BBA Written Test Result 24

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lnstitute of Business Administtation

University of Dhaka
BBA Admission Test 2023-24

Written Test Result

Candidates having the following roll numbers are selected for the communication Assessment.

41000L9 4L00973 4101950 4102534 4r03252 4103986 4104996 4106019

4100082 4100999 4101969 4102564 4103280 4\O3992 41050s2 4105035
4L00L76 4r01,184 4102004 4102584 41033 15 4104005 4105062 4106066
4100254 4101340 4102006 4102763 4103357 4r04019 4105 158 4106070
4104276 4r01352 41,02012 4102835 410336s 4r0403r 4L05240 4to6L43
41003 13 410r408 4102026 41.02853 4103396 4r0406s 4105278 4106183
4100326 4101444 41.02030 4102875 4L034tt 4L04083 410s302 4106197
4100359 4101509 4102035 4102885 4L03429 41041,1,8 4105343 4106229
410037r 4101511 4102035 4102886 4103472 4104170 4105357 4r06283
4100442 4101-552 4102039 4102958 4103525 4104282 4105395 4106347
4100463 4101580 4102069 4102994 410362r 4r04291. 4105444 41064r1.
4100526 4101608 4102088 4103018 41,03626 4104529 4105485 4L06436
4100532 4r01,622 41.02095 4103054 4103656 4L04629 4L05502 4106473
4100s63 4101.648 4102110 4103080 4103678 4104649 4105575 4106480
4r00612 4LOT65T 41021,24 4103085 4r03697 4104871 410561,L 4r06484
410062L 4L01655 4L02151 4r03097 4103725 4L04876 4 L05 663 4r06507
41.00692 41,01,665 4L02190 4L031.28 4LO377t 4104883 41.05729 4106539
4100756 4L0r710 4102270 4103160 4103853 4104919 4105954 4106553
4100787 4L0172L 4L0227L 4103181 4L03867 4104962 4L05967 4106572
4100843 414fl51 41,02309 4L03t97 4103877 4104970 4106001 4106580
4100852 4r0r783 4L02332 4r03228 4103893 4r04981. 4L06002 4106597
4100883 4r01945 4L02507 410324r 4103912 4104988 4106006 4106673

The written part of the Communication Assessment of all the selected candidates will take
place on Monday, March 19, 2024 at 8:00 am.
All Candidates are asked to report at the IBA Exam Hall (3'd floor) by 7:30 am.
The oral part of the Communication Assessment will be held on March 19, 2024 as per the
attached schedule.

Candidates must bring the following documents with them, ,

1. The origina! AdmitCard '

2.The original copies of their academic credentials (Grade sheets/Transcripts, 5-
Certificates and Testimonials) along with a photocopy of each document (attestation''
not required) for verification.

Checked by Coordinator, BBA Program
lnstitute of Business Administtation
University of Dhaka
BBA Admission Test 2023-24

lnterview Schedule

Reporting Time Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Reportins Time Board 5 Board 6 BoardT Board 8
4100019 4too973 4101950 4L02534 4L03252 4103986 4L04996 4106019
4100082 4100999 410L969 4L02564 4L03280 4!03992 4105052 4106035

4100176 410]-784 4t02004 4102684 4103315 4104005 4105062 4106055

10:00 AM 4LOO254 4L01340 4t02006 4L02t63 2:00 PM 4LO3357 4104019 4105158 4L06070
4L00276 410L352 4to20L2 4102835 4103365 4L0403! 4rc5240 4LO5L43

4100313 4LOL408 4102426 4102853 4103396 4104065 4105278 4106183

4t00326 4L0L444 4LO2030 4102875 4L034tL 4104083 4t05302 4t06197

4100359 4101509 4L02035 4L02885 41o3429 4104718 4105343 4106229
4L00371 4101511 4702036 4102886 4103472 4L04t70 4105357 4106283
4100442 4LOL552 4102039 4102958 4103s25 4L04282 410s395 4\06347
11:00 AM 4L00463 4101580 4t02069 4L02994 3:00 PM 4LO362L 4104291 4105444 4t064Lt
4L00526 4101608 4102088 4103018 4703626 4t04529 4105485 4L06436
4100s32 4101622 4702095 4103054 4103656 4104629 4105502 4t06473
4100553 4LOt648 4t02LL0 4103080 4t03678 4104649 4105575 4105480
4t006t2 4t0t65L 4L02L24 4103085 4L03697 4to487t 4t056Lt 4LO6484
4L00621 4101656 4to2t57 4103097 4103725 4104876 410s663 4L06507
4100692 4101665 4102t90 4t03t28 4to377t 4104883 4t05729 4106s39
4t007s6 4t0t7to 4t02270 4103160 4103853 41049L9 4105954 4106553
12:00 AM 4:00 PM
4L00787 4107721 4102271 4103181 4103867 4104962 4105967 4L06572
4100843 4L0t75L 4L02309 4103t97 4703877 4L04970 4106001 4106s80
41008s2 4LOL783 4102332 4!03228 4103893 4104981 4LO6002 4106597
4100883 4t0!945 4102507 4t0324L 4LO39t2 4104988 4106006 4106673

M Checked by
Coordinator, BBA Program Director

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