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Guidelines for Flexible

Operation of Coal Fired Power

Plants in India

Study by: On behalf of:


Commissioned on behalf of:

Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA), Govt. of Germany

Commissioned by
Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office (IGEF-SO) and
c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
1st Floor, B-5/2 Safdarjung Enclave
110029 New Delhi, India
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +91 11 4949 5353

Report by
Deilbachtal 173
45257 Essen, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +49 201 8128 0

Dr. Claudia Weise, Director International, vgbe

Dr. Oliver Then, Managing Director, vgbe

based on various project reports which were developed jointly with the teams from Siemens Energy and Steag
Energy Services.

Version: January 2023

Design & Layout: Aspire Design
All rights reserved. Any use is subject to consent by the authors from VGBE and Indo-German Energy Forum Support
Office (IGEF-SO). All content has been prepared with the greatest possible care and is provided in good faith. No
guarantee regarding the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information is provided. IGEF-SO and VGBE
accept no liability for damages of a tangible or intangible nature caused directly or indirectly by the use of or failure to
use the information provided, unless it can be proven to have acted with intent or gross negligence.
ii Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India iii

Table of contents

List of Figures iv
List of Tables iv
List of Abbreviations v
1 Background 1
2 Introduction 3
3 Flexibilization Approach 7
4 Pre-Test Phase 9
4.1 Information and Data Input 9
5 Flexibility Test Runs 13
5.1 Test Run Schedule 13
5.2 Test Runs Procedure 14
5.2.1 Minimum Load Test Procedure 15
5.2.2 Ramping Test Procedure 17
6 Test Run Assessment: Flexibilization Plan 19
6.1 Common Findings 20
6.2 Flexibility Measures 23
6.2.1 Mandatory Measures for Minimum Load Operation 23
6.2.2 Mandatory Measures for Ramp Rate Improvement 24
6.2.3Further Measures for Flexibility Enhancement 25
7 Implementation Recommendation: Deployment 27
7.1 Flexibility Checklist 31
8 Useful Publications and Standards 33
8.1 International Reports and Publications on Best Practices 33
8.2 vgbe Standards 34
8.3 Relevant Publications in the vgbe Energy Journal 35
9 Maithon Power Limited “Journey towards Flexibilization – ”Minimum Power Limit REDEFINED” 36
iv Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

List of Figures

Figure 1: Test runs at NTPC’s Dadri power plant in June 2018 4

Figure 2: Test runs at Tata Maithon power plant in July 2021 4
Figure 3: Test runs at DVC Andal power plant in March 2022  5
Figure 4: Technical flexibilization procedure 7
Figure 5: Flexibility skill development program “study, try and apply” and Flexpert logo  8
Figure 6: Principle design of the subcritical 500 MW units 9
Figure 7: Main plant parameters during low load operation (above) and ramp up (below)  10
Figure 8: Steam and metal temperatures during ramp up  11
Figure 9: Feed water flow and drum level during ramp up  12
Figure 10: Example of a load profile for minimum load tests 13
Figure 11: Example of a load profile for ramping tests  14
Figure 12: Test run approach 14
Figure 13: Main plant parameters during a minimum load test  19
Figure 14: Main plant parameters during a ramp rate test  20
Figure 15: Potential issues during flexible operation  21
Figure 16: NOx emissions and load during the minimum load tests  22
Figure 17: Heat rate relative to load during the test runs  22
Figure 18: Efficiency during the test runs  23
Figure 19: Overview of a boiler fatigue monitoring system  26

List of Tables

Table 1: Achievements of IGEF test runs  3

Table 2: Coal composition during the test runs  3
Table 3: Study reports issued during the IGEF project 4
Table 4: Example of a test schedule  13
Table 5: Detailed test procedure for a minimum load test  16
Table 6: Detailed test procedure for a ramping test  18
Table 7: Issue lists for different plant areas  28
Table 8: List of critical components  29
Table 9: Existing regulations and vgbe standards with respect to condition monitoring  30
Table 10: Flexibility checklist for sub-critical Indian power plants  32
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India v

List of Abbreviations

ACV Auxiliary Control Valve

APH Air Preheater
BFP Boiler Feed Pump
CFMS Coal Flow Measurement System
EOH Equivalent Operating Hours
ESH Equivalent Starting Hours
FD fan Forced Draft Fan
GCV Gross Calorific Value
HP High Pressure
HR Hot Reheat
ID-fan Induced Draft Fan
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
MDBFP Motor Driven Boiler Feed Pump
MS Main Steam
RH Reheat
SA Secondary Air
SCAPH Steam Coil Air Preheater
SH Superheater
TDBFP Turbo Driven Boiler Feed Pump
vi Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 1

1. Background

To ensure the power supply in the country, India is A special task force on flexibilization has been created.
aiming to double its electricity generation capacity by On the Indian side, the National Thermal Power
2030. The Indian government has also set ambitious Corporation Limited (NTPC), the Central Electricity
goals for the expansion of renewables – aiming to Authority (CEA), the network operator POSOCO (Power
install at least 300 GW of solar PV and 140 GW of System Operation Corporation Limited) and BHEL
wind power by 2030. Indian Prime Minister Modi has (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) are involved in the
announced that India will reach a non-fossil capacity of task force. On the German side, both the Deutsche
500 GW by 2030. 50% of India’s energy requirements Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
will come from renewable energy by then. Currently, (GIZ) and vgbe have been supporting the task force on
the renewable capacity excluding hydro power accounts behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and
for more than 115 GW. These developments will mark a Climate Action (BMWK). The task force is headed by
huge change in the Indian power system, as currently, the Director Operations at NTPC, and the Excellence
around 58% of the installed capacity (407.8 GW in Enhancement Center (EEC) holds the secretariat and
total) comes from conventional thermal power plants1. coordinates the work.
While India, on a national level, can rely on solar energy
generation every single day of the year, the wind is not One of the key purposes of the task force was to
always available at peak demand times in the morning showcase the technical feasibility of flexible power
and evening. plant operation. Therefore, investigations at four Indian
power plants were conducted in the period from January
As such, flexibilization – which aims at managing the 2017 to July 2022. They included test runs at the Dadri
fluctuations in renewable supply by converting baseload power plant operated by NTPC, at the Maithon power
power plants into flexible generating facilities – has plant operated by Tata Power and at the Andal power
become the new paradigm in thermal power generation. plant operated by DVC. Another study was conducted
Therefore, it has become a topic of the Indo-German at NTPC’s Simhadri power plant. The investigations
Energy Forum (IGEF) – a high level platform created focused on 500 MW subcritical units.
to enhance and deepen cooperation within the energy
sector. IGEF was founded by the German Chancellor This guideline summarizes the main results and
and the Indian Prime Minister at the Hannover Fair in learnings of the studies. It provides an insight into
April 2006. It focuses on both promoting private sector power plant flexibilization which can serve as a
activities and putting in place an enabling environment blueprint for other Indian plants.
to further develop the market for power plant
technologies, energy efficiency and renewable energies
in India.

1 Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Installed Capacity in India as of 30 September, 2022:, retrieved on
31 October, 2022
2 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 3

2. Introduction

The flexible operation of coal-fired power plants The following results were achieved during the test
forms an important pillar of India’s energy transition. runs. The ramp rate refers to a % load change per
Therefore, it is worth reflecting on some important minute.
aspects of flexible power plants that are not only valid
for India but also for many countries worldwide. Table 1: Achievements of IGEF test runs

Unit capacity 500 MW 500 MW 500 MW

• Flexible thermal power plants are key to ensuring
sufficient system integration of variable renewable Operator NTPC Tata DVC
energies such as wind and PV. Date June 2018 July 2021 April 2022

• The flexibility of coal-fired plants contributes to Minimum

40% 36% 32%
the reduction of CO2 emissions – the decrease in
full-load operating hours outweighs the effect of 2.0%–3.0%/ 1.5%– 2.0%/
Ramp Rate 2.0%/min
min min
lower efficiency at part or minimum load.

• The successful deployment of flexibility measures Moreover, the results of the investigations at the 210
depends on the market design – the economic MW unit at Dadri and the 500 MW unit at Simhadri
viability of the plants has to be ensured, preferably power plants also indicated that a minimum load of
through incentives for flexible operation. 40% should be possible without major interventions
and investments.
• Special focus should also be placed on the further
training and skill development of the power plant
The following table shows examples of the composition
of coals which were burned during the test runs.

The flexible operation comprises aspects of low

Table 2: Coal composition during the test runs
minimum load, fast start-ups and shut-downs and high
ramp rates. IGEF investigations focused on subcritical Fixed Carbon % 32.8 38.4 36.4
coal-fired power plants. The original design and set up Volatile Matter % 20.4 16.6 22.3
of these plants include some favourable configurations Total Moisture % 8.1 7.4 4.0
for flexible operation – e.g. they are equipped with a Ash % 42.3 37.6 37.3
high number of mills, tilting burners and frequency- Gross Calorific Value 3,932.8 4,268.7 4,017.0
driven fans and actuators. The following units were kcal/kg
The following table shows examples for the composition
• 210 MW and 500 MW (test runs 2018) at Dadri of coals which were burned during the test runs.

• 500 MW at Simhadri (no test run) The flexibility studies were conducted by vgbe in
• 500 MW at Maithon co-operation with Steag Energy Services GmbH and
Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, both member
• 500 MW at Andal
companies of the vgbe association. The following
reports were developed and published – they served as
the basis for this Flexibility Handbook:
4 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

Table 3: Study reports issued during the IGEF project

No Title Issued Partner

1 Flexibility Assessment for the NTPC Plants Dadri and Simhadri Sept 2017 Steag
2 Flexibility Assessment – Implementation Plan for the 500 MW Unit at Sept 2018 Siemens
Dadri Power Plant

- Pre-Test Data Assessment Report Andal Power Plant Sept 2020 Siemens
- Pre-Test Data Assessment Report Maithon Power Plant Sept 2020 Siemens
3 Flexibility Assessment and Implementation Plan for the 525 MW Unit 2 Dec 2021 Siemens
at Maithon Power Plant

4 Flexibility Assessment and Implementation Plan for the 500 MW Unit 2 June 2022 Siemens
at Andal Power Plant

The following pictures were taken after the successful completion of the test runs.

Figure 1: Test runs at NTPC’s Dadri power plant in June 2018

Figure 2: Test runs at Tata Maithon power plant in July 2021

Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 5

Figure 3: Test runs at DVC Andal power plant in March 2022

Note of Thanks
On behalf of the Indo-German Task Force Flexibility & Modernization), CEA and the chair of the Indo-
which was established on request of the Ministry of German Task Force Flexibility, Mr. Ramesh Babu
Power, Govt. of India and the German Ministry in (Director Operations), NTPC and its predecessors Mr.
charge of Energy, Govt. of Germany, vgbe expresses its Prakash Tiwari and Mr. K.K. Sharma. Without their
deep gratitude to the power plant teams of Simhadri, personal involvement, dedicated support and trust,
Dadri, Maithon and Andal for the professional and those test runs would have not been possible.
well-organized preparation and execution of the
flexibility investigations and test runs undertaken. We would also like to thank Mr. A.K. Sinha (rtd.),
We thank the management of NTPC, DVC and TATA NTPC and Mr. Tobias Winter, Director, Indo-German
Power for their valuable inputs and highly appreciated Energy Forum (IGEF) Support Office for their active
support given to the activities carried out. support, which was essential to the smooth execution
of the flexibility test runs. We are very grateful to
All test runs were only possible thanks to the guidance the Excellence Enhancement Centre (EEC) for the
and full support by the Ministry of Power (MoP), Indian Power Sector and the team led by Director
Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Grid Controller of Mr. Rakesh Chopra for the continuous support to
India (Grid India), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited the task force throughout the entire project. Vgbe
(BHEL) and NTPC. We would like to specifically thank and EEC thank their partners and members, Steag
Shri Alok Kumar, Hon’ble Secretary (Power), MoP; and Siemens, for the excellent and fruitful technical
Shri V.K. Dewangan, former Additional Secretary, MoP; cooperation. Last but not least, we would like to thank
Shri Piyush Singh, Joint Secretary (Thermal), MoP people not mentioned here, who have contributed
and its predecessors Smt. Archana Agarwal and Shri their time, knowledge and contacts to make the test
Aniruddha Kumar; S.K. Kassi, former Chief Engineer runs possible. It was all of you, who formed part of
(Thermal), MoP; Mr. Suman Chatterjee, Director, MoP; this exciting journey of demonstrating the technical
Mr. B.C. Mallick, Chief Engineer (Thermal Renovation viability of flexible power plant operation in India.
6 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 7

3. Flexibilization Approach

Based on the investigations at the four power plants,

a generic procedure for technical flexibilization can
be deducted. Test runs form a core activity, as they
provide insights into the real performance of the plant
to minimum load, start-up time and ramp rates. The
procedure is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4: Technical flexibilization procedure to be assessed according to techno-economical

The technical flexibilization procedure comprises four
steps which are explained in detail in the following
4. Deployment: Finally, the flexibilization plan needs
chapters. In brief, these four steps focus on:
to be implemented. As the measures will most likely
involve a higher level of automated operation of
1. Pre-Test Phase: Before the test runs are conducted,
equipment, sufficient time should be foreseen. This
the status quo of the plant is analyzed for flexible
step is not just about technology, it is also about
operation. The assessment of operating data
trust in automated procedures and sequences – and
at different load conditions is the key activity.
in optimized control logic.
Based on this assessment, potential obstacles and
limitations for a low load operation, as well as for
It might be beneficial to engage an experienced
load ramps, can be identified.
third party at the starting point of the flexibilization
activities. This engagement might help to overcome
2. Test runs: The program comprises part-load and
some uncertainties in flexible operations. However,
minimum-load operation, as well as ramp-up and
the skill level of Indian power plant personnel is
ramp-down tests for a set period. The tests follow
regarded as sufficient to manage flexibilization,
a defined test schedule that needs to be released by
with only limited requirements for external
the system operator before the test. An experienced
team of operators follows a test procedure that also
needs to be prepared in advance. Health and Safety
In this context, it should be noted that the technical
(HSE) requirements have the highest priority. A
flexibilization procedure should be accompanied
defined set of operating data, including the coal
by a skill development program. A principal
composition, is collected during the tests.
description of such a program is presented in
another report. The following figures provide an
3. Flexibilization plan: The operating test data are
overview of the training program for so-called
analyzed to ensure steady, flexible plant operation.
Flexperts – trainees acquire an understanding of
This analysis covers all areas of plant operation:
the flexibility principles and learn how to operate a
from combustion to water-steam cycle through
plant accordingly. The program is divided into three
to flue gas and turbine operation. Based on the
steps – study, try and apply.
results, measures to enhance and/or sustain flexible
operations are derived. These measures need
8 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

Figure 5: Flexibility skill development program “study, try and apply” and Flexpert logo
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 9

4. Pre-Test Phase

This phase provides transparency about the plant status • philosophy for unit control – sliding (boiler follow)
for flexible plant operation. At the end of the pre-test mode or fixed pressure (turbine follow) mode – and
phase, a Pre-Test Data Assessment report provides an main control loops (e.g. steam temperature and
insight into the status quo and the potential obstacles drum level)
and limitations for flexible operation. A quantitative
The following picture shows the principle design of
assessment of operating data, as well as qualitative
the subcritical 500 MW units with two-pass boilers
assessments of operating personnel’s feedback, form
that were investigated in the course of the studies. It
the basis of the report.
is mainly based on a two-pass boiler manufactured by
BHEL and a turbine with KWU/Siemens design.
4.1 Information and Data Input
To prepare a pre-test data assessment, operating data
Besides the operating data, some general plant at different load points and during transient operation
information is required to investigate the plant design. are required. In steady-state operation, data should be
Such information comprises P&IDs and operational provided for performance at full load (100% maximum
manuals for main power plant areas – boiler, including continuous rating (MCR)) and at the lowest operated
water-steam-cycle, and turbine. The following design load in the last couple of months. Transient operation
information is especially important for the flexibility data comprise the following operational situations:
1. Cold start-up to full load (if not available, then
• boiler type, evaporator and combustion design warm start-up)
• the number and arrangement of mills and fans – 2. Ramp down from full load to low load (lowest
Induced (ID), Force Draft (FD), Primary Air (PA), operated load in the last couple of months)
Secondary Air (SA)
3. Ramp up from low load to full load (lowest operated
• type and number of boiler feed pumps (BFP) – load in the last months)
motor-driven (MDBFP), turbo-driven (TDBFP)
The operating data should have a time resolution of
• Air Preheater (APH) design – availability of Steam less than 1 minute and comprise at least the following
Coil APH (SCAPH) parameters:

Figure 6: Principle design of the subcritical 500 MW units

10 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

• Load • Do you use burner tilt to reduce the main steam

• O2 values and O2 average in excess air temperature during ramp up?

• NOx • Can flame scanners influence the ability to operate

• CO at lower loads?

• Main steam pressure • How do flame scanners influence the ability to

• High pressure (HP) steam temperature operate at lower loads?

• Reheat (RH) steam temperature • Do you consider combustion stability/flame

• Superheated (SH) steam temperature stability at minimum load as a challenge?

• Flue gas exhaust temperature • During start-up: At what threshold of coal flow/
• Mill load number of mills in operation, do you switch off the
auxiliary fuel (oil)?
• Flame scanner intensity
• Status signal of the burner (on/off) • How do you assess the level of automation at your
plant? As this aspect is very important, a detailed
• Drum level
questionnaire will be provided to assess the current
• Metal temperatures
automation status in depth.

In addition to the operating data, the operating power A Pre-Test Data Assessment Report presents the results
plant personnel should provide answers to the following of the data analysis and the assessment of the other
questions: information. The following figures show the results
of the data analysis – here for main plant parameters
• What prevents you from operating at a lower load?
during steady low load operation and ramp up.
• What do you consider the main problem during
minimum load operation?

− drum level (light blue):

100 to 10 mm
− el. generation (pink): 0
to 525 MW
− coal flow (black): sum of
feeder speed 0 to 320%
− main steam pressure
(green): 0 to 200 bar
− main steam flow (red): 0
to 2000 t/h
− feed water flow (dark
blue): 0 to 2000 t/h

Figure 7: Main plant parameters during low load operation (above) and ramp up (below)
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 11

These descriptive diagrams use a uniform scaling from The analysis of the findings was as follows: There is a big
0% to 100% of the associated measurement range of the increase in RH metal temperatures (both max. and average)
operating variable. In this case, the following statement at the beginning of the load ramp. At the same time, the hot
regarding the drum level was submitted: RH steam temperature is increasing slightly. The burner tilts
are hardly reacting. (They may be in manual, as they seem
Drum level was within approximately +/- 40 mm to change position in steps.)
and in the first 50 minutes showed signs of periodical
oscillation. The oscillation implies that control structures This indicates that the burner tilts are not working
are not optimized and/or not tuned properly. The properly. Either they are manual, which shows a lack of
speed of the load ramp is not that big (less than 1% per confidence in the controls, or they are automatic and do
minute), and it is possible to minimize deviations in not react sufficiently.3
drum level. Deviations of +/- 40 mm are not considered
a problem, but when increasing the speed of load The next figure shows a very typical issue that came up
ramps, it is also assumed that drum level deviations will during the pre-test phase and which was verified in the
increase, which could become a problem. test runs at all three plant

According conclusions were also provided: For

increased speed of load ramps, the drum level control
should be optimized. It looks sufficient for a low load
operation, but it is yet unknown how this will change
when lowering the load further. With the faster speed
of load ramps, it is assumed that deviations in drum
level will increase. Tuning (and/or structural changes)
are recommended. The correct setting for drum level
control is a fast slave controller for flow difference
(between steam and feed water) (integral time approx.
20 seconds), with a slower master controller for level
(about 3 to 5 minutes integral time, gain as much
as possible as long as still stable, derivative action

The next figure shows the metal temperature

development during load ramps.

− red: max. RH metal

temp. 400 to 600°C
− green: hot RH steam
temp. 400 to 600°C
− brown: average RH
metal temp. (of 44
measure-ments) 400 to
− pink: el. genera-tion, 0 to
525 MW
− black: burner

Figure 8: Steam and metal temperatures during ramp up

2 Pre-Test Data Assessment Report for the Maithon Power Plant, 3 Pre-Test Data Assessment Report for the Maithon Power Plant,
issued by the IGEF team in September 2020 issued by the IGEF team in September 2020
12 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

− black: feed water

flow 0 to 1,500 t/h
− blue: drum level
setpoint and value
-200 to 200 mm
− pink el. generation
(0 – 500 MW)

Figure 9: Feed water flow and drum level during ramp up

This figure was generated during the pre-test phase for

the Andal power plant (IGEF report issued in September
2020). It indicates a problem with the control of the
drum level and feed water flow during ramp up. The
high fluctuations are caused by closing or opening of the
recirculation line, which is equipped with on/off valves.
This is discussed in the next chapters in more detail.

At all investigated plants, the following common issues

could be identified:

• steam temperature control at low load

• drum level control at low load and during load


• flame stability and furnace pressure and windbox

delta pressure during load ramps

• low flue gas at low load

These issues will most likely cause problems during

flexible operation in any plant. The main reason is that
the control logic are not optimized for lower load and
higher ramp rate ranges. The exact behaviour needs to
be investigated during the test runs.
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 13

5. Flexibility Test Runs

The test runs mark an important step in the technical 5.1 Test Run Schedule
flexibilization procedure. In the Indian context, the
test runs aim at finding the lowest minimum-load The duration of a test run, including minimum load and
operation, as well as the highest ramp-up and ramp- ramping tests, is usually about a week. The following
down rates. Before the tests, it is necessary to check table shows an example of the program.
whether any existing control setting might become
Table 4: Example of a test schedule
an obstacle during load reduction. However, no
modifications are permitted that may potentially affect Date Weekday Test Target Load
the safety of the boiler during, in-between or after the 28 Minimum load
tests. The complete boiler and plant protection should Monday 200 MW (or less)
March test
be activated. If necessary, the control systems should
29 Minimum load
be switched to manual mode (e.g. attemperator/steam Tuesday 200 MW (or less)
March test
temperature control).
30 between 200 and
Wednesday Load ramp test
As safety has the highest priority, the test should be March 500 MW

interrupted if there is any concern. Preferred operation 31 between 200 and

Thursday Load ramp test
procedures should include all expected operating modes March 500 MW
of the boiler and the usage of average coal. Average coal 1 April Friday Reserve
means that the coal should not be of better quality than
in usual daily operations. The tests should reflect the
For each day, a dedicated load profile should be provided
real situation of the plant. Hence, they are conducted by
by the system operator. The next two figures show
the plant team – in the IGEF project, with support from
examples of such a profile – for a minimum load test
Indian and German experts.
and a ramping test.
The tests follow a defined schedule which needs to
be released by the system operator before the test. As
this is an important pre-requisite of the test runs, the
involvement of relevant stakeholders such as the system
operator or beneficiaries is essential.

Furthermore, a detailed test procedure gives

instructions on how the test should be carried out in

Figure 10: Example of a load profile for minimum load

14 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

During the test process, data needs to be recorded. At

least the following parameters should be included:

• burner tilt positions

• oxygen in flue gas before air preheater
• total air flow
• speed of all boiler feed pumps
• feedwater flow
• position of steam valves (e.g. from extraction and
cold reheat) feeding the TDBFP
• unit load
Figure 11: Example of a load profile for ramping tests
• throttle pressure setpoint

5.2 Test Runs Procedure • throttle pressure actual value

• main steam temperatures
In both tests – the minimum load and the ramping test • main steam temperature setpoint
– the load will be reduced and respectively increased • main steam flow
until an obstacle occurs. The load is changed in pre-
• hot reheat steam temperatures
defined steps. If an obstacle occurs, there needs to be a
• hot reheat steam temperature setpoint
discussion about how to overcome it. Possible solutions
• feeder speeds
range from manual intervention to a changed operation
• total coal flow
regime (e.g. changing the combination of mills,
changing main steam pressure). This principle approach • turbine HP control valve position
is shown in the next figure. • reheat pressure

Figure 12: Test run approach • drum level

Before starting the test, it is recommended to reflect on • drum level setpoint
any potential limitations identified in the Pre-Test Data • superheater spray flows
Assessment. Mitigation measures should be available • superheater injection control valve positions
to overcome obstacles during the tests. As many issues • reheat spray flows
are related to control logic, which is not optimized for a • reheat injection control valve positions
wide load range, the most common approach to mitigate
• APH flue gas outlet temperatures
this situation is to operate the plant in manual mode.
• NOx and CO emissions
This was the case in all test runs conducted. Hence, a
• metal temperatures
very experienced operating team is required to manage
this complex situation. • raw water flow
• heat rate
• coal composition
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 15

The sequence in which mills will be taken into or out of • Take the feed water pump out of operation as early as
operation should also be clear. The same is true for fans possible and operate with one pump. If possible, before
and pumps. However, alternative sequences can also be reducing the load below the actual min load.
tried out during the tests. • Take mill E out of operation. Operate with the
minimum number of mills (three) that are required for
5.2.1 inimum Load Test Procedure this load. Use mills B, C and D.

• Switch to turbine follow mode.

The following text refers to a real test procedure that
was applied in IGEF project. • Put feeders in the manual.

• Lower load slowly and in steps by manually reducing

feeder speeds. Switch over to one boiler feed pump as
• Select coal quality. It is recommended to conduct the early as possible. Load changes should be around 25
test with a medium coal quality. (A good coal quality MW (equaling 5%). This can be achieved by reducing
would increase the probability of successful test each of the three feeder speeds by 5%, e.g. in the first
completion but would also raise expectations for all- step from 56% to 51%, and in the second step from
day operation). 51% to 46%. The third step could be smaller, e.g. from
46% to 43%. After each load reduction, wait about
• Discuss the function of existing unit control. Is turbine
30 minutes for stabilization and identify process
follow mode available? Turbine follow mode stable?
instabilities. If no instabilities, reduce the load further.
Transfer to and from turbine follow mode bumpless?
The third step should get us to about 210 MW. If not,
• Clarify if the load setpoint for unit coordinated reduce the feeder speed further.
control can be adjusted below 55% or if it is limited
• If there are instabilities, try to solve them by manual
by the control system. If limited, remove limitation
intervention. It might be necessary to temporarily
(parameter change in logic, location to be determined);
increase the load if instabilities are becoming too
only necessary for test in unit coordinated control.
dangerous for operation.
• Inform the system operator that there is an increased
• When instabilities cannot be eliminated, go back to the
risk of tripping during the tests.
last safe load.
Execution • Depending on which instabilities occur, determine
• Put the unit in actual minimum load (55%), using mills whether to maybe change mills, main steam pressure,
B–E. burner tilts, etc. and repeat to lower load.

• Reduce O2 setpoint by 0.5% for 30 minutes. Check the • After reaching 40% (210 MW) or when obstacles
influence on APH temperatures. cannot be overcome, get back to 288 MW by reversing
the last steps in the procedure. Increase feeder speed
• Put O2 setpoint back to normal.
slowly. (May not be necessary to wait 30 minutes after
• Slowly decrease the main steam pressure setpoint by 10 each increase. This depends on the stability. Increase
bar. It is expected that hot reheat steam temperatures load when it is safe to do so.)
will increase. This may also lead to higher APH outlet
• At 288 MW, put unit control back to normal, feeder
temperatures. Remain at lower pressure for 30 minutes.
speeds to auto, start the feedwater pump, and start the
Observe APH temperatures.
4th mill. The exact sequence is to be determined during
• Slowly put the pressure setpoint back to normal. the operation.
• Slowly increase the burner tilt position until main • Put coal dampers in fully open position, if not yet fully
steam temperatures or hot reheat steam temperatures opened.
approach alarm limits. (If there are reheat spray
• If successful, repeat the test in the coordinated mode of
injections, they may come into operation.) Wait for 30
the unit control.
minutes. Observe APH temperatures.
• Put the unit in actual minimum load (55%), using mills
• Slowly put the burner tilt position back to normal.
• If positive effects on APH temperatures have occurred,
• Select burner tilt, O2 and main steam pressure as found
adjust one or several of the above parameters in a way
most suitable in the last test.
that improves APH temperatures.
• Put SCAPH in operation for increased APH flue gas
• Put SCAPH in operation for increased APH flue gas
• Reduce the main steam temperature setpoint by 5 K to
• Reduce the main steam temperature setpoint by 5 K to
get a higher margin before reaching material limits.
get a higher margin before reaching material limits.
16 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

• Take the feedwater pump out of operation as early as • Depending on which instabilities occur, determine
possible and operate with 1 pump. If possible, before whether to maybe change mills, main steam pressure,
reducing the load below the actual min load. burner tilts, etc. and repeat to lower load.

• Take mill E out of operation. Operate with the • After reaching 40% (210 MW) or when obstacles cannot
minimum number of mills (three) that are required be overcome, get back to 288 MW by reversing the last
for this load. Use mills B, C and D. (Remain in unit steps in the procedure. Increase load setpoint slowly.
coordinated control). (May not be necessary to wait half an hour after each

• Lower load slowly and in steps by adjusting the unit increase. This depends on the stability. Increase load

control setpoint. Load changes should be around 25 when it is safe to do so.)

MW (equaling 5%). This can be achieved by reducing • At 288 MW, start the feedwater pump and start the 4th
the load setpoint from 288 MW to 263 MW to 243 MW mill. The exact sequence is to be determined during the
to 220 MW to 210 MW, using a slow slope (e.g. 0.5%/ operation.
min). After each load reduction, wait about 30 minutes • Put coal dampers in fully open position, if not yet fully
for stabilization and identify process instabilities. If opened.
no instabilities, reduce the load further.
• This test may have to be conducted on several days if
• If there are instabilities, try to solve them by manual obstacles occur. 4
intervention. It might be necessary to temporarily
These steps can be further detailed as shown in the
increase the load if instabilities become too dangerous
following table.
for operation.

• When instabilities cannot be eliminated, go back to the

last safe load.

Table 5: Detailed test procedure for a minimum load test

Time (IST) Load Procedure

11:30 290 MW Reduce O2 setpoint by 0.5% for half an hour

12:00 Put O2 setpoint back to normal
12:00 Slowly decrease the main steam pressure setpoint by 10 bar

12:30 Slowly put the pressure setpoint back to normal

12:30 Slowly increase burner tilt position until main steam temperatures or hot reheat steam
temperatures approach alarm limits
13:00 The burner tilts back to normal

If positive effects on APH temperatures have occurred, adjust one or several of the above
parameters in a way that improves APH temperatures.
13:00 Put SCAPH in operation for increased APH flue gas temperatures.

13:15 Reduce the main steam temperature setpoint by 5 K to get a higher margin before reaching
material limits
13:30 Take the feedwater pump out of operation as early as possible and operate with 1 pump. If
possible, before reducing the load below the actual min load.
14:00 Take mill E out of operation. Operate with the minimum number of mills (three) that are
required for this load. Use mills B, C and D.
14:30 Switch to turbine follow mode
14:30 290 MW Put feeders in manual

15:30 Lower load slowly and in steps by manually reducing feeder speeds

After each load reduction, wait about 30 minutes for stabilization

If no instabilities, reduce the load further

When instabilities cannot be eliminated, go back to last safe load

17:30 210 MW Reach 40% load

4 Test Procedure for the Maithon Power Plant, issued by the IGEF team
in June 2021
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 17

Time (IST) Load Procedure

18:00 Slowly reduce the damper position of the burner with the highest load, until it reaches the
average load, or until 30% damper position is reached
Wait for stabilization
If another burner is also high on coal, repeat. Wait for stabilization.

Repeat with other burners until equal coal flow

Slowly open all coal dampers or keep them in actual position, depending on the outcome of
the test
18:30 210 MW Slowly increase the load to 290 MW

20:30 290 MW 290 MW reached

20:30 If not opened before, put coal dampers in to open position

Normalization (not part of the test):

20:30 Put feeders in auto

20:30 Switch to unit coordinated control mode

20:30 Start feedwater pump

21:00 Start 4th mill

21:00 Put SCAPH out of service

This table refers to the load profile given in Figure 10.

5.2.2 Ramping Test Procedure

• Wait for stabilization (30 minutes).
The following text refers to a real test procedure that • Change load setpoint in one step from 450 MW to
was applied in the IGEF project. 525 MW. (Will take about 30 minutes).

• Wait for stabilization (30 minutes).

• If successful, and all control loops have been stable
• Discuss possibilities to improve burner tilt and enough during the ramps: repeat the test with a
drum level control. If this is done before the load faster load gradient. The speed of the load ramp
ramp test, it requires some hot commissioning should be decided based on the outcome of the
(drum level approx. ½ day at full load, and ½ day at previous test. Preferably 1%/min, if the outcome
low load. Same for burner tilts. Corrections will only was positive.
be active during the hot commissioning and the • If successful, and all control loops have been stable
load ramp tests.) enough during the ramps: repeat test with a faster
• Discuss the lowest load that can be achieved with 6 load gradient. The speed of the load ramp should be
mills (while still maintaining some margin for the decided based on the outcome of the previous test.
mills to control). Preferably 1.5%/min, if the outcome was positive.

• Discuss the target speed of the load ramp. • Repeat with ever-increasing speeds until alarm
limits are approached during one of the ramps.
• Discuss, how fast load ramps can be when mills
have to be stopped/started. Tests with starting/stopping mills:

Execution • Put the unit at full load, and operation as usual.

Tests without starting/stopping mills: • Put the speed of the load ramp to 1%/min. (Depends
also on previous tests. To be discussed before the
• Put the unit at full load, and operation as usual. test.)
• Put the speed of the load ramp at 0.5%/min. • Change load setpoint in one step from 525 MW to
• Change load setpoint in one step from 525 MW to 288 MW. The time to reach the new load depends on
450 MW (operation of (up to) 6 mills is possible at the speed of the load ramp:
this load setpoint). Will take about 30 minutes to get
to 450 MW.
18 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

Speed of ramp Time to reach load • During ramp, manually start mills.
0.5 %/min 90 min • If problems occur, stop the ramp and stabilize it.

1 %/min 45 min • After completion of a ramp: Wait for stabilization

(30 minutes).
1.5 %/min 30 min • If successful and all control loops have been stable
2 %/min 23 min enough during the ramps, repeat the test with a
faster load gradient. To be discussed based on the
• Optionally, instead of lowering the load to 288 MW, outcome of the previous test, how fast the load
lower the load to below 288 MW, depending on the ramp should be. Consider the time for starting and
outcome of the min load tests. stopping mills.
• During ramp, manually take mills out of operation. • Repeat with ever-increasing speeds until alarm
• If problems occur, stop the ramp and stabilize it. limits are approached during one of the ramps, or

• After completion of a ramp: Wait for stabilization the target speed has been reached, or the time for

(30 minutes). starting/stopping mills is not sufficient any more.

• Change load setpoint in 1 step from 288 MW (or • This test may have to be conducted on several days

lower, whatever the actual load is) to 525 MW. if obstacles occur.5

Table 6: Detailed test procedure for a ramping test

Time (IST) Load Procedure
12:30 500 MW
12:30 Put the speed of the load ramp to 0.5%/min (or faster, depending on previous tests)
Change load setpoint in one step from 525 MW to 450 MW (operation of (up to) 6 mills is possible at this
12:30 load setpoint). Will take about ½ hour to get to 450 MW

13:00 430 MW Wait for stabilization (15 minutes)

13:15 Change load setpoint in 1 step from 450 MW to 525 MW. (Will take about ½ hour.)

13:45 500 MW Wait for stabilization (15 minutes)

If successful, and all control loops have been stable enough during the ramps: repeat the test with a faster
load gradient. The speed of the load ramp should be decided based on the outcome of the previous test.
14:00 Preferably 1%/min, if the outcome was positive.

14:15 430 MW Wait for stabilization (15 minutes)

14:30 Setpoint to 525 MW

14:45 500 MW Wait for stabilization (15 minutes)

If successful, and all control loops have been stable enough during the ramps: repeat the test with a faster
load gradient. The speed of the load ramp should be decided based on the outcome of the previous test.
15:15 Preferably 1.5%/min, if the outcome was positive.

15:30 430 MW Wait for stabilization (15 minutes)

15:45 Setpoint to 525 MW

16:00 500 MW Wait for stabilization (15 minutes)

Put the speed of the load ramp to 1%/min. (Depends also on previous tests. To be discussed before the
16:00 500 MW test).

16:00 Change load setpoint in one step from 525 MW to 288 MW

During ramp, manually take mills out of operation

If problems occur, stop the ramp and stabilize

16:45 290 MW After completion of a ramp: Wait for stabilization (30 minutes)

17:15 Change load setpoint in one step from 288 MW to 525 MW

During ramp, manually start mills

If problems occur, stop the ramp and stabilize

18:00 500 MW After completion of a ramp: Wait for stabilization (30 minutes)

This table refers to the load profile which is given in 5 Test Procedure for the Maithon Power Plant, issued by the IGEF team
Figure 11. in June 2021
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 19

6. Test Run Assessment:

Flexibilization Plan

The test run assessment is based on the observations In this example, the following observations were made
and findings during the test runs in combination with at 190 MW:
an analysis of the recorded operating data. In general,
the assessment is structured according to the following • RH steam temperature is low (523°C and decreasing →
areas: efficiency loss). However, the values were not as low as
those at other comparable plants.
• combustion
• FD fan positions 8%, which is not a good range for
• steam conditions
• feed water (e.g., drum level)
• Manual drum level control. During a minimum load
• mill load
operation, TDBFP A auxiliary control valve was
• flue gas conditions controlled manually throughout. Drum level setpoint to
• metal temperatures vary accordingly.

• heat rate • Flue gas exit temperature at the APH outlet decreased
• NOx emission to 109.4°C and 112.4°C (below the actual acid dew
The data are visualized in the same way as in the Pre-
Test Data Assessment. The following figure is taken • Flame intensity at AB2, AB3 and BC2 showing low.
from a test run assessment providing an overview of the Fireball at AB was flickering intermittently.
main plant parameters during the minimum load test.

Figure 13: Main plant parameters during a minimum load test

20 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

• The hotwell level remained high >2000 mm Water The classification of these curves was as follows: When
Column (steam consumption from U1). ramping up, the unit control gives priority to building up the
pressure. First of all, the increase of fuel leads to a build-up
• U1 steam flow was increased to 40 t/h at U1 load >500
of pressure and only later to more generation (Megawatt).
MW. U1 cold RH bypass motorized valve was opened.
This can be seen in the graph above whenever the green
Dependency on other unit for steam.
curve (pressure) increases ahead of the pink curve (MW).
• MDBFP was kept in the manual throughout. This is only the case in the upward direction. 7

• Logic modification was required; single fan operation

was not possible due to ID fan current remaining on the 6.1 Common Findings
higher side and due to flame instability.
Based on the results of the test runs in India, it was
• Turbine vibration for HP front bearing (bearing 1) shaft possible to identify the main areas that pose problems
X rose to 116 microns. At 290 MW it is maintained at for flexible operation. They are shown in the following
100 microns. 6 figure.
Such observations were collected for all test situations –
also for the ramp test. The next figure shows an example
depicting the main parameters for a ramp test.

Figure 14: Main plant parameters during a ramp rate test

6 Maithon Test Report issued by the IGEF team in June 2021 7 Maithon Test Report issued by the IGEF team in June 2021
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 21

Figure 15: Potential issues during flexible operation

Combustion and Boiler

valve cause significant turbulence in low load ranges.
One of the biggest challenges is to ensure flame stability Therefore, these valves should be substituted by control
in low load ranges. Besides the monitoring of important valves to improve the controllability of the process.
combustion parameters, such as oxygen and CO content, Moreover, low steam temperatures also become an
flame scanners must operate properly. Ideally, there issue at low load – especially because of the heat rate.
should be individual flame scanners for each burner – This problem can be mitigated by improving the spray
this is not usually the case in Indian power plants. controls. Burner tilts can also serve as a measure to
increase steam temperatures.
The high number of coal mills is an advantage in
Indian power plants. This provides flexibility for The turbine can also become a problem – although,
load adjustments. A key challenge here is the smooth usually this is not the case. However, turbine vibration
transition of mills when reducing or increasing the load. should be closely monitored to avoid critical situations.
As a general rule, it is better to keep lesser mills running
in a higher operational range than the other way round. Flue gas
This operation mode is more stable – during the test,
In low load conditions, low flue gas temperatures can
at a minimum load of about 35% to 40%, usually three
become a major concern if they fall below the flue gas
mills were in operation.
dew point. This can cause significant damage to the
During fast load changes, high temperature gradients air preheater. Therefore, the flue gas temperatures at
in thick-walled components can cause thermal stress. the air preheater (APH) outlet need to be monitored
Therefore, metal temperatures should be closely and controlled properly. It is recommended to use
monitored to ensure that critical operating situations the steam coil air preheater (SCAPH) to ensure that
can be avoided, e.g., by using burner tilts. necessary temperature levels in low load conditions are
maintained. Such SCAPH is usually available in Indian
Water-steam cycle power plants – but is often not in service.

An unstable drum level control was one of the key NOx

obstacles during the test runs. Switching between feed
water pumps in low load operation, in particular, caused It can be excepted that NOx decreased with the load.
stability issues. One reason is that the recirculation valve This could also be detected during the test runs (see the
of the turbo-driven boiler feed pump (TDBFP) is usually following figure).
an on-/off type of valve. The opening and closing of this
22 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

Figure 16: NOx emissions and load during the minimum load tests

However, the generation of NOx strongly depends on the This means that the amount of air available at the
amount of O2. The major source of NOx production from burners in service is too important and causes a
nitrogen-bearing fuels is the conversion of fuel bound combustion in an oxidizing environment which releases
nitrogen to NOx during combustion. During combustion, NOx instead of N2. The NOx level also depends on the
the nitrogen bound in the fuel is released as a free burner constellation.
radical and ultimately forms free N2 or NO. During
the release and before the oxidation of the volatiles, Heat Rate
nitrogen reacts to form several intermediaries which
The heat rate at various load points during one test
are then oxidized into NO. If the volatiles evolve into a
run is provided in the next figure. The data represent
reducing atmosphere, the nitrogen evolved can readily
stabilized conditions during the test runs. However,
be made to form nitrogen gas, rather than NOx. It can
the coal quality variation was very high as a result of
be seen from the test data that NOx increased with the
blending. Therefore, as an example, the Gross Calorific
amount of O2 in the flue gas.
Value was in a range of 3,545 kcal/kWh to 5,640 kcal/

Figure 17: Heat rate relative to load during the test runs
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 23

For these test runs – in addition to the conversion of 6.2.1 Mandatory Measures for Minimum Load
the heat rate values – the unit efficiency was calculated Operation
based on the heat generated in the superheater and the
re-heater. These values were in the range of 37% at low Thermal Feasibility Study
load and increased to 41% or 42% at high load. These
efficiency values seem to be more conclusive as the data To get transparency about the temperature conditions
derived from the coal analysis. in the boiler and, thus, about the stress on important

Figure 18: Efficiency during the test runs components, a thermal feasibility study of the boiler
is recommended. Such a study would involve the
6.2 Flexibility Measures evaluation of process limitations and an assessment of
the impact of low load operation and temperature, as
Based on the findings, measures to ensure a safe, well as the impact of pressure gradients on the boiler
reliable and steady minimum load operation, as well components and equipment. As such, the study would
as reasonable ramp rates to enhance the dynamic also be essential for enhancing the ramp rates of the
behaviour of the plant, were proposed. Most of the plant.

proposed measures were similar in all three test plants. The thermal feasibility study of the boiler for part load
Therefore, it can be assumed that they also apply to operation should be based on a thermal boiler model
other plants with a similar design. As a result of the test that is calibrated with the test data. The calibrated
runs, it is anticipated that the minimum load of such thermal boiler model should include a thermal
plants is about 40%. This is a level that can be reached evaluation of the minimal achievable stable boiler
without too much effort. With respect to ramp rates, the part load for the coal range, a boiler heating surface
achievable level is estimated at 2% load per minute. degradation evaluation, a hardware/software check and
a risk evaluation of boiler components and mitigations.
The measures are divided into mandatory and optional All relevant systems of the boiler (pressure/non-
categories. The following section discusses common pressure parts, combustion/burner system, flue gas
measures for both categories.
24 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

part, I&C etc.) should be examined with regard to the C. Automated Start and Stop of Mills
long-term operation of all relevant new part load cases Automated start-up and shut-down sequences for
(incl. power degradation potential). the mills are necessary to enhance flexible operation.

Using the test data, a thermal feasibility study of the

boiler should be carried out to find and avoid mid and D. RH Steam Temperature Control
long-term damage/limitations of the boiler systems Although the re-heat steam temperature was
(design and operation). Evaluation of process limitations sufficiently high for the turbine during the tests,
should be carried out. The most commonly used coal improvement of the heat rate at part load operation
should be analyzed, as well as the potential full range is recommended. The re-heat steam temperature
of coal – including coal with maximum problematic should be controlled by using burner tilts as part
contents such as ash, moisture, sulphur, etc. of the automated control. Currently, burner tilts
are operated manually and consequently re-heat
Based on the study’s findings, further relevant
steam temperatures are dropping during low load
measures can be defined. These measures range from
operation. This causes an avoidable loss of efficiency.
advanced (automated) control strategies, including
The implementation comprises further test runs to
combustion optimization, ramping and start-up, to the
investigate the influence of the burner tilts, as well
concept of an economizer bypass to increase the APH
as the design and integration of the logic for the
flue gas outlet temperatures at low load.
automated RH steam temperature control.

Control Optimization and Feedwater

6.2.2 Mandatory Measures for Ramp Rate
Recirculation Valves
Further mandatory measures focus on control
As already mentioned in the previous chapter, a thermal
feasibility study of the boiler will also be essential for
enhancing the ramp rates of the plant. With the help of
A. Drum Level Control the model which will be developed in the course of this
The tests showed that drum level controls were not study, it will be possible to derive measures to decrease
tuned for low load operating ranges that require SH and RH metal temperatures in cycling operation
auxiliary steam from another unit for TDBFP regimes, e.g. by effectively applying the burning tilts.
operation. That is why it is recommended to upgrade The findings of the thermal feasibility study will
or implement new controls for turbine-driven also provide the basis for the optimization of various
boiler feedwater pumps when fed by auxiliary steam controls.
from another unit. The current operating regime is
associated with an increased trip risk and requires Control Optimization
a lot of operator attention. In this context, the
replacement of the feedwater recirculation valves Further mandatory measures focus on control
with modulating type valves will also improve the optimization.
drum level control. Currently, the opening of the
A. Upgrade furnace/windbox delta pressure (dp)
valves causes big disturbances.
Furthermore, an upgrade or implementation of
The setpoint should be given automatically
new controls is necessary for the turbine-driven
depending on load.
boiler feedwater pumps when fed by auxiliary steam
from another unit. Currently, these controls are not B. Upgrade furnace pressure control
working properly – there is increased trip risk and a
lot of operator attention is required. An automated The secondary air control and furnace/windbox dp

start and stop sequence of the BFPs is also required. control should be decoupled. This will stabilize the
furnace pressure and remove oscillations.

B. Flue Gas Temperature Control

C. hange unit control (Coordinated Master Control
The SCAPH should be taken into operation CMC)
automatically whenever needed. This would enable
These changes should enable the load to change
the flue gas temperature to be controlled through the
sooner in the upward direction, and the pressure
use of the steam APH. This control combined with
later. This would have the following effects:
the upgraded temperature control would prevent
corrosion in the APH.
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 25

• better cooling of RH tubes when steam flow firing balance point to be ascertained, e.g. depending
increases, less MTM increase on the start-up conditions of the boiler (cold, warm
• better drum level stability or hot start). The system also has an automatic
replacement strategy should one mill not go into
• better fuel / air coordination
service or fail during service.
• better fuel / load coordination
• faster and smoother ramps
B. Main Steam Temperature Control

It should be noted that ramp rate improvements, as The current main steam temperature deviations
well as stable minimum operation, strongly depend are too large and the high values will potentially
on a stable and optimized combustion – some control result in higher lifetime consumption of boiler parts.
optimization measures have already been mentioned. Therefore, the implementation of a temperature
Coal flow balancing, which is based on an online coal controller is necessary.
flow measurement system and variable orifices, is
another promising measure, not only to enhance The main task of the temperature controller is to
flexibility parameters but also to increase efficiency achieve stable steam temperatures so that main
and reduce NOx emissions. Although the functioning of steam temperatures can be controlled based on a
such systems could already be demonstrated (see next load-dependent setpoint in all load situations. In
chapter), a full-scale test – equipping at least the mills normal load operation, setpoint changes occur very
in operation at minimum load with such a system – has rarely. Disturbances that have to be compensated for
yet to be carried out. Such a test would provide valuable quickly - to allow the unit to be operated close to the
insights into the effectiveness of coal flow balancing for material limit - represent the most critical situations.
the benefit of flexibilization, efficiency and emissions.
The temperature control concept should be suitable
for all boiler types, regardless of the load, fuel, type
6.2.3 Further Measures for Flexibility
of evaporation (drum or Benson-type boiler) or
pressure characteristics, such as fixed or modified
sliding-pressure mode. These influences are reflected
Control Solutions
in the temperature control parameters but the basic
If mandatory measures are implemented, some further structure is always the same. The control structure
control upgrades can be implemented to ensure smooth should comprise two main parts:
and efficient plant operation at different load levels as
• The dynamic setpoint calculation
well as with minimum load:
• The subordinated control loop that controls
A. Unit Control and Automatic Mill Operation (Mill the temperature based on the dynamic setpoint
Scheduler) calculation

The main task of the unit control is to provide • The same structure should be applied to different
setpoints for the steam generator and the turbine steam temperature control concepts.
that meet specific requirements defined by the
Coal Flow Balancing
operator or load dispatcher. The two main variables –
steam pressure and unit load – have to be controlled
An online coal flow measurement system (CFMS)
by the slow-acting boiler and the fast-acting turbine.
provides detailed information about the coal
The dynamic behaviour of the plant is replicated
distribution between mills and coal dust pipes. It
using a simplified model of the unit dynamics, which
also enables combustion optimization by trimming
only includes the components for boiler dynamics
the air/fuel ratio. Ideally, in addition to the coal flow
and steam storage.
measurement, controllable variable orifices should be
installed so that coal flow balancing is possible. The
An additional task of the unit control is to
main benefits of such a combined system of online coal
automatically take fans, BFPs and mills into
flow measurement and variable orifices are:
operation during load ramps, to allow smooth and
uninterrupted load changes. A mill scheduler is
• imbalances occurring during minimum load
subordinate to the unit control and switches coal
operation can be detected and
mills ON / OFF automatically depending on the firing
demand and the actual number of firing devices
in service. The center line for the firing devices in • air/fuel ratio can be optimized in all load conditions
service can be specified. This enables the boiler’s
26 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

• inherent storage of mills can be used by increasing The Boiler Fatigue Monitoring System can determine
primary air flow the residual lifetime of highly stressed components by
calculating the creep and low-cycle fatigue of specific
• individual burner adjustment is possible
components (in line with EN12952) during real-time
• less CO at boiler walls prevents boiler corrosion operation. Water and steam piping components such

• less NOx emissions and higher efficiency through as headers, manifolds, drums, attemperators and

combustion optimization piping all have a limited life span. The system enables
deviations to be detected online and early on, based
Practice shows that a uniform coal flow distribution on real-time signals and active management of an
inside coal dust pipes seldom arises. Thus, the system operating database. The benefits are:
must be able to identify and compensate for such rope
formation – ideally, by actively manipulating the coal • transparency in operating mode on residual life
flow via variable orifices.
• detection of high-wear operating modes

The effectiveness of CFMS has been demonstrated in • in-time notification for overhaul and inspection
various applications, e.g. by Siemens Energy in power requisite
plants in Poland and South Korea, as well as by BMW
• enhanced power plant safety and reliability
Steels. The latter executed CFMS tests at one mill at
MPL in September 2021. According to BMW Steels’ • utilization of component material reserves
report, coal flow balancing was achieved by adjusting
• cost-effective in-service monitoring and analysis
temporarily-installed variable orifices. It was thereby
possible to equalize the coal flow in the four pipes to The EOH concept provides an overview of the life
the mill up to a maximum percentage deviation of consumption of standard operating hours as well as of
5.85%. The maximum percentage deviation before the ESH that reflects load changes and actual stress on the
balancing was up to 47.80%. turbine components subjected to ramp up and ramp
down. The so-called ESH is calculated from temperature
Condition Monitoring differences in thick-walled turbine components arising
during turbine start-ups, shutdowns and load changes
Condition monitoring systems monitor highly loaded with distinct steam temperature changes. Hence, the
boiler and piping components against creep and fatigue. ESH represent the turbine service life expenditure
Such a system monitors the temperature differences and caused by temperature induced stresses.
pressure and signals when the allowable limits during
load changes have been exceeded. It would be integrated
into the existing I&C system and calibrated based on the
FEM analysis. It would comprise different sub-systems
that are explained in the following paragraphs.

Figure 19: Overview of a boiler

fatigue monitoring system
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 27

7. Implementation Recommendation:

As a result of the IGEF test runs, NTPC decided to However, the level of confidence in automated solutions
implement a set of flexibility measures in their needs to be built up. Therefore, a good compromise
Dadri power plant (unit 6). This set comprised the should be found according to the plant situation. A
optimization of existing control loops as well as the no-regret activity is that every Indian plant checks the
introduction of a mill scheduler – a control logic that start and stop sequences of its fans, pumps and mills.
takes the mill in or out of operation automatically based These logics are most likely already existing in the
on the plant requirements. Furthermore, a controllable control system and just need to be aligned to the actual
recirculation valve was installed to ensure smooth operating procedure.
control of TDBFP operation at low load. The according
logic was also implemented. In the course of this Due to the high ash content of Indian coal, it is
control optimization process, sequences to take in or unlikely that coal-fired power plants can reduce the
take out operation main components - such as ID, FD, minimum load to below 40% without any additional
PA fans and BFPs - were also automated. These logics coal treatment. With high quality coal, minimum
did already exist in the MAX DNA system of BHEL – in loads of down to 30% and ramp rates of up to 3% were
many cases, these logics had to be modified and/or achieved during test runs in India. If lower loads need
commissioned. to be achieved with typical Indian coal, a concept for
homogenization and enhancing coal quality should
be developed. Such a concept could include washing,
Building confidence in automated solutions
blending, and coal cleaning at the site as well as online
Gradually, the plant team is learning to trust in the coal analysis.
automated solutions key to enhancing the flexibility
To ensure proper combustion control and thereby
of the plant. Therefore, it is strongly recommended
guarantee a reliable minimum load operation, proper
to foresee enough time in the planning for the
flame detection – ideally, individual for each burner
introduction of automated solutions. A good starting
but not feasible in many Indian plants – and reliable
point would be an inventory of the current status of
measurement of O2 and CO are essential.
main equipment and control loops with regards to the
level of automation (e.g. from 0 – manual operation to
In any case, a review of all operating procedures
5 – fully automated operation). Experience shows that
is required to adapt and modify them for flexible
the higher the automation level, the better the flexibility
operation. The following listing provides some practical
of the plant. Manual interventions should be reduced to
tips that could be considered in this context.
a minimum, especially for fast and efficient start-up.
28 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

Table 7: Issue lists for different plant areas

Plant area combustion / mills

Issues - minimum number of mills / burners / burner level ensuring a sufficient ignition and, respectively,
- minimum coal flow
- air distribution control
- inertia and smooth switch over
Mitigation - Many Indian plants have six or more mills. For minimum load operation, the boiler will be most likely
operated with three mills.
- Optimized combustion control based on the test run experiences in part load operation; special focus on
reaction time and mill switch-over. Note: It is better running fewer mills at higher load than more mills at
low load – the combustion stability increases.
- Optimized grinding: enables better usage of the fuel – improving the combustion process, precondition is
the use of washed coal, respectively coal without stones, rocks and other hard impurities.
- The control criterion for taking the first mill into operation should be the temperature inside the respective
coal mill (classifier). This temperature should be higher than 70°C to avoid water dew point in the mill and,
consequently, to avoid corrosions and blockings inside the coal mill caused by wet coal dust.

Plant area combustion / burners

Issues - Flame stability (flame pulsation and blow-off)

- Air distribution
Mitigation - Ensure reliable flame detection
- Improve air-fuel ratio
- Increase mixture and swirl
- Ensure equal coal dust distribution to burners
- Reduce cooling air flows
- Improve positioning accuracy of air control flaps
- Use upper burner levels to keep required steam temperatures at low load, to shift heat transfer from the
evaporator to the superheater / reheater sections

Plant area Water-steam cycle / chemistry

Issues - Proper water and steam quality at all load conditions to avoid corrosion
- Cycling results during peak demand on condensate supply and oxygen controls
Mitigation - Strict adherence to proven quality standards such as VGB-S-010-T-00; 2011-12.EN “Feed Water, Boiler Water
and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants”

Plant area Water-steam cycle / evaporator and superheater

Issues - Differences in wall temperatures and material stress

- Avoidance of overheating
Mitigation - Ensure sufficient water / steam flow
- Optimize operation procedures for ramping
- Check for design buffer in minimum feedwater flow, especially in once-through boilers
- Use circulation mode
- Monitor conditions

Plant area Turbine

Issues - Ventilation (reverse steam flow in the exhaust steam zone)

- Vibration excitation at the last-stage blades
- Water droplet erosion
- Vibration and expansion due to thermal stress (casing, bearings and shaft)
Mitigation - Implement protective functions in the HP and LP turbine
- Extend vibration monitoring
- Cool blades and casing – for LP a, controlled flow and fast evacuation via a direct link to the condenser
- Improve condenser vacuum
- Optimize drainage
- Optimize start-up procedures
- EOH (Equivalent Operating Hours) counter to quantify the lifetime consumption due to thermal stress
- Improve condition and temperature monitoring
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 29

Plant area Generator

Issues - Thermo-mechanical stress on generator components, especially at stator windings

Mitigation - Integrate online monitoring and diagnosis: control of the cooling temperature, partial discharge
measurement and stator end winding vibration measurements

Plant area DeNOx

Issues - NH3 slip

- Fouling and corrosion
- Ammonium sulfate formation
Mitigation - Ensure minimum flue gas temperature at all load conditions (use higher burner level and higher air ratio)
- Improve dosing control
- Enamel coating is required at the cold end

Condition monitoring to manage life-time damage caused by the cyclical loads. In the past, the
consumption damage mechanism caused by the creep was the main
cause of service-life wear and tear. With the flexible
To mitigate the negative consequences of flexible operation, the wear and tear caused by fatigue come into
operation, condition monitoring systems are a very focus.
useful tool. With their help, it is possible to operate
the plant in cycling mode without compromising the Moreover, there is also wear and tear due to higher
material limits of the plant components. Changing utilization and corrosion caused by changes in
pressure and temperature-related stresses on the plant chemistry and water excess from increased
components pose the greatest challenge. This can lead condensation. The following table lists the typical plant
to increased wear, which is due, in particular, to fatigue equipment most affected by cycling operations.

Table 8: List of critical components

Plant equipment with most Primary damage mechanism

significant impacts
Boiler water-walls Fatigue corrosion; corrosion due to oxygen and chemical deposits (depending on water quality)

Boiler superheaters High temperature differential and hot spots from low steam flows during start-up, long-term
overheating failures
Boiler reheaters High temperature differential and hot spots from low steam flows during start-up, long-term
overheating failures, and tube exfoliation damages IP turbines
Boiler economizer Temperature transient during start-ups

Boiler headers Fatigue due to temperature ranges and rates, thermal differentials tube to headers; cracking in
dissimilar metal welds, headers and valves
Drum Thermo-mechanical stress at drum walls

LP turbine Blade erosion

Turbine shell and rotor Non-uniform temperatures result in rotor bow and loss of desired clearance and possible rotor
clearances rubs with resulting steam seal damages
Feed water heaters High ramp rates during starts; not designed for rapid thermal changes

Air heaters Cold end basket corrosion when at low loads and start up, acid and water dew point

Fuel system / pulverizers Cycling of the mills occurs from even load following operation as iron wear rates increase from
low coal flow during turn down to a minimum
30 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

A thermal feasibility study of the boiler would set the Need for preservation or lay-up procedures
baseline for the assessment of proper temperature
conditions in the boiler and the stress on the listed Preservation or lay-up procedures are another

components (except the turbine parts). This study important aspects. Boiler tube failures and other

provides transparency about the limitations and set corrosion fatigue effects can be reduced by defining lay-

points (e.g., for metal temperatures) for efficient, up procedures, depending on the duration of the plant

dynamic but gentle operation. To ensure strict being off-line. For implementing suitable preservation

compliance with these values, the instrumentation procedures to protect equipment, the vgbe standards

for relevant combustion-related measurements needs “Preservation of Power Plants” and “Preservation of

to work properly. Furthermore, we recommended Steam Turbo-Generator Set” could serve as a guideline.

implementing condition monitoring systems to monitor

Flexible operation with cycling, part load and minimum
lifetime consumption. Hence, the Dadri team decided to
load operation should be considered in the design of
integrate a Boiler Fatigue Monitoring System and EOH
the flue gas equipment. The flue gas treatment needs
counter for the turbine.
to comply with environmental norms at all potential

The following table provides an overview of helpful load conditions. Cycling load operation has an impact

(European) regulations and vgbe standards with regard on DeNOx and DeSOx systems – e.g. pumping operation

to inspections, testing and calculating the operational scheme and dosing control.

lifespan of the equipment.

Table 9: Existing regulations and vgbe standards with respect to condition monitoring

Pipeline Header / drum Injection cooler

Calculation/ - VGB-R109 - VGB-R109 - VGB-R109

design - VGB-R507 section 4.3.2 with references to: - VGB-R501 - VGB-S013
FDBR Guideline “Design of power piping” - EN 12952-3 - VGB-R540
and VDI manual Energy Technologies - EN 13445-3 (A1 item - EN 13480-3
- VGB-S013 (boiler interior) 19) - EN 13445-3
- VGB-S503 - TRD series 300*, 508* - TRD series 300*, 508*
- VGB-R510 - AD 2000 series B/S - AD 2000 series B/S
- EN 13480-3 - Finite elements - Finite elements method
- TRD series 300*, 508* method
- AD 2000 series B/S
- AD 2000 series HP 100R (replacement for
TRR 100)
- Finite elements method
Extended - VGB-R508 - VGB-S013 - VGB-R540
inspection - VGB-R510 - DIN EN 13445-5 - DIN EN 12952-6
- EN 13480-5 - DIN EN 12952-6
Diagnostic test - VGB-R509 (periodic inspection) in - TRD series 500* - TRD series 500*
conjunction with VGB-R510 - VGB-R509 (periodic - VGB-R540 in conjunction
- VGB- S517 inspection) in with VGB-R509
- (microstructure rating charts) conjunction with - VGB-S517
VGB-R510 - (microstructure rating
- VGB-TW507 charts)
- (microstructure rating
Diagnostic - TRD 508*/EN 12952-4 - TRD 508*/EN 12952-4 - TRD 508*/EN12952-4
lifetime - TRD series 300* / EN 12952-3 - TRD series 300* / EN - TRD series 300*
calculation - Force/displacement transducer with 12952-3 - EN 12952-3
diagnostic system by the manufacture - DIN EN 13445-3 A1 - Finite elements method
- Finite elements method (Appendix M)
- Finite elements
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 31

7.1 Flexibility Checklist

The following table includes a summary of the most

important elements in the flexibilization process of
a typical sub-critical Indian power plant. For each
equipment and control loop, operational procedures
should be reviewed and extended for a wider load range.
In a continuous improvement process, the effect of
these measures should be monitored and further actions
might be taken to further optimize.

Designation Optimized Autom. Level: Remark

load range 0 none – 5 fully

Mills - Define optimized mill sequence for ramp-up and ramp down
- Define optimized mill configuration for minimum load
- Ensure automated start-up and shut-down of mills
- Consider a mill scheduler for automated ramp-up and ram-down of
ID fan(s) - Optimize load range of fans
- Ensure automated start-up and shut-down of fans
- Ensure optimized switch-over from or to one-fan operation (in case
there are > 1 fan)
- Consider automated fan control and switch over
FD fan(s) see ID fan

PA fan(s) see ID fan

Designation Optimized Autom. Level: Remark

load range 0 none – 5 fully
SA fan(s) see ID fan

MDBFP(s) - Optimize load range of pumps

- Ensure automated start-up and shut-down of fans
- Ensure optimized switch-over from or to one-pump operation
- Consider automated pump control and switch over

- Ensure that the recirculation valve is a controllable one – optimize the

control in a low load range, e.g. even consider automated control

APH Critical equipment in low load operation – ensure flue gas temperatures
above the acid dew point
SCAPH - Keep this equipment in “ready-to-operate” state – beneficial to ensure
flue gas temperature level above the acid dew point
- Automated start-up and stops are desirable
Burners Burner tilts are a key lever for steam temperature control (esp. in low load)

Control loops

Drum level - MDBFP and TDBFP need to be optimized for the full load range (see
- Optimized control parameter for the full load range – consider
automated control
- Include feed-forward control to ensure higher dynamics
32 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

Designation Optimized load range Autom. Level: Remark

0 none – 5 fully
Main steam temp. - Optimized control parameter for the full load range –
consider automated control
- Use burner tilts for control
- Include feed-forward control to ensure higher dynamics
RH steam temp. See main steam temp.

Flue gas temp. Consider SCAPH operation to maintain temperatures above

acid dewpoint
SH RH metal temp. - Use burner tilts for control
- Adjust set points according to the results of the thermal
feasibility study for the boiler
Windbox dp and furnace - Use automated set points
pressure - Decouple (secondary) air control and furnace/windbox
dp control
Unit Control - Significant influence on the dynamic behaviour of the
plant – can be enhanced by integrating a simplified
model of the unit dynamics that only includes the
components for boiler dynamics and steam storage
- Integration of advanced solutions such as condensate
throttling improves the flexibility of the plant
Start-up sequence Full range - Decrease in start-up time requires optimized procedures
for all steps (start of fans, pumps, mills etc.)
- The higher the automation level, the faster the start-up

Table 10: Flexibility checklist for sub-critical Indian power plants

Designation Optimized load Autom. Level: Remark

range 0 none – 5 fully
Instrumentation Full range n.a. - Reliable measurements in the full range are
(e.g. for RH metal temp., O2, essential – the quality and quantity of existing
NOx and CO, windbox dp, instrumentation should be checked
furnace pressure, flame - If necessary, a substitution/modernization of
scanners, steam temp. and instrumentation should be considered
pressures, flue gas temp.)
Condition Monitoring - Provide important information about the
Systems such as Boiler equipment status with respect to the operational
Fatigue Monitoring System, lifespan
EOH counter for the turbine, - Not directly required for flexible operation but
vibration monitoring very beneficial to mitigate
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 33

8. Useful Publications and Standards

8.1 International Reports and Publications 4. Wiatros-Motyka, Malgorzata: Power Plant Design
on Best Practices and Management for Unit Cycling, Report from IEA
Clean Coal Centre CCC/295, 2019
1. Nepper-Rasmussen B. C. et al., Development and
Role of Flexibility in the Danish Power System, In this study, different modes of cyclic operation of
2021 coal-fired plants and strategies for managing the
negative impacts are identified. Options include
The study presents the development of flexibility
new operating practices, use of advanced materials,
options in the Danish Power System from 2000 to 2020.
suitable design features, power plant preservation
It reflects the lessons learnt gathered over the past two
during standby and installation of improved control
decades and puts a special focus on the Combined Heat
systems. Such measures can improve unit heat rates and
and Power (CHP) concept which is very common in
reduce the number of forced outages in existing fossil
fuel-fired plants, as well as in new builds. This study

2. Sinha, Anjan: The Recipe Book for the also identifies potential trade-offs associated with

Flexibilization of Coal Based Power Plants, Indo- technology selection for enhanced flexibility. Examples

German Energy Forum, 2020 from Germany, India, Poland and USA are given.

This book presents best practices and operating 5. Central Electricity Authority: Flexible Operation

procedures for the flexible operation of coal fired power of Thermal Power Plants for Integration of

plants in India. It is based on the review of published Renewable Generation, CEA-Report, 2019

international literature, inputs from pilot studies

This is an official Government of India report which
carried out in Indian power stations (including the test
reflects on the implications of large-scale renewable
run activities under the auspices of the Indo-German
generation integration and the need for flexible
Energy Forum with VGB involvement) and experts’
operation of other types of generating units, especially
interviews. It was compiled by Mr. Anjan Sinha, a highly
coal-fired power plants. Flexibilization measures,
acknowledged Indian expert on this subject who worked
implementation strategies and pilot projects are
for NTPC for many years.
described. It presents a preliminary estimate of

3. Storm, Stephen: High-Level Flexibility Assessment the capital investment & increase in operational

and Benchmarking Tool, Electric Power Research expenditure for flexible operation. Furthermore, it

Institute, Report 3002019900, 2020 sets out a road map for the cost-effective and flexible
operation of various sizes of thermal units.
This publication introduces flexibility templates to
support power plant operators in complex flexibility 6. VGB’s Flexibility Toolbox: Compilation of Measures

assessments. By using these templates, it is possible to for the Flexible Operation of Coal-Fired Power

identify design limitations and operating gaps, as well Plants, VGB-B-033, March 2018

as areas for improvement. The templates apply to both

The Flexibility Toolbox supports operators of coal-fired
subcritical and supercritical steam generators with a
power plants in switching from base-load to flexible
capacity of more than 100 MW. The publication also
operation. It contains information on technologies,
provides recommendations on mitigation measures
further training courses and management topics.
to prevent costly equipment damage due to flexible
The Toolbox offers 40 different measures to increase
flexibility through retrofits or technical interventions.
The measures concentrate on combustion, water-steam
cycle, turbine, control technology and auxiliary systems.
34 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

7. Central Electricity Authority: “Flexibilisation of to the flexibility of thermal power plants. The third
Coal Fired Power Plants - A roadmap for achieving part analyzes some retrofit measures to increase the
40% Technical Minimum Load”, CEA-Report, 2023 flexibility of coal power plants, including their technical
and economic parameters. Fourth, findings regarding
A comprehensive report has been prepared with the challenges and opportunities are discussed and put
contribution of committee members from various into perspective by spotlighting the situation in South
organizations and consultants which are at the forefront Africa and Poland, two countries with large coal power
for steering this new demand. The report comprises generation shares.
of eleven chapters which cover the various important
issues in details.
8.2 vgbe Standards
8. IEA: Status of Power System Transformation:
The most relevant documents are the vgbe standards
Advanced Power Plant Flexibility 2018, IEA Report,
which provide detailed information on important
aspects of flexible operation.
The Status of Power System Transformation 2018
1. Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for
report was jointly prepared by the International Energy
Power Plants / Industrial Plants,
Agency (IEA) and the US National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL). The report presents the findings of
the Advanced Power Plant Flexibility (APPF) Campaign, 2. Preservation of Steam Turbo-Generator Sets, VGB-
which was supported by two Clean Energy Ministerial S-036-00-2017-04-EN
initiatives: the 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP)
and the Multilateral Wind and Solar Working Group. 3. Preservation of Power Plants, VGB-S-116-00-
This report provides a comprehensive overview of how
power plants can contribute to making power systems 4. Condition Monitoring and Inspection of
more flexible, as well as offering a range of guidance Components of Steam Boiler Plants, Pressure Vessel
on strategies to promote cost-effective and system- Installations and High-Pressure Water and Steam
appropriate power plant flexibility measures. Based on Pipes, VGB-S-506-R-00;2012-03.EN
a wealth of real-life case studies and data, it provides a
5. Cooling Water Guideline, VGB-R 455e
reference source for the technical capabilities of power
plants in a diverse set of country contexts.
6. Recommendations for the operation and
monitoring of boiler circulating pumps – Based on
9. Clean Energy Ministerial: Thermal Power Plant
extensive follow-up examinations relating to the
Flexibility, Publication of the Clean Energy
damage event in 2014; VGB-TW-530, 2019
Ministerial, 2018

7. The material specification for components under

This report examines the situation in China both today
pressure in fossil-fired power plants, VGB-S-109-
and in the future, with detailed analyses of the power
00-2012-08-EN, 2012
system using a power system model developed by the
China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC),
8. Construction and installation supervision in the
combined with expertise on thermal power plants
manufacture and assembly of water-tube boilers
from the Electric Power Planning Engineering Institute
and associated systems in thermal power plants,
(EPPEI). In the analyses, experiences from Denmark and
VGB-S-013-00-2017-04-EN, 2017
the Nordic power market are used in a Chinese context
to provide insight into how to incentivize flexibility in 9. VGB-Standard for the Internal Pipework of Turbine
the Chinese power system. Systems, VGB-S-503-00-2017-06-EN, 2017

10. Agora Energiewende: Flexibility in thermal power 10. Herstellung und Bauüberwachung von
plants, Study by Prognos AG and Fichtner GmbH & Rohrleitungsanlagen in Wärmekraftwerken
Co. KG, 2017 (German only), VGB-R508

This study provides a broad analysis of possible 11. Guidelines for rating the microstructural
flexibility measures for thermal power generation, composition and creep rupture damage of creep-
focusing on coal power plants. The first part of the study resistant steel for high pressure pipelines and boiler
analyzes major challenges with regard to the integration components and their weld connections, VGB-S-
of large shares of renewables. The second part describes 517-00-2014-11-EN, 2014
in detail the current technical characteristics related
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 35

8.3 Relevant Publications in the vgbe 13. Heddoun, H.and Richard, J.-M.; Last stage blade
Energy Journal trailing edge erosion feedback in EDF LP turbines
with flexible operation, VGB PowerTech Journal,
1. Heim, S., Komogowski, L.; Methods for the 3/2017
flexibilization of thermal power plants: A literature
review, VGB PowerTech Journal, 6/2021 14. Biesinger, F.; Steam turbines subject to flexible
operation, VGB PowerTech Journal, 11/2016
2. Aydt, M. Bader, J. Bareiß, R. Mohrmann, I. Pfaff,
S. Prost, R. Uttich and H. Wels, Flexibilisation – 15. Baca, M., Joswig, A.; Extended requirements on
Analysis of the effects by evaluation of the VGB turbo-generators due to changed operational
database KISSY, VGB PowerTech Journal, 1-2/2021 regimes, VGB PowerTech Journal, 6/2016

3. Trzeszczyynski, J., Trzeszczyynska, E.; Diagnostics 16. Michels, B. and Kotzan, H.: Retrofit of an ECO
as a source of knowledge and strategy of coal- bypass to reduce the minimum load of a 750 MW
fired power units operated in a flexible mode; VGB hard coal-fired power plant, VGB PowerTech
PowerTech Journal, 9/2020 Journal, 4/2015

4. Scharfetter, C. and Abel-Günther, K.; Steam 17. Heinzel, T.; Meiser, A.; Stamatelopoulos, G.-
turbines: Old iron or innovative component for N. and Buck, P.: Implementation of Single Coal
the energy turnaround? VGB PowerTech Journal, Mill Operation in the Power Plant Bexbach and
6/2020 Heilbronn Unit 7, VGB PowerTech Journal, 11/2012

5. Richter, M., Oeljeklaus, G. and Görner, K.; Dynamic

simulation of flexibility measures for coal-fired
power plants, VGB PowerTech Journal, 4/2020

6. Garmatter, H., Marks, E., Kostenko, Y., Veltmann, D.

and Scharf, R.; Simulation of hot standby mode for
flexible steam turbine operation in combined cycle
power plants, VGB PowerTech Journal, 10/2019

7. Hoppe, T., Braune, J. and Nielsen, L.; Dynamic

System Simulation for New Energy Markets –
Optimization of a Coal Fired Power Plant Start-up
Procedure, VGB PowerTech Journal, 9/2019

8. Pieper, C. and Beckmann, M.; Transformation of the

German energy system, VGB PowerTech Journal,

9. Dinkel, K. and Peterseim, J.; Battery augmented

biomass and waste power plants – A new approach
to provide grid services, VGB PowerTech Journal,

10. Moxham, B.; Converting coal to biomass: Making

the energy transition feasible, VGB PowerTech
Journal, 6/2018

11. Bolhar-Nordenkampf, M., Kokko, A. and Kinni,

J.; Multifuel CFB solutions – Producing power in
a flexible environment, VGB PowerTech Journal,

12. Ke, Z., Lin, L., Schröder, H.-C. und Guoqing, F.;
Plasma ignition system for oil free power plant
Zetes in Turkey and its advantages for the changed
circumstance of the energy market, VGB PowerTech
Journal, 7/2017
36 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

9. Maithon Power Limited “Journey

towards Flexibilization – ”Minimum
Power Limit REDEFINED”
A team of Maithon Power Limited (MPL) contributed to the IGEF workshop in Kolkata on 22 November 2022 with the
following presentation. It reflects MPL’s perspective on the IGEF flexibility project.
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 37
38 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 39
40 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 41
42 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India 43
44 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India
46 Guidelines for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India

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