Siemens PLM LMS Test Lab Brosur
Siemens PLM LMS Test Lab Brosur
Siemens PLM LMS Test Lab Brosur
LMS Test.Lab
Powering testing productivity
LMS Test.Lab
An unrivaled suite for test-based engineering
The pressure is on. Whether you are a Today, as the world of engineering goes
vibro-acoustics expert for a large digital, noise and vibration engineers are
aerospace company or a one-person also challenged to do more with less and
testing department at a white goods work more upfront in the design process.
manufacturer, today’s market Long gone are the days when you could
circumstances require creative problem- simply add some damping insulation to
solving when it comes to product testing. mask a disturbing noise. This is where LMS
The rules have changed: products must Test.Lab™ software comes in. Designed to
be all-encompassing. Consumers want make testing more convenient and
products with personality that offer efficient, LMS Test.Lab is the solution that
uncompromising quality, are ecologically testing departments count on to increase
friendly and will have a long life span, all test productivity while maintaining the
without paying a fortune. utmost quality, ultimately achieving a
higher return-on-investment (ROI) from
existing testing facilities.
The integrated solution
for durability, noise and
vibration testing
LMS Test.Lab is a complete, integrated solution for test-based engineering,
combining high-speed multi-channel data acquisition with a full suite of integrated
testing, analysis and report-generation tools. LMS Test.Lab is the ideal tool for
testing departments that need to be future focused: offering the right balance
between ease-of-use and functional flexibility. Using LMS Test.Lab significantly
increases a test facility’s productivity, delivering more reliable results even when
the availability of prototypes is dramatically reduced.
A complete portfolio for durability, LMS Test.Lab and the LMS SCADASTM
noise and vibration testing hardware family. With a single hardware
LMS Test.Lab offers a complete portfolio and software platform, users can cover
for durability, noise and vibration testing, all laboratory and in-field tests as well
including solutions for acoustic, rotating as recorder-based testing jobs. Embedded
machinery, structural dynamics testing, analysis during data acquisition speeds
environmental testing, vibration control, up the testing process and guarantees
durability acquisition, reporting and data the right data right from the start.
management. With its unified interface
and seamless data-sharing capability Right to the source of noise and
between applications, LMS Test.Lab offers vibration issues
users tremendous efficiency gains with the Using LMS Test.Lab wastes no time
added benefit of real ease-of-use. The LMS with trial-and-error troubleshooting.
Test.Lab solution can handle standard, LMS Test.Lab guides users directly
repetitive tests as well as more advanced to the source of the problem using
troubleshooting in a single software and comprehensive, integrated analysis
hardware package. This guarantees capabilities and the unique LMSTM source-
maximum scalability and optimal transmitter-receiver methodology. Users
investment protection. of all levels can trace the fundamental
cause of a problem and solve it efficiently,
Built-in productivity cost-effectively and quickly.
With its unique workflow-based interface,
LMS Test.Lab sets new standards for ease- Adapting to the changing world
of-use, productivity and data consistency. of testing
The software naturally follows the test Virtual models have no value unless they
campaign process, guiding the user accurately represent real life. This requires
through the different steps and suggesting high-quality modeling techniques and
optimal settings for measurement and accurate load data. By testing existing
analysis parameters. Engineers appreciate components and benchmarking
the streamlined integration of competitive products for target setting
purposes, LMS Test.Lab is extensively used to model virtually from scratch. Easy to
to front load data into the simulation integrate into LMS Virtual.LabTM software
process. The tool provides loading and LMS Imagine.LabTM software as well as
information and feedback to update virtual other simulation packages, LMS Test.Lab
models, and is systematically used to provides the critical support to make
provide test-derived component and virtual simulation efficient and realistic.
subassembly models that are too complex
A complete portfolio of testing solutions
LMS Test.Lab Desktop
LMS Test.Lab Desktop is not just the launch platform of all other LMS Test.Lab
applications; it is an essential application for everyone in the organization – management,
engineers and technicians – who need to access your work, process data and create
reports. Distributed test preparation and postprocessing frees up the expansive test cell
and shows the process-centric LMS Test.Lab approach.
LMS Test.Lab Transfer Path Analysis
LMS Test.Lab is packed with enhanced features that promise to help every test department
save time and resources. With the broadest portfolio of transfer path analysis solutions on
the market, LMS can help customers tackle issues from every possible angle – from simple
systems with a single soft-mounted source to complex structures with multiple and
variable mounted sources.
Take your mind off the deadline ‒ focus on the test
Test engineers around the world count on LMS SCADAS systems to deliver the data
quality and format required to get the job done right the first time – in the lab, in
the field, with a personal computer (PC) or recording autonomously. Add in
seamless integration with LMS Test.Lab and LMSTM Test.Xpress software for
accelerated measurement setup and correctly formatted results. Then you’ll see
why the LMS SCADAS system is your tool to deliver reliable results and optimal
testing productivity.
From lab to mobile to portable
LMS SCADAS gets the job done
No limits to what you can do A tailor-made solution that works
More channels at higher rates translates to perfectly every time
mega-data at your fingertips. Maybe you There is an LMS SCADAS data acquisition
don’t need several hundreds of channels and signal conditioning system to match
right now or a 14-MSamples/s data transfer your exact requirements ‒ from compact
rate, but with the trend toward more mobile units, autonomous smart recorders
complex tests and upfront simulation, you up to high-channel-count laboratory
might need this performance level shortly. systems. With a large variety of supported
And that is the beauty of an LMS SCADAS transducers and signal conditioning,
system ‒ it is an investment that grows LMS SCADAS systems are optimally tuned
with you. to meet the specific needs of noise,
vibration and durability testing.
Superior data quality for effective
testing The quality leader in data acquisition
An LMS SCADAS system offers much more With its range of signal conditioning,
than supreme data quality. It offers built-in choice of connectors and high throughput
process understanding. Test engineers rate, the LMS SCADAS family brings years
who use LMS SCADAS hardware are more of proven technology into the lab
efficient because the system lets them skip environment. High-precision data is
classic steps like auto-ranging. Not only guaranteed, including best-in-class limiting
does this save time, it eliminates risk of harmonic distortion and interchannel
factors as well. The data is delivered in the specifications with a phase match better
purest state possible ‒ low noise, no than 0.2˚ at a frequency of 10 kHz. The
unnecessary conversion and, best of all, LMS SCADAS system achieves its high-level
minimal human error. Quality cables and reliability through rigorous design
rugged connectors ensure no-compromise standards, efficient quality control and a
data acquisition security. strong service organization.
An LMS SCADAS for every testing job
Covering a wide range of industry applications
LMS testing solutions
Covering a wide range of industries
developed a scalable portfolio of solutions Off-road, construction and
that help all types of companies in all types agricultural vehicles
of industries create true competitive Off-highway manufacturers must
advantages. This might include controlling continuously increase operation
resonant vibrations of high-speed performance and optimize the operating
machinery to ensure consistent production limitations of their products. Giant mining
quality, maximum fatigue resistance and trucks must run faster and carry the
minimum radiated noise productivity maximum load capacity. Excavator
without compromising operator safety. Or manufacturers constantly improve the
it might be assisting with regulation safety reach and agility of their products, while
and environmental compliance for new maintaining optimal safety and stability.
machine designs. And agricultural tractors and machines are
designed for ever-tougher operating
Wind energy and power generation conditions, increasing environmental
To certify a new wind turbine, standards and more demand for product
manufacturers must ensure full system customization. Driver comfort, which
reliability under real-life operating includes reducing interior noise levels and
conditions. Durability must be assessed to vibrations mostly in extreme conditions, is
provide a 20-year lifetime with low becoming a distinctive brand differentiator
operation and maintenance costs. Noise and one that is increasingly being dictated
emissions must remain within prescribed by regulations and industry norms. LMS
tolerances. Additionally, the control system Test.Lab has been adopted by many off-
must guarantee clean voltage at constant highway manufacturers to cover these
frequency. For wind turbine specific noise and vibration issues.
manufacturers, LMS Test.Lab offers a
complete solution to measure and optimize Consumer and business electronics
the vibration and noise emitted by the Manufacturers of white goods, home and
gearbox, generator and blades. LMS Test. office appliances and other consumer
Lab is used to identify propagation of noise goods face extremely short development
and vibrations throughout the complex cycles, an increasing number of design
structure and find optimal solutions for variants and ever-higher customer
noise radiation and excessive vibrations. expectations. Minimal noise levels are
critical success factors for products like
LMS expert solutions are used in other dishwashers, washing machines, PCs and
power generation sectors, such as load even copiers. Other consumer electronic
identification and foundation analyses for products, such as loudspeakers, home
power plants; noise and vibration studies cinema systems and mobile phones, are
for gas turbines and pipelines as well as differentiated by the quality of their
research and development (R&D) and acoustic performance. LMS Test.Lab helps
onsite troubleshooting. proactively meet these stringent
requirements when completing new
product designs.
About Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens
Industry Automation Division, is a world-leading provider
of product lifecycle management (PLM) software, systems
and services with nine million licensed seats and 77,000
customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas,
Siemens PLM Software helps thousands of companies
make great products by optimizing their lifecycle
processes, from planning and development through
manufacturing and support. Our HD-PLM vision is to give
everyone involved in making a product the information
they need, when they need it, to make the smartest
decisions. For more information on Siemens PLM Software
products and services, visit
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