DBMS HandBook
DBMS HandBook
DBMS HandBook
Semester III
Practical Marks
PV: Practical Viva
Practical viva will be conducted through group task. Thereafter viva will be conducted
individually based on the given task of the concerned subject.
40 44 4.5 D
35 39 4.0 E Pass Class
less than 35 0 F Fail
The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by a number called SPI (Semester
Performance Index). The SPI is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the subjects
taken by the student during the semester. Example: Suppose in a given semester a student has taken
subjects having credits C1, C2, C3, C4, C5..... And the numerical equivalent of grades obtained in
those subjects are G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5 respectively.
Grade Points Earned ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖 𝐺𝑖
Then his/her SPI = Total Offered Credits = ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝐶𝑖
SPI will be calculated (after re-examination, if any) up to two decimal places on the basis of the final
An overall assessment from the time the student entered the course is obtained by calculating PPI
(Progressive Performance Index). The PPI is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in
all the subjects taken by the student since he/she entered the course. It is calculated in the same
manner as the SPI. The CGPA (Cumulative Grade Points Average) is the weighted average of the
grade points obtained in all the subjects in the last six semesters of the course.
Formula for conversion of equivalent percentage of PPI
An equation to find equivalence between PPI or CGPA may be obtained as follows:
Percentage Marks = (PPI or CGPA — 0.5) x 10. SPI or PPI or CGPA equivalent class shall be as
Below 4.00 : Fail
4.00 – 4.49 : Pass Class
4.50 – 5.50 : Second Class
5.51 – 6.00 : Higher Second Class
6.01 – 7.49 : Firsrt Class
7.50 and above : First Class with Distinction
For all courses, where the duration of the course is more than 2 years, the degree shall be awarded
to the students on the basis of CGPA of the last six semester's performance in the exams.
In case of the courses where duration is of two years, the degree shall be awarded to students based
on PPI considering the performance in all four semesters.
About Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of the different objectives and skills that educators set for
their students (learning objectives). The taxonomy was proposed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, an
educational psychologist at the University of Chicago. The terminology has been recently updated
to include the following six levels of learning. These 6 levels can be used to structure the learning
objectives, lessons, and assessments of your course.
1. Remembering: Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long‐term
2. Understanding: Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through
interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining.
3. Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure for executing, or implementing.
4. Analyzing: Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to one
another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and
5. Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and
6. Creating: Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizing
elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing.
Database Management System
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Course Name Database Management System
Legends: HSSC: Humanities and Social Sciences Courses
BSC: Basic Science Courses
ESC: Engineering Science Courses
PCC: Program Core Courses
OEC: Open Elective Courses
PEC: Program Elective Courses
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Unit %
Topics Sub-Topics Learning Outcomes Hours
No. Weightage
1.1. Introduction:
Basic Terms of • Basics of
Database, Need Database
of Database,
Operations on • Fundamentals of
Database, DBMS
Applications of
Database, Tools • Functions and
of Database Responsibilities
1.2. Data of DBA
of Database
1 Administrator 20 8
(DA) & Database • Basics of Data
Administrator Dictionary and
(DBA) Data Warehouse
1.3. Data Dictionary
1.4. Data Warehouse • Merits and
1.5. File-oriented demerits of
System & Database
Database Management
Management System
• Fundamentals of
Database • Data
2 Architecture Independence and 20 8
2.3.Data Independence
its types
2.5.Types of DBMS
• Mapping
• Types of DBMS
• Basics of SQL
• Perform different
3.1. Introduction
types of SQL
3.2. Datatypes
Structured 3.3. SQL Commands
Query 3.4. DUAL table and
3 • Execute various 25 10
Language SYSDATE
SQL Operators
(SQL) 3.5. SQL Operators
and Functions
3.6. SQL Functions
3.7. SQL Constraints
• Execute various
ORACLE clauses
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
• Implementation of
Domain Integrity,
• Entity Integrity
• Design of
Relational Model
• Implementation of
4.1.Introduction Set Operation
4.2.Structure of using SQL
Relational Model
Relational 4.3.Set Operations • Implementation of
4 20 8
Model 4.4.Keys Keys using SQL
4.5.Relational Algebra
4.6.Sub-Queries • Perform Sub-
4.7.Joins Queries
• Implementation of
• Design E-R
5.2.Basic Terms of E-R
5.3.Design E-R Model
Entity- • Problems with E-
5.4.Problems with E-R
5 Relationship R Model 15 8
5.5.Basics of Enhanced
E-R Model • Concept of
5.6.Specialization Specialization and
5.7.Generalization Generalization
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
1. Database System Concept, Design and Applications by S.K.Singh,Pearson Education
2. SQL-PL/SQL by Ivan Baryons,Bbp Publication
Reference Books
1. An Introduction To Database Systems by C.J date, Addison Welsley
2. Database System Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan, McGraw Hill
3. Oracle 11g: Complete reference, Kevin Loney, McGraw Hill.
4. Mastering SQL, Martin Gruber, B.P.B.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Computer engineers have to write programs to cater to various IT solutions. To develop a program,
they have to build logic, develop SQL programs. This course has been designed keeping in view
of developing these skills. Besides its use to write codes for SQL programming such as developing
a banking system, railway reservation system and so on. Database Management System has been
widely used as a general-purpose language to develop basic applications. This course deals with
fundamental syntactic information about database and SQL programming that will help students
to apply the basic concepts, program structure of SQL programming paradigm to build given
✓ This course aims to help the students to attain the following industry-identified competency
through various teaching-learning experiences,
✓ Designing and Implementation of database management system.
✓ Development of programming to manipulating and retrieve data using ‘SQL’.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Introduction of
Database Management
Short Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. What is Database? What is need of Database? Understand
2. Which are operations to be performed on Database? Remember
3. List out application of DBMS. Remember
4. What is DBA? Understand
5. List Function and Responsibility of DBA. Remember
6. Define: Data, Field, Record, DBMS. Remember
7. Define: System catalog. Remember
8. Define: Metadata. Remember
9. Differentiate Data and Information. Remember
10. List disadvantages of DBMS. Remember
11. Give the advantages of DBMS. Remember
12. Give the disadvantages of File-oriented system. Remember
13. Give the advantages of File-oriented system. Remember
14. What is File? Understand
15. Define: Active Data Dictionary, Passive Data Dictionary. Remember
Long Questions
Sample Questions Bloom’s
1. Explain advantages of File-oriented System. Remember
2. Explain disadvantages of File-oriented System. Remember
3. Explain advantages of Database Management System. Remember
4. Explain disadvantages of Database Management System. Remember
5. Explain DA and DBA. Understand
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Essential Assignments
1. Prepare Statistical document by examining Student Grade History and bifurcate data
and information parameters.
• Generally, Student Grade History includes combination of various data and
• Student upon carefully examining particular Grade History will indicate which
parameters to be considered as data and information.
• A Statistical document may include graphical data such as table and charts.
2. Prepare a case study on various database management system available.
• A case study will include various DBMS being used in various fields now a days.
Document will cover aspects of essentiality of all DBMS listed previously such as
type, Name, logo, makers/founders, current version, possible application(s).
• One can make chart/graph or presentation for the same.
Learning Outcomes
❖ Basic concepts of Database and Database Management System will be learnt like need,
operations and application of Database, fundamental terms of Database.
❖ Concept of File-oriented System and Database Management System with merits and
demerits will be understood.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Short Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. Define Schema and Instance. Remember
2. What is Physical Data Independence? Understand
3. What is Logical Data Independence? Understand
4. Define: Mapping? Remember
5. List out different Data Models. Remember
6. Differentiate Physical Data Independence and Logical Data Understand
List different layers of ANSI-SPARC Three-tier Database
7. Remember
8. List out different Database Systems. Remember
9. Which of the levels is considered as the level closed to the end- Remember
10. The top level of the hierarchy consists of ______ each of which Remember
can contain _____.
11. The oldest DB Model is ________ . Remember
Long Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. What is Data Independence? Explain types of Data Independence. Understand
2. Explain Mapping in Three-tier Database Architecture. Understand
3. Explain various types of Data Model in detail. Understand
4. List out types of Database System and explain any one Database Understand
5. Explain ANSI-SPARC Three-tier Database Architecture. Understand
6. Explain the advantages of Three-tier Database Architecture. Understand
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Essential Assignments
Learning Outcomes
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Query Language
Practical List
Short Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. SQL stands for _____________. Remember
2. List different types of SQL datatypes. Remember
3. List DDL commands in SQL. Remember
4. List DML commands in SQL. Remember
5. What is DUAL table? Understand
6. List out different types of SQL Operators. Remember
7. List out different types of SQL Functions. Remember
8. What is Constraint? Understand
9. List out different types of SQL Constraints. Remember
10. Explain meanings of following SQL wildcards. Remember
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
(1) % (2)_
11. Differentiate between delete and truncate. Understand
12. List any four Date Functions with example. Apply
13. List any four Numeric Functions with example. Apply
14. List any four Miscellaneous Functions with example. Apply
15. List any four Character Functions. Apply
Long Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. What is DDL statement? Enlist and explain all DDL statements in Understand
SQL with syntax and example.
2. What is DML statement? Enlist and explain all DML statements Apply
in SQL with syntax and example.
3. Explain Aggregate Function with example. Apply
4. Explain Numeric Function with example. Apply
5. Explain Character Function with example. Apply
6. Explain SQL Operators with example. Apply
8. Explain SQL Constraints with example. Evaluate
Essential Assignments
1. Explain various types of SQL datatypes.
2. Explain DDL commands with example.
3. Explain DML commands with example.
4. Explain various SQL Operators with example.
5. Explain various SQL Functions with example.
6. Explain SQL Constraints with its types with example.
Desirable Assignments
1. Create department table with the following structure.
Name Type
Dept_no Number
Dept_Name Varchar(20)
Location Varchar(20)
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
• Calculate the FinalIA (average of best two test marks) and update the corresponding
table for all students.
• Categorize students based on the following criterion: If FinalIA = 17 to 20 then CAT
= ‘Outstanding’ If FinalIA = 12 to 16 then CAT = ‘Average’ If FinalIA< 12 then
CAT = ‘Weak’ Give these details only for 8th semester A, B, and C section students.
3. Consider the following schema for a Library Database:
BOOK(Book_id, Title, Publisher_Name, Pub_Year)
BOOK_AUTHORS(Book_id, Author_Name)
PUBLISHER(Name, Address, Phone)
BOOK_COPIES(Book_id, Branch_id, No-of_Copies)
BOOK_LENDING(Book_id, Branch_id, Card_No, Date_Out,
LIBRARY_BRANCH(Branch_id, Branch_Name, Address)
Write SQL queries to
• Retrieve details of all books in the library – id, title, name of publisher, authors,
number of copies in each branch, etc.
• Get the particulars of borrowers who have borrowed more than 3 books, but from
Jan 2017 to Jun 2017.
• Delete a book in BOOK table. Update the contents of other tables to reflect this data
manipulation operation.
• Partition the BOOK table based on year of publication, Demonstrate its working
with a simple query.
• Create a view of all books and its number of copies that are currently available in
the Library.
Learning Outcomes
❖ Basic concepts of SQL and various types of SQL Commands will be learnt.
❖ Concept of various types of SQL Operators will be learnt and program could be
developed for the same.
❖ Concept of various types of SQL Functions will be learnt and develop programs using
SQL Functions.
❖ SQL Constraints will be learnt and various types of SQL Constraints programs could
be developed.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Relational Model
Practical List
Short Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. In the relation model, the relation is generally termed as Remember
2. What do you mean by Entity? Remember
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Long Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. Explain Relational Model with example. Understand
2. Explain Set Operations with example. Understand
3. Explain Primary Key and Foreign Key with example. Understand
4. Explain different operations in Relational Algebra. Understand
5. What is Sub-Query? Explain with example. Understand
6. Differentiate Primary Key and Foreign Key. Understand
7. Explain Inner Join with example. Understand
8. Explain Outer Join with example. Understand
Essential Assignments
Desirable Assignments
1. From the given tables schema: Salesman (salesman_id, name, city, commission),
Customer(c_id, cust_name,city, grade, salesman_id)
Write a SQL query to find the salesperson and customer who belongs to same city.
Return Salesman, cust_name and city.
2. Consider given two tables schema:
Write a SQL query for following Statement,
To filtered out those bill number, item name and the bill amount for each bill which
bill amount exceeds the value 500 and must be available at the food stall.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Learning Outcomes
❖ Basic concepts of Relational Model and general terms of Relational Model will be
❖ Concept of Relation Algebra with its operations will be learnt.
❖ Various types of Keys used in Relation and usage of keys in real time scenario.
❖ Concept of Sub-Queries and correlated Sub-Queries will be learnt.
❖ Basic concept of various types of Joins will be learnt.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
Entity Relationship
Short Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. What is E-R Model? What is need of E-R Model? Understand
2. Define Entity, Relationship and Attribute. Remember
3. Draw any four symbols of E-R Diagram Remember
4. The term "E-R" stands for___________. Remember
________ is known as a set of entities of the same type that share
5. Remember
same properties, or attributes.
6. What is Super Class and Sub Class? Understand
7. Define: Specialization, Generalization Remember
8. Differentiate between simple attribute and composite attribute. Understand
9. Differentiate Concrete Entity and Abstract Entity. Understand
10. What is Weak Entity? Understand
11. Define: Derived Attribute Remember
Long Questions
Q. Bloom’s
Sample Questions
No. Taxonomy
1. Write a short note on E-R Model. Understand
2. What is E-R Diagram? Explain in brief with example. Understand
3. Explain problems with E-R Diagram with example. Understand
4. Construct an E-R diagram for Library Management System. Create
5. Explain Specialization with example. Understand
6. Explain Generalization with example. Understand
7. Explain total and partial participation in E-R Model with example. Understand
Essential Assignments
1. What is E-R Diagram? Explain with symbols which is used in E-R Diagram.
LJ Polytechnic
Database Management System
1. Draw an E-R Diagram of the following scenario. Make necessary assumptions and
clearly note down the same. We would like to make our college’s manually operated
Library to fully computerized.
2. Draw E-R Diagram for university database consisting of four entities Student,
Department, Class and Faculty.
• Student has a unique id, the student can enroll for multiple classes and has a most
one major.
• Faculty must belong to a department and faculty can teach multiple classes. Each
class is taught by only faculty.
• Every student will get a grade for the class he/she has enrolled.
Learning Outcomes
❖ Basic terms of E-R Diagram will be learnt like Entity, Attributes, Relationship and
cardinality with their Symbols.
❖ Basic rules to build E-R Diagram will be learned, through that student can design E-
R Diagram.
❖ Problems with E-R Diagram and their solution will be learnt.
❖ Basic Concept of Enhanced Entity Relationship Model will be learnt.
❖ Concept of Super Class, Sub Class, Specialization and Generalization will be learnt.
LJ Polytechnic
Quotes from Pioneers
“If you are changing the world, you are working on important
things. You’re excited to get up in the morning.”
- Larry Page, Co-Founder, Google & Alphabet Inc.
Offers Diploma in
❖ Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning ❖ Automobile Engineering
❖ Electronics & Communication Engineering ❖ Mechanical Engineering
❖ Cloud Computing & Big Data ❖ Information Technology
❖ Architectural Assistantship ❖ Computer Engineering
❖ Automation & Robotics ❖ Electrical Engineering
❖ Gaming & Animation ❖ Civil Engineering
LJ Campus,
Near Sarkhej-Sanand Circle, Off. S. G. Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-382210