Nvcrao@Bhu Ac in
Nvcrao@Bhu Ac in
Nvcrao@Bhu Ac in
Bio-data (abridged)
Educational Qualifications:
Research Specialisation and Interests: Mineralogy, Igenous Petrology and geochemistry with special
reference to mantle derived rocks such as kimberlites, Lamproites, lamprophyres, carbonatites, flood
basalts and Electron Micro Probe Analysis of minerals. Earth system science.
Professional Experience:
Publication record: 125 publications in various top-class SCI journals, including those with Impact factor as
high as 9); edited three books and has an “h’ Index of 32 and citations ~3200 Details of publications can
be found at http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rRDvMz8AAAAJ&hl=en.
PhDs and Masters dissertations: 15 PhDs guided; 10 in progress; 40 students completed M.Sc
Editorial Board Member: Chief editor of Journal of Earth System Science (Indian Academy of Sciences;
2016-2022), Editorial Board member of Current Science, Journal of the Geological Society of India,
Geological Journal (Wiley), Indian Journal of Geosciences, Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, and
Indian Journal of Geology.
Research Grants:
Completed two DST-SERB projects worth Rs. ~25 lakhs each. In recognition of outstanding research
contributions in mineralogy and petrology, DST –SERB, New Delhi, has sanctioned an individual Rs.14
crore grant in 2014 and set up a national facility of electron micro probe analyzer (EPMA) and Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) at Department of Geology, BHU to do state-of-the art-research in
geosciences. These facilities are renowned in the country for their productivity and accessibility.
Administrative Experience:
Coordinator (International collaborations), BHU; Coordinator, EPMA and SEM National Facilities (SERB);
Governing council member (Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun); Research Council Member
(Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology & Indian Statistical Institute); SATHI-BHU (Convener and member
of Governing body and Management council); Member of > 20 internal committees of BHU and PAC
member of DST International wing. Member of several selection committees of IITs, IISERs, CSIR labs
and State/central Universities. Sectional committee members of Indian Academy of Sciences and Indian
National Science Academy.