it would prejudice the proper performance of

the functions of the ACC; or
(c) by reason that it would prejudice the proper performance of
the functions of the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner
or the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption
the Commissioner is not entitled, pursuant to this Act, to require a
person to give any information as to the existence or non-existence
of information concerning that matter or as to the existence of that
document or other record.

70B Application of this Part to former organisations

If an individual, body corporate, partnership, unincorporated
association or trust ceases to be an organisation but continues to
exist, this Part operates in relation to:
(a) an act or practice of the organisation (while it was an
organisation); and
(b) the individual, body corporate, partnership, unincorporated
association or trust;
as if he, she or it were still (and had been at all relevant times) an
Example 1: If an individual carrying on a business was not a small business
operator, but later became one and remained alive:
(a) a complaint may be made under this Part about an act or practice
of the individual in carrying on the business before he or she
became a small business operator; and
(b) the complaint may be investigated (and further proceedings
taken) under this Part as though the individual were still an
Example 2: A small business operator chooses under section 6EA to be treated as
an organisation, but later revokes the choice. A complaint about an act
or practice the operator engaged in while the choice was registered
under that section may be made and investigated under this Part as if
the operator were an organisation.

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Part VI Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations
Division 1 Public interest determinations

Section 71

Part VI—Public interest determinations and

temporary public interest determinations
Division 1—Public interest determinations

71 Interpretation
For the purposes of this Part, a person is interested in an
application made under section 73 if, and only if, the
Commissioner is of the opinion that the person has a real and
substantial interest in the application.

72 Power to make, and effect of, determinations

Determinations about an APP entity’s acts and practices

(2) Subject to this Division, if the Commissioner is satisfied that:
(a) an act or practice of an APP entity breaches, or may breach:
(i) an Australian Privacy Principle; or
(ii) a registered APP code that binds the entity; but
(b) the public interest in the entity doing the act, or engaging in
the practice, substantially outweighs the public interest in
adhering to that code or principle;
the Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make a
determination to that effect.

Effect of determination under subsection (2)

(3) The APP entity is taken not to contravene section 15 or 26A if the
entity does the act, or engages in the practice, while the
determination is in force under subsection (2).

Giving a determination under subsection (2) general effect

(4) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make a
determination that no APP entity is taken to contravene section 15

280 Privacy Act 1988

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Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations Part VI
Public interest determinations Division 1

Section 73

or 26A if, while that determination is in force, an APP entity does

an act, or engages in a practice, that is the subject of a
determination under subsection (2) in relation to that entity or any
other APP entity.

Effect of determination under subsection (4)

(5) A determination under subsection (4) has effect according to its

73 Application by APP entity

(1) An APP entity may apply in accordance with the regulations for a
determination under section 72 about an act or practice of the
(1A) If:
(a) an application is made under subsection (1); and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that the application is
frivolous, vexatious, misconceived, lacking in substance or
not made in good faith;
the Commissioner may, in writing, dismiss the application.
(2) The CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council
may make an application under subsection (1) on behalf of other
agencies concerned with medical research or the provision of
health services.
(3) Where an application is made by virtue of subsection (2), a
reference in the succeeding provisions of this Part to the agency is
a reference to the CEO of the National Health and Medical
Research Council.
(4) Where the Commissioner makes a determination under section 72
on an application made by virtue of subsection (2), that section has
effect, in relation to each of the agencies on whose behalf the
application was made as if the determination had been made on an
application by that agency.

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Part VI Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations
Division 1 Public interest determinations

Section 74

74 Publication of application etc.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Commissioner shall publish, in such
manner as he or she thinks fit, notice of:
(a) the receipt by the Commissioner of an application; and
(b) if the Commissioner dismisses an application under
subsection 73(1A)—the dismissal of the application.
(2) The Commissioner shall not, except with the consent of the
agency, permit the disclosure to another body or person of
information contained in a document provided by an agency as part
of, or in support of, an application if the agency has informed the
Commissioner in writing that the agency claims that the document
is an exempt document within the meaning of Part IV of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982.

75 Draft determination
(1) The Commissioner shall prepare a draft of his or her proposed
determination in relation to the application unless the
Commissioner dismisses the application under subsection 73(1A).
(2) If the applicant is an agency, the Commissioner must send to the
agency, and to each other person (if any) who is interested in the
application, a written invitation to notify the Commissioner, within
the period specified in the invitation, whether or not the agency or
other person wishes the Commissioner to hold a conference about
the draft determination.
(2A) If the applicant is an organisation, the Commissioner must:
(a) send a written invitation to the organisation to notify the
Commissioner, within the period specified in the invitation,
whether or not the organisation wishes the Commissioner to
hold a conference about the draft determination; and
(b) issue, in any way the Commissioner thinks appropriate, an
invitation in corresponding terms to the other persons (if any)
that the Commissioner thinks appropriate.

282 Privacy Act 1988

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Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations Part VI
Public interest determinations Division 1

Section 76

(3) An invitation under subsection (2) or subsection (2A) shall specify

a period that begins on the day on which the invitation is sent and
is not shorter than the prescribed period.

76 Conference
(1) If an agency, organisation or person notifies the Commissioner,
within the period specified in an invitation sent to the agency,
organisation or person, that the agency, organisation or person
wishes a conference to be held about the draft determination, the
Commissioner shall hold such a conference.
(2) The Commissioner shall fix a day, time and place for the holding
of the conference.
(3) The day fixed shall not be more than 30 days after the latest day on
which a period specified in any of the invitations sent in relation to
the draft determination expires.
(4) The Commissioner shall give notice of the day, time and place of
the conference to the agency or organisation and to each person to
whom an invitation was sent.

77 Conduct of conference
(1) At the conference, the agency or organisation is entitled to be
represented by a person who is, or persons each of whom is, an
officer or employee of the agency or organisation.
(2) At the conference, a person to whom an invitation was sent, or any
other person who is interested in the application and whose
presence at the conference is considered by the Commissioner to
be appropriate, is entitled to attend and participate personally or, in
the case of a body corporate, to be represented by a person who is,
or persons each of whom is, a director, officer or employee of the
body corporate.
(3) The Commissioner may exclude from the conference a person

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Part VI Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations
Division 1 Public interest determinations

Section 78

(a) is entitled neither to participate in the conference nor to

represent a person who is entitled to be represented at the
(b) uses insulting language at the conference;
(c) creates, or takes part in creating or continuing, a disturbance
at the conference; or
(d) repeatedly disturbs the conference.

78 Determination of application
The Commissioner shall, after complying with this Part in relation
to the application, make:
(a) such determination under section 72 as he or she considers
appropriate; or
(b) a written determination dismissing the application.

79 Making of determination
(1) The Commissioner shall, in making a determination, take account
of all matters raised at the conference.
(2) The Commissioner shall, in making a determination, take account
of all submissions about the application that have been made,
whether at a conference or not, by the agency, organisation or any
other person.

284 Privacy Act 1988

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Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations Part VI
Temporary public interest determinations Division 2

Section 80A

Division 2—Temporary public interest determinations

80A Temporary public interest determinations

(1) This section applies if the Commissioner is satisfied that:
(a) the act or practice of an APP entity that is the subject of an
application under section 73 for a determination under
section 72 breaches, or may breach:
(i) an Australian Privacy Principle; or
(ii) a registered APP code that binds the entity; and
(b) the public interest in the entity doing the act, or engaging in
the practice, outweighs to a substantial degree the public
interest in adhering to that principle or code; and
(c) the application raises issues that require an urgent decision.
(2) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make a
determination that he or she is satisfied of the matters set out in
subsection (1). The Commissioner may do so:
(a) on request by the APP entity; or
(b) on the Commissioner’s own initiative.
(3) The Commissioner must specify in the determination a period of
up to 12 months during which the determination is in force (subject
to subsection 80D(2)).

80B Effect of temporary public interest determination

APP entity covered by a determination

(1) If an act or practice of an APP entity is the subject of a temporary
public interest determination, the entity is taken not to breach
section 15 or 26A if the entity does the act, or engages in the
practice, while the determination is in force.

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Part VI Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations
Division 2 Temporary public interest determinations

Section 80D

Giving a temporary public interest determination general effect

(3) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make a
determination that no APP entity is taken to contravene section 15
or 26A if, while that determination is in force, an APP entity does
an act, or engages in a practice, that is the subject of a temporary
public interest determination in relation to that entity or another
APP entity.

Effect of determination under subsection (3)

(4) A determination under subsection (3) has effect according to its

80D Commissioner may continue to consider application

(1) The fact that the Commissioner has made a determination under
this Division about an act or practice does not prevent the
Commissioner from dealing under Division 1 with an application
made under section 73 in relation to that act or practice.
(2) A determination under this Division about an act or practice ceases
to be in effect when:
(a) a determination made under subsection 72(2) about the act or
practice comes into effect; or
(b) a determination is made under paragraph 78(b) to dismiss the

286 Privacy Act 1988

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Public interest determinations and temporary public interest determinations Part VI
Register of determinations Division 3

Section 80E

Division 3—Register of determinations

80E Register of determinations

(1) The Commissioner must keep a register of determinations made
under Division 1 or 2.
(2) The Commissioner may decide the form of the register and how it
is to be kept.
(3) The Commissioner must make the register available to the public
in the way that the Commissioner determines.
(4) The Commissioner may charge fees for:
(a) making the register available to the public; or
(b) providing copies of, or extracts from, the register.

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Part VIA Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters
Division 1 Object and interpretation

Section 80F

Part VIA—Dealing with personal information in

emergencies and disasters
Division 1—Object and interpretation

80F Object
The object of this Part is to make special provision for the
collection, use and disclosure of personal information in
emergencies and disasters.

80G Interpretation
(1) In this Part:
duty of confidence means any duty or obligation arising under the
common law or at equity pursuant to which a person is obliged not
to disclose information, but does not include legal professional
emergency declaration means a declaration under section 80J or
permanent resident means a person, other than an Australian
(a) whose normal place of residence is situated in Australia; and
(b) whose presence in Australia is not subject to any limitation as
to time imposed by law; and
(c) who is not an illegal entrant within the meaning of the
Migration Act 1958.
secrecy provision means a provision of a Commonwealth law
(including a provision of this Act) that prohibits or regulates the
use or disclosure of personal information, whether the provision
relates to the use or disclosure of personal information generally or
in specified circumstances.

288 Privacy Act 1988

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Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters Part VIA
Object and interpretation Division 1

Section 80H

(2) For the purposes of this Part, a reference in the definition of

personal information in subsection 6(1) to an individual is taken to
include a reference to an individual who is not living.

80H Meaning of permitted purpose

(1) For the purposes of this Part, a permitted purpose is a purpose that
directly relates to the Commonwealth’s response to an emergency
or disaster in respect of which an emergency declaration is in force.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), any of the following is a permitted
purpose in relation to an emergency or disaster:
(a) identifying individuals who:
(i) are or may be injured, missing or dead as a result of the
emergency or disaster; or
(ii) are or may be otherwise involved in the emergency or
(b) assisting individuals involved in the emergency or disaster to
obtain services such as repatriation services, medical or other
treatment, health services and financial or other humanitarian
(c) assisting with law enforcement in relation to the emergency
or disaster;
(d) coordination or management of the emergency or disaster;
(e) ensuring that responsible persons for individuals who are, or
may be, involved in the emergency or disaster are
appropriately informed of matters that are relevant to:
(i) the involvement of those individuals in the emergency
or disaster; or
(ii) the response to the emergency or disaster in relation to
those individuals.

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Part VIA Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters
Division 2 Declaration of emergency

Section 80J

Division 2—Declaration of emergency

80J Declaration of emergency—events of national significance

(1) The Prime Minister or the Minister may make a declaration under
this section if the Prime Minister or the Minister (as the case may
be) is satisfied that:
(a) an emergency or disaster has occurred; and
(b) the emergency or disaster is of such a kind that it is
appropriate in the circumstances for this Part to apply in
relation to the emergency or disaster; and
(c) the emergency or disaster is of national significance (whether
because of the nature and extent of the emergency or disaster,
the direct or indirect effect of the emergency or disaster, or
for any other reason); and
(d) the emergency or disaster has affected one or more
Australian citizens or permanent residents (whether within
Australia or overseas).
Note: A declaration under this subsection is merely a trigger for the
operation of this Part and is not directly related to any other legislative
or non-legislative scheme about emergencies.

(2) The Prime Minister or the Minister may also make a declaration
under this section if:
(a) a national emergency declaration is in force; and
(b) the Prime Minister or the Minister (as the case may be) is
satisfied that the emergency to which the national emergency
declaration relates is of such a kind that it is appropriate in
the circumstances for this Part to apply.

80K Declaration of emergency—events outside Australia

(1) The Prime Minister or the Minister may make a declaration under
this section if the Prime Minister or the Minister (as the case may
be) is satisfied that:
(a) an emergency or disaster has occurred outside Australia; and

290 Privacy Act 1988

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Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters Part VIA
Declaration of emergency Division 2

Section 80L

(b) the emergency or disaster is of such a kind that it is

appropriate in the circumstances for this Part to apply in
relation to the emergency or disaster; and
(c) the emergency or disaster has affected one or more
Australian citizens or permanent residents (whether within
Australia or overseas).
(2) The Minister must consult the Minister administering the
Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967 before the Minister
makes a declaration under this section.
Note: A declaration under this section is merely a trigger for the operation of
this Part and is not directly related to any other legislative or
non-legislative scheme about emergencies.

80L Form of declarations

(1) An emergency declaration must be in writing and signed by:
(a) if the Prime Minister makes the declaration—the Prime
Minister; or
(b) if the Minister makes the declaration—the Minister.
(2) An emergency declaration must be published, as soon as
practicable after the declaration has effect:
(a) on the website maintained by the Department; and
(b) by notice published in the Gazette.
(3) An emergency declaration is not a legislative instrument.

80M When declarations take effect

An emergency declaration has effect from the time at which the
declaration is signed.

80N When declarations cease to have effect

An emergency declaration ceases to have effect at the earliest of:
(a) if a time at which the declaration will cease to have effect is
specified in the declaration—at that time; or

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Part VIA Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters
Division 2 Declaration of emergency

Section 80N

(b) the time at which the declaration is revoked; or

(c) the end of 12 months starting when the declaration is made.

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Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters Part VIA
Provisions dealing with the use and disclosure of personal information Division 3

Section 80P

Division 3—Provisions dealing with the use and disclosure

of personal information

80P Authorisation of collection, use and disclosure of personal

(1) At any time when an emergency declaration is in force in relation
to an emergency or disaster, an entity may collect, use or disclose
personal information relating to an individual if:
(a) the entity reasonably believes that the individual may be
involved in the emergency or disaster; and
(b) the collection, use or disclosure is for a permitted purpose in
relation to the emergency or disaster; and
(c) in the case of a disclosure of the personal information by an
agency—the disclosure is to:
(i) an agency; or
(ii) a State or Territory authority; or
(iii) an organisation; or
(iv) an entity not covered by subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii)
that is, or is likely to be, involved in managing, or
assisting in the management of, the emergency or
disaster; or
(v) a responsible person for the individual; and
(d) in the case of a disclosure of the personal information by an
organisation or another person—the disclosure is to:
(i) an agency; or
(ii) an entity that is directly involved in providing
repatriation services, medical or other treatment, health
services or financial or other humanitarian assistance
services to individuals involved in the emergency or
disaster; or
(iii) a person or entity prescribed by the regulations for the
purposes of this paragraph; or

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Part VIA Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters
Division 3 Provisions dealing with the use and disclosure of personal information

Section 80P

(iv) a person or entity specified by the Minister, by

legislative instrument, for the purposes of this
paragraph; and
(e) in the case of any disclosure of the personal information—the
disclosure is not to a media organisation.
(2) An entity is not liable to any proceedings for contravening a
secrecy provision in respect of a use or disclosure of personal
information authorised by subsection (1), unless the secrecy
provision is a designated secrecy provision (see subsection (7)).
(3) An entity is not liable to any proceedings for contravening a duty
of confidence in respect of a disclosure of personal information
authorised by subsection (1).
(4) An entity does not breach an Australian Privacy Principle, or a
registered APP code that binds the entity, in respect of a collection,
use or disclosure of personal information authorised by
subsection (1).
(6) A collection, use or disclose of personal information by an officer
or employee of an agency in the course of duty as an officer or
employee is authorised by subsection (1) only if the officer or
employee is authorised by the agency to collect, use or disclose the
personal information.
(7) In this section:
designated secrecy provision means any of the following:
(a) sections 18, 18A, 18B and 92 of the Australian Security
Intelligence Organisation Act 1979;
(b) section 34 of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and
Security Act 1986;
(c) sections 39, 39A, 40, 40B to 40H, 40L, 40M and 41 of the
Intelligence Services Act 2001;
(ca) sections 42 to 44 of the Office of National Intelligence Act
(d) a provision of a Commonwealth law prescribed by the
regulations for the purposes of this paragraph;

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Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters Part VIA
Provisions dealing with the use and disclosure of personal information Division 3

Section 80P

(e) a provision of a Commonwealth law of a kind prescribed by

the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph.
entity includes the following:
(a) a person;
(b) an agency;
(c) an organisation.

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Part VIA Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters
Division 4 Other matters

Section 80Q

Division 4—Other matters

80Q Disclosure of information—offence

(1) A person (the first person) commits an offence if:
(a) personal information that relates to an individual is disclosed
to the first person because of the operation of this Part; and
(b) the first person subsequently discloses the personal
information; and
(c) the first person is not a responsible person for the individual.
Penalty: 60 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year, or both.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the following disclosures:
(a) if the first person is an APP entity—a disclosure permitted
under an Australian Privacy Principle or a registered APP
code that binds the person;
(c) a disclosure permitted under section 80P;
(d) a disclosure made with the consent of the individual to whom
the personal information relates;
(e) a disclosure to the individual to whom the personal
information relates;
(f) a disclosure to a court;
(g) a disclosure prescribed by the regulations.
Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to a matter in
subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(3) If a disclosure of personal information is covered by

subsection (2), the disclosure is authorised by this section.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(f), court includes any tribunal,
authority or person having power to require the production of
documents or the answering of questions.

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Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters Part VIA
Other matters Division 4

Section 80R

80R Operation of Part

(1) The operation of this Part is not limited by a secrecy provision of
any other Commonwealth law (whether made before or after the
commencement of this Act) except to the extent that the secrecy
provision expressly excludes the operation of this section.
Note: Section 3 provides for the concurrent operation of State and Territory

(2) Nothing in this Part is to be taken to require an entity to collect, use

or disclose personal information.

80S Severability—additional effect of Part

(1) Without limiting its effect apart from each of the following
subsections of this section, this Part has effect in relation to a
collection, use or disclosure as provided by that subsection.
(2) This Part has the effect it would have if its operation in relation to a
collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined to a
collection, use or disclosure by a corporation.
(3) This Part also has the effect it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure taking place in the course of, or in
relation to, trade or commerce:
(a) between Australia and places outside Australia; or
(b) among the States; or
(c) within a Territory, between a State and a Territory or
between 2 Territories.
(4) This Part also has the effect it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure using a postal, telegraphic,
telephonic or other like service within the meaning of
paragraph 51(v) of the Constitution.

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Part VIA Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters
Division 4 Other matters

Section 80T

(5) This Part also has the effect it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure taking place in a Territory.
(6) This Part also has the effect it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure taking place in a place acquired by
the Commonwealth for public purposes.
(7) This Part also has the effect it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure by an agency.
(8) This Part also has the effect it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure for purposes relating to the
defence of the Commonwealth.
(9) This Part also has the effect that it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure taking place outside Australia.
(10) This Part also has the effect that it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure:
(a) in relation to which the Commonwealth is under an
obligation under an international agreement; or
(b) that is of international concern.
(11) This Part also has the effect that it would have if its operation in
relation to a collection, use or disclosure were expressly confined
to a collection, use or disclosure in relation to an emergency of
national significance.

80T Compensation for acquisition of property—constitutional safety

(1) If the operation of this Part would result in an acquisition of
property from a person otherwise than on just terms, the

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Dealing with personal information in emergencies and disasters Part VIA
Other matters Division 4

Section 80T

Commonwealth is liable to pay a reasonable amount of

compensation to the person.
(2) If the Commonwealth and the person do not agree on the amount
of the compensation, the person may institute proceedings in a
court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery from the
Commonwealth of such reasonable amount of compensation as the
court determines.
(3) In this section:
acquisition of property has the same meaning as in
paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.
just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the

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Part VIB Enforcement
Division 1 Civil penalties

Section 80U

Part VIB—Enforcement
Division 1—Civil penalties

80U Civil penalty provisions

Enforceable civil penalty provisions
(1) Each civil penalty provision of this Act is enforceable under Part 4
of the Regulatory Powers Act.
Note: Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act allows a civil penalty provision to
be enforced by obtaining an order for a person to pay a pecuniary
penalty for the contravention of the provision.

Authorised applicant
(2) For the purposes of Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act, the
Commissioner is an authorised applicant in relation to the civil
penalty provisions of this Act.

Relevant court
(3) For the purposes of Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each of
the following courts is a relevant court in relation to the civil
penalty provisions of this Act:
(a) the Federal Court;
(b) the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
(Division 2).

Extension to external Territories

(4) Part 4 of the Regulatory Powers Act, as that Part applies in relation
to the civil penalty provisions of this Act, extends to every external

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Enforcement Part VIB
Infringement notices Division 1A

Section 80UB

Division 1A—Infringement notices

80UB Infringement notices

Provisions subject to an infringement notice

(1) Subsection 66(1) of this Act is subject to an infringement notice
under Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act.
Note: Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act creates a framework for using
infringement notices in relation to provisions.

Infringement officer
(2) For the purposes of Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each of
the following is an infringement officer in relation to the provision
mentioned in subsection (1):
(a) the Commissioner;
(b) a member of the staff of the Commissioner who holds, or is
acting in, an office or position that is equivalent to an SES

Relevant chief executive

(3) For the purposes of Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act, the
Commissioner is the relevant chief executive in relation to the
provision mentioned in subsection (1).

Extension to external Territories

(4) Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act, as that Part applies in relation
to the provision mentioned in subsection (1), extends to every
external Territory.

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Part VIB Enforcement
Division 2 Enforceable undertakings

Section 80V

Division 2—Enforceable undertakings

80V Enforceable undertakings

Enforceable provisions
(1) The provisions of this Act are enforceable under Part 6 of the
Regulatory Powers Act.
Note: Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act creates a framework for
accepting and enforcing undertakings relating to compliance with

Authorised person
(2) For the purposes of Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act, the
Commissioner is an authorised person in relation to the provisions
mentioned in subsection (1).

Relevant court
(3) For the purposes of Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each of
the following courts is a relevant court in relation to the provisions
mentioned in subsection (1):
(a) the Federal Court;
(b) the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
(Division 2).

Enforceable undertaking may be published on the Commissioner’s

(4) The Commissioner may publish an undertaking given in relation to
the provision on the Commissioner’s website.

Extension to external Territories

(5) Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act, as it applies in relation to the
provisions mentioned in subsection (1), extends to every external

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Enforcement Part VIB
Injunctions Division 3

Section 80W

Division 3—Injunctions

80W Injunctions

Enforceable provisions
(1) The provisions of this Act are enforceable under Part 7 of the
Regulatory Powers Act.
Note: Part 7 of the Regulatory Powers Act creates a framework for using
injunctions to enforce provisions.

Authorised person
(2) For the purposes of Part 7 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each of
the following persons is an authorised person in relation to the
provisions mentioned in subsection (1):
(a) the Commissioner;
(b) any other person.

Relevant court
(3) For the purposes of Part 7 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each of
the following courts is a relevant court in relation to the provisions
mentioned in subsection (1):
(a) the Federal Court;
(b) the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
(Division 2).

Extension to external Territories

(4) Part 7 of the Regulatory Powers Act, as that Part applies in relation
to the provisions mentioned in subsection (1), extends to every
external Territory.

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Part VII Privacy Advisory Committee

Section 81

Part VII—Privacy Advisory Committee

81 Interpretation
In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:
Advisory Committee means the Privacy Advisory Committee
established by subsection 82(1).
member means a member of the Advisory Committee.

82 Establishment and membership

(1) A Privacy Advisory Committee is established.
(2) The Advisory Committee shall consist of:
(a) the Commissioner; and
(aa) the Privacy Commissioner (within the meaning of the
Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010); and
(b) not more than 8 other members.
(3) A member other than the Commissioner and Privacy
Commissioner (within the meaning of that Act):
(a) shall be appointed by the Governor-General; and
(b) shall be appointed as a part-time member.
(4) An appointed member holds office, subject to this Act, for such
period, not exceeding 5 years, as is specified in the instrument of
the member’s appointment, but is eligible for re-appointment.
(5) The Commissioner shall be convenor of the Committee.
(6) The Governor-General shall so exercise the power of appointment
conferred by subsection (3) that a majority of the appointed
members are persons who are neither officers nor employees, nor
members of the staff of an authority or instrumentality, of the

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Privacy Advisory Committee Part VII

Section 83

(7) Of the appointed members:

(a) at least one must be a person who has had at least 5 years’
experience at a high level in industry or commerce; and
(aa) at least one must be a person who has had at least 5 years’
experience at a high level in public administration, or the
service of a government or an authority of a government; and
(ab) at least one must be a person who has had extensive
experience in health privacy; and
(b) at least one must be a person who has had at least 5 years’
experience in the trade union movement; and
(c) at least one must be a person who has had extensive
experience in information and communication technologies;
(d) at least one must be appointed to represent general
community interests, including interests relating to social
welfare; and
(e) at least one must be a person who has had extensive
experience in the promotion of civil liberties.
(10) An appointed member holds office on such terms and conditions (if
any) in respect of matters not provided for by this Act as are
determined, in writing, by the Governor-General.
(11) The performance of a function of the Advisory Committee is not
affected because of a vacancy or vacancies in the membership of
the Advisory Committee.

83 Functions
The functions of the Advisory Committee are:
(a) on its own initiative, or when requested by the
Commissioner, to advise the Commissioner on matters
relevant to his or her functions;
(b) to recommend material to the Commissioner for inclusion in
rules or guidelines to be issued by the Commissioner
pursuant to his or her functions; and

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Part VII Privacy Advisory Committee

Section 84

(c) subject to any direction given by the Commissioner, to

engage in and promote community education, and
community consultation, in relation to the protection of
individual privacy.

84 Leave of absence
The convenor may, on such terms and conditions as the convenor
thinks fit, grant to another member leave to be absent from a
meeting of the Advisory Committee.

85 Removal and resignation of members

(1) The Governor-General may terminate the appointment of an
appointed member for misbehaviour or physical or mental
(2) The Governor-General shall terminate the appointment of an
appointed member if the member:
(a) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for
the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with
the member’s creditors or makes an assignment of the
member’s remuneration for their benefit;
(b) fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the
member’s obligations under section 86; or
(c) is absent, without the leave of the convenor, from 3
consecutive meetings of the Advisory Committee.
(3) An appointed member may resign from office by delivering a
signed notice of resignation to the Governor-General.

86 Disclosure of interests of members

(1) A member who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a
matter being considered or about to be considered by the Advisory
Committee, being an interest that could conflict with the proper
performance of that member’s functions in relation to the
consideration of the matter, shall, as soon as practicable after the

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Privacy Advisory Committee Part VII

Section 87

relevant facts have come to the knowledge of that member,

disclose the nature of that interest at a meeting of the Advisory
(2) A disclosure under subsection (1) at a meeting of the Advisory
Committee shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

87 Meetings of Advisory Committee

(1) The convenor may convene such meetings of the Advisory
Committee as the convenor considers necessary for the
performance of the Committee’s functions.
(2) Meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be held at such places
and at such times as the convenor determines.
(3) The convenor shall preside at all meetings of the Advisory
Committee at which the convenor is present.
(4) If, at a meeting of the Advisory Committee, the convenor is not
present, the members who are present shall elect one of their
number to preside at the meeting.
(5) At a meeting of the Advisory Committee:
(a) 3 members constitute a quorum;
(b) all questions shall be decided by a majority of votes of the
members present and voting; and
(c) the person presiding has a deliberative vote and, in the event
of an equality of votes, also has a casting vote.
(6) The Advisory Committee shall keep a record of its proceedings.

88 Travel allowance
An appointed member is entitled to be paid travelling allowance in
accordance with the regulations.

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Part VIII Obligations of confidence

Section 89

Part VIII—Obligations of confidence

89 Obligations of confidence to which Part applies

Unless the contrary intention appears, a reference in this Part to an
obligation of confidence is a reference to an obligation of
(a) to which an agency or a Commonwealth officer is subject,
however the obligation arose; or
(b) that arises under or by virtue of the law in force in the
Australian Capital Territory; or
(c) that arises under or by virtue of a law in force in an external

90 Application of Part
(1) This Part applies where a person (in this Part called a confidant) is
subject to an obligation of confidence to another person (in this
Part called a confider) in respect of personal information, whether
the information relates to the confider or to a third person, being an
obligation in respect of a breach of which relief may be obtained
(whether in the exercise of a discretion or not) in legal proceedings.
(2) This Part does not apply where a criminal penalty only may be
imposed in respect of the breach.

91 Effect of Part on other laws

This Part does not, except to the extent that it does so expressly or
by necessary implication, limit or restrict the operation of any other
law or of any principle or rule of the common law or of equity,
being a law, principle or rule:
(a) under or by virtue of which an obligation of confidence
exists; or

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Obligations of confidence Part VIII

Section 92

(b) that has the effect of restricting or prohibiting, or imposing a

liability (including a criminal liability) on a person in respect
of, a disclosure or use of information.

92 Extension of certain obligations of confidence

Where a person has acquired personal information about another
person and the first-mentioned person knows or ought reasonably
to know that the person from whom he or she acquired the
information was subject to an obligation of confidence with respect
to the information, the first-mentioned person, whether he or she is
in the Australian Capital Territory or not, is subject to a like

93 Relief for breach etc. of certain obligations of confidence

(1) A confider may recover damages from a confidant in respect of a
breach of an obligation of confidence with respect to personal
(2) Subsection (1) does not limit or restrict any other right that the
confider has to relief in respect of the breach.
(3) Where an obligation of confidence exists with respect to personal
information about a person other than the confider, whether the
obligation arose under a contract or otherwise, the person to whom
the information relates has the same rights against the confidant in
respect of a breach or threatened breach of the obligation as the
confider has.

94 Jurisdiction of courts
(1) The jurisdiction of the courts of the Australian Capital Territory
extends to matters arising under this Part.
(2) Subsection (1) does not deprive a court of a State or of another
Territory of any jurisdiction that it has.

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Part IX Miscellaneous

Section 95

Part IX—Miscellaneous

95 Medical research guidelines

(1) The CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council
may, with the approval of the Commissioner, issue guidelines for
the protection of privacy by agencies in the conduct of medical
(2) The Commissioner shall not approve the issue of guidelines unless
he or she is satisfied that the public interest in the promotion of
research of the kind to which the guidelines relate outweighs to a
substantial degree the public interest in maintaining adherence to
the Australian Privacy Principles.
(3) Guidelines shall be issued by being published in the Gazette.
(4) Where:
(a) but for this subsection, an act done by an agency would
breach an Australian Privacy Principle; and
(b) the act is done in the course of medical research and in
accordance with guidelines under subsection (1);
the act shall be regarded as not breaching that Australian Privacy

95A Guidelines for Australian Privacy Principles about health


(1) This section allows the Commissioner to approve for the purposes
of the Australian Privacy Principles guidelines that are issued by
the CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council or a
prescribed authority.

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Miscellaneous Part IX

Section 95A

Approving guidelines for use and disclosure

(2) For the purposes of paragraph 16B(3)(c), the Commissioner may,
by notice in the Gazette, approve guidelines that relate to the use
and disclosure of health information for the purposes of research,
or the compilation or analysis of statistics, relevant to public health
or public safety.

Public interest test

(3) The Commissioner may give an approval under subsection (2) only
if satisfied that the public interest in the use and disclosure of
health information for the purposes mentioned in that subsection in
accordance with the guidelines substantially outweighs the public
interest in maintaining the level of privacy protection afforded by
the Australian Privacy Principles (disregarding subsection 16B(3)).

Approving guidelines for collection

(4) For the purposes of subparagraph 16B(2)(d)(iii), the Commissioner
may, by notice in the Gazette, approve guidelines that relate to the
collection of health information for the purposes of:
(a) research, or the compilation or analysis of statistics, relevant
to public health or public safety; or
(b) the management, funding or monitoring of a health service.

Public interest test

(5) The Commissioner may give an approval under subsection (4) only
if satisfied that the public interest in the collection of health
information for the purposes mentioned in that subsection in
accordance with the guidelines substantially outweighs the public
interest in maintaining the level of privacy protection afforded by
the Australian Privacy Principles (disregarding subsection 16B(2)).

Revocation of approval
(6) The Commissioner may, by notice in the Gazette, revoke an
approval of guidelines under this section if he or she is no longer

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Part IX Miscellaneous

Section 95AA

satisfied of the matter that he or she had to be satisfied of to

approve the guidelines.

95AA Guidelines for Australian Privacy Principles about genetic


(1) This section allows the Commissioner to approve for the purposes
of the Australian Privacy Principles guidelines that are issued by
the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Approving guidelines for use and disclosure

(2) For the purposes of paragraph 16B(4)(c), the Commissioner may,
by legislative instrument, approve guidelines that relate to the use
and disclosure of genetic information for the purposes of lessening
or preventing a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an
individual who is a genetic relative of the individual to whom the
genetic information relates.

95B Requirements for Commonwealth contracts

(1) This section requires an agency entering into a Commonwealth
contract to take contractual measures to ensure that a contracted
service provider for the contract does not do an act, or engage in a
practice, that would breach an Australian Privacy Principle if done
or engaged in by the agency.
(2) The agency must ensure that the Commonwealth contract does not
authorise a contracted service provider for the contract to do or
engage in such an act or practice.
(3) The agency must also ensure that the Commonwealth contract
contains provisions to ensure that such an act or practice is not
authorised by a subcontract.

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Miscellaneous Part IX

Section 95C

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a subcontract is a contract

under which a contracted service provider for the Commonwealth
contract is engaged to provide services to:
(a) another contracted service provider for the Commonwealth
contract; or
(b) any agency;
for the purposes (whether direct or indirect) of the Commonwealth
(5) This section applies whether the agency is entering into the
Commonwealth contract on behalf of the Commonwealth or in the
agency’s own right.

95C Disclosure of certain provisions of Commonwealth contracts

If a person asks a party to a Commonwealth contract to be
informed of the content of provisions (if any) of the contract that
are inconsistent with a registered APP code binding a party to the
contract or with an Australian Privacy Principle, the party
requested must inform the person in writing of that content (if any).

96 Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

(1) An application may be made to the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal for review of the following decisions of the
(a) a decision under subsection 26H(1) not to register an APP
code developed by an APP code developer;
(b) a decision under subsection 26S(1) not to register a CR code
developed by a CR code developer;
(ba) a decision under subsection 26WQ(7) to refuse an application
for a declaration;
(bb) a decision to make a declaration under
paragraph 26WQ(1)(d);
(bc) a decision under subsection 26WR(1) to give a direction;
(c) a decision under subsection 52(1) or (1A) to make a

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Part IX Miscellaneous

Section 98A

(d) a decision under subsection 73(1A) to dismiss an application;

(e) a decision under section 95 to refuse to approve the issue of
(f) a decision under subsection 95A(2) or (4) or 95AA(2) to
refuse to approve guidelines;
(g) a decision under subsection 95A(6) to revoke an approval of
(2) An application under paragraph (1)(a) may only be made by the
APP code developer that developed the APP code.
(2A) An application under paragraph (1)(ba) may only be made by:
(a) the entity that made the application for a declaration; or
(b) if another entity’s compliance with subsection 26WL(2) is
affected by the decision to refuse the application for a
declaration—that other entity.
(2B) An application under paragraph (1)(bb) may only be made by:
(a) the entity to whom notice of the declaration was given; or
(b) if another entity’s compliance with subsection 26WL(2) is
affected by the declaration—that other entity.
(2C) An application under paragraph (1)(bc) may only be made by the
entity to whom the direction was given.
(2D) For the purposes of subsections (2A), (2B) and (2C), entity has the
same meaning as in Part IIIC.
(3) An application under paragraph (1)(b) may only be made by the
CR code developer that developed the CR code.

98A Treatment of partnerships

(1) If, apart from this subsection, this Act would impose an obligation
on a partnership, the obligation is imposed instead on each partner
but may be discharged by any of the partners.

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Miscellaneous Part IX

Section 98B

(2) If, apart from this subsection, an offence against this Act would be
committed by a partnership, the offence is taken to have been
committed by each partner.
(3) If, apart from this subsection, a partnership would contravene a
civil penalty provision, the contravention is taken to have been
committed by each partner.
(4) A partner does not commit an offence against this Act because of
subsection (2), or contravene a civil penalty provision because of
subsection (3), if the partner:
(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the
contravention of the provision concerned; or
(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps
to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the
partner becomes aware of those circumstances.
Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in
relation to the matters in subsection (4) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the
Criminal Code).

98B Treatment of unincorporated associations

(1) If, apart from this subsection, this Act would impose an obligation
on an unincorporated association, the obligation is imposed instead
on each member of the association’s committee of management but
may be discharged by any of the members.
(2) If, apart from this subsection, an offence against this Act would be
committed by an unincorporated association, the offence is taken to
have been committed by each member of the association’s
committee of management.
(3) If, apart from this subsection, an unincorporated association would
contravene a civil penalty provision, the contravention is taken to
have been committed by each member of the association’s
committee of management.
(4) A member of an unincorporated association’s committee of
management does not commit an offence against this Act because

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Part IX Miscellaneous

Section 98C

of subsection (2), or contravene a civil penalty provision because

of subsection (3), if the member:
(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the
contravention of the provision concerned; or
(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps
to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the
member becomes aware of those circumstances.
Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in
relation to the matters in subsection (4) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the
Criminal Code).

98C Treatment of trusts

(1) If, apart from this subsection, this Act would impose an obligation
on a trust, the obligation is imposed instead on each trustee of the
trust but may be discharged by any of the trustees.
(2) If, apart from this subsection, an offence against this Act would be
committed by a trust, the offence is taken to have been committed
by each trustee of the trust.
(3) If, apart from this subsection, a trust would contravene a civil
penalty provision, the contravention is taken to have been
committed by each trustee of the trust.
(4) A trustee of a trust does not commit an offence against this Act
because of subsection (2), or contravene a civil penalty provision
because of subsection (3), if the trustee:
(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the
contravention of the provision concerned; or
(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps
to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the
trustee becomes aware of those circumstances.
Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in
relation to the matters in subsection (4) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the
Criminal Code).

316 Privacy Act 1988

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Miscellaneous Part IX

Section 99A

99A Conduct of directors, employees and agents

(1) Where, in proceedings for an offence against this Act or for a civil
penalty order under the Regulatory Powers Act (as it applies in
relation to the civil penalty provisions of this Act), it is necessary
to establish the state of mind of a body corporate in relation to
particular conduct, it is sufficient to show:
(a) that the conduct was engaged in by a director, employee or
agent of the body corporate within the scope of his or her
actual or apparent authority; and
(b) that the director, employee or agent had the state of mind.
(2) Any conduct engaged in on behalf of a body corporate by a
director, employee or agent of the body corporate within the scope
of his or her actual or apparent authority is to be taken, for the
purposes of a prosecution for an offence against this Act or
proceedings for a civil penalty order under the Regulatory Powers
Act (as it applies in relation to the civil penalty provisions of this
Act), to have been engaged in also by the body corporate unless the
body corporate establishes that the body corporate took reasonable
precautions and exercised due diligence to avoid the conduct.
(3) Where, in proceedings for an offence against this Act or for a civil
penalty order under the Regulatory Powers Act (as it applies in
relation to the civil penalty provisions of this Act), it is necessary
to establish the state of mind of a person other than a body
corporate in relation to particular conduct, it is sufficient to show:
(a) that the conduct was engaged in by an employee or agent of
the person within the scope of his or her actual or apparent
authority; and
(b) that the employee or agent had the state of mind.
(4) Any conduct engaged in on behalf of a person other than a body
corporate by an employee or agent of a person within the scope of
his or her actual or apparent authority is to be taken, for the
purposes of a prosecution for an offence against this Act or
proceedings for a civil penalty order under the Regulatory Powers
Act (as it applies in relation to the civil penalty provisions of this

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Part IX Miscellaneous

Section 100

Act), to have been engaged in also by the first-mentioned person

unless the first-mentioned person establishes that the
first-mentioned person took reasonable precautions and exercised
due diligence to avoid the conduct.
(5) Where:
(a) a person other than a body corporate is convicted of an
offence; and
(b) the person would not have been convicted of the offence if
subsections (3) and (4) had not been enacted;
the person is not liable to be punished by imprisonment for that
(6) A reference in subsection (1) or (3) to the state of mind of a person
includes a reference to:
(a) the knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or purpose of the
person; and
(b) the person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief or
(7) A reference in this section to a director of a body corporate
includes a reference to a constituent member of a body corporate
incorporated for a public purpose by a law of the Commonwealth,
of a State or of a Territory.
(8) A reference in this section to engaging in conduct includes a
reference to failing or refusing to engage in conduct.

100 Regulations
(1) The Governor-General may make regulations, not inconsistent with
this Act, prescribing matters:
(a) required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed; or
(b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or
giving effect to this Act.
(2) Before the Governor-General makes regulations for the purposes of
Australian Privacy Principle 9.3 prescribing a government related

318 Privacy Act 1988

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Miscellaneous Part IX

Section 100

identifier, an organisation or a class of organisations, and

circumstances, the Minister must be satisfied that:
(a) the relevant agency or State or Territory authority or, if the
relevant agency or State or Territory authority has a principal
executive, the principal executive:
(i) has agreed that the adoption, use or disclosure of the
identifier by the organisation, or the class of
organisations, in the circumstances is appropriate; and
(ii) has consulted the Commissioner about that adoption,
use or disclosure; and
(b) the adoption, use or disclosure of the identifier by the
organisation, or the class of organisations, in the
circumstances can only be for the benefit of the individual to
whom the identifier relates.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to the making of regulations for the
purposes of Australian Privacy Principle 9.3 that relate to the use
or disclosure of a government related identifier by an organisation,
or a class of organisations, in particular circumstances if:
(a) the identifier is a kind commonly used in the processing of
pay, or deductions from pay, of Commonwealth officers, or a
class of Commonwealth officers; and
(b) the circumstances of the use or disclosure of the identifier
relate to the provision by:
(i) the organisation; or
(ii) the class of organisations;
of superannuation services (including the management,
processing, allocation and transfer of superannuation
contributions) for the benefit of Commonwealth officers or
the class of Commonwealth officers; and
(c) before the regulations are made, the Minister consults the
Commissioner about the proposed regulations.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles

Schedule 1—Australian Privacy Principles

Note: See section 14.

Overview of the Australian Privacy Principles


This Schedule sets out the Australian Privacy Principles.

Part 1 sets out principles that require APP entities to consider the
privacy of personal information, including ensuring that APP
entities manage personal information in an open and transparent

Part 2 sets out principles that deal with the collection of personal
information including unsolicited personal information.

Part 3 sets out principles about how APP entities deal with
personal information and government related identifiers. The
Part includes principles about the use and disclosure of personal
information and those identifiers.

Part 4 sets out principles about the integrity of personal

information. The Part includes principles about the quality and
security of personal information.

Part 5 sets out principles that deal with requests for access to, and
the correction of, personal information.

Australian Privacy Principles

The Australian Privacy Principles are:

Australian Privacy Principle 1—open and transparent

management of personal information

320 Privacy Act 1988

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1

Australian Privacy Principle 2—anonymity and pseudonymity

Australian Privacy Principle 3—collection of solicited

personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 4—dealing with unsolicited

personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 5—notification of the collection

of personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 6—use or disclosure of personal


Australian Privacy Principle 7—direct marketing

Australian Privacy Principle 8—cross-border disclosure of

personal information

Australian Privacy Principle 9—adoption, use or disclosure of

government related identifiers

Australian Privacy Principle 10—quality of personal


Australian Privacy Principle 11—security of personal


Australian Privacy Principle 12—access to personal


Australian Privacy Principle 13—correction of personal


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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 1 Consideration of personal information privacy

Clause 1

Part 1—Consideration of personal information


1 Australian Privacy Principle 1—open and transparent

management of personal information
1.1 The object of this principle is to ensure that APP entities manage
personal information in an open and transparent way.

Compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles etc.

1.2 An APP entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems
relating to the entity’s functions or activities that:
(a) will ensure that the entity complies with the Australian
Privacy Principles and a registered APP code (if any) that
binds the entity; and
(b) will enable the entity to deal with inquiries or complaints
from individuals about the entity’s compliance with the
Australian Privacy Principles or such a code.

APP Privacy policy

1.3 An APP entity must have a clearly expressed and up-to-date policy
(the APP privacy policy) about the management of personal
information by the entity.
1.4 Without limiting subclause 1.3, the APP privacy policy of the APP
entity must contain the following information:
(a) the kinds of personal information that the entity collects and
(b) how the entity collects and holds personal information;
(c) the purposes for which the entity collects, holds, uses and
discloses personal information;

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Consideration of personal information privacy Part 1

Clause 2

(d) how an individual may access personal information about the

individual that is held by the entity and seek the correction of
such information;
(e) how an individual may complain about a breach of the
Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP code (if
any) that binds the entity, and how the entity will deal with
such a complaint;
(f) whether the entity is likely to disclose personal information
to overseas recipients;
(g) if the entity is likely to disclose personal information to
overseas recipients—the countries in which such recipients
are likely to be located if it is practicable to specify those
countries in the policy.

Availability of APP privacy policy etc.

1.5 An APP entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to make its APP privacy policy available:
(a) free of charge; and
(b) in such form as is appropriate.
Note: An APP entity will usually make its APP privacy policy available on
the entity’s website.

1.6 If a person or body requests a copy of the APP privacy policy of an

APP entity in a particular form, the entity must take such steps as
are reasonable in the circumstances to give the person or body a
copy in that form.

2 Australian Privacy Principle 2—anonymity and pseudonymity

2.1 Individuals must have the option of not identifying themselves, or
of using a pseudonym, when dealing with an APP entity in relation
to a particular matter.
2.2 Subclause 2.1 does not apply if, in relation to that matter:
(a) the APP entity is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to deal with
individuals who have identified themselves; or

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 1 Consideration of personal information privacy

Clause 2

(b) it is impracticable for the APP entity to deal with individuals

who have not identified themselves or who have used a

324 Privacy Act 1988

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Collection of personal information Part 2

Clause 3

Part 2—Collection of personal information

3 Australian Privacy Principle 3—collection of solicited personal


Personal information other than sensitive information

3.1 If an APP entity is an agency, the entity must not collect personal
information (other than sensitive information) unless the
information is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one
or more of the entity’s functions or activities.
3.2 If an APP entity is an organisation, the entity must not collect
personal information (other than sensitive information) unless the
information is reasonably necessary for one or more of the entity’s
functions or activities.

Sensitive information
3.3 An APP entity must not collect sensitive information about an
individual unless:
(a) the individual consents to the collection of the information
(i) if the entity is an agency—the information is reasonably
necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the
entity’s functions or activities; or
(ii) if the entity is an organisation—the information is
reasonably necessary for one or more of the entity’s
functions or activities; or
(b) subclause 3.4 applies in relation to the information.
3.4 This subclause applies in relation to sensitive information about an
individual if:
(a) the collection of the information is required or authorised by
or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 2 Collection of personal information

Clause 3

(b) a permitted general situation exists in relation to the

collection of the information by the APP entity; or
(c) the APP entity is an organisation and a permitted health
situation exists in relation to the collection of the information
by the entity; or
(d) the APP entity is an enforcement body and the entity
reasonably believes that:
(i) if the entity is the Immigration Department—the
collection of the information is reasonably necessary
for, or directly related to, one or more enforcement
related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, the
entity; or
(ii) otherwise—the collection of the information is
reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or
more of the entity’s functions or activities; or
(e) the APP entity is a non-profit organisation and both of the
following apply:
(i) the information relates to the activities of the
(ii) the information relates solely to the members of the
organisation, or to individuals who have regular contact
with the organisation in connection with its activities.
Note: For permitted general situation, see section 16A. For permitted
health situation, see section 16B.

Means of collection
3.5 An APP entity must collect personal information only by lawful
and fair means.
3.6 An APP entity must collect personal information about an
individual only from the individual unless:
(a) if the entity is an agency:
(i) the individual consents to the collection of the
information from someone other than the individual; or

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Collection of personal information Part 2

Clause 4

(ii) the entity is required or authorised by or under an

Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to collect the
information from someone other than the individual; or
(b) it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so.

Solicited personal information

3.7 This principle applies to the collection of personal information that
is solicited by an APP entity.

4 Australian Privacy Principle 4—dealing with unsolicited personal

4.1 If:
(a) an APP entity receives personal information; and
(b) the entity did not solicit the information;
the entity must, within a reasonable period after receiving the
information, determine whether or not the entity could have
collected the information under Australian Privacy Principle 3 if
the entity had solicited the information.
4.2 The APP entity may use or disclose the personal information for
the purposes of making the determination under subclause 4.1.
4.3 If:
(a) the APP entity determines that the entity could not have
collected the personal information; and
(b) the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record;
the entity must, as soon as practicable but only if it is lawful and
reasonable to do so, destroy the information or ensure that the
information is de-identified.
4.4 If subclause 4.3 does not apply in relation to the personal
information, Australian Privacy Principles 5 to 13 apply in relation
to the information as if the entity had collected the information
under Australian Privacy Principle 3.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 2 Collection of personal information

Clause 5

5 Australian Privacy Principle 5—notification of the collection of

personal information
5.1 At or before the time or, if that is not practicable, as soon as
practicable after, an APP entity collects personal information about
an individual, the entity must take such steps (if any) as are
reasonable in the circumstances:
(a) to notify the individual of such matters referred to in
subclause 5.2 as are reasonable in the circumstances; or
(b) to otherwise ensure that the individual is aware of any such
5.2 The matters for the purposes of subclause 5.1 are as follows:
(a) the identity and contact details of the APP entity;
(b) if:
(i) the APP entity collects the personal information from
someone other than the individual; or
(ii) the individual may not be aware that the APP entity has
collected the personal information;
the fact that the entity so collects, or has collected, the
information and the circumstances of that collection;
(c) if the collection of the personal information is required or
authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal
order—the fact that the collection is so required or authorised
(including the name of the Australian law, or details of the
court/tribunal order, that requires or authorises the
(d) the purposes for which the APP entity collects the personal
(e) the main consequences (if any) for the individual if all or
some of the personal information is not collected by the APP
(f) any other APP entity, body or person, or the types of any
other APP entities, bodies or persons, to which the APP
entity usually discloses personal information of the kind
collected by the entity;

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Collection of personal information Part 2

Clause 5

(g) that the APP privacy policy of the APP entity contains
information about how the individual may access the
personal information about the individual that is held by the
entity and seek the correction of such information;
(h) that the APP privacy policy of the APP entity contains
information about how the individual may complain about a
breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered
APP code (if any) that binds the entity, and how the entity
will deal with such a complaint;
(i) whether the APP entity is likely to disclose the personal
information to overseas recipients;
(j) if the APP entity is likely to disclose the personal information
to overseas recipients—the countries in which such recipients
are likely to be located if it is practicable to specify those
countries in the notification or to otherwise make the
individual aware of them.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 3 Dealing with personal information

Clause 6

Part 3—Dealing with personal information

6 Australian Privacy Principle 6—use or disclosure of personal


Use or disclosure
6.1 If an APP entity holds personal information about an individual
that was collected for a particular purpose (the primary purpose),
the entity must not use or disclose the information for another
purpose (the secondary purpose) unless:
(a) the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of the
information; or
(b) subclause 6.2 or 6.3 applies in relation to the use or
disclosure of the information.
Note: Australian Privacy Principle 8 sets out requirements for the disclosure
of personal information to a person who is not in Australia or an
external Territory.

6.2 This subclause applies in relation to the use or disclosure of

personal information about an individual if:
(a) the individual would reasonably expect the APP entity to use
or disclose the information for the secondary purpose and the
secondary purpose is:
(i) if the information is sensitive information—directly
related to the primary purpose; or
(ii) if the information is not sensitive information—related
to the primary purpose; or
(b) the use or disclosure of the information is required or
authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal
order; or
(c) a permitted general situation exists in relation to the use or
disclosure of the information by the APP entity; or

330 Privacy Act 1988

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Dealing with personal information Part 3

Clause 6

(d) the APP entity is an organisation and a permitted health

situation exists in relation to the use or disclosure of the
information by the entity; or
(e) the APP entity reasonably believes that the use or disclosure
of the information is reasonably necessary for one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,
an enforcement body.
Note: For permitted general situation, see section 16A. For permitted
health situation, see section 16B.

6.3 This subclause applies in relation to the disclosure of personal

information about an individual by an APP entity that is an agency
(a) the agency is not an enforcement body; and
(b) the information is biometric information or biometric
templates; and
(c) the recipient of the information is an enforcement body; and
(d) the disclosure is conducted in accordance with the guidelines
made by the Commissioner for the purposes of this
6.4 If:
(a) the APP entity is an organisation; and
(b) subsection 16B(2) applied in relation to the collection of the
personal information by the entity;
the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to ensure that the information is de-identified before
the entity discloses it in accordance with subclause 6.1 or 6.2.

Written note of use or disclosure

6.5 If an APP entity uses or discloses personal information in
accordance with paragraph 6.2(e), the entity must make a written
note of the use or disclosure.

Related bodies corporate

6.6 If:

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 3 Dealing with personal information

Clause 7

(a) an APP entity is a body corporate; and

(b) the entity collects personal information from a related body
this principle applies as if the entity’s primary purpose for the
collection of the information were the primary purpose for which
the related body corporate collected the information.

6.7 This principle does not apply to the use or disclosure by an
organisation of:
(a) personal information for the purpose of direct marketing; or
(b) government related identifiers.

7 Australian Privacy Principle 7—direct marketing

Direct marketing
7.1 If an organisation holds personal information about an individual,
the organisation must not use or disclose the information for the
purpose of direct marketing.
Note: An act or practice of an agency may be treated as an act or practice of
an organisation, see section 7A.

Exceptions—personal information other than sensitive information

7.2 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose
personal information (other than sensitive information) about an
individual for the purpose of direct marketing if:
(a) the organisation collected the information from the
individual; and
(b) the individual would reasonably expect the organisation to
use or disclose the information for that purpose; and
(c) the organisation provides a simple means by which the
individual may easily request not to receive direct marketing
communications from the organisation; and

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Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Dealing with personal information Part 3

Clause 7

(d) the individual has not made such a request to the

7.3 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose
personal information (other than sensitive information) about an
individual for the purpose of direct marketing if:
(a) the organisation collected the information from:
(i) the individual and the individual would not reasonably
expect the organisation to use or disclose the
information for that purpose; or
(ii) someone other than the individual; and
(b) either:
(i) the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of
the information for that purpose; or
(ii) it is impracticable to obtain that consent; and
(c) the organisation provides a simple means by which the
individual may easily request not to receive direct marketing
communications from the organisation; and
(d) in each direct marketing communication with the individual:
(i) the organisation includes a prominent statement that the
individual may make such a request; or
(ii) the organisation otherwise draws the individual’s
attention to the fact that the individual may make such a
request; and
(e) the individual has not made such a request to the

Exception—sensitive information
7.4 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose
sensitive information about an individual for the purpose of direct
marketing if the individual has consented to the use or disclosure
of the information for that purpose.

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Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 3 Dealing with personal information

Clause 7

Exception—contracted service providers

7.5 Despite subclause 7.1, an organisation may use or disclose
personal information for the purpose of direct marketing if:
(a) the organisation is a contracted service provider for a
Commonwealth contract; and
(b) the organisation collected the information for the purpose of
meeting (directly or indirectly) an obligation under the
contract; and
(c) the use or disclosure is necessary to meet (directly or
indirectly) such an obligation.

Individual may request not to receive direct marketing

communications etc.
7.6 If an organisation (the first organisation) uses or discloses
personal information about an individual:
(a) for the purpose of direct marketing by the first organisation;
(b) for the purpose of facilitating direct marketing by other
the individual may:
(c) if paragraph (a) applies—request not to receive direct
marketing communications from the first organisation; and
(d) if paragraph (b) applies—request the organisation not to use
or disclose the information for the purpose referred to in that
paragraph; and
(e) request the first organisation to provide its source of the
7.7 If an individual makes a request under subclause 7.6, the first
organisation must not charge the individual for the making of, or to
give effect to, the request and:
(a) if the request is of a kind referred to in paragraph 7.6(c) or
(d)—the first organisation must give effect to the request
within a reasonable period after the request is made; and

334 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Dealing with personal information Part 3

Clause 8

(b) if the request is of a kind referred to in paragraph 7.6(e)—the

organisation must, within a reasonable period after the
request is made, notify the individual of its source unless it is
impracticable or unreasonable to do so.

Interaction with other legislation

7.8 This principle does not apply to the extent that any of the following
(aa) Division 5 of Part 7B of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001;
(a) the Do Not Call Register Act 2006;
(b) the Spam Act 2003;
(c) any other Act of the Commonwealth, or a law in force in an
external Territory, prescribed by the regulations.

8 Australian Privacy Principle 8—cross-border disclosure of

personal information
8.1 Before an APP entity discloses personal information about an
individual to a person (the overseas recipient):
(a) who is not in Australia or an external Territory; and
(b) who is not the entity or the individual;
the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach
the Australian Privacy Principles (other than Australian Privacy
Principle 1) in relation to the information.
Note: In certain circumstances, an act done, or a practice engaged in, by the
overseas recipient is taken, under section 16C, to have been done, or
engaged in, by the APP entity and to be a breach of the Australian
Privacy Principles.

8.2 Subclause 8.1 does not apply to the disclosure of personal

information about an individual by an APP entity to the overseas
recipient if:
(a) the entity reasonably believes that:
(i) the recipient of the information is subject to a law, or
binding scheme, that has the effect of protecting the

Privacy Act 1988 335

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 3 Dealing with personal information

Clause 8

information in a way that, overall, is at least

substantially similar to the way in which the Australian
Privacy Principles protect the information; and
(ii) there are mechanisms that the individual can access to
take action to enforce that protection of the law or
binding scheme; or
(b) both of the following apply:
(i) the entity expressly informs the individual that if he or
she consents to the disclosure of the information,
subclause 8.1 will not apply to the disclosure;
(ii) after being so informed, the individual consents to the
disclosure; or
(c) the disclosure of the information is required or authorised by
or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
(d) a permitted general situation (other than the situation referred
to in item 4 or 5 of the table in subsection 16A(1)) exists in
relation to the disclosure of the information by the APP
entity; or
(e) the entity is an agency and the disclosure of the information
is required or authorised by or under an international
agreement relating to information sharing to which Australia
is a party; or
(f) the entity is an agency and both of the following apply:
(i) the entity reasonably believes that the disclosure of the
information is reasonably necessary for one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by, or on
behalf of, an enforcement body;
(ii) the recipient is a body that performs functions, or
exercises powers, that are similar to those performed or
exercised by an enforcement body.
Note: For permitted general situation, see section 16A.

336 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Dealing with personal information Part 3

Clause 9

9 Australian Privacy Principle 9—adoption, use or disclosure of

government related identifiers

Adoption of government related identifiers

9.1 An organisation must not adopt a government related identifier of
an individual as its own identifier of the individual unless:
(a) the adoption of the government related identifier is required
or authorised by or under an Australian law or a
court/tribunal order; or
(b) subclause 9.3 applies in relation to the adoption.
Note: An act or practice of an agency may be treated as an act or practice of
an organisation, see section 7A.

Use or disclosure of government related identifiers

9.2 An organisation must not use or disclose a government related
identifier of an individual unless:
(a) the use or disclosure of the identifier is reasonably necessary
for the organisation to verify the identity of the individual for
the purposes of the organisation’s activities or functions; or
(b) the use or disclosure of the identifier is reasonably necessary
for the organisation to fulfil its obligations to an agency or a
State or Territory authority; or
(c) the use or disclosure of the identifier is required or authorised
by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
(d) a permitted general situation (other than the situation referred
to in item 4 or 5 of the table in subsection 16A(1)) exists in
relation to the use or disclosure of the identifier; or
(e) the organisation reasonably believes that the use or disclosure
of the identifier is reasonably necessary for one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,
an enforcement body; or
(f) subclause 9.3 applies in relation to the use or disclosure.
Note 1: An act or practice of an agency may be treated as an act or practice of
an organisation, see section 7A.
Note 2: For permitted general situation, see section 16A.

Privacy Act 1988 337

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 3 Dealing with personal information

Clause 9

Regulations about adoption, use or disclosure

9.3 This subclause applies in relation to the adoption, use or disclosure
by an organisation of a government related identifier of an
individual if:
(a) the identifier is prescribed by the regulations; and
(b) the organisation is prescribed by the regulations, or is
included in a class of organisations prescribed by the
regulations; and
(c) the adoption, use or disclosure occurs in the circumstances
prescribed by the regulations.
Note: There are prerequisites that must be satisfied before the matters
mentioned in this subclause are prescribed, see subsections 100(2) and

338 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Integrity of personal information Part 4

Clause 10

Part 4—Integrity of personal information

10 Australian Privacy Principle 10—quality of personal information

10.1 An APP entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in
the circumstances to ensure that the personal information that the
entity collects is accurate, up-to-date and complete.
10.2 An APP entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in
the circumstances to ensure that the personal information that the
entity uses or discloses is, having regard to the purpose of the use
or disclosure, accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.

11 Australian Privacy Principle 11—security of personal

11.1 If an APP entity holds personal information, the entity must take
such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to protect the
(a) from misuse, interference and loss; and
(b) from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
11.2 If:
(a) an APP entity holds personal information about an
individual; and
(b) the entity no longer needs the information for any purpose for
which the information may be used or disclosed by the entity
under this Schedule; and
(c) the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record;
(d) the entity is not required by or under an Australian law, or a
court/tribunal order, to retain the information;
the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to destroy the information or to ensure that the
information is de-identified.

Privacy Act 1988 339

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 5 Access to, and correction of, personal information

Clause 12

Part 5—Access to, and correction of, personal


12 Australian Privacy Principle 12—access to personal information

12.1 If an APP entity holds personal information about an individual,
the entity must, on request by the individual, give the individual
access to the information.

Exception to access—agency
12.2 If:
(a) the APP entity is an agency; and
(b) the entity is required or authorised to refuse to give the
individual access to the personal information by or under:
(i) the Freedom of Information Act; or
(ii) any other Act of the Commonwealth, or a law in force
in an external Territory, that provides for access by
persons to documents;
then, despite subclause 12.1, the entity is not required to give
access to the extent that the entity is required or authorised to
refuse to give access.

Exception to access—organisation
12.3 If the APP entity is an organisation then, despite subclause 12.1,
the entity is not required to give the individual access to the
personal information to the extent that:
(a) the entity reasonably believes that giving access would pose
a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual,
or to public health or public safety; or
(b) giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the
privacy of other individuals; or

340 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Access to, and correction of, personal information Part 5

Clause 12

(c) the request for access is frivolous or vexatious; or

(d) the information relates to existing or anticipated legal
proceedings between the entity and the individual, and would
not be accessible by the process of discovery in those
proceedings; or
(e) giving access would reveal the intentions of the entity in
relation to negotiations with the individual in such a way as
to prejudice those negotiations; or
(f) giving access would be unlawful; or
(g) denying access is required or authorised by or under an
Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
(h) both of the following apply:
(i) the entity has reason to suspect that unlawful activity, or
misconduct of a serious nature, that relates to the
entity’s functions or activities has been, is being or may
be engaged in;
(ii) giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of
appropriate action in relation to the matter; or
(i) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more
enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of,
an enforcement body; or
(j) giving access would reveal evaluative information generated
within the entity in connection with a commercially sensitive
decision-making process.

Dealing with requests for access

12.4 The APP entity must:
(a) respond to the request for access to the personal information:
(i) if the entity is an agency—within 30 days after the
request is made; or
(ii) if the entity is an organisation—within a reasonable
period after the request is made; and
(b) give access to the information in the manner requested by the
individual, if it is reasonable and practicable to do so.

Privacy Act 1988 341

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 5 Access to, and correction of, personal information

Clause 12

Other means of access

12.5 If the APP entity refuses:
(a) to give access to the personal information because of
subclause 12.2 or 12.3; or
(b) to give access in the manner requested by the individual;
the entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the
circumstances to give access in a way that meets the needs of the
entity and the individual.
12.6 Without limiting subclause 12.5, access may be given through the
use of a mutually agreed intermediary.

Access charges
12.7 If the APP entity is an agency, the entity must not charge the
individual for the making of the request or for giving access to the
personal information.
12.8 If:
(a) the APP entity is an organisation; and
(b) the entity charges the individual for giving access to the
personal information;
the charge must not be excessive and must not apply to the making
of the request.

Refusal to give access

12.9 If the APP entity refuses to give access to the personal information
because of subclause 12.2 or 12.3, or to give access in the manner
requested by the individual, the entity must give the individual a
written notice that sets out:
(a) the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that, having
regard to the grounds for the refusal, it would be
unreasonable to do so; and
(b) the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal; and
(c) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

342 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Australian Privacy Principles Schedule 1
Access to, and correction of, personal information Part 5

Clause 13

12.10 If the APP entity refuses to give access to the personal information
because of paragraph 12.3(j), the reasons for the refusal may
include an explanation for the commercially sensitive decision.

13 Australian Privacy Principle 13—correction of personal


13.1 If:
(a) an APP entity holds personal information about an
individual; and
(b) either:
(i) the entity is satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for
which the information is held, the information is
inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or
misleading; or
(ii) the individual requests the entity to correct the
the entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the
circumstances to correct that information to ensure that, having
regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is
accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

Notification of correction to third parties

13.2 If:
(a) the APP entity corrects personal information about an
individual that the entity previously disclosed to another APP
entity; and
(b) the individual requests the entity to notify the other APP
entity of the correction;
the entity must take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the
circumstances to give that notification unless it is impracticable or
unlawful to do so.

Privacy Act 1988 343

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles
Part 5 Access to, and correction of, personal information

Clause 13

Refusal to correct information

13.3 If the APP entity refuses to correct the personal information as
requested by the individual, the entity must give the individual a
written notice that sets out:
(a) the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that it would
be unreasonable to do so; and
(b) the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal; and
(c) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

Request to associate a statement

13.4 If:
(a) the APP entity refuses to correct the personal information as
requested by the individual; and
(b) the individual requests the entity to associate with the
information a statement that the information is inaccurate,
out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading;
the entity must take such steps as are reasonable in the
circumstances to associate the statement in such a way that will
make the statement apparent to users of the information.

Dealing with requests

13.5 If a request is made under subclause 13.1 or 13.4, the APP entity:
(a) must respond to the request:
(i) if the entity is an agency—within 30 days after the
request is made; or
(ii) if the entity is an organisation—within a reasonable
period after the request is made; and
(b) must not charge the individual for the making of the request,
for correcting the personal information or for associating the
statement with the personal information (as the case may be).

344 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 1—About the endnotes
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Abbreviation key—Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that
has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes
commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving
or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at
the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information
about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance
with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make
editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a
compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect
of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief
outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be
obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe
how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment

Privacy Act 1988 345

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be

incorporated through an editorial change made under section 15V of the
Legislation Act 2003.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the
amendment is not incorporated and “(md not incorp)” is added to the
amendment history.

346 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted o = order(s)

am = amended Ord = Ordinance
amdt = amendment orig = original
c = clause(s) par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)
C[x] = Compilation No. x /sub-subparagraph(s)
Ch = Chapter(s) pres = present
def = definition(s) prev = previous
Dict = Dictionary (prev…) = previously
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament Pt = Part(s)
Div = Division(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)
ed = editorial change reloc = relocated
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have renum = renumbered
effect rep = repealed
F = Federal Register of Legislation rs = repealed and substituted
gaz = gazette s = section(s)/subsection(s)
LA = Legislation Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)
LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sdiv = Subdivision(s)
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given SLI = Select Legislative Instrument
effect SR = Statutory Rules
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)
cannot be given effect SubPt = Subpart(s)
mod = modified/modification underlining = whole or part not
No. = Number(s) commenced or to be commenced

Privacy Act 1988 347

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Privacy Act 1988 119, 1988 14 Dec 1988 1 Jan 1989 (s 2 and
gaz 1988, No S399)
Law and Justice 11, 1990 17 Jan 1990 s 41–43: 14 Feb 1990 —
Legislation Amendment (s 2(1))
Act 1989
Defence Legislation 75, 1990 22 Oct 1990 Sch 3: 22 Oct 1990 —
Amendment Act 1990 (s 2(1))
Privacy Amendment Act 116, 1990 24 Dec 1990 24 Sept 1991 (s 2(2)) s 25
as amended by
Law and Justice 136, 1991 12 Sept 1991 s 21: 24 Sept 1991 —
Legislation (s 2(3))
Amendment Act 1991
Law and Justice 165, 1992 11 Dec 1992 Sch (Pt 1): 24 Sept —
Legislation 1991 (s 2(6))
Amendment Act
(No. 3) 1992
Data-matching Program 20, 1991 23 Jan 1991 s 17–20: 23 Jan 1991 —
(Assistance and Tax) Act (s 2)
Crimes Legislation 28, 1991 4 Mar 1991 Sch 2 (Pt 1): 4 Mar —
Amendment Act 1991 1991 (s 2(1))
Industrial Relations 122, 1991 27 June 1991 s 31(2) and Sch: 10 s 31(2)
Legislation Amendment Dec 1991 (s 2(3) and
Act 1991 gaz 1991, No S332)
Law and Justice 136, 1991 12 Sept 1991 s 11–20: 24 Sept 1991 —
Legislation Amendment (s 2(2))
Act 1991

348 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Social Security 194, 1991 13 Dec 1991 Sch 5 (Pt 2): 23 Jan —
Legislation Amendment 1991 (s 2(13))
Act (No. 4) 1991
Law and Justice 143, 1992 7 Dec 1992 Sch: 7 Dec 1992 (s —
Legislation Amendment 2(1))
Act (No. 4) 1992
National Health 28, 1993 9 June 1993 s 7 and 8: 9 June 1993 —
Amendment Act 1993 (s 2)
Law and Justice 13, 1994 18 Jan 1994 s 7–16 and Note 1 of s 16
Legislation Amendment Notes about section
Act 1993 headings: 18 Jan 1994
(s 2(1))
Law and Justice 84, 1994 23 June 1994 s 71: 23 June 1994 —
Legislation Amendment (s 2(1))
Act 1994
Australian Capital 92, 1994 29 June 1994 s 23, Sch 2 and 3: —
Territory Government 1 July 1994 (s 2(1) and
Service (Consequential gaz 1994, No S256)
Provisions) Act 1994
Employment Services 177, 1994 19 Dec 1994 s 19–26: 1 Jan 1995 s 19
(Consequential (s 2(3))
Amendments) Act 1994
Human Rights 59, 1995 28 June 1995 s 4, 5 and Sch: 28 June s 4 and 5
Legislation Amendment 1995 (s 2(1))
Act 1995
Statute Law Revision 43, 1996 25 Oct 1996 Sch 4 (item 122): 25 —
Act 1996 Oct 1996 (s 2(1))
Law and Justice 34, 1997 17 Apr 1997 Sch 13: 17 Apr 1997 —
Legislation Amendment (s 2(1))
Act 1997

Privacy Act 1988 349

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Hearing Services and 82, 1997 18 June 1997 Sch 4 (items 1, 2, 4– Sch 4 (item 12)
AGHS Reform Act 1997 12): 18 June 1997
(s 2(1))
Sch 4 (item 3): never
commenced (s 2(3))
as amended by
Statute Law Revision 100, 2005 6 July 2005 Sch 2 (item 20): —
Act 2005 18 June 1997 (s 2(1)
item 38)
Statute Law Revision 9, 2006 23 Mar 2006 Sch 2 (item 19): —
Act 2006 18 June 1997 (s 2(1)
item 34)
Financial Sector Reform 48, 1998 29 June 1998 Sch 1 (item 133): —
(Consequential 1 July 1998 (s 2(2))
Amendments) Act 1998
Financial Sector Reform 44, 1999 17 June 1999 Sch 7 (items 126– —
(Amendments and 128): 1 July 1999
Transitional Provisions) (s 3(2)(e), (16))
Act (No. 1) 1999
Public Employment 146, 1999 11 Nov 1999 Sch 1 (items 738– —
(Consequential and 747): 5 Dec 1999 (s
Transitional) 2(1), (2))
Amendment Act 1999
Australian Security 161, 1999 10 Dec 1999 Sch 3 (items 1, 49): —
Intelligence Organisation 10 Dec 1999 (s 2(2))
Legislation Amendment
Act 1999

350 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Privacy Amendment 2, 2000 29 Feb 2000 Sch 1 (items 1–10, Sch 1 (item 15)
(Office of the Privacy 15): 1 July 2000 (s
Commissioner) Act 2000 2(1) and gaz 2000, No
as amended by
Disability 70, 2009 8 July 2009 Sch 3 (items 58, 59): —
Discrimination and 5 Aug 2009 (s 2(1)
Other Human Rights item 7)
Amendment Act 2009
Australian Federal 9, 2000 7 Mar 2000 Sch 2 (items 42–46) Sch 3 (items 20,
Police Legislation and Sch 3 (items 20, 29, 34, 35)
Amendment Act 2000 29, 34, 35): 2 July
2000 (s 2(1) and gaz
2000, No S328)
Privacy Amendment 155, 2000 21 Dec 2000 Sch 1: 21 Dec 2001 Sch 1 (items 37,
(Private Sector) Act (s 2(1)) 53, 57, 76, 100,
2000 Sch 3 (items 3, 4): 124, 130) and Sch
21 Dec 2000 (s 2(2)) 3 (item 4)
Law and Justice 24, 2001 6 Apr 2001 s 4(1), (2) and Sch 40 s 4(1) and (2)
Legislation Amendment (items 1–9, 11–13):
(Application of Criminal 24 May 2001
Code) Act 2001 (s 2(1)(a))
Sch 40 (item 10): 21
Dec 2001 (s 2(7))

Privacy Act 1988 351

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Corporations (Repeals, 55, 2001 28 June 2001 s 4–14 and Sch 3 s 4–14
Consequentials and (item 437): 15 July
Transitionals) Act 2001 2001 (s 2(1), (3) and
gaz 2001, No S285)
Sch 3 (item 438): 21
Dec 2001 (s 2(8))
as amended by
Financial Sector 116, 2003 27 Nov 2003 Sch 4 (item 1): 15 July —
Legislation 2001 (s 2(1) item 5)
Amendment Act
(No. 1) 2003
National Crime 135, 2001 1 Oct 2001 Sch 2: 12 Oct 2001 —
Authority Legislation (s 2(2) and gaz 2001,
Amendment Act 2001 No S428)
Abolition of Compulsory 159, 2001 1 Oct 2001 Sch 1 (items 82–84, Sch 1 (item 97)
Age Retirement 97): 29 Oct 2001
(Statutory Officeholders) (s 2(1))
Act 2001
Australian Crime 125, 2002 10 Dec 2002 Sch 2 (items 99–106): —
Commission 1 Jan 2003 (s 2(1)
Establishment Act 2002 item 3)
Defence Legislation 135, 2003 17 Dec 2003 Sch 2 (item 39): —
Amendment Act 2003 17 June 2004 (s 2(1)
item 11)
Privacy Amendment Act 49, 2004 21 Apr 2004 21 Apr 2004 (s 2) Sch 1 (items 3, 5)
as amended by
Statute Law Revision 9, 2006 23 Mar 2006 Sch 2 (item 21): —
Act 2006 21 Apr 2004 (s 2(1)
item 36)
Administrative Appeals 38, 2005 1 Apr 2005 Sch 1 (item 229): —
Tribunal Amendment 16 May 2005 (s 2(1)
Act 2005 item 6)

352 Privacy Act 1988

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Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Statute Law Revision 100, 2005 6 July 2005 Sch 1 (item 38): 6 July —
Act 2005 2005 (s 2(1) item 21)
Intelligence Services 128, 2005 4 Nov 2005 Sch 6: 2 Dec 2005 —
Legislation Amendment (s 2(1) item 2)
Act 2005
Statute Law Revision 9, 2006 23 Mar 2006 Sch 1 (item 21): —
Act 2006 21 Dec 2001 (s 2(1)
item 13)
Postal Industry 25, 2006 6 Apr 2006 Sch 1 (items 17–19, Sch 1 (item 20(2))
Ombudsman Act 2006 20(2)): 6 Oct 2006
(s 2(1) item 2)
as amended by
Statute Law Revision 73, 2008 3 July 2008 Sch 2 (item 24): 6 Oct —
Act 2008 2006 (s 2(1) item 59)
National Health and 50, 2006 9 June 2006 Sch 1 (item 115): —
Medical Research 1 July 2006 (s 2(1)
Council Amendment Act item 2)
Law Enforcement 86, 2006 30 June 2006 Sch 1 (items 48–53): —
Integrity Commissioner 30 Dec 2006 (s 2(1)
(Consequential item 2)
Amendments) Act 2006
Privacy Legislation 99, 2006 14 Sept 2006 Sch 1 (item 2) and Sch —
Amendment Act 2006 2: 14 Sept 2006 (s 2)
Privacy Legislation 148, 2006 6 Dec 2006 Sch 1: 7 Dec 2006 —
Amendment (s 2)
(Emergencies and
Disasters) Act 2006

Privacy Act 1988 353

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Anti-Money Laundering 170, 2006 12 Dec 2006 Sch 1 (item 152): —

and Counter-Terrorism 13 Dec 2006 (s 2(1)
Financing (Transitional item 24)
Provisions and
Amendments) Act 2006
Quarantine Amendment 158, 2007 24 Sept 2007 Sch 2 (items 9, 10): —
(Commission of Inquiry) 24 Sept 2007 (s 2)
Act 2007
Archives Amendment 113, 2008 31 Oct 2008 Sch 1 (items 79–82): —
Act 2008 1 Nov 2008 (s 2)
Same-Sex Relationships 144, 2008 9 Dec 2008 Sch 13: 1 July 2009 —
(Equal Treatment in (s 2(1) item 35)
Commonwealth Laws—
General Law Reform)
Act 2008
Customs Legislation 33, 2009 22 May 2009 Sch 2 (item 46): —
Amendment (Name 23 May 2009 (s 2)
Change) Act 2009
Fair Work (State 54, 2009 25 June 2009 Sch 16 (items 1–3): —
Referral and 1 July 2009 (s 2(1)
Consequential and Other item 39)
Amendments) Act 2009
Disability 70, 2009 8 July 2009 Sch 3 (items 47–57): —
Discrimination and 5 Aug 2009 (s 2(1)
Other Human Rights item 7)
Legislation Amendment
Act 2009
Offshore Petroleum and 102, 2009 8 Oct 2009 Sch 1 (items 62M, —
Greenhouse Gas Storage 62N): 9 Oct 2009
Legislation Amendment (s 2(1) item 4)
Act 2009

354 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Personal Property 131, 2009 14 Dec 2009 Sch 5 (items 25–30): —

Securities 30 Jan 2012 (s 2(1)
(Consequential item 9)
Amendments) Act 2009
Crimes Legislation 4, 2010 19 Feb 2010 Sch 10 (item 23): —
Amendment (Serious 20 Feb 2010 (s 2(1)
and Organised Crime) item 13)
Act (No. 2) 2010
Statute Law Revision 8, 2010 1 Mar 2010 Sch 5 (items 77, 78): —
Act 2010 1 Mar 2010 (s 2(1)
item 35)
Freedom of Information 51, 2010 31 May 2010 Sch 3 (item 38), Sch 5 Sch 7
Amendment (Reform) (items 52–58) and
Act 2010 Sch 7: 1 Nov 2010
(s 2(1) items 6, 7)
Healthcare Identifiers 73, 2010 28 June 2010 Sch 2 (items 1–7): —
(Consequential 29 June 2010 (s 2(1)
Amendments) Act 2010 item 3)
Sch 2 (items 8–11):
30 Jan 2012 (s 2(1)
item 4)
Territories Law Reform 139, 2010 10 Dec 2010 Sch 1 (item 76): Sch 1 (item 297)
Act 2010 11 Dec 2010 (s 2(1)
item 2)
Sch 1 (items 244–
297): 1 Jan 2011
(s 2(1) item 10)
Tax Laws Amendment 145, 2010 16 Dec 2010 Sch 2 (items 62, 63): —
(Confidentiality of 17 Dec 2010 (s 2(1)
Taxpayer Information) item 2)
Act 2010

Privacy Act 1988 355

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Law and Justice 3, 2011 2 Mar 2011 Sch 7 (item 4): 3 Mar —
Legislation Amendment 2011 (s 2(1) item 4)
(Identity Crimes and
Other Measures) Act
Statute Law Revision 5, 2011 22 Mar 2011 Sch 1 (items 93–95): —
Act 2011 22 Mar 2011 (s 2(1)
item 2)
Education Services for 11, 2011 8 Apr 2011 Sch 2 (items 5–7): —
Overseas Students 9 Apr 2011 (s 2(1)
Legislation Amendment item 2)
Act 2011
Acts Interpretation 46, 2011 27 June 2011 Sch 2 (items 915–922) Sch 3 (items 10,
Amendment Act 2011 and Sch 3 (items 10, 11)
11): 27 Dec 2011
(s 2(1) items 7, 12)
Combating the 60, 2011 28 June 2011 Sch 3 (items 11–20): —
Financing of People 28 June 2011 (s 2(1)
Smuggling and Other item 9)
Measures Act 2011
Crimes Legislation 24, 2012 4 Apr 2012 Sch 4 (item 52): 5 Apr —
Amendment (Powers 2012 (s 2(1) item 7)
and Offences) Act 2012
Telecommunications 74, 2012 27 June 2012 Sch 1 (items 2, 28): Sch 1 (item 28)
Interception and Other 10 Feb 2013 (s 2(1)
Legislation Amendment item 2)
(State Bodies) Act 2012
Freedom of Information 177, 2012 4 Dec 2012 Sch 1 (item 13): 4 Dec —
Amendment 2012 (s 2)
(Parliamentary Budget
Office) Act 2012

356 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Privacy Amendment 197, 2012 12 Dec 2012 Sch 1–4: 12 Mar 2014 Sch 6 (items 1–14,
(Enhancing Privacy (s 2(1) item 2) 16–19)
Protection) Act 2012 Sch 6 (items 1, 5):
12 Dec 2012 (s 2(1)
items 16, 18)
Sch 6 (items 2–4, 6–
14, 16–19): 12 Mar
2014 (s 2(1) items 17,
as amended by
Statute Law Revision 5, 2015 25 Feb 2015 Sch 2 (items 4, 5): —
Act (No. 1) 2015 12 Mar 2014 (s 2(1)
item 6)
Public Service 2, 2013 14 Feb 2013 Sch 3 (items 14, 15): —
Amendment Act 2013 1 July 2013 (s 2(1)
item 2)
Federal Circuit Court of 13, 2013 14 Mar 2013 Sch 1 (items 468, 469) —
Australia (Consequential and Sch 2 (item 1):
Amendments) Act 2013 12 Apr 2013 (s 2(1)
items 2, 3)
Sch 3 (items 83–91):
12 Mar 2014 (s 2(1)
item 16)
National Security 108, 2014 2 Oct 2014 Sch 6 (items 26, 27): Sch 7 (items 144,
Legislation Amendment 30 Oct 2014 (s 2(1) 145)
Act (No. 1) 2014 item 2)
Sch 7 (items 135–137,
144, 145): 3 Oct 2014
(s 2(1) item 5)
Statute Law Revision 5, 2015 25 Feb 2015 Sch 1 (item 35): —
Act (No. 1) 2015 25 Mar 2015 (s 2(1)
item 2)

Privacy Act 1988 357

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Telecommunications 39, 2015 13 Apr 2015 Sch 1 (items 1H, 1J, Sch 1 (items 7–
(Interception and 7): 13 Oct 2015 (s 2(1) 12)
Access) Amendment item 2)
(Data Retention) Act Sch 1 (items 8–12):
2015 13 Apr 2015 (s 2(1)
items 1, 3)
Customs and Other 41, 2015 20 May 2015 Sch 5 (items 141, 142) Sch 5 (item 142)
Legislation Amendment and Sch 9: 1 July 2015 and Sch 9
(Australian Border (s 2(1) items 2, 7)
Force) Act 2015
as amended by
Australian Border 115, 2017 30 Oct 2017 Sch 1 (item 26): 1 July —
Force Amendment 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
Information) Act 2017
Norfolk Island 59, 2015 26 May 2015 Sch 1 (items 150–175) Sch 1 (items 184–
Legislation Amendment and Sch 2 (items 356– 203) and Sch 2
Act 2015 396): 18 June 2015 (items 356–396)
(s 2(1) items 2, 6)
Sch 1 (items 184–
203): 27 May 2015
(s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 2 (items 299–
305): 1 July 2016
(s 2(1) item 5)
as amended by
Territories Legislation 33, 2016 23 Mar 2016 Sch 2: 24 Mar 2016 —
Amendment Act 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)

358 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Biosecurity 62, 2015 16 June 2015 Sch 2 (item 53) and Sch 3 and 4
(Consequential Sch 4: 16 June 2016
Amendments and (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Transitional Provisions) Sch 3: 16 June 2015
Act 2015 (s 2(1) item 3)
as amended by
Statute Update 93, 2017 23 Aug 2017 Sch 2 (item 9): 20 Sept —
(Winter 2017) Act 2017 (s 2(1) item 4)
Acts and Instruments 126, 2015 10 Sept 2015 Sch 1 (items 479– —
(Framework Reform) 482): 5 Mar 2016
(Consequential (s 2(1) item 2)
Provisions) Act 2015
Crimes Legislation 153, 2015 26 Nov 2015 Sch 15 (items 11, 12): —
Amendment (Powers, 27 Nov 2015 (s 2(1)
Offences and Other item 3)
Measures) Act 2015
Health Legislation 157, 2015 26 Nov 2015 Sch 1 (items 107– Sch 1 (items 111–
Amendment (eHealth) 136): 27 Nov 2015 136)
Act 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
Defence Legislation 164, 2015 2 Dec 2015 Sch 2 (items 69, 80): Sch 2 (item 80)
Amendment (First 1 July 2016 (s 2(1)
Principles) Act 2015 item 2)
Statute Law Revision 4, 2016 11 Feb 2016 Sch 4 (items 1, 232): —
Act (No. 1) 2016 10 Mar 2016 (s 2(1)
item 6)
Courts Administration 24, 2016 18 Mar 2016 Sch 5 (item 28): 1 July Sch 6
Legislation Amendment 2016 (s 2(1) item 7)
Act 2016 Sch 6: 18 Mar 2016
(s 2(1) item 9)

Privacy Act 1988 359

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Australian Crime 45, 2016 5 May 2016 Sch 2 (items 9–11): Sch 2 (items 10,
Commission 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) 11)
Amendment (National item 1)
Policing Information)
Act 2016
Statute Update Act 2016 61, 2016 23 Sept 2016 Sch 1 (items 372– —
377): 21 Oct 2016
(s 2(1) item 1)
Law Enforcement 86, 2016 30 Nov 2016 Sch 1 (items 1, 56– Sch 1 (items 1, 50,
Legislation Amendment 58): 1 Dec 2016 (s 54–58)
(State Bodies and Other 2(1) items 2, 4)
Measures) Act 2016 Sch 1 (items 49, 50,
54, 55): 1 July 2017 (s
2(1) item 3)
Privacy Amendment 12, 2017 22 Feb 2017 Sch 1: 22 Feb 2018 (s Sch 1 (item 6)
(Notifiable Data 2(1) item 2)
Breaches) Act 2017
Public Governance and 92, 2017 23 Aug 2017 Sch 3 (items 5–10) and Sch 4
Resources Legislation Sch 4: 23 Aug 2017 (s
Amendment Act (No. 1) 2(1) item 1)
Regulatory Powers 124, 2017 6 Nov 2017 Sch 13: 6 Nov 2018 (s Sch 13 (items 10–
(Standardisation 2(1) item 3) 12)
Reform) Act 2017
Intelligence Services 25, 2018 11 Apr 2018 Sch 1 (items 86–89, Sch 1 (items 100–
Amendment 100–110): 1 July 2018 108)
(Establishment of the (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Australian Signals
Directorate) Act 2018

360 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

Office of National 156, 2018 10 Dec 2018 Sch 2 (items 85–88) Sch 4
Intelligence and Sch 4: 20 Dec
(Consequential and 2018 (s 2(1) items 2,
Transitional Provisions) 4)
Act 2018
Treasury Laws 63, 2019 12 Aug 2019 Sch 1 (items 78–82): —
Amendment (Consumer 13 Aug 2019 (s 2(1)
Data Right) Act 2019 item 1)
Health Legislation 121, 2019 12 Dec 2019 Sch 1 (item 7): 13 Dec —
Amendment 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)
(Data-matching and
Other Matters) Act 2019
Interactive Gambling 127, 2019 12 Dec 2019 Sch 1 (item 13): 13 —
Amendment (National Dec 2019 (s 2(1)
Self-exclusion Register) item 1)
Act 2019
Australian Sports 11, 2020 6 Mar 2020 Sch 2 (item 23) and Sch 4 (items 2–7)
Anti-Doping Authority Sch 4 (items 2–7):
Amendment (Sport 1 July 2020 (s 2(1)
Integrity Australia) Act items 2, 5)
Privacy Amendment 44, 2020 15 May 2020 Sch 1: 16 May 2020 (s Sch 2 (item 4)
(Public Health Contact 2(1) item 2)
Information) Act 2020 Sch 2 (items 2–4): 14
Nov 2022 (s 2(1)
item 4)
National Emergency 129, 2020 15 Dec 2020 Sch 1 (items 37–40): —
Declaration 16 Dec 2020 (s 2(1)
(Consequential item 2)
Amendments) Act 2020
Territories Legislation 154, 2020 17 Dec 2020 Sch 3 (items 51–76): Sch 3 (item 76)
Amendment Act 2020 17 June 2021 (s 2(1)
item 9)

Privacy Act 1988 361

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year saving and

National Consumer 5, 2021 16 Feb 2021 Sch 1 (item 11) and Sch 2 (item 14)
Credit Protection Sch 2 (items 24–35): and Sch 2
Amendment (Mandatory 17 Feb 2021 (s 2(1) (item 35)
Credit Reporting and items 2, 5)
Other Measures) Act Sch 2 (items 1–14):
2021 1 July 2022 (s 2(1)
item 3)
Federal Circuit and 13, 2021 1 Mar 2021 Sch 2 (items 697– —
Family Court of 703): 1 Sept 2021 (s
Australia (Consequential 2(1) item 5)
Amendments and
Transitional Provisions)
Act 2021
Surveillance Legislation 98, 2021 3 Sept 2021 Sch 2 (items 92–95): 4 —
Amendment (Identify Sept 2021 (s 2(1)
and Disrupt) Act 2021 item 3)

Data Availability and 12, 2022 31 Mar 2022 Sch 1 (items 5A–8), Sch 2 and 3
Transparency Sch 2 and 3: 1 Apr
(Consequential 2022 (s 2(1) item 1)
Amendments) Act 2022
Privacy Legislation 83, 2022 12 Dec 2022 Sch 1 (items 9–45): 13 Sch 1 (item 45)
Amendment Dec 2022 (s 2(1)
(Enforcement and Other item 1)
Measures) Act 2022
National 89, 2022 12 Dec 2022 Sch 1 (items 152– —
Anti-Corruption 157): 1 July 2023 (s
Commission 2(1) item 2)
(Consequential and
Transitional Provisions)
Act 2022

362 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Preamble ........................................ am No 70, 2009

Part I
s 2A................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 3 .................................................. am No 116, 1990; No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 3A................................................ ad No 24, 2001
s 4 .................................................. am No 92, 1994; No 59, 2015
s 5 .................................................. rep No 197, 2012
s 5A................................................ ad No 116, 1990
s 5B ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 49, 2004; No 197, 2012; No 83, 2022
Part II
Division 1
Division 1 heading ......................... ad No 197, 2012
s 6 .................................................. am No 11, 1990; No 116, 1990; No 28, 1991; No 136, 1991; No 143,
1992; No 13, 1994; No 92, 1994; No 177, 1994; No 34, 1997; No
82, 1997; No 48, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 146, 1999; No 161, 1999;
No 155, 2000; No 55, 2001; No 125, 2002; No 135, 2003; No 100,
2005; No 86, 2006; No 99, 2006; No 158, 2007; No 113, 2008; No
144, 2008; No 33, 2009; No 54, 2009; No 102, 2009; No 51, 2010;
No 73, 2010; No 139, 2010; No 3, 2011; No 60, 2011; No 74, 2012;
No 197, 2012; No 13, 2013; No 39, 2015; No 41, 2015; No 59,
2015; No 62, 2015; No 153, 2015; No 157, 2015; No 164, 2015; No
45, 2016; No 86, 2016; No 12, 2017; No 92, 2017; No 124, 2017;
No 25, 2018; No 156, 2018; No 63, 2019; No 11, 2020; No 44,
2020; No 129, 2020; No 154, 2020; No 5, 2021; No 13, 2021;
No 83, 2022; No 89, 2022
s 6AA ............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 6A................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 113, 2008; No 197, 2012
s 6B ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 113, 2008; No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 363

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 6BA ............................................. ad No 197, 2012

s 6C ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 139, 2010; No 46, 2011; No 197, 2012; No 39, 2015; No 59,
2015; No 126, 2015
s 6D................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 6DA............................................. ad No 155, 2000
s 6E ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 170, 2006; No 54, 2009; No 46, 2011; No 60, 2011; No 126,
2015; No 63, 2019
s 6EA ............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 6F ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 46, 2011; No 197, 2012; No 126, 2015
s 6FA ............................................. ad No 157, 2015
s 6FB.............................................. ad No 157, 2015
Division 2
Division 2 ...................................... ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision A
s 6G................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6H................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6J ................................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 6K................................................ ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision B
s 6L ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6M ............................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 6N................................................ ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 6P ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6Q................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6QA............................................. ad No 5, 2021

364 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 6R ................................................ ad No 197, 2012

s 6S ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6T ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6U................................................ ad No 197, 2012
s 6V................................................ ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
Division 3
Division 3 heading ......................... ad No 197, 2012
s 7 .................................................. am No 75, 1990; No 116, 1990; No 13, 1994; No 84, 1994; No 92,
1994; No 177, 1994; No 82, 1997 (as am by No 100, 2005 and No 9,
2006); No 155, 2000; No 125, 2002; No 128, 2005; No 86, 2006;
No 158, 2007; No 102, 2009; No 139, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 108,
2014; No 59, 2015; No 25, 2018; No 156, 2018; No 154, 2020;
No 89, 2022
s 7A................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 46, 2011
s 7B ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 7C ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
s 8 .................................................. am No 116, 1990; No 28, 1991; No 155, 2000; No 139, 2010; No
197, 2012; No 154, 2020
s 9 .................................................. am No 28, 1991; No 139, 2010
rep No 197, 2012
s 10 ................................................ am No 28, 1991; No 113, 2008; No 139, 2010; No 197, 2012
s 11 ................................................ am No 28, 1991; No 139, 2010; No 154, 2020
s 11A.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
rep No 197, 2012
s 11B .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991; No 143, 1992; No 34, 1997; No 44, 1999
rep No 197, 2012
s 12 ................................................ rep No 197, 2012
s 12A.............................................. ad No 116, 1990

Privacy Act 1988 365

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 12B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000

am No 8, 2010; No 197, 2012
Part III
Division 1
Division 1 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
s 13 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; Nos 20 and 194, 1991; No 28, 1993; No 155,
2000; No 131, 2009; No 73, 2010; No 60, 2011
rs No 197, 2012
am No 12, 2017
s 13A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000; No 60, 2011
rep No 197, 2012
s 13B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 13C .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 13D.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 13E .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
s 13F .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
s 13G.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 83, 2022
Division 2
Division 2 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
Division 2 ...................................... rs No 197, 2012
s 14 ................................................ rs No 197, 2012
s 15 ................................................ am No 139, 2010
rs No 197, 2012
s 15B .............................................. ad No 139, 2010

366 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 197, 2012

s 16 ................................................ rs No 197, 2012
s 16A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
s 16B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
am No 157, 2015
s 16C .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
Division 3 ...................................... ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
s 16D–16F ..................................... ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
Division 4
Division 4 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
s 17 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 145, 2010; No 5, 2011
rs No 197, 2012
s 18 ................................................ am No 197, 2012
Division 5 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
Division 5 ...................................... rep No 197, 2012
s 18A.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
s 18B .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
rep No 197, 2012
Part IIIAA ...................................... ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
s 18BA ........................................... ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
s 18BAA ........................................ ad No 49, 2004

Privacy Act 1988 367

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 197, 2012

s 18BB–18BI ................................. ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
Part IIIA ......................................... ad No 116, 1990
rs No 197, 2012
Division 1
s 18C, 18D ..................................... ad No 116, 1990
am No 24, 2001
rep No 197, 2012
s 18E .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 143, 1992; No 34, 1997
rep No 197, 2012
s 18F .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 143, 1992; No 34, 1997
rep No 197, 2012
s 18G.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
rep No 197, 2012
s 18H.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991
rep No 197, 2012
s 18J ............................................... ad No 116, 1990
rep No 197, 2012
s 18K.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991; No 143, 1992; No 24, 2001; No 125, 2002;
No 135, 2001; No 86, 2006; No 24, 2012
rep No 197, 2012
s 18L .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991; No 143, 1992; No 24, 2001
rep No 197, 2012
s 18M ............................................. ad No 116, 1990

368 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 136, 1991
am No 143, 1992
rep No 197, 2012
s 18N.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991; No 143, 1992; No 13, 1994; No 24, 2001
rep No 197, 2012
s 18NA ........................................... ad No 34, 1997
rep No 197, 2012
s 18P .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991; No 143, 1992
rep No 197, 2012
s 18Q.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991; No 143, 1992; No 24, 2001
rep No 197, 2012
s 18R .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 24, 2001
rep No 197, 2012
s 18S .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 24, 2001
rep No 197, 2012
s 18T .............................................. ad No 116, 1990
rep No 197, 2012
s 18U.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
rep No 197, 2012
s 18V.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 136, 1991
rep No 197, 2012
s 19 ................................................ ad No 2, 2000
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013; No 13, 2021

Privacy Act 1988 369

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 19 ................................................ am No 59, 1995

renum s 19A................................... No 2, 2000
s 19A.............................................. rep No 51, 2010
Division 2
Subdivision A
s 20 ................................................ am No 159, 2001
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
s 20A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision B
s 20B .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision C
s 20C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 20D.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision D
s 20E .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 63, 2019; No 5, 2021; No 89, 2022
s 20F .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20G.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 20H.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20J ............................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 20K.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20L .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20M ............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision E
s 20N.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20P .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20Q.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021

370 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision F
s 20R .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 20S .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20T .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20U.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision G
s 20V.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20W............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 20X.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20Y.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20Z .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 20ZA ........................................... ad No 197, 2012
Division 3
Subdivision A
s 21 ................................................ am No 59, 1995
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
s 21A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision B
s 21B .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
Subdivision C
s 21C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21D.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 21E .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21EA ........................................... ad No 5, 2021
s 21F .............................................. ad No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 371

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision D
s 21G.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 63, 2019; No 5, 2021
s 21H.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21J ............................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 21K.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21L .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21M ............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21N.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21NA ........................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 21P .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision E
s 21Q.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21R .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 21S .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision F
s 21T .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 21U.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 21V.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 21W............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
Division 4
s 22 ................................................ rs No 122, 1991
am No 146, 1999
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision A
s 22A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012

372 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision B
s 22B .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 22C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 22D.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 22E .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 63, 2019
s 22F .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 5
s 23 ................................................ rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
s 23A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 23B .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 5, 2021
s 23C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 6
s 24 ................................................ rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
s 24A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 7
s 25 ................................................ am No 122, 1991
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013; No 124, 2017; No 13, 2021; No 83, 2022
s 25A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013; No 124, 2017; No 13, 2021; No 83, 2022
Division 8
Division 8 ...................................... ad No 5, 2021
s 25B .............................................. ad No 5, 2021
Part IIIB ......................................... ad No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 373

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 1
s 26 ................................................ rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
Division 2
Subdivision A
s 26A.............................................. ad No 2, 2000
am No 146, 1999
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
s 26B .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 126, 2015
s 26C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26D.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision B
s 26E .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26F .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26G.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26H.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision C
s 26J ............................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 26K.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 3
Subdivision A
s 26L .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26M ............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 126, 2015
s 26N.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Subdivision B
s 26P .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26Q.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26R .............................................. ad No 197, 2012

374 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 26S .............................................. ad No 197, 2012

Subdivision C
s 26T .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 4
s 26U.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26V.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 26W............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Part IIIC ......................................... ad No 12, 2017
Division 1
s 26WA .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
am No 83, 2022
s 26WB .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WC .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WD .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
Division 2
s 26WE .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WF........................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WG .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
Division 3
Subdivision A
s 26WH .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WJ ........................................... ad No 12, 2017
Subdivision B
s 26WK .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
am No 83, 2022
s 26WL .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WM ......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WN .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WP........................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WQ .......................................... ad No 12, 2017

Privacy Act 1988 375

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 25, 2018
Subdivision C
s 26WR .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
am No 25, 2018; No 83, 2022
s 26WS........................................... ad No 12, 2017
s 26WT .......................................... ad No 12, 2017
Division 4
Division 4 ...................................... ad No 83, 2022
s 26WU .......................................... ad No 83, 2022
Part IV
Part IV heading .............................. rs No 2, 2000; No 51, 2010
Division heading ............................ rs No 2, 2000
rep No 51, 2010
Division 1 ...................................... rep No 51, 2010
Division 2
s 27 ................................................ am No 20, 1991; No 28, 1993; No 155, 2000; No 49, 2004; No 139,
rs No 197, 2012
s 27A.............................................. ad No 73, 2010
am No 73, 2010
rep No 197, 2012
s 28 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 131, 2009; No 73, 2010
rs No 197, 2012
s 28A.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 131, 2009; No 73, 2010
rs No 197, 2012
am No 59, 2015; No 154, 2020
s 28B .............................................. ad No 131, 2009
am No 73, 2010
rs No 197, 2012
am No 59, 2015

376 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 29 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 155, 2000

rs No 197, 2012
Division 3
Division 3 heading ......................... rs No 83, 2022
s 30 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 155, 2000; No 139, 2010; No 197, 2012; No
59, 2015
s 31 ................................................ am No 20, 1991; No 155, 2000; No 51, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 154,
s 32 ................................................ am No 116, 1990 (as am by No 165, 1992); No 20, 1991; No 49,
2004 (as am by No 9, 2006); No 51, 2010; No 197, 2012
s 33 ................................................ am No 92, 1994; No 139, 2010; No 154, 2020
s 33A.............................................. ad No 83, 2022
s 33B .............................................. ad No 139, 2010
rep No 59, 2015
ad No 83, 2022
Division 3A
Division 3A.................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 33C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 121, 2019; No 83, 2022
s 33D.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 3B .................................... ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
s 33E .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
s 33F .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013
rep No 124, 2017
Division 4
s 34 ................................................ am Nos 51 and 139, 2010; No 177 and 197, 2012; No 59, 2015
s 35A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 377

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Part V
Part V heading ............................... rs No 197, 2012
Division 1A
Division 1A.................................... ad No 197, 2012
s 36A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
Division 1
s 36 ................................................ am No 11, 1990; No 13, 1994; Nos 2 and 155, 2000; No 51, 2010;
No 197, 2012
s 36B .............................................. ad No 12, 2022
s 37 ................................................ am No 92, 1994; No 177, 1994; No 82, 1997; No 155, 2000; No 139,
2010; No 197, 2012; No 59, 2015; No 24, 2016; No 92, 2017; No
154, 2020
s 38 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 38A.............................................. ad No 13, 1994
s 38B .............................................. ad No 13, 1994
am No 197, 2012
s 38C .............................................. ad No 13, 1994
s 39 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
s 40 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 40A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rs No 197, 2012
s 41 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 49, 2004; No 197, 2012
s 42 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 43 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 139, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 59, 2015
s 43A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 44 ................................................ am No 34, 1997; No 197, 2012; No 154, 2020; No 83, 2022
s 46 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 24, 2001; No 197, 2012; No 4, 2016; No 61,
2016; No 83, 2022
s 47 ................................................ am No 83, 2022
s 48 ................................................ am No 155, 2000

378 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 49 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 24, 2001; No 73, 2010; No 60, 2011; No 197,
s 49A.............................................. ad No 131, 2009
s 49B .............................................. ad No 98, 2021
s 50 ................................................ am No 146, 1999; No 25, 2006 (as am by No 73, 2008); No 70,
2009; No 139, 2010; No 11, 2011; No 197, 2012 (as am by No 5,
2015); No 2, 2013; No 5, 2015; No 59, 2015; No 154, 2020; No 98,
2021; No 12, 2022; No 83, 2022
s 50A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
Division 2
s 52 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 13, 1994; No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012; No 83,
s 52A.............................................. ad No 83, 2022
s 53 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
s 53A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 53B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
Division 3
Division 3 heading ......................... rs No 155, 2000; No 83, 2022
Division 3 ...................................... rs No 13, 1994; No 59, 1995
s 54 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 177, 1994
rs No 59, 1995
am No 82, 1997; No 155, 2000; No 9, 2006; No 197, 2012; No 92,
s 55 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994; No 59, 1995; No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
am No 83, 2022
s 55A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012; No 13, 2013; No 13, 2021
s 55B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000

Privacy Act 1988 379

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 197, 2012
s 56 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
rep No 59, 1995
Division 4
Division 4 heading ......................... am No 116, 1990
rs No 13, 1994
Division 4 ...................................... rs No 13, 1994
s 57 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 177, 1994; No 82, 1997; No 197, 2012; No 92, 2017
s 58 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994; No 197, 2012
am No 83, 2022
s 59 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 197, 2012; No 83, 2022
s 60 ................................................ am No 116, 1990
rs No 13, 1994
am No 139, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 154, 2020
s 61 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 38, 2005
rep No 197, 2012
s 62 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012; No 13, 2013; No 13, 2021
Division 5
s 63 ................................................ rs No 13, 1994
am No 59, 1995; No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012; No 13, 2013; No 13,
s 64 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 65 ................................................ am No 24, 2001; No 61, 2016
s 66 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 24, 2001; No 139, 2010; No 59, 2015; No 61,
2016; No 83, 2022
s 67 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012; No 83, 2022

380 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 68 ................................................ am No 116, 1990; No 155, 2000; No 139, 2010; No 197, 2012; No

59, 2015
s 68A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
s 69 ................................................ am No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
s 70 ................................................ am No 125, 2002; No 86, 2006; No 139, 2010; No 59, 2015; No 83,
2022; No 89, 2022
s 70A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
s 70B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
Part VI
Part VI heading .............................. rs No 155, 2000
Division 1
Division 1 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
s 72 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 73 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 50, 2006; No 197, 2012
s 74 ................................................ am No 197, 2012
s 75 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 76 ................................................ am No 155, 2000
s 77 ................................................ am No 155, 2000
s 79 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 80 ................................................ am No 5, 2011
rep No 197, 2012
Division 2
Division 2 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
s 80A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 80B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 80C .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 381

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 80D.............................................. ad No 155, 2000

am No 197, 2012
Division 3
Division 3 heading ......................... ad No 155, 2000
s 80E .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
Part VIA
Part VIA......................................... ad No 148, 2006
Division 1
s 80F .............................................. ad No 148, 2006
s 80G.............................................. ad No 148, 2006
am No 139, 2010; No 46, 2011; No 154, 2020
s 80H.............................................. ad No 148, 2006
am No 197, 2012
Division 2
s 80J ............................................... ad No 148, 2006
am No 129, 2020
s 80K.............................................. ad No 148, 2006
s 80L .............................................. ad No 148, 2006
am No 8, 2010
ss 80M, 80N................................... ad No 148, 2006
Division 3
s 80P .............................................. ad No 148, 2006
am No 197, 2012; No 108, 2014; No 156, 2018; No 154, 2020
Division 4
s 80Q.............................................. ad No 148, 2006
am No 197, 2012
s 80R .............................................. ad No 148, 2006
am No 139, 2010; No 154, 2020
ss 80S, 80T .................................... ad No 148, 2006
Part VIB
Part VIB ......................................... ad No 197, 2012

382 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 124, 2017
Division 1
s 80U.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
rs No 124, 2017
am No 13, 2021
Division 1A
Division 1A.................................... ad No 83, 2022
s 80UB ........................................... ad No 83, 2022
Division 2
s 80V.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
rs No 124, 2017
am No 13, 2021
Division 3
s 80W............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013
rs No 124, 2017
am No 13, 2021
s 80X.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
s 80Y.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
s 80Z .............................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013
rep No 124, 2017
s 80ZA ........................................... ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013
rep No 124, 2017
s 80ZB ........................................... ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013
rep No 124, 2017
s 80ZC ........................................... ad No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 383

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 124, 2017

s 80ZD ........................................... ad No 197, 2012
am No 13, 2013
rep No 124, 2017
s 80ZE............................................ ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
s 80ZF ............................................ ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
s 80ZG ........................................... ad No 197, 2012
rep No 124, 2017
Part VII
s 82 ................................................ am No 159, 2001; No 197, 2012
s 83 ................................................ am No 2, 2000; No 197, 2012
s 89 ................................................ am No 139, 2010; No 154, 2020
Part VIIIA ...................................... ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94A.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94B .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94C .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94D.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94E .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94F .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94G.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020

384 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 94H.............................................. ad No 44, 2020

rep No 44, 2020
s 94J ............................................... ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94K.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94L .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94M ............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94N.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94P .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94Q.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94R .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94S .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94T .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94U.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94V.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94W............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94X.............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94Y.............................................. ad No 44, 2020

Privacy Act 1988 385

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 44, 2020

s 94Z .............................................. ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94ZA ........................................... ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94ZB ........................................... ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94ZC ........................................... ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
s 94ZD ........................................... ad No 44, 2020
rep No 44, 2020
Part IX
s 95 ................................................ am No 50, 2006; No 197, 2012
s 95A.............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 50, 2006; No 197, 2012
s 95AA ........................................... ad No 99, 2006
am No 197, 2012
s 95B .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 95C .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 197, 2012
s 96 ................................................ am No 2, 2000
rep No 51, 2010
ad No 197, 2012
am No 12, 2017
s 97 ................................................ am No 155, 2000
rep No 51, 2010
s 98 ................................................ am No 155, 2000; No 13, 2013
rep No 124, 2017
s 98A.............................................. ad No 197, 2012
s 98B .............................................. ad No 197, 2012

386 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

s 98C .............................................. ad No 197, 2012

s 99 ................................................ am No 11, 1990; No 2, 2000
rep No 51, 2010
s 99A.............................................. ad No 116, 1990
am No 155, 2000; No 24, 2001; No 4, 2010; No 197, 2012; No 124,
s 100 .............................................. am No 155, 2000; No 49, 2004; No 197, 2012
Part X............................................. rep No 197, 2012
s 101 .............................................. rep No 197, 2012
Schedule 1
Schedule 1...................................... rs No 197, 2012
Part 1
c 1 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
c 2 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
Part 2
c 3 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
c 4 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
c 5 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
Part 3
c 6 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
c 7 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
am No 127, 2019; No 154, 2020
c 8 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
c 9 .................................................. ad No 197, 2012
Part 4
c 10 ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
c 11 ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
Part 5
c 12 ................................................ ad No 197, 2012
am No 154, 2020
c 13 ................................................ ad No 197, 2012

Privacy Act 1988 387

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Schedule 2...................................... rep No 145, 2010

Introduction ................................... am No 51, 2010
rep No 145, 2010
c 1–5 .............................................. rep No 145, 2010
c 6 .................................................. am No 51, 2010
rep No 145, 2010
c 7 .................................................. rep No 145, 2010
Schedule 3...................................... ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
c 1 .................................................. ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
c 2 .................................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 99, 2006; No 144, 2008
rep No 197, 2012
c 3–6 .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
c 7 .................................................. ad No 155, 2000
am No 49, 2004
rep No 197, 2012
c 8, 9 .............................................. ad No 155, 2000
rep No 197, 2012
c 10 ................................................ ad No 155, 2000
am No 99, 2006
rep No 197, 2012

388 Privacy Act 1988

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 01/07/2023 Registered: 08/07/2023

Authorised Version C2023C00130 registered 08/07/2023

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