Essay Literacy
Essay Literacy
Essay Literacy
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Literacy" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one
hand, the irony of crafting an essay about the skill of essay writing itself adds a layer of complexity.
It demands a certain level of self-awareness and metacognition to reflect on the intricacies of
constructing a well-structured and coherent piece while simultaneously engaging the reader.
The difficulty lies in navigating the fine balance between providing insightful content and
demonstrating a proficiency in the art of expression. This involves not only conveying ideas clearly
but also employing rhetorical devices, varied sentence structures, and a nuanced vocabulary to
enhance the overall quality of the essay. It's a task that requires a deep understanding of the nuances
of language and an ability to wield it effectively.
Furthermore, addressing the concept of essay literacy may involve delving into the historical
evolution of essay writing, exploring different styles, and acknowledging the cultural and societal
influences on this literary form. This comprehensive approach adds another layer of complexity,
demanding thorough research and critical analysis.
On a personal level, writing about essay literacy may require introspection into one's own writing
process, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and reflecting on the continuous journey of
improvement. It's an exercise in self-assessment that can be both enlightening and humbling.
In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "Essay Literacy" may present its challenges, it
also offers a unique opportunity for growth and self-discovery. It's a journey through the intricate
landscape of language, requiring a keen understanding of the mechanics of writing, coupled with a
reflective gaze on one's own skills and development.
For those seeking assistance in exploring similar topics or any other essay writing needs, various
resources are available, including online writing services , where a wealth of
essays and more can be ordered to meet specific requirements.
Essay Literacy Essay Literacy
Dolly Analysis Essay
The most influential and complicated character in Tim Winton s Cloudstreet is Dolly
Pickles. Dolly has the ability to inflict a variety of emotions in the reader. Due to her
persona to be a slut, alcoholic and a bad mother there are strong negative emotions
invoked however as Dolly s representation drastically changes the audience feels pity
and sorrow for her. There are various symbols and language features that are associated
with Dolly and as a consequence heighten the character s influence in the reader s
response. Dolly is the wife of Sam and the mother of Ted, Chub and Rose which is the
role given to her by society but the way Winton represents her is completely the opposite
of societies expectations. Dolly is very promiscuous... Show more content on ...
Tim Winton created Dolly to be a complicated character with the ability to change they
way she is viewed and invoke specific emotions in the intended audience. To create an
influential character such a Dolly Tim Winton uses specific language techniques to
capture her true nature and to present it to the reader. The description of Dolly sets up
her character for the rest of the novel, Dolly Pickles was a damn good looking woman,
(15). In that one sentence the reader picks up that Dolly is not merely a beauty but a
promiscuous one who uses her image to have power over others. The use of the
adjective damn stresses the point about Dolly s appearance of being a good looking
woman but also it has the conation of the devil. The devil is meant to be seductive to
turn people away from right and to make sins which is what Dolly does, she tempts
men into having relations with her for her own benefit. An example of this is with
Dolly having sex with Lester Lamb to repay the money he lent to Sam to help him out
of debt, Dolly comes across, takes his cup, and kisses him...Was that rape, do you
think? He asked... I spose not. More like a deposit on a hundred quid... you re not
handsome, but you re a nice fella. You got ninety quid s worth left... (245 246). Other
language techniques used in relation to Dolly when describing her features is assonance,
Janice Harper Health Care
As I was reading about the village and the people in the village in Madagascar, I really
admired Janice Harper the medical anthropologist. The living conditions and the
health of the people really made me think about how fortunate we are in the United
States to have health care. The mortality rate was disturbing with 100 deaths per 1000
people compared to that of the US being 8 deaths per 1000 population (Singer Baer,
2012, p.45). It would be wonderful to be able to go to different countries to help
people improve their health care and provide proper medical care, but not sure how
one deals with the conditions of the different countries. It definitely takes a special
person to be able to deal with the situations Harper encountered. But, Harper found that
even though the children where sick with bloated bellies, ear infections, scabies and
boils, they were still active and happily playing (Singer Baer, 2012, p.45). This was the
children s way of life and how they... Show more content on ...
As nurses, we have to be transcultural and put our own beliefs and practices aside, and
focus on the patient s beliefs and practices in order to provide proper nursing
interventions to help patients improve their health (DeSantis, 1994, p.708). The nurse
must look at the patient as a way to learn about different cultures. The patient is the nurse
s source of information about the culture. Without understanding the effects of culture,
many situations could be dangerous (DeSantis, 1994, p.714). Caregivers taking care of
different populations must be aware of the many observances, and must ensure
situational awareness to make the patients feel comfortable and trust that caregivers
understand the patients needs in order for healing and health improvement to happen.
Medical professionals have to be able to work with people from many different cultures
as globalization
Maze Song Analyse
Maze is a song that was written and composed originally in English by a South Korean
rap group that goes by the name of Epik High. Most of the songs produced by this
group are social commentaries on the state of the world. This song in particular deals
specifically with the topic of life and the struggles that come with it. They equate life to
a maze, repeating the phrase over and over again throughout the song. The books that
this song relates to in particular are Siddhartha, Life of Pi, the Alchemist, and The
Things They Carried. In Maze, they talk about the state of the world. Love, sex, greed,
addictions. What s next need directions. There s nobody left to follow . This line could
be seen as description of what the music industry has... Show more content on ...
You step in it and you blow up, you exit or you grow up . In the line previous to this
one they talk about avoiding all of Earth s landmines which is probably in reference to
all the problems going on in the world. It could also be interpreted as the problems that
life throws at you. You exit or you grow up means that when these problems come your
way, you could either choose to give up or face your problems head on. In Life of Pi,
Pi is basically battling for his life every single day. He could have easily given up after
the first week but he chose to keep going. Pi even goes through a point where he is
genuinely ready to die. By the next morning I had lost all fear of death, and I resolved
to die (Martel, 241). He clearly does not die after that but proceeds to live on after he
encounters another cast away. Another topic that the song touches on is the harshness
of reality. It s a murder fact, reality kills . In Life of Pi, the readers can never be certain
of what is the truth and what is completely fabricated. At the end of the novel Pi asks
Which is the better story, the story with the animals or the story without the animals
(Martel, 317). It can be assumed that Pi created this false story as a coping mechanism
to deal with the horrific things that happened while he was out at sea. Going back to
Epik High s song, reality can sometimes be too harsh for people to handle but it s
something that we do end up having to accept. In the line Call your doctor now for
your reality pill the doctor giving you your reality pills could be a metaphor for society
and how society will always bring you back into
Cultural Backgrounds Of Urban Societies
In urban societies, crimes rates are always high. Big cities with a large number of
Hispanics and African American decent often get target by law enforcements by high
criminal activities that occur on a daily basis. Often times certain minorities are targeted
as suspects because of their skin color, body movement and fashion style. According to
research done in 2011, the number of aggregation In stops of young African American
men in the city of New York exceeded the total number of 168,126 (Alexandra
Natapoff,1062.) Although assuming isn t justified for potential targets, a suspicion of
potential cases is essential to identify targets. According to the Law, you may not stop a
citizen of this country without any evidence but that human right goes down the drain
once a civilian enters generalize categories such as high profiled neighborhoods and
time of the day. The purpose of this essay is to identify cultural backgrounds of urban
societies and become knowledgeable of conflicting theories that effect policedecisions.
Citizens of this country need to be aware of how enforcements identify targets by using
discriminative categories to match their descriptions. I will be using four journals as
sources to identify police discrimination and analyze if potential police salaries in large
cities plays a role in decision making. Questions in urban areas arise of out frustration as
to why the main targets of African American and Latinos are continuously rising. Many
times an
Gertrude Chandler Warner s The Box Car Children
In reality, the relationship between a brother and sister is not perfect. A brother and
sister fight and tease each other. In the books by Gertrude Chandler Warner, the
relationship between a brother and sister is the complete opposite of reality. Gertrude
Chandler Warner writes about four children solving mysteries to spark reader s
imagination, as well as teach the readers how to get along with family. Gertrude targets
children as her readers, so she uses imagery that is easy enough for kids to understand.
Gertrude wrote the series of mystery books called The Box Car Children. Gertrude
Chandler Warner discovered there were no exciting and easy books for her young
students to read. She tried and succeeded to fill the absence of fun books by creating
The Box Car Children. Gertrude wrote this series based on childhood experiences. As a
child, Gertrude spent hours watching trains go by on the tracks near her house. She
dreamed about running away and living in a box car instead of her home which is the
same situation in the book involving Alden children. Gertrude Chandler Warner was a
first grade teacher without a college degree. She taught students who couldn t speak
English well. She would practice reading her book to the class until her writing made
sense to the students.... Show more content on ...
In The Box Car Children, the parents of four children died. Instead of going to live
with their grandfather, the children, Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny ran away because
they thought the grandfather didn t like them. (Excerpt Boxcar 10). They found an
abandoned box car and called it their new home. They called themselves The box Car
Children. Her writing is simple and to the point. She understands the mind of a child and
is able to create a mental picture with a small amount of words. At the end of this book,
the rich grandfather finds the children and promises to take them to Surprise
Super Frog Saves Tokyo Essay
Japanese is a very wonderful place that offers a lot of tourist spots which will give you
doubt if you will stay there or leave. This has something to do with the story that we will
discuss to you.
The short story entitled Super Frog saves Tokyo is a postmodern type of story with
fiction theme. This is because of the wild imagination of the character which is the result
of his busy life in Tokyo. The characters in the story are Mr. Katagiri and the Frog
which are the protagonist or the main characters in the story. They don t change and
are both good and bad or simply belongs to the Flat classification of characters. The
story happened on February 17 and 18, 1995 at Tokyo where busy people lives. The
narrator in the story is an Observer narrator. ... Show more content on ...
Katagiri for a very long time and saw how courageous man he is for being a
hardworking man for raising his siblings due to their parent s death. But Mr. Katagiri
refused to fight with the worm because according to him, he is not strong. But frog
told him that he needs to defeat the worm to save the life of the people in Tokyo.
Soon, Mr. Katagiri accepted the mission and the frog assured the man to give
everything that he needs on the fight with the worm. The frog even said that he will
handle the whole situation. The next day, the man received a phone call saying that
the company will pay them and promised not to send a frog anymore. Then they went
to the bank and Mr. Katagiri felt ashamed for the people but the frog said that only Mr.
Katagiri can see him they got the money. Mr. Katagiri asked the frog if he can escape
on the last minute of the fight because he was so scared but the frog refused to his
request again and cheered up Mr. Katagiri with his fight with the worm. He said that he
will support him and trust him no matter so Mr. Katagiri fought with the worm. But
unfortunately, Mr. Katagiri was shot. And when he wakes, he is already at the hospital.
And asked the nurse about the date and if he was shot but the nurse said he doesn t so,
he was puzzled. So he asked the nurse why and how he was brought to the hospital. The
nurse answered somebody found him lying at the hospital since the last day and also
said that he had a bad
Gay Men and Adoption Debate Essay
Gay Men and Adoption Debate
My aims are:
(2) To uncover the attitudes of the general public toward gay adoption.
I am interested in this issue because I believe that it is unfair that gay people suffer more
prejudice than straight people when adopting a child. I think they should just be given
the same checks as straight people.
My first aim links into the parts of the syllabus; The Media and Power and Authority.
My second aim links in with The Family, Power and Authority, The Media and
Stratification and Differentiation.
Methodology ===========
When writing my questionnaire, I was careful not to include any questions that may
cause offence to my interviewees. The subject, Finding out the publics attitudes to gay
adoption could raise some problems. For example it was difficult to ask peoples sexuality
because to many people that is a very sensitive and private issue. I also accepted that
asking peoples religion was too much of a personal question. I realise that these questions