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Department of Management Studies (DoMS), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, IIT P.O, Chennai 600036, Tamil Nadu, India
Cities influence climate change since they consume large amounts of energy leading to higher carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions and environmental degradation. The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
hypothesis establishes that renewable energy consumption in India can significantly offset CO2
emissions. The application of the ‘‘Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF)’’ on the use of
renewable energy (RE) for electricity in 45 Indian cities under smart city mission and its results are
presented here. The analysis show that the penetration of RE in cities is low. Apart from electricity
generation within cities, the best performing ones could successfully harness RE from outside city limits
through regulatory incentives. The potential and strategies to harness more RE in cities is presented. The
challenges in higher RE adoption in cities and required policy recommendations are also discussed.
cities to be covered under the Smart Cities Mission (SCM). It is urban density higher the energy consumed for transportation,
estimated that Indian cities alone consume more than 70% of total as proved by the fact that CO2 emissions per capita drop with
primary energy supply in the country. In order to tackle urban the increase of urban population densities [11–13]. Similarly,
challenges in India, the National Mission on Sustainable Habitat through a city clustering algorithm, Gudipudi et al. [14] found
has been formed under the National Action Plan for Climate that by doubling the city density, the CO2 emission per capita due
Change (NAPCC) to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals to transportation and buildings’ energy use can be brought down
(SDGs). In part, the SCM under the Ministry of Housing and Urban by at least 42%. However, the literature points to less significant
Affairs (MoHUA) has been conceptualized and implemented in results between the two considering the relationship between
India. It serves to promote economic, social and environmental electricity consumption and urbanization. Lariviere and Lafrance
sustainability in Indian cities. This paper discusses ‘‘Climate Smart [15] studied Canadian cities’ electricity consumption per capita
Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF)’’ established under SCM and urban densities and found a less significant relationship
and implemented by National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), between them when compared to urban densities and gasoline
and analyzes renewable energy (RE) data of 45 cities for electricity use per capita. They concluded that local socio-economic factors
use in Indian cities and possible strategies to harness more RE in play a critical role in electricity consumption in cities.
the wider context of national and international co-operation and Urbanization in India has driven demand for modern fuels such
greater attention from researchers, urban planners, energy policy as LPG and electricity replacing inefficient and more polluting
and decision makers, smart city functionaries and private sector. kerosene and traditional fuels such as wood through consistent
policy actions. While urban and rural electrification is close to
2. Literature review 100% in India, per capita electricity consumption for better living
The literature is broadly reviewed for understanding the relation- standards is still a concern in urban areas. Considering urban load
ships among the urbanization phenomenon, urban energy use centers are away from centralized power plants, the electricity
particularly electricity and the associated carbon dioxide (CO2) needs get accentuated due to associated transmission and distri-
emissions, the role of RE in reducing CO2 emissions across differ- bution (T&D) losses.
ent nations including India and theoretical concepts and solutions
that are available for overcoming RE-grid integration challenges 2.2. Urbanization and CO2 emissions
that can result in higher RE for electricity use in cities. Literature points to mixed effects of urbanization and associated
carbon, particulate emissions. For example, there are inconclusive
2.1. Urbanization and energy use findings in literature about the CO2 emissions and urbanization
Govindarajan and Ganesh [9] through a morphological represen- relationship in the short and long runs as highlighted by Rahman
tation listed different energies that are demanded for various and Vu [16]. However, Pata [17] had earlier found a positive
applications by end users. For example, electricity is one of the relationship between urbanization and CO2 emissions in Turkey.
major energy requirements for urban centers due to its multiple Similarly, Liu and Bae [18] found a positive relationship between
degrees of freedom from running household mixers to industrial CO2 emissions per capita and urbanization in the long run for
furnaces. Globally, buildings are responsible for one-third of the China. However, Hossain [19] established that urbanization in the
energy related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and hence the long run had significant negative impacts on carbon emissions for
residential sector in cities has a crucial role to play in energy related certain countries like Philippines, South Africa and Thailand,
CO2 and other GHG emissions. According to United Nations (UN) positive significant relationship for Brazil, China, Turkey and
Habitat, cities consume 75 percent of energy worldwide and are India, and negative but not significant for Mexico. Similarly,
responsible for more than 70% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Gasimli et al. [20] found negative significant impact in the long
now [10]. run for Sri Lanka. Studies focused on urbanization and CO2 emis-
It is also widely accepted in the literature that economic activi- sions are limited in the Indian context in literature.
ties drive urbanization and energy demand. It is well established in
literature that there exists a relationship between urban densities 2.3. Urbanization, RE and CO2 emission
and energy consumed for transportation purposes: lower the While examining the data from five countries, viz., Argentina,
Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela, Koengkan et al. [21]
% population living in urban areas in India found a unidirectional relationship running from consumption of
40 RE and urbanization. The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
35 34 (Figure 2) hypothesis evaluates economic growth expressed in per
30 31.16
28.53 capita income and environmental pollution in per capita CO2
25 emissions [22]. EKC follows an inverted U-shape depicting the
increase in per capita income as per capita CO2 emissions increase
upto a maximum point after which the former starts to drop. The
10 11.4
relationship between RE consumption and CO2 emissions has
been studied in the context of the EKC hypothesis. Sulaiman
et al. [23] found that increase in RE consumption reduces per
1901 2001 2011 2017
capita CO2 emissions in the short and long run in Malaysia. Al-
FIGURE 1 Mulali et al. [24] studied Vietnam and found no significant effect
Urban Population as % of total population (India). of electricity consumption from RE on per capita CO2 emissions.
RESEARCH PAPER Renewable Energy Focus Volume 38 September 2021
Renewable Energy Focus Volume 38 September 2021 RESEARCH PAPER
fields. There are research papers whose methodologies focus only TABLE 2
on the energy or single other component and sub-component of Number of cities for final evaluation.
smart cities’ performance. For example, Calvillo et al. [46] stressed Tiers Number of cities for final evaluation
upon multiple elements while modeling urban energy systems,
Tier-1 15
including grid infrastructure. Arora [47] analyzed the financial Tier-2 13
sector development and financial services access in 18 cities Tier-3 17
named under SCM that addresses economical aspects of cities. Total 45
In this paper, the methodology adopted to assess the use of RE
under the CSCAF project is to evaluate the city’s electricity supply
and consumption data since a large part of the RE potential is
harnessed for generation of electricity in India. 2 Total energy consumption (KWH) in the city during the six-
For evaluation, the cities were divided into three tiers based on month assessment period.
population. The criteria for the tier classification and the number This measures the total electrical energy consumption in the
of cities that participated in each tier are as follows (Table 1). city for all type of loads such as residential, industrial, com-
The CSCAF’s objective was to build and analyze baseline data of mercial, municipal, etc.
cities and suggest suitable RE recommendations for the 96 cities 3 Total energy supplied (KWH) to the city from all grid connected
that participated in the evaluation process. The entire process RE sources during the six-month assessment period.
spanned over six months and involved more than 27 government Apart from generating and supplying RE within their city lim-
departments/organizations at the national, state and city levels. To its, cities can also supply such green power from outside city
facilitate cities to participate in the assessment, 8 cluster and 4 limits through transmission, wheeling and banking arrange-
regional workshops were conducted by the sector experts to build ments permitted under regulations issued by the respective
capacity in more than 300 state and city officials. Data collection state electricity regulatory commissions in the cities.
was done in a rigorous and time-bound manner to ensure that only 4 Total number of units (KWH) lost due to Aggregated Technical
relevant data and evidence were collected in order to avoid noise and Commercial (AT&C) losses during the six-month assess-
in the data set. The data from the cities were checked for com- ment period.
pleteness and relevance. If any additional data or evidence was AT&C loss reduction through government programs and
required for the purpose of evaluation, the same was sought from advanced technologies is becoming quite common in cities.
the cities in the interim phase of the project. An online portal was It is also an energy efficient way of delivering electric services by
designed for cities to collect data that was systematically checked utilities.
for correctness through timely feedback and knowledge support 5 Cumulative installed capacity (KW) from RE sources for self-
from sector experts. consumption during the six-month assessment period.
Finally, only those cities with relevant data and evidence avail- This measures the total off-grid and on-grid RE captive capaci-
able were considered for final evaluation. The breakup of the ties in the city for self-consumption at the end of the assess-
number of cities where data and evidence were available and ment period.
found to be satisfactory for assessment of RE for electricity use 6 Total connected load (KW) in the city during the six-month
in cities is found in Table 2. assessment period.
The cities were asked to provide data for the following. This measures the total connected load (KW) for different
1 Total energy generated (KWH) from all grid connected RE customer segments in the city at the end of the assessment
sources within the city during the six-month assessment period.
period. These data points were analyzed based on three composite
This indicates the total electrical energy generated from grid indicators and one RE index designed for this purpose.
connected solar systems and ‘‘other’’ RE on-grid systems such Composite Indicator 1 (CI1): This measures the ratio of total
as windmills, biogas, combined heat and power (CHP) plants electrical energy generated (KWH) from all grid connected renew-
etc within the city for this purpose. However the ‘‘other’’ able sources in the city to total electrical energy consumption in
contribution is found to be less significant when compared the city (KWH) during the assessment period.
to solar systems in cities. Total energy generated ðin KwHÞ from all grid connected
renewable energy sources within the city
Total energy consumption ðin KwHÞ in the city
RESEARCH PAPER Renewable Energy Focus Volume 38 September 2021
Renewable Energy Focus Volume 38 September 2021 RESEARCH PAPER
India [48,49]. These systems are relatively less complex, easy to and hence face severe criticism by policymakers and utilities in
design and require limited policy and regulatory foresight. With India. Hence, suitable technology, pricing, correction in electrical
the recent achievement of about 100% electricity connections for circuits and, necessary process checks and balance through reg-
households in India through expansion of T&D network over the ulations to accommodate these phenomena are required. More-
years, RE-grid integration is becoming necessary from energy over, historically time of use and critical peak pricing are imple-
security standpoint as well as its contribution to lessen carbon mented for industrial and commercial segments for peak load
emissions to atmosphere and meeting NDC commitments of management in certain Indian cities. With large RE-Grid integra-
India. In this context, the role of Indian cities in harnessing more tion, the load curves can be smoothened through technological
RE through latest available technological concepts and solutions and energy pricing strategies with the objective of maximizing
becomes imperative. social welfare and RE penetration in India. In this regard, the
In the past few years, new technological advances in the elec- energy business models, regulatory mechanism, terms of energy
tricity sector such as smart metering for harnessing RE through performance contracts and, economic and financial returns of
smart grid across cities are being tried out. They have delivered such grid tied assets require research attention in Indian context.
varied results across the cities due to policy, regulatory, technical In India, the net-metering mechanism is widely used to promote
and financial gaps and constraints. With their better socio-eco- distributed generation [58]. Due to the absence of both, energy
nomic conditions, Indian cities are better positioned for harnes- storage and islanding property of the system, net-metering of large
sing new technological advances in renewable energy, informa- scale distributed generation serves the potential to become virtual
tion and communication technologies (ICT), digital and control power plants (VPPs) for distribution utilities in India. With the
mechanisms. However due to their large high population and adoption of electric vehicles in Indian cities, vehicle to grid
density, this presents with Indian cities a unique combination technologies allow certain level of flexibility for RE-Grid integra-
of both, opportunities and challenges. Historically Indian cities tion to city utilities [59]. This can also potentially limit the need for
have been the largest consumers of electricity. This demand is external energy storage and thus avoiding associated costs. Apart
largely met by conventional generation sources which are away from providing certain amount of flexibility, the electric vehicles
from city centers. While there is steady increase in electricity under VPP mode can also lend support during peak clipping and
demand from Indian cities, the addition of conventional genera- valley filling interventions in peak load management and thus
tion capacities slowed down due to natural resource and environ- contribute to demand side management programs of utilities.
mental constraints, and simultaneous increase in RE. This phe- Unlike microgrids, VPPs cannot be islanded and have no physical
nomenon calls for the adoption of new concepts and technologies electrical boundaries and hence scaleable from city utilities per-
facilitating RE-grid integration such as smart metering [50], spective. Contextually, VPPs are planned, implemented and con-
demand response [51,52], grid level energy storage [53], microgrids trolled by utilities while microgrids by end consumers. In future,
[54], virtual power plants [55] and energy pricing models [56] for both have a role to play a role in RE-grid integration in Indian cities
higher renewable energy penetration in India now. with proper regulatory framework creating a win-win situation.
Out of the total 375GW installed generation capacity in India, Apart from the technological challenges, RE financing costs is one
bulk of the power is consumed in cities for various end-use of the highest in India when compared globally and hence acts a
purposes. India follows the global trend of adopting pumped deterrent for promoting RE investment [60].
hydro energy storage for large scale energy storage for power Hence, urban electricity policies in India require a mix of
system operation in offering the generation reserve and supply innovative technical, financing, regulatory and policy interven-
flexibility of about 96GW [57]. While this will help India to a tions for overcoming RE-grid integration challenges and promot-
certain extent, the gestation period and environmental con- ing higher RE adoption for electricity use in Indian cities. In the
straints in developing such pumped hydro energy storage are large next section, we present general policy recommendations for
and complex. Cities and local energy utilities are also required to increasing RE in cities, reducing AT&C losses and conclude with
build a certain amount of supply and demand flexibility through our study findings.
demand response and dynamic energy pricing programs and
allowing distributed RE generation with checks and balances in 5. Recommendations and conclusion
the cities. In this regard, there is a conceptual shift from ‘‘con- India has diverse geographical and agro-climatic regions. Franco
sumer’’ to ‘‘prosumer’’ with the intervention of latest technologies et al. [61] observed that urbanization in India is due to a ‘‘rural
such as micro grids that enable a conventional consumer to play push’’ rather than an ‘‘urban pull’’, resulting in a combination of
both, energy consumer as well as producer roles in Indian cities. unemployment, growth of slums and degraded quality of urban
These modern distributed generation systems have the character- life. He studied the effect of energy consumption due to urbaniza-
istics of virtual power plants where the prosumer could export in tion in the Indian context and found that reduction in energy
case of excess energy generation within and outside the micro grid intensity and emission intensity requires continuous monitoring,
network. However, such grid tied assets involving combinations of information feedback systems, introduction of energy quota man-
RE sources and energy storages sometimes are charged from the agement, incentives for energy efficient facilities, shutting down
grid powered by fossil fuel sources. Also, micro-grid owners enjoy of inefficient facilities, setting up of smart residential buildings,
energy price arbitrage and the potential of trading profits by and reduction of T&D losses. Additionally, high population den-
charging their storages during low grid price scenarios and dis- sity presents lesser roof space per capita in Indian cities. For
charging when higher prices prevail. Such happenings dilute the assessing the building roof and available space in urban areas, a
basic conceptual premises underlying RE and dynamic pricing, GIS based modeling for RE installation will be useful for cities [62].
RESEARCH PAPER Renewable Energy Focus Volume 38 September 2021
Similarly IoT based solutions can improve RE adoption in cities [ year. India’s electric power T&D losses were 19.3% compared to
63]. Since electricity distribution is a state subject in India, various the world average of 8.3% [65]. This is in contrast to developed
state governments have different policies for adopting RE in their countries where T&D losses are low, typically in the range of 7%
cities. The cities that have higher RE supply have not only relied on and below [66]. A staggered plan for reducing AT&C losses, with
capacities within them but also from those outside city limits. It is and without investment, is available for cities through various
also observed that high hydro potential harnessing states could government programs in India. In order to reduce losses, the
successfully supply higher amounts of RE to their cities. However, following recommendations concerning technological advance-
this may be practically difficult for some states and cities. Only a ments are made:(a) advanced metering infrastructure to improve
few states and cities are able to successfully devise policies to metering, billing and collection (MBC), (b) high voltage distribu-
supply RE from outside city limits by drafting transmission and tion system (HVDS), (c) system strengthening through new and
wheeling regulations and policies. The net-metering and other RE up-gradation projects, (d) deployment of IT technologies, (e)
policies at a state-level also deter consumers to take a stable view proper operation and maintenance practices of electrical infra-
on project returns resulting in low adoption of RE. structure, (f) reactive power compensation, (g) electronic payment
Due to limitations of installing wind technologies within cities, collection to improve collection and reduce commercial losses, (h)
only solar photovoltaic (PV) is currently harnessed through roof- usage of aerial bunched cables/underground cabling for reducing
tops largely. However, policies promoting solar PV are limited by thefts, (i) distribution automation, and (j) regular system level
effective rooftop area availability, technological and technical energy audits enabled by digitalization to arrest system leakages.
constraints related to the grid. A large part of the solar photovol- Thus, this paper has highlighted SCM and CSCAF partnership
taic value chain, such as poly-silicon, ingot and wafer manufactur- methodology and results in assessing cities on RE adoption. The
ing, happens outside India, which has relatively less value adding results of the framework indicate that the adoption of RE in Indian
midstream and upstream manufacturing facilities such as cell and cities is low. This is due to the past efforts of the governments
module manufacturing, project development and operation and which have largely been regulatory in nature. The technical chal-
maintenance of solar projects. Hence, this raises customer doubts lenges involving RE-grid integration such as preservation of energy
on technology, quality and serviceability incase of fault or poor balance in RE grids, power quality and reliability issues requires to
performance. Also, the entry of private utility companies into the be tackled through modern technological solutions along with
local RE market requires regulatory provisions to preserve compe- energy pricing. In this paper, these were presented and discussed in
tition and monitor fairness of electricity prices for distributed the context of Indian cities. The assessment also helps each city to
generation to be successful. In addition, there is a dearth of have benchmarks with other Indian cities on RE for electricity use
insufficient interconnection rules and technical feasibility for grid performance. Also, the cities were provided with recommenda-
operations for any large-scale distribution generation (DG) scenar- tions for suitable policy measures to transition to higher levels of
ios for managing variability of RE. In some cases, policies add up RE along with reduction in AT&C losses to mitigate climate change
energy storage costs for arriving at a final RE price, which then effects.
becomes substantially high. Also, RE prices affected by a global fall
in photovoltaic module prices create doubts in the minds of Funding
customers. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
By overcoming the above challenges and taking advantages agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
from latest technologies discussed in sub-section 4.2 through
appropriate technical, policy and regulatory framework, Indian Declaration of interest
cities can substantially attract domestic and foreign investments We declare that this manuscript is original, has not been published
for RE and its integration with the grid. For example, if the cities before and is not currently being considered for publication else-
target 10% electrical demand to be met through RE based on the where. We know of no conflicts of interest associated with this
designed renewable energy index criteria, a conservative estimate publication, and there has been no significant financial support for
of $2 to $3 bn investment, corresponding to about 5–6 GW of this work that could have influenced its outcome. As the corre-
power generation capacity will be required only in the evaluated sponding author, I confirm that the manuscript has been read and
cities in India. Alternatively, cities can also plan large scale solar approved for submission by all the named authors.
and wind energy projects such as solar parks and wind farms
outside city limits and benefit from high yields to be supplied CRediT authorship contribution statement
through successful banking, transmission and wheeling arrange- The entire work involving conceptualization, methodology, data
ments. The necessary policies and regulations are required to be sources & collection, validation, formal analysis, investigation,
drafted to permit such successful banking of green energy at resources, data curation, writing-original draft and writing- review
attractive tariffs for industrial consumers. In this regard, proper & editing was performed by Hari Krishnan Govindarajan (Primary
tariff designs and regulatory approvals embedding energy equity and Corresponding Author) under the supervision of Prof. L. S
and justice principles are required for successful transition to a low Ganesh (Second Author).
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