Physical Activity Essay
Physical Activity Essay
Physical Activity Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of physical activity can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the subject but also in the
ability to convey the information in a compelling and coherent manner. Here are some aspects that
contribute to the complexity of such an essay:
1. Research Depth: Writing an effective essay on physical activity requires in-depth research to
gather relevant and accurate information. This might involve exploring scientific studies,
health journals, and authoritative sources to ensure the content is well-informed.
2. Diverse Perspectives: The topic of physical activity encompasses various aspects, such as its
impact on physical health, mental well-being, and social dynamics. Integrating these diverse
perspectives cohesively can be a challenge, requiring a nuanced approach to present a well-
rounded view.
3. Scientific Understanding: A strong grasp of scientific concepts related to exercise
physiology, anatomy, and health is essential. Communicating these ideas in a way that is
accessible to a general audience without oversimplifying or losing accuracy is a delicate
4. Motivational Tone: Depending on the purpose of the essay, motivating readers to engage in
physical activity may be a goal. Striking the right balance between informative content and
inspirational messaging can be difficult, as the tone must be persuasive without becoming
overly preachy.
5. Structural Organization: Arranging the information in a logical and coherent structure is
crucial for the essay's readability. Ensuring a smooth flow from introduction to conclusion,
while addressing different aspects of physical activity, requires careful planning and
Despite these challenges, delving into the intricacies of physical activity can be an enlightening
process. It allows the writer to explore the profound impact of exercise on various facets of life. The
effort put into overcoming these challenges is often rewarded with an essay that not only informs but
also inspires readers to embrace a more active lifestyle.
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with writing essays on
various topics, consider exploring professional writing services. Platforms like
provide an array of writing services, offering support for academic tasks and delivering well-crafted
essays tailored to your specific needs.
Physical Activity Essay Physical Activity Essay
Essay about Lasting African Conributions to American Society
This country, especially the southern United States, was built using African slave
labor. Africa slaves were not allowed to be educated. All most every African slave
could not read or write because it was against the law to educate slaves for over 200
years. The master/slave relationship caused assimilation to be very difficult. Values and
convictions were formed during those years and are still evident to this day (Parrillo,
2009). Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner at his Monticello property. At that time, about
20% of the new United Stateswere African slaves. Even though he owned approximately
600 slaves, he was a consistent opponent against slavery. Jefferson s slaves worked in the
fields, in the home and as skilled craftsman.... Show more content on ...
The Scott v. Sanford case helped solidify both sides that slavery could not coexist in
the United States (Cozzens, 1999). In early civil rights arguments, the U.S. Supreme
Court heard the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson. Plessy was only 1/8th black and
arrested for sitting in the White car of the East Louisiana Railroad. The decision was
six to one upholding the Separate Car Act. The Plessy decision was the deciding factor
that as long as the amenities were equal for blacks and whites, separate but equal was
constitutional (Cozzens, 1999). Because of the master/slave relationship, African
Americans were seen as an inferior race. They had to put up with racism and
segregation, among other things. In order to be treated as equal citizens of this country,
they had to fight for their civil rights. From 1955 through 1968, African Americans
faced an up hill battle. It all really started on May 17, 1954 with the Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka, KS. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9 0 that it was harmful to
colored children to be segregated from white children in school. Plessy v. Ferguson
separate but equal was deemed unconstitutional. The court said that by separating the
races, it signifies that the Negro group was inferior. Then Rosa Parks refusal in giving
up her seat on a Montgomery, AL bus in 1955, which led to the Montgomery Bus
Boycott. With the help of Dr. Martin Luther King, the 382 day boycott succeeded in a
Recycling In America Essay
Americans make more than 200 million tons of garbage each year, enough to fill
Busch Stadium from top to bottom twice a day, that s over 1800 feet! according to
Ballparks. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 75% of the
American waste stream is recyclable, but we only recycle about 30% of it says Do
Something. With the invention of the virtually indestructible material well known as
plastic, on top of the rapidly evolving technological world, and the extreme reduction of
locations where landfills can be built, it s hard to believe that 75% of the wastestream in
America alone is recyclable, and yet only 30% of it is actually recycled. Recyclingis a
beneficial solution to many of our increasingly important environmental... Show more
content on ...
While being too focused on new, bright and shiny technological innovations, a lot of
people don t think about where their old obsolete technology goes or how it affects the
environment. Electronic waste (E waste) ...comprises electrical appliances such as
fridges, air conditioners, washing machines, microwave ovens, and fluorescent light
bulbs; and electronic products such as computers and accessories, mobile phones,
television sets and stereo equipment (Lundgren). Recycling electronic waste is
expensive, so many developing countries receive E waste from other countries (often
times illegally) to extract valuable materials from the electronics to be used for the
country s benefit. Although the country recycling this waste benefits from an economical
standpoint, the environmental and health standpoint isn t so lucky. ...rudimentary
recycling techniques coupled with the amounts of e waste processed have already
resulted in adverse environmental and human health impacts, including contaminated
soil and surface water (Lundgren). With an extreme lack in any sort of safety
regulations, poor workers are taken advantage of and suffer the most because ...workers
and communities are exposed to many highly toxic chemicals (Marko) and it s all
because Americans don t want to spend the money or take the time to properly recycle
these products. The
Ludwig Van Beethoven And The Romantic Era
In order to explore the career of Ludwig van Beethoven, and his bridging the gap
between the classical and romantic eras of music, this essay will examine the style of
music and its features, most commonly associated with the Classical era (1750 1820),
and those of the Romantic era (1815 1820) . It will look at some musical examples
from Beethoven s work, how they fit into each of the eras, and also how they
transition from one era to the next. Beethoven s career spans both eras mentioned
above, from his public debut in Vienna in 1795 to his death in 1827. This essay will
strive to explore the reasons why Beethoven is called a transitional composer. To begin
a discussion on the classical era, let us first look at some typical musical features of the
era and how Beethoven used and developed them in his works.... Show more content on ...
Looking at melody lines to begin with, composers in the romantic era tended to use
longer phrases which were more songlike. Melodies tended to lead to a climax or peak
and the use of chromaticism and expression increased. Beethoven s development of
expression was second to none, some of this possibly owing to the trauma that he
suffered, both as a boy, in the hands of his father, and as a man with his increasing
deafness and the unrequited love. Beethoven s music sets in motion the lever of fear, of
awe, of horror, of suffering, and wakens just that infinite longing which is the essence of
romanticism. Beethoven s symphony in C minor was mentioned earlier in this essay,
and was used to show features of the classical era. This symphony epitomises the
transition from classical to romantic as it contains the forward moving features of the
romantic era as well. The longer melody line climbs and climaxes and leads the listener
forward into the spirit of the