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Are You Ready to Challenge the Toughest eC MRS Uys} Exam on the Planet? eis 6 PENT - Certified | Penetration Testing Professional CERTIFIED PENETRATION TESTING PROFESSIONAL GO BEYOND | KALI | AUTOMATED TOOLS FLAT CYBER RANGES What is the CPENT Course? Arigorous Pen Testing program that, unlike contemporary Pen Testing courses, teach- emote CoM a ccet mete ac M eae nc tego Coren ars marten aa Coten tre Occ otn oN aM a ole gs ROME geet eka ot alot aR aro etme Lomo eRe amc Moca Maer eee Maciocia Fete o ee Morte eect tote amare role Reale Rec atent Rees tate eel oo a nace ee occa ee ae Raea orl Mind the Gap ere Re gerer cea Mare erlang Told SVM ea elate Rela eee Rel aa rae deena eee aa te oe ma Maaco oe a an ae Perera Mfoter eto RelaN eg eer tant Nome de etal eretglaceetcre Pela Melons eoctelaa ao] erect eimai el oracle Rear ni aad That’s why, for the first time in the industry, the assessment for the Certified Penetration Tester (CPENT) is about multiple disciplines and not just one or two specialty types. > The course is presented through an enterprise network environment Pea ee once CNET RE Recaro Pa exe re keen aah Ne gO eee Ea ac Be ere et Re eet Ree oa Na coe aR eR a CS) NAM Reece Relea LM Meir Col 1 ot Lol) ae oa > The result of this is that there are different zones representing different Py Cee Ton PEA ta Rae Co Ceol ean aE oo ees these different zones The CPENT range, which is where our penetration testers gain re- al-world skills is designed to provide challenges across every level of the attack spectrum. Additionally, the range contains multiple layers of net- work segmentation, and once access is gained in one segment, the latest pivoting techniques are required to reach the next segment. Many of the challenges will require outside-the-box thinking and customiza- tion of scripts and exploits to get into the innermost segments of the network. The key to being a highly skilled penetration tester is to go up against various targets that are configured in a variety of ways. The CPENT consists of entire network segments that replicate an enterprise network — this is not a computer game simulation; this is an accurate representation of an enterprise network that will present the latest chal- lenges to the pen tester. Since the targets and technology continue to change, the CPENT is dynamic, and machines and defenses will be added as they are observed in the wild. Finally, the targets and seg- ments are progressive in nature. Once you get into one machine and or segment, the next one will challenge you even more. To train for the C/PENT challenge, £0-Coune has introduced the CPENT Program. The following are 12 reasons that make the CPENT Program one of its kind. This exceptional course can make you one of the most advanced penetration testers in the world. The course has one purpose: To help you overcome some of the most advanced obstacles that real-world practitioners face when conducting penetration tests. Here are some examples of the challenges you will face when you are exposed to the CPENT Range: 1. Advanced Windows Attacks BIE ola Rooter Cee Retna) ceo e gS Ea VR Ode a Coes nora Rao SOR Rea aN ot ge ge ine Rat eon oo Tar aN geCe aoc R Rove SIM oae tat Rel eRe eee Ree ecer tae Ma aoa eT Root cco Ries ered ae eet tre Vom TT Rm ON te Maly eee ona eto Poh eaee clea Matae kero ae ena taka eon 2. Attacking IOT Systems Mantas tot tt oe a MOM: (ceo Mt Ra ecole aaa nT) Frode eon gS Re Mena a ese oe Regan As Mego RRR aol a you must identify the firmware of the IOT device, extract it and then reverse engineer it. 3. Writing Exploits: Advanced Binaries Exploitation RiRe gr eure Conc Cocek ge cuca R coc aeRO ae ee Mine Maite CM Ree ee eR eee Rhine k a ee) eM nat a at an ae OAM R aa m ceo een el che Sem eaea eich oct orne The task is complicated and requires penetration from the perimeter to gain Eroeceen oaNe Seema a Melee teecmo i Nt a ate eee oie Ua era meca ie toa ea eT ee en yet Meo Ry me tater Mel acto Rear eiate Meters Reclama acre MR Recta ole anta basic protections of non-executable stacks. aaa RoR a eee CeCe Mel anda e aoe then discover a method to escalate privileges. This will require advanced skills in Pr RCINee Slice acre inet Rea aae es ticle ge Reogen eae kee ha iarcia} Peete nate ecm Be teMeae Mig RRM a tt eects Silane Rela e ctie la Fete ola tate Rectal ROM aC) oo ail Mga aN oe aol ater ls on ort and bypass system protections. Pa ee RoC’ Ri Re aN Reenter taRe nica eee cea ola Re ciate ee eae aaa eget een tl on Ennai vad Sete Rom te tren atc OM eee Nec ieee en kaa eel yeeros NRW Ta Reena ena Renae aaa ete ee Re cee tenn points. 5. Pentesting Operational Technology (OT) Asa first ina penetration testing certification, the CPENT contains a zone dedicat- Oe rl ecto \e Meee oma tee ca an ana na Ee rela eee Loe igi cocoon og OMA ole cal: Retntece a TCM al Vata coe ere aaar oe tote [kectace ta ROR Rega os a Re RON aa) com ols Prerole MRe Le ec Raa ame Ma cctrei a aC Moreh eRe tanta aloe FeresoaoRsorn aaa talent cian gt Rete tats Kerastase eee NA allele a i ol RL ah ole) foes eget eae ac oC oa oe mena en od Meant cate ace NN ees Rao acon eg RVR Rane) Fe atm aR arate Rte ook gota easter ea Re [rea eae ela gaol psa ora et occa ong Me aero ata Piate lot echo tatere Mean core eg EN etm tee ee er olaRe Meroe Regt ao Coe ete hel ocean oa] ERNE ar Con geeee cna earaaolat Rett eee Ma tara Re eo VA etre) Cole R oR eg Rec ale Soma oS als Maaco Ra aR oT oe eave ae ements old Mn eee eRe Rant ce oon (og nko neater tat Maratea eee) een eg R aac ee etn or eoseck aoe aman le aU eRe elite h 8. Privilege Escalation The latest methods of privilege escalation are covered as well as there will be chal- eae oR CISC CR ECR eee utclia cece CRC Recaro Rm cat iolah then break out of the limited shell and gain root/admin. 9. Evading Defense Mechanisms RU eTica aaa Rem oe Reo naa nene eke aoe Pele cman ke cgeecn ane tralian aes BOW arto eae Prepare for advanced penetration testing techniques/scripting with seven eee eet ie hese tata Rn na a Eales anes IIT Rol a CARN oT Sal Coa stood orton rele UCoh oT Raa aN Reet ate Renter Tae R aod eae rlletate ey ceca ce RR OVER oM Ro Nia cecli ee Nee noe RC sCoacy foe Ne Ra ere eae Re CR ed atta) Teoma Re eae taereacl

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