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ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 3 – No.2, March 2016


Ayush Madan
B.tech aerospace engineering with
Specialization in avionics
University of petroleum and energy studies
[email protected]

ABSTRACT 1.1.2 Frames

The objective of the project was to design the fuselage section It primarily serve to maintain the shape of the fuselage and to
of an aircraft in Catia V5.The fuselage was designed in Catia reduce the column length of the stringers to prevent general
using various methods , techniques and modules. instability of the structure. Frame loads are generally small
and often tend to balance each other and as a result, frames are
KEYWORDS generally of light construction.
Fuselage , 3D modeling in Catia V5 , Stringers , Longerons ,
Frames , Bulkhead and Shear Clip

Fuselage of a modern aircraft is a stiffened shell commonly
referred to as semi-monocoque construction. In order to
support the skin, it is necessary to provide stiffening members
like frames, bulkheads, stringers and longerons. Fuselage as a
beam member contains longitudinal elements (longerons and
stringers) and transverse elements (frames and bulkheads) and
its external skin.
Fig 3. Frames

1.1.3 Bulkhead
They are provided at points of introduction of concentrated
forces such as those from the wings, tail surfaces and landing
gear. Unlike frames, the bulkhead structure is quite substantial
and serve to distribute the applied load into the fuselage skin.
Their construction is similar to stringers, just they are very
Fig. 1. Fuselage much thicker than frame members.

1.1 Basic Definition Of Fuselage Parts

1.1.1 Stringers
In addition to stabilizing the external skin, it also carry axial
loads by bending moment. Longitudinal stringers provide
efficient resistance to compressive stresses. They carry the
major portion of the fuselage bending moment, loaded by
axial forces resulting from the bending moment. They are
thicker in width but extends same in length.

Fig. 4 Bulkhead

1.1.4 Shear-clip
They join stringers to the frame and allows the load path from

Fig 2. Stringers

ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 3 – No.2, March 2016
no. of instances (5) between the reference plane and offset

Fig. 7 Planes after offsetting

Fig. 5 Shear Clip

2. MATERIAL USED 3.2 Making Stringer of fuselage

Table 1, MechanicalProperties of AL 7075  Click on the second plane and create a offset of -8mm .
 Now make a line coinciding center between the offset and
besides it draw a rectangle then using constraints
Density 2.81g/cm3 constraint the lines 2.5 mm from center line and after that
trim the center line.
Elastic Modulus (young’s  Pad the rectangle upto the plane and after that split. First
72 GPA split to inside from the outer skin/offset and in another
split ,split to outside from inner skin/offset.
Tensile Strength:
510 GPA  Now using shell command get the shape of the stringer
Yield (Proof) and then give thickness (1.2mm) to the stringer.
Tensile Strength:  After this using advanced replication tools>circular
580 GPA pattern create 18 replicas of stringer.
Ultimate (UTS)
207 KN-m/kg
Strength to Weight Ratio
331 MPA
Shear Strength


Construction of frames in Catia V5:-

3.1 Making Skin of the fuselage

 In part design make a circle of (r=1000mm) and then go to
generative design and extrude for 3000mm.
Fig.8 Inside splitting

Fig.6 Skin Fig.9Outside splitting

 Offset the plane in the yz direction at a distance of 3.3 Making Frames of Fuselage
3000mm and select planes between command to put the  Create offset of 50mm from the outer surface.

ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 3 – No.2, March 2016
 Make a rectangle at reference plane larger than radius of
the circle of fuselage and pad it (20mm).
 First split to inside from the outer skin/offset and in
another split ,split to outside from inner skin/offset.
 Using shell commandremove face 8 and give inside
thickness 1.2mm.
 Now make sketch as shown in fig.11 and using pocket
command create pocket(upto last).
 After this using advanced replication tools>circular
pattern create 18 replicas as of stringers.

Fig. 12 Sketch for pad

Fig 10.Frame

Fig. 11 Sketch for pocket

Fig.13 Sketch for Pocket
3.4 Putting Edge Fillet And Shear Clip
 First select the body and then select the plane for which 4. REFERENCES
you want to give the edge fillet and then insert>dress up [1] http://m-selig.ae.illinois.edu/ads/coord/naca2412.dat
features>edge fillet>radius (according to the body). [2] “PRELIMINARY DESIGN STUDY OF FUSELAGE”
 Similarly , do for all the elements. international journal of aerospace and mechanical
 Make the figure as shown in fig.12 and pad it for 20 mm. engineering Volume 1-No.1, September 2014
After this use shell and remove the unwanted side. Pocket
out the figure as shown in fig.13 and then do it to other [3] Airframe Structural Design by Michael Chun-Yung Niu

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