Jamie Walsh (2023)

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Thoracic surgery

Systematic review of physiological and

psychological outcomes of surgery for
pectus excavatum supporting
commissioning of service in the UK
Jamie Walsh ‍ ‍,1 Ross Walsh,1 Karen Redmond2

To cite: Walsh J, Walsh R, ABSTRACT

Redmond K. Systematic Background Pectus excavatum (PEx) is the most common WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPIC
review of physiological and congenital chest wall abnormality affecting 1 in 400 births ⇒ The benefits of surgical repair of pectus excavatum
psychological outcomes of in the UK. PEx is associated with significant physiological (PEx) are debated and changes in cardiopulmonary
surgery for pectus excavatum and psychological impairment. While readily surgically function has been difficult to objectively measure—
supporting commissioning of
correctable, the benefits that surgery can bring have been this has lead National Health Service UK to recently
service in the UK. BMJ Open
debated and proven difficult to objectively measure. In the decommission surgery for PEx, affecting access to
Respir Res 2023;10:e001665.
doi:10.1136/ UK, this has led to the decommissioning of PEx surgery. services.
bmjresp-2023-001665 The aim of this review is to conduct a systematic search of
the literature on PEx surgery to assess physiological and WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS
► Additional supplemental psychological outcomes. ⇒ This paper is an updated review of physiological and
material is published online Methods A systematic review of the MEDLINE (PubMed), psychological outcomes following PEx surgery.
only. To view, please visit the
Embase and Cochrane databases was performed. Articles
journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​
were sought which included patients undergoing surgery HOW THIS STUDY MIGHT AFFECT RESEARCH,
org/​10.​1136/​bmjresp-​2023-​ PRACTICE OR POLICY
for PEx and reported on changes in cardiopulmonary
measures, symptoms, quality of life and psychological ⇒ Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) has
assessments before and after surgical repair. Last search demonstrated improvements in exercise limitation
Received 9 February 2023
Accepted 28 July 2023 was performed in July 2022 and relevant findings were following surgery both in adults and children how-
synthesised by narrative review. ever clinical correlation with patient’s symptoms is
Results Fifty-­one articles were included in qualitative necessary before minimally clinically important dif-
synthesis, with 34 studies relating to physiological ferences can be established.
outcomes and 17 studies relating to psychological and ⇒ While resting parameters are little aid to assessing
quality of life measures. Twenty-­one studies investigated all but the most severe cases of PEx, CPET can bet-
pulmonary function at rest. There was no change in ter clarify patients who gain physiological benefit
forced vital capacity or forced expiratory volume in 1 from repair especially given minimally invasive sur-
second following open repair and transient reductions gery with lower morbidity.
followed closed repair. In the 11 studies investigating ⇒ There is often a large psychological component to
echocardiography, transthoracic rarely demonstrated patients experience of PEx and this should be as-
cardiac compression; however, transoesophageal sessed equally along with anatomical severity in
demonstrated intraoperative relief in cardiac compression shared decision making regarding surgical repair.
in severe cases. Sixteen studies investigated exercise
testing (cardiopulmonary exercise testing, CPET), 12 of
© Author(s) (or their which demonstrated significant improvement following
employer(s)) 2023. Re-­use surgery, both in maximal oxygen consumption and oxygen INTRODUCTION
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
commercial re-­use. See rights
pulse. Seventeen studies investigated quality of life, all but Overview
and permissions. Published by one of which showed improvement following repair of PEx. Pectus excavatum (PEx), or ‘funnel chest’,
BMJ. All papers that reported on patient satisfaction following is the most common congenital chest wall
Department of Cardiothoracic surgery found high rates, between 80% and 97%. abnormality, affecting approximately 1/400–
Surgery, Fiona Stanley Discussion While the majority of studies to date have
1/1000 live births.1 It is characterised by a
Hospital, Murdoch, Western been small and data heterogeneous, the literature
shows that for many patients with PEx, there exists a depression of the anterior chest wall (sternum
Australia, Australia
Cardiothoracic Surgery, cardiopulmonary limitation that while difficult to objectify, and lower costal cartilages) which can vary
Mater Misericordiae University is likely to improve with surgical repair. Resting parameters from small and barely perceptible to a very
Hospital, Dublin, Ireland offer little yield in aiding this except in the most severe large tunnel towards the spine resulting in a
cases. CPET therefore offers a better option for dynamic ‘funnel’ shaped thorax.2
Correspondence to assessment of this limitation and improvements following
Dr Jamie Walsh;
Traditionally, PEx has in general been
repair. Surgery significantly improves psychological well-­ regarded as a purely cosmetic problem which
being and quality of life for patients with PEx.
com has fuelled debate over the indications for

Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665   

Open access

surgical repair, which is the topic of this review. While Objectives of review
for many patients with PEx, the defect is mild and well The objective of this review is to conduct a systematic
tolerated, for some it is a source of significant psycholog- search of the literature on the surgical repair of PEx to
ical distress. This distress most commonly occurs during assess what improvement, if any, surgery has on physio-
teenage years, a time of crucial physical and social devel- logical and psychological outcomes for patients with PEx.
opment and can lead to anxiety, lower self-­esteem and
withdrawal from social activities significantly impacting
patients’ quality of life (QoL). In others, PEx is associ- METHODS
ated with symptoms of exercise limitation, dyspnoea and Search strategy, study identification and selection
palpitations, as displacement of the sternum disrupts A systematic review was performed according to the
their physiological reserve. Disease severity and symptom Preferred Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­Analyses
burden can vary widely and are patient-­specific and not (PRISMA) guidelines 2016.9 Articles were considered,
always correlated with the degree of anatomical depres- which included patients undergoing surgical repair for
sion.3 While subjective complaints of PEx have been well PEx including both open surgery (modified Ravitch
established, finding objective measures of this has proven procedure) or minimally invasive repair of pectus exca-
difficult. So far, it has remained unclear whether the vatum (Nuss procedure) and reported on long-­ term
basic pathophysiologic problem is primarily ventilatory outcomes of interest. These outcomes could be divided
or cardiovascular (or both) arising from compression of into physiological, namely cardiopulmonary function
the right ventricular (RV) outflow tract by the displaced changes (eg, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET),
sternum. pulmonary function testing (PFTs), transthoracic echo-
The outcomes from surgical repair for PEx are the cardiography (TTE)) and changes in symptom burden,
matter of debate and the subject of this review. Pectus or psychological and change in QoL scores, pre and post-
surgical intervention.
surgery, whether open or particularly with introduction of
The Medline (via Pubmed), EMBASE and Cochrane
closed techniques, is safe to perform in children and adults
databases were searched from database inception to
with minimal complications or patient morbidity.4 5 Both
present, with the last search undertaken in July 2022.
open and closed repair provide excellent cosmetic results
There were no limits used and restrictions on the basis
and greater than 80%–90% of patients are satisfied with
of date or language of publication at time of searching
the results in most large case series.6 Patients frequently
however only articles available in English were included
report subjective symptom resolution and improvement in the full text review. The included search terms were:
in exercise tolerance following surgical repair; however, “Funnel Chest” [Mesh] OR “Funnel Chest” OR “Pectus
objective measures of this have been difficult to capture Excavatum” AND “Thoracic Surgery” [Mesh] OR
with a wide variation in published results.7 8 The existing “Thoracic Surgical Procedures” [Mesh] OR Repair OR
literature is inconclusive, hampered by small, statistically “Pectus Surgery” OR Nuss OR Ravitch Or “Minimally
underpowered patient cohorts, short‐term versus long‐ Invasive” OR “Open Surgery” OR Surgery OR “Surgical
term results, rest versus exercise studies, and inconsistent Intervention”. The full search strategy, as applied to the
testing measures. In countries where cosmetic impact is Medline and Embase databases, is outlined in online
an indication for surgery, such as the USA, there is little supplemental appendix 1.
call to study physiological outcomes in PEx. Conversely, After the removal of duplicates, titles and abstracts were
in the UK, this controversy around the physiological screened for relevance. Full-­text articles were reviewed
and psychological impact of PEx, has led the National by two reviewers (JW and RW), according to the inclu-
Health Service (NHS) to decommission pectus surgery sion and exclusion criteria which is outlined in table 1.
treatment, with far reaching consequences for access to Reference lists of included articles and previous reviews
treatment for patients with PEx. of interest were manually searched for additional articles,

Table 1 Inclusion/exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
► Randomised controlled-­trials, cohort studies, case– ► Individual case reports and case series with fewer than five
control studies and case series including greater patients included.
than five patients. ► Articles describing technical aspects of surgical technique
► Human studies only. or those that purely reported on perioperative or short term
► If multiple articles had overlapping cohorts outcomes.
(determined by institution and year), only the most ► Animal studies.
recent publication was included. ► Publications that described surgical techniques that differ
► Reports published in English language. significantly from current techniques were excluded; in practice,
this removed all publication prior to 1989.

2 Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665

Open access

which were assessed according to the same outlined inclu- RESULTS

sion and exclusion criteria. A grey literature search was Results of the search
carried out to find other articles of interest not identified Following the search strategy, 5464 potentially eligible
on database searching. Disagreements were resolved by papers were initially identified and an additional internet
discussion. If this did not result in consensus, the third search yielded a further 2 studies. Reference manage-
author’s opinion (KR) was decisive. ment software was used to remove all duplicate references
leaving 3559 studies for evaluation. These were screened
Data extraction by title and abstract and 3385 could be excluded leaving
Relevant data were collected by a single reviewer (JW) 174 studies for full-­text review. After application of inclu-
using a predefined pro forma. Data were sought on the sion/exclusion criteria outline in table 1, 51 texts were
following items from each included article including eligible for inclusion in our review. These were classified
study characteristics, physical characteristics of subjects, by outcomes of interest with 34 studies relating to physio-
type of surgical repair performed and outcomes of logical outcomes and 17 studies relating to psychological
interest. and QoL measures. The review process is illustrated as a
Relevant findings from all included studies were synthe- PRISMA flow diagram in figure 1. The study characteris-
sised by narrative review. tics and primary outcomes are outlined in online supple-
mental tables 1 and 2 with diagrammatic representation
Patient and public involvement of results seen in figures 2 and 3, respectively. All included
There were no patients involved in this review article. articles were published between 1984 and 2022.

Figure 1 PRISMA 2020 flow diagram for new systematic reviews. PRISMA, Preferred Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-­Analyses. **Records excluded based on screening of titles and abstracts for relevance.

Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665 3

Open access

Figure 2 Studies of cardiopulmonary outcomes following pectus repair. cMRI, cardiac MRI; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise
testing; PFT, pulmonary function testing.

Cardiopulmonary and physiological outcomes VO2max per kilogram and oxygen pulse, which is a surrogate
Thirty-­four studies have been published which investi- for stroke volume. Eleven of these studies were carried out
gate cardiopulmonary and physiological outcomes of in a paediatric population and five in adult populations.
PEx surgery, the major characteristics of which are shown In children, four of these studies included children
in online supplemental table 1. All of these consisted undergoing Ravitch procedure10 14 15 27 and seven Nuss
of either cohort studies or case series, 23 of which were procedure. Of those undergoing Nuss procedure, bars
carried out prospectively and ten of which retrospectively. were still in place at the end of the follow-­up period in
Two studies were carried out in multiple centres.10 11 Five all but two of the studies.23 25 Seven of the 11 studies
of the studies used a control group, four of which used showed overall improvement in CPET variables after
age-­matched healthy controls and one used patients with surgery with mean increased of VO2max ranging from 6%
PEx not undergoing surgery.10 12–15 to 40% and mean improvements in in oxygen pulse of
10%–44%.10 12–14 18 27 28 Four studies found CPET variables
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing to be unchanged after surgery.15 17 20 25 Six of the studies
Sixteen studies have investigated exercise testing after demonstrated improvements in VO2max and eight showed
surgical repair of PEx.14–27 The primary outcome measures improvements in O2 pulse. Two studies demonstrated
reported were maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), improvement in O2 pulse but not VO2max after surgery.13 20

Figure 3 Studies of psychological outcomes following pectus repair. QoL, quality of life.

4 Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665

Open access

Of the five studies in adults, two studies22 26 examined majority of studies to date.12 13 17 20 43 One study performed
patients undergoing Ravitch and three studies16 19 24 exam- TTE during exercise and found 95% of 123 patients
ined patients undergoing Nuss procedure. Four of the with a mean Haller index of 4.3 to demonstrate cardiac
studies demonstrated improvement post surgery,16 22 24 26 compression, 93% of which had resolved on follow-­up.42
and one study did not.19 Both studies to examine patients Four studies have used intraoperative TOE to demon-
undergoing Ravitch demonstrated improvements in strate relief of cardiac compression during repair with
VO2max and O2 pulse postoperatively. Of the three studies similar results.16 39 41 44 In adults, Krueger et al noted signif-
to evaluate adults undergoing Nuss repair, two demon- icant improvement in postrepair cardiac outputs that
strated significant improvements and one did not. increased to 66.2% vs 58.4% and the end-­diastolic RV
volume that increased to a mean of 40.8 mL vs 21.7 mL
preoperatively (p<0.001).41 In addition, this study found
Pulmonary function tests
the left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction to be signifi-
Resting pulmonary function has been extensively studied
cantly increased after surgery (58.4%±15% vs 66.2%±6%,
as measure of physiological improvement postsurgical
p<0.001), however, this finding has not been reproduced
repair, with mixed results. Of the 21 studies to measure
in other studies. Also in adults patients, Chao et al demon-
PFTs, 15 have been in children10–14 17 20 21 23 25 29–34 and 6 in
strated an increase in right atrium (15.1%), tricuspid
adults.19 22 24 35–37 Six studies investigated patients under-
annulus (10.9%) and RV outflow tract (6.1%) size after
going Ravitch repair, all of which showed no change in
surgery and increase in RV cardiac output by 38% (all
PFTs after surgery.14 22 33–36
p<0.0001).44 Similar findings were reported by Jaroszewski
A small prospective study by Kowalewski et al, which
et al, with increases in RV outflow tract velocity time inte-
subdivided patients into moderate and severe based on
gral and RV stroke volume.16 In children, Lain et al showed
anatomical severity showed an improvement in severe
similar results with RV end diastolic diameter increasing
subgroup only.
by 5.77 mmm, right atrium diameter by 6.63 mm and
Sixteen studies investigated PFTs in patients with PEx
tricuspid annulus by 6.02 mm (all p<0.0001).39
undergoing Nuss procedure but at different times rela-
tive to bar insertion and removal. Post initial surgery, but
Other measures of cardiopulmonary function
prior to bar removal four studies showed a decrease in
Three studies have used cardiac MRI to assess cardiac
pulmonary function which was transient.23 25 29 30 In three
function after surgery.24 45 46 The Nuss procedure was
studies no change was observed.11 19 24 A single study saw
performed in each study. All studies showed improve-
a transient increase in pulmonary function.11 Assessment
ment in right heart functional parameters postopera-
of pulmonary function after bar removal was performed
tively with increasing RV stroke volume and RV ejection
in all but three of the studies. Three studies did not
fraction at 3 months and 1-­year post repair with bar still in
show any improvement after bar removal compared
place. Töpper et al also showed significant improvements
with preoperative values.11 17 25 Nine studies demon-
in LV stroke volume and LV ejection fraction at 1-­year
strated improvement in pulmonary function after bar
postsurgery but this was not seen in the other studies.
removal.10 12 13 20 28 29 31 32 37 The majority of studies were
Two studies of children undergoing Ravitch proce-
of paediatric patients with only two studies including
dure have used radionuclide and perfusion/ventilation
adults undergoing Nuss procedure.30 37 The majority of
scintigraphy to asses cardiopulmonary function post
this improvement was driven by modest gains in forced
repair.47 48 Peterson et al did not show any limitation in
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital
exercise cardiac function that could be relieved by pectus
capacity (FVC).
repair.47 A study by Blickman et al demonstrated abnor-
mally ventilation/perfusion ratios which normalised
Echocardiography postoperatively in the majority of patients.48
Of the included studies, 12 used echocardiography as
an outcome measure to assess for cardiopulmonary QoL, psychological, social and behavioural outcomes
improvement following surgery.13 16 17 20–22 34 38–42 Eight Seventeen studies have been published which investigate
of these used TTE presurgery and at postsurgery while QoL, psychological, social and behavioural outcomes
four studies used intraoperative transoesophageal echo- of PEx surgery, the major characteristics of which are
cardiography (TOE). Of the eight studies to investigate shown in online supplemental table 2.49–64 Fourteen of
TTE, three found significant improvement postopera- the studies were prospective, uncontrolled cohort studies
tively.34 38 42 Gürkan and Kowalewski both found a signif- (before-­and-­after design).3 49–51 54–57 59–61 65 A single one of
icant improvement in RV function (namely RV diastolic these was multicentre. One study was of a cross-­sectional
diameter and RV stroke volume index) of 47% (p<0.05) design after surgery and there was a single retrospective
and 25% (p=0.027), respectively. However, both these case series.52 63 Three studies used control groups.52 53 66
studies were small and primarily enrolled severe cases
where cardiac compression was seen on preoperative Mental illness
studies. No significant change in the RV diastolic diam- Five of the included studies specifically investigated
eter on TTE was demonstrated postsurgical repair in the mental illness in patients pre and post PEx repair.53 55 59 60 66

Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665 5

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Of these five studies, a study by Luo et al was the only in both the psychosocial and physical measures postop-
study to identify patients falling above the threshold for eratively and highly significant effect on the overall QoL
diagnosis of a mental health disorder with a significant (all p<0.0001).54 A smaller cohort study looking more
improvement after surgery. They report the proportion specifically at body image perception found a significant
of patients with mental health disorder preoperatively improvement postoperatively.55 Kim et al also observed
of 161/266 (60.5%) falling to 79/266 (29.7%) postop- a positive impact on patients’ QoL and found this to
eratively (p<0.001).60 A controlled study by Bahadir et al be evident early post-­ operatively and persistent long
found no difference in scores for depression and anxiety term with no difference before and after bar removal.56
after surgery compared with patients with PEx who did In adults, Kuru et al found significant improvement in
not have surgery.66 Three studies while finding patient’s disease specific HRQoL in and psychosocial functioning
preoperative scores to be in the normal range (although 6 months after surgery.57 A retrospective case series found
the lower end of normal range), that there was a signif- 90% of patients to report improvement in general health,
icant improvement in scores postoperatively.53 55 59 For exercise tolerance and social interaction after surgery.58
example, in a study by Hadolt et al, while preoperative In contrast to these findings, a study by Bahadir et al,
patient scores were within the normal range there were the only study to use unoperated patients with PEx as
significant improvements in depression (p<0.05), global controls did not find any significant in improvement in
severity index (p<0.03) and positive symptom distress psychosocial functioning between groups.66 A prospective
burden (p<0.05) within this range. cohort study among female patients only found a signif-
icant improvement in self-­perception and psychological
well-­being post bar removal.61 Zuidema et al investigated
Patient satisfaction
sports activity in adolescents and found no significant
All of articles that included patient satisfaction as discrete
change in participation in sport (67% vs 65%) 1 year after
outcome separate to QoL reported very high levels of
surgery, however, did find a significant decrease in phys-
patient satisfaction with both open and closed proce-
ical complaints during sports activity (p<0.001).62
dures ranging from 80% to 97%.3 50 51 54 57 58

Quality of life DISCUSSION

Seventeen published studies have investigated QoL in PEx Physiological outcomes
patients following repair. A small pilot study by Lawson As the symptoms experienced by the patients with PEx
et al investigating the use of a disease specific, health-­ occur on exercise, CPET has been hypothesised to be the
related QoL (HRQoL) questionnaire (Nuss Question- best method of objectively quantifying changes in cardio-
naire) found significant improvements in body image, pulmonary function that may result from surgery. CPET
exercise capacity and frequency of being frustrated, sad, has evolved significantly over the period of this review.
self-­conscious and isolated by both patients and parents.49 The initial articles published have used exercise testing
This was supported by two later prospective cohort studies in a less standardised manner than contemporary studies.
finding significant improvement (p<0.001) in social func- More recent larger studies have used a more rigorous and
tion, self-­esteem and a high level of satisfaction following detailed approach to CPET allowing for better compar-
the Nuss procedure.50 51 Furthermore, Lam et al found no ison between studies. Of the 16 studies investigating
significant difference in HRQoL outcomes between Nuss CPET, 12 have shown significant improvements post-
and Ravitch procedures.52 This improvement was shown operatively. In children, the weight of evidence points
to persist at least 4 years after bar removal (p<0.001).51 to improvement. While earlier studies such as those by
The largest study to date to investigate QoL after PEx Wynn et al and Castellani et al failed to demonstrate signif-
surgery, a multicentre study by Kelly et al saw a signifi- icant improvement postoperative, the majority of more
cant improvement reported by both patients and their recent studies such as those by Maagaard, Das and Kelly
parents in terms of body image, physical difficulties and studies have shown modest but significant gains both in
emotional distress and social cohesion post repair. This maximum oxygen uptake and oxygen pulse. As well as
study did not find any correlation between degree of demonstrating significant improvement in CPET indices
severity and physical or psychosocial difficulties.3 following surgery, Maagaard also found that differences
A controlled study by Jacobsen et al which compared between PEx and healthy matched controls had resolved
HRQoL between children post Nuss repair and healthy following Nuss bar removal. Most studies in children
age-­ matched controls, found significant improvement were of the Nuss procedure which reflects surgical trends
in QoL measures in patients post repair to surpass their in this age group. The Nuss bar remained in place at the
peers at the same age.53 A later study by the same authors end of the follow-­up period in all but two of the studies,
using generic measure of HRQoL (CHQ) to allow better and further long-­term follow-­up is required to assess for
comparison against age-­matched healthy control group further changes after removal.
demonstrated an improvement in physical and psycho- Compared with paediatric patients, the cardiopulmo-
social HRQoL after Nuss as compared with presurgery nary impact of PEx surgical repair in adult patients is
scores.59 Bostanci et al found a significant improvement less well studied with only five studies published using

6 Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665

Open access

CPET. Among patients undergoing Ravitch procedure, In general, the objective resting pulmonary function
significant improvements in exercise testing variables impairment of patients with PEx is mild and thus any
were evident from the early postoperative period.22 26 improvement that can be expected from surgery would be
With regard to the Nuss procedure, two small studies modest. This makes measurement difficult, particularly in
investigating patients 1 year after surgery with bar still in small studies which are, again, in general underpowered
place showed contradictory results.19 24 However, a larger to detect small differences. This difficulty is confounded
more recent study by Jaroszewski et al has demonstrated by the differing indications for surgery. Studies where
significant and consistent improvements in all cardio- the patients included had anatomically more severe PEx
pulmonary indices including an increase in maximum deformity with pre-­existing PFT limitation such as that by
rate of oxygen consumption, oxygen pulse, oxygen Kelly et al and Tang et al showed an improvement post-
consumption at anaerobic threshold and maximal venti- operative which was not seen in patients operated on
lation (p<0.001 for all comparisons).16 Even where results for purely cosmetic reasons such as in Aronson et al and
were nonsignificant, such as in Udholm et al, there was a Castellani et al. This may in part explain the divergent
tendency towards an increase in maximum oxygen uptake results between studies in this review.
indicating that the adult patients might need a longer As PEx is an anatomical issue with potential for cardiac
time to improve exercise capacity and lung function compression, echocardiography has been widely studied
than paediatric population. VO2max is also influenced by in PEx patients. Generally, LV function does not appear
changes in weight and aerobic fitness which has the poten- to improve following surgery. Only one study demon-
tial to confound these results. Only four of the studies strated an increase in LV ejection fraction and in this
attempted to control for this by objectively assessing for study, ejection fraction is estimated only from a single
exercise habits before and after surgery.12 19 20 22 plane, so changes may represent different positioning of
Of the 16 studies that assessment patients with CPET, the heart in the thoracic cavity as opposed to real change
only 4 did not demonstrate any benefit following in LV function.41 In terms of RV function, differences
surgery.15 17 19 25 In all these studies bar Udholm et al, in results is evident between TTE and TOE procedures.
the mean VO2max and O2 pulse values were in the low TTE appears to be poor at measuring changes in RV in
normal range at baseline which may indicate less benefit PEx patients and only two of the included studies showed
for patients without clear exercise impairment preoper- improvement in RV function postsurgery. Distortion
atively. All these studies were small however and may be of normal cardiac geometry means that often optimal
underpowered to detect smaller differences in function images may only be obtained through a subcostal window
postoperatively. and complete evaluation of the heart is limited. In Laín
In terms of pulmonary function at rest, the data are et al, 20 patients showed evidence of compression during
often contradictory. The evidence is clear that surgery TOE, only 6 of which could be seen on preoperative
is not detrimental to resting pulmonary function long TTE, which highlights the likelihood of underestimating
term, however, the benefit is less clear. Here, results cardiac compression which may in part reflect the diver-
have shown divergence between surgical techniques. gent results between imaging techniques.39 In contrast,
Studies involving the Ravitch procedure were consis- TOE has shown more consistent improvement in cardiac
tent in showing no change in pulmonary function after indices. All four studies to use intraoperative TOE during
surgery.14 22 33–36 With regard to the Nuss procedure, repair have been consistent in demonstrating relief of
results have been more variable with different trends in cardiac compression. RV output was seen to increase by
PFTs depending on the time of follow-­up and whether up 65% following repair. These findings suggest that, in
the bar has been removed. In the early postoperative PEx, cardiac filling and cardiac output might be limited
period following Nuss procedure, pulmonary function by the result of compression by the displaced sternum
was, in general, unchanged and may worsen. However, in on the right heart chambers, thereby limiting increase
all of these studies, values had normalised or improved of stroke volume in response to exercise. They further
on preoperative values after bar removal. Nine studies demonstrate that this anatomical issue, much like the
demonstrated improvement in pulmonary function after Haller index, can be remedied by surgery.
bar removal.10 12 13 20 28 29 31 32 37 Improvements were driven Since cardiac and respiratory systems are intimately
by small but significant gains in FVC, FEV1 and total lung related, it is difficult to disentangle the origin of the
capacity (TLC); however, values were, in general, in the symptoms and pathophysiology of impairment, confusing
low normal range for the majority of patients. However, efforts to show objective measurements of improvement
in the three studies to use control groups, all found after surgery. Pulmonary function at rest improves after
preoperative pulmonary function to be significantly Nuss procedure, however, modestly so and not to an
worse than aged matched healthy controls and that this extent that would explain improvement in symptoms seen
difference improved or was even eliminated after bar after surgery or explain similar results in patients under-
removal.10 12 13 This suggests that while not always falling going Ravitch procedure. Cardiac compression in PEx
in the pathological range, there is a limitation of pulmo- has been established and can be corrected with surgery
nary function in patients with PEx which can improve but the extent to which this cardiac compression affects
with surgery. cardiopulmonary function and patients’ symptoms has

Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665 7

Open access

yet to be fully elucidated. Given the hypothesis that RV parents) perceived their distress or symptoms significant
compression would produce a limitation in increasing enough to electively consent to surgery.
stroke volume in response to exercise, CPET would be
expected to reflect this with improvements in maximum
O2 uptake and O2 pulse. This improvement has been Limitations
demonstrated in children and more recently adults after There are a number of limitations to this review. The
both Ravitch and Nuss repair and offers a way of repro- review is broad in scope, attempting to cover all aspects of
ducibly and objectively measuring cardiopulmonary long-­term outcomes of the two primary surgical methods
limitation in patients with PEx. of pectus repair, both in children and adults, looking at
both cardiopulmonary and psychosocial outcomes. This
is a strength, in that it allows a holistic approach to a topic
Psychological outcomes where overly narrow approaches have failed to make
The literature confirms the widely held view that psycho- definite conclusions. However, it also makes compar-
logical distress above the threshold for diagnosis of ison between studies difficult given the wide and varying
specific mental health disorder such as depressive illness nature of outcomes studied. The studies included are
or anxiety disorder is rare in PEx, or at least no more heterogeneous in nature involving patients of different
common than that of the general population. Of the ages, undergoing different surgical methods with
five studies to specifically investigate mental health, differing indications for surgery and degrees of disease
only a single study identified patients falling above this severity. In particular, variability in disease severity has
threshold. the potential for confounding. While the majority of
The improvement seen in QoL after pectus repair is studies relate to patients with anatomically moderate to
manifest from the literature. All but one of the studies, severe disease there is considerable variability with mean
that of Bahadir et al, showed significant improvement in Haller indices ranging from 3.9 to 9.6 and in 26 of the
QoL measures but this study had a number of key issues studies a different index is used or no index is recorded.
that limits its interpretation.66 While it was prospec- The outcomes measured vary widely even within broad
tively carried out and used unoperated PEx patients as headings of physiological and psychological outcomes
controls, it included a high proportion of patients with employed in this review. In the studies assessing psycho-
pectus carinatum and the groups were poorly matched. logical and QoL measures particularly, the terminology
The unoperated group had higher preoperative body is opaque and technical reporting of psychometric ques-
satisfaction so any changes are likely to reflect disease tionnaires is difficult to interpret as a meaningful change
severity rather than the effect of surgery. The rest of the to patient’s lives.
published studies are consistent in showing an improve- The quality of data of the studies in the review is a limita-
ment in QoL of patients with PEx using both generic and tion. The data quality is in general poor. No randomised
disease specific assessment tools. After repair, social activ- control trials have been carried out on the surgical repair
ities were no longer affected by the patient’s condition, of PEx and such trials are unlikely to occur, given the
and patients showed greater engagement in activities reluctance of patients to leave a decision of ‘surgery
with family and peers.50 53 56 59 or not’ to chance. This is particularly the case in PEx
The majority of studies investigated QoL and psycho- where patients (or parents) are often well researched
logical outcomes in children/adolescents undergoing and come seeking surgery. The majority of studies are
Nuss repair, however, the Ravitch procedure and repair small prospective studies which are in general under-
in adult patients have been shown to have comparable powered to detect differences that may be modest in
outcomes.50 52 57 Kelly et al failed to show any correlation patients whose cardiopulmonary limitation falls around
between disease severity and psychological and social the lower range of normal. Larger retrospective cohort
issues which is supported by the wide variation in pectus studies have been carried out such as that by Jaroszewski
severity seen in patients presenting with psychological or Kelly et al but are at risk of confounding. The majority
complaints in the literature.3 These findings highlight of studies are not well controlled. Only 7 of the 51 studies
the importance of assessing body image and psycho- included in this review included a control group and in
logical distress in all patients with PEx and not just the only in two studies, were patients with PEx not under-
anatomical severity. Patients with a minor deformity can going surgery used as the control group. Considering
suffer enormously and can feel restricted in their social that the majority of patients in this review were children
life. Consequently, treatment could have a significant and adolescents, who are at a time of rapid physical and
impact on the future of these patients. psychological change, controlling for changes in growth,
While the literature indicates many improvements in fitness and self-­ perception is particularly important if
psychological well-­being following surgery, a threshold meaningful conclusions are to be drawn. Particularly,
of psychological harm that justifies surgery has not yet when studying CPET, changes in aerobic conditioning
been demonstrated, or the level below which surgery is can result in confounding and should be should be taken
of little benefit. This reflects the unrandomised nature of in context of exercise history. Only four of the included
the included studies where all patients included (or their studies attempted to control for this.12 19 20 22

8 Walsh J, et al. BMJ Open Respir Res 2023;10:e001665. doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001665

Open access

This issue with data quality and heterogeneity makes The recent decision by the NHS to decommission
meta-­analysis difficult and it was not attempted in this surgery for PEx is likely to hamper efforts to conduct such
review. Four meta-­analysis have been conducted to date a study and has far-­reaching implications for patients with
on cardiopulmonary changes after PEx surgery, three PEx. Historically, NHS commissioning has been based
assessing pulmonary function and one assessing cardiac on need and QoL improvement however in its commis-
function.4 67–69 The results of these analyses were as varied sioning report, insufficient evidence is cited for improve-
as that of the studies from which they were derived. ment in physiological, psychological outcomes and QoL
Jacobsen et al and Chen et al found modest improvement after surgery, a finding this review refutes. Perhaps, a
in pulmonary function after Nuss bar removal, a result practical step to answering this question and providing
which was not seen by Malek et al.4 68 69 A second study of higher quality data would be to commence PEx in limited
cardiovascular function by the same authors found signif- high volume centres in the UK with a dedicated outcome
icant improvements in pooled cardiovascular indices registry. An encouraging development in this regard is
after repair, however, heterogeneity between studies an interim commissioning pathway for PEx surgery been
makes interpretation difficult.67 None assessed cardiopul- proposed by the NHS in April 2023. This would make
monary function during exercise and the scope of these repair available in a subset of patients with symptomatic
reviews were much narrower than that of this present and anatomically severe disease with clear evidence of
review. cardiorespiratory impairment after multidisciplinary
A number of metanalyses have indicated the need for
CONCLUSION adequate surgical volume to reduce risk of complications
The question this review has set out to answer is whether from a surgery that many surgical trainees have little
surgical repair improves cardiopulmonary and psycho- exposure to.4 5 Thus, despite remaining unanswered for
logical outcomes in patients with PEx. While the existing the best part of thirty years, the question over the surgical
literature is hampered by small, underpowered studies repair of PEx requires urgent answering or the chance to
yielding often contradictory results, this review demon- do so may be slipping away.
strates that there are objective ways of measuring limi-
tations in PEx and that they can be improved following Contributors Data collected and manuscript written by JW. All authors were
involved in review process, editing and revising of manuscript. JW acted as
surgery. While resting measures provide little yield in guarantor for publication.
demonstrating this, exercise testing has been consistent Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
in showing significant improvements in cardiopulmo- funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
nary function following surgery, both for children and Competing interests None declared.
adults. This difference between rest versus exercise Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
testing has led to contradictory results and what has Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
been described as negative studies in some reports are
Data availability statement All data relevant to the study are included in the
in fact simply measuring the wrong outcomes. These article or uploaded as online supplemental information.
demonstrated improvements in exercise testing indices Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
have not yet been well correlated with patients symp- not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
toms which makes their clinical significance uncertain peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
in terms of meaningfully outcomes for patients. What is responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
clear, however, is the psychological impact that surgery includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
can have. In almost all studies that measured it, symptom of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
burden and QoL of patients with PEx improved signifi- and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
cantly following surgery and the rate of satisfaction was Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
high, generally greater than 90%. PEx is a disease estab- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
lished to have multifactorial effects on patient’s lives and permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
warrants a multifactorial assessment taking into account properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the
psychological and social elements as well as any physio- use is non-­commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
logical limitation that may be present.
Going forward, if this question is to be conclusively Jamie Walsh http://orcid.org/0009-0006-5451-9854
answered, it will require studies that, if not randomised,
are at least well matched, using unoperated patients
with PEx, prospectively carried out and controlling for
changes with age in children and physical activity in
adults. Minimally clinically important differences will REFERENCES
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