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Ukessays Com

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Benefits Of Being A Nurse Practitioner
A nurse practitioner is a profession that permits nurses to practice medicine with limited
supervision, and they can practice without a doctorate degree. This profession generally
has more authority than registered nurses because nurse practitioners are allowed to treat
patients independently, and they receive a greater salary. However, there are some
disadvantages to this career as well, such as getting tired easily and a lot more
responsibility. Even though a nurse practitioner gets to do many things such as practicing
medicine, being one still has its advantages and disadvantages.
Being a nurse practitioner comes with many advantages. Nurse practitioners are
legally permitted to practice independently without anyone s supervision as long as
they complete their required training. They are allowed to diagnose and treat patients.
They are also more educated than a registered nurse. On top of that, a nurse
practitioner receives a larger salary than a registered nurse. One of the biggest
advantages of the expanded role of today s nurse practitioner is the salary. According
to the American Medical News, in 2011, the average median salary of a nurse
practitioner has risen to $90,583. This salary makes it clear that becoming a nurse is a
stable career choice. Along with a good salary, nurse practitioners can expect to receive
the same professional recognition and order as their MD counterparts, as well as
perform many of the same tasks. Nurse practitioners are able to serve on
The Lost World Of Genesis 1 Summary
The Lost World of Genesis One Book Review

Within this book review we will discuss many characteristics of the author and the book.
Who he is, where his stance on the subject is, his motives, and techniques that were used
to open the readers mind to understand his perspective on Genesis one. The author of the
book, John H. Walton was a professor at Moody bible institute for thirty years before
becoming the current professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College. The question
that Walton asks is, in what way should we interpret the story of Genesis? His primary
focus throughout the novel is to show how the seven days of genesis compare to the
cosmic temple inauguration explained by Walton as the cosmos is being it s functions
as God s temple, where he has taken up his residence and from where he runs the
cosmos pg. 161. He ... Show more content on ...
The structure of his argument contains steps that build off of each other, further proving
his point. He explains many other interpretations of the bible and uses ancient near
eastern texts to gain a knowledge of the people from that time and find out exactly what
the author meant when he wrote Genesis. He compares with the book of Genesis to these
texts to prove how his interpretation is the most reasonable. Walton includes a great
amount of quotes from many credible sources that include scientific theories, ancient
near eastern text and sources from the bible as well to prove his thesis. The most
important examples of this would be the theory of evolution, which can still be an act of
God using Walton s cake model , a Sumerian text of Gudea s construction of a temple
shows the temple serving a cosmic function, and examples from the bible which include
the use of day by God when regarding to light, this gives the term a functional sense
instead of the materialistic meaning of
Cholera In Chicago
It was very fascinating to learn that this case study of what was happening in Chicago
was fairly analogous to the public health changes throughout the nation. After reading the
case study, one can be certain that the history of Public health has certainly had it s share
of ups and downs.
While there were a number of significant factors that majorly influenced the history of
public health in Chicago, it was the threat of Cholera epidemic which was responsible for
establishment of the first temporary board of health in 1834. Nonetheless, It wasn t until
1849 when the disease had reached the heart of the city that the government took charge
and appointed a district health officer in each district to facilitate the eradication of
Informative Essay On Soul Surfer
I dug my toes into the white sand of Tunnels Beach, Kauai, Hawaii. I stared off into the
waves and the horizon as I waited impatiently for pro surfer and author of Soul Surfer,
Bethany Hamilton. I was still in shock that I would be interviewing her. I am hoping
to discuss Bethany s life, including her attack and her book. Bethany s attack took
place at this very beach on an early morning in 2003. I hear a friendly Hello in the
distance and turn around to see a blonde haired girl with sun kissed skin and a Rip
Curl rash guard walking towards me. I gestured her to sit down beside me, Hello
Bethany, I m so thrilled to finally meet you! Thank you for joining me. Bethany greeted
me with a friendly Aloha, I am so excited for our interview! ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, we all could learn a thing or two from Bethany. Her faith, kindness,
determination and courage are inspiring. It s astonishing that after such a traumatic
experience, Bethany was able to overcome all the obstacles and continue to surf and
live her dream. Even with one arm, she was able to accomplish unbelievable things. It
s hard to feel empathetic for Bethany, most of us haven t lost a limb due to a shark
attack , or could even imagine it. However, we can all relate to experiencing setbacks
in life. Bethany was not discouraged by the attack, she was able to overcome it and
became even better at surfing than she originally was. Her grace is something we can all
admire and look up
Major Depressive Disorder Research Paper
Pre Discovery Introduction As a disorder that is predicted to affect 9.5% of the US adult
population in any given year, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental illness that
can last for long periods of time if left untreated (National Institute of Mental Health,
n.d.). The symptoms associated with MDD vary from person to person, but the most
common include a depressed mood, lack of energy, feelings of hopelessness, pessimism,
irritability or guilt, fatigue, lack of interest in hobbies and activities that used to be
pleasurable, weight fluctuations, suicidal thoughts, and having trouble focusing and
making decisions (National Institute of Mental Health). When someone is suffering from
depression, they have an observable chemical imbalance.... Show more content on ...
282). Because MDD is associated with a chemical imbalance, duloxetine interacts with
the imbalanced chemicals, which are the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine
(Knadler, Lobo, Chappell, Bergstrom, 2012, p. 282). Since a lesser amount of serotonin
and norepinephrine are associated with depression, having a SSRI allows for one to have
an increased amount of those neurotransmitters, which is a mechanism that will help or
cure one s depression (Knadler, Lobo, Chappell, Bergstrom, 2012, p.
Buddhahood Vs Islam
One thing I found interesting in the reading is how one attains buddhahood. According
to the reading, One has to perfect the accomplishments of merit and knowledge, the two
prerequisites which are indispensable for achieving Buddhahood . This shows us that
one has to be able to completely understand the teachings of the Buddha and model
their actions according to the rules and regulations that are taught. As a result, one can
attain nirvana because they are in an essence perfect. I find this fascinating because this
is very different from Islamic views. In Islam, one can make mistakes, they don t
necessarily have to be perfect. We are taught to be the best muslims that we can be. I
would say that this is because we were supposedly created

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