EC-306 Broadband Network Unit 1-Notes
EC-306 Broadband Network Unit 1-Notes
EC-306 Broadband Network Unit 1-Notes
Overview of Internet
(Fig: Internet Map)
EC-306 – Unit I
What is Internet?
EC-306 – Unit I
So, what is it actually?
➢ A community of people
▪ who use and develop the networks.
➢ A collection of resources
▪ that can be reached from these networks.
➢ 1995
▪ Interconnected network
providers start offering
▪ About 30 million users
EC-306 – Unit I
Important Internet Applications
➢ Telnet (remote computing)
➢ Gopher
➢ Usenet News
Due to its vast size and complexity, Internet is difficult to regulate & control!
EC-306 – Unit I
Request for Comments (RFC)
➢ As Internet evolves, new protocols come up. How can we make sure they are
compatible with all operating systems?
▪ Some kind of standardization is a must!
▪ BUT there is no central agency/administration to govern internet…
▪ Well-accepted & practiced way – Request for Comments (RFC)
▪ Who is responsible for the standardization and publication of these RFC
➢ The Internet Society
▪ Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
▪ Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
▪ Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG)
➢ Request for Comments (RFC) Publication
▪ The actual development of new standards is carried out by working groups
chartered by the IETF
▪ Membership is voluntary.
▪ RFC is a standard document. Out of 1000s of RFCs, only a few have been
implemented and become popular.
➢ Where to find RFC documents – Google Them!
EC-306 – Unit I
Data Transmission
➢ Data Transmission is essentially same as Digital Communication
▪ implies physical transmission of a message as a digital bit stream
▪ Data communications include computer networking, networking protocols
Communication channel can be point-to-point or point-to-multipoint
▪ Example of such channels – Physical wires, optical Fibers, wireless channels,
storage media.
➢ Computer Communication
▪ short messages – to check if another computer is available.
▪ medium messages – eg: Image or long email message
▪ long message – lot of information – movie or some software that may take
from minutes to hours to download.
➢ Data Transfer Rate (DTR) is the amount of digital data moved from one place to
another in a given time.
▪ DTR is usually measured in bits per second.
▪ low-spee connection: ~33.6 Kbps
▪ Ethernet Local Arean Network (LAN): 10Mbps
➢ Computer Networks:
▪ A set of nodes connected by communication links.
▪ Nodes can be any device capable of sending and/or receiving data
generated by other nodes on the network.
EC-306 – Unit I
Data Transmission
➢ Data Transmission is essentially same as Digital Communication
▪ implies physical transmission of a message as a digital bit stream
▪ Data communications include computer networking, networking protocols
Communication channel can be point-to-point or point-to-multipoint
▪ Example of such channels – Physical wires, optical Fibers, wireless channels,
storage media.
➢ Computer Communication
▪ short messages – to check if another computer is available.
▪ medium messages – eg: Image or long email message
▪ long message – lot of information – movie or some software that may take
from minutes to hours to download.
➢ Data Transfer Rate (DTR) is the amount of digital data moved from one place to
another in a given time.
▪ DTR is usually measured in bits per second.
▪ low-spee connection: ~33.6 Kbps
▪ Ethernet Local Arean Network (LAN): 10Mbps
➢ Computer Networks:
▪ A set of nodes connected by communication links.
▪ Nodes can be any device capable of sending and/or receiving data
generated by other nodes on the network.
EC-306 – Unit I
Categories of Computer Network
➢ Three primary categories: LAN, MAN, WAN
▪ Local-Area Network (LAN)
▪ Metropolitan-Area Network (MAN)
▪ Wide Area Network (WAN)
➢ Advantages:
▪ Eliminates traffic issues.
▪ A Robust topology
▪ Privacy & Security
▪ Fault identification/isolation is easy.
➢ Disadvantages:
▪ Installation and reconnection are difficult.
▪ Bulky wiring.
▪ Expensive set-up
EC-306 – Unit I
Star Topology
➢ Every device has a dedicated point-to-
point link only to a central controller
➢ Devices are not linked to one another.
➢ Doesn’t allow direct traffic between
device – the hub behaves like servers, and
the devices connected as clients.
➢ All the bandwidth of a single node is
shared with all other connections.
➢ Advantages:
▪ Less expensive than a mesh topology, buts till needs a lot of wire.
▪ Easy to install and reconfigure (and troubleshoot)
▪ Robust topology.
▪ Speed is very high, can handle a bandwidth, from 10Mbps up to 100Mbps.
▪ Multiple stars can be created to extended the network’s reach.
➢ Disadvantages:
▪ The whole network depends on a single point – the hub. If hub goes
down, the whole system is dead.
▪ Being the central system, the hub requires regular maintenance and more
▪ When managing heavy loads, there’s a risk of bottleneck.
EC-306 – Unit I
Bus Topology
➢ It is multipoint connected – one long cable acts as a backbone to link all devices in
a network.
➢ Nodes are connected to the bus cable by drop lines (bi-directional connections)
and taps.
➢ Used to build small networks; can support upto 10 Mbps.
➢ 5-4-3 rule: five segments, four repeaters, 3 populated segments
➢ Advantages:
▪ Ease of installation
▪ Bus uses less cabling – 1 backbone cable and n drop lines.
➢ Disadvantages:
▪ Non-robust because if the backbone fails, the whole system crashes.
▪ Reconnection and fault isolation is difficult.
▪ Signal reflection at the taps can cause degradation in quality.
▪ Low security.
▪ Adding new devices would slow down the network.
EC-306 – Unit I
Ring Topology
➢ Each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only the two devices
on either side of it.
➢ Signal is passed along the ring in one direction, from device to device, until it
reaches its destination.
➢ Each device in the ring incorporates a repeater – on receiving a signal intended for
some device, its repeater regenerates the bits and passes them along.
➢ Advantages:
▪ Relatively easy to install and configure.
▪ Fault isolation is simplified.
➢ Disadvantages:
▪ Unidirectional traffic can be a disadvantage; slower.
Modem Router
Brings Internet to home Brings Internet to your device
Public IP address Assigns local IP address
Uses a WAN Creates a LAN
No Security Creates a Firewall
EC-306 – Unit I
Circuit Switching
➢ A dedicated communication path is
established between two stations.
▪ The path follows a fixed F
sequence of intermediate node
& links. A
▪ A logical channel gets defined
on each physical link
▪ This logical channel gets C E G H
dedicated to the connection.
EC-306 – Unit I
Virtual Circuit Approach
➢ How it works?
▪ Route is established a priori.
▪ Packet forwarded from one node to the next using store-and-forward
▪ Only the virtual circuit number need to be carried by the packet.
• Each intermediate node maintains a routing table.
• Created during route establishment.
• Used for packet forwarding.
▪ No dynamic routing decision is taken by the intermediate nodes.
EC-306 – Unit I
Datagram Approach
➢ Basic concept:
▪ No route is established beforehand.
▪ Each packet is transmitted as an independent entity.
▪ Does not maintain any history.
➢ Analogy: Postal System
➢ Every intermediate node has to make routing decisions dynamically.
▪ Makes use of a routing table.
▪ Every packet must contain source and destination addresses.
➢ Problems:
▪ Due to unequal delays, packets may be delivered out of order.
▪ If a node crashes momentarily, all of its queued packets are lost.
▪ Duplicate packets may also be generated.
➢ Advantages:
▪ Faster than virtual circuit for smaller number of packet.
• No route establishment and termination phase.
▪ More flexible.
▪ Can handle congestion/link failure.
• Packets between two hosts may follow different paths.
EC-306 – Unit I
➢ Three types of delays must be considered:
▪ Propagation Delay
• Time taken by a data signal to propagate from one node to the next.
▪ Transmission Time
• Time taken to send out a packet by the transmitter.
▪ Processing Delay
• Time taken by a node to “process” a packet.
➢ Circuit Switching –
▪ After initial circuit establishment, data bits sent continuously without
any delay.
➢ Virtual Circuit Packet Switching –
▪ Call request packet sent from source to destination.
▪ Call accept packet returns back.
▪ Packets sent sequentially in a pipelined fashion.
• Follow store-and-forward approach.
• Each node will have a delay equal to the propagation time plus the
transmission time.
➢ Datagram Packet Switching –
▪ No initial delay.
▪ Packets are sent out independently.
• May follow different paths.
• Follow store-and-forward approach.
EC-306 – Unit I
Layered Network Architecture
➢ Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model:
▪ Seven layer model.
▪ Communication functions are partitioned into a hierarchical set of
▪ Allows a structured development of network software.
➢ Objective:
▪ Systematic approach to design.
▪ Changes in one layer should not require changes in other layers.
➢ The 7-layers:
Datalink Point-to-point
EC-306 – Unit I
OSI - Layer Functions
➢ Physical
▪ Transmit raw bit stream over a physical medium.
▪ Some encoding can be done before sending data.
➢ Data Link
▪ Reliable transfer of frames over a point-to-point link.
▪ Flow control, error control
➢ Network
▪ Establishing, maintaining and terminating connections.
▪ Routes packets through point-to-point links.
➢ Transport
▪ End-to-end reliable date transfer, with error recovery and flow control.
➢ Session
▪ Enables two systems to enter into dialogue – Manage Sessions.
➢ Presentation (also known as syntax layer)
▪ Provides data independence.
➢ Application
▪ Interface point for user applications.
EC-306 – Unit I
Data Flow in OSI Model
Application Application
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Transport Transport
S 1 2 D
EC-306 – Unit I
TCP/IP Model
➢ TCP/IP is the first set of protocols used in Internet.
➢ It allows computers to communicate/share resources across a network.
➢ Work on TCP/IP started in the 1970s.
▪ Funded by the US military.
▪ Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA)
▪ Network protocols of ARPANET were upgraded.
➢ The modern Internet sits on top if the TCP/IP technology.
▪ Used as a standard.
▪ All computers connected to the Internet understands TCP/IP.
▪ To bridge the gap between non-compatible platforms.
➢ Network Layering in TCP/IP -
▪ OSI model was proposed in 1978 for network services and protocols.
▪ TCP/IP does not strictly follow this 7-layer model.
▪ TCP/IP follows a simplified 4-layer model.
➢ The protocols are built on top of connectionless technology.
▪ Data sent from one node to another as a sequence of datagrams.
▪ Minimum header size is ~ 20 bytes (compared to ~ 5 bytes in OSI)
▪ The datagrams corresponding to the same message may follow different
• Variable delay, arrival order at the destination.
EC-306 – Unit I
The simplified 4-layer Model
Application Runs on top of layers 1, 2 and 3.
Allow access to network resources.
Application Application
Transport Transport
User User
Process Process
Ethernet Ethernet
Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum
Source IP Address
Destination IP Address
EC-306 – Unit I
IP Header Fields
➢ VER (4 bits)
▪ Version of the IP protocol in use (typically 4).
➢ HLEN (4 bits)
▪ Length od the header, expressed as the number of 32-bit (4 bytes)
▪ Minimum size is 5 (20 bytes), and maximum is 15 (60 bytes).
➢ Total Length (16 bits)
▪ Length in bytes of the datagram, including headers.
▪ Maximum datagram size is 216 = 65536 bytes.
➢ Service Type (8bits)
▪ Allows packet to be assigned a priority.
▪ Router can use this field to route packets.
▪ Not universally used.
➢ Time to Live (8 bits)
▪ Prevents a packet from traveling in a loop.
▪ Senders set a value, that is decremented at each hop. If it reaches zero,
packet is discarded.
➢ Protocol (8 bits)
▪ Identifies the higher layer protocol being used.
EC-306 – Unit I
IP Header Fields (contd.)
➢ Source IP address (32bits)
▪ Internet address of the sender.
➢ Destination IP address (32 bits)
▪ Internet address of the destination.
➢ Identification, Flags, Fragment Offset
▪ Used for handling fragmentation.
➢ Options (variable width)
▪ Can be given, provided router supports.
▪ Example - Source routing
➢ Header Checksum (16 bits)
▪ Covers only the IP header.
▪ Computation:
• Header treated as a sequence of 16-bit integers.
• The integers are all added using ones complement arithmetic.
• Ones complement of the final sum is taken as the checksum.
▪ A mismatch in checksum causes the datagram to be discarded.
EC-306 – Unit I
IP Address
➢ Properties:
▪ 32-bit address
• written as 4 numbers (8-bits each) separated by dots.
• 4 numbers are called as octets (8bits)
• Octets are divided into 2 components – Net ID, Host ID
▪ Hierarchical
• Network, subnet, host hierarchy
• Network ID – IP Address of the network
• Host ID – IP Address of the host.
➢ Example:
▪ 00000001.10100000.00001010.11110000 (Binary Representation)
▪ (Decimal Representation)
▪ Class E:
• Starts with 1111.
• Class D is not divided into Network ID and Host ID.
• # of IP Address (due to remaining bits) = 228
• Class E is reserved for future or experimental purposes.
IP Packet
Ethernet Frame
EC-306 – Unit I
Domain Names
➢ Domain Name System (or Server), DNS, is an application layer protocol.
➢ Domain name is the primary name of the website that is easy to remember.
▪ contains 2 to 3 parts, each separated with a dot (.)
➢ Subdomain:
▪ used to separate a website from its domain
▪ we can choose unlimited subdomains in a particular domain.
▪ – blogs: Subdomain, example: domain name
➢ Top-level Domain
▪ refers to the organization or entity the website is registered to on the Internet.
• Examples: .com, .net, .org, .edu, etc.
▪ further divided to make country-region specific domains.
• Example -,
➢ DNS uses UDP at the transport layer:
▪ UDP is much faster than TCP.
▪ DNS is a connection-less protocol.
▪ DNS requests are small, fit well within UDP segments.
▪ Reliability can be added by using timeouts and resend at the application layer.
EC-306 – Unit I
Domain Name Resolution
➢ It is the Internet’s system for mapping alphabetic names to numeric IP addresses.
➢ DNS resolution is an IP address translation service –
▪ Humans use memorable domain names, devices in the internet use IP
▪ DNS resolution converts user-friendly hostname to computer-friendly IP
▪ Also, IP addresses are not static and many change dynamically.
▪ DNS look ups occur “behind the scenes”
➢ When a user needs to load the webpage, a translation must occur between what user
types into their browser into an IP address required to locate that website.
▪ User program sends a name query to a library procedure called the resolver.
▪ Resolver looks up the local domain name cache for a match:
• If a match is found, it sends the corresponding IP Address back.
• If not match is found, it send a query to the local DNS server.
▪ DNS server looks up the name
• If a match is found, it returns the corresponding IP address to the resolver.
• If no match is found, the local DNS server send a query to a higher level
DNS server.
• This process is continued until a result is returned.
▪ After receiving a response, the DNS client returns the resolution result to the
EC-306 – Unit I
➢ Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
➢ To specify the location of a web resource
▪ regardless of the type or content of that resource.
▪ Therefore, Uniform Resource locator.
➢ URL: protocol://host_Address/file_path (E.g.:
▪ Scheme/Protocol:
• identifies the type of protocol and URL you are linking to.
• http:// – Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used allow communication with the web
• https:// – Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) encrypts the data using a digital
• ftp:// – File Transfer Protocol is often used to transfer large files across the Web.
• file:// – to indicate a file on the local hard disk or shared directory on a LAN.
▪ Host Address:
• The exact location where a website can be found.
• IP Address, or
• www. tells the browser to look for World Wide Web interface for a particular domain.
▪ File path:
• always begin with a forward slash character
• may consist of one or more directory or folder names.
• Filepath may end with a filename at the end.
• In the example above, parts.htm is the filename available in the html directory.
EC-306 – Unit I
Internet, Intranet, Extranet
➢ Internet
▪ network formed by co-operative interconnection of billions of computers.
▪ public network open to everyone and allows unrestricted access.
▪ End users are connected to LANs or ISPs.
▪ lack of control – unruly proliferation of information.
➢ Intranet
▪ Private network built within an organization
▪ Specific, corporate, and proprietary.
▪ Private and restricted – only accessible to employees.
▪ allows members to gain access to internal information or share resources.
▪ developed on the same TCP/IP protocol, with limited access.
▪ Firewalls – protect the intranets from unauthorized outside access.
➢ Extranet (Extended Intranet)
▪ Allows users from outside to access the Intranet of an organization
• limited access by external parties.
▪ Uses the TCP/IP protocol network of the Internet to link to different Intranets.
▪ Shared in authorized collaborating groups.
▪ Enable efficient collaborations, information sharinf and exchanging it securely
▪ Open and flexible patform suitable for connectivity between businesses
through the internet eg: better supply chain management.
▪ Streamline their processes and reduce costs, eg: improved customer service
▪ Example – customer portal: allows customers to log in and access information
about their orders, tracks deliveries etc.
EC-306 – Unit I
Point Internet Intranet Extranet
Network Public Private Private
Coverage All over the world. Restricted area upto Restricted area upto an
an organization organization and some
of its affiliates.
# of Largest in number of Minimal number More comparable with
Computers connected devices. Intranet.
Owner No one Single Organization Single/Multiple
Security Dependent on the user Enforced via firewall. Enforced via firewall
of the device connected that separated Internet
to network. and extranet.
Users General Public Employees of the Employees of all
organization connected groups
Policies No hard and fast policies Policies of the Policies of the
behind set-up oganization organization
Maintenance Maintained by ISP. Maintained by IT cell Maintained by IT cell of
of the organization the organization
Relation Network of Networks Derived from Internet Derived from Intranet
EC-306 – Unit I
➢ Unicast:
Types of Communication (Casting)
▪ One source to one destination.
▪ Simple, but not scalable!
▪ Web surfing, file transfers
▪ Example: A video server streaming video to 4 hosts over LAN/WAN.
• HD video stream required 6 Mbps of bandwidth.
• Load on server increases as number of hosts connected to it increases.
➢ Broadcast
▪ One source to everyone.
▪ Easy to implement and manage.
▪ Load is reduced, but everyone in the domain will receive data.
▪ Can cause network overload.
▪ Routers do not forward broadcast traffic.
• Routers need to make active decision based on routing table.
• If destination address is broadcast address, router drops the packet.
➢ Multicast
▪ One source to a group of receivers.
▪ Very efficient.
▪ The switches and routers will only forward traffic to the hosts interested.
• reduces the load of server and network traffic.
▪ Unlike unicast, additional hosts will not increase the load and traffic rate.
▪ Netflix, Youtube etc do not use multicasting!
▪ But most multimedia applications require multicasting, like live streaming, online
gaming, sending group message on WhatsApp, even our class!
EC-306 – Unit I
IP Multicasting
➢ Multicasting that takes place over the internet is known as IP Multicasting.
➢ One-to-many or many-to-many communication.
▪ Allows a single transmission to be split up among multiple users.
▪ Reduces bandwidth of the transmission.
▪ Dynamic group membership – can join and leave at will.
▪ Extension to Unicast IP
▪ Unreliable datagram service.
➢ Designated range of IP addresses represent “multicast groups”
▪ Class D IP addresses: to – Destination only!
▪ Source encapsulates the multicast data in an IP packet with the multicast group
address as the destination address.
➢ Router needs to know who’s interested in the multicast (where & if)
▪ IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
▪ Receiving hosts will use IGMP to (join the group and) inform the router.
➢ What about switches then?
▪ IGMP ‘snooping’
• listening to IGMP traffic between routers and hosts.
• when the host sends a membership report, switch adds an entry to the
• when hosts sends a leave group report, switch removes the entry.
EC-306 – Unit I
➢ Internet Group Management Protocol
▪ works directly on top of the Internet Protocol.
▪ Does not use any transport layer protocol, such as TCP or UDP.
➢ Host – router interface
▪ Communicate group membership between hosts and routers
▪ Implemented in most of today’s routers and switches.
➢ Each IGMP packet has both IGMP header and as IP header.
➢ Soft-state protocol
▪ Hosts explicitly inform their router about membership.
▪ “Leave group” messages go from device to a router to leave the multicast
▪ Must periodically refresh membership report.
• Router sends out general membership queries to all connected devices.
• Routers implicitly timeout groups that aren’t refreshed.
EC-306 – Unit I
Real-Time Communication (RTC)
➢ In most data communications,
▪ Need for data to arrive reliably.
▪ Would like it to be fast, but prefer reliable
• E.g.: web, email, p2p etc
▪ Often characterized as elastic application.
➢ Drawbacks:
▪ One must have access to a fast internet connection.
▪ does not offer any offline services.
▪ Not available in all browsers.
▪ No fixed service providing a base for every browser.