RA2111003010562 Physics Assignment 2
RA2111003010562 Physics Assignment 2
RA2111003010562 Physics Assignment 2
To find the band gap of the material of the given thermistor using post office box.
Apparatus Required
Thermistor, thermometer, post office box, power supply, galvanometer, insulating coil
and glass beakers.
Principle and formulae
1/T (K )-1
Model Graph
A graph is drawn between in X axis and 2.303 log RT in Y axis where T is the
temperature in K and RT is the resistance of the thermistor at T K.
From graph, slope = (dy / dx) = ……
Band gap (Eg) = 2k slope of the graph = 2k ( dy )
where K = Boltzman’s constant.
Assignment Question:
1. By using the readings in the tabular coloum (RT), calculate the 2.303 x 1og10 RT
and enter the values in minimum four decimal points in the last coloum of the
tabular coloum in your observation note book.
2. Draw the graph between in X axis and 2.303 log10 RT in Y axis, where T is
3. By using the slope value, calculate the band gap of the given thermistor and
write the result in terms eV.
Finally, submit the scanned copy of your observation note book in GCR on
(or) before THREE working days from the date of experiment.