Science Grade VII EB-291122 Eng Version - Compressed

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Science Exercise

Class Seven Book

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh

Published by
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
69-70 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000
[All rights reserved by National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh]

Published: December 2022

Art Direction
Monjur Ahmed
Nasreen Sultana Mitu

Sabyasachi Chakma

Cover Illustration
Mehedi Haque
Sabyasachi Chakma

Graphics Design
Nasreen Sultana Mitu
Dr. Md. Iqbal Hossain

For free distribution by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

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In this ever-changing world, the concept of livelihood is altering every moment. The advancement of
technology, in accordance with knowledge and skill, has accelerated the pace of change. There is no
alternative to adapting to this fast changing world. The reason is, the development of technology is
at its zenith compared to any time in the human history. In the fourth industrial revolution era, the
advancement of artificial intelligence has brought a drastic change in our employment and lifestyles
and this will make the relationship among people more and more intimate. Varied employment
opportunities will be created in near future which we cannot even predict at this moment. We need
to take preparation right now so that we can adapt ourselves to that upcoming future.

Although a huge economic development has taken place throughout the world, the problems of
climate change, air pollution, migrations and ethnic violence have become much more intense than
before. The epidemics like COVID 19 has appeared and obstructed the normal lifestyle and economic
growth of the world. Different challenges and opportunities have been added to our daily life.

Standing on the verge of these challenges and possibilities, implementation of sustainable and
effective solutions is required for the transformation of our large population into a resource. It
entails global citizens with knowledge, skill, values, vision, positive attitude, sensitivity, capability
to adapt, humanity and patriotism. Amidst all these, Bangladesh has graduated into a developing
nation from the underdeveloped periphery and is continuously trying to achieve the desired goals in
order to become a developed country by 2041. Education is one of the pivotal instruments to attain
the goals and there is no alternative to the modernization of our education system. Developing an
effective and updated curriculum has become crucial for this modernization.

Developing and revising the curriculum is a regular and vital activity of National Curriculum and
Textbook Board. The last revision of the curriculum was done in 2012. Since then, a lot of time has
passed. The necessity of curriculum revision and development has emerged. For this purpose, various
research and technical exercises were conducted under the supervision of NCTB during the year 2017
to 2019 to analyze the prevalent situation of education and assess the learning needs. Based on the
researches and technical exercises, a competency-based incessant curriculum from K-12 has been
developed to create a competent generation to survive in the new world situation.

In the light of the competency based curriculum, the textbooks have been prepared for all streams
(General, Madrasah and Vocational) of learners for grade VI. The authentic experience driven contents
of this textbook were developed in such a way that teaching learning becomes comprehensible and
full of merriment. This will connect textbooks with various life related phenomenon and events that
are constantly taking place around us. We hope that learning will be profound and life-long now.

Issues like gender, ethnicity, religion, caste, the disadvantaged and students with special needs have
been taken into special consideration while developing the textbook. I would like to thank all who
have put their best efforts in writing, editing, illustrating and publishing the textbook.

If any one finds any errors or inconsistencies in this experimental version and has any suggestions
for improving its quality, we kindly ask them to let us know.

Professor Md. Farhadul Islam

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh

Introduction.................................................................... 01

Call of Crops! ............................................................................ 05

Quest for Substance!.......................................... 17

Cell Tour .......................................................................... 29

Cooking in the Sunlight!................................. 37

Invisible Neighbours!................................................................ 49

A Variety of Toys Fair! ................................ 57

Miniature Garden: Terrarium!................................................. 65

Earthquake! Earthquake!.....................................73

Science Fiction! ............................................... 79

In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!................................................. 93

Factory of Digestion.......................................... 107

Adverse Nature............................................................................ 115

Appendix ..................................................................................... 127

To the student-
Dear students, you have been studying science in all the classes. How do you feel
learning science? We are sure you enjoy doing scientific practical tasks more than
reading. From now on, we will not only read science. Rather we will have some
experiences that reflect the way scientists originally do their researches. Certainly
you have got the textbook which is directional or reference for you. Whenever you
need throughout the year, you may consult this book. And the teacher is always
there to help you.

This Book is Yours!!

This book is yours only; it is the book to jot down your tidbits of science, some
sudden bright ideas and thoughts etc. All through the year, this book is going to
help you like a friend!

Therefore, let us complete the introduction part right at the beginning, shall we?
Write your name and ID in the blank space below—


We should also strengthen our relationship a bit more, shouldn’t we?

Write a few sentences informing the book more about you—

Introduction 1 Call of Crops!

Many events continue to occur around

2 Quest for Substance!

us all the time. Certainly you have

etc. Some of you might have tried to 4 Cooking in the Sunlight!


8 Earthquake! Earthquake!
PD\ DULVH LQ \RXU PLQG 7KH ERRN 9 Science Fiction!
ZLOO KHOS \RX ¿QG WKH DQVZHUV WR 10 In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!
WZR ERRNV ZLOO GLUHFWO\ KHOS \RX LQ 11 Factory of Digestion
experiences throughout the year. 12 Adverse Nature

Your learning experiences in



What kind of experience shall we have?

Title of
Learning What we shall do

Call of crops!! Can crops call? It would be really fun if the crops in
the field, the flowers in the tub, or the plants in the nursery could
Call of Crops! call us and say, “Come and see how we are, how we grow, how
we fight, how we survive”. However, the crops may not call us, so
what? We will go to them, and watch them grow, evolve, and adapt.

Quest for the substance! That is the search for the substance.
What is the inner structure of the things that we see around
Quest for us? If we continue to break down the substance, what will we
Substance! actually see at its smaller levels? Why exactly do we see different
properties in different substances? To look for answers to all these
questions, this time, our learning experience is 'Quest for Substance!

Who does not like to travel? As we explore new places, how would it be
if we could be tiny and go inside the cells of our or any other organism
Cell Tour
and see the inside of the cell? Since it is impossible, in this experience,
we will make different types of cell models and travel around them...

Have you ever tried to walk barefooted on the sun-drenched

bitumen roads? Better not try this. You know, how hot the road
Cooking in is at this time! Well, think about whether this heat from the sun
the Sunlight! can be used or not?

In this learning experience, we will see even how the sun’s heat
can be used to complete cooking!

Those who live around us are our neighbours, aren't they? But are
there neighbours we don't see? These invisible neighbours sometimes
benefit us and sometimes cause us harm. In other words, they are
intimately linked in our entire life. But who are these invisible
neighbours? We will learn about them in this learning experience.

What kind of experience shall we have?

Title of
Learning What we shall do

Surely there is no one who did not play with toys in their childhood.
Maybe many of you still like to play with toy cars, dolls etc. How
A Variety of
about making some toys yourselves? And if it is with the materials
Toys Fair!
that are available or thrown away around you? Let’s surprise
everyone by designing new toys in this learning experience!

Terrarium!! Surprised! It looks like almost an aquarium. A

'terrarium' is a small garden in the corner of the house.
Miniature It is to create a self-contained ecosystem in a confined
area. Terra means land area. Considering that it is a closed
terrestrial ecosystem. How about making a terrarium? It
is more fun if science can be learned by making a terrarium!

Earthquake is a natural phenomenon. It is related to the

Earthquake! internal structure of the Earth. In this experience we will
Earthquake! uncover the causes of the earthquake. We will learn and
practice what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Certainly all of you like to read story books? You read so many types of
books- fairy tales, realistic literature, science fiction etc. How would
it be, if a book was published with your own writings and drawings,
Fiction! and you yourself were the publisher of the book? Since this work
is part of the science subject, let’s choose science fiction as subject.

Let’s start then!


What kind of experience shall we have?

Title of
Learning What we shall do

No one in the world has ever seen a dinosaur. Still, we know

a lot about this amazing prehistoric creature. Must you also
In Search have a lot of curiosity? Everything we know about dinosaurs
of Dinosaur comes from fossilized dinosaur bones that scientists have
Fossils! discovered. And these bones were found in different rock layers
on the surface. So through this experience, you will learn about
dinosaurs and various types of rocks and rock formations.

Have you ever seen how different factories work? In the

factory, different workers use different machines to complete
the entire work step by step. In the same way, the different
Factory of parts of our digestive system complete the whole process
of digestion starting from eating food to excreting waste at
the end of digestion step by step. Come on! Let’s take a tour
of the digestive factory through this learning experience.

We are the children of nature. But what to do when that nature

Adverse becomes adverse? Why do disasters happen, what are the types
Nature of disasters, and what should be done during a disaster? This
discussion is about these issues.

Call of Crops!
Call of crops!! Can crops call? It would be really fun if the crops in the field, the
flowers in the tub, or the plants in the nursery could call us and say, “Come and see
how we are, how we grow, how we fight, how we survive”. However, the crops may
not call us, so what? We will go to them, and watch them grow, evolve, and adapt.

Before the session starts-

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Every grain of rice we eat daily contains

the story of a farmer's hard work. Some of you may have been lucky enough to
experience farming, or to see the whole process closely. We all will try to approach
this experience as part of this learning process.

Before the session starts, you have to do some work. Not all types of crops grow
in all areas of Bangladesh; the same fruit does not taste the same in the soil of all
regions. Those of you who are from Rajshahi or Chapainawabganj, must be proud
of the taste of mangoes in your area! Similarly, the climate and soil of every region
have certain qualities that make certain plants grow well there. Your job is to find
out what kind of crops or plants grow well in your area. Are you thinking about
how to know? If you have a chance, you can directly go to the agriculture field; then
you will get to know well from the farmers. Except this, you can get help from your
parents, neighbours or anyone you know about this matter. It will be easier for rural
students; city students can collect this information even from someone who works in
a nursery. This information is needed to be collected before the next session starts.

Oh, not said yet! There is one more small task before the next session. As the
discussion is about agriculture, it is better to get the information from those who
know the best about the subject. That is why in the next session, a farmer or
someone experienced in this field of your area will come as a guest teacher. In rural

Call of Crops!
areas, if you do not find any known farmer, an Agriculture Officer, a Nurseryman or
anyone expert from any profession can be invited. Your guardian can also come as a
guest teacher if he is involved in agriculture. Decide who to invite by discussing with
the teacher. The teacher himself will help you make the necessary contacts.

Sessions One and Two

At the beginning of this session, discuss with the class what information you have
gathered about the crops or plants that grow well in your area. Did someone
mention a new plant name you didn't know about before? Jot down the information
below which you have collected and heard from your friends-

Name of those plants which grow well in your locality

Information you have got- New knowledge from friends-

.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
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.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................

After the discussion, now is the introduction part with your guest teacher. The
teacher will introduce himself to everyone in your class. In today's session, you
can satisfy your curiosity by asking various questions to this guest teacher.
Think about what questions to be asked beforehand. You yourself will decide the
questions. Some sample questions might be-


ÂYou have a list of plants: why do those grow well in your area? What
characteristics of the soil or climate cause certain crops to produce better
in this area?

ÂWhich crops grow best in which season?

ÂHow to choose good seedlings?

ÂWhich crop needs to be treated in which way?

Complete the table below based on the discussion with the guest teacher-

Name of the For what How are good How to take Other remarks
crops/plants characteristics seedlings care of these (if any)
which yield of the soil or of different crops/plants?
well environment crops/plants
does that selected?
grow best?

Call of Crops!
Apart from this, you can note down the vital information mentioned by the guest

Sessions Three and Four

In the previous session, you

learned many things from those
directly involved in agriculture
or experts in this field. Of course,
you already know how to take
care of the crops, choose good
seedlings, and more related
information. But, have you ever
wondered where the different
crops come from those we grow?
In which process does a new
variety of fruit or crop arise? Can
you think about it yourself?
Have you heard the name of
scientist Haripada Kapali? If you
haven't heard, you can ask your
sixth-grade youngers for their


investigative study book of science. The invention of a special kind of paddy

variety by him is mentioned in the first chapter. Sit in groups and discuss the
story together. After the discussion, write the answers to the following questions-

ÂHow did Haripada Kapali find a new variety of paddy? What are the steps
in the process by which he invented a new variety of paddy?

You have already known the story of Haripada Kapali's invention of a new paddy
variety. You have seen how a completely new paddy variety was discovered from
the seeds of a few high-yielding varieties that grew in his fields and reached
many people. Only paddy plants do not have different varieties in nature, but we
see various species with diversified characteristics in different types of organisms,
right? Have you ever wondered how these different species came to be? Have you

Call of Crops!

ever wondered about the numerous diverse organisms around us - why are their
characteristics so different? Why does a particular species dominate a specific
area while others cannot survive there? Why does a plant that yields well in your
area not yield similarly in other environments?
In the previous session, you got some ideas from the guest teacher about why
certain species of plants grow well in your area. Now we will look into the matter
of this biodiversity more broadly.
Please read carefully the chapter on 'Biodiversity' given at the beginning of your
investigative study book. Now sit in groups and discuss - what is the nature
of biodiversity? How does this diversity among organisms arise? What kind of
biodiversity is seen in different regions of Bangladesh? When is biodiversity
threatened, and how can it be remedied? If the reading remains unfinished
during the session, read the rest at home before the next session so that you can
start discussion on the next day.

Sessions Five and Six

In continuation of the previous session,

participate in group discussions
after reading specific sections of the
investigative study book.
Based on the group discussion, think
now, how is the biodiversity of your
area? You have already known that
evolution and adaptation lead to different
characteristics in different species of
organisms, and those species survive in
a particular environment with the best
suitable characteristics to adapt. And
with those species of plants, animals, and
microorganisms, the ecosystem of that
area is formed.
Now think back to the characteristics of
the crops or plants you discussed earlier
in your area. What characteristics of your
soil or environment help these plants
grow? Based on group discussion take
notes on next page-

Name of crops/plants The characteristics of the soil or environment in this

in your area area that helps the crop/plant to grow

Call of Crops!
Now it's the turn to work practically. It is best to get a chance to work directly
on real agricultural field. If you have no previous experience, those who have
agricultural land in your area you can volunteer there and make a plan to get
hands-on farming training from experienced farmers working there. In this case,
if any of you have previous experience in farming, they can take the lead and
help others. Everyone in the class can be divided into several groups and set up
a weekly routine. Make a plan for which group will work where on which day of
the week. If there are several agricultural fields in the area, students from nearby
houses can form teams, and each team should select a suitable agricultural land.

If you don't have farmland close at hand in an urban area, you can gain a similar
experience by volunteering at a local nursery. If that is not even possible, there
is an opportunity to gain some experience by caring for plants in your home
vegetable garden or rooftop garden. Even if that is not possible, plant a plant in
a tub on the balcony of your house and take care of it according to the advice of
experts and keep your observation for the next few months.

Discussing with the teacher plan according to the context of your area and divide
into groups.

Write the names of your team members below-









Sit together with the team members and decide on the work plan. Use the table
on the next page to break down the plan's key elements. Important points to

ÂDescription of the agricultural land where volunteering will take place

(nursery where applicable, or other alternatives as determined)
ÂIdentity of the farmer or experienced professional from whom to learn the
work (if applicable)
ÂWork routine (set up a realistic routine keeping at least the next two
months of volunteering in mind. You can set up the routine discussing your
workplace. Everyone should work at least one day a week outside school
hours (at least two hours on any given day). Holidays can be utilized for
this purpose)

Once a week, make notes on the table below based on your observations and
experiences. Take the signature of that experienced professional from whom
you will learn the work. Exchange experiences with teachers and other group
members during the session once a month-

Name of your selected crop/plant:

After one After two After three After four

week weeks weeks weeks
What did you

What new
things have you

of crop/plant

(Or whatever
professional is
After five After six After seven After eight
week weeks weeks weeks
What did you

What new
things have you

of crop/plant

(Or whatever
professional is


How do you like working in the crop field/nursery/roof garden?


What new things have you learned from this work?


Quest for Substance!
Quest for the substance! That is the search for the substance. What is the inner
structure of the things that we see around us? If we continue to break down
the substance, what will we actually see at its smaller levels? Why exactly do
we see different properties in different substances? To look for answers to all
these questions, this time, our learning experience is 'Quest for Substance!'’

Step 1

Sessions One and Two

You see many things around you; do they all look the same? Surely not? Again, not
all objects can be used for all types of work. Think, what are the characteristics
of different objects?

At the beginning of the first session, list all the objects you see inside the
house, kitchen, classroom, or around you and categorize them according to their

You will fill in Table 1 to make the list.


Name Substance External What are the What is the

of the that the state of the characteristics of the object used for?
object object is substance object? (Is it brittle, does
made of (solid/ it rattle when hit, is it
liquid/gas) shiny, etc.)

Quest for Substance!
Discuss the information in the table in groups. Try to find out, through the
discussion, what kind of characteristics an object has for a particular purpose. For
example, metal pots and pans are used in cooking, but wooden or plastic pots are
not. Again, a wooden handle or a cloth sheath is used to hold the hot pot. Why?
Similarly, the top layer of the wire used for electricity transmission is plastic,
but copper wire is used inside. Why? Why are the properties of aluminium, steel,
iron, and copper different from those of wood, plastic or cloth?

Classify the objects in the above table according to the following conditions
through discussion-

Name of What is it Metal or Does it Does it conduct

object made of? non-metal? conduct heat? electricity?

Now think about the external characteristics of the substances that conduct
electricity and heat. Why do some substances conduct heat while others do
not? Before finding the answer to this question, it is vital to know the structure
and arrangement of the substance in details. Let's know how the structure of a
substance is at the smallest level.
All in your group sit together and read the 'Molecules Atoms' chapter of the
Investigative study book. Read and discuss elements, electrons, protons, neutrons,
and the structure of atoms, and try to understand them. Also, read and discuss
how each element's atomic number is calculated.
You know that protons and neutrons are in the centre of the atom, and electrons
revolve around them. Now in the next part of the same chapter of the book, read

about how these electrons are arranged in the atom, and that the nucleus is at
the center of the atom. Discuss in groups.

In the next session, each group should develop a model of an atom's electron
arrangement and bring it to the class. Sit down with your group and plan what
materials you want to use. You can use readily available things like paper, a
dough of atta flour, clay, matchstick, thread etc. You can see the pictures in the
book for ease of understanding.

Sessions Three and Four

Is your group's model of atom ready? Write in the table below what you have
used to make the model, and don't forget to draw a picture of the model of an
atom you made! Write down how many orbitals the electrons in your model atom
have and what their atomic mass is.

List of materials used in Picture of the model of the atom-

making the model-

Atomic mass- Number of orbitals of electron-

Quest for Substance!
Now, the students of all groups arrange the atom models made by all groups in
the classroom and go around to see how everyone has made them. Looking at the
models made by others, try to guess the atomic mass of that atom. Ask others if
they can guess the atomic mass by seeing your model.
After that, if you want, you can arrange a roleplay, where students from different
groups will play the roles of protons, neutrons and electrons. Students playing
the roles of protons and neutrons will stand together like nuclei, and students
playing the roles of electrons will move around them in the specific orbitals.
Through these activities, you can understand that these few particles are at the
root of the structure of numerous objects with various characteristics that we
see around us! The different characteristics of each substance are determined
based on how the atom's protons, neutrons and electrons are arranged. And these
electrons are not in a random way but are arranged according to a specific rule.
Let's go back to the topic of the previous session following the discussion on the
properties of the substance. In the previous session, we saw several differences
between metals and non-metals. This difference is quite clear, especially in the case
of heat and electricity conduct. Now that you have a fairly detailed understanding
of the structure of atoms let's explore the reason for this difference between
metals and non-metals.
Sit in groups and discuss the Conductors, Nonconductors and Semiconductors
sections from the Investigative study book. Find out which difference in electron
arrangement causes metals to be better conductors of heat and electricity.
Now discuss and write some examples of the work related to heat and electricity
in daily life in the table below. Then decide which metal or non-metal is more
suitable for which work-

(An example is given for your better understanding)

Work that requires it Which one is more useful? Metals/Non-Metals?

(example) cooking on the stove (example) Metals: e.g. Aluminum, Steel, Iron etc.


Work that requires it Which one is more useful? Metals/Non-Metals?

(example) cooking on the stove (example) Metals: e.g. Aluminum, Steel, Iron etc.

In this session, you have learned about the structure of atoms, and the arrangement
of particles inside atoms. You also now know that all substances or matters in
the world is made up of a handful of elements. But have you thought about how
these atoms stay together in the
matter? Are things the same for
solids, liquids or gases?
In groups, read the section
on 'Molecules' from the same
chapter. Also, learn how particles
are arranged in solids, liquids
and gases. Then, try to clarify the ideas through open discussion with everyone
in the class. If you have any questions, discuss them too.

Step 2

Sessions Five and Six

You have seen many differences in the characteristics of the various objects
that we see around us. Each object is used for different purposes keeping these
characteristics in mind. For example, aluminium pots can be safely placed on
fire while cooking, but we cannot think of using plastic pots. Plastic pots will
not help to cook; the pots will melt in the fire. Well, think, what happens to
any substance when it catches fire? You must have seen if it is wax or plastic,
it melts, and if it is paper or wood, it burns. As many of you may know, the
oxygen we breathe is highly flammable. In fact, what we see as fire is a chemical
Quest for Substance!
reaction of a flammable substance with oxygen in the air. Can you tell me what
we use to put out the fire? Yes, we use water the most. But more than that, we
use the air released with the breath - you must have extinguished the candle or
the matchstick by blowing it! You already know what gas we release through our
nose and mouth with breathing - carbon dioxide, which helps to put out fires.
Water molecules are formed from hydrogen and oxygen, and carbon dioxide is
formed from carbon and oxygen. Notice one thing - the component that exists
between these two substances is oxygen. Have you ever wondered, while oxygen
is a flammable substance, how can water or carbon dioxide help put out a fire,
even though oxygen is a component?
Carbon, oxygen, or hydrogen are elements that break down to produce only atoms
of the same element. On the other hand, when carbon dioxide or water molecules
are broken, atoms of several elements are found. They are called compounds
because they are formed by combining more than one element. Discuss with your
friends and note down the external properties of these substances (If you don't
know any information, take the help of your teacher.)

Substance Condition Is it flammable? Other properties

at normal
colour) if known



Carbo dioxide



Notice that water and carbon dioxide are substances with entirely different characteristics.
It isn't easy to find similarities with the characteristics of their constituent elements.
Even after being made of multiple substances, their basic elements cannot be separated.
Can you easily separate hydrogen and oxygen from water?


Now let's think of another example. Mix a spoonful of salt or sugar with a glass
of water. When you see, can you distinguish between water and sugar or salt in
the mixture? Of course not. So, like the previous example, can this sherbet be
called a compound?

To this question, fill in the following table as before based on your observations
to find the answer:

Substance Condition Is it flammable? other

at normal characteristics
(You can try to
extinguish the fire with (taste/smell/
(Solid/Liquid/ both water and sherbet. colour)
Gas) But do not experiment
with fire without the
supervision of a teacher)



(Tick the
applicable item)
Sherbet made
from water and
salt/sugar mixture
Now look carefully at the information in the above table and compare it with
the previous table. In the water-sugar/salt mixture, are the properties of the
components unchanged or wholly changed as before? Join an open discussion
with everyone about your observations.
Notice that multiple ingredients are mixed, but there is a difference between
this mixture and the characteristics of a compound. Group members sit together
and read the Elements, Compounds, Mixtures and Pure Substances from chapter
3 of the Investigative study book. Discuss with your friends how the molecules
are arranged in these three cases. In the next session, using the same readily
available materials, work with the rest of the group to make models to represent
the arrangement of atoms in elements, compounds, and mixtures. You can take
the help of pictures in the book. And the teacher is also there!

Quest for Substance!

Sessions Seven and Eight

In this session, discuss with another group in the class showing the models
of elements and compounds and mixtures made by your group. Discuss how
molecules are arranged in these three cases and how they differ. Look at the
model made by the other group and give your opinion. In this way, two or three
groups per class can show their models and discuss them among themselves.
You have known the difference between elements and compounds, i.e., pure
substances and mixtures. Now let's try to identify the pure substance.

Take two similar containers. Keep some water in one container

and mix some salt with the same amount of water in the other
container. Another team has to test these two containers and tell
which one is the pure water container (can't tell by tasting!) Your
group must also identify the other group's two water containers and
the mixture.
(Just a tip! Mixing something else with a pure substance changes its melting
point and boiling point. By calculating the boiling point, you can solve this
problem very easily! To understand better, do one thing. Quickly read the
section on the identification of pure substances from your Investigative Study

Step 3

Session Nine

You have discussed elements, compounds, mixtures and pure substances. In

previous sessions, you have also learned how molecules and atoms stay together
in which one of these cases. Now we will discuss another topic: how we express
elements or compounds.
Let's do a small task first. The task is very simple. Each group of you has to cut
a piece of paper and make flowers. Each flower will have five petals, and the
colours of these petals will be Red, Blue and Yellow. There is no hard and fast
rule regarding how many petals each colour will have, but each of the three

colours must have at least one petal. Paste five petals on a white paper with glue.
Show your group's flowers to others. See the flowers of others too. Notice how
many petals of which colour are in the flower of which group?
Now colour the petals of the following flower according to the colour of your
group's flower.

Write down the number of petals of these three colours in your group's flower-

ÂPetals of red colour …………… pieces

ÂPetals of blue colour …………… pieces

ÂPetals of yellow colour …………… pieces

Now we will express such a flower through a code or a
sign so that by looking at this sign, we can understand
how many petals of which colour this flower has. The
three colours are denoted by R, B, Y, respectively.
Again, the number of petals of a specific colour can
be denoted with numbers; for example, if there are
two red petals, you can write R2 to denote it. Thus, if
there are two red petals, two blue petals and one yellow
petal, this flower will be coded as R2B2Y1.
How many petals of which colour are there in the flower of your group? If you
want to express this flower through the above code or sign, then how to write
it? Write it in the blank space below-
Quest for Substance!
All the other groups must have denoted their flowers with signs as well. Try
to guess by looking at their signs how many petals of which colour are in that
Do you know an exciting thing? The same technique is used to denote a substance.
As above you know the colour by the initial letters of the colours, in the same
way, the initial letters of the names of the elements are used to indicate the
atoms of the elements in a substance. In the case of elements, only the initial
letters of that element will do. But in the case of compounds, since there are
atoms of more than one element, just like the petals of your different coloured
flowers, you can tell by looking at the signs how many atoms of an element
combine to form that substance. For example, C2H2O is the symbol of a compound
that consists of two carbon atoms, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Read the rest of chapter 3, including Atoms, Molecules and Compounds, Symbols
and Signs, etc., from your resource or Investigative study book in groups for
better understanding. Discuss in groups while reading; you can take the teacher's
help if necessary.
Now try to guess from the following signs how many atoms of which elements
are in these substances. There are many symbols of elements given in your book;
you can take help from them.






Do you have a question in your mind, how do you know how the atoms of any
element combine with whom to form new substances? Does it happen by chance,
or is there a rule? Think for yourselves. But to get the answer, you have to wait
for a few more days, and if you go to the upper class, you will see how wonderful
things happen inside these tiny atoms!

What if you keep the questions until then?


How did you feel doing the activities of this learning experience?


What new things have you learned in this activity?


Cell Tour
Who does not like to travel? As we explore new places, how would it be if
we could be tiny and go inside the cells of our or any other organism and
see the inside of the cell? Since it is impossible, in this experience, we will
make different types of cell models and travel around them...

Session One

You all like to travel, don't you? You have gone somewhere on a school
study tour or a picnic or a major holiday of the year. Have you noticed
one thing? If you have someone like a tour guide when the place you
have visited is unknown, then you can quickly learn a lot about that place.

If you have any memories, you went somewhere and took the help of a tour guide who
showed you around the place and told you everything, then shared them with the class.

You can also ask the teacher if s/he has any such experience. Ask him/her to share it.

Now think of one thing, if you could grow smaller and smaller as you wish,
you could go inside the palm of your friend's hand and move from cell to cell.
Or if the magnification of our eyes were very high, then with the bare eye,
you would be able to see everything from tiny organisms to parts of a cell.

They cannot be seen without a microscope. So in this experience,

you will make a model of a cell seen in a microscope, travel through
that model, and learn about different cells and cell organelles.

Each of you will be a tour guide in the cell tour. So let's start planning.

Photograph of a cross-section
of a pine tree leaf under a

Cell Tour
Divide into two groups under the guidance of the teacher. One group will work
on animal cells and another on plant cells. The plant cell group will divide into
another sub-group and work on models of the plastid; the animal cell group
will further split into two sub-groups and work on models of mitochondria and
After the two groups sit together, open the cell biology/cytology chapter of the
Investigative Reading book and read the introduction section to get the basic
Ask the teacher to clarify the concept if you have difficulty understanding any
List in groups and sub-groups what cell organelles are in plant and animal cells
and what is present in plastids, mitochondria, and nucleus.
From this list, each member of the group and sub-group will work with one
When the group has decided which organelle you will work with, write it down
in the table below.

Name Organelle

After finalizing who will work on which organelle from the group and sub-group,
write it down in the notebook or diary.
Now discuss in groups and decide how to make the model. In this case, consider
the following points-
While making the model, remember that just as a group of tourists,
under the guidance of a tour guide, explores all the places, your group
model has the opportunity for each other group to visit one by one.
Everyone gets introduced to all the organelles of the cell in the cell tour.
As the model will be big, it can be made by removing classroom benches,
on the veranda, or on an open space.
Anything readily available can be used as materials. Such as chalk, rope,
clay, atta flour, etc.
Discuss in groups and decide who will make which part, how, and where.
You can also do some modeling work at home in advance to save time in
the next session.

Home Task

Clarify concepts by reading the texts about the structure and function of cell
membranes in the Investigative Reading. If there are any understanding problems,
note them in the notebook and ask the teacher questions in the next session. At
the same time, proceed with the assigned group work on the cell model at home.

Session Two

In the last session, you planned and decided who would make the model of which
cell organelle. Accordingly, you must have proceeded with some work at home.
Complete 100% of the rest of the model-making in this session.
Inform the teacher at the beginning of the session if there is any difficulty
understanding the homework assigned from the previous session or if you have
any questions.
Try to answer spontaneously when the teacher asks a question.
Now divide into groups and sub-groups and read carefully the cell organelle you
are working with from the Investigative Reading book.

Cell Tour
Know the location of that cell organelle, how it is formed, what it does, what it
looks like, etc. Inform the teacher if you have any questions or have difficulty
In your group, you have planned the cell tour so that all students get familiar
with all types of cells and cell organelles. So if any cell organelle is left, the task
will not be done properly. Therefore, sitting in a group, make sure that no one
is absent from the class.
And after reading your part well, someone from the group or you should read
the whole chapter well so that if someone is absent for a special reason, you can
tell that part.
Prepare for the next session in class. Be well-organized while acting as a tour
guide, but don't need to memorize. You can say as much as you know and

Session Three

You must have made models of cell organelles from home and brought them
to the class. Place them in the designated places, and two groups will create
complete forms of animal and plant cells in this session.
In the beginning, find some
open space by removing the
classroom benches, or the work
can be done on the veranda.
After that, according to the
previous plan, the two groups

and the members of the other groups should

place the models of plant and animal cells and
models of nucleus, mitochondria, and plastids
on the floor.
 If possible, place the model parts on the
floor so that a person or two can step into the
cell and act as a tour guide.


This time one member from the plant cell group will take the role of a tour
guide and help one or two people from the animal cell group to take a tour of
the plant cell.
In this way, another person will play the tour guide role and show other animal
cell group members around the plant cell.
Similarly, the animal cell group will also do the work.
Members of the other three sub-groups as tour guides will likewise help all the
students in the class tour the cell.
Once you are familiar with the structure and function of all types of cells, come
back to the group and discuss. The subject of your discussion is - the similarities
and differences between other types of cells with their models, which elements
are present in all cells, and which one is only present in a particular type of
animal cell.

Home Task:

Write the similarities and differences between the organelles of plant cells and
animal cells on the Venn diagram below.

Cell Tour

Session Four

The cell tour is over. You have

learned a lot about the structure
and function of cells in the past
few sessions. But have you thought
about how organisms grow? When
our skin is cut, how does it heal
after a few days and create new
skin there? These questions will be
answered in this session.
Read the Cell Division and
Multiplication section of the
Investigative Reading book carefully.
Almost everyone has heard the two
words tumor and cancer. By reading
the consequences of the Abnormal
Cell Division section of the Investigative Reading book, understand how tumors
can develop into cancer.
What can you explain by writing or saying or in any other way - Why is normal
cell division important for normal reproduction and growth of organisms?

How did you feel doing the activities with everyone in the group? What new did
you learn through this learning experience?



Which aspect of the cell did you find fascinating?


Cooking in the Sunlight!
Have you ever tried to walk barefooted on the sun-drenched bitumen roads?
Better not try this. You know, how hot the road is at this time! Well, think about
whether this heat from the sun can be used or not?
In this learning experience, we will see even how the sun’s heat can be used to
complete cooking!

Sessions One and Two

Do you know how lucky we are to have sunshine all year round?, We are to use
sunlight and heat for thousands of daily tasks starting from drying clothes. Yet
we actually use very little of the vast energy reserves that come from the sun.
Majority of our energy demands could be met with the help of solar energy, if
this energy was properly utilized.

The question is, what can you do about it? You may not be able to make such
big changes overnight on your own. But, sitting in the classroom, you can find
out some ways utilize this power. A good example would be solar oven. Let’s all
try to make a solar oven using the energy from the sun through this learning

Have you ever noticed what happens if you leave something in the blazing sun
for a long time? The object gradually heats up, doesn’t it? Do all objects become
equally hot? Think a while and write- which objects get hotter, if kept in the sun?

Cooking in the Sunlight!


Do you find any similarity among the above objects? Look at what the objects are
made of, what colour they are, etc.

Let’s do an observation for better understanding.

Measure the temperature of five different objects (iron object, glassware, water,
white cloth and coloured cloth) with a thermometer and record it in the table

Name of the object Temperature before exposure to

Iron object



White cloth

Colourful clothes

Leave the objects in the sun for a little longer time to see if their temperature
changes when exposed to sunlight. Because this kind of observation is time
consuming, if you want, you can do this observation at home before the session
starts. Or coming to school today, leave the objects in the sun before the session
so that temperature notes can be taken during the session.


*************** After certain time***************

After leaving it in the sun for at least 30 minutes, re-measure the temperature of
the 5 objects with the thermometer, and record the temperature data taken two
different times in the table below.

Name of the Temperature Temperature Remarks

object before exposure after exposure
to sunlight to sunlight
Iron object



White cloth

Can you see any difference in temperature before and after? If there is a difference,
what could be the reason? Again, is the change in temperature of each object
happening in the same way? Discuss with your friends and write your explanation

Cooking in the Sunlight!

Sessions Three and Four

You have already known about the thermal conductivity of any type of material.
Now compare with the observations from the previous session- think about how
heat energy is conducted in these objects, and what changes in the temperature
of the objects are happeing!
Your Investigative Study book can help you understand this a little better. By
reading the Heat and Temperature chapter of this book, you will learn more
about how heat energy is conducted in matter, and how we can measure it by
measuring temperature. Read each part of the chapter first by yourself. Then
divide into groups and discuss what you have understood. Read the entire chapter
like this. These ideas will help you a lot making a a solar oven.

Sessions Five and Six

You have already known the ways how heat is conducted. Now it is not actually
possible to cook with the regular direct heat of the sun. By concentrating this
heat and after a certain temperature to be reached, the solar oven will work. So,
if you have to use the light and heat of the sun to make an oven, then the idea
is you have to figure out how to concentrate the light and heat from the sun.

Now it's time to make solar oven. As this work is time consuming, you can do it
outside the session or after school time, if you want.

A sample process for making a solar oven model is described below for your
convenience. But you can change/modify this plan as per your convenience.

What might be required-

ÂShoe box or sweets box (It will be the best if you can get a large cardboard

ÂAluminum foil (or shiny material that can reflect sunlight the most.
Alternatively you can try tin foil/can parts, the shiny side of the back of
wrapping paper, etc.)

ÂSteel/Aluminum Tiffin Carrier/Bowl/Saucer


ÂScotch tape


ÂGlass or clear plastic wrappers

ÂGlue, or scotch tape etc.

ÂSticks, etc.

In addition, you will need a thermometer to measure the temperature of the solar
oven. One thing needs to be said here. Fever thermometers are available at most
pharmacies, but the maximum temperature they can measure is not very high.
To measure the temperature inside the solar oven, you will need a thermometer
with a range of 0 to 100 degrees Celsius which your teacher can help you get.

Process of Making a Solar Oven:

How to make-

ÂCut off the top lid of the box that you

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ÂNow measure the length and width of

each surface in the inner part of the
box and cut the cork sheet or shola

ÂAttach the reverse side of the shiny

surface of aluminum foil paper or
wrapping paper on the shola with the help
of glue or pin so that it is smooth enough.

ÂNow put the lower surface of the paper inside the box
first. Then, attach the surrounding surface pieces with scotch tape or glue.

ÂNow, in order to make the top reflector, attach aluminum foil (or the shiny
side of the wrapping paper of your choice) to the piece cut out for the
upper surface of the box. Then place it on top of the box in such a way
goes into the box.
Cooking in the Sunlight!
ÂYour solar oven is almost done. To check if the oven is working properly,
take it under the sun. Crack an egg in an aluminum bowl and place the
bowl inside the oven.
ÂPlace a lid on the open surface of the box, make a lid at the size of the
box. Cut out the inner part, leaving aside the cardboard part around the lid.
Cover this space with glass or transparent polythene so that even after the
lid is closed, sunlight can enter the box through this transparent medium.
Make a hinge with scotch tape or paper to make this glass or polythene lid
easy to open or close.
You have understood the above process. Now it’s your turn to make your own
solar oven. Discuss with your group about what materials are readily available in
your area that can be collected at no cost. Now write down the list of materials
that you will use below-

Names of the Materials

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

5 ...............................................................................................

Materials have been selected. Now it is time to decide how the materials will be
collected. Collect yourselves the materials that you can collect yourselves. Team
members will divide the responsibility to collect materials. Each one will collect
each material.


Draw a picture of your team’s solar oven in the space below. And keep a list of
what materials you have used on the side.

Materials used Image of the solar oven

Sessions Seven and Eight

Now let’s see how your solar oven works.

Break eggs into an aluminum bowl and keep the bowl inside the oven and close
the transparent lid. Before that place a thermometer inside the oven to measure
the temperature inside the oven.
Observe for half an hour to see if there is any change in temperature in the oven
and in the eggs. Complete the table below from the observations.

Time 0 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 25 minutes 30 minutes

ature (°
Cooking in the Sunlight!
(If you open the lid again and again within a few minutes to check the state of
the eggs, will it take more or less cooking time? Think about it?)

Let’s take a closer look at the whole process of cooking in a solar oven. You know
about different forms of energy like light energy, heat energy, sound energy etc.
What forms of energy do you see here? Can you tell what form of energy is being
converted to another form? Is the transfer of energy happening during cooking
in the solar oven? If so, what form of energy is being transferred, from where
to where?

Discuss the above questions in groups. Write your thoughts in the table below-

Which forms of Where has the energy been In what cases has energy been
energy have you transferred from and to? converted from one form to
noticed? another?

Can you tell why have the specific materials been used to make solar panels? Why
were these materials chosen to make the solar oven work? What is your opinion
on this matter? Discuss in groups and write in the table below –

Name of the material Reason for selecting the material


Name of the material Reason for selecting the material

Compare your solar oven with those made by other teams. Also compare the
information in others’ tables. What was the maximum temperature inside the
ovens of other groups? Which group’s egg took longer time to boil? Make a
comparative discussion, would it work better, if any change was made in your
oven plan? Write your opinion below-

Cooking in the Sunlight!

How did you feel about doing the experience works?


How can solar ovens play a role in protecting the environment?



Did any of the tasks seem challenging? How did you deal with the challenge?


Invisible Neighbours!
Those who live around us are our neighbours, aren't they? But are there neighbours
we don't see? These invisible neighbours sometimes benefit us and sometimes cause
us harm. In other words, they are intimately linked in our entire life. But who are
these invisible neighbours? We will learn about them in this learning experience.

Before the session starts

Invisible neighbours!! What is it? They is a type of microorganism that surrounds

us. For example - bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae etc. Along with many visible
neighbours around us, they surround our lives. While many microorganisms harm
us, some microbes also benefit us. In this learning experience, we will discover
how these invisible microorganisms behave with humans and show characteristics.

Before the first session starts, you have to do one thing. At the end of the
previous session, write down your home address to be divided into area-wise
pairs/groups. With the teacher's help you will be divided into pairs/groups based
on area. Give one cute name to each pair/group.

Now the task is to determine what infectious diseases are present in your area.
What infectious diseases are seen in your area? What causes these diseases to
spread? What can be done to stay away from these diseases? For now, you have to
gather this information from your surroundings. You can collect this information
from your own experience, parents, relatives, or neighbours.

One member of each of your pairs/groups will choose an infectious disease that
exists in his/her area. Infectious diseases of the selected area will be collected in
pairs/groups at convenient times in the area.

Invisible Neighbours
You will use data table 1 to collect data. If you have difficulty understanding the
information table, take the teacher's help if necessary.

Pair/Group Name:

Area Address:

Name of Number of Which What are the How can these

infectious people affected microorganism is symptoms of infectious diseases
disease by the disease responsible for this infectious be cured and
this disease? disease? prevented?

Sessions One and Two

After collecting information about infectious diseases in your area, discuss in

pairs/groups in the class. Those of you who have worked on similar infectious
diseases will form new groups and discuss them again.

After the group discussion, share your findings with the rest of the class. Try to
learn about other diseases by joining open discussions. Did you know about any
new diseases from others?

Is the name of rabies in the name of so many infectious diseases? Do you know
that once many people died of rabies? At that time, there was no cure for this
disease; rabies meant certain death.

How did this antidote come about? Let's hear that story today-

Louis Pasteur, Rabies, and a Joseph Meister

Louis Pasteur and Joseph Meister

One day in 1885, a nine-year-old boy named Joseph Meister was going to
school in a small town in France when a huge dog came out of nowhere and
jumped on him. With the help of other people, the boy survived, but another
misfortune was waiting for him. This mad dog was suffering from rabies, and
who does not know - if a dog with this disease bites a person, it is sure to
have rabies!
Rabies or hydrophobia was the name of great fear in the whole world. There
was no treatment for this disease, and no one knew it was a virus-borne
disease. First, it begins with fever, then an unusual depression, then gradually
terrible spasms. The chest is about to burst because of thirst, but terrible
cramps occur when water is put into the mouth. The final result of this
disease was death in terrible pain.
Joseph Meister could have suffered the same fate, but a scientist in Paris was
researching rabies; his name was Louis Pasteur. Louis Pasteur was then old
and half paralyzed from a stroke. With this body condition, he researched the
cause and antidote of rabies.
Although the rabies virus could not be seen, seeing the type of disease Louis
Pasteur assumed that it was a neurological disease. Thinking that the spinal
Invisible Neighbours
cord inside the backboneof a rabbit affected
with rabies was the home of the virus, he
tried to weaken it by exposing it to oxygen
for quite some days in the laboratory. The
virus was then injected into the body of
healthy rabbits. It was seen that the old,
weak virus could not overcome the rabbit.
The next day, the rabbit was injected with
a bit stronger and new germs than the
previous day, but the rabbit survived. In this
way, every day injecting some more fresh
bacteria than the last day, it was once seen
that the rabbit survived in good health even
with the pure strong bacteria!
Joseph Meister's mother came rushing to
Louis Pasteur with her son just then. Her
son must be saved in any way! Louis Pasteur
was in great trouble. First, this treatment
was never applied to humans. Second, he
conducted experiments on healthy rabbits
while this boy had already been infected with
After the discovery of the rabies
rabies. Will this treatment work for him? But
vaccine Louis Pasteur was depicted as
if nothing is done, the boy's death is certain.
a superhuman warrior in a cartoon
After much planning, Louis Pasteur decided to published in Le Don Quichotte
take the risk. Like the rabbit, Joseph Meister
was first injected with two-week-old germs.
The next day, the thirteen-day-old germ, the next day, the twelve-day-old,
so on the fourteenth day, he was given the most horrible fresh germ; Any
normal person will die within a week if it enters the body. Louis Pasteur was
worried. Will this boy live?
Joseph Meister survived. Through this, the world's first rabies patient survived;
it was an unforgettable event in the history of Science!
Joseph Meister was grateful to Louis Pasteur for the rest of his life for saving
his life. Growing up, he took over as a doorman at Louis Pasteur's laboratory.
When Nazi Germany occupied France in World War II, Nazi forces came to
occupy Louis Pasteur's laboratory. Joseph Meister stood at the gate and tried
to protect the laboratory.

Before Josef Meister was shot dead by German soldiers, he did not let anyone
enter the laboratory.


After everyone has read this story, discuss it. Compare what you have heard
about rabies.

Sessions Three and Four

Remember the gist of the previous session's discussion. Again discuss the collected
infectious diseases history of Louis Pasteur's discovery of Rabies antidote.

At one stage of discussion on viral diseases like rabies, covid, etc., you will read
about the structure and characteristics of viruses from the 'Investigative Study'
book and form an idea about how they spread different diseases. At the same
time, knowing the structure and characteristics of other microorganisms, you will
search for similar patterns
among them.

Are microorganisms only

the cause of our harm,
or do they play a role
as our friends? Yes, you
are right; certain species
of microorganisms (e.g.,
bacteria, fungi) have
traits or behaviours that
benefit us, such as curd,
mushroom, etc.

You will now discuss the

role of microorganisms
in nature and how they
are useful to humans.
Microorganisms will explore that they are as much a part of nature as humans
or other animals.

In this session, you will clarify concepts related to the structure, reproduction,
and ecological importance of various microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae, and
viruses) through Investigative Study, exercise books, and self-discussion. Take the
teacher's help if necessary.

Invisible Neighbours

Sessions Five and Six

Based on the new knowledge you gained about microorganisms, reanalyze in

groups the infectious diseases you have learned about in your area.

In the analysis, try to predict which microorganism is responsible for which
disease. Fill in Table 2 with the analysis data.

Pair/Group name:

Name of Which What are the How can this What healthy
infectious microorganism is symptoms of infectious habits should
disease responsible for this infectious disease be be developed
this infectious disease? cured and to avoid this
disease? prevented? infectious

Based on the analysis data, different groups will have group discussions on
different infectious diseases. Think for yourself about what can be done to avoid
these infectious diseases. Plan and discuss with everyone and take the initiative

to implement it.
You can run awareness campaigns step by step to avoid infectious diseases. In the
first phase, distribute awareness leaflets and posters to all school classes. In this
way, awareness news can reach the whole area through all the students. In this
case, take the help of all the school's teachers.
In the second phase, make plans to arrange rallies with awareness leaflets posters/
distribute leaflets to inform everyone in the area. Implement this program at a
convenient time with the help of teachers and parents. It would be better if
health awareness camps could be arranged.
Preserve all leaflets and posters made by you in the class with the teacher's help.

What did you think after hearing the incident of Louis Pasteur and Joseph


What new things have you learned in this activity?

A Variety of Toys Fair!
Surely there is no one who did not play with toys in their childhood. Maybe many
of you still like to play with toy cars, dolls etc. How about making some toys
yourselves? And if it is with the materials that are available or thrown away around
you? Let’s surprise everyone by designing new toys in this learning experience!

Sessions One and Two

The joy of inventing something new is different, but who said that you always
have to think about something very serious? In this learning experience you will
invent new toys, and that’s just for fun. But the toys that you will make in your
own plan should not be just for decoration, but can actually be played with. Not
only that, because they will be made from everyday or discarded materials, it will
not cost much to make them. Moreover, the garbage will also be used.

Are you wondering how to make toys? First, let’s try to make a toy boat together.
This toy boat will not only float in the water, but will actually move like a
speedboat! Let’s start.

Steps to make a toy boat-

ÂBefore this session, collect some
discarded materials such as discarded
plastic water bottles, several rubber
bands, some jute sticks or pencils,
disposable plastic-made eating
spoons, super glue or good quality

ÂAt the beginning of the session,

divide into some groups under the
guidance of the teacher.

ÂNow put two jute sticks or pencils

on both sides of a plastic bottle in
such a way that there is an extra
2-3 inches at the bottom of the

ÂTie the two sticks tightly to the

bottle with a rubber band or

A Variety of Toys Fair!

ÂCut the handles of two plastic-made eating spoons

equally and attach the two ends oppositely with

ÂIf plastic spoon or super glue is not available, as an

alternative, you can use any aluminum or tin can,
and cut into a rectangular shape and make straight
by beating. In that case, the metal piece can be
painted to prevent rusting.

ÂThen attach two rubber bands to the excess part

of the stick or pencil attached to the bottle.

ÂInsert the spoon or the rectangular piece of metal

crosswise into the rubber band and twist very

ÂAlright, your toy is ready. Now leave it in the pond and see how it goes!


What is actually happening to this boat? Can you tell why it started moving as
soon as it was released into the water? Where did this power come from? Have
you seen similar events happen anywhere else? Discuss with the group members
and write your opinion in the space below-


Join open discussions with other groups. Listen to their thoughts, what power
caused the motion of the boat?

Read the chapter ‘Work, Power, Energy’ from your Investigative Study book. Read
each part of the chapter by yourself, then discuss it with the rest of the group.
First read the concept of 'Work' and join the discussion.

Now think, when your boat was moving, in the term of of physics, has any work
been done during this time? Write down your answer.


A Variety of Toys Fair!

Sessions Three and Four

Now let’s talk about energy. Where did the power to move the boat come from?
Again, sit in groups and read the rest of the same chapter, i.e., power, energy,
different forms and transformations of energy, conservation of energy etc. Discuss
with everyone in the group.
Now think again, where did the kinetic energy of the boat come from? When you
twist the potential energy accumulated in the rubber band of the boat with force,
then it is converted into kinetic energy of the boat.
Now think, in what other cases such kinetic energy and potential energy can be
seen as mutual transformation?


Now it's time to invent our own toys. You can organize a fair of your own
invented toys in the classroom, where all the groups will display their toys for
others to see.
There are two conditions for making toys-
ÂDon’t just make something to decorate, it has to have a special surprise!
i.e any toy car, boat, airplane that can be operated; Or maybe a new type
of toy made with slingshots. Keep in mind, the conversion of energy from
one form to another must be shown in the toy model.
ÂNo expensive, costly
materials can be used
in making the toy.
Use locally available
materials, preferably
discarded materials.
Your toy design needs
to have at least one
material which, if you
didn’t use, must go to

the dustbin. As a result, the garbage will be reduced, and at the same time
the environment will also be benefited.
First decide in the group what kind of toy you want to make. Then it’s turn to
plan about the toy, draft the design, make a list of materials. While planning, all
team members will sit alone or in pairs to plan and design the toy. You sit down
alone or with a friend to plan a design, and draw your ideas in the table below.
Discuss what materials might be needed, and write their names in the appropriate
space on the table.

Design List of materials

The rest of your team must have planned and designed the toy. All the team
members sit together, review and choose one or more ideas based on which plan
would be the most effective and interesting. While choosing the idea, of course,
keep in mind the two previously mentioned conditions for making toys!
You can use anything as materials for making toys - from discarded bottles or
cans, tissue rolls, broken pens, cardboard boxes, rubber bands. Besides, various
metallic/non-metallic objects can be used here.
When it comes to rusting metal, we throw away many things. These metals would
last longer, if they were painted.

A Variety of Toys Fair!
You can use the same idea with your toys, if you use metal toys, you can paint
it to prevent it from rusting.
When the plan is finalized, draw the design in the table below and make a list
of the materials needed next to it so that everything can be collected before the
next session

Design List of materials

Sessions Five and Six

Divide into predetermined groups and start making toys. Make sure that everyone
in the group actively participates.
Keep in mind, when making toys, that there happens a transformation of potential
energy into kinetic energy. Apart from these two types, if you want to show any
other form of energy through your toys, you can show it.
Has the toy been made? Organize a fair in the classroom to display the toys you
have made.
In this case, arrange the benches or tables and keep the toys neatly organized.
Each group with all members will play the toy that they made, and explain how

potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

Thus, one by one each group will show their toy, and explain how recycling has
been done in the toy along with an explanation of energy conversion and energy
You will do and bring the following homework in the next session.


In the figure below, write, next to the arrow, how the energy is being
converted in each case.

Miniature Garden: Terrarium!
Terrarium!! Surprised! It looks like almost an aquarium. A 'terrarium' is a small garden
in the corner of the house. It is to create a self-contained ecosystem in a confined area.
Terra means land area. Considering that it is a closed terrestrial ecosystem. How about
making a terrarium? It is more fun if science can be learned by making a terrarium!

Sessions One and Two

The initial work is to be divided into several groups with the help of the teacher.
Groups will observe how different animals (cows, goats, birds, lizards, insects) and
plants grow and survive around the school. Decide in advance which group will
observe which animals/plants.

Any one of the team has to write down the observed information of the team in
Table-1. With the help of the teacher, each group will present the observed data
back to the class.

Table -1

Name of the group:

Name of How are How What challenges What are How is

the selected their are they do they face for their foods? their
organism(Any habitats? growing up? their survival? health?

Now, with the help of the teacher and based on the found information, discuss
your ideas about respiration and food intake of living organisms. Later, you will
clarify your ideas about respiration and food intake of living organisms after
reading the related chapter.
In class, as a group, you will present the information that you have known about
Miniature Garden: Terrarium!
the growth and survival of animals and plants.
The presentation can be of various forms – for example, through drama. You
will play the role of different animals and plants in nature. Those who want to
act should write the characters' names on white paper and paste them on your
chest. You will decide the dialogues after discussing them among yourselves. The
dialogue will focus on the growth, survival, food intake etc. of animals and plants.
If necessary, take the help of the teacher

Sessions Three and Four

Now, you will make a terrarium with the help of Worksheet-1 following to the
previously formed groups.


Name of the project: Making a closed

Required Materials: A glass jar/ a plastic
container, pebbles, soil, broken clay-pots,
bone meal, coal, mosquito nets, water,
moss, weedy shrubs and algae.

Â1. First, collect the necessary
materials and clean them well. The
glass jar/plastic container should
be thoroughly sterilized to prevent
fungal infection.
Â2. Place some broken clay-pot
pieces at the bottom of the glass
jar/plastic container. Broken clay


pots can hold a good amount of water which keeps the terrarium moist.
Â3. Now, place some pebbles on the broken clay-pot pieces.
Â4. After that, lay a wired net/mosquito net on the pebbles. The advantage
of the wired net/ mosquito net is that the soil cannot go downwards.
Â5. After placing more pebbles on the wired net/ mosquito net, cover it with
coals to create a thin layer.
Â6. Put soil on the thin layer of coals in such a way so that the layer
becomes thick.
Â7. Decorate one/two small stones, small pieces of dead wood for the beauty
of the terrarium. Now plant few small Thankuni plants with soil very
carefully. You can plant your favorite plants also if you want.
Â8. Carefully collect some moss layers from the old wall or soil and spread
it on the remaining space on the surface of the terrarium.
Â9. Finally, it's time for watering. Spray the water carefully so that the
surface of the terrarium gets wet. After 20 minutes, spray water again. Now
close the lid of the glass jar/plastic container tightly.
Â10. Well! A closed terrarium is made. It should be stored in a shaded
place where light can reach. But, make sure that it is not placed in direct
sunlight .

Miniature Garden: Terrarium!

Sessions Five and Six

In this session, gather according to previous groups. Go near to the closed
terrarium you have made and observe it well. Write down the obtained information
in Table-2.

Name of The Group:

What is the How are the How is the colour What is the reason
condition of plants in your of the leaves of the for the plant's
preserving the observation? plant in your eyes? survival in a closed
terrarium? terrarium?

After observing the terrarium, put it in its proper place. Discuss the obtained
information from the observation among yourselves in groups. In the discussion,
try to find out the answers to the questions in Table-3.



Questions Your answers

How does
photosynthesis work in
a closed terrarium?

How does the oxygen

cycle work in a closed

How does the

watercycle work in a
closed terrarium?

Miniature Garden: Terrarium!
Write a summary of your observations and discussions in the notebook of any
group member.

In the next session, observe the closed terrarium again in groups. Is there any
new change? If so, everyone in the group should write it down in table-4.

What new changes could you notice in the second observation?

Summarize the observations and discussions of the first session and discuss the
changes in the observations of the second session among the groups. Write down
the group opinions and conclusions by any group member on poster paper. At
the end of each group's writing, present to the class.

Now, from your group opinions, conclusions and reading the related content of
the textbook will clarify the concept of how plants survive through photosynthesis
and respiration, the oxygen cycle and the water cycle, and how the elements
within a closed system maintain the equilibrium of the system through constant
changes and mutual interactions. Based on this concept, try to explain how the
balance of various elements of the natural environment is maintained.

The teacher will explain the facts in light of your presentation and the contents of
the textbook. Listen to the explanation attentively and write it down if necessary.


How have you felt about making a terrarium?


What new things have you learned from this work?


Earthquake! Earthquake!
Earthquake is a natural phenomenon. It is related to the internal structure of the
Earth. In this experience we will uncover the causes of the earthquake. We will
learn and practice what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Session One

At the beginning of this experience, the students will discuss with the elders of
the family (father, mother, siblings, grandparents, and others) and try to find out
why earthquakes happen, whether earthquakes can be predicted in advance, what
happens when earthquakes occur, what should we do when earthquake occurs
and what should we do after an earthquake?
Make a summary of the discussion and write it in the notebook. Share your ideas
with the classmate next to you in the classroom. Discuss with your classmates
and write down the new ideas you have got.
Ask the teacher if there is any ambiguity.
Collect information from the teacher about the two earthquakes that occurred in
Chile and Haiti. Complete Table-1 below. Work at home or outside the classroom
to complete the table if needed.
Table -1

Place of the Reasosn Epicenter The The amount If any

earthquake of the the magnitude of loss/ special
earthquake earthquake of the damage incident is
earthquake observed

Earthquake! Earthquake!
Looking at the table above, has any thought come to your mind? Compare the
magnitude of the earthquake and the damage caused by the two events. What
difference do you see? What causes the difference? Write your opinion below
after a group discussion.

Devastation caused by Haiti Earthquake


Listen to the arguments of others. Engage in open discussions with everyone,

including teachers.

Session Two

Try to understand how earthquakes in different parts of the world relate to

the earth's internal structure. Read the internal structure of the earth from the
investigative study. Draw the internal structure of the Earth. A student can make
a model of the internal structure instead of drawing if wishes so.
Construct an idea about continental plate tectonics by drawing diagrams. Share
your ideas with your classmate next to you. Present your opinion in front of all
the students in the class.
Think about why tectonic plates can move. To make this clear, take a container
of water, place a semi-floating solid, and observe. Discuss your ideas with the
classmate next to you. Read the types of movement or displacement of the plates
from the investigative study. Draw the types of movement of tectonic plates.
Cut out paper, cardboard, or cork sheet and make a model of the Earth's different
interior layers, and continental plate tectonics.

Session Three

You have learned about the causes of earthquakes. Now think, why don’t we get
an earthquake forecast? Take decisions by group discussion.


Earthquake! Earthquake!
Since we cannot predict earthquakes, what kind of preparations should be made
in normal conditions to reduce the damage caused by earthquakes? What should
we do during an earthquake, and what should we do after an earthquake? Decide
by group discussion.

Preparations to be taken under normal circumstances:


What should we do during an earthquake:


What should we do after an earthquake:



One person from each group has to present their group decision. Use poster
paper for writing or drawing to present. You can present in any other way also.
After the presentation of one group, take feedback from other groups.

Read the sections from the investigative study about what to do in different stages
of an earthquake. Then, compare it with your group's ideas. Check whether any
of the topics given in the investigative study are missing in your group decision.

Session Four

We have learned what to do during the different stages of an earthquake (before,
during, and after). Now, we will practice our activities by creating an artificial
earthquake environment. For this, we will take permission from the head of the

For this, we will complete an earthquake drill. You can move classroom chairs,
tables, benches, etc. to create an earthquake environment.

We will follow our group decisions while practicing what to do in the different
stages of an earthquake.

We will definitely know the feelings of all the students after this earthquake drill
is over. We will discuss the benefits of earthquake drill in the classroom. Here,
of course, we will discuss whether there is anything left out in the drill process.

Science Fiction!
Certainly all of you like to read story books? You read so many types of
books- fairy tales, realistic literature, science fiction etc. How would
it be, if a book was published with your own writings and drawings,
and you yourself were the publisher of the book? Since this work
is part of the science subject, let’s choose science fiction as subject.
Let’s start then!

Session One

How about organizing a small book fair before you publish your book? Taking the
help of the teacher, in session one of this learning experience, you can organize
a book fair in your class. You will bring the science fiction books and magazines
from your homes to school on this day. Write your name beautifully and attach
it on a few benches or tables placed to each other and arrange the books so that
everyone can see everyone’s books. Go around and look at other friends’ books-
what are the books about. You can talk with your friends about the books of your
favourite authors that you see here.
If possible, go to your school or district/
upazila libraries with your teacher
or guardian to see and read different
types of books. If there are magazines,
check them out as well. You will
minutely check the content of the book
or magazine, how it is written, how the
writings and pictures are arranged.
Now sit together in the classroom with
your friends and think about the steps
of publishing a book. Whenever the first
page of each book is turned, a page is
allocated for the ‘Printer’s Line’ on the
left hand side. Here you will see the
names of the main people behind the
publication of books, such as - Authors,
Illustrators, Publishers, Proprietors are
written. Apart from this, before it is
printed, a book has to go through many
other steps like proof-reading, editing,
binding, etc. Make a list of the steps to
follow to publish a book by looking at One of the earliest science fiction stories published in

the printer’s line of different books, or Bangla language in the whole Indian subcontinent was

with the help of teachers and others. Palatak Tufan (first published in 1896). Are you surprised
It will be the best if you interview to notice the name of the author? Yes, world renowned
someone who is involved in publication scientist Jagdish Chandra Bose is the author of this
of books. science fiction story!

Science Fiction!

If you can find someone of such kind or a librarian who knows a lot about
books, you can ask him how to write a book or magazine together, how to edit,
proofread, and how to publish a book after preparing the cover and binding.
Besides, talk to your friends about why you like a particular book or what you like
about a book. Ask other friends why they like a particular book. It is important
to keep these things in mind while publishing your own books.
Now think about what kind of content is usually found in science fiction story
or book; in what kind of context the story of this genre is written. Talk to your
friends and see what they think.
If you wish to read a book of another friend, then borrow the book with his
permission. If someone else wants to read your book, you can also give it to him/
her. In this way, in the first session, finish your activity of exchanging books and
discussing the content of books.

Session Two
After the first session, you must have
got an idea about the publication of
books or magazines. Now it’s time to
do our own work. A book containing
your own science fiction stories will
be published. You must have already
got some idea about what the contents
or subjects of science fiction novels are like.
There are many things that you can choose as
the subject of your story. You can think of
the ideas of stories about what the world
Aliens are one of the
will be like in the future, what is the future
of the universe, what would it be like if you favourite subjects of science fiction writers.

press a time machine and go to the past or Numerous science fiction stories, novels, and

the future. Even aliens can be the subject of movies have been created around the world
your story. But there is one condition, that featuring these aliens, and their spaceships
is, even if it is science fiction, it must have
logic. In other words, even if your story is fictional, it cannot be presented with
Pankhiraj horse or two-headed monster as done in fairy tales. Even if it is science
fiction, scientific theory and data must be used correctly while writing the story.
Since everyone in the class will publish the book together, everyone’s participation

is important. To do the work in an organized way, first divide yourselves into

several groups. Now write down who are the members of your team in Table-1.
Decide a name for your team by discussing with all the team members. Fill in the
work column in Table-1 based on who will do what type of work (e.g. writing,
painting, decoration/illustration, etc.).

Name of the Names of the Members Work


There should again be a separate committee consisting of representatives of all

teams whose task would be to edit the entire book. Have you understood the
meaning of editing? After all the writings of all teams have been submitted, the
task of this group will be to correct them, to arrange them in order, and to
proof-read the spelling mistakes. That means, gathering the writings of all groups
to form a complete book and correcting the mistakes. Similarly, there will be a
publication committee who will manage the cover, drawing, printing, binding etc.
to give the final shape of the book. These Editorial and Publication Committees
will include one elected representative from each team.
Science Fiction!
All members of your team should vote
together to select the representative
members from your team for the editorial
and publication committees. In this way,
select an editorial committee with one
editor representative from each team and
a publication committee with one publisher
This time, understand from the teacher
what the task is and how to do it. The
teacher will ask you to read different types
of science fiction stories and novels, and to
watch movies or documentaries which you
will read and watch on your own initiative.
Besides, you can again discuss the books that
you exchanged among yourselves in the first
The Editorial and Publication Committees will In 1901, the famous science fiction writer H. G.
fix the deadlines for various stages of book Wells wrote this book, 'The First Man on the
publication by discussing with others. Take Moon'. It seemed fictional then, but now we know
notes of the dates in table-2. that many years after the publication of this
book, man actually set foot on the moon!


Steps Deadline Remarks


Before starting to write a science fiction story, you need to get the idea of the
story. For that purpose, the Earth and Universe chapter of the ‘Investigative
Study’ book will help you. From this chapter, you can learn many new things-
how the universe was created, what the universe is made of, stars, galaxies, black
holes, big bang. And while thinking about these things, the idea of the story can
also come to your mind. Moreover, since it has been said at the beginning that
in the case of scientific information, wrong information cannot be given. So it
is better to know some things in advance. Before the next session, you will read
this chapter carefully as homework.

Session Three
At the beginning of this session, sit with your respective groups. Since you have
already read the Earth and Universe chapter from home, now discuss it among
yourselves. If you haven’t read it, you can read it during the discussion.
If you face difficulty to understand any part, take the help of the teacher. The
teacher may not have the answer to some of the questions. In that case, note
down the questions, so that everyone, including the teacher, can find the answer
to this question later.

Now write the answers to the following questions-

ÂWhich fact about the creation of the universe do you find most surprising?

Science Fiction!


ÂWhich new words and meanings have you learnt from this chapter?


ÂOn what basis has human thinking about the concept of the universe
changed over time?


ÂHave you ever noticed carefully the night sky yourself? Do you find any
relationship between your observation and the rotation of the earth around
the sun, other planets in the solar system, constellations and galaxies, etc.?



Brainstorm the plot of the story from your team through discussion with the
team. One story from each group will be included in the book. So decide together
what kind of story it might be. After thinking about the main idea of the story,
check yourself carefully to see if any deviation of scientific data has occurred. If
there are multiple ideas, discuss and decide the final idea.
When the idea is finalized, present it to the other teams. Take note of the
feedback that other team members will give- it will enrich your stories. And
when other teams will present their story ideas, all members from your group
will check those together. During this checking, two things should be kept in
mind - whether the story is original and whether there is correct and appropriate
use of scientific knowledge.

If the number of students in your class is large, instead of presenting your idea
to everyone, sit together in two groups. There one group will check the ideas of
the other group.

Write the answers to the following questions based on the story ideas of the
other group that you have had the opportunity to explore-

ÂWhat is the context and main content/theme of the story?

Science Fiction!


ÂWhat scientific knowledge has been used or what scientific facts have been
mentioned in this science fiction story?


ÂWhat scientific facts do you think are misrepresented in this story? What
is it and why do you think so?

Discuss in your team and think whether you want to make any change in the
story according to the other team’s opinion; then finalize the idea. Discuss among
yourselves and make a plan how you will complete the writing and drawing tasks
within the allocated deadline.

Session Four
You can do the story writing in the classroom or at home. Discuss and organize
the story together, then one of the team members should take the responsibility
and write it.

Write down a summary of the story below as your own note-

Science Fiction!


The one who is good at drawing in the group, must have been given the
responsibility of drawing or illustration with the story? Others can help this artist
with ideas of what kind of pictures can be drawn with the story.
Complete the writing and drawing within the allocated time and submit it to the
editing committee.
The members of the editing committee will edit and finalize the writings of any
other team except their own. Proofreading can be done by one or more members
who are skilled at correcting spelling errors.
After editing and proofreading the stories submitted by all groups, one of you
should take the responsibility and collect all the writings and give them to the
publication committee.
The publication committee will do the necessary work for the final publication
of the book. Stories can be composed, if possible. Or if that is difficult to do, the
book can be finalized by hand writing. In this case, the stories can be rewritten
in the book format by one or more members in your class who have neat and
clean handwriting. The publication committee will also decide how the images
and illustrations from all teams will be incorporated into the book. In addition,
the pages at the beginning of the book including the inner cover, printer’s line,
index etc. will also be prepared. If necessary, take another look at the previously
seen story books.
Have you thought about what the name of the book will be? All the class discuss
and suggest what the name could be; vote together and finalize a name.
One or more students from your class can take responsibility for drawing the
Then it’s time to bind the book. Does anyone in your class know how to bind
books? In that case, the rest of the students can learn book binding techniques
from him or them. If that is not possible, you should take the help of a parent
of any of your classmate, a teacher or other staff, or a professional bookbinder.
After learning the work, the members of the publication committee will bind the

Science Fiction!
book like a real book.
Has the binding been done? Now a real book has been published with your own
stories, drawings, and it has been published by yourselves! Have you thought
what an extraordinary thing it is?
In this session, everyone will discuss and decide on a date on which you would
like to hold a book release party where your self-published book will be unveiled.
Also plan how and when to organize this publication festival. But make sure that
this festival is not going to be expensive in any way.
If you want, you can also make invitations using coloured paper, colours etc.
which you can give to the guests of your event.

Session Five
After unveiling your book at the publication festival with invited guests, you can
read or present selected excerpts from it.

The group members can give feedback to other groups by reading their writings.

Finally, place the book in the school library or in your classroom, if you have a
bookshelf so that students from other classes can also read it. Your teacher can
scan this book and save it in ebook format so that more people can read it.

Have you read all the stories in the whole book? Which story did you like best
(except your own team’s story, of course)? Write a summary of your favorite
story below. Based on this story, write the answers to the following questions-

ÂSynopsis of the story-



ÂWhat scientific knowledge is used in this science fiction story or what

scientific facts are mentioned?


ÂWhat have you liked most about this story? Why?


In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!
No one in the world has ever seen a dinosaur. Still, we know a lot about
this amazing prehistoric creature. Must you also have a lot of curiosity?
Everything we know about dinosaurs comes from fossilized dinosaur
bones that scientists have discovered. And these bones were found in
different rock layers on the surface. So through this experience, you will
learn about dinosaurs and various types of rocks and rock formations.

Session One

You have heard the name of dinosaurs in newspapers, movies, and various places
in books. The dinosaurs that once ruled the earth became extinct six and a half
billion years ago. But then, how do we know so much about dinosaurs? You know
a lot about which dinosaurs were from which period, their size, what they ate,
etc.! Let's refine the previous ideas.
Try to answer when the teacher asks you what you know about dinosaurs.

The teacher will show you pictures of different types of dinosaurs and ask you
about those dinosaurs. If you already know, then share the information.

Below are some pictures of dinosaurs. If you know those dinosaurs'
names and behavior characteristics, write them down. Remember that all
the images of dinosaurs you see, including those given here, are imaginary!
Scientists have drawn pictures based on imagination observing their bones.

If you don't know about dinosaurs before, fill in the following cards by
listening to the information shown or told by the teacher.

Name: Name:
Information: Information:

In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!

Name: Name:
Information: Information:

Name: Name:
Information: Information:


As mentioned earlier, we know about these prehistoric animals from their bones.
But how did we know so much information from bones? Present your ideas to
the class.

Look closely at the

next picture. It is
a picture of fossils.
Bones of different
kinds of animals
are found inside
old stones or rocks,
which are called
fossils. By examining
these fossils,
scientists have
obtained information about the world and animals dating back millions of years.

Home Task

Look at the pictures of the fossils below, and by imagination, draw the image of
the organism in the blank box next to it.

In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!

Session Two

In the last session, you came to know about 'Fossils'. In this session, you will
learn about fossils and rock formation. In simple words, any trace of a plant or
animal in a rock or stone is a fossil. Look carefully at the picture below-


Somewhere the carcass (dead body) of prehistoric animals may have been buried
in the soft alluvium. Gradually its soft flesh decomposed. But the bones did not
get destroyed even after a long time. These bones were carefully covered with
layers of mud. And as the soft alluvium gradually turned into hard rock, those
bones or marks survived as permanent signs on the stone. These bones or marks
are fossils.

Maybe one day, an earthquake or another caused the rock to come out from
under the sea, and dry soil appeared. Then the hard rock layer was washed away
by river and rainwater. And that skeleton, trapped under the rock for ages, came
out one day. Someone discovered that fossil one day, and by examining it, people
found out how many years ago that organism was of, what its shape was, etc.

Then you must understand that fossils have an important relationship with the
type and structure of the rock. So this time, let's know about rocks.

Now carefully read the structure and use of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
rocks from the chapter 'Different types of rocks' in the Investigative study book.

If there is any difficulty in understanding or a question, ask the teacher to clarify
the idea.

Now, Tell me, what kind of rock can dinosaur fossils be found in?

In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!
After reading, discuss in pairs with the classmate next to you and fill in the table

Rock type How is it formed? Characteristics Usage




Note carefully the type

of rock that you see in
the picture. Can you
guess what kind of rock
it is by looking at the
arrangement of layers on
the rock?


Home Task

Identify rocks based on physical and chemical properties and write the constituents
of rocks in the table below.

Rock type Identification based on physical Constituents of rocks

and chemical properties



Session Three

You have learned a lot about rocks and fossils. What is the probability of finding
dinosaur fossils in Bangladesh? Before going into that debate, let's find out where
dinosaur fossils have been found in the world. And how was Bangladesh, the
world's largest delta, created?

Look closely at the map of the world on the next page. Dinosaur fossils were
more abundant in the areas marked with red dots. But remember, when dinosaurs
roamed the earth, the world map did not look like this at all!
In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!

North Asia
America Europe

Pacific Pacific
Sea Africa Sea
America Indian
Sea Australia


The map of the mid-Jurassic period, dated back to 170 million years, is shown
below. Notice carefully where the present Indian Subcontinent was!





India Tethys



Then the question must have come to mind, how did the Indian continent come
to its present state? How was the world's largest delta, Bangladesh, created?
In the chapter 'Earth Surface and Plate Tectonics Theory,' you have learned about
continental plate movement. Some questions were answered there. Now let's
know more about the creation of the Bengal delta.
Even 50 million years ago, the Bengal delta did not exist. The northern and eastern
parts of present-day Bangladesh were all under the sea. And there was no trace of
South Bengal. Eighteen million years ago, the journey to the Bengal delta started
from Gondwanaland. Gondwanaland began a rift among India, Antarctica, and
Australia. And in these rifted plates, an ocean was created. The Bengal delta was
formed over billions of years by the accumulation of sediments on the coast of
the Indian Plate. On the other hand, the Indian Plate repeatedly collided with the
Eurasian Plate to form the Himalayas. A large amount of water washed from the
Gangotri glacier in the Himalayas flew down the Ganges and began accumulating
in the Bengal basin. And this part of Bangladesh started to fill up. The modern
Bengal delta took its present shape about 1.5 million years ago.


Equator Pa n Equator


About 25 crore yrears ago 15 crore yrears ago

North North Europe

America America Asia
Equator Equator
Africa South
South America
America India Australia
Antarctica Antarctica

10 crore yrears ago Present

Now let's come to the main debate. After knowing so much information, what do

In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!
you think? Is there a possibility of finding dinosaur fossils in Bangladesh? Write
reasons in support of your answer in the space below.


Satellite image of the

Bengal delta


Home Task

You can make your own fossil model

by boiling the fish in clay or plaster
of Paris (used to bandage broken
hand legs. Available at drugstores)
using a little water and imprinting
it on the clay after removing the
flesh and separating the entire
bone. Apart from fish bones, animal
footprints, snails, mussels, and even
leaf veins can be used to make fossil Fossils of the marks of trilobites: These animals ruled
models. Bring it to the next session the earth long before the emergence of dinosaurs,
to show it to others. approximately 52 to 25 million years ago.

Collect the Investigative Study book of Science in class six and re-read the section
'Land Forms of Bangladesh'. It will help you in the next session.

Session Four

Arrange the fossil models you made at home and bring them to class on a bench
or table so that everyone can see them.
After watching, come to your seat and read the section on the roles of force
and energy in forming rocks and minerals, various minerals and ores from the
Investigative study book, and discuss with the classmate next to you.
During the discussion, also share the part that you have read about the landforms
of Bangladesh from the Investigative study book of class six.
Now look carefully at the pictures on the next
page and guess what kind of rock is most likely
associated with the picture of landforms and
At the end of the discussion, briefly write your
thoughts and arguments in favour of the answer
in the blank space.
In Search of Dinosaur Fossils!

Rock type: Rock type:

Rock type: Rock type:


Discuss the similarities and differences between the landforms in the pictures and
the landforms of Bangladesh in pairs with your classmates and write them in the
blank space below.


Factory of Digestion
Have you ever seen how different factories work? In the factory, different workers
use different machines to complete the entire work step by step. In the same way,
the different parts of our digestive system complete the whole process of digestion
starting from eating food to excreting waste at the end of digestion step by step.
Come on! Let’s take a tour of the digestive factory through this learning experience.

Session One

Almost all of you have probably bought juice from shops. But have you ever
wondered how juice is made in a factory? Who has contributed to make the juice?
In preparing ripe mango juice, from the mango tree to the bottle, we have to go
through many steps before getting it.
Let's have a basic idea of how juice is made in a juice factory-
ÂRipe mangoes are collected from the trees and taken to the factory where
they are washed and sorted.

Factory of Digestion
ÂAfter these two tasks, they are made into pulp by a grinding machine.
ÂJuice is made by mixing various chemicals in the pulp.
ÂAfter bottling and labeling, the packaging is done by another group of
ÂFinally, another group of people take the juices out of the factory after
packaging and sends them to different stores from where we buy and eat.

Now, think about how does our body use different types of food we eat?

Can the cells of our body use those foods

directly? Or does it break down the foods
and extract some of such ingredients
that provide the body with energy and

Let us know the answers of these

questions by reading the Digestive
System chapter of the investigative

Now, think carefully and

search if you can find
any similarities between
the various parts of the
human digestive system
and the juice factory.

Think of it, like fruits

in a factory enter by a
car, foods enter through
the mouth; travels
through the pharynx
like a conveyor belt
and breaks into pieces
in the stomach like
a crusher. Can it be
thought in this way?

Learn the names and


functions of the various parts and organs of the digestive system from the
investigative study. If you face difficulty in understanding, ask the teacher to
clarify the concept.

Now use your imagination and draw a picture of a factory using the pictures of
the organs of the digestive system.

Re-read the investigative study's digestive system and glands section well at
home before coming.

Factory of Digestion

Session Two

You must have read the investigative study's digestive system and glands section
well from home. In this session, you will prepare to act out the problems of the
digestive organs and systems.

Now divide into groups according to the teacher's instruction. Each group will
have 7 students. Everyone will act out the entire digestive system. Write the
names of the seven parts or organs of the digestive system on paper and choose
each one by lottery. Write down who will play which role in the chart below-

Names of the seven parts or The person who will act out from your
organs of the digestive system group
Oral fissure

Oral cavity




Small intestine

Large intestine

Well, can you tell the name of the organ which is left out? (Instead of playing the
role of this organ, it is ok to use a dustbin.) Write the name of the organ below.


Now it's time to prepare for acting. Draw some foods on paper. Be prepared
to demonstrate in a group role how an organ or part of the digestive system
processes food and transports it to the next part. By lottery, any one or two
from the whole class will also talk about digestive glands and their functions. So,
prepare for that too.

Session Three
You must have taken preparation for today's session.
Now you have to act out with your group members how each part of the digestive
system processes food and delivers it to the next part. Every two teams have to
face each other. Both teams will act out the process of digestion by turn. The
other group will watch the act and try to guess which member of the group is
playing the role of which organ or part by looking at the sequence of steps in
the digestion of food.
Now, through lottery, the teacher will call one member of each category from all
the groups who played the role of these 7 organs or parts. Those who have been
named in the lottery for these 7 roles from mouth to large intestine, will talk
about their location, structure and function in the digestive system one by one.
So decide beforehand what dialogue to give by discussing with the person next to
you. Finally, through lottery, any one or two from the whole class will also talk
about digestive glands and their functions.
Think about it, if a group of factory workers are absent or removed, will the
factory run properly? Will the product be manufactured? In the same way, what
problems can occur if any part of the digestive system does not work properly?
Give your opinion after a group discussion.

Session Four

A structure was required in the first place to construct your school building.
The structure is made of strong iron or steel rods in brick-built buildings. The
structure of a thatched or semi-brick building is made of bamboo, wood, or iron
You will find the similarity of this example with our body. Like a schoolhouse,
our body also has a structure. The human body has structure. In this session, we
will learn about that structure today.
So, read the skeleton section first from the investigative study.
If you have any questions, ask the teacher to clarify the concept.
Now divide into 7/8 groups and draw the fragmented pieces (as shown in the
picture) one by one in each group on a hard board or paper.
After drawing, cut along the edges of the parts and submit.
Factory of Digestion


A representative from each team will come and solve the puzzle to form the
entire skeletal system. Note down which team is taking how much time to solve
the puzzle.
Make a model of a human skeleton at home using match sticks or jute sticks.
You can also distinguish their types using different colors on different bones and

Do you have any factory experience in your area? Can you find any similarities
between the various functions of this factory with the organs of the digestive
system? Write your thoughts below.


Due to which habits or unconsciousness the work of the digestive system can be
disturbed according to you?


Adverse Nature
We are the children of nature. But what to do when that nature becomes adverse?
Why do disasters happen, what are the types of disasters, and what should be done
during a disaster? This discussion is about these issues.

Session One

In this session, you will discuss on your own what natural disasters occur in
your area. You will also discuss what natural disasters occur at what time of the
year. You will do this by discussing in groups. Form groups consisting of five/
six people.
Discuss in groups and make a list of natural disasters that occur in your area.
Discuss in groups and complete the table below.

Natural disasters that The time of year it In your opinion, the other parts
occur in your area takes place of the country where these
disasters are seen

Find out if there is any folktale in your area about these disasters, their reasons,
and how to survive them. For this, two of the team members will take responsibility
for a single disaster. If the number of disasters in the list is long, each one of
the team will take responsibility for one disaster. But remember that no disaster
should be left out. If two people take responsibility together, take it in such a
way that you can work together.
If one/two take responsibility together, decide whom of the family and neighbors
to go to gather information about the disaster. Information will be collected from
father, mother and several elderly persons of the neighbourhood.
Adverse Nature

Collect information from family and neighbors outside of class as homework. Use
the table below to collect the data. You can also make a chart on a separate
sheet of paper.

Title of Name of the Why does If there is If there is any

the natural information this natural any folktale folktale related
disaster you provider and disaster related to this to the survival
are responsible relation happen? disaster- from of this
for disaster


Session Two
You have collected information about various natural disasters. You have received
various information about natural disasters from different people. Sit in the
previous group to analyze the data.
Different members of the team collected information about different natural
disasters. Discuss the information obtained about all the disasters. You have got
various folktales about disasters. Put them all together and write them in the
table below. Add your own opinion here. At this time, read the section 'Different
geo-natural disasters in Bangladesh and Asia region' from the ninth chapter of
the investigative study book.

What time of the year and Local folktales about disaster

why do disasters occur

Adverse Nature




Session Three
Share your decisions in group discussions with the rest of the class. Present from
the investigative study book or by writing on poster paper.
Take the opinion of other groups at the end of one group's presentation. Do so
if you feel it necessary to add any new point as a cause of the natural disaster.
In this way, present the work of all groups and gain an understanding of the
cause of the disaster.

Session Four

In this session, you will try to guess the natural disasters that occur in different
regions of the world.

Arrange a globe with the help of the teacher.

Observe the position of different countries of the world by looking at the globe.
Observe especially the land formation and sea position. Imagine the position of
the sun relative to different regions of the Earth. Consider the rotation speed and
revolution speed of the Earth.

Every one of your class altogether guess which natural disaster occurs in which
part of the world and analyze the causes. Complete the following table together.
At this time, read the section 'Different geo-natural disasters in Bangladesh and
Asia region' from the ninth chapter of the investigative study book.

Natural The regions where these The reasons of the disasters thought by
Disaster occur you


Adverse Nature


Tidal Bore







Sessions Five and Six

You have analyzed natural disasters and their causes in your respective areas and
in different parts of the world. Now decide from group discussion what you must
do to face the disasters.
Present the group decision in front of all the other students. Get feedback from
others and write what to do in the exercise book. At this time, read the section
'Different geo-natural disasters in Bangladesh and Asia region' from the ninth
chapter of the investigative study book.
Things to be done to face the disasters.

Adverse Nature
You have figured out what to do as a team to deal with the disasters. Develop a
plan to make other students in the school and community aware of this matter.
You can make posters and banners with the ‘things to do’ and hang them in
different places of the school. You can arrange a rally or take any other decision
you like.
Choose a place to hang posters and banners that can be seen by school students
as well as community members.
The plan to create awareness among other students in the school and the
community must be done by all the team members. Some will make posters;
some will make banners; some will select the venue etc.


Session Seven

Discuss in groups how natural disasters affect living and non-living elements. At
this time read the section 'Effects of geo-natural phenomena on living and non-
living elements' from Chapter 9 of the investigative study book. Here you have
to consider the natural disasters of your area with importance.

Write in the form of bullet points in the table below what kind of effect a disaster
has on living and non-living elements.

Natural disaster Effects on living and non-living elements

Share your group discussions and group decisions with other groups. Accept
feedback from other groups and modify your group decisions if needed. Present
the works of all groups similarly.
Adverse Nature

How did you feel doing these works of experiences?


How do you think awareness programs among other school students and
community members can contribute to reducing natural disasters?


Did any of the tasks seem challenging? How did you deal with the challenge?





Give Your Opinion

Learners, you do a lot of work with your classmates at different times every day
in and out of your school like sports, education or any adventure. What if you
are asked to comment on how your classmates participate in different activities?
The method for how you will give your opinion is given in the following two
tables (1.1 and 1.2).Using this you will give feedback in Table-3. Let Table- 2 be a
mystery to you now. As you grow older, you will discover it for yourself.
Table-1: Your classmate working in groups or in pairs
1.1: What your classmates do in group or in pair work

What He did He did it as He did it as He did it as He did it as
he it as the the teacher the teacher the teacher the teacher
does teacher told him. told him. told him. told him.
or has told him.
and and and and
He said what He said He said what He said what
he thought. what he he thought. he thought.
and and
He listened He listened
He listened attentively attentively to
attentively to what we what we said.
to what we said.
He asked
He asked questions.
He answered
my or our


1.2: Your classmate's work sharing in groups or in pairs

What He did his He did his He did his He did his He did his
he part prop- part prop- part prop- part prop- part prop-
does erly. erly. erly. erly. erly.
or has
done and and and and
He has done He has done He has done He has done
the work the work the work the work
sharing with sharing with sharing with sharing with
me and all me and all me and all me and all
of us. of us. of us. of us.
and and and
If I or we If I or we If I or we
told him of told him of told him of
his mistake, his mistake, his mistake,
he has ad- he has ad- he has ad-
mitted it. mitted it. mitted it.
and and
If someone If someone
else made else made
a mistake, a mistake,
he stated it he stated it
well. well.
He explained
well why he
or others did
It is very easy to complete Table-3:

First write down the roll number of the person you want to comment on. Then
write down the date you want to give feedback for the work. Now look or think
of his works. As you can see from the 1.1 table above, there are several options
‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, and ‘E’ to understand the role of the pair or the group. Think
about what your classmate's role was in this case, and decide which of the five
options would work best for him or her.

In column 1.1 of Table 3, place your opinion along the roll number of your
classmate, i.e. which one of 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E' seems to be correct. In the same
way, decide on how your classmate has worked in a group or a pair according to
your decision from Table 1.2 and place it along the roll number in column 1.2.It
is up to you to decide whether you will show your opinion to your classmate or
not. Can you do it right?

Table-3: Your opinion about the role of your classmate in different tasks

Look at Tables 1.1 and

1.2 and give your opin-
Classmate’s roll ion accordingly (‘A’, ‘B’,
number ‘C’, ‘D’, Or ‘E’)
1.1 1.2

Academic Year 2023
Class Seven Science


For free distribution by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

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