Calisthenics Beginner Guide PDF

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• Programming

In this guide I'll teach you guys how to program a

routine to suit your current level.

There are many ways of splitting your workout over

the course of the Week.

1.Push Pull Leg Split

Pushing : Horizontal and Vertical Pushing Movements

Ex : Push-ups, Pike Push-ups, Dips

Pulling : Horizontal and Vertical Pulling Movements

Ex : Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Inverted Rows

Legs : All Leg Movements

Ex : Pistol Squat, Nordic Curls, Calves raises
Example PPL

Monday - Push-Can be rearranged, as long as you have 1-2 rest days

Tuesday - Pull movement categories.
Wednesday - Rest Only training-related muscle

Thursday - Push groups in one day mean better

Friday - Pullfocus; shorter workouts

Saturday - Legs

Sunday - Rest

*Core training is fit into the end of any of the workouts once or twice a week.

2.Full Body Split

Meant for those who don't have a lot of time

2-3 workouts a week

Full body workout including all categories of movement

Ex : Horizontal Pushing/Pulling, Vertical Pushing/Pulling,

Core and Legs

Fewer workouts throughout the week

High number of sets every workout, may cause you

to fatigue mid workout and use less effort for
remaining sets

May take a while to become used to full body


3.Skill Split

Also referred to as periodization

Different cycles which last 4-6 weeks each where

you train different aspects of a skill

Varying cycles for hypertrophy and skill specificity

Deloads at the end of each cycle

Meant for a more advanced level

• Training Styles

1.Strength Training

Training for pure strength

High intensity with low reps per set and longer rest


( 1-5 reps per set, 3-5 minute rest per set )

*Intensity = How heavy or difficult a exercise is

2.Hypertrophy Training

Training to build muscle efficiently/increase

muscular endurance

Higher volume, short rest times

( 8-12 reps per set, 1-3 minute rest per set )

*Volume = Amount of work you do (reps x sets)

*Beginner's should have a mix of both hypertrophy

training and strength training in their routine.

*Create a routine with exercises of varying

difficulty and utilize different rep ranges and rest
• Structuring a Routine

Warmup: Mobilization, movement

Strength Sets: Start with high-intensity exercises for

strength training

Working Sets: Compound exercises, keep it simple and

focus on a selected few movements

• Exercises List (Push)

Vertical Pushing (Overhead)

Pike Push-ups (adjust difficulty with hand placement)

Elevated Pike Push-ups (adjust difficulty with hand
placement and elevate height)
Elevated Pike Push-ups with parallettes/elevated hands
(adjust difficulty with hand placement, elevate height,
parallette height)
Vertical Pushing (Downwards)

Dip Negatives (adjust difficulty with speed)

Dip with Bands (adjust difficulty with bands)

Horizontal Push

Incline Knee Push-ups (adjust difficulty with incline height)

Knee Push-ups
Incline Push-ups (adjust difficulty with incline height)
Standard Push-ups
Diamond Push-ups
Explosive Push-ups
Archer Push-ups
Pseudo Planche Push-ups (adjust difficulty with leaning)
Decline Push-ups (adjust difficulty with elevating height)

Accessory Work

Scapula Protraction Holds/Push-ups

Pike Scapula Elevation Holds/Push-ups
• Exercises List (Pull)

Vertical Pull

Pull up Negatives (adjust difficulty with speed)

Banded Pull-ups (adjust difficulty with bands)
Pull up/Chin up/Neutral
Explosive Pull up/Chin up/Neutral

Horizontal Pull

Inverted Row with bent legs (adjust difficulty with bar/ring

Inverted Row with straight legs (adjust difficulty with bar/ring
Inverted Row with elevated legs (adjust difficulty with elevation

Accessory Work

Isometric Holds in your hardest ROM

Vertical Scapula Retraction and Depression Hold/Pulls
Horizontal Scapula Retraction and Depression Holds/Pulls
• Exercises List (Core)

Leg Raises

Knee Raises
Knee Raises with One Leg Extended
Knee Raises Extended Both Legs at
Standard Leg Raises

Hollow Body Hold

Hollow Body Hold with hands on the side (adjust difficulty

with leg leverage)
Hollow Body Hold with hands overhead
Hollow Body Hold with arm circles

Accessory Work

Knee/Leg Raises Holds

Pike Lift Holds
Hamstring Stretches
• Exercises List (Legs)

Pistol Squats

Assisted Pistol Squats with a chair

Negative Pistol Squats
Pistol Squats with hand assistance
Pistol Squats with the opposing leg not
Elevated Pistol Squats
Standard Pistol Squats

Nordic Curls

Nordic Curl negative with posterior pelvic tilt (adjust difficulty with tilt angle)
Nordic Curl negative with posterior pelvic tilt and push-up (adjust difficulty
with tilt angle, and push-up power)
Nordic Curl negative with push-ups (adjust difficulty with push-up power)

Standard Nordic Curl

Calve Raises

Calve raises with both legs

Elevated Calve raises with both legs
Single-leg Calve raises
Elevated Single leg Calve raises
• Templates 1/4

Push Day

2 x 3-5 Challenging Pike Push-up Progression

3 x 5-10 Pike Push-up Progression

2 x 3-5 Challenging Dip Progression

3 x 5-10 Dip Progression

2 x 3-5 Challenging Horizontal Pushing Progression

3 x 5-10 Horizontal Pushing Progression

2 - 3 Sets of Isometric Holds/Accessory Work as needed

*Before any workout always properly Stretch and


*The number shown represents the sets and reps

Ex : 2 x 3 means 2 Sets of 3 Reps

Pull Day

2 x 3-5 Challenging Vertical Pull Progression

3 x 5-10 Vertical Pull Progression

2 x 3-5 Challenging Horizontal Pull Progression

3 x 5-10 Horizontal Pull Progression

2 - 3 Sets of Isometric Holds/Accessory Work as needed


Leg Day

2 x 3-5 Challenging Pistol Squat Progression

3 x 5-10 Pistol Squat Progression
2 x 3-5 Challenging Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 5-10 Nordic Curl Progression

3 x Max Calve Raise Progression to failure

2 - 3 Sets of Isometric Holds/Accessory Work as needed


Core Workout

2 x 3-5 Challenging Leg Raise Progression

3 x 5-10 Leg Raise Progression

2 x 3-5 Challenging Hollow Hold Progression

3 x 5-10 Hollow Hold Progression

2 - 3 Sets of Isometric Holds/Accessory Work as needed

• Beginner Template Explained

Starting with Higher Intensity Exercise

More Energy and Strength

Push harder compared to if you did them after the higher

volume sets

Follow up the strength sets with higher volume sets to

stimulate hypertrophy

Finish with accessory work to help fix imbalances, improve

specific weaknesses
• Warm-Up

Shoulder Rotations Clockwise and Anticlockwise -

10 to 15 reps
Wrist Rotations Clockwise and Anticlockwise - 15 to
20 reps
Scapula Push-ups - 10 to 15 reps
Touch Hand to Toes - Hold for 10-20 seconds

Squats - 10 to 15 reps
• Progressive Overload

Prevent plateaus in strength and muscle gain

Progressive Overload in Calisthenics is done by

increasing the difficulty of the exercises and/or
increasing the rep ranges

A simple way to Overload as a beginner is to reach 10-

12 reps of an exercise and then replace it with a
harder progression

Improves Form and Control over time

• Goal as a Beginner

Aim to be able to perform all basic exercises with

perfect form

General prerequisites before skill training:

Push-ups: 25 Pull-ups: 12 Dips: 15

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