Iesba Noclar Fact Sheet
Iesba Noclar Fact Sheet
Iesba Noclar Fact Sheet
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The standard will stimulate greater accountability among organizations,
help protect stakeholders and the general public from substantial harm
As a set of ethical standards resulting from violation of laws and regulations, and strengthen the
with global reach, the IESBA reputation of the profession (see Outcomes on next page).
Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants (the Code) plays
a unique role in supporting This is the first time accountants have been permitted to set aside the
the accountancy profession in duty of confidentiality under the Code in order to disclose NOCLAR to
acting in the public interest. appropriate public authorities in certain circumstances.
• Clarifies that turning a blind Stimulates PAs to take a proactive role • Enables the profession to play a
eye to potential NOCLAR is not in responding to NOCLAR, which can greater role in the fight against
an appropriate response from lead to: significant NOCLAR, such as
professional accountants, while • an earlier response by management financial fraud, money laundering,
placing renewed emphasis on or those charged with governance, and corruption
the roles of management and thereby mitigating adverse • Enhances the profession’s
those charged with governance in consequences for stakeholders and reputation as a guardrail for
addressing the matter the general public trustworthy organizations and a
• Increases awareness and • deterring potential NOCLAR, healthy global financial system
understanding among PAs of their thereby helping to lower rates of
legal and regulatory responsibilities NOCLAR for the greater benefit of
when they face NOCLAR, thereby business and society
helping to stimulate increased
reporting of NOCLAR to public • timelier intervention from public
authorities pursuant to reporting authorities on reports of potential
requirements in law or regulation NOCLAR from PAs in appropriate
circumstances, thereby mitigating
any adverse consequences for
stakeholders and the general public
Those with whom PAs may raise NOCLAR matters will also be
directly affected—including those in management positions or on
boards of directors, and regulators or other public authorities.
• The IESBA alone cannot make a difference. All links in the financial reporting supply chain, especially
management and those charged with governance, have an important role to play in preventing and
bringing to light potential acts of NOCLAR.
• Governments, legislators, and regulators are uniquely placed to introduce or strengthen legislation or
regulation governing the reporting of NOCLAR, appropriately tailored to their national circumstances, including
establishing appropriate protections for whistle-blowers.
• National standard setters and professional accountancy organizations should review their national ethics
standards or codes of ethics and consider actions to adopt or promulgate provisions that are at least as robust as
the IESBA’s NOCLAR standard.
• Legislators, regulators, accounting firms, professional
accountancy organizations, academic institutions, and
other stakeholders should work toward helping PAs become
more aware of and better understand their legal, regulatory,
and ethical responsibilities regarding responding to NOCLAR.
• Regional and international organizations with an interest
or a role in ensuring that NOCLAR is addressed effectively can
stimulate dialogue, coordination, and progress on the topic.
• The IESBA encourages other professions to reflect on
this new standard of ethical conduct for the accountancy
profession and consider working toward a similarly global
standard of ethics for their members in the public interest.