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Outliers Essay

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Outliers Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Outliers" can be a challenging yet intellectually stimulating
endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the necessity to thoroughly understand Malcolm Gladwell's
seminal work, but also in the task of critically analyzing and synthesizing its key concepts. The essay
would require a deep dive into the factors that contribute to success, such as cultural background,
individual effort, and external opportunities.

Crafting an insightful essay on outliers involves navigating through complex ideas and theories,
including the 10,000-hour rule, cultural legacies, and the role of timing in success. One must also
explore the implications of these concepts in various fields, from business and sports to education
and beyond. Additionally, incorporating real-world examples and case studies to support arguments
adds another layer of difficulty, requiring extensive research and analytical skills.

Moreover, the challenge lies in presenting a cohesive and well-structured narrative that not only
comprehensively covers the topic but also engages the reader. Balancing the use of Gladwell's ideas
with one's own interpretations and insights is crucial to producing an essay that goes beyond a mere
summary of the book.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Outliers" demands a combination of analytical prowess, critical

thinking, and effective communication skills. It is an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of
success and to present a thoughtful perspective on the factors that contribute to exceptional

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or tackling other challenging topics,
professional help is available. Various writing services, such asHelpWriting.net , offer support in
producing well-researched and articulate essays on a wide range of subjects.
Outliers Essay Outliers Essay
Analysis Of Barclays Ceo Bob Diamond
Introduction In June 2012, Barclays CEO Bob Diamond went before the Treasury
Select Committee in the U.K. House of Commons admitting that his company
manipulated the LIBOR (the London Inter Bank Offered Rate). LIBOR has been used
since 1969 as a reference rate in the operations of international financial markets and
become the basis for trillions of dollars of financial transactions. This case study gives
background and overview on the events that lead to and who were all involved with what
happened. Ethical challenges are ever present here with one institution dealing with
corruption and perceived cheating with all parties involved. Importance of LIBOR
LIBOR was intended to represent the cost of unsecured funding in the open... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
All this information, along with the set LIBOR rate is published daily. Once this rate
is set various transactions begin to take place all around the globe. Its importance lies
in being an indicator of world financial health especially dealing with derivatives
which are methods of pricing complex financial transactions. Far Reaching Effects
Each country and government has a stake in the LIBOR rate. Between 2005 and 2008,
staffs at Barclays acted inappropriately by manipulating the process for the submission
of rates. The manipulation allowed for the company to generate millions in profit and
/or reducing costs. This false representation had far reaching effects particularly in
America and the sub prime mortgage rate. Many cities and municipals in the US had
LIBOR based rate loans and bonds. With the manipulations of derivatives by Barclays,
one of the lead banking institutions, that gave false rates for global transactions, it
called into question the reputation of the city of London being a world financial
center. Public outcry due to greed called into question the methods and process of
banks as it pertained to LIBOR rate. Barclays, specifically, involved a rogue group of
derivative traders along with other bankers influencing the final rate for greater profits
and/or reduction in loses. This showed evidence of collusion among traders as if this
practice was widespread if not encouraged or at least tolerated. Illegal or morally
Thesis Statement For The Dust Bowl
= Topic sentence = Thesis Statement = Explanation = Quote

The dust storm was a hard decade for most people. People struggling to survive in the
dark dust flying around, making everyone sick and causing people to get serious
diseases. My opinion is that, The Dust Bowl negatively affected people who lived there
in a personal way. The reasons are that diseases spread around and dust was everywhere,
life was hard during the Dust Bowl, and it was a depressing, stressful time for people in
the Dust Bowl and it was the worst man made disaster. During the dust storm, a lot of
diseases spreaded around and dust got everywhere. Those who inhaled the airborne
prairie dust suffered coughing spasms, shortness of breath, asthma, ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
A few people that lived through it and that are still living today, even talked in
interviews. The Dust Bowl has been stated to be one of the most depressing times that
negatively affected people living through it in a personal way. The Dust Storms began
in 1932 and would eventually cover more than 75% of the country and severely affect
all of the prairie states . (30 Dust Bowl Facts: US History For Kids**)The dust bowl
lasted for almost a decade, but eventually as the years passed, the dust bowl finally
stopped in spring in the the year 1939. It s a smart idea to remember the dust bowl and
to try to not make the same mistake again, that would cause The Dust Bowl to happen
Evaluating The Correlation Between The Oc And
Influence on Performance
Evaluating the correlation between the OC and performance is not a modern approach.
In the last century, Burns Stalker (1961) pointed out that in their management research
article managers play a role in getting the employees commitment that leads to improved
productivity. Expanding on that research Wei Lees, (2014) combines that leadership and
types OC, would introduce values and objectives of the organization to employees and
voice the importance to understand the overall organizational goals and will get the most
out of the internal systems. The Fiol Lyles (1985) introduced organization learning into
the culture and affected in firm s decision making and organizational learning. In the
current era, business becomes more globalized, markets shift drastically and require the
new strategies.
Addressing the OC s to match those environments, scholars are looking at the missing
link between the OC learning and specific culture platforms, in correlation to
performance and productivity. Research by Burns Stalker (1961); Covin Slevin (1989)
explain that the changes of environments facilitate the rapid undertaking of strategic
transformations when external conditions rapidly change the operation shift is necessary
and involves OC. This adaptation is presented in a recent study by Wei Lee, 2014, using
a collected data and surveys others research how organic cultures respond to
environments. Presented in the article (Wei Lees, 2014) Figure.2
Alan Turing s War
Alan Turing was a renowned modern mathematician and cryptologist who became
known as the father of computer science and eventually became a gay rights icon for his
persecution due to his homosexuality. He was also extremely important in winning the
second world war, developing the world s first computer to combat and break the
German message encrypting Enigma machine. In fact, Winston Churchill, one of the
most prominent figures of World War II, let alone the 20th century, said that Turing
made the single biggest contribution to Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany
and its Axis partners. Without Alan Turing, the Allies wouldn t be able to know the
Nazi plans and could very likely have lost the war. Turing, too, developed the idea of...
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He began a relationship with a man named Arnold Murray, having him over to his
apartment on frequent occasions. Murray later helped an accomplice break into Turing
s house and steal many valuable, amongst them, although thought to be unknown to the
thieves, highly classified documents. Turing reported the crime and admitted to having
a sexual relationship with Murray. At the time, homosexuality was illegal in the UK
and so Turing was charged with gross indecency. He was then given the choice of
being imprisoned or chemically castrated with estrogen hormone injections, choosing
the latter. Turing s conviction also meant his security clearance was revoked and he
was barred from his cryptographic consultancy for the British government. The
treatments subjected him to years of pain and mental relapses from the hormonal
imbalance, acting like a daily form of chemical torture. His once amazing brilliance
slowly began to wither as he became psychologically traumatized from the drugs. He
began to shake frequently as if he had Parkinson s disease and at one point stabbed
himself in his leg with a knife. Finally, on June 8th, 1954, Turing s cleaner found him
dead. It appeared that Turing committed suicide and poisoned himself using a cyanide
laced apple. In 1966, the annual Turing Award was established and given each year to a
person for technical contributions to the computing community. It is generally viewed as
important as the Nobel Prize. And, in September
Hate Poem by Julie Sheehan
Tone is a major contributor to the work of the Hate Poem . Tone is an aspect of point
of view since it has a great deal to do with the narrator. Tone is the narrator s
predominant attitude toward the subject, whether that subject is a place, event,
character or idea (Writing Essays about Literature, Kelley Griffith page 46). When
analyzing the Hate Poem by Julie Sheehan, To understand the tone of the poem, we
need to listen to the words, as we might listen to an actual conversation. The key is to
hear not only what is being said but also how it is being said. (Kennedy and Gioia) Her
use of several styles of ironyhelp with the tone she is trying to convey. She uses the word
hate when it has the ability to actually mean it s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
After listening to her read Hate Poem the tone and its importance to the work as a whole
changed. She conveys and attitude of sarcasm that is funny and brings vivid images to
that humor. The blue green jewel of sock lent I m digging from under mu third toenail,
left foot, hate you (Kennedy and Gioia). This is very sarcastic, a jewel of sock lent. How
is lent a jewel? Toe lent is not related to love or hate, but contributes to her tone and
brings a bit of humor to the poem. It is obvious that she loves this person very much
because of her passionate word choices. It is actually love that engulfs her completely,
not hate. She is being ironic when using hate not love. The title itself is ironic. My
sign in the background as you explain relational databases hates you. My hesitation
when you invite me for a drive: hate. My pleasant good morning : hate. You know
when I am sleepy I nuzzle my head under your arm? Hate. (Kennedy and Gioia) The
tone of these words are very gentle not hostile or angry. You do not sigh at people you
hate. You do not sigh when you are angry. Most of all, you do not cuddle with people
you hate. If you notice she never refused the offer to go for the drive, more like she
looked forward to going. This is not a tone of hate, but of love and companionship. When
hating someone there is no hesitation, thoughts are stern and decided. Then to add to the
tone she goes with raw

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