How To Write A Comparison and Contrast Essay
How To Write A Comparison and Contrast Essay
How To Write A Comparison and Contrast Essay
Crafting an essay on the intricacies of composing a comparison and contrast essay presents a
multifaceted challenge. The difficulty lies not only in conveying the fundamental principles of this
particular genre but also in striking a delicate balance between clarity and complexity. One must
navigate through the intricacies of elucidating the nuances of comparison and contrast, ensuring a
coherent and logical flow of ideas.
Firstly, there is the daunting task of demystifying the core elements that constitute a successful
comparison and contrast essay. The writer must delve into the art of juxtaposing two or more
subjects, drawing parallels, and highlighting distinctions. It demands a profound understanding of
the subjects at hand, as well as the ability to discern subtle differences that might elude a cursory
Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the intricacies of language and expression. Balancing
conciseness with elaboration poses a perpetual challenge. Effective communication of ideas requires
a deft touch – too verbose, and the essay becomes cumbersome; too succinct, and the depth of
analysis may be compromised.
As if these challenges weren't enough, the demand for originality adds another layer of complexity.
Avoiding clichés and predictable comparisons is a constant battle, urging the writer to approach the
task with a fresh perspective and innovative insights.
In conclusion, the difficulty of composing an essay on "How To Write A Comparison And Contrast
Essay" lies not just in the technicalities of the subject matter, but in the nuanced dance of language,
structure, and originality. It is an endeavor that demands intellectual prowess, analytical acumen, and
a keen awareness of the intricate dynamics between subjects. For those seeking guidance or wishing
to delegate such a task, assistance can be sought from platforms like , where a
wealth of essays and related services are readily available.
How To Write A Comparison And Contrast EssayHow To Write A Comparison And Contrast Essay
The Concept Of Product Differentiation
These days, it can commonly be seen that many companies start offering customers the
same products and services. Particularly, when it is likely that those products and
services are in such high demand. For customers, this is a good value for them to have
more options on selecting their most preferable and quality product. In consequence, this
circumstance will encourage more competitive of trade in those products and services
markets. Therefore, the most challenging work for emerging company is to consider how
to make their own products preferred by most consumers. It may seem pointless to
endeavour to compete in such environment. However, it still can be seen that many
companies often do come into the marketplace and eventually succeed in selling products
and services because they learned how to make their products and services become
outstanding and unique than the others. We called this kind of practice as product
differentiation. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the key concept of product
differentiation used in today s market. Firstly, I will discuss on the concept of product
differentiation, how it can be applied to products and services as a market strategy with
reference to some literature reviews. Then I will move on doing a critical study on the
use of quality offering in differentiation market. I am going to analyse how the company
uses market segmentation as a way to approach to different types of customers. Finally, I
will end by explaining more
Chapter 37 Of Ezekiel
The book of Ezekiel is based on the story of the priest, Ezekiel and his ministry to the
Israelites in exile. Ezekiel preaches about God s presence and how God is still
involved while they are in exile. We hear about the restoration of Israel to a great
nation and how the people will know that I am the Lord . Chapter 37 of Ezekiel is
about a vision Ezekiel had. Ezekiel lands in the middle of a valley of dry bones. God
asks him whether the dry bones can live, and the obvious answer is no. he is told to
prophesy to the bones and to tell them the word of the Lord. When Ezekiel prophesies
to the bones they develop flesh and skin. They return to life and as I prophesied, there
was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together (vs. 7). He then is told
to prophesy to the whole house of Israel. Israel is told that their hope is lost and they are
cut... Show more content on ...
They, because of their sin, have been punished and have no hope. They are dead, dried
out bones. Despite their constant sin and evil doing, they will be recalled to life. The
people will experience the glory of the Lord like they have not seen it in the past. He
will breath and the people will come back to life. The glory of the Lord is powerful
enough to save the people from their captors. God will restore the people and make
his name exalted. Similar to chapter 36, where the people are told there will be a
cleansing of the nation and a new covenant, God will put his people back to where
they belong. The people are once again shown to not be useful in this restoration, all
the work will becuase of God, they can do nothing. God will breath and restore his
people, they people themselves continue to sin. God will put in them a new heart and
spirit, he will deliver them from their uncleanliness (Chapter. 36), the people will do
nothing. Chapter 36 and 37 show the Glory of the Lord by the promises of post exilic
Persuasive Essay On Cedar Lake Dnr
Cedar Lake has been known for years to be a swamp of pestilence that many are afraid
to touch, and for good reason. The Factories that surround the lake used to dispose of
their waste directly into the water. Most of the chemicals are no longer in the water
system, and the water quality is now good enough to harvest fish from the lake. The
problems faced now are sedimentation that has made the lake shallow, and people s
perception of the lake. The Iowa DNR working alongside the Friends of Cedar Lake
have a plan to deal with those issues, and make the lake a healthy center of outdoor
recreation for the city. Restoring, and improving the lake will give the people what they
People want to enjoy the outdoors, but many don t have the time or money to travel to
rural recreation areas. In The Hamburg Case Study, results showed that people felt
recreation areas within the city were more important (Boll, et al 5). There are many
variables, but driving for hours is not what most people want to do on their day off. That
is if all of the people can drive. Children would benefit most from having a place they can
go to enjoy the outdoors. If a nice lake is within walking distance, a Kid can ask to go to
the lake as easy as asking to go to the park after school. The people will be motivated to
get outside, and ... Show more content on ...
The first thing these people should see is a run down industrial area with some water
by it that doesn t look like much. In an article by Tim Smedley he discusses how being
by a body of water has a great impact on mental health, even more so than places like
woodlands or gardens. This means that the people who live here, and see that body of
water every day will show improved mental health even without using the lake directly.
Then when people drive through the city, they will not only see a beautiful lake that
makes them think highly of the city, but they will also have improved mental
Mexican War Expansion
The Mexican War was very helpful towards U.S expansion. At the time, the U.S was
pretty small. There were only 27 states before Texas joined them. At first, the U.S was
not excited about letting Texas become one with them, but after they learned that they
would be able to expand westward with Texas land, many more people wanted Texasto be
annexed into the U.S. Apparently, the belief of Manifest Destiny was stronger than any
of the doubts they had before including uneven slave states. Finally, in 1845, Texas was
officially annexed into the U.S. However, Mexicorefused to believe that Texas was an
independent nation, or that it had joined the U.S. They only though of Texas as a
rebellious territory. They thought that by annexing Texas, the U.S was taunting them into
war.... Show more content on ...
Polk strongly believe in the U.S s Manifest Destiny goal. In fact, he was the president
that got Texas annexed. But, Mexico did not want to believe that such a big part of
their land had practically been stolen from them. Another issue was deciding Texas
border. Mexico believed that Texas border was what it had always been, the Nueces
River. However, the U.S believed that the actual border of Texas was the Rio Grande
River. Almost like adding fuel to fire, James K. Polk made the situation a whole lot
worse when he sent diplomat John Slidell to offer Mexico $30 million for the
Mexican Cession. The Mexican Cession included parts of: California, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. Mexican officials never did meet up with Slidell, as they
were so offended, they did not even want to discuss the matter with the U.S. On April
25,846 Mexican troops attacked General Zachary Taylor, who was send with his troops
to the Mexican border. Taylor forced the Mexican troops to retreat. After 2 long year of
war, the U.S won. They then gave $15 million, half the original price, for the Mexican
Cession. While the U.S benefitted greatly, Mexico suffered a great
Term Paper on Managing Employee Resistance to Change
RESISTANCE TO CHANGE INTRODUCTION Employees resist change for a wide
variety of reasons, ranging from a straightforward intellectual disagreement over facts to
deep seated psychological prejudices. Some of these reasons for employee resistance
may include: * belief that the... Show more content on ...
We have identified four basic types of reaction to organizational change. Where do
your change recipients sit? Enthusiasts| These change recipients are intrinsically
wedded to the change idea. They may agree dispassionately that the change will be of
benefit to the organization, or they may stand to receive some personal gain from the
change, such as a guarantee of job security, more status or a higher salary. Enthusiasts
will use opportunities to broadcast approval for the change and will try to convince
others of its merits. They will also model the new behavior early and will volunteer for
membership of teams. These early adopters may also make good choices as trainers and
coaches during the implementation process.| Followers| Followers range from those that
are generally compliant, wishing to take the path of least resistance, to those that are
initially reticent to adapt, but eventually do so once they accept the inevitability of the
change. These change recipients will do what is required, but no more.| Objectors|
Objectors will display their resistance to change whenever the opportunity arises. They
may disrupt meetings, not attend training, take unapproved leave and refuse to carry out
instructions. Objectors will continue to use superseded systems and processes when
others are taking up the new ways of doing things. They are not averse to
As a Man Thinketh
As A Man Thinketh
by James Allen
This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an
exhaustive treatise on the much written upon subject of the power of thought. It is
suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the
discovery and perception of the truth that
by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master
weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance,
and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in
enlightenment and happiness.
Only by much searching and mining are gold an diamonds obtained, and man can find
every truth connected with his being if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul. And
that he is the maker of his character, the molder of his life, and the builder of his
destiny, he may unerringly prove: if he will watch, control, and alter his thoughts, tracing
their effects upon himself, upon others, and upon his life and circumstances; if he will
link cause and effect by patient practice and investigation, utilizing his every experience,
even to the most trivial, as a means of obtaining that knowledge of himself. In this
direction, as in no other, is the law absolute that He that seeketh findeth; and to him that
knocketh it shall be opened ; for only by patience, practice, and ceaseless importunity
can a man enter the Door of the Temple of Knowledge.
Chapter Two
Late Patients
Employees are to check with the physician if a patient is more than twenty (20) minutes
late. If the schedule for the rest of the patients will be affected, it may be necessary to
reschedule the patient. As a general rule we will try to accommodate patients who are
occasionally late.
Emergency Appointments
All emergency appointments will be seen as soon as possible. Acute emergencies and
accident patients will be seen immediately. After hours, the patients will be referred to
either the physician or the appropriate emergency health care facility.
Recall Appointments
All patients needing check ups should be scheduled as necessary. Employees should try
to schedule these check ups before the patient leaves. If this is not possible, schedule on
our calendar to call the patient for a return date.