Password Reset B2 Plus UT U-4

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4B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Listening A
1 04 Listen to four speakers discussing their A number of European minority languages are threatened
to the point of dying out completely, scientists are warning.
voluntary work for charities. For each speaker, choose
Regional languages like Sami in Northern Europe, Breton in
the correct answer. France or Ladin in the Dolomites are just some examples of
1 The speaker doesn’t like the fact that severely endangered languages. The major threat is posed
a he has too little time to pursue his leisure activities. by globalisation as local dialects give way to languages
b the people he helps rarely show their gratitude. like English, Mandarin Chinese or Spanish, which facilitate
c the organisation needs to organise fundraising international commerce and enable the speakers of
events. regional dialects to participate in the world culture which
d the city council gives them too little support. is currently becoming increasingly homogenous all over the
globe. The trend is the strongest in highly developed areas,
2 Which of the following is not true about the
including North America, Australia and Europe, where the
speaker’s work in the orphanage?
influence of the dominant language is the most obvious.
a It has reinforced her career plans.
A variety of factors resulting from globalisation are at play
b It has changed her view on poverty.
endangering the future of minority languages, including the
c It didn’t suit her personality.
Internet, mass tourism and freedom of movement. A recent
d It was difficult because of the limited resources.
study, however, has revealed that quick economic growth
3 What has the speaker been mostly dealing with is the factor most strongly correlated to the diminishing
recently? role of regional languages. This is due to the need for one
a Collecting funds for the organisation. dominant language for business communication and easy
b Recruiting new members of staff. access to information.
c Organising promotion campaigns.
d Running the organisation’s website. B
The sad story of the declining role of regional languages
4 The speaker admits that sometimes her charity work
started, in fact, before there was any open discussion about
still makes her feel
the disadvantages of globalisation. Driven by a desire for
a depressed.
political and social unification, the authorities of many
b annoyed.
European states tried to minimise the role of regional
c indifferent.
languages by refusing to recognise them officially or
d ignored.
even actively suppressing the use of such languages. For
__ / 4 example, pupils in schools in the south of France were
punished if they were caught speaking Provencal. The idea
was to shame them as uneducated commoners. While this
Reading is a rather extreme case of how regional languages were
2 Read the text and match paragraphs A‒C with suppressed, the trend was commonplace all over Europe,
with only a few exceptions to the rule
questions 1‒6. Each paragraph matches two
questions. C
Recent decades have seen a shift towards a more
In which paragraph does the author multicultural policy and thus, several attempts at revitalising
1 list some minority languages where efforts are some endangered languages like Welsh, Catalan, Galician or,
being made to preserve them?  probably the most successful, Irish Gaelic. While their fate is
2 mention the reasons for the growing importance yet uncertain as the numbers of speakers are still declining,
of some languages?  they are not under immediate threat of extinction. But is it
3 say that governments used to have a bad opinion really worth the effort trying to protect minority languages?
about minority languages?  For some, it is a clear case of going against the tide and
delaying the inevitable. They argue that globalisation is the
4 mention punishing the speakers of a particular wave of the future while many of those languages have
language?  already lost their connection with modern reality and belong
5 explain the reasons for the diminishing role in a museum. Others, however, point out that language is
of regional languages in rich regions?  an integral part of culture and its disappearance will mean
6 mention an argument against attempts to save a loss of unique cultural knowledge and tradition, sadly
minority languages?  traded for economic prosperity.

__ / 6

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4B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Language functions 6 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into

English. The first letters have been given.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The first letters have been given. 1 The world economy is becoming more and more
global which will bring about i____________
1 I can a____________ you that the event will be worth c____________ (nieuniknione zmiany) in many
taking part in. countries.
2 It’s a p____________ fact, illustrated by a number 2 Due to the fact that the town is depopulating fast,
of studies, that globalisation might be beneficial in some of the p____________ f____________
some respects. (obiekty użyteczności publicznej) have already
3 Although I partly agree with this opinion, I’d like to been closed down.
p____________ out that this trend has a number of
3 The discovery of rich natural resources was
disadvantages. h____________ b____________ (niezmiernie
4 I firmly o____________ such extreme ideas, because korzystny) for the region.
they are dangerous in the long run.
4 The experts are going to discuss some recent,
5 The course will give you an o____________ to acquire e____________ t____________ (wyłaniające
some useful skills. się trendy) and analyse their social and cultural
__ / 5 significance.
__ / 4

Vocabulary 7 Read the definitions and write the words.

4 Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some letters have been given.
Some letters have been given. 1 when two or more companies try to sell more of their
products than other companies: _ _ m _ _ t _ t _ _ _
1 Globalisation is believed to _ e _ _ _ o _ the natural
environment. 2 a situation when people can’t find a job:
2 In my opinion, rich people are _ _ _ v _ _ _ g _ d in
many aspects of life, such as standard of living and 3 dishonest behaviour by officials especially when they
education. This is simply not fair. accept money in exchange for doing things:
__e ___o___n_
3 The regional governments are trying to
_ _ m _ n _ _ h the role of the national government __ / 3
so that they have more power in their own
areas. Grammar
__ / 3
8 Report the sentences using the correct verbs in the
5 Complete the sentences with the synonyms for the box. Use each verb only once. There are two extra
verbs in brackets. The first letters have been given. verbs.
1 The widespread use of English has done a lot to deny offer urge advise boast remind
i____________ (make better) communication in accuse exclaim
today’s world.
2 The new government programme aims to 1 ‘If I were you, I’d consult a lawyer’, she said to them.
p____________ (stop something from happening, _____________________________________________
limit) crime in this area. 2 ‘They have attacked me!’, he said.
3 I think the best way to p____________ (inspire, _____________________________________________
encourage) cultural understanding is by creating 3 ‘Don’t forget to send me the project by email’,
peaceful, multi-ethnic communities. she told me.
4 The new agreement signed by so many countries in _____________________________________________
this region will certainly i____________ (make bigger) 4 ‘I’m the best player in the team’, he said.
international trade and allow companies to compete _____________________________________________
better in the global market.
5 ‘I haven’t stolen the money!’, she said.
5 Some people believe that globalisation might actually _____________________________________________
w____________ (broaden) the gap between rich and
poor countries. 6 ‘Shall I translate the documents for you?’,
he said to us.
__ / 5 _____________________________________________
__ / 6

Password Reset B2+ Tests © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable

4B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

9 Rewrite the sentences using personal and impersonal Writing

constructions with the passive voice.
10 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
1 People generally think that foreign language Niedawno wziąłeś/wzięłaś udział w spotkaniu
education promotes tolerance towards other cultures. z pisarzem, autorem książki na temat najważniejszych
Foreign language education _____________________ problemów społecznych w naszym kraju. Napisz artykuł
_____________________________________________. (200–250 słów), w którym opiszesz przebieg spotkania
2 People believe that small things such as taking shorter oraz wyjaśnisz, w jaki sposób to spotkanie wpłynęło na
showers can help save water supplies. Twoje poglądy na ten temat.
It ____________________________________________
3 Most people claim that globalisation has brought
about both positive and negative changes. ________________________________________________
Globalisation __________________________________
_____________________________________________. ________________________________________________
4 At the time, people held that the company’s
bankruptcy was the result of poor management. ________________________________________________
At the time, it _________________________________
_____________________________________________. ________________________________________________

__ / 4 ________________________________________________

English in use ________________________________________________

10 Complete the text with the correct words.
Ever since I remember, I have had to work quite ________________________________________________
hard to build relationships. I’m rather introverted,
so I 1_____________ it perfectly acceptable to be ________________________________________________
on my own or in a group of a few people. Two or
three good friends are enough. But at university or at
work, you need to get on with others. By nature, I’m ________________________________________________
quite straightforward, so I usually 2_____________
what I think without any hesitation. I 3_____________ ________________________________________________
it when people don’t tell lies, but I do mind
_____________ when people try to be over-polite,
especially if you know they don’t really like you.
I can always tell the difference between a friend and
a foe, I don’t even have to 5_____________ to them. ________________________________________________
As I said, I have learned to consciously choose my
friends, and I try to make my contacts with others ________________________________________________
positive, but it’s not always easy.

__ / 5 ________________________________________________
__ / 10

Password Reset B1 + Tests © Macmillan Polska 2019 Photocopiable

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