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Determinants of Performance of Health

Systems Concerning Maternal and Child
Health: A Global Approach
Carlos Eduardo Pinzón-Flórez1, Julián Alfredo Fernández-Niño2, Myriam Ruiz-Rodríguez3,
Álvaro J. Idrovo3, Abel Armando Arredondo López1*
1 Centre for Research in Health Systems (CISS), Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México,
Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2 Information Center for Public Health Decisions (CENIDSP), Instituto Nacional de
Salud Pública, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 3 Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, School of Health,
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

* [email protected]


To assess the association of social determinants on the performance of health systems
around the world.

Citation: Pinzón-Flórez CE, Fernández-Niño JA,

Ruiz-Rodríguez M, Idrovo ÁJ, Arredondo López AA Methods
(2015) Determinants of Performance of Health
Systems Concerning Maternal and Child Health: A
A transnational ecological study was conducted with an observation level focused on the
Global Approach. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120747. country. In order to research on the strength of the association between the annual maternal
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120747 and child mortality in 154 countries and social determinants: corruption, democratization, in-
Academic Editor: Sinuhe Hahn, University Hospital come inequality and cultural fragmentation, we used a mixed linear regression model for re-
Basel, SWITZERLAND peated measures with random intercepts and a conglomerate-based geographical
Received: October 27, 2014 analysis, between 2000 and 2010.
Accepted: February 6, 2015

Published: March 30, 2015 Results

Copyright: © 2015 Pinzón-Flórez et al. This is an Health determinants with a significant association on child mortality(<1year): higher access
open access article distributed under the terms of the to water (βa Quartile 4(Q4) vs Quartile 1(Q1) = -6,14; 95%CI: -11,63 to -0,73), sanitation
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
systems, (Q4 vs Q1 = -25,58; 95%CI: -31,91 to -19,25), % measles vaccination coverage
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are (Q4 vs Q1 = -7.35; 95%CI: -10,18 to -4,52), % of births attended by a healthcare profession-
credited. al (Q4 vs Q1 = -7,91; 95%CI: -11,36 to -4,52) and a % of the total health expenditure (Q3 vs
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are Q1 = -2,85; 95%CI: -4,93 to -0,7). Ethnic fragmentation (Q4 vs Q1 = 9,93; 95%CI: -0.03 to
within the paper and its Supporting Information files. 19.89) had a marginal effect. For child mortality<5 years, an association was found for
Funding: This study was funded by CONACYT these variables and democratization (not free vs free = 11,23; 95%CI: -0,82 to 23,29), out-
(Mexico), grant number: CVU 444131. of-pocket expenditure (Q1 vs Q4 = 17,71; 95%CI: 5,86 to 29,56). For MMR (Maternal mor-
Competing Interests: The authors have declared tality ratio), % of access to water for all the quartiles, % of access to sanitation systems, (Q3
that no competing interests exist. vs Q1 = -171,15; 95%CI: -281,29 to -61), birth attention by a healthcare professional (Q4 vs

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Q1 = -231,23; 95%CI: -349,32 to -113,15), and having corrupt government (Q3 vs Q1 =

83,05; 95%CI: 33,10 to 133).

Improving access to water and sanitation systems, decreasing corruption in the health sec-
tor must become priorities in health systems. The ethno-linguistic cultural fragmentation
and the detriment of democracy turn out to be two factors related to health results.

A widespread definition for the functioning of a health system is the one proposed by the
World Health Organization (WHO), “the organized social response,” whose main goal is to
promote, restore, or maintain health [1]. In 2007, with the purpose of promoting a common
understanding about what a health system is and identifying action areas for the strengthening
of health systems, the WHO prepared a framework made up of six building blocks, as follows:
1) health service coverage, 2) health human resources, 3) health information systems, 4) medi-
cal products, vaccines and health technologies, 5) health financing, and 6) leadership and gov-
ernance [2]. The goal of these blocks is to support a health system that intends to prevent, treat,
and control diseases as well as maintain the physical and mental welfare of all the persons, in
an equal and efficient manner, within a specific geographical area [3].
The activities of the health system range from the direct rendering of the services through
clinics and hospitals, to prevention strategies at the community level and education for health
[3]. There has been a renewed interest during the last decade concerning the horizontal model
of the health systems as per the promotion and maintenance of health [3]. In addition, work
has been carried out concerning the strengthening of a public health system based on regional
processes developed by the Mesoamerican Public Health Institute, Mercosur, and international
processes in order to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) [4,5]. Nevertheless,
the indicators to assess the strengthening of health systems and the possible determinants relat-
ed to that functioning have been analyzed less; therefore, they are less understood.
There is an ongoing debate on the global health “geometry” of the vertical and horizontal
approaches for health care since both have advantages and limitations [6–8]. Both systems, pri-
vate and public, may use vertical or horizontal approaches concerning health care; some using
the term ‘diagonal’ along with them to describe the combination of the two approaches to opti-
mize the processes and the results [9]. A notable trend is that the private organizations tend to
have a more limited approach and use a more vertical one. For example, in many low-income
countries (LIC), donors and projects promoted by external entities have had some success, par-
ticularly with the creation of health centers for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, immuni-
zation coverage, tuberculosis control, as well as to achieve the regression of malaria through
prevention campaigns and educational measures: these activities and programs have been
deemed a vertical approach for health [7,8].
In general, these initiatives focused on illnesses include three characteristics: 1) temporarily
intense, as they are financed for a short period with specific interventions, 2) they may avoid
the bureaucracy of the public sector since the money for their financing, and the purchase and
procurement processes for them are carried out within an own time framework of the initiative
thus avoiding the inefficiency of the health public sector and its actors, and 3) they may be im-
plemented within any given process or context since they are described interventions that meet

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the own requirements of the financial backers (as vaccines through the GAVI alliance, the
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). Nonetheless, the investments for the re-
sources and functioning of a health system (for example, the horizontal approach to health) are
based on the assumption that the adequate functioning depends on the efficiency of the health
system in terms of the health improvement of the population [10]. The initiatives towards
cross-sectional models is strengthened by the implementation of health promotion and preven-
tion processes, including comprehensive primary care strategies which allow managing the risk
of getting ill by handling the risk conditions of the individuals [11]. Some countries have had
satisfactory isolated experiences as per reducing the risk conditions for non-communicable
chronic diseases, child health and maternal health, with some obstacles to the implementation
regarding the financing of the system, geographical and political limitations [12].
Although some countries have been able to substantially improve mortality rates of
breastfed babies (IMR<1 year), children (IMR<5 years) and maternal mortality rates (MMRs)
during the last century, improvements have decreased and have become less fast although
some countries have even evidenced an increasing tendency [13]. It is calculated that around
9.7 million children under five years of age die in the world every year [14] and there were
529,000 maternal deaths for year 2000 [15]. In addition, mortality rates are quite variable
among countries. Health inequalities, as well as social and environmental determinants may
explain the behavior of mortality rates in these countries; likewise, the performance of the
health systems of said nations [16].
The differences in the general mortality rates among nations may, in part, be explained by
the functioning and ability of a health system to protect health beyond the specific approach of
the disease [17]. Important financing entities, such as the U.S. Global Health Initiative have
generated financial contributions to strengthen health systems at the expense of initiatives fo-
cused on the disease, despite the fact that the health policies have recommended to redirect
said efforts towards the intervention of the healthy population and the development of valid in-
dicators to determine and supervise the performance of the processes and functions of the
health systems [18].
An element that has placed the problem of inequalities at the forefront is the persistence of
the health gradient: the verification that health conditions are not only different among the
poorest groups and the rest of society but also that health, in all societies, and above all the
prevalence of all the chronic and acute diseases have the same tendency of the social structure;
that is, the prevalence of almost all the diseases and health problems increases by going down
one step of the social ladder [19, 20].
Social determinants, such as poverty, violence, migration, gender, and ethnic inequality
have been explored as social determinants of health evidencing their effect from the individual-
istic model of health and the quality of the response of the health system in terms of the render-
ing of the services and, definitely, in relation to the impact on the health conditions [21].
However, there is no evidence of an aggregate analysis that includes the four social determi-
nants proposed in this study; the association with health system performance and health status
at the country and region levels. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop an exploratory
analysis to study the strength of the association among relevant health results at the country
level (IMR<1 year, IMR<5 years, MMR, the performance of the health system, and four (4) so-
cial determinants: cultural fragmentation, corruption, social capital, democratization, and in-
come inequality at an ecological level [22, 23].

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Materials and Methods

Ethics statement
The sample for our work was derived from the World Bank and World Health Organization
Database. These databases are public record and are available on internet portals and the offices
of these organizations. This survey was approved by the Ethics and Research Committees of
the National Institute of Public Health.
An ecological study was conducted with 154 countries (S1 Table).

Data and variables

Data source. All the data were obtained from free-access databases of national and inter-
national official entities; some indicators evidenced few data reported during some time peri-
ods assessed so their use was done with caution. Data reported by the World Bank’s
observatory were used concerning resulting variables, IMR<1 year, IMR<5 years, and MMR.
The group of explanatory variables used were the indicators mentioned in Table 1 for each
block of the functions of the health systems, and three (3) of the four (4) health determinants
selected, except for the cultural fragmentation index, at the country level and for the period be-
tween 2000 and 2010 recommended by the WHO [1]. The financing data, in terms of health
expenditure, were obtained from the WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) and
they are standardized through the international exchange rate of the dollar of the United States,
which is a common monetary unit that takes into account the differences in the annual average
of the relative purchasing power. The following were the indicators of the four (4) social deter-
minants in this analysis: concerning corruption, the Corruption Perceptions Index, an indica-
tor designed to measure levels of corruption perception of the public sector published every
year by Transparency International [24]; this indicator was also used as a proxy of the assess-
ment of the management function which includes three key factors: "The establishment, appli-
cation, and follow-up of rules for the health system; ensuring equality of conditions for all the
agents of the system; and, the definition of the strategic agents for the health system as a
whole.” Currently, there is no indicator to measure health management at the national level;
consequently, the corruption index may indirectly assess the government’s management and,
therefore, the regulation of the health system [25].
Since corruption depends on the cultural context [26] and it is related with government
functioning [27], poverty and types of enterprises in the national economies [28], we used the
2000 Alessina et al. index was used regarding cultural fragmentation. It is a proxy for cultural
similarities and it includes the definition of ethno-linguistic fragmentation as per the probabili-
ty that when randomly selecting two individuals of a country they may belong to two different

Table 1. Indicators selected per function of the health system.

Function block of the Indicator / variable

health system
Health services coverage Measles and DPT vaccination coverage, % of the population with
sustainable access to fresh water and sanitation, % of births attended by
qualified personnel, % of women with prenatal control (one visit), % of
women with prenatal control (four visits).
Health human resources Density of physicians per 1,000 inhabitants, density of beds per 1,000
Health financing Health out-of-pocket expenditure, health expenditure per capita, health
expenditure: % of the GDP, public health expenditure.
Leadership and governance Corruption index.

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

ethnic groups [29]. Alessina differentiates said heterogeneity in three dimensions: ethnical, lin-
guistic, and religious. Thus, a higher fragmentation index indicates a higher fragmentation of
the country. Cultural fragmentation has been used in previous studies exploring associations
between income inequality and population health indicators, because ethnic heterogeneity in
health models may bias the associations [30,31].
The Freedom House’s index was used concerning democratization; this index assesses the
countries as per their political rights and civil liberties which mostly derive from the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights [32]. The countries are categorized as free, partially free, or not
free. Finally, the Gini coefficient was used regarding income equality; this coefficient assesses
the income inequality of the countries [33].
The selection of the variables was made before hand for each block of the functions of the
health systems according to the defined framework of the WHO [1]. The goal was to select the
variables (indicators) that were more sensitive as per the assessment of the block and, therefore,
representing it. This was attained through a systematic search of the indicators per block. The
information of these indicators was subsequently extracted from international and national
sources. These indicators were studied under the Pearson or Spearman correlation analysis as
per main components depending on their behavior and analysis. The indicators that had corre-
lation indices between 0.4 and 0.7, and a > 20 Eigenvalue were selected.
A block of a health system is the construction of information systems that may be captured
by the presence of an operating surveillance system; nevertheless, this indicator was not avail-
able for this multinational data construction block. Together, these indicators act as a proxy
representing the strength of the health systems as per the financing, the personnel, and the ren-
dering of the health services to their citizens [34]. Demographic variables such as the fertility
rate, the growth of the national population, the growth of the urban population, and the partic-
ipation of the female labor force in order to assess the demographic transition and economic
development variables such as the GDP were analyzed as covariables. This with the purpose of
being able to explain heterogeneity among countries. These data were also obtained by the
World Bank’s observatory for all the observation periods.
From the 217 countries reported by the World Bank, 154 countries provided enough data
for the variables selected. Eight of the 154 countries would have been excluded due to the ab-
sence of data concerning access to water. The assumption of a 95% value was carried out for
Poland and Portugal instead of excluding them because of the lack of data; we assumed 100%
in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom (the average value of
Australia, the countries of Western Europe, and North America). This region would have a low
level of representation without this assumption of Western and Southern European countries.

Statistical analysis
The qualitative variables were summarized with proportions along with their respective 95%
confidence intervals. On the other hand, the median, the range, and the interquartile range
were used in order to describe the quantitative variables since the distribution of most of the in-
dicators was markedly asymmetric and there were extreme values. In addition, the distribu-
tions were explained through histograms and “q-q plots.” The relation between each response
variable (IMR< 1year, IMR<5 years, MMR) and each independent variable (described in the
previous section) was explored with Kruskal-Wallis tests for the bivariate analysis.
A mixed linear models was used for the multivariate analysis for repeated measures with a
country random intercept [35] and a geographically weighted regression models for the graph-
ic assessment of the associations. We use three mixed lineal models, the first type of model al-
lows explaining the variance of the annual rates (IMR <1 year, IMR <5 years, and MMR)

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

taking into consideration their belonging to the same country. Two models were devised for
the three scenarios: the first one with the highest possible number of observations, and the sec-
ond one with the highest possible number of explanatory variables. This, due to the availability
of the information for the countries as per all the variables. For IMR <1 year, model 1 included
the following independent variables: % of access to fresh water, % of access to sanitation ser-
vices, % of measles vaccination coverage, health expenditure per capita as a percentage of the
overall health expenditure, % of primary education in women and ethno-linguistic cultural
fragmentation. The variables were the same for model 2, adding the number of physicians per
1,000 inhabitants and the Gini coefficient. For IMR<5 years, model 1 included the percentage
of access to fresh water, % of coverage of measles vaccination, health expenditure per capita.
Model 2 added to the analysis the percentage of access to sanitation systems, the coverage for
the first prenatal control visit, DPT vaccination coverage, number of physicians per 1,000 in-
habitants, health out-of-pocket expenditure, religious cultural fragmentation, the Gini coeffi-
cient, and % of women with a job. As per MMR, model 1 included: % of access to fresh water,
% of access to sanitation services, % of births attended by healthcare professionals, and fertility
rate. Model 2 also included the number of physicians per 1,000 inhabitants, total health expen-
diture, and the corruption index. All the models were adjusted due to the effect of time as a
qualitative variable. Random intercepts models were compared with models of fixed effects for
the difference in the intra-country measured with mean intra-country (fixed effects model for
intra-country variability). Using the Hausman test no statistically significant systematic differ-
ences in the estimated coefficients are found by comparing these fixed models with random in-
tercepts models (p> 0.10). Therefore, to maintain statistical consistency and not to find a
correlation between the independent variables and the random component, we chose random
patterns, which are known to be more efficient (have lower variance estimators) and also other
to assess the association of variables fixed in time.
The geospatial regression models included the same variables of the mixed regression model
with repeated measures; the models were adjusted in terms of the variables that assessed the
functions of the health systems. The level of association was established through quartiles, and
the unit of observation was the country and the geographical region. The exploratory analysis
of spatial data in terms of spatial patterns is applied first. The spatial autocorrelation and non-
seasonality were calculated as a starting point in the variables by using the Moran index estima-
tor for the global effect and the local G for the regional effect. The Moran index [36] is a widely
used global spatial autocorrelation measure which verifies if there are any relations between the
location and attribute values. A positive significant statistics indicates that other values of simi-
lar attributes are spatially grouped instead of being randomly distributed. In contrast, a nega-
tive significant statistics shows different values in close localities which evidence a more
disperse pattern. Getis and Ord [37] have introduced the statistical G to detect groups with
high or low values according to their location. High positive values refer to “hot spots” and
high negative values refer to “cold spots.” "Hot spots" may be described as areas in which coun-
tries with high levels are surrounded by other countries with high levels. In contrast, "cold
spots" are groups with low-level countries surrounded by other low-level countries. A crucial
step in spatial modeling is the selection of an adequate representation of the space.
The assumptions of the models were verified and calculations were made concerning their
coefficient of determination (R2). In addition, the models were compared through the Akaike
Information Criteria (AIC) for the mixed linear regression models for repeated measures and
the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for both models [38].The existence of random slopes
was assessed but the variance of the slopes was not significant; therefore, we used mixed effect
models only with random intercepts. All the analyses were completed with the STATA 12 sta-
tistical program and ArcGIS.

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Fig 1. Maternal mortality rate (MMR) tendency: 1990 to 2010. Aggregation unit: country. World Bank

Results and Discussion

The descriptive statistical data for each one of the outcome variables (IMR< 1 year, IMR <5
years, and the MMR) and the explanatory variables are included in S2 Table. The IMR< 1
year, IMR<5 years, and the MMR around the world, evidenced a descending trend during the
periods included (2000–2010): from 48.8 deaths per 1,000 live births/year to 28.2 deaths per
1,000 live births/year, from 71.3 deaths per 1,000 live births/year to 39.37 deaths per 1,000 live
births, and from 333.31 deaths per 1,000 live births to 178.99 deaths per 1,000 live births, re-
spectively. Africa is the region with the worst figures as per child and maternal mortality; it be-
haves in a differential manner throughout the analysis periods (see Figs 1–4).

Fig 2. Number of maternal deaths due to a specific cause of death: 1990 to 2010. Aggregation unit:
country. World Bank

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Fig 3. Infant mortality rate (IMR) <1 years tendency: 1990 to 2010. Aggregation unit: country. World Bank

From the 217 countries reported by the World Bank, 54 (24.8%) are in Africa, 51 (23.5%) in
Asia; 49 (22.5%) in Europe; 42 (19.35%) in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2 (0.92%) in
North America, and 19 (8.76%) in Oceania. The proportion of countries included in the model
varies among regions, where 90% of all the African countries are included, 73.5% from Europe,
72.4% from Asia, 100% from North America, 50% from Latin America, but only 47% from
Oceania had enough data in order to be included in this model (Table 2). The countries includ-
ed in the analysis and the mortality rates are depicted in Fig 1; Figs 2, 3, and 4 depict the world
distribution of mortality rates from 2000 to 2010. A comparative analysis was conducted

Fig 4. Infant mortality rate (IMR) <5 years tendency: 1990 to 2010. Aggregation unit: country. World Bank

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 2. Description of the classification of the countries per region (n = 154 countries).

Region Total countries Total number of

identified countries per region,
% included in the
analysis per region

N % n %
Africa 54 24.88 49 90.74
Asia 51 23.50 37 72.55
Europe 49 22.58 36 73.47
Latin America and the Caribbean 42 19.35 21 50.00
North America 2 0.92 2 100
Oceania 19 8.76 9 47.37
Total 217 154 70.97

between years 2000 and 2010; nevertheless, the explanatory variables did not evidence varia-
tions above 10% as per the years assessed.
All the selected indicators of the health system were significantly associated to the infant
mortality rate, infant mortality rate < 1 year, and the maternal mortality ratio in the bivariate
analysis (S3 Table). The country, region, year, and other variables of the model were controlled
in the multivariate analysis. The determinants of the health system with a significant associa-
tion in terms of infant mortality < 1 year were identified: higher access to water for quartiles 2
to 4 in relation to quartile 1 (βa Quartile 4 (Q4) vs Quartile 1 (Q1) = -6.14; 95% CI: -11.63 to
-0.73), and sanitation systems for quartiles 2 to 4 in comparison to quartile (βa Q4 vs Q1 =
-25,58; 95% CI: -31.91 to -19.25); likewise, for the % of measles vaccination coverage (βa Q4 vs
Q1 = -7.35; 95% CI: -10.18 to -4.52); % of births attended by healthcare professionals for quar-
tiles Q2 and Q4 (βa Q2 vs Q1 = -2,10; 95% CI: -3.91 to -0.3) and (βa Q4 vs Q1 = -7,91; 95% CI:
-11.36 to -4.52) and public health expenditure as a % of the overall health expenditure for quar-
tiles 2 to 4 in comparison with quartile 1 (βa Q3 vs Q1 = -2,85; 95% CI: -4.93 to -0.7). A higher
cultural-ethnical fragmentation between Q1 vs Q4 (βa Q4 vs Q1 = 9,93; 95% CI: -0.03 to 19.89)
and higher cultural-linguistic fragmentation between Q1 vs Q4 (βa Q4 vs Q1 = 8,80; 95% CI:
-1 to 18.6), have an association of risk, although this is not statistically significant (Table 3).
Concerning infant mortality, <5 years, the determinants that evidence an association were:
% of access to fresh water for quartiles 2 to 4 in comparison with quartile 1 (βa Q4 vs Q1 =
-30.9; 95% CI: -48.02 to -13.79), % of measles vaccination coverage (βa Q2 vs Q1 = -8,02; 95%
CI: -14.17 to -1.88), ethnical fragmentation (βa Q4 vs Q1 = 26,1; 95% CI: 8.9 to 43.21), and lin-
guistic fragmentation (βa Q4 vs Q1 = 34,92; 95% CI: 16.14 to 53.7), democratization (βa not
free vs partially free = 16,69; 95% CI: 6.08 to 27.31), and (βa not free vs free = 11.23; 95% CI:
-0.82 to 23.29), health out-of-pocket expenditure (βa Q1 vs Q3 = 13.06; 95% CI: 1.79 to 24.3)
and (βa Q1 vs Q4 = 17.71; 95% CI: 5.86 to 29.56), and the Gini coefficient (βa = 1.18; 95% CI:
0.22 to 2.13) (Table 3 and Table 4).
As per the maternal mortality ratio, the determinants that evidenced a protective association
include: % of access to fresh water for all the quartiles (βa Q2 vs Q1 = -147,3; 95% CI: -233.38
to -61.32), % of access to sanitation systems for all the quartiles, (βa Q3 vs Q1 = -171.15; 95%
CI: -281.29 to -61), and birth attention by healthcare professionals for all the quartiles (βa Q4
vs Q1 = -231.23; 95%CI: -349.32 to 113.15). Having a more corrupt government (βa Q3 vs
Q1 = 83.05; 95% CI: 33.10 to 133) and the highest fertility rates (βa Q4 vs Q1 219.94; 95% CI:
88.17 to 351.71) proved to be significant risk determinants as per MMR (Table 5).

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 3. Multivariate analysis for IMR < 1 years.

Function of the health Variable Categories Model 1 (n = 112 countries) Model 2 (n = 60 countries)
Beta 95% CI P Beta 95% CI p
Coverage of health % of access to fresh water Q1 Reference Reference
services % of access to fresh water Q2 -8.63 -12.61 -4.64 <0.01 -26.28 -33.63 -18.93 <0.01
% of access to fresh water Q3 -8.68 -13.10 -4.26 <0.01 -25.69 -33.28 -18.09 <0.01
% of access to fresh water Q4 -6.18 -11.64 -0.73 0.026 -30.31 -42.87 -17.75 <0.01
% of access to sanitation Q1 Reference Reference
% of access to sanitation Q2 -11.91 -16.12 -7.69 <0.01 -6.94 -15.54 1.65 0.113
% of access to sanitation Q3 -19.16 -24.58 -13.74 <0.01 -13.12 -23.03 -3.20 0.01
% of access to sanitation Q4 -25.59 -31.92 -19.26 <0.01 -16.19 -26.87 -5.51 0.003
% of births attended by Q1 Reference Reference
healthcare professionals
% of births attended by Q2 -2.11 -3.91 -0.30 0.022 -11.07 -15.10 -7.03 <0.01
healthcare professionals
% of births attended by Q3 -2.09 -4.45 0.28 0.084 -12.16 -16.66 -7.66 <0.01
healthcare professionals
% of births attended by Q4 -7.92 -11.36 -4.47 <0.01 -18.99 -24.48 -13.49 <0.01
healthcare professionals
Medical products, Measles vaccination Q1 Reference Reference
vaccines, and coverage
technologies Measles vaccination Q2 -6.49 -8.87 -4.12 <0.01 -8.64 -12.68 -4.59 <0.01
Measles vaccination Q3 -6.27 -8.97 -3.58 <0.01 -5.41 -9.68 -1.14 0.013
Measles vaccination Q4 -7.36 -10.19 -4.52 <0.01 -7.53 -11.94 -3.12 <0.01
Health human resources Physicians per 1,000 Q1 - - - - Reference
Physicians per 1,000 Q2 - - - - -1.43 -6.16 3.31 0.554
Physicians per 1,000 Q3 - - - - -0.02 -5.26 5.22 0.994
Physicians per 1,000 Q4 - - - - 2.53 -3.32 8.38 0.397
Health financing Health expenditure per Q1 Reference Reference
Health expenditure per Q2 0.53 -2.08 3.14 0.69 1.10 -3.23 5.44 0.618
Health expenditure per Q3 -2.78 -5.99 0.42 0.09 -2.49 -7.56 2.59 0.337
Health expenditure per Q4 -2.28 -6.31 1.75 0.27 -1.54 -7.50 4.42 0.612
Public health expenditure— Q1 Reference Reference
% of total expenditure
Public health expenditure— Q2 -1.95 -3.64 -0.25 0.02 -1.64 -4.99 1.72 0.339
% of total expenditure
Public health expenditure— Q3 -2.85 -4.93 -0.78 0.01 -0.62 -4.40 3.16 0.746
% of total expenditure
Public health expenditure— Q4 -2.60 -5.47 0.27 0.08 -2.58 -7.27 2.12 0.283
% of total expenditure

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 3. (Continued)

Function of the health Variable Categories Model 1 (n = 112 countries) Model 2 (n = 60 countries)
Beta 95% CI P Beta 95% CI p
Social determinants % of primary education in Q1 Reference Reference
% of primary education in Q2 0.52 -1.17 2.21 0.55 -0.87 -3.31 1.57 0.484
% of primary education in Q3 1.50 -0.96 3.95 0.23 1.93 -2.51 6.36 0.394
% of primary education in Q4 6.87 3.30 10.45 <0.01 3.92 -1.98 9.82 0.193
Ethnic fragmentation Q1 Reference Reference
Ethnic fragmentation Q2 2.57 -5.25 10.39 0.52 -6.44 -14.67 1.78 0.125
Ethnic fragmentation Q3 -0.41 -8.27 7.46 0.92 -0.84 -10.61 8.93 0.866
Ethnic fragmentation Q4 9.93 -0.03 19.90 0.05 12.98 -0.24 26.20 0.054
Linguistic fragmentation Q1 Reference Reference
Linguistic fragmentation Q2 2.34 -5.17 9.85 0.54 -3.14 -11.51 5.22 0.461
Linguistic fragmentation Q3 -3.04 -10.69 4.61 0.44 -6.16 -15.93 3.61 0.217
Linguistic fragmentation Q4 8.80 -1.00 18.60 0.08 -3.34 -16.66 9.98 0.623
Gini Coefficient - - - - - 0.02 -0.33 0.36 0.923
Year 2000 63.95 54.96 72.94 <0.01 87.33 68.38 106.28 <0.01
2001 -4.99 -6.78 -3.21 <0.01 -5.17 -7.61 -2.72 <0.01
2002 -5.41 -7.15 -3.68 <0.01 -6.64 -9.56 -3.72 <0.01
2003 -6.15 -7.78 -4.52 <0.01 -7.49 -10.33 -4.65 <0.01
2004 -7.68 -9.40 -5.96 <0.01 -10.42 -14.82 -6.02 <0.01
2005 -8.08 -9.74 -6.43 <0.01 -9.28 -12.48 -6.07 <0.01
2006 -9.20 -10.71 -7.68 <0.01 -9.12 -11.65 -6.59 <0.01
2007 -10.71 -12.29 -9.13 <0.01 -9.61 -12.31 -6.90 <0.01
2008 -11.79 -13.60 -9.97 <0.01 -10.98 -13.81 -8.14 <0.01
2009 -11.67 -13.51 -9.84 <0.01 -15.42 -19.42 -11.42 <0.01
2010 -15.42 -17.12 -13.73 <0.01 -14.07 -16.48 -11.66 <0.01
Assessment of the model AIC 2200.601 903.617
Bic 2354.227 1032.096
P R2 0.89 0.93

Geospatial analysis
The African continent evidences a different trend vis-à-vis the rest of the continents as per the
social determinants assessed and the health results. The corruption index shows a 6.01 MMR
risk relationship in Africa with respect to Europe where it was βa -1.04 (95% CI -1.24 to 15,24)
(see Fig 5). Regarding the < 5 years mortality rate and the cultural fragmentation index, the re-
sults evidenced a region effect for Latin America (βa 5.03 vs 0.34 95% CI—0.32 to 18.41) and
Asia (βa 8.45 vs -1.32 95% CI—3.48 to 26.83) in comparison with Europe, Fig 6. Likewise, re-
garding the infant mortality rate, income inequality evidenced a region effect for Latin America
(βa 12.34 vs 2.56 95% CI 0.21 to 22.3), North America (βa 7.61 vs 1,42 95% CI -1.42 to 34.7),
and Asia (βa 11.87 vs 2.03 95% CI -2.8 to 23) (see Figs 5–7).

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 4. Multivariate analysis for IMR < 5 years.

Function of the health Variable Categories Model 1 (n = 139 countries) Model 2 (n = 69 countries)
Beta 95% CI p Beta 95% CI p
Health services coverage % of access to fresh Q1 Reference Reference
% of access to fresh Q2 -21.48 -35.42 -7.53 0.003 -28.54 -39.45 -17.62 0.02
% of access to fresh Q3 -27.50 -42.10 -12.91 <0.01 -31.04 -48.71 -13.38 <0.01
% of access to fresh Q4 -30.91 -48.02 -13.80 0.053 -24.08 -56.52 8.35 0.14
% of access to sanitation Q1 - - - - Reference
% of access to sanitation Q2 - - - - -14.63 -32.75 3.49 0.11
% of access to sanitation Q3 - - - - -22.17 -43.71 -0.62 0.04
% of access to sanitation Q4 - - - - -32.33 -58.01 -6.66 0.01
Prenatal control coverage Q1 - - - - Reference
—one (1) visit
Prenatal control coverage Q2 - - - - 0.61 -7.43 8.64 0.88
—one (1) visit
Prenatal control coverage Q3 - - - - -5.40 -15.74 4.94 0.31
—one (1) visit
Prenatal control coverage Q4 - - - - -2.07 -14.39 10.25 0.74
—one (1) visit
Medical products, vaccines, Measles vaccination Q1 Reference Reference
and technologies coverage
Measles vaccination Q2 -8.03 -14.17 -1.88 0.01 -17.60 -27.53 -7.68 <0.01
Measles vaccination Q3 -6.31 -12.77 0.15 0.056 -16.40 -28.19 -4.62 <0.01
Measles vaccination Q4 -6.33 -13.41 0.76 0.08 -23.03 -38.61 -7.45 <0.01
DPT vaccination Q1 - - - - Reference
DPT vaccination Q2 - - - - -1.09 -10.06 7.89 0.81
DPT vaccination Q3 - - - - -0.23 -11.24 10.78 0.97
DPT vaccination Q4 - - - - 10.41 -6.45 27.27 0.23
Health human resources Physicians per 1,000 Q1 - - - - Reference
Physicians per 1,000 Q2 - - - - -6.72 -14.01 0.58 0.07
Physicians per 1,000 Q3 - - - - -5.93 -16.38 4.52 0.27
Physicians per 1,000 Q4 - - - - -0.90 -14.65 12.84 0.90

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 4. (Continued)

Function of the health Variable Categories Model 1 (n = 139 countries) Model 2 (n = 69 countries)
Beta 95% CI p Beta 95% CI p
Health financing Health expenditure per Q1 Reference Reference
Health expenditure per Q2 -0.25 -6.45 5.95 0.937 -2.49 -11.73 6.74 0.60
Health expenditure per Q3 -12.48 -20.59 -4.36 <0.01 -6.60 -23.09 9.90 0.43
Health expenditure per Q4 -11.85 -23.19 -0.52 0.04 -2.46 -21.90 16.97 0.80
Out-of-pocket health Q1 - - - - Reference
Out-of-pocket health Q2 - - - - 5.01 -5.23 15.26 0.34
Out-of-pocket health Q3 - - - - 13.07 1.79 24.34 0.02
Out-of-pocket health Q4 - - - - 17.72 5.87 29.57 0.00
Social determinants Ethnic fragmentation Q1 Reference Reference
Ethnic fragmentation Q2 3.25 -7.79 14.28 0.564 -3.22 -23.31 16.86 0.75
Ethnic fragmentation Q3 -0.14 -10.22 9.94 0.978 -7.59 -29.02 13.84 0.49
Ethnic fragmentation Q4 26.11 9.00 43.22 <0.01 16.29 -8.68 41.25 0.20
Linguistic fragmentation Q1 Reference Reference
Linguistic fragmentation Q2 5.28 -4.42 14.97 0.286 0.14 -17.26 17.53 0.99
Linguistic fragmentation Q3 -2.25 -10.93 6.44 0.612 -3.35 -21.13 14.44 0.71
Linguistic fragmentation Q4 34.92 16.14 53.70 <0.01 7.75 -11.64 27.14 0.43
Religious fragmentation Q1 - - - - Reference
Religious fragmentation Q2 - - - - 2.20 -12.56 16.95 0.77
Religious fragmentation Q3 - - - - -2.79 -16.75 11.18 0.70
Religious fragmentation Q4 - - - - -4.72 -20.27 10.84 0.55
Index of freedom Not free Reference Reference
Index of freedom Partially 1.45 -3.53 6.43 0.57 16.70 6.09 27.31 <0.01
Index of freedom Free 1.34 -5.01 7.68 0.68 11.23 -0.83 23.30 0.07
Gini Coefficient - - - - 1.18 0.23 2.14 0.02
% of women employed Q1 - - - - Reference
% of women employed Q2 - - - - 2.59 -11.49 16.66 0.72
% of women employed Q3 - - - - 4.49 -9.71 18.69 0.54
% of women employed Q4 - - - - 11.38 -4.14 26.90 0.15
Year 2000 80.90 63.02 98.77 0.1 47.44 -9.01 103.88 0.10
2001 -2.64 -8.42 3.13 0.37 -7.52 -15.65 0.62 0.07
2002 -6.41 -10.16 -2.67 <0.01 -6.92 -16.81 2.98 0.17
2003 -8.57 -12.15 -4.99 <0.01 -7.28 -14.91 0.35 0.06
2004 -11.87 -15.62 -8.12 <0.01 -9.56 -20.37 1.24 0.08
2005 -15.77 -19.71 -11.83 <0.01 -13.22 -21.50 -4.94 <0.01
2006 -17.69 -21.73 -13.65 <0.01 -16.77 -23.63 -9.90 <0.01
2007 -17.64 -22.82 -12.46 <0.01 -14.52 -22.72 -6.31 <0.01
2008 -20.85 -25.70 -16.00 <0.01 -21.29 -29.23 -13.35 <0.01
2009 -20.81 -25.52 -16.10 <0.01 -23.49 -37.13 -9.84 <0.01
2010 -28.49 -34.11 -22.87 <0.01 -22.84 -29.47 -16.20 <0.01

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 4. (Continued)

Function of the health Variable Categories Model 1 (n = 139 countries) Model 2 (n = 69 countries)
Beta 95% CI p Beta 95% CI p
Assessment of the model AIC 3190.498 1082.008
Bic 3356.096 1228.241
P R2 0.83 0.94

Country level analyze

Quartile analysis for each variables included in this study in the countries where the informa-
tion was available, S4 Table. Following, Quartile analysis of selected social determinants and an
analysis of the relationship between health outcomes and health expenditures:
Social determinants. A difference between countries in each continent in relation to the
behavior of social determinants was evident. For ethnic cultural fragmentation two (4.76%) Eu-
ropean countries (Andorra and Monaco) were in Q4 vs 18 (42.85%) countries (Ireland, Swe-
den, Finland, Norway, Germany, Malta, Austria, Portugal, United Kingdom, Netherlands,
Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Poland, France, Denmark, Cyprus, Greece) in Q1; 32 (62.7%) countries
(Sudan, Gambia, The, Guinea-Bissau, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Angola,
South Africa, Mali, Benin, Congo, Rep., Somalia, Congo, Dem. Rep., Liberia, Ghana, Zambia,
Mozambique, Cameroon, Uganda, Ethiopia, Gabon, Chad, Guinea, Malawi, Tanzania, Burkina
Faso, Togo, Senegal, Djibouti, Madagascar, Kenya, Sierra Leone) in Africa were in Q4 vs. 4
(7.8%) countries (Comoros, Tunisia, Egypt, Arab Rep., Swaziland) in Q1; 3 (8.8%) countries
(Bolivia, Suriname, Belize) in Latin America and The Caribbean were in Q4 vs 10 (27.02%)
countries (Haiti, St. Kitts and Nevis, Paraguay, Saint Lucia, El Salvador, Barbados, Antigua and
Barbuda, Chile and Honduras) in Q1; 8 (16%) countries (Indonesia, Pakistan, Libya, Nepal,
Qatar, Afghanistan, Iran, Islamic Rep, Kyrgyz Republic) Asia were in Q4 vs 9 (20%) countries
(Lebanon, Armenia, Saudi Arabi, Bangladesh, Hong Kong SAR, China, Korea, Rep, Korea,
Dem and Japan) in Q1; one country (50%) of North America (United States) was in Q3 vs one
(50%) country (Canada) in Q4 and 1 (7.1%) country (Micronesia) of Oceania was in Q4 vs 8
(57.1%) countries (Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Island, Aus-
tralia and Tuvalu) in Q1.
For linguistic fragmentation, 4 (10%) European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luxem-
bourg, Andorra and Monaco) were in Q4 vs 14 (35%) countries (Ireland, Croatia, Norway,
Malta, Portugal, United Kingdom, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Poland, France, Denmark, Albania,
Greece) in Q1; 32 (64%) countries in Africa (Sudan, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Central Afri-
can Republic, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Angola, South Africa, Mali, Benin, Congo, Republic.,
Congo, Dem. Rep, Liberia, Ghana, Zambia, Mozambique, Niger, Cameroon, Uganda, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Chad, Namibia, Guinea, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal, Eritrea, Djibouti,
Kenya, Sierra Leone) were in Q4 vs 5 (10%) countries (Comoros, Tunisia, Egypt, Arab Rep So-
malia and Madagascar.) in Q1; no country in Latin America and The Caribbean was in Q4 vs
16 (53%) countries (Brazil, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominic Republic,
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, RB, Uruguay, Guyana, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Co-
lombia, Barbados, Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda and Honduras); 8 (16.6%) countries in
Asia (India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, Philippines, Lao PDR, Iran, Islamic, Kazakhtan) were
in Q4 vs 10 (20.8%) countries (Yemen, Rep., Libya, Jordan, Armenia, Saudia Arabia, Bangla-
desh, Korea, Rep Korea, Dem West Bank and Gaza and Japan) in Q1; one country (50%) of
North America (United States) was in the Q2 vs Canada (50%) that was in Q3 and 4 (21%)

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Table 5. MMR multivariate model.

Function of the Variable Categories Model 1 (n = 114 countries) Model 2 (n = 65 countries)

health system
Beta 95% CI p Beta 95% CI p

Coverage of health % of access to fresh water Q1 Reference Reference

services % of access to fresh water Q2 -147.36 -233.38 -61.33 <0.01 -111.90 -242.00 18.20 0.092
% of access to fresh water Q3 -146.70 -251.42 -41.98 0.006 -59.90 -190.98 71.17 0.37
% of access to fresh water Q4 -133.00 -272.01 6.01 0.061 -22.07 -217.91 173.78 0.825
% of access to sanitation Q1 Reference Reference
% of access to sanitation Q2 -119.90 -214.81 -24.99 0.013 4.23 -125.48 133.95 0.949
% of access to sanitation Q3 -171.15 -281.30 -61.01 0.002 -94.04 -240.22 52.13 0.207
% of access to sanitation Q4 -170.64 -328.50 -12.79 0.034 -130.42 -338.09 77.26 0.218
% of births attended by Q1 Reference Reference
healthcare professionals
% of births attended by Q2 -133.33 -204.68 -61.99 <0.01 -72.93 -125.15 -20.72 <0.01
healthcare professionals
% of births attended by Q3 -157.33 -251.36 -63.30 0.001 -62.33 -119.33 -5.32 0.032
healthcare professionals
% of births attended by Q4 -231.24 -349.32 -113.16 <0.01 -76.88 -140.16 -13.59 0.017
healthcare professionals
Human Resources Physicians per 1,000 Q1 - - - - Reference
Physicians per 1,000 Q2 - - - - -29.53 -135.88 76.81 0.586
Physicians per 1,000 Q3 - - - - -30.80 -137.34 75.74 0.571
Physicians per 1,000 Q4 - - - - -18.26 -124.96 88.44 0.737
Health financing Health total expenditure Q1 - - - - Reference
Health total expenditure Q2 - - - - -66.97 -105.21 -28.73 0.001
Health total expenditure Q3 - - - - -5.72 -39.97 28.53 0.743
Health total expenditure Q4 - - - - 0.49 -36.51 37.48 0.979
Social determinants Index of corruption Q1 - - - - Reference
Index of corruption Q2 - - - - 15.53 0.27 30.79 0.046
Index of corruption Q3 - - - - 83.05 33.10 133.01 0.001
Index of corruption Q4 - - - - -68.64 -164.48 27.20 0.16
Demographic Fertility rate Q1 Reference Reference
transition Fertility rate Q2 10.70 -81.79 103.20 0.821 34.36 -53.96 122.68 0.446
Fertility rate Q3 8.44 -89.93 106.80 0.866 90.57 -0.92 182.06 0.052
Fertility rate Q4 219.94 88.17 351.71 <0.01 383.58 203.98 563.18 <0.01
Year 2000 551.80 405.55 698.05 <0.01 262.14 73.70 450.59 <0.01
2005 -91.28 -137.76 -44.80 <0.01 -13.01 -28.65 2.63 0.103
2010 -101.96 -146.09 -57.82 <0.01 -32.15 -45.45 -18.85 <0.01
Assessment of the AIC 2618.58 1045.2
model Bic 2674.651 1109.314
P R2 0.85 0.92

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Fig 5. Weighted beta coefficients for the corruption index and maternal mortality rate per quartiles.

countries of Oceania (Micronesia, Guam, New Caledonia and Northern Mariana Islands) were
in Q4 vs. 3 (15.78%) countries (Samoa, Kiribati and Marshall Islands) in Q1.
For religious cultural fragmentation, six (14.63%) countries (Georgia, Germany, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Netherlands) in Europe were in Q4 vs 11
(26.8%) countries (Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Malta, Portugal, Luxembourg, San Marino, An-
dorra, Iceland, Poland and Greece) who were in Q1; 19 (36.53%) countries (Central African
Republic, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, South Africa, Congo, Republic, Congo, Dem, Rep., Ghana,

Fig 6. Weighted beta coefficients for cultural-ethnic fragmentation and infant mortality rate <5 years per quartiles.

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Fig 7. Weighted beta coefficients for the Gini coefficient and infant mortality rate <5 years per quartiles.

Zambia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Gabon, Chad, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Malawi, Mauritius, Le-
sotho, Togo, Kenya) Africa were in Q4 vs 16 (30.76%) countries (Comoros, Tunisia, The Gam-
bia, Mauritania, Egypt, Arab Rep., Algeria, Morocco, Mali, Somalia, Cape Verde, Niger, Sao
Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal and Djibouti) that were in Q1; 8
(22%) of countries (Trinidad and Tobago, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
Suriname, Guyana, The Bahamas, Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda) in Latin America and
The Caribbean were in Q4 vs 8 (22.2%) of countries (Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador,
Venezuela, Colombia and Argentina) were in Q1; 6 (12.5%) countries (Kuwait, Lebanon, Sin-
gapore, Malaysia, China and Korea, Dem. Rep) of Asia were in Q4 vs 16 (33.3%) countries
(Yemen, Rep., Cambodia, Libya, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh,
Thailand, Turkey, Burma, Mongolia, West Bank and Gaza, Turkmenistan and Iran, Islamic
Rep) who were in Q1; 2 (100%) countries of North America (USA and Canada) were in Q4;
and 8 (42.1%) countries (Micronesia, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon islands, Palau, Américan
Samoa, New Zealand and Australia) of Oceania were in Q4 and no country was in the Q1.
For corruption index behavior we did not found change in quartiles by period between 2007
and 2010, therefore we only show the result of 2010 corruption index. This indicator is higher
if the corruption perceived is low. 21 (52.5%) countries (Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland,
Finland, Norway, Germany, Malta, Slovenia, Austria, Portugal, Luxembourg, United Kingdom,
Netherlands, Estonia, Iceland, Poland, France, Denmark, Cyprus and Spain) of Europe were in
Q4 vs 1 (2.5%) country (Ukraine) in Q1; 2 (5.5%) countries (Botswana and Mauritius) of Africa
were in Q4 vs 21 (38.8%) countries (Sudan, Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Central Afri-
can Republic, Burundi, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Angola, Congo, Rep, Somalia, Congo, Dem Rep,
Cameroon, Chad, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Kenya and Sierra Leone) were
in Q1; 6 (23.07%) countries (Puerto Rico, Dominica, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Barbados and
Chile) in Latin America and The Caribbean are found in Q4 vs. 4 (15.38%) countries (Haiti,
Paraguay, Venezuela and Honduras) that were in Q1. 10 countries in Asia were found
(21.27%) in Q4 (Israel, Qatar, Oman, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, United Arab Emirates,
Hong Kong, Korea, Dem. Rep., Japan, Bhutan) vs 19 (40.42%) countries (Yemen, Rep.,

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Cambodia, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Azer-
baijan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Maldives, Afghanistan, Lao PDR, Iran, Islamic
Rep., Kyrgyz Republic, Myanmar) in Q1. The two countries (100%) of North America (US and
Canada) were in Q4. 2 (25%) countries of Oceania (New Zealand and Australia) were in Q4 vs
1 (12.5%) country (Papua New Guinea) was in the Q1.
To evaluate the democratization we used freedom index from 2000 to 2010, but no signifi-
cant changes in levels of freedom occurred in the countries (S4). We only show the result of
2010 freedom index; Europe: 37 (82.22%) countries were listed as free countries (Finland,
France, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Esto-
nia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Lux-
embourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San
Marino, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom),
7 (15.5%) countries were listed as partially free (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ko-
sovo, Macedonia, Moldova and Ukraine) and 1 (2.2%) was ranked not free country (Belarus);
Africa: 9 (17.3%) countries (Benin, Botswana, Cape Verde, Ghana, Mali, Mauritius, Namibia,
Sao Tome and Principe and South Africa) were listed as free, 23 (44.23%) countries were listed
as part free (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Comoros, The Gambia, Guinea,
Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger,
Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zambia) and 20
(38.46%) listed as unfree countries (Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Dem. Rep.,
Congo, Rep., Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Arab Rep., Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Mauritania, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tunisia and Zimbabwe). Latin Amer-
ica and the Caribbean: 22 (66.6%) countries were listed as a free (Antigua and Barbuda, Argen-
tina, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic,
El Salvador, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia,
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay), 10 (30.3%)
countries listed as partly free (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Me-
xico, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Venezuela) and one (3%) listed as unfree country (Cuba). Asia:
7 (14.58%) countries were listed as free countries (India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Dem
Rep, Mongolia and Taiwan), 16 (33.3%) countries were listed partially free (Armenia, Bangla-
desh, Bhutan, East Timor, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Paki-
stan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Turkey) and 25 (52.08%) classified
unfree countries (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Burma, Cambodia,
China, Iran, Islamic Rep., Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Rep., Lao PDR, Libya, Oman,
Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Yemen, Rep). North America: the two
(100%) countries were listed free (Canada, USA). Oceania: 10 (71.42%) countries were listed as
free (Australia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Fed, Sts, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau,
Samoa, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.), 4 (28.57%) countries were listed as partly free (Fiji, Papua New
Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tonga) and no country was ranked not free.
In the analysis of the Gini coefficient as a result of income inequality; no country in Europe
was in the Q4 vs 23 (62.1%) countries (Belgium, Sweden, Croatia, Switzerland, Montenegro,
Finland, Norway, Ukraine, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Nether-
lands, Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, France, Slovak Republic, Moldova, Den-
mark) who were in Q1; 18 (37.5%) countries of Africa (Comoros, The Gambia, Rwanda,
Central African Republic, Nigeria, Botswana, South Africa, Congo, Rep., Cape Verde, Zambia,
Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Zimbabwe, Seychelles, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho
and Kenya) were in Q4 vs. 4 countries (Egypt, Arab Rep, Burundi, Mali, Ethiopia) who were in
Q1; 16 (69.56%) countries of Latin America and The Caribbean (Brazil, Haiti, Dominican

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Republic, Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Suriname, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colom-
bia, Panama, Belize, Chile and Honduras) were in Q4 vs no countries in Q1; One (2.6%) coun-
try of Asia (Malasya) was found in Q4 vs 10 (26.31%) countries (Pakistan, Iraq, Nepal,
Armenia, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Korea, Rep., Japan, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan) who were
in Q1; any countries in North America was in the Q4 vs one (50%) country (Canada) was in
Q1 (S4 Table).
Health result and Health expenditure. Countries with better indicators of health out-
comes and behaviors of health expenditure per capita were for Latin America: Chile Costa Rica
Uruguay, Cuba and Costa Rica, countries with worse health indicators and higher health
spending per capita were: Paraguay, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Belize and Suriname. For North
America excluding Mexico (considered within ALC), both countries had adequate indicators
in health outcomes but United States showed an increase in spending on health and pocket
health spending between 2000 and 2010. For Europe, countries with better health outcomes
and improved performance of health expenditure per capita were: Switzerland, Norway, Swe-
den, Denmark and the UK and countries with poorer health outcomes and poor health expen-
diture per capita are Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Albania
For African countries with better health outcomes and improved performance of health ex-
penditure per capita: Arabian Republic of Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Sao Tome and Principe,
Dijibouti; and countries with worst health indicators and misbehavior of health expenditure
per capita were: Chad, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Burundi, Dem Rep Congo, Ni-
geria, Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea. For Asian countries with better health outcomes and improved
performance of health expenditure per capita were: Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz
Republic, China, Vietnam and Japan and countries with worse indicators of health outcomes
and increased spending on health per capita were: Afghanistan, Iraq, Timor-Leste, Yemen,
Rep, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan and Philippines;. countries like South
Korea, India and Syria have adequate indicators of health outcomes with high health expendi-
ture per capita for all periods observed 2000–2010. For Oceania countries with better health
outcomes and improved performance of health expenditure per capita were: Micronesia, Fed
Sts, New Zealand and Australia and countries with worst health indicators and misbehavior of
health expenditure per capita were: Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Samoa and Vanuatu (S4
This ecological analysis explains the relationship among the functioning of the health sys-
tems and four social determinants that are not classically related with the performance of the
system itself in terms of health results through 154 countries around the world. Basically, the
coverage of health services, measured through the sustainable access to water is associated to a
lower mortality during all the periods assessed. Leadership and governance, measured through
the corruption index (that is, governance in less corrupt scenarios) is associated to a lower ma-
ternal mortality [39]. Countries with lower ethno-linguistic cultural fragmentation were like-
wise associated to a lower infant mortality rate, <1 year and lower than <5 years. Health
human resources measured through the density of physicians, and health financing, measured
through less out-of-pocket payments, and health expenditure per capita are associated to a de-
crease of mortality in the three scenarios; these findings are consistent with other studies [40,
41]. Sustainable access to fresh water and sanitation services were significantly associated to
the <1 year IMR, <5 years IMR, and the MMR, when the model was adjusted by other vari-
ables, presumably, due to several reasons [42, 43] The high incidence and prevalence rates of
acute diarrheal disease are commonly observed in places with limited access to fresh water and
sanitation services [43].
The help from donations or governments is associated to higher access to fresh water but
not necessarily to sanitation [43]. The acute diarrheal disease derived from contaminated water

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represents, in itself, 19% of the deaths of children < 5 years of age, and 1% of neonatal deaths
[44]. Other studies at the ecological level have also shown that the MMR is strongly associated
to the sustainable access to fresh water and sanitation systems since access to fresh water is a
fundamental pillar of maternal health [45]. Birth practices at unhygienic facilities that are not
duly equipped to provide a sterile milieu for a postpartum mother commonly contribute to the
high maternal mortality rates. The mothers who cannot breastfeed their children run the risk
of using water that is not suitable for special formula feeding in low-income countries as a way
to prevent the vertical transmission of HIV [46].
The financing of the health system is a consistent finding in the three models. The health ex-
penditure per capita and the out-of-pocket health expenditure were significantly related to the
mortality results, but once both were included in the multivariate models, the health expendi-
ture per capita better explained the behavior of the < 1 year IMR and the < 5 years IMR. This
finding is not indicative of the fact that the out-of-pocket health expenditure or the overall ex-
penditure are not important in order to assess the impact, in economic terms, of a health sys-
tem, but that the variable that describes the strongest association in the models selected is the
health expenditure per capita. It is observed that the sustainable health expenditure per capita
reduces the infant mortality rate. This may be caused by the fact that the economic situation of
the country as per financial sustainability has incidence on the management for the rendering
of accessible and quality health services [47].
The out-of-pocket health expenditure has become important as per the comprehensive as-
sessment of a health system, incurring in a catastrophic and impoverishing expense for the
household, and the scope of health universal coverage. In African countries, where the eco-
nomic systems are weak and, therefore, incapable of supporting a health system, systems re-
quire direct payments from the citizens for health care. A study that included 15 African
countries calculated the prevalence of health out-of-pocket expenditure and its effects on the
household economy; it was found that between 23% and 68% of the households resorted to
loans and to selling household equipment to have access to health services [46, 47]. This situa-
tion generates negative effects in two ways: 1) The loss of direct economic income due to labor
losses or labor absence of the sick individuals, and 2) the worsening of the impoverishment of
the family unit because of acquiring external debts with no labor-related production generating
social inequalities [48].
On the other hand, it has been evidenced that the density of physicians significantly reduces
infant and maternal mortality. Nevertheless, none of the health-related results in this study,
after controlling other indicators of the health system, had a significant relationship. This may
be due to the quality of the information for these indicators since they had over 10% of missing
data concerning the number of observations, or because the observation period was relatively
short to be able to note any effect on the response variables [49]. Nevertheless, concerning
MMR, it can be evidenced how relevant health human resources are since birth attention by
healthcare professionals has a strong relationship with the reduction of maternal deaths in this
study. This has also been evidenced in other studies [50–53]. It is interesting that Farahani
et al. (2009) [4] have examined the short and long-term effects of health human resources,
evidencing that these may have more long-term benefits within the management structures of
the health system and, therefore, as per the health results.
The high fertility rates have been noted as related to high infant and pregnant women death
rates. This association is not easy to explain since this relationship arises in countries where the
infant mortality rate is high due to social and economic factors: these families have multiple
children as per replacing the losses. Thus, biological risk factors arise such as multiparity and
complications while attending births, and social risk factors such as malnutrition and poverty
thus becoming a vicious cycle [54].

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Democratization was relevant vis-à-vis the reduction of the infant mortality rate < 5 years,
a relevant finding since there is no consistent evidence in this regard. Nevertheless, the rela-
tionship of the process of democratic governments has been explored in relation to the behav-
ior of life expectancy. Democratization becomes relevant as per the reduction of infant
mortality in terms of a country being freer. This may be due to the strengthening of public
health in some countries with a higher level of democracy through the issuance of health poli-
cies, nutrition, and the prevention of infectious-contagious diseases [55]. Political decisions
concerning the collective provision of education, social security, housing, etc. may influence
the health of the population by providing protection against health risks, and the increase of re-
siliency [56]. This process is interrupted in countries with armed conflicts, with oppressing po-
litical regimes due to particular needs, or due to the polarization of the executive or judicial
power [57].
Corruption is widely defined by “Transparency International” as the abuse of entrusted
power for private gain [58]. Our results are limited to corruption in the public sector although
it must be acknowledged that corruption in the private sector is reported in other studies and it
must be taken into consideration for health systems within the assurance and rendering of the
services. We have found in our study that a government is perceived as more corrupt (that is,
with a lower CPI score) has a stronger association with the increase of the maternal
mortality ratio.
Since the health systems are managed by the public sector and they require a strong com-
mitment and strong resources, a corrupt government runs the risk of diverting public health
resources for private gains [59]. Our findings suggest that a transparent government is an es-
sential component of the strengthening of the health system and an important way to improve
the health of the population. Three fourths of the countries of the world have a CPI score
under five, meaning a serious corruption level [60]; as a result, it has been acknowledged by the
UN that the fight against corruption must be the central focus for international aid and devel-
opment [51]. Corruption is systematic and exists within and through the scales and sectors of
the government; therefore, it requires the effort of the different actors and sectors. Private verti-
cal programs are frequently fast and effective since they often operate off the public sphere.
However, an undesired consequence of this approach could be the ease to generate a corrup-
tion agent in the public sphere. An effective strategy, reported in several countries, is the
strengthening of public health as a discipline capable of generating health policies and systems
for the oversight of the administrative processes of the health systems by demanding transpar-
ency and accountability [61]. Contributions made to the empirical evidence of the social deter-
minants have explained the consistent behavior of the lower life expectancy and the higher
infant mortality rates in groups that have their basic needs met, and that even have income lev-
els that are higher than the national average in their countries, but that live in highly unequal
societies as, for example, the population of African descent of the United States and England
[58, 59].
On the other hand, the relationship between the main political conditions and the infant
mortality rate < 5 years also evidences statistically significant associations. Our results show
that the political world history tending towards democratic processes has had an effect on the
reduction of the infant mortality rate < 5 years; the countries that have partially-free or not
free regimes have higher infant mortality rates [61]. Some authors have connected the effect of
democratization on the results of life expectancy at birth, finding consistency as per the im-
provement of health conditions in countries that have efforts concerning the establishment of
democratic governments, egalitarian social inclusion, the cessation of armed conflicts, the crea-
tion of international agreements for economic growth, such as the European Union, and the
transition of communist countries to becoming democratic countries, as the Soviet Union and

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

East Germany with the increase of life expectancy at birth and quality of life indicators at the
national level [62, 63].
Little has been explored about cultural fragmentation and its effect on performance and,
therefore, on health indicators. This study makes clear the relationship among cultural frag-
mentation, IMR, and MMR. This relationship has many explanations both from the capitalist
economic model, which partly explains the structure of the health systems and the healthcare
models that differ according to the ability to pay of the user [64, 65], as the loss of social cohe-
sion due to the social exclusion of ethnic minorities [66, 67]. The cultural fragmentation phe-
nomenon has been studied in countries such as India, as well as the post-modern processes of
the last three decades such as migration and globalization. The latter has been identified as a
factor related to the increase of said cultural fragmentation and, in turn, the loss of acknowl-
edgment of cultural beliefs. This has allowed that ethnic minorities evidence a higher obstacle
as per having access to national public entities [68]. There are particular processes in Latin
America such as the existence of ethnic minorities which are a challenge for the health systems
due to the access barriers generated by geographical, language, and economic factors[69].
Some strategies implemented to solve these problems have been decentralizing both the financ-
ing and the rendering of health services; nonetheless, said measure has had contrary effects and
some countries have decided to reconsider it [70].
Sustainable development economists have joined forces to research on ethnic diversity, or
"fragmentation" as a possible cause of corruption, political instability and poor economic per-
formance. Political scientists have debated for years about the possible links between ethnic di-
versity (or structure) and civil violence, democratic stability, and political systems [71]. The
effect of cultural fragmentation is unclear in health status, however if has been highly correlated
with poorly functioning processes of governance systems and poor socioeconomic conditions.
Somalia and Botswana are two countries in which we can observe this complex relationship; in
the 1960 Soviet ethnographers declared Somalia homogeneous in language, religion and cultur-
al customs, but its economic growth has been poor and post-Civil War 1990 it was found that
ethnic fragmentation by different clans has generated a chaotic social situation that associated
with poor sustainable economic growth with poor indicators in education and health, particu-
larly in child mortality <5 years, increasing access barriers in two ways 1) ideological differ-
ences between clans 2) hard empowerment health systems and education within the clans by
the State [72]. Furthermore Botswana has presented better economic growth, but slowed down
in the last 30 years; has a large ethnic Tswana and has been codified as homogeneous culturally,
however—the Tswana—are divided into eight sub tribes who are socially and politically differ-
ent, struggles between tribes for political and social representation in situations and processes
of the State have generated political and social tensions throughout history, but likewise inter-
esting strategies of political, social and ethnic inclusion which has resulted in pluralistic gover-
nance systems with better economic, health and social performance [72].
Providing physical, human and technological resources for the provision of health care re-
sources can be deteriorate in societies with high levels of cultural fragmentation, whether by
barriers of cultural access or purely geographical as documented in Latin America and Africa
countries [73]. The lack of governance by the State on ethnic minorities also has a negative ef-
fect on the governance of the health system in these populations and territories in which they
reside, creating an environment conducive to corruption, producing a lack of social protection
of the state [74]. However, it is likely that this relationship is much more complex than here
discussed and operate differently in different social contexts. For example, it is known that cer-
tain countries have managed to deal effectively with ethnic pluralism and even establish it as a
cultural asset in a delicate balance with the assimilation process [75, 76], so that such compa-
nies may even be a input for collective efficacy. Bolivia may have about their new attitude to

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ethnic pluralism government, and against the white minority. groups. It remains to understand
what the impact of this type of Governments on the operation of state and citizenship law [77].
Finally, it is not known what the best strategies that states can then re-organized historical eth-
nic conflicts, to be efficient and promote social justice, as happened in South Africa or currently
Nigeria [78].
For all the above and having exposed its complexity, this relationship can be explored limit-
edly in this study and other studies need to understand their role. So this is only a hypothesis
that requires further not only epidemiological but political science studies and sociology.

Limitations of the study

This study depended on the availability of the data in the countries; therefore, it was not possi-
ble to include all the variables that could explain the health results approached. In addition,
there were countries that were excluded due to the absence of data of some explanatory vari-
ables (n = 154 countries). This may lead to a selection bias since it is very probable that the
countries that do not report data for the indicators are the countries with the worst
health condition.

The functions of the health system are related to own social processes of the countries and re-
gions of the world [65]. The health systems and the States must make great efforts in order to
guarantee the access to fresh water and sanitation services [65]. The ethno-linguistic fragmen-
tation, corruption, and the detriment of democracy, are determinants as the per the function-
ing of the health system and, therefore, the increase of infant and maternal deaths. The
historical processes of the societies as per the establishment of legitimate, transparent, and in-
clusive government systems may be relevant characteristics of the countries and regions that
would give way to the establishment of effective and sustainable public policies to achieve the
required health condition. Africa evidences a different behavior in relation to other regions and
continents of the world. This is relevant concerning the measures to be adopted in order to
achieve improvement in terms of health results because the social, financial, and cultural prob-
lems must be approached first before trying to establish organized operating systems to guaran-
tee health-related results based on a system.
The Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Holland countries are the countries with better health
indicators, democratization, perception of corruption and cultural fragmentation, Bolivia, Sier-
ra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Nigeria and Cote d'Ivoire countries were
countries with worst health indicators, democratization and perception of corruption. The
countries of Europe and North America have a better performance in terms of health out-
comes, democratization and corruption. The countries of Latin America and Asia countries
were heterogeneous results with excellent health indicators and social determinants such as
Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica for Latin America and China, Japan and South Korea to Asia vs Bo-
livia, Suriname and Belize for Latin America and North Korea, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq
and Yemen with poor health indicators and social determinants.
The information systems of health systems must be strengthened since only three indicators
of all the indicators assessed and selected do evaluate the functions of the systems (vaccination
coverage, coverage of births attended by healthcare professionals, and prenatal control cover-
age). This recommendation is made since the result indicators as per health are not necessarily
assessing the functions of the health systems and mistaken inferences or conclusions may
be reached.

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Social Determinants Concerning the Performance of Health Systems

Supporting Information
S1 Table. This is the S1 Table. List of countries selected for this study.
S2 Table. This is the S2 Table. Description of the IMR <1 year, IMR <5 years, and MMR ten-
dencies between years 1990 to 2010
S3 Table. This is the S3 Table. Bivariate analysis per health result
S4 Table. This is the S4 Table. Quartile analyse per variable of health system performance and
social determinants.

Author Contributions
Analyzed the data: CEPF JAFN. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CEPF JAFN
MR AJIV AAAL. Wrote the paper: CEPF JAFN MR AJIV AAAL. Access for database of WB
and WHO: CEPF.

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