Difference Between Contiguous and Non Contiguous Memory Location

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Difference multiprocessing multiprogramming= The availability of more

than one processor per system, that can execute several set of Difference between scheduling LTS MTS STS:
instructions in parallel is known as multiprocessing.// The concurrent 1. It is a job scheduler// It is a CPU scheduler// It is a process
application of more than one program in the main memory is known as swapping scheduler. 2. Speed is lesser than short term scheduler//
multiprogramming. 2 The number of CPU is more than one.// The Speed is fastest among other two// Speed is in between both short
number of CPUs is one. 3. It takes less time for job processing//inverse 4. and long term scheduler. 3. It controls the degree of
In this, more than one process can be executed at a time.//inverse 5. It is multiprogramming// It provides lesser control over degree of
not economical.//inverse multiprogramming// It reduces the degree of multiprogramming.4. It
System call= A system call is a way for programs to interact with the is almost absent or minimal in time sharing system// It is also minimal
operating system. A computer program makes a system call when it in time sharing system// It is a part of Time sharing systems.5. It
makes a request to the operating system’s kernel. System selects processes from pool and loads them into memory for
call provides the services of the operating system to the user programs execution// It selects those processes which are ready to execute// It
via Application Program Interface(API). It provides an interface between can re-introduce the process into memory and execution can be
a process and an operating system to allow user-level processes to continued.
request services of the operating system. System calls are the only entry
points into the kernel system. All programs needing resources must use
system calls

Difference between user mode and kernel mode: Deadlock detection and recovery is the process of detecting and
resolving deadlocks in an operating system. A deadlock occurs when
User Mode is a restricted mode, which the application two or more processes are blocked, waiting for each other to release
programs are executing and starts out// Kernel Mode is the the resources they need. This can lead to a system-wide stall, where
no process can make progress. Difference Between Prevention and
privileged mode, which the computer enters when accessing Detection/Recovery: Prevention aims to avoid deadlocks altogether
hardware resources.2. User Mode is considered as the slave by carefully managing resource allocation, while detection and
mode or the restricted mode.// Kernel mode is the system recovery aim to identify and resolve deadlocks that have already
mode, master mode or the privileged mode.3. In User mode, a occurred.
Deadlock detection and recovery is an important aspect of operating
process gets their own address space.// In Kernel Mode,
processes get single address space.4. In User Mode, if an
interrupt occurs, only one process fails.// In Kernel Mode, if an
interrupt occurs, the whole operating system might fail.

Difference between logical address and physical address 1.

generated by CPU// location in a memory unit 2. Logical Address
Difference between contiguous and non contiguous memory Space is set of all logical addresses generated by CPU in reference to
location: a program.// Physical Address is set of all physical addresses
mapped to the corresponding logical addresses.3
1. Contiguous memory allocation allocates consecutive blocks of User can view the logical address of a program.// User can never
memory to a file/process.// Non-Contiguous memory allocation allocates view physical address of program.4. generated by the CPU//
separate blocks of memory to a file/process.2.faster in execution//slower Computed by MMU 5. The user can use the logical address to
in execution 3. It is easier for the OS to control.//inverse 4. Overhead is access the physical address.// The user can indirectly access
minimum as not much address translations are there while executing a physical address but not directly.
process.// More Overheads are there as there are more address Difference between paging and segmentation 1. In paging, the
translations.5. Both Internal fragmentation and external fragmentation program is divided into fixed or mounted size pages.// In
occurs in Contiguous memory allocation method.// Only External segmentation, the program is divided into variable size sections.2.
fragmentation occurs in Non-Contiguous memory allocation method.6. It For the paging operating system is accountable.// For segmentation
includes single partition allocation and multi-partition allocation.// It compiler is accountable.3. Page size is determined by hardware.//
includes paging and segmentation. Here, the section size is given by the user.4. It is faster in
comparison to segmentation.// Segmentation is slow.5. Paging
could result in internal fragmentation.// Segmentation could result
in external fragmentation.

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