Anti Drugs Essay

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Anti Drugs Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of anti-drugs can be a challenging endeavor, demanding a delicate
balance between factual information, persuasive arguments, and a compassionate tone. The
complexity lies not only in presenting statistical data and research findings but also in addressing the
emotional and societal aspects associated with drug abuse. A successful anti-drugs essay requires a
thorough understanding of the multifaceted nature of the issue, encompassing its social, economic,
and psychological dimensions.

One must navigate through the intricacies of the subject, discussing the causes and consequences of
drug addiction, while also exploring potential solutions and preventive measures. Striking the right
tone is crucial – the essay should inspire awareness and concern without veering into sensationalism
or despair. Balancing the use of statistics, anecdotes, and expert opinions can be challenging to create
a well-rounded and convincing argument.

Moreover, researching the topic extensively is essential to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the
information presented. This may involve delving into medical journals, government reports, and
testimonials from those affected by drug abuse. The ability to synthesize this diverse range of
sources into a coherent narrative is a skill that adds another layer of difficulty to the writing process.

Furthermore, maintaining a nuanced perspective is vital. While it is necessary to condemn the

negative impacts of drug abuse, it's equally important to approach the issue with empathy,
recognizing the complexities surrounding addiction. Striking this balance ensures that the essay
remains informative, persuasive, and compassionate.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of anti-drugs involves a formidable challenge. It requires
a blend of research skills, persuasive writing techniques, and a deep understanding of the subject
matter. Successfully navigating these challenges can lead to a compelling essay that contributes to the
ongoing dialogue about combating drug abuse.

For assistance with essays on various topics, including those related to drug abuse, consider exploring
additional resources. Platforms like offer a range of services where you can order
essays tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to access expertly crafted content on a variety of
Anti Drugs Essay Anti Drugs Essay
Richard Wagner s Influence On John Williams
Who is Richard Wagner? Who is John Williams? How did Richard Wagner influence
John Williams? What is leitmotif and how did both of these men use the idea of
leitmotif? In this paper I am going to talk about whom these men are and what
advancements they brought to their era of composition. I will focus on each mans take
on what leitmotif meant and how they chose to use it to better the music in the film
industry and outside of the film industry. Wilhelm Richard Wagner was born on May
22, 1813, in Leipzig, Germany, and went on to become one of the world s most
influential and controversial composers of his time. His mother is Johanna Rosine but
Wagner s father is unknown: He is either the son of police actuary Friedrich Wagner,
who died soon... Show more content on ...
After A few years of air force service he returned to New York, while in New York he
also worked as a jazz pianist, both in clubs and on recordings while attending Julliard.
He then returned to Los Angeles, where he began his career in the film industry. His
career expands to over 6 decades, Williams compositions for such films as Jaws, E.T.:
The Extra Terrestrial, Schindler s List, as well as the Indiana Jones series, have won
him multiple awards and produced best selling recordings, and his compositions for
the original Star Wars trilogy transformed the landscape of Hollywood film music and
became icons of American culture. Williams has composed the music and served as
music director for nearly eighty films. This has won John Williams a total of five
Academy Awards, 17 Grammys, three Golden Globes, two Emmys and five BAFTA
Awards from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Williams has been
awarded several gold and platinum records, and his score for Schindler s List earned
him both an Oscar and a Grammy Williams was inducted into the Hollywood Bowl
Hall of Fame in 2000 and it has already been determined that he will, indeed, receive
the 2016 American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award. Williams is the second
most nominated individual after Walt Disney. John Williams also had many successful
films with world renowned director Stephen Spielberg they teamed up to work on
numerous films like The Sugarland Express and Jaws. John Williams has evolved the
film industry since he first stepped in it and he continues to add a flavor so unheard and
so sublime that it captivates the attention of all ages and gives each film a new
Art Appreciation 2
ART 110 Art Appreciation
Assignment #2 Research an Artist
The Early Life of the Artist
1. When was the artist born? Diego Rivera was born on December 8, 1886. (Wiki)
2. Where was the artist born? Rivera was born into a well off family in Guanajuato City,
Guanajuato, Mexico. (Wiki)
3. Note any information you were able to find on the parents of the artist. Rivera s
maternal linage stemmed from Jews who had converted to Roman Catholicism. His
father s side came from Spanish nobility. (Wiki)
4. Did the artist have any brothers or sisters? Rivera was born with a twin brother, Jose
Carlos, who died before he was two years old. He also had a sister, Maria del Pilar
Rivera, who was 4 5 years younger than ... Show more content on ...
What style did the artist work in? (This is noted for you at the beginning of this
assignment). Diego Rivera worked in political protest. He had been asked to paint a
mural in Moscow for the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution but was ordered out
due to involvement in anti Soviet politics. Upon his return to Mexico he was kicked out
of the Mexican Communist Party due to their belief that his 1928 mural In the
Arsenal was believed by some to show Rivera s prior knowledge of a murder by a
Stalinist assassin. And in 1933, Rivera was asked to paint a mural in Rockefeller
Center, New York, and when they saw it contained the image of Vladimir Lenin it was
removed from the wall, and Rivera lost his commission to paint a mural for the World s
Fair in Chicago. (Wikipedia)
2. Describe the significant characteristics of this style. The style of art of Political
Protest is often driven from anger, brutality, war, protest and feelings of government
misrepresentation. The piece is designed to get these emotions across, to make people
understand how the artist feels. Often colors and hidden images or phrases are embedded
to create a more lasting effect.
3. Name some of the other artists who worked in this style. Artists who worked in the
style of Political Protest are Pablo Picasso (Frank, p.410), Bob Dylan (musician/song
writer), Hunter S. Thompson (political writer), and many photojournalists emerged
during the civil rights movements.
Poetry Explication
Poetry Explication: The Value of Education But this is merely a negative definition of
the value of education (23 24). Mark Halliday wrote The Value of Education from a first
person standpoint. The introduction and the use of I demonstrates the poem is about the
speaker. Likewise, the speaker uses imagery, self recognition, and his own personal
thoughts throughout the poem. He goes on throughout the poem stating external
confrontations he is not doing because he is in the library receiving an education and
reading books. With this in mind, the speaker goes on to convey images in your head to
show a realization of things he could be doing if he were not in the library getting an
education. The speaker sympathizes in lines 1 5 that... Show more content on ...
The poem states No one in town is approaching my chair / with a summons, or a bill,
or a huge fist (20 21). The line shows how being in the library and getting an education
can provide oneself with clarity in life. Ironically, even though the speaker said what I
read might not penetrate my head (10), he is still throwing away an education. The
comparative advantage of a good education and the distractions of life are prohibiting
him from bettering himself, which is a hidden definition of the way kids take for
granted a free education. Furthermore, at the end of the poem the speaker states But
this is merely a negative definition of the value of education (23 24). The quote within
the poem demonstrates how the speaker says he is in the library and how he could be
doing all these other things he is still throwing away his education. The final lines of
the poem says Maybe so, but would you be able to say that if you hadn t been to the
library (24 26) which shows how the speaker tries to twist the mind of the reader because
you cannot say someone is not getting an education if they are in the
Dress for success
Dress for success
Kira Gusak

Mrs. Cathy Bauer

Western Literature and Humanities
11 April 2014

Dress for success

Thesis: A person who wears nice cloths is more successful and self confident


I. Introduction (You are a turtle with your shell)

II. How dressing affects your attitude
III. You look fantastic is the best compliment that can be said.
IV. Knowledge of knowing how to combine clothes will help with getting a job
V. Appearance may affect your productivity
VI. Dressing is very important for getting a man
VII. Conclusion

Dress for success Is the way a person dresses important? It can ... Show more content on ...
Each color has different description and can lead to different effect. (Self Growth) The
best compliment that somebody can make to another person is to say, You look fantastic
. It means that the job that somebody did with his outfit is successful, and he succeed in
impressing others. This compliment about the overall outfit, is even better than hearing
about a specific part of the outfit, for example, the shoes, or a bag, or a coat... This
compliment means that the person s attire was successfully combined, with his self
confidence making the person look fantastic. It s especially important when making a
first impression. Because when first meeting someone a good impression will be made.
In a person s life there s a very important and significant step, which may influence their
whole life, this step is to find a good job. It means that people should be

Gusak3 responsible about finding work because nobody wants to lose out on a
chance, so a person has to be very concerned about it. It s when first impressions are
made as well. According to CNN s reports about what employers demand from people
who went to the job interview, we can see that how we dress says a lot about us, and it
forms an employer s opinion and decides our future in the company (
A company may not have a particular dress code, but they would like to see people
working in appropriate and suitable clothes; the employers want to see a person with
clean. Also from
The Church Of The Martyrs
A church without youth is a church without a future. Moreover, youth without a church
is youth without a future. this is a quote from the former pope of Alexandria, Pope
Shenouda III. Pope Shenouda passed away about four years ago and his episcopate
lasted for over 40 years. The Coptic church has commonly been referred to by historians
as the Church of the Martyrs (A Brief History of the Christian Church). It was given this
name due to the desire of martyrdom rather than the multitude of martyrs. The five main
points of its history are the origins of Coptic Orthodox Christianity, monasticism,
contributions to Christendom, the ecumenical councils and the church today. It is
believed that the Coptic church of Egypt was the first church ever created; it was
founded by Saint Mark in approximately 42 AD. (Osman) Saint Mark is also considered
to be the first bishop and pope of Alexandria. However, it wasn t until the late second
century when Christianity was truly established in Egypt. During the second century
the roman emperors had begun to persecute the Coptic Orthodox Christians formerly
known as Copts; yet as previously stated these Copts would not hide, instead they
would openly worship unafraid of death, because it is said that martyrdom isn t the
end of a life, it is believed to be an entry to a new life. The very first persecution against
the Copts was in 68 AD when Saint Mark suffered martyrdom by pagan extremists. Then
for seven years in the early second century

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