Mid-Term: - Globalization:: of Market of Production

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UN (1945): United Nation (preserve peace and security)

GATT: The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

WTO: World Trading Organization (policing world trading system)

IMF: International Monetary Funding (overview monetary system)

WB: World Bank [lender of last resort (too much debt that can’t lend money from anywhere anymore)]

G20: an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU) (98% of the
world’s GDP)

2 factors driving the move towards greater globalization:

 Decline in barriers to free flow of goods, services and capital

 Technological changes (Internet, communication, transportation)

Role of technological change:

- Implication of the globalization of market

 Low cost comm networks help create electronic global marketplace
 Low cost transportation makes it economical to ship products around the world
 A reduction in cultural distance
 A convergence of consumer tastes and preferences
- 4 trends:
 The changing world output and world trade picture (increase the trade)
 The changing foreign direct investment picture (developing countries are increasing in
importing FDIs)
 The changing nature of multinational enterprise (MNE)
 The changing world orders

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)

Globalization for and against

- Globalization:
 Of market
 Of production
- Global institutions
- Globalization debate
- Changing demographics of the global economy
National differences in political economy - political, economic and legal systems
- Interdependence, interact and influence each other
Political system: the system of government in a nation

Can be assessed in terms of the degree to which they:

- Emphasize collectivism as opposed to individualism

- Are democratic or totalitarian (độc tài)

Collectivism: a system that stresses the primacy of collective goals over individual goals

- Can be traded to Greek philosopher Pluto

- Today, are supported by socialists

When is empathized, needs of the society as whole are generally viewed as being more important than
individual freedoms

e.g.: Communist countries before 1970: Russia – Soviet Union, Eastern countries, South American,
Vietnam, China, Cuba, Laos, etc.

3 worlds in 1 planet

- 1st world: capitalist countries (US, Western Europe)

- 2nd world: communist
- 3rd world: neutral


 Modern socialists trace their roots to Karl Marx

 Advocates state ownership of the basic means of production

In 20th century -> splits into communists (could only be achieved through revolution and totalitarian
system) and democrats (worked to achieve the same goals by democratic means, no violence…)

Individualism: suggest individuals should have freedom over their economic and political pursuits

- Stresses:
 Individual freedom and self-expression
 Let people pursue their own self-interests -> achieve the best overall goods for society
 Democratic systems and free markets


- Individuals’ right to freedom of expression, opinion and organization

- A free media
- Regular elections (all citizens are allowed to vote)
- Limited terms for elected representatives
- Nonpolitical state bureaucracy, police force and armed service

Totalitarianism: form of government in which one person/political party exercises absolute control over
all spheres of human life, the opposite ones are prohibited


Court Congress

What happened to Detroit? (nghe lại)


Decrease in population (lack of diversify industry, too much reliability to automobile industry ->
outsourcing happens -> declined job)

Competition from other countries (Korea, Japan, etc.)


Economic systems:

Market economy:

- Privately owned
- Goods and services of a country and the quantity are determined by the supply/demand rules

Command = ‘central planned’:

- Goods and services are managed by the government

- Command economies: Cuba, North Korea, Viet Nam (1986 – Đổi Mới)

Mixed economy:

- Includes some elements of a market economy and some elements of a command economy
 Governments tend to own firms that are considered important to national security
 Governments take over troubled firms considered vital to national interests
- The number of mixed economies in the world today is falling

Pros and cons of market economy and command economy (mid-term)

Socialist - oriented market economy (mid-term)

Open international trade (FDI)

Domestic reform

 Result: poverty fallen to 14%, people can run new businesses -> diversify in brands

Legal system:
Common law: case US, UK, India, etc.

- Based on tradition, precedent and custom

- Found in most of Great Britain’s former colonies, including the US

Differences with civil law: everything in civil law is very straightforward, judge and lawyer are very
important in common law

Civil law: law VN, Russia, etc.

- Based on detailed set of laws organized into codes

- Found in more than 80 countries (Russia, Vietnam, Germany, etc.)

Theocratic law: Islamic

- Based on religious teachings

- Islamic law is the most widely practiced

Property rights and corruptions

- The legal rights over the use to which a resource is put and over the use made of any income
that may be derived from that resource
- Property rights can be violated through:
- Private action: theft, piracy (ăn cắp bản quyền), blackmail
- Public action: public officials,
- Corruptions is present in all countries in some degree, however when a country has a high level
of corruption:
 FDI falls
 International trade falls
 Economic growth falls

The protection of intellectual property:

- Intellectual property: property that is the product of intellectual activity

 Patent
 Copyright
 Trademark

Differences between case (common) law and statutory law

Tend to be instructive,

Judge refers to the past and make decisions

2/3 world population live in common law

Common law based on judge passed

150 countries follow civil law system and 80 follow common law system

Market economy is better for financial developing

Innovation and entrepreneurship help increase economic activity

- Require strong property rights

o Individuals and businesses must have the opportunity to profit from innovate ideas

States in transition:

- Late 1980s, a wave of democratic revolutions swept the world -> many totalitarian regimes
- Has been a move away from centrally planned and mixed economies towards free markets

Nature of economic transformation: 3 distinct activities

- Deregulation
- Privatization
- Creation of legal system to protect property rights

1991 reform

starts on july 1st : increases by 9%

licensing abolished (july 24)

closed economy

high tariffs (300%)

uncompetitive market

license needed to conserve foreign exchange

government set exchange rate, bank deposit and lending rates

-> no market economy

1980, eye-opening eighties

1980-81: gross fiscal deficit

90s: creation of markets: foreign exchange market

Reduce on tariffs

rise of FII, capital account liberalized

July 1991: a momentous month

Relationship b/w culture and cost of doing business in country/region

Cross-cultural literacy

Culture not static; actions of MNE can contribute to culture

Some differences example:



Personal distancing

Culture: A system of norms and values that are shared among a group o’ ppl and that when taken
together constitute a design for living

Society – a group o’ ppl who share a common set o’ values and norms

Values & norms:

Why is culture important?

- Must answer a limited number of universal problems, that the value-based solutions are limited
in number and universally known, and that different cultures have different preferences among
- Disrespecting cultural differences may lead to confusion, termination in business relations, and
sometimes even physical harms

How are culture, society and nation-state related?

- Are not strictly one-to-one

- A culture can embrace several nations
- Nation-states are political creations (can contain >= 1 culture)

Determinants of culture:

- Social structure
- History
- Geography
- Education
- Language
- Political & economic philosophy
- Religion

Social structure:

- A society’s basic social organization





Folk religions

Culture and workplace:

- Hofstede’s dimensions of culture:

 Power distance
 Individualism vs collectivism
 Uncertainty avoidance
 Masculinity vs feminity

Ambiguity = dubious, vague (mơ hồ)

Does culture change? Yes. It evolves over time

Factors affecting the change of culture: technology, crisis, etc.

Implications of cultural differences for managers:

- Important to develop cross-cultural literacy
- Avoid being ill-informed
- Guard against ethnocentrism

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nationalize (quốc hữu hóa) ≠ privatization (tư nhân hóa)

Market potential index (MPI)

7 main instruments of trade policies: tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, voluntarily export restraints, local
content requirements, antidumping policies, countervailing duties (thuế đối kháng)


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