Abiotic Stress Tolerance
Abiotic Stress Tolerance
Abiotic Stress Tolerance
Engineering for
Abiotic Stress
Tolerance in
Agricultural Crops
Bidhan Roy, S.K. Noren, Asit B.
Mandal and Asit K. Basu
Abiotic stresses have become an integral part of crop production. One or
other persist either in soil or in atmosphere. With the ultimate goal to raise
the crop plants with better suitability towards rapidly changing
environmental inputs, intense efforts are needed employing physiological,
biochemical and molecular tools to improve tolerance ability under abiotic
stresses. Attempts have been taken by plant breeders to develop tolerant
varieties of different crops for specific abiotic stress. Appreciable
improvement also has been done by the molecular biologists regarding to
perturbations in gene expression and protein during stress. Employing
transgenic technology, functional validation of various target genes involve
in diverse processes, such as signaling, transcription, ion homeostasis,
antioxidant defense etc. for enhanced abiotic stress tolerance has been
attempted in various model system and some of them have been extended
to crop plants. The information in the areas of gene and genetic engineering
for improvement of crop plants against abiotic stresses are lying
unorganized in different articles of journals and edited books. This
information has been compiled in this review article in organized way with
up-to-date citations, which will provide comprehensive literatures of recent
Most crops growing under field conditions are often being exposed to various abiotic
stresses. The complex field environment with its heterogenic conditions and
global climate change are increasing day by day but a few of them challenges facing
modern agriculture (Mittler and Blumwald, 2010). A combination of plant breeding
approaches will likely be needed to improve significantly the abiotic stress tolerance of
crops in the field. A number of abnormal environmental parameters, such as drought,
salinity, cold, freezing, high temperature, waterlogging, high light intensity,
UV-radiation, nutrient imbalances, metal toxicities, nutrient deficiencies, climate
change etc. are collectively termed as abiotic stress. Only 10% of world's arable land
may be categorized as free from stress. The rapid change in environmental conditions
are likely to override the adaptive potential of plants, these environmental changes
mainly originated from anthropogenic activities mining, release of industrial waste,
smelting of As ore, incineration of fossil fuel,causing soil and air pollution, thus plants
are exposed to natural climatic. Among abiotic stresses drought is the main abiotic
factor as it affects 26% of arable areasuitable for growing crops.. Water stress is a
single most severe, limitation to the productivity of rice in the rainfed ecosystem
(Windawsky and O’Toole, 1990). Mineral toxicity/deficiencies are second in
importance. Among mineral toxicity, salinity is wide spread and is estimated to affect
10% of the world land surface (Richards, 1995). Increasing salinization of arable land is
expected to have devastating global effects, resulting in 30% land losses within the next
25 years and up to 50% by the year 2050 (Wang et al., 2003a). Soil acidity is another
major problem common to tropical regions, which constitutes about 3.95 billion ha of
land (FAO, 1991). Acid soils caused by combination of aluminium (Al) and manganese
(Mn) toxicity are major constraints to soil fertility and crop productivity. Al toxicity
problems are of enormous importance in production of rice, maize and sorghum. Low
temperature stress accounts about 15% crop area worldwide and such stress mainly
There is serious concern for food security of developing countries, which demands a conscious effort
to improve production from areas commonly exposed to abiotic stresses. As mindless urbanization and
industrialization swallow fertile lands and overuse of pesticides puts the environment jeopardy,
researchers are designing crops that could tolerate abiotic stresses. The limitations to increase crop
yield on existing cropped areas can be partially overcome with greater production inputs
manipulation, which are costly, laborious and beyond the reach of small and marginal farmers. Thus,
there is an urgent need to develop varieties that can not only withstand high levels of abiotic stresses
but can also maintain optimum yield levels. In conventional breeding programme, genetic markers are
being used by plant breeders, which are of morphological traits and controlled by single locus. The
morphological markers are not always useful for selection for abiotic stresses. Therefore, molecular
breeding (biochemical and/or DNA markers) is advancing as a new chapter for quick improvement in
crops suitable for problem soils. Molecular control mechanisms for abiotic stress tolerance are based
on the activation and regulation of specific stress-related genes. These genes are involved in the
whole sequence of stress response, such as signaling, transcriptional control, protection of
membranes and proteins and free-radical and toxic compound scavenging. The complex plant
response to abiotic stress, which involves many genes and biochemical-molecular mechanisms, is
schematically represented in Fig. 1. Furthermore, reproductive barriers limit transfer of favourable
alleles from interspecific and intergeneric sources. Transgenic development is another straight
forward technology to improve crop yield in abiotic stress affected land (Roy and Basu, 2009). The
development of tolerant crops by genetic engineering, on the other hand, requires the identification
of key genetic determinants underlying stress tolerance in plants and introducing these genes into
crops. Introduction of molecular change by genetic engineering takes less time compared to plant
breeding methods: only desired gene(s) can be transferred, whereas, in conventional breeding
approach is associated with simultaneous transfer of undesired gene(s). For re-cultivation of degraded
soils and reclamation of industrial sites, stress tolerant plants are required. The advent of plant
transformation may have placed within the grasp of the possibility of engineering greater abiotic
stress tolerance in plants.
Plant response to abiotic stress to develop tolerance or
Fig. 1:
Salt tolerance is an important trait that requires overcoming salinity induced
reduction in plant productivity. The genetic response of plants to abiotic stresses is
complex involving simultaneous expression of a number of genes. Plant genetic
engineering techniques could be effectively utilized to exploit some of the
untapped potentials to increase the harvestable crop yield. It involves specific gene
manipulation either through over expression or silencing of alien/native genes. A
number of genes induced in response to salinity have been identified from a range
of organisms adapted to stressful environment. If a salt tolerant gene is identified
which can lead to betterment of the crops, it is possible to transfer that progress in
transgenic research for inclusion salinity stress tolerance, which has been presented
in Table 1.
Transgenic research has made significant progress in crop genetic improvement with
the advent of modern rDNA technologies. A large number of transgenics in diverse
crops are on large-scale cultivation. Moreover, multiple genes can be stacked or
transformed to a stock of interest through genetic transformation. There are a large
number of genes found to be instrumental and there are many functional targets for
engineering tolerance to salinity. Few of the genes of importance are briefed
Ion transporter and Antiporter genes: A salt concentration of 200 mM is equivalent
to 40% of the salt concentration of sea water and will inhibit growth of almost all
crop plants.
Manitol gene: Osmotically shocked cells synthesize and accumulate massive
amount of osmoprotectory compounds. Such compounds possibly help the cells to
lower their osmotic potential and to draw water from the outside medium.
Manitol as an osmoprotectory compound is primarily found in microbes. By
introducing manitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenease gene (mt1D) isolated from E.
coli (Tarezynski et al., 1993) showed over-expression of manitol in tobacco
plants. These transgenic plants showed tolerance to high NaCl levels (250 mM).
Seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis transformed with mt1D gene under control of
CaMV 35 promoter over produced manitol and germinated in a medium
supplemented with high amount of NaCl (Thomas et al., 1995). Li et al.
(2004) introduced mt1D gene into upland rice (Oryza sativa var. japonica) by
microprojectile bombardment. Growth rate of transgenic plants was significantly
higher than the control on MS medium containing 1% NaCl. Non-transgenic plants
died after 35 days. They reported less membrane damage and low Na+/K+ ratio
than the control under salt stress.
In plants with genetic resistance to Al toxicity, the Al-exclusion and uptake from
root tips have been found to be correlated to their increased capacity to
release organic acids such as citric acid, which chelates Al3+ outside the plasma
There are two classes of physiological mechanisms that enable plants to withstand
toxic levels of Al in acid soils: exclusion of Al from the root apex and true tolerance
to Al in the root and shoot.
Table Gene/transgenic plants with gene conferring metal toxicity
6: tolerance
Fe is also abundantly found in heavy soils. In the humid forest and moist
Savana zones of Africa interflow of ferrous ion occurs from upper slopes
More than 50% lowland rice is being affected with Fe-toxicity in Siera
Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Senegal.